Again and again you`ve been faced with situations in which you were cornered into being tactful instead of honest. At the time these white lies seemed unimportant. Now, however, others are making decisions based on your words. It won`t be easy. But you really must retract your statements, and the sooner the better.
While you can`t blame the retrograde Mercury for all the problems of the past several weeks, ever since it resumed forward motion last Saturday, things aren`t as chaotic as they were. True, this means undoing several plans ased on erroneous information. But that`s a small price to pay for living a less confusing life
Your attempts to point out differences in a diplomatic manner, without creating open rifts have been spectacularly unsuccessful. This leaves you little choice but to speak to the individuals in question in blunt, if not upse tting, terms. Ironically, they`ll thank you, and be relieved that somebody`s finally telling it like it is.
Monday You thought you had all the time in the world to deal with certain tedious but important obligations. But things are moving swiftly, enough that others will soon decide they must make decisions on your behalf. What`s more, what they opt for is unlikely to be remotely what you`d have chosen for yourself.
Tuesday Everybody admires your courage. Little do they know how you`re haunted by anxieties about certain minor health issues. You`ve put off dealing with these for so long that your worries are brewing up into a minor panic. The sooner you tackle these, the more swiftly you`ll realise that your fears were far worse than reality.
Wednesday Naturally you`re eager to proceed with exciting joint ventures. However keen you are, it`s vital that you leave the next step to others. First, this ensures that they shoulder their share of the responsibility. More important, should the going get rough, they`ll be unable to say that you forced them to take part.
You never actually decided to be patient with others; circumstances gave you no choice. Still, they`re now deeply appreciative. This is revealed as you`re untangling misunderstandings about important but relatively mundane issues. In the process, discussions drift to other, more sensitive, matters. Gradually tensions vanish and you regain the same old ? and wonderful ? rapport that you feared lost forever. Similarly, you suddenly find ways to resolve tricky family or property dilemmas. True, in every case, this means giving up ground, if not humbling yourself, something no Aries likes. But here, too, bow gracefully to fate and you`ll be lauded as a hero.
Tuesday You`re interested in what everybody has to say. But that doesn`t mean that you want them influencing your decisions. Judging by the way things are going, you may have no choice but to leave certain important matters to exactly those individuals. However dire things seem, you can undo what they`ve done later.
Wednesday As far as you can see, there`s little to be achieved by discussing things with those who have a closed mind. Rigid as the attitude of others seems, they`re as worried as you are. Begin probing gently and you`ll soon unearth an individual who`s as eager to talk things over as you are.
It`s easy to blame all of life`s maladies on your ruler Mercury`s retrograde cycle. True, now that it`s finally resumed forward motion you should be able to resolve certain misunderstandings with surprising ease. However, it`s unlikely that issues of a financial or business nature will improve until you tackle them head on.
After weeks of being confronted with tricky family issues and matters of a domestic nature, you get a break. In fact events seem almost determined to reward you for your efforts. For once what arises is just as good as it seems, and there aren`t even any worrisome strings attached.
You`d hoped that partners or colleagues would simply accept your word on certain plans. But not only are they telling you that they want to know more, they want facts far beyond anything you have to hand. Tedious as it is, you`ve no choice but to obtain the information that they`re seeking.
It`s tempting to think that now that your ruler Mercury is no longer retrograde, as of Saturday the 20th, things will go smoothly and you`ll regain your bounce. While the shadowy doubts of the past three weeks should now vanish, life remains irritatingly unpredictable. This is in part because circumstances are in transition. But also others` indecisiveness, often about crucial issues, leaves you hanging. Out of boredom you turn your attention to certain long-neglected interests and relationships. During the week, you gradually reconnect with these, and in doing so return to your life a much-needed equilibrium between duty and pleasure.
獅子座 You definitely would not like to relive the past three weeks. However, now that Mercury`s no longer retrograde and you`re reviewing what you`ve learned, you`re grateful for even the most aggravating of moments. Frustrating errors exposed deeper problems in business and financial matters and in joint pursuits. It`s only now that you`re in a position to put those right. Do so, but take it slowly. Surprising things are still emerging, some mere mistakes, others, somebody`s effort to conceal their errors. And work closely with others. Not only does teamwork broaden your scope, it leads to rewarding developments on the relationship front.
Around the unsettling Pisces Full Moon some ten days ago, you realised that you'd have to discuss certain issues with partners, loved ones or close associates. But the moment never came. Over the next few days not only will circumstances ease the way, you'll realise that these exchanges are becoming increasingly urgent.
After weeks of frustration and confusion, you're beginning to wonder if others are crazy or it's you. The problem isn't any single person, but that long ago certain fundamental facts weren't discussed, and things have been becoming increasingly confused ever since. Identify and unravel those misunderstandings, and the rest will be easy.
Tuesday Dealing with the confusion that accompanies Mercury retrograde is one thing. But the cycle of reverse movement that ended last Saturday accented finances, joint ventures and business, and is still causing uproar. However, in the midst of this chaos, it will also have highlighted certain unwise decisions that would otherwise have gone undetected.
Wednesday You didn`t mean to keep important facts from others. But every time the issue in question arose, you were distracted by something that seemed more urgent. Now these matters have become urgent, enough that you have absolutely no excuse, including your embarrassment, for not discussing these fully and openly.
天秤座週報もお願いします。 21日〜 If you don`t keep a close track of things, the week will vanish, you time having been consumed by minor but innumerable tasks, requests and encounters. Some are tedious, others rewarding, a few a surprise. But most of them focus on dealing with others` needs over your own. Maintaining a balance of matters of this nature is always important. But because this Friday`s Libra New Moon ends one cycle and begins another for you, reviewing your life must come first. As you begin what constitutes a personal new year, consider what you could do without and, more importantly, what you`d like more of.
再度挑戦!!ボラ様宜しくお願いします。 Monday It`s unlike you to dwell on the past, unless you feel that something`s been unfair or issues have remained unresolved. And in a number of situations that seems to be the case. Some are worrying enough that you`re brooding about them. Tackle each, one by one, and eventually you`ll clear up this backlog. Tuesday Nothing is worse than being unsure whether others intended to cause problems or issues were merely the result of misunderstandings. True, with Mercury having been retrograde until last Saturday, the latter is more likely. You`d rather not raise these until you know more. But you`re better off addressing issues directly with those involved.
蠍座前半です。なんか水曜日が二個。。すみません。。 Wednesday If you`re sensing increasingly sentimental about certain individuals, it`s no surprise. You`ve tried to convince yourself that you don`t care, when the fact is, you do. Acknowledging these feelings isn`t easy. But it`s both the key to dealing with the vulnerabilities that you`re experiencing and essential if you`re to make sense of them.
It may not be until the middle of the week that you realise that life is easier. Once Mercury ended its retrograde cycle on Saturday, the assortment of problems that you`ve been wrestling with ワ many since last month ワ began to sort themselves out. Suddenly short of battles, initially you feel at a loose end. But gradually you find yourself recalling certain places you`d wanted to go and ideas you`d been interested in exploring. You begin, and as you do you realise that, as a result of the issues you struggled to put to rest, you`re now free to pursue these.
There`s no denying it, what`s taking place is wonderful. Sweet as these pleasures are, enjoying them will require a certain amount of discipline. If everything else were in good order, you could relax. But those closest are wrestling with problems and you`re somewhat at odds with them. The only answer is to stop thinking that you should fix everything before you`ve got a right to celebrate. You are everybody around you are in a period of transition. Worthwhile as changes are, they`re bound to be untidy. Adopt a philosophical attitude about these, and you`ll no longer feel so guilty about the rest.
You can afford to be generous with your time, ideas and Ð with certain individuals Ðyour affection. But you`ve only so much money, and most of it is committed elsewhere. If you`ve tried to explain this to others with little success, consider this; they simply don`t want to understand the facts of life.
Somebody`s found out how to make you feel guilty and they`re making the best of it. They`ve not only got you cornered into doing what they want, you`re even anxious about upsetting them. Difficult as admitting that they`ve so successfully manipulated you may be, it`s easier than jumping at their every word.
For some time you've been concerned about certain unresolved issues with close partners or associates. But there's never been an opportunity to discuss these, much less take a stab at dealing with them. Now circumstances force your hand. While it's not the ideal situation, it's a good starting point for some serious talking.
Nobody would call you na?ve. Yet because you view keeping commitments as a point of honour, you assume that others will approach them in the same fashion. Recent experience has proved just how wrong this is, and worse, that certain individuals view making frequent changes as normal. This means you must find a strategy that allows you to make stable personal or business plans, yet maintain a cordial relationship with them. Confrontations are out. You`ll need to be tactful, wily and strategic. Tiresome as these calculations are, what you learn about the situations in question more than compensates for the efforts you make.
Others are on edge and you`re feeling pretty impatient yourself. But this is no time to make hasty decisions, even if you`re worried that leaving things unresolved could cause problems. With so much in transition every day, you`re better off organising things so they can be altered as circumstances rearrange themselves.
You insist that you respect the freedom of others. Yet when it comes to arrangements that would influence your present position and future plans, you want to ensure that those involved have all the necessary facts to hand. More than that, you`ll tend to want to influence how they approach decisions as well.
Having made and remade decisions several times over the past three weeks, you`ll be relieved that Mercury`s ended its retrograde cycle. This brings what`s been a period of confusion to a close. As you regain your grasp, you`ll gradually recognise just how much even very difficult situations taught you. Having conquered the organisational side of your life, you must turn your focus to certain individuals. Some merely need attention. Others, however, are expressing their displeasure by being uncooperative. They`re important, so refusing to play is scary. But not nearly as scary as letting them dominate decisions now and for the foreseeable future.
Tuesday(9/23) Waste no time being surprised that you must take a tough line with certain individuals. They`ve been behaving well simply because they know that recently they`ve gone too far. If you want these changes to become permanent, then you`ll have to continue to declare exactly what you`ll be expecting of them.
