'Ignorance is bliss.' That's what they tell us. But how do they know? And if they do really know, they are not ignorant, are they? So, presumably, they are not blissful either. Unless, of course, the power that knowledge gives them is so pleasing that they want to keep it to themselves. So they perpetrate that myth. Pluto is alleviating you of your ignorance of a certain matter. You know more than you did. You will soon make another discovery. Fear not. You may not like what you are learning, but you will love what it leads to.
It isn't easy to think clearly when your head seems to be full of cotton wool. Then again, when you feel this way, you don't actually need to think long and hard. You merely need to work out why so much is vague or so confused. As long as you can identify the reason and then set out to do something constructive about it, you can confidently expect the fuzziness to depart. Once it does, you'll have your concentration back - at which point, you'll be able to make a success of many tasks that currently seem impossible.
牡羊座(11月11日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Don't think any thoughts at all now that centre on the notion of preventing some essential, natural process from taking place. Think, instead, about accepting that some things need to happen. Maybe it's not so great - but it's the way the world is. Someone is now doing something you disapprove of. An event which, in your view, is quite crazy and unnecessary is going on. If you are right, you'll be proven right in time. If you are wrong, you need to know why you are wrong. Either way, relax and trust.
天秤座(11月11日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) If you look at your situation though rose-tinted glasses, it all seems fine. But then, what doesn't look good when viewed in this way? If you wear your X-ray specs, you can see some worrying cracks and flaws in the structure of things. But then what doesn't start to fall apart when you subject it to that much scrutiny? If you put one pair of optical aids on top of the other, what can you see then? Nothing, of course! So... er, what choice is there other than to wait for a decisive piece of evidence which you do not yet have.
What will you cook up, what will you play down, what will you sweep aside and what will you bring to the surface? Hopefully, you have a plan. If you stick with it, you will make progress. If, though, you are drifting through one of your periodic hazes of uncertainty, you should prepare to come out of it. As your ruler, Uranus, now changes direction it is forming a rare, encouraging aspect to Pluto. That strongly suggests you want something big to occur. Deliberately or unconsciously, you are drawing that event nearer.
Why did the chicken cross the road? We will never know. Nor will we ever tire of speculating. And did it come first? Or was it the egg? Here too, we are in the lofty realm of conjecture - and we can remain there as long as we choose without ever reaching a conclusion. There is much in your life at the moment, that cannot be explained or encapsulated in some convenient formula. Don't waste time making sense of what won't ever make sense. This weekend, just count the chickens that have actually started to hatch!
Life will soon get back, if not to 'normal' at least to a pace that you can more easily relate to. Right now, it seems as if you are caught up in a situation that you can't see the point of. You are tempted to extricate yourself from it before it gives you an even greater headache. But actually, a constructive process has been taking place. Things are about to change and improve, naturally. So relax, as best you can. And let time pass. Once your ruling planet gains momentum in its new direction, everything will feel much better.
天秤座(11月12日(金)-14日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) A solution exists. It is not a bad one. You are, though, right to suspect you will have a new problem once you start to apply it. But then, that's life on planet earth for you, isn't it? We none of us ever manage to create a perfect environment. We simply get some say, if we are lucky, in where the area of imperfection is to be situated. In shifting the emphasis now or in following a route which is likely to lead to a different kind of difficulty, you are making all the progress you can. That's more than enough to be going on with this weekend.
牡羊座(11月12日(金)-14日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You feel as if you are only just coping. There is, though, all the difference in the world between "only just" and "not at all". Beethoven "only just" completed his ninth symphony. The allied forces "only just" managed to win World War Two. A success is a success no matter how narrow the margin. You may be tired, you may be struggling but you are on the right path. You are doing what needs to be done. And if you keep on going, you will reach your goal. That's all you need to remember this weekend.
Jonathan is taking a break and will be back on Wednesday. Meanwhile, eminent international astrologer BERNARD FITZWALTER is writing your forecasts.
'Risky' is not a word Cancerians generally find attractive, but always taking the safe option can make things dreadfully dull. Does it always have to be one or the other? Not at all. Imagine a child who knows where his Christmas presents have been hidden. Every day he has a little peek. It's exciting, because he knows he's not supposed to look - but he also knows that on the day itself, opening them will still be a thrill. This is a win-win situation, and so is yours, right now. Go on, have a little fun.
There is no such thing as a free lunch. If something is offered to you, something else is expected in return. It's easy to forget this simple fact, especially when you're thinking about how much money is involved and what you could spend it on. The temptation is to think that you wouldn't have to do anything in return, but of course you would. What's being asked of you is not just to fill a role, but to add something extra, to put your own stamp on it and make it different. Can you do that?
天秤座(11月15日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Jonathan is taking a break and will be back on Wednesday. Meanwhile, eminent international astrologer BERNARD FITZWALTER is writing your forecasts. Some moments are memorable for all the right reasons; some are memorable for all the wrong ones. It seems that the unusual planetary combinations of today might give you both at once - an exquisitely embarrassing moment which you wish you could just rewind and erase, but unfortunately you can't. The good side is that you will have made an indelible impression, and at least you'll have something to talk about next time you meet. It works for Bridget Jones: it might work for you, too.