If you look back on the events of 2004, particularly its last four months, you’ll realise how much wider your world is.
You’ve met interesting people, encountered intriguing ideas and made plans.
But there’s also been disarray; even the most welcome of changes bring confusion with them.
This is all down to the presence of the planet of growth and opportunity, Jupiter; it entered Libra late September of 2004
and remains until October.
But its influence can emphasise the interesting over the practical, which means you’ll be thankful that
you’ve the stern Saturn dominating the part of your chart that accents your way of living and working.
So while you’ll enjoy considering all sorts of offers, something will keep you from making commitments
you’d later regret. Of course the influence of these developments on relationships will be at the forefront of your mind.
Don’t refuse anything just because it might upset existing ties.
In most cases such changes only serve to stimulate greater closeness.
And, equally, if you’re still seeking that special partner, the wider your world, the more likely you are to encounter somebody intriguing.
Having profited from exploring the world, by October you focus on how developments would profit you financially or professionally.
This is good timing, as you’ll both need to narrow your scope and investigate what you’ll get for your ideas or efforts.
Similarly, you’ll be considering future plans. Careful choices involving the people and ideas concerned ensure that
things remain as rewarding in the long term as they promise to be in 2005.