Wednesday(9/24) Good ideas are one thing. Judging by the unenthusiastic response of others, putting them into practice is going to be something else entirely. Still, if you think these are worth pursuing, then overcoming whatever resistance you face will be of little concern compared to what you can expect to have achieved in the end.
A combination of inner wisdom and practical obstacles has kept you from making pivotal changes in your work, family or lifestyle. Still, nothing could prevent you from considering your options, which means that as obstacles vanish, you`re ready to move. But your hopes for swift results clash with unstable situations. This isn`t just disappointing, it`s disillusioning. Plus, with things changing on a daily basis, you must reinvent plans regularly. Initially this seems a nuisance. However, you soon realise instead of making plans in advance and praying that they`ll work out, you`re now free to alter arrangements in response to each day`s events.
Only recently you`d have hesitated even to mention certain plans or ideas that are dear to your heart. But now both circumstances and the attitude of others has improved so much that you sense your words would be well received. While that`s true, ensure you`ve all the relevant facts handy to back you up.
It`s not so much that you`ve put off tackling certain obligations. It`s just that every time you tried, circumstances themselves seemed to throw various obstacles in your path. Now it`s the reverse. It`s becoming increasingly clear that, whatever questions you have or difficulties you face, you must ensure that things are dealt with.
Being a practical earth sign, you usually check things out carefully before making any commitment. But even you sometimes make mistakes, as now seems to be the case. Difficult as it is to admit this, you really can`t afford to wait. The longer you wait, the more demanding the complications you`ll face.
The trick to dealing with this frequently bewildering but ultimately worthwhile week is to view each day on its own. If others were cooperative yesterday, don`t assume they will be today. And discussions that go smoothly now could takes ages tomorrow. Frustrating as this unpredictability may be, it also gives you the freedom to try a variety of approaches in everything from work to romance. One of your Taurean strengths is your persistence; once you make a plan, you stick to it. This week`s chequered mood forces you to consider options that, in less changeable conditions, might never even have crossed your mind.
#ついでに。 >>74、>>75 精進中@ししさま、モーあかんさま、いつもボラありがとうございます。 天秤水曜日ですが、 this means undoing several plans based on erroneous information. は 「これは、誤った情報に基づいたいくつかの計画の取消しを意味します。」 ではないかと。水星が順行にもどったから、逆行してる間にたてた計画は中止になるよ、と。 (先週、とにかく今は何も決めるなーとshelleyタンがさんざん言ってた) ごめんなさい、余計ですが、今天秤スレはshelleyパニックに陥っていて さらに混乱を招く気がしたので…今後ともよろしくおねがいします。
Monday Around the unsettling Pisces Full Moon some ten days ago, you realised that you`d have to discuss certain issues with partners, loved ones or close associates. But the moment never came. Over the next few days not only will circumstances ease the way, you`ll realise that these exchanges are becoming increasingly urgent.
Tuesday Nothing boosts your spirits more than the knowledge that others truly understand what you`re feeling and where you`re coming from. Now that accord seems to extend beyond mere understanding. In fact, with only a little encouragement on your part, it could develop into something of an emotional or romantic nature.
Wednesday Few things make you more uncomfortable than having to insist that others do what they should already have thought about. However, you tend to forget that the rest of the world isn`t nearly as aware, thoughtful or considerate as you are. Let others off the hook and simply tell them what`s on your mind.
The array of minor but important practical details that are taking most of your time as the week begins aren`t overwhelming as much as they`re demanding. In fact, as you get each done you develop an increasing sense of accomplishment. Consequently you won`t necessarily notice how certain other obligations are gradually taking over. You`re either being manipulated or acting out of guilt. Whatever the case, the sooner you realise this, the more swiftly you`ll start undoing those arrangements. True, others won`t be happy. They could, in fact, start playing complex psychological games. But the longer you wait, the worse it will be.
The past few months, while your ruler Uranus was in the portion of your chart that accents your assets and possessions, where illuminating. Now that it`s made a temporary return to Aquarius, you`ve a rare opportunity to reorganise the way you deal with these in a way that`s both profitable and suits you.
After the past months` trials and obligations, it would be no surprise if you felt the urge to get away. While the issues you`re facing are unlikely to vanish just because you`re in a new setting, you`d still benefit from taking a break. At minimum you`d view everything from a fresh perspective.
It`s not that you don`t take care of yourself. It`s just that there are so many things that are more interesting than things like visits to the doctor, dentist and analysing your diet. But if you continue to ignore these, then circumstances may force you to invest more time and effort in these.
The time has come to stand your ground. You`ve been generous with certain individuals in so many ways. You haven`t expected gratitude in any particular form. Nevertheless, their complete lack of acknowledgement is beginning to make you wonder if they aren`t taking your efforts for granted. And well may you ask.
獅子座 Thursday After weeks of frustration and confusion, you should finally have things back on track financially. The major culprit in these problems, the retrograde Mercury, resumed forward motion last Saturday. At the time things were in a state. But since then each day`s offered you an opportunity to bring things back to normal.
Friday By now you`ve begun to realise that, no matter what you do, others are going to be disagreeable. That being the case, you may as well tell them exactly how you feel about their attitude and actions. Ordinarily you`d overlook the way they`ve been taking advantage of your good nature. But no more.
Saturday From your point of view, caring about others combines accepting them for what they are with hoping that they`ll achieve what they want to. Now, however, it also seems to involve encouraging them to overcome doubts or stop putting things off. At the moment whatever support of this nature you can offer is crucial.
Sunday It`s been an informative past few days. You`ve learned quite a bit about both practical matters and the dilemmas others are wrestling with. While you can deal with the former swiftly, the latter are likely to require both lengthy discussions and the kind of investigation that takes a great deal of time.
Thursday It is becoming ever more clear that others have misunderstood your words are seeing your actions in the wrong light. Yet if you explain what was on mind, you`ll reveal more than you care to. Uncomfortable as these discussions are for you, it`s really the only way you`ll end what are becoming increasingly confusing situations.
Friday Certain individuals seem to prefer to say nothing about issues, letting things brew until there`s an almighty blow-up. Not surprisingly, you`d rather let the pressure out gradually, with the hope of avoiding potentially compromising situations. You can try this approach with them, but whether they`ll go along with your plans is quite another matter.
Saturday Earlier in the week, circumstances forced you into discussing issues you`d rather not reveal to anybody. At the time you were furious. Now that you`ve calmed down, you realise that by being open about your views you were able to learn more than you`d have excepted about where others stand as well.
Sunday At the time you didn`t realise it. But when you make certain promises to others, you`d were being manipulated. Others were either misrepresenting the facts or made you feel guilty. Now that you know about their machinations, it`s vital that you discuss both their manoeuvres and your feelings about them openly and frankly.
Your attempts to point out differences in a diplomatic manner, without creating open rifts have been spectacularly unsuccessful. This leaves you little choice but to speak to the individuals in question in blunt, if not upsetting, terms. Ironically, they`ll thank you, and be relieved that somebody`s finally telling it like it is.
It was only a short while ago that you made a commitment to certain plans or individuals. At the time you couldn`t foresee anybody or anything that would lead to changes. Now events are turning those expectations upside down. This means that you`ll have no choice but to discuss reorganising those arrangements.
Even the most sensible of individuals have periods when they either won`t consider practical reality or are simply unreasonable. It may be that those closest or in such a frame of mind or you could be the one who`s being difficult. Whatever the case, put off any decisions until the mood`s calmed down.
Usually you have no trouble being patient, particularly when you what`s coming is worth the wait. In this case that means putting off certain important discussions until Mercury, the planet of expression, moves into Libra, on 7 October. After that you`ll find that you`re better able to express both your feelings and your views.
Thursday You may never know whether others weren`t listening when you discussed important facts or deliberately ignored you. What`s most important is that you clear up any confusion now. Until you do, they could use these so-called misunderstandings as an excuse to do things to suit themselves, possibly at a high cost to you.
Friday Most Sagittarians avoid assuming the role of organiser, particularly for those individuals who are known for changing their minds. At the moment you really have very little choice. Leave these things to them and you`ll not only face their usual changes, but also have to cope with the unwise decisions they make.
Saturday You`ve been backed into a corner by circumstances and, not surprisingly, aren`t happy about it. The fact is, while you can easily extricate yourself from the situations in question, it`s the people involved who are the problem. Your feelings have gotten in the way, and until you deal with them, you`ll continue to fume.
Sunday Certain individuals are champions at hiding facts from themselves. In spite of that and the resulting confusion, you`re very fond of them. Now you find yourself doing the same thing. This not only makes you understand them better, you realise that sometimes life is easier if you simply pretend that problems don`t exist.
Thursday Ever since Mercury ended its retrograde cycle, last Saturday, in your partnership sign of Virgo, things between you and others have been considerably less stressful. In fact, you`ve probably been able to tackle issues that, had things not become so confused, would never even have been dealt with.
Friday You may be harbouring the hope that, in time, certain differences between you and those closest will somehow be resolved. The fact is, they probably won`t. You`ll still think the way you do, and others will continue with their beliefs. What will change, however, is your ability to accept them just as they are.
Saturday Much as you hate the idea of being aggressive with others, they haven`t responded at all to the more subtle messages you`ve been giving them. Now, however, they`ll begin to realise that you mean business. This won`t just make a difference, if you remain tough, their new and improved attitude will continue.
Sunday You say that you`re giving others space. But the real reason that you haven`t confronted them about their negative attitude or unhelpful approach to situations is that you`re worried about how they`ll react. Judging by their recent antics, concerns about upsetting them or their reactions should be the last thing on your mind.
Thursday Once Friday`s New Moon, which accents your activities out in the world, has taken place you`ll be viewing a number of things from a very different angle. Not least of these will be pursuits that were once central to your thinking but which you`re surprised to discover no longer even interest you.
Friday You once swore that you`d never again waste time with difficult people. However, yet again you find yourself facing somebody who seems to have little respect for your time or emotions. Telling them about your feelings is unlikely to achieve much. Your only real choice is to endure their antics or clear out.
Saturday Being an earth sign, you view matters from a logical perspective. The mistake you make is thinking that others look at things from the same sensible angle. Only once you realise that they don`t will their approach to life in general and their relationship to you begin to make any sense at all.
Sunday It wasn`t that you were being secretive. It`s just that there seemed little point in discussing your concerns or doubts when the focus was plans for the future. Now that those doubts are slowing you down, however, you`re beginning to realise why it`s essential that they at least be acknowledged.
Thursday It hasn`t been easy. But after weeks of patience and days of explanations, others are finally ready to say yes to your ideas. True, you may need to make a few compromises. Resist the temptation to argue these point by point. Make one more demand of others and you could blow it all.
Friday In mathematics it`s said that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. When it comes to certain problems, however, it`s clear that others aren`t applying that. In fact they seem to be taking the most circuitous route possible, as a way of avoiding facing and dealing with certain exceedingly tricky issues
Saturday There`s no way around it. You`ve been backed into a corner. And extricating yourself means asking others` help. Ordinarily this wouldn`t be a problem. It`s just that you dislike the idea of letting certain individuals know that you`re in a jam. Your choice, therefore, is to protect your ego D or deal with practicalities.
Sunday Clear-cut as things are to you, don`t imagined that others have noticed the same problems you have. First, you`ll have to inform that what`s going on, probably from the very beginning. Only then will they understand why you regard situations as urgent and are depending on their support in dealing with them.
"last 〜"っていうのは"the"がつくとちょっとニュアンスが変わり 「まさに一番最後」→「(最後まで)〜しそうにない」という意味になることがあります。 たとえば、The last man who tell a lie.という例文があったら、 「一番最後にうそをつく人」ではなく「うそをつきそうにもない人」となるです。 なので、「(They) should be the last thing on your mind.」という文だと 「一番最後に気にするべきもの」という意味から 「最後の最後まで気にする必要がない」というニュアンスもありなのかも。
Thursday(9/25) Breaking away from familiar habits and letting go of possessions to which you`re emotionally attached can be wrenching. But it`s become increasingly clear that these are in some way interfering with the progress you`d like to achieve. If you can`t say a firm farewell, you can at least begin to distance yourself from them.
Friday(9/26) Not everybody knows just how stubborn you can be. When faced with potential rejection or situations you consider to be unfair, you can dig your heels in with an amazing ferocity. This doesn`t always serve your purposes. In fact a more flexible attitude could lead to options that you wouldn`t otherwise have considered.
Saturday(9/27) Just when you`d almost given up on hoping that things there would be improvements on the domestic front, sudden developments change everything. True, these alone won`t settle the issues in question. But they`re a good enough start that everybody who`s involved, particularly you, is bound to feel more optimistic than for ages.
Sunday(9/28) You`ve avoided raising potentially upsetting topics for so long that you`ve almost begun to regard them as taboo. The fact is, however, even if you aren`t able to resolve the issues in question, others would benefit from discussing these openly. Forget about taking a delicate approach. The more forthright you are, the better.
Monday Don’t make the mistake of taking others’ very combative attitude seriously. True, there’s no chance of conducting a civilised discussion now, and they’re threatening rather extreme action. Back off. Give them time and space and they’ll soon be apologising for having imposed what was nothing but a very black mood on you.
Tuesday You’re not stubborn. It’s just that you find it difficult to believe that you got things so wrong. But judging by this week’s planetary activity, either you were misled or certain information was hidden. Eventually the full facts will emerge. Until then, apologise to anybody who was inconvenienced and forget the rest.
Wednesday To say that you’re not excited about what others are proposing would be an understatement. But you know how much you being there means to them. View both your time and your efforts to have fun as your personal gift to them. You need say nothing; they already know that’s what it is.
Only weeks ago you discussed various options and made plans with others. Or you thought you did. But judging by the situations you now face, they viewed agreements in a very different light. It wasn’t a misunderstanding. They’re testing your will. Go along with their manoeuvres and next time they’ll up the ante, departing even further from arrangements. Risky as it seems, confront them with the facts, preferably with precise notes. As much as you hate clashes of this kind, you hate having your freedom restricted even more. Let them get away with this and your boundaries will begin shrinking with dazzling swiftness.
You know that being rude about differences achieves nothing. But others are convinced that being exceptionally difficult will give them the advantage over other less aggressive individuals. It won’t. In the meanwhile, however, you’ll have to meet them at least half way, playing it as tough as they do.
Tuesday 9/30
You seem to be feeling increasingly guilty, either about what you didn’t do or something that didn’t go as well as you’d planned. Whatever, the case, it’s time you let yourself off the hook. Others don’t give a moment’s thought to far worse situations than these. Put them firmly behind you now.
Wednesday 10/1
It’s perfectly natural that you’d want to let others know how much you care. But recently you seem to have been absorbed in master-minding something that would be guaranteed to knock their socks off. Impressive as this might be, it’s nothing compared to simply telling others about what you’re feeling in your heart.
Few things pain you more than watching, in silence, while others make foolish decisions. These dramas are hypnotic; you view yourself as a rescuer, moving decisively, saving others from themselves. Take action, however, and you’ll become enmeshed in a web of intrigue from which you’ll find it nearly impossible to extricate yourself. But you can withdraw, however challenging it is. Having done so, you realise that there are other, less exciting, but far more worthwhile matters to which you should be devoting your time. The minute you begin, the spell is broken and you remember how lovely life in the here and now can be.
Monday(9/29) Unsettling as recent changes in plans may be, there’s no arguing that they’re for the good. Your real problem with them is that in rearranging things, others completely ignored certain issues you’d discussed previously. Say nothing and you’ll only brood. Discuss this frankly now, before your hurt feelings turn into a silent sulk.
Tuesday(9/30) You were probably right in avoiding potentially contentious issues, feeling that they’d only upset others. Now that things have gone to the next stage, it’s becoming increasingly clear that these can no longer remain unspoken. Waste no time calculating a strategy for raising these. The more swiftly you state your concerns, the better.
Wednesday(10/1) For some time you’ve been feeling the need to broaden your horizons. You’ve considered various plans or activities, from a course of study to a trip someplace intriguing, but something’s always intervened. Now, at last the tide’s turned in your favour, which means that whatever obstacles slowed you down will simply vanish.
You’ve already tried to dampen down differences that could explode into troublesome battles. Now you realise that clashes can’t be prevented. This isn’t just a relief, it’s becoming clear that it’s only when others air their grievances that any progress can be made. Unfortunately, certain individuals are likely to turn what are really minor problems into serious dramas. This says more about them than the issues in question. Your primary task is to ensure that they don’t upset delicate situations or sensitive individuals. These exchanges may start out focusing on such matters, but they soon shift to topics far beyond this week’s dilemmas.
You know that changes in your domestic or working set-up are overdue. Yet those now being forced on you are simply not possible. This, in turn, means you must take a tough line, something that you worry will offend others. On the contrary, they weren’t aware of your strong feelings about certain matters. This leads to important discussions. The more forthright you are, the better. Others may not show they’re listening, but they are, as developments in November will prove. Until then, discuss your dreams with uncharacteristic abandon.
It’s natural that you’d want to share the ideas and insights that accompanied the recent Libra New Moon with others. Chose those you discuss these with carefully, however. Certain individuals, even those you trust, are in a state. And if what you say touches on a provocative issue, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a barrage of negativity, if not blamed for problems of their making. Alternatively, you’ll need others’ support and, out of sheer perversity, they’ll refuse it. Usually you’d charm them into accord. Forget it. Instead withdraw quietly, letting them make the first move. If they have any sense, they’ll begin with an apology.
Others may already be putting on the pressure to make decisions. But the reflections that were triggered by last Friday’s all-important Libra New Moon must take first priority. Focus on these until you’re confident that you fully understand what’s staying and what ? and who ? it’s time to say farewell to.
While it’s true that life will be much easier when certain tricky issues have been thoroughly discussed, your instinct are correct in telling you that this is no time to raise them. In fact, ideally you’ll wait until early next week, when Mercury’s arrival in Libra improves your position and restores your confidence.
Don’t misinterpret that rather distant attitude of others as meaning more than it does. Naturally you’d want some reassurance, but they’re simply not up to it. However, the issues they’re wrestling with have nothing to do with you. Leave them alone now and when they return, it will be with gratitude for your understanding.
蠍座前半です、お願いします。 Monday Those who know you well are aware that you pride yourself on sticking to the facts. Consequently, you’re bound to be irritated, annoyed or upset when certain individuals imply that you haven’t stuck strictly to the truth. Don’t take this personally. In reality it says more about them than it does about you. Tuesday There is no obvious reason why others are being so secretive. The issues or plans in question aren’t particularly sensitive. Tempting as it is to ferret the facts out of them, your time is better spent focusing on other things. They less interested you appear to be, the sooner they’ll confess. Wednesday For some time you’ve intended to discuss delicate but as yet unresolved issues with friends or loved ones. With both the Sun and the planet of love and money, Venus, currently positioned in the most intuitive angle of your chart, you’ll find exactly the words you want to express your feelings.
獅子座 Monday You’ve employed every tactful method possible to let others know the problems they’re causing you and those around you, but with little success. This leaves you the option of living with their provocative behaviour or exactly the kind of confrontation you’ve been avoiding. And it exactly that they’re counting on ? that you’ll never confront them.
Tuesday Others are saying that you’ve been bossy or tried to interfere in the decisions they’ve been making. However, they’re confusing the advice you’ve given them, which has been expressed with a certain degree of passion, and your attitude toward their decisions, which is whatever they do, you’re behind them all the way.
Wednesday Few things are more tedious than dealing with those individuals who are so obsessed with details that can’t see the bigger picture. While attempts to get them to view things from a more expansive angle are unlikely to achieve much, you’ll probably have some success at getting them to loosen up a bit.
獅子座 The only thing you loathe more than small-minded people are those who view generosity as a failing. This is exactly what you’re now facing. You can neither ignore nor avoid them, but you can outsmart them. This means saying nothing, however badly they behave. Instead, bide your time, probably until later in the month when circumstances give you room to manoeuvre. For now, discuss potential arrangements, but be elusive when it comes to making commitments. Difficult as this indirect approach is initially, you soon catch on. In fact, you’re soon employing it with great success with tricky individuals who are close to your heart.
While it’s perfectly clear to you that problems are brewing that will involve partners in pointless battles, they simply refuse to acknowledge these. Waste no time arguing. Instead, keep the lines of discussion wide open. And ensure that they know that whatever they decide or chose to do, you’ll be there for them.
Challenging as this week’s misunderstandings may be to deal with, in the long run you’ll be thankful for them. In fact, they’ll force others to discuss issues that they’ve previously refused even to acknowledge. While others will insist on setting the pace, that’s a small price to pay for what will be achieved.
You’re all too aware that decisions that are made in haste today will be regretted at leisure tomorrow. But others seem to think that if they leave things for too long, it will appear that they don’t care. While you can’t stop them, you can encourage them to make arrangements that are easily changed.
When it comes to ethics, you regard yourself as a fairly straightforward person. You neither indulging in wrong-doing nor are you overly straight-laced. Yet now others are questioning the basis on which you made certain decisions or arrangements, and you’re forced to review these matters in depth. While irritating initially, this process also raises important questions about your priorities, both in terms of plans and people. Soon you realise that who and what were once of huge significance are no longer of such significance. While unsettling, you’ve also a unique opportunity to create a whole new future, based on what you learn.
Monday For ages youユve been trying to take control in tricky situations of a financial nature, but itユs been a loosing battle. Now suddenly both your position and your mood improve so much that thereユs no question about who should be in charge. Tell others what you want done, and theyユll be no arguments.
Tuesday Difficult as your position may seem to be at the moment, youユve reached a turning point. Gradually youユll realise the extent to which others have supported you, and just how much others theyユve admired you for your persistence. Finally all that goodwill begins to come back to you in a more tangible form.
Wednesday Thereユs no use in arguing with those who wonユt listen. However, certain difficult individuals shouldnユt be regarded as a total loss. The real problem is that they want things done their way, which means theyユll remain troublesome until theyユre good and ready to be cooperative, and then theyユll behave like a dream.
Aquarians tend adopt strays. While some find the four-footed variety satisfying, others opt for the two-footed sort. Having taken this individual in, youユll organise them and their lives. With your huge circle of friends, there's always somebody who can produce a job and accommodation. Then comes the tricky part: encouraging self-sufficiency. The problems you're now facing involve some version of this scenario. However much the precise details vary, it's the spirit of the dilemma that matters. And the solution involves being tough. Difficult as that is, it's the only approach that will allow you _ and them _ to get on with your lives.
Living or working with tensions hasnユt been easy. But at least everybodyユs managed to get through the day without dramas. Now that issues are out in the open, however, youユre amazed how badly others are behaving. Leave them to it. Their battles and the problems behind them have nothing to do with you.
Youユve a great deal to be happy about. However, certain individuals close to you donユt have quite so much to celebrate. Theyユre struggling with self-created dilemmas and would like nothing more than to draw you in. Just keep in mind that, supporting them does not require that you sink to their level.
You can entirely avoid conversations. But you can be conscious that even what seems an unimportant exchange could land you in the middle of a serious dispute. These may not involve you, but others are looking for somebody to blame. Tempted as you are to give advice, the less you say, the better.
You’ve convinced yourself that certain matters involving loved ones really aren’t that important. While this has enabled you to avoid potentially upsetting confrontations, it’s also resulted in your becoming angrier by the minute. Avoiding these isn’t doing anybody any good. The sooner you discuss the issues in question frankly, the better.
Certain much-cherished goals are so precious to you that you’ve discussed them only with those you trust with your deepest feelings. True, this means they’ll be relatively few who are able to cheer you on. But even then, nothing can diminish your pleasure as you come increasingly closer to achieving them.
You’re confident that you either discussed your views clearly or explained what you want in full. But if others insist that they don’t understand, it’s not worth arguing. The fact is, it’s only when you’re actually repeating what you said that you’re likely to realise that certain ideas could be improved upon.
This is what the stars hold for those born under the sign of Scorpio for the week of September 28th. As you begin the week of the 28th, Scorpio, your instincts may already be telling you that it's vital that you not allow yourself to be fooled. You're intuitive and usually able to assess what's valid, what's worthwhile and, equally, you’ll know when others are trying to pull the wool over your eyes. As the week of the 28th begins, however, and Mercury, the planet of ideas and communication, is at odds with your ruler, Pluto, your powers of observation won’t necessarily be quite as acute as usual. In fact, it's possible that you may make mistakes in your assessment of situations, or the intentions of others. You may even misinterpret what you later recognise was perfectly obvious. Ordinarily, you’d deal with such situations deftly. You'd either do a little investigation, ask some questions or pause and reflect for yourself. But because numerous situations around you will be in transition as the month of September comes to a close and October begins, you may not be able to rely on facts. This isn't because anybody is trying to fool you as much as circumstances themselves will be so changeable that what makes sense one day may be entirely changed the next.
In fact, by October 10th, by the time of the Full Moon, which indicates a sharp turning point in certain areas of your life, you could find that the way things were arranged in late September has been completely reorganised. You could, however, take an entirely different approach to these situations. Instead of being frustrated or annoyed by the lack of solid information, you'll be inquisitive about whatever arises. You won’t worry so much about getting solid facts. Instead you’ll simply learn whatever you can for the sheer pleasure of learning, the joy of expanding your knowledge. In fact, ideally, you'll view the last few days of September and the first half of October as a time of exploration, a time during which you'll be learning everything you can about both situations - even those that are changing - and the people involved. That means that instead of making decisions or plans and sticking to them ? whatever happens - you'll view everything you arrange as flexible, adjusting those arrangements as you learn more. This way, when it comes time to make decisions, as you're likely to be doing later in October, most likely around the all important Scorpio New Moon on October 25th, you'll feel both well informed and will have had an opportunity to explore a number of different ideas and meet numerous interesting people as well. This takes the pressure off and allows you to explore far beyond the boundaries of your original plans or ideas. You’ll learn more about the ideas that you first had in mind. But more important, your world will have become a broader and more interesting place. Of as great significance,
蠍座週報です。長々とすみません。。慣れていないので。よろしくです。 by the end of the week you're likely to have learned enough that you’ll feel comfortable turning your attention to matters closer to home, to family or even domestic issues ? things that you may have previously thought you wouldn’t even have a moment to think about. Or, alternatively, once the Sun forms its fantastic aspect to the inspirational Neptune, on Saturday, October 4th, it could well be that offers that come from out of the blue tempt you to completely reorganise existing plans. If you’ve adopted a flexible approach to things when the week of the 28th began, then you'll find that it’s easy to consider ? and to make - changes as these offers arise. And if you're in an open minded mood and eager to learn about even unexpected developments here, too, you'll welcome these, no matter how surprising they are. But, most of all, having adopted this easy-going approach to life during the early part of the week of the 28th, as each day passes and you’ve done what you need to do and explored whatever options arise, you'll give yourself a break and take time with what you most enjoy doing and with those who you love spending time with, knowing that whatever it is you're facing and whatever the future holds, life is best lived when it’s balanced between doing what you must, achieving what you can and enjoying life’s bounty.
というわけで蠍座週報、改めまして宜しくお願いします。 For weeks you’ve kept an eagle eye on potentially troublesome situations, knowing that at some point fast action might be unavoidable. Now, as things become more worrying, you realise that your hands are tied. Whatever you say or do, you’ll either upset others or be blamed for their unwise decisions. Inform those in charge of the facts, then stage a strategic retreat. If this seems cowardly, consider the options. Challenging others would only complicate matters. Withdraw in dignity, and by the week’s close far happier circumstances will have spirited you away to a setting that’s far distant from all this nonsense.
Having just invested considerable time reviewing practical matters and various obligations with others, you assumed that everything was settled. Then suddenly, either tricky situations become critical or certain individuals begin making unreasonable demands. This is as puzzling as it is frustrating. Naturally you want to deal with things right away. But you’re better off doing nothing. First, this gives you time to assess the true nature of situations. More important, it calls others’ bluff, particularly where manipulative individuals are involved. This surprises them. Once they realise that you won’t jump when they say, they’ll either deal with things themselves or back off.
Monday Dealing with tiresome people and tedious practical matters is undoubtedly the last thing you’re in the mood for. You could put these off. Wait until next week to tackle these, however, and you could find that what could have been resolved with little difficulty now will have become considerably more complicated.
Tuesday It’s not just that partners or close associates are in an argumentative mood. It’s that they seem determined to take over in matters that you’d been dealing with for ages. Let them. You could explain how complicated what they’re taking on will be. But experience will undoubtedly prove a far more eloquent teacher.
Wednesday As an Aries, once you’ve committed to achieving anything, you never give up. But if things take too long, you can become bored. Don’t let that happen now, just when things are about to turn the corner. All that’s needed for long-cherished goals to become reality is a little more patience
You don’t mind arguments. It’s when others won’t discuss issues - or even acknowledge that problems exist - that you begin fuming. But as rapidly becomes clear, no amount of provocation will rouse certain individuals to reveal either the nature of the circumstances they’re dealing with or their intentions. Difficult as this is, forget about it. Walking away may require every ounce of discipline you possess. Once you do, however, you suddenly realise there’s a wide world of far more intriguing ideas. And most important of these are certain offers and developments, which have long been waiting by the sidelines for you to discover them.
Focus on various conflicts first and when things climax around d the Aries Full Moon on the 10th, you’ll act decisively in both personal and relationship issues. Life is exciting. But between decisions being in others’ hands and various problems and commitments, you must be flexible. Some involve family, practicalities and your health and well-being. These are tedious and you’re tempted to ignore them. The sooner you tackle them, the easier they are to deal with. Only once they’re done can you turn your attention to career and other obligations
山羊座10月 Monthlyです。お願いします Usually you struggle over decisions, debating various options until you drive others crazy and confuse yourself. But the insights that accompany late September’s Libra New Moon eliminate all your questions. This is fortunate, because everybody else does. Discuss why you’ve made certain decisions. But stop short of justifying your plans to anybody, even those closest to you. Initially this seems cold. However, you soon realise that their questions reflect their insecurity, and they’re looking to you for stability. Giving them this draws them closer than you’d imaged possible.
It is unlike you to make a plan one week, then eliminate that completely and go with another the next. But October is a month of searching in many ways. You’re restless, and seek answers in many ways: travel, study, new experiences, perhaps even spiritual pursuits. All of these are interesting, but they don’t answer questions that relate to money, career, relationship or practical matters. This is no time for long range plans. Listen to the philosophers you’ve been studying and make plans for the now, no more.
Knowing what’s wise is one thing; having the support of others is quite another. Since you’re unlikely to be in a position even to discuss the plans you have in mind until early next week, for now, play it cool. Discuss various options, ensuring that they don’t feel that they’re under any pressure.
It has already been made clear that others aren’t prepared to give you any more information that they already have. This means that, if you’re to make educated decisions, you’ll have to use a combination of investigation and discussions with certain well-informed individuals. Most of all, you’ll have to use your intuition.
Naturally, if there were anything you could do to make those you care about happier, you’d do it. Yet they’re complaining, saying that you aren’t paying enough attention to them. Compromise is vital; if you can devote more time to them, you’ll need to do so. And them? They’ll need to protest less.
Everybody seems to be looking to you to make decisions. But you don’t know enough even to consider your options, much less commit to any one line of action. The best way to proceed, therefore, is to take things slowly. And don’t be shy about asking questions, every step of the way.
Thursday Persistence may be a virtue. But once you’ve determined that others have no intention of being cooperative, there’s is nothing to be gained by battling on. Turn your attention elsewhere, ideally to people or activities that will restore you. Once you’ve restored your energy, you’ll be ready to rejoin the fray.
Friday Somebody has been merrily taking up all your time and energy, and without even a thank you. Yet you feel that if you turn your attention to your own needs, you’ll be letting them down. But that’s the only way you’ll break away from this unscrupulous master manipulator and regain your independence.
Saturday You’ve been pursuing certain long-cherished goals for so long that you’ve almost forgotten what it was like before they took centre stage in your life. Now it’s time to begin to consider what it might be like if you achieved them since, judging by the stars, that’s what’s coming next.
Sunday Don’t allow the uphill struggles of the recent past to influence your reaction to the ideas or offers now being discussed. These involve an entirely different sort of pursuit and are beginning under far more positive circumstances. In fact, things will proceed so differently that you’ve very little to worry about.
蠍座後半です。ボラ様よろしくお願いします。 Thursday Few things are more frustrating than those who pretend to want to help, but whose real motives are something far less generous. It’s gradually becoming clear that their kindness is designed to make you feel obliged to them, so when they ask you’ll have little choice but to do as they ask. Friday There’s no question that the major source of stress in your life will vanish when you’ve made important decisions. But there’s little point in committing when your feelings are in chaos. Since nothing’s likely to be clear until after the Scorpio New Moon in late October, hurrying things now achieves absolutely nothing. Saturday You’ve been under such pressure to make decisions that you haven’t really paused to think about, much less appreciate, the rest of your life. Look around you, however, and you’ll realise how much there is that’s wonderful. Take a break to be grateful for this now and you’ll return to the decision-making process restored. Sunday It’s unlike you to give up. But recent encounters with loved ones have been so disheartening that you can see little point in pursuing things further. Uncompromising as their attitude seemed, times have changed and so has their mood. It’s far too early to give up. Just take it very slowly indeed.
Early October’s setbacks can’t undermine the optimism ushered in by the Libra New Moon on 26 September. This gives you a fresh perspective on both persistent dilemmas and cherished dreams. Recognise obstacles as an opportunity to face and overcome problems for good, and you’ll view time spent dealing with them as an investment in your future. Working closely with others both brings much-needed assistance and strengthens important relationships. While life makes you work hard, it’s worth it. Every effort you make pays off in many and lasting ways.
You’ve been hoping that certain tedious issues involving your health and well-being would resolve themselves. But they haven’t. It’s not that they’ re serious or even really important. It’s just that they’re at the back of your mind, and you’re suffering more from worry and guilt than the maladies in question.
The last thing you want to do is upset others. But it is becoming increasing clear that there’ s no way around certain issues than to say exactly what’s bothering you. Waste no time trying to find a delicate way around these. It’s far more important that you speak swiftly than with poetic grace.
Things can’t always go your way; you understand that Yet you’re still struggling with tricky situations involving those you care about deeply. They’re worrying you, but know that any advice you give will be rebuffed. Trust them to make the right decision and those tensions between you will vanish in an instant.
You can’t impose your views on others. But you can work very hard to win them over. In fact judging by the rather combative attitude of certain individuals, you’ll need a combination of solid facts, a persuasive line of patter and the patience of a saint if you’re to get anywhere with them.
Few things are more difficult than watching those you care about wrestle with upsetting issues. You’d do anything you can to help them deal with these struggles. But you know full well that they only way they’ll develop confidence is by facing up to and conquering these adversaries on their own.
It’s not that you’re cavalier about the use of your resources such a time, money and ideas. But you haven’t really kept close track of them, which means you’re now facing a chronic deficit on every front. Now you must redress the balance, or you’ll be caught short at just the wrong time.
You’d think that others would be happy for you. After all, you’ve now reached the point at which long-cherished goals are nearing reality. But as you’ve achieved more, their enthusiasm and support have actually dimmed. Don’t take it personally. It’s nothing more than a case of jealousy overtaking good behaviour.
When it comes to misunderstandings with children, friends or romantic partners, patience is key. You may think that issues are relatively simple and can be settled with only a few words. Not only is that not the case, they’re likely to drag conflicts out until situations themselves force them to face facts
Thursday You’ve trusted your intuition often enough that you’ve no problem making decisions based on what you feel is right. The only problem is what you’ll say to certain individuals who’ll want the facts explained, point by point. The answer is, as little as possible, at least until you learn more.
Friday Everybody’s looking to you to make decisions. But you feel that you don’t know anymore about the situations in question than they do. That’s not strictly true. Your habit of asking questions, mostly because you’re interested in the world around you, means you’ve accumulated far greater knowledge that you realise.
Saturday There’s little point in arguing with those with a closed mind. However, certain individuals are far less rigid in their thinking than it seems. It’s just that they’re afraid of appearing to be indecisive, so have adopted an aggressive attitude as a defence mechanism. Overcome that, and they’ll surprise you with their inquisitiveness.
Sunday You hate is when others interfere in your business, so tend to assume that they feel the same way. The fact is, it’s the reverse. They’ve been hoping that you’d show more interest in the plans or projects. They’re longing to talk things over. And most of all, they want your advice.
Thursday(10/2) However much you love those closest, you’ve devoted so much time to them lately that certain other relationships are suffering from neglect. Tell them this and they’ll only be upset. There’s no need for to discuss any of this. All that’s necessary is to slowly but steadily regain the balance in your life.
Friday(10/3) Living by your instincts when it comes to close relationships and your own feelings is fine. But in matters involving business or finances, your intuition is best blended with hard facts. If these don’t match up initially, then it’s vital that you investigation both your feelings and the facts in greater depth.
Saturday(10/4) Few things are more pleasant than passing the time of day with close friends or loved ones. At the moment, however, what begins as a relaxed chat could swiftly develop into deep and perhaps emotional exchanges. These offer you an opportunity to learn about those feelings that others rarely mention, much less discuss.
Sunday(10/5) You may not have realised it until recently, but your concerns about upsetting family and loved ones have had a profound effect on certain plans. In fact it would appear that, when you realised they’d upset others, you kept putting them off, in attempts to convince yourself that you don’t care any more.
At one time you took the complaining of certain individuals seriously. Then you realised that when they weren’t annoyed with you, they would find something else to be displeased with. By now you’ve learned to look past all this fault-finding, only to find a very real and surprisingly loveable person underneath.
At long last it would appear that you have convinced others to go along with your plans or ideas. Exciting as this is, don’t expect everything to be smooth sailing. There are others who remain unsure about what you intend to achieve. Keep in mind that they still need to be won over.
Others may laugh about your tendency to brush off compliments. But behind this difficulty with acknowledging what you’ve done or achieved lies a more worrying habit of high standards plus self-criticism. If there’s anything that could keep you from pursing certain goals, it’s your fear of not getting things absolutely perfect.
Think of all the times in the past when you gave up, only to find that with a little more effort you could have achieved your goals. This is such a time. It may appear that there’s little chance of what you have in mind succeeding. Remain firm. Within days things will come good.
You find it hard to be strict with others. But you know that if you’re not, you’ll only regret it later. This applies as much to taking early October’s opportunities as to situations in which you must set clear limits. Keep in mind that because this is a tricky month, no decision will suit everybody. That being the case, place yourself first. Initially that’s difficult. But soon you realise that others are just as happy when you do as you like. This revolutionises your thinking about future plans.
獅子座 Thursday You’re confident you’ve all the time in the world to deal with rather tedious financial issues. But you don’t. In fact by early next week decisions will have been made that could have a lasting influence on your position. If you don’t discuss these now, there’s no guarantee those decisions will favour you.
Friday Ever since the unsettling Uranus rejoined Neptune, planet of vision, in the partnership angle of your chart recently, those closest have been in a state. On one hand they’re restless, on the other, they’re seeking an ideal situation or setting. Let them. What they learn can only benefit your long-term relationship.
Saturday You have long since learned that there’s little to be achieved in arguing with those whose minds are already made up. Yet you can’t watch them make foolish decisions and say nothing. This means that you must at least raise questions about others’ intentions, even if you’re sure that you’ll be rebuffed.
The one thing you must not do during October is to waste time trying to get anybody to agree with you. While this is a contentious month, that doesn't mean you won't achieve a great deal. In fact what you learn, both about others and about situations, compensates for the numerous pointless arguments you'll face. Discuss plans when you must. But by and large you're better off pursuing your goals on your own, and spending time with people who either understand you or who take life as it comes.
While you’re by no means narrow-minded, you’ll still find it difficult to deal with what others propose. Some seem unrealistic, others just dull. Since nothing is likely to be settled until early November, it’s worth exploring everything. This leads to encounters with intriguing individuals. And once you know more about various plans or ideas, they’re more interesting. By late in the month you’re ready to take a chance, making changes that only weeks before you wouldn’t even have considered. The results are so thrilling, you’re soon allowing for even more exotic options.
5/Sunday あなたに異議を唱えているのは他の人ではなく、言い争いの結果生じるかもしれない 感情的な場面のように、あなたがそれほどにまでに恐れているのです。 でも、あなたは これ以上本当に関わり合ってしまった問題を無視することはできません。 それ故、あなたの 選択は、プレッシャーがさらに大きくなる前に、今、対決を放棄する、あるいは果敢に取り組むか どうするかなのです。 ==== 最初の一文、自信なし。 スマソ It’s not others disagreeing with you that you’re dreading so much as the emotional scenes that could result from altercations.
獅子座 Monday Either others aren’t listening or won’t pay attention to what you’re trying to get across. Under ordinary circumstances this would irritate you, but at the moment you’re feeling frustrated as well. Although patience is probably the last thing you consider, if you can manage to say nothing now, others will soon be apologising profusely.
Tuesday After recent disappointing experiences involving partners or loved ones, you wouldn’t even think of raising sensitive issues. In fact you feel that there’s not much to talk about. But both circumstances and their mood are improving rapidly. Still, say nothing. Allowing them to make the first move ensures they’re back to normal.
Wednesday Having worked long and hard to organise plans, you’re unlikely to welcome changes however intriguing they seem. But others are enthusiastic, and encouraging you to give things a try. However, it’s only once you begin to explore the options now before you with any seriousness, that you’ll realise why others were so excited.
獅子座 You’re involved in a particular situation either out of guilt or because you fear that, if you don’t deal with the issues or individual in question, there will be serious problems. Not everybody agrees with this view, as you soon learn. Worse, others are in no mood to listen to your explanations. The only remedy is to proceed without further conversation. Initially there’s a furore, but soon others are absorbed discussing their views. This suits you fine because it allows you to proceed without their interference. Better yet, by the week’s close, they’ve forgotten their strenuous objections and are instead applauding your courage.
Monday(10/6) Recent attempts to get important points across to others have fizzled disappointingly . Don’t give up. In fact now that the communication planet Mercury has actually moved into Libra, both your spirits and your timing are likely to improve. Enough, in fact, that making your points will require only a few well chosen words.
Tuesday(10/7) No matter how forcefully certain ideas of yours were rejected, you can’t afford to take o for an answer. Waste no time analysing who said what. You’re better off discussing potential improvements or considering an entirely different approach. By then those involved are likely to have entirely forgotten what they found objectionable.
Wednesday(10/8) Opportunities this good appear rarely and judging by the current planetary set-up, won’t last long. This means that you’ll have no time to weigh up their virtues: it’s got to be yes or no. If in doubt, keep in mind that while there’s no going back, you can always back out later.
天秤座の週間もお願いします。 10/5〜 Ever since 30 July, when the communication planet Mercury moved into the most strategic angle of your chart, you’ve wrestled with both unsettling vulnerabilities and a bewildering variety of tricky individuals and perplexing dilemmas. Tuesday’s move by Mercury into Libra shifts both your perspective and circumstances themselves. Suddenly you realise how much you’ve achieved Most important, you discover a new confidence. This comes in handy dealing with this week’s issues. Once you’ve have approached situations with diplomacy. Now you’re forthright. You express both your demands and views in ways that previously you’d never have dared, gaining a respect you previously thought unobtainable.
While there’s no denying the pleasure of accomplishment, that alone hasn’t been enough to excite you when considering the range of duties you face. Some involve work or obligations to others, a few commitments to yourself. Of these, one or two are challenging enough that it’s clear they’ll require teamwork. Still, seeking help seems like a compromise. But others respond so swiftly that you realise that they were waiting tactfully to be asked. The realisation just how much they knew is unsettling. But once you over come this, you don’t just accept others’ support; you wonder why it took you so long to ask.
Exciting as developments are to you, and clear-cut as the advantages they offer may be, this is no time to tell others about them. Holding back now may seem folly. Try talking things over, however, and you’ll swiftly realise that others are in no mood to discuss even the simplest of arrangements.
You’ve already tackled tricky issues from every angle and achieved little success. Consequently you’ve no reason to think that even the most innovative of ideas will have any success. Don’t give up now. Try again. It’s not what you’ve been doing, but your timing. The tide has, at long last, turned in your favour.
True, others are unfair, unkind or even rude. But they were wrestling with dilemmas of which you were completely unaware. Adopt a forgive and forget approach now. This both allows you to put issues behind you and proceed with certain pressing situations. Then, once things are settled, you’ll you learn exactly what their problems were.
You can’t help but be intrigued by the ideas now being discussed. But at the same time, you also can’t help but wonder whether they’re closer to fantasy than reality. What is sure is that if you don’t take a chance, you’ll never find out whether they lived up to their full promise.
You’re amazed how stubborn certain individuals can be,particularly when the issues involved - domestic or family matters - really aren’t worth arguing about. Just when you were about to give in, happy circumstances make decisions for everybody. This is a relief, since you’ve been unable to focus on other matters until these were settled. Thus, by the week’s second half you’re immersed in plans involving creative activities, loved ones or new ventures. True, these arrangements change several times before all is settled. At least others have learned something; some of those who were so aggravating recently have suddenly developed a considerably more flexible attitude.
As much as you love your family, enough’s enough. You’ve devoted a huge amount of time to sorting out their problems. But in spite of your best efforts, they’ve always had some objection. You’re now beginning to wonder whether they’re more interested in keeping you near by than resoling any of their dilemmas.
Recent weeks have been a bit of an uphill struggle, particularly when it’s come to dilemmas on the domestic front. Now that your ruler Mercury has joined the Sun in the part of your chart that relates to love and life’s pleasures, however, both your mood and circumstances should be considerably more agreeable.
You didn’t actually intend to begin certain projects on your own. It’s just that when you asked others for support they were either committed elsewhere or simply not interested. Now that they see the progress you’ve made, however, suddenly they’ll find time and realise that what you’re pursing could be intriguing after all.
There’s little you can do to prevent clashes between partners or loved ones and those in change of things. But you can refuse to become involved in these dramas yourself. Show interest and let them know that you’ll be there for them, whatever the outcome. Beyond that, leave them to their own devices.
It’s obvious to everybody that plans you’re now making must be generally agreed before things can be taken to the next stage. Yet certain individuals are making little effort to reach an accord. Say nothing. They must realise for themselves that they’re the cause of delays. Until then, they won’t listen.
Naturally you want to know which way changes in your domestic or working arrangements are going. Force issues, however, and you’ll only feel more anxious about what’s to come. The plans in question depend on certain factors of which you’re unaware, and these are unlikely to be settled until the week’s close.
Nobody welcomes problems. On the other hand, at least the conflicts that arise this week force those who have refused even to acknowledge problems to discuss them. While those exchanges are unlikely to achieve anything near an agreement, at least you’ll know what others are thinking and where they stand. This enables you to make increasingly pressing decisions in other, less complicated, areas of your life. Because these, too, are subject to change, there’s little point in struggling to get things just so. In fact by the week’s close unexpected offers could have transformed by your position and your expectations for the future.
As a sensitive water sign, you’ve no problem with emotional scenes. But you must be assured that nobody will take advantage of the feelings you reveal. Others are as worried as you are about this, which means that there is nothing to prevent you from revealing to certain individuals exactly where you stand.
When you’re faced with practical obstacles, your patience is amazing. Yet when you’re in an emotionally vulnerable position, the days are agony and the hours pass with painful slowness. Things are likely to go your way. But until they do, brooding achieves nothing. There are plenty of tasks with which to distract yourself.
There’s no question that others are being unreasonable. The question is, how are you to deal with them? At the moment the best answer involves biding your time. Circumstances may seem urgent. But within a few days both situations and the mood of others will have improved, making everything considerably easier to handle.
If you refused to get drawn into tricky situations earlier in the week, then you’ll be perfectly positioned to take advantage of others’ considerably better frame of mind. Even if couldn’t manage to avoid recent clashes, there’s still a great deal of benefit to be gained from going back over old ground.
The set-jawed determination with which you begin the week is nothing new. You’ve been soldiering on for ages, facing obstacles with the stunning persistence that few but Scorpios are able to muster. True, this is isolating. But you’ve had little option ? or so it’s seemed. However, by the week’s close you’ll not only changed your strategy, you’ll have discussed your problems with those to whom, only recently, you wouldn’t even have considered revealing such matters. This is all because of the alliances ? new or rediscovered ? and the unique support they bring. You’ve no question about others’ trustworthiness, only why you didn’t recognise it sooner.
After the rather wonderful developments that accompanied the recent fabulous aspect to your ruler Neptune, the current crop of obstacles comes as a real let down. Still, these are well timed, as they force you and everybody else to deal with the practical side of arrangements before you take things too far.
Tempting as it is to intervene when friends or loved ones are going at each other hammer and tongs, you’d regret it. You may be worried that they’ll say more than is wise. They’re looking at things from an entirely different perspective; they believe that the more they vent their feelings, the better.
You can afford to be easy going, if not indulgent, with loved ones about their little peculiarities. But when it comes to your time or money, it’s quite another matter. If you don’t make it clear where the line is drawn now, then you’ll have seriously difficulty saying anything with conviction later.
For some reason you seemed to be under the impression that either others wouldn’t or couldn’t give you a hand in dealing with tricky business or financial matters. Certainly they’ve never offered. The irony is, they didn’t want you to feel obliged to say yes, so were waiting for you to ask.
At long last it would appear that others have realised that playing games achieves nothing. In fact they actually seem to be willing to talk things over frankly. As enthusiastic as they seem now, keep in mind that as they’re unaccustomed to such intimacy, there are likely to be ups and downs.
Don’t let the current rather unpredictable attitude of others keep you from raising troublesome issues. The fact is, they’ll grumble whatever you say. So you might as well delve into these matters enough to get them settled once and for all. Getting them involved could do wonders for their mood.
Now that others have finally opened up, you can at long last deal with your own feelings. While what they said was no surprise, the intensity of their emotions was. More importantly, now that you know what’s going on within, you’ve a better idea of how to deal with their ups and downs.
Even the most practical of Pisceans is sometimes subject to seemingly overwhelming tides of emotion. Currently it’s frustrating situations and the unreasonable attitude of certain individuals that’s left you furious yet impotent. It won’t be easy, but if you refuse to allow these feelings to stop you in your tracks during the week’s first half, you’ll be fine. In fact you’ll be ideally positioned to capitalise on unexpected ? and alluring - ideas or offers. Worthwhile as these seem, balance hope with the wariness experience brings. Show interest, but make no commitments until you know more about who and what you’re dealing with.
Monday There's no question that others are in a difficult mood. While you can figure out ways to deal with pressing practical matters, it's issues of an emotional nature that you're worried about. Bide your time. By the week's close others' spirits will have improved and so will your chances of settling those issues.
Tuesday Most Aquarians have a natural understanding of what makes others tick. You're gifted, particularly when dealing with difficult individuals. You know they sometimes need to vent their feelings. Still, it's vital that you not allow your awareness of their problems to keep you from drawing the line or saying that enough is enough.
Wednesday Nobody would say that you're stubborn. Yet behind your seemingly easy-going facade is a side of your nature that never gives up. Certainly youユre never stopped believing that, under the right circumstances, the relationship you've dreamed about could blossom with one particular individual. Now events are about to prove you right.
This is a week of dramatic and promising change begins with the same familiar obstacles. Initially, your efforts will be as unrewarding as before, too. Then, by midweek both circumstances and the attitude of others is revolutionised. Not only are those who you've been courting, whether for personal or professional reasons, suddenly responsive, they're also interested in what you have to say. If there's any downside, it's that you must respond so swiftly that a detailed discussion of plans just isn't possible. At other times proceeding without such exchanges would be cavalier. Now, however, you must take what you can get.
You pretend that they don’t bother you. But with so much in other areas of your life in transition, you find quibbles on the family front particularly difficult to deal with. For this reason you must take a tough line, demanding that they impress you with their efforts or simply do as you say.
For ages you’ve lived with uncertainty. While you’ve understood that certain decisions simply couldn’t be made until other matters were settled, that hasn’t made it any easier. But those closest haven’t exactly been supportive either. Now the tide’s turned, and you can expect both decisions and a far better mood from others too.
It’s difficult to remember the first time that you noticed that certain things needed to be done around the house. What is sure is that you’ve been promising yourself to tackle these for ages, but your time and money were always needed elsewhere. Now, finally, these domestic needs can ? and must ? come first.
Others insist they’re keen on discussing various plans or ideas. But their attitude betrays their real mood, which is clearly an uncooperative one. However, you must admit that you’re not feeling particularly agreeable yourself. That being the case, turn your attention to less provocative issues until after Friday’s Full Moon; events then both force issues and call the bluff of those who’ve been unreasonably stubborn. While the mood may worsen temporarily, sudden changes and outbursts serve to get things moving and encounter serious talking. After that everybody, including you, will suddenly remember how nice it is to take part in civilised discussions.
While you can't completely ignore pressing situations, keep in mind that their urgency may have more to do with your mood than the facts. Tell everybody that you're prepared to do whatever is necessary. But avoid taking any measures that you can't easily undo until you're confident that your impressions are correct.
Nobody is more persuasive than an Aries whoユs decided to be charming. But even your best efforts are unlikely to win others over. This has nothing to do with you or your intentions. Others are so preoccupied by issues of which you're unaware that you've little chance of getting through to them.
Once you've made a commitment, you don't give up without a fright. Yet if you're to make the best of the extraordinary offers now coming your way, you're going to have to do exactly that. You simply cannot continue with previous pursuits and expect to have any success with new endeavours as well.
It’s fortunate that you were born under such resilient sign; when you’re confronted by obstacles or disappointed by others’ lack of staying power, you simply try something else. Still, dealing with these is exhausting. But you’ve energy enough to last you until Friday’s pivotal Full Moon. From that point the tide turns. In fact, you’re suddenly flavour of the month, even with those who so recently gave you short shrift. Now you must make up for lost time and can’t be picky. Eventually you can decide whether you want a long term arrangement with others. But for the moment, they’ll do.
You were hoping that tricky relationship issues, whether business or romantic, would somehow resolve themselves. But they haven't. In fact, they've become intrusive enough that you'll risk emotional scenes if that means settling them for good. Happily, others seem to be viewing things from the same angle, which means that instead of dramas you encounter a willing attitude. Discussions begin with concerns, then proceed to more positive matters. So much so, that by Friday's Aries Full Moon, which marks a turning point, both personally and with others, you're far more optimistic about the future than you've have imagined possible when the week began.
You think it's always best to be frank, even if your words aren't always well received. You have, however, only just discovered that certain individuals approach discussions from an entirely different angle. This means you now must take into account their tendency to say what others want to hear, rather than speaking the facts.
Friday (10/10)
Things haven't just been going well, they've been moving swiftly. This has forced you to make numerous important decisions on the run. This has meant leaving a worrying number of certain vital details for later. You'll have plenty of opportunity to deal with these, although probably not until the end of the month.
Saturday (10/11)
The time has come to review your priorities. However eager you are to achieve certain long-cherished goals, think carefully whether these haven't been intruding on your personal life. Loved ones may fully understand how important these are to you. But that doesn't mean that recently they haven't been feeling a little neglected.
Sunday (10/12)
There are many kinds of passion. And the approaching encounter between Venus, the planet of both love and money, and your ruler Jupiter, should give you adequate opportunity to explore several of them. What you discover won't just be important. Ultimately, these could completely change your life more than you'd have imagined possible.
ボラの皆様、おはようございます。蠍座後半です。おねがいします!! Friday It may be that it's an old friend or colleague you encounter. Or the meeting in question could involve somebody who's new to you. Whatever the case, your instincts must be telling you that this could be an important connection, one that could lead to something as exciting as it is unexpected. Saturday Exciting as recent developments in matters of the heart might be, you're going to need to be patient. Naturally you'd like reassurance. However, if you can wait, saying and doing nothing, until the individual in question takes the next step, you'll force them to show their hand, which should prove extremely informative. Sunday At the time you undoubtedly felt that disputes with friends or colleagues were nothing but a distraction. But what you've learned as a result of these exchanges has proved amazingly informative. So much so, in fact, that you're beginning to feel thankful that, when these issues arose, others weren't in a better mood.
Thursday Others haven’t been in a particularly agreeable mood and you haven’t been exactly charming yourself. Suddenly, however, everybody seems to have realised that being so grumpy only complicates matters. Now that the general mood has improved, in fact, you should finally be able to reach an accord in much-delayed plans or business ventures.
Friday No Capricorn likes to be defeated. In fact setbacks only make you more determined win. Still, the situations you’re facing are seriously challenging. If neither reason nor charm have done the trick, then you’ll have to resort to extreme other methods, such as revealing just how vulnerable others’ intransigence makes you feel.
Saturday Nobody plans more carefully than a Capricorn. While others are daydreaming, you’re thinking about what the next hour, day or year hold. At the moment, however, no amount of strategising will have the least bit of influence on the decisions being made. They’re beyond your control. You must simply take what you get.
Sunday Important as it is to be honest with others, this isn’t the best of times for discussing sensitive issues. In fact, judging by the tricky planetary activity of the coming week, you’re better off sticking to straightforward topics. Save major decisions and potentially provocative issues for when the mood is calmer.
Thursday This is no time to be shy. Others simply don't know about your role in certain arrangements. Equally, they are unaware of the cost of your efforts, intellectually and in terms of your finances. There's no reason to be embarrassed about bringing these up. In fact, they'll be very annoyed if you don't.
Friday The time has come for a frank discussion. You're so close to certain individuals that you simply assume they know what you feel, and more importantly, what upsets you. But they don't. What needs saying is likely to take considerable time, which is all the more reason to begin than now.
Saturday It's not like you to use emotions to sway others or as blackmail. But certain individuals either can't or won't listen to what you have to say, which leaves you no other option. Ironically, not only are they likely to understand the feelings you've been dealing with better then previously, so will you.
Sunday Saying that you know that your viewpoint and that of others are strongly divergent and experiencing the intensity of their views are two different things. Now that you've had a dose of their perspective, it's worth taking some time to reflect on how ? and when ? you should approach them in the future.
After weeks of patience on your part and frustrations involving others, your efforts finally begin to pay off. True, initially things aren’t remotely what you planned or expected. But you soon realise that circumstances have changed, and what’s now beginning to unfold promises to be far more beneficial than anything you’d have imagined.
If neither your efforts to jolly others out of a bad mood nor direct confrontations have had any success, you’re probably better off leaving them to their own devices. Sooner or later they’ll realise that, as you’ve already told them, people are avoiding them because they’re so difficult. Until then, steer clear.
It is rapidly becoming clear that, whatever you plan or do, somebody is going to object. Since civilised discussions have had little effect on others, you’re better off going your own way and leaving it at that. Ensure they know you’re happy to talk, but that they must take the initiative.
The time has come to put certain once cherished hopes to rest. This isn’t easy. And you’ll feel sentimental. But it’s increasingly clear that things are going in another direction. The sooner you’re free to consider the intriguing developments that are now taking place, the faster you’re feelings of optimism will return.
Tempting as new ideas or offers are, think twice before you pursue them. First, you already have more than enough on your plate. But of even greater importance, loved ones have been both patient and understanding. Add just one thing to your list of activities and it could be the last straw.
It doesn’t matter whether they’re big or little, as a Gemini you enjoy the process of solving problems. But recently you’ve nothing but rather dull dilemmas, enough that you’re actually craving something really puzzling. Now it comes your way, in the form of plans that, while exciting, run exactly counter to existing arrangements.
Don’t let recent disappointments keep you from pursuing goals that are dear to your heart. Others may tell you that what you want to achieve just isn’t possible. Let them believe that if they must. But you know that with persistence and creativity you can surprise even the most informed of doubters.
Obvious as things are to you, don’t make the mistake of assuming that others know what your intentions are. You need only go over things once. But when you do, it’s vital that you start at the very beginning and then discuss plans in detail, asking if they’ve questions at every stage.
You’re now being offered an alliance that would combine the practical use of your resources - time, money or ideas - with an efficient approach to tedious obligations. Yet you’re hesitant. True, this means leaving things in others ’ hands. However, these are the duties that, only recently, you declared you’d do anything to unload.
Appealing as the plans you’re now discussing may be, agreeing to anything without further investigation would be folly. It’s not that others aren’t reliable. They are . It’s just that with so many unexpected twists and turns coming over the next few weeks, even what seem relatively straightforward plans must be considered tentative.
Saturday(10/11) Everybody assumes that you, as an ever-charming Libra, always get along with others. Yet recently certain individuals have so irritated you that you had to confront them. This is no surprise, since the recent Full Moon would have brought exactly such issues to a head, forcing a frank discussion of long disregarded issues.
Sunday(10/12) Having tried to figure out ways around issues, you’re now beginning to realise that you’ve no choice but to confront others with your concerns or objections head on. Not surprisingly, you’re dreading this. Once you do, however, they’re pleased. In fact, they thank you for confirming what they’ d always suspected was the case.
Thursday After weeks of patience on your part and frustrations involving others, your efforts finally begin to pay off. True, initially things aren’t remotely what you planned or expected. But you soon realise that circumstances have changed, and what’s now beginning to unfold promises to be far more beneficial than anything you’d have imagined.
Friday If neither your efforts to jolly others out of a bad mood nor direct confrontations have had any success, you’re probably better off leaving them to their own devices. Sooner or later they’ll realise that, as you’ve already told them, people are avoiding them because they’re so difficult.Until then, steer clear.
Saturday It is rapidly becoming clear that, whatever you plan or do, somebody is going to object. Since civilised discussions have had little effect on others, you’re better off going your own way and leaving it at that. Ensure they know you’re happy to talk, but that they must take the initiative.
Sunday The time has come to put certain once cherished hopes to rest. This isn’t easy. And you’ll feel sentimental. But it’s increasingly clear that things are going in another direction. The sooner you’re free to consider the intriguing developments that are now taking place, the faster you’re feelings of optimism will return.
獅子座 Thursday It may seem that others are all talk and no action. But the fact is that the ideas or plans that are now being considered are such a departure from anything familiar that they’re bound to require considerable discussion. These exchanges aren’t just important, they’re vital if success is to be achieved.
Friday As a Leo you can be a gentle soul. But you also conscious that sometimes it’s not tensions reach a breaking point that either the full facts or true feelings emerge. This certainly seems to be the case now. And the more forthright you are with others, the more revealing they’ll be.
Saturday After having all manner of suggestions rejected, you’re beginning to wonder what ? if anything ? would make others happy. The answer is that they want to make their own decisions. You may know more. But they’re in a perverse mood and they’d rather feel they’re in charge than do things properly.
Sunday There’s no use in discussing ideas with those whose minds are closed. Don’t take it personally if everything you’ve talked about has been rejected. Others are so absorbed in their own dramas that they wouldn’t recognise a worthwhile offer if it were presented on a silver platter. Leave them to their own devices.
Over the past few weeks you have sometimes despaired of ever reaching an accord with partners or loved ones. Grim as things seemed at the time, a corner has been turned. In fact, between sudden and quite unexpected improvements in circumstances and their better mood, things look sunnier than for ages.
Initially you thought others needed advice, help or guidance. But you're only just now beginning to realise that what they really wanted to do what make you feel obliged to them in some fashion. Annoying as these manoeuvres are, keep in mind that it's because they were too shy to ask you directly.
This is no time to expect rapid progress or forthright discussions. In fact, you're likely to have to work you way through numerous disagreements before you strike even a simple accord. Frustrating as this is, at least you can be sure that once things are agreed, there will be no surprises in the future.
Thursday You’ve been devoting so much time to various duties and obligations that you haven’t really paused to look around you. If you did, you’d realise that somebody is trying to get your attention. Better yet, what that somebody has to say is likely to bring a big smile to your face.
Friday Lately you’ve been so swept up by life itself that you’ve barely had time to think. While you’ve achieve a great deal, there’s been little time to for those closest. They’re feeling that lack. Putting them first in your schedule over the next few days will mean a great deal to them.
Saturday A good idea is always worthwhile, even if others don’t recognise its value at the time. But currently certain individuals are in a rather difficult mood. Discuss the potential for taking things to the next stage but don’t press them. Instead back off, leaving it up to them to make the next move.
Sunday With so much to do, conducting a review of your goals seems ill-timed. Once you begin, however, you’ll soon realise that what you’ve long regarded as of paramount importance is now of little significance, while other matters should be your first priority. Only after these valuable revelations can you regard decisions as realistic.
You can't decide whether you're touched by the generosity of certain individuals or annoyed that in these gestures they're overstepping the line. Invasive as their actions seem, their intentions are good. In fact once you learn more about what they've done on your behalf, you'll be embarrassed that were so ungrateful.
Saturday 10/11
You can see no reason not to pursue the intriguing ideas or opportunities that have now come your way. However, others aren't just hesitant, they're anxious. Don't let that stop you. Take it slowly. And reporting positive developments frequently enough that gradually others' worries will be replaced by a more positive attitude.
Sunday 10/12
Nobody is more self sufficient than an Aries. Yet if you want to achieve certain goals involving business or finances you'll need to work closely with others, more so than is your instinct. First, seek the advice of experts. After that you'll have no question just how vital teamwork is.
12/Sunday 段取りを整えるなど、簡単なことだろうって思っていたあなた。 あなたが気づいて なかったのは、[その過程で]あるアイデアについて考えることにさえあの人たちが 乗り気でなかったってこと。 予想通り、このことはかなりその過程を遅らせるでしょう。 このことでちょっとの間失望を感じようとも、彼らとの関係を絶って問題解決を図って いる間にあなたが学ぶことで充分補われますよ。 ==== Whatever short term frustration this brings is compensated for by what you learn while working issues through with others. この12日最後の一文、訳あってますでしょうか? 誰か添削お願いしまつ!!
You’re thrilled when magical opportunities appear, particularly if they involve money. They’re ingenious and promise a swift return. Detractors merrily point out shortcomings; these prove to be more a matter of practicalities than any serious reason to worry. Yet you’re uncomfortable about something. What it is remains unclear. Only as shadowy but powerful differences emerge between you and those closest, at work or at home, do you understand the source of those edgy feelings. What must be done, however, is very clear. And that is to have those frank conversations that, thus far, you’ve done everything you could think of to avoid.
You’ve long been aware that certain matters would need to be discussed, but have worried about upsetting others. Recent developments have brought matters to a head. If you say nothing, they’ll assume you’re happy with things as they are. Or you can address issues openly. Whatever the case, it’s now or never.
You may know exactly what your views are and why. But you’re about to have to explain these to somebody who is either very critical and demanding or who has no imagination. Whatever the case, getting their support means organising your thoughts in such a way that they’ll be able to understand them.
As is so often the case, others are blaming you for certain misunderstandings, and you’ll let them. This time around, however, it’s important that you analyse what went wrong. The issue isn’t who was right or wrong, but that you began with entirely different assumptions of what you intended to achieve.
For some reason certain individuals were convinced that you’d be shouldering responsibilities that were theirs to deal with. Worse, they hadn’t discussed this with you. Now that everything’s come out, you’ll have to make it clear what you’ll do, what you won’t - and ensure that in the future they talk things through first.
If you’re feeling certain elements of your life need a shake up, yet you’re unclear what to do, that’s as it should be. Reflect on these and any other potential changes but do nothing. Only after the insights triggered by the Scorpio New Moon, in ten days’ time, will the path ahead emerge.
There’s little you can do about others’ attitude or their approach to the dilemmas you’re facing. They may be difficult to talk to, but that shouldn’t keep you from discussing explain recent decisions and your future plans. The trick is to answer whatever questions they ask, without ever justifying your decisions.
It would easy to mistake recent unceremonious changes in several areas of your life as reason to worry, particularly since others either aren’t talking or their ideas seem fanciful. Plus, what’s proposed seems too good to be true. Usually you’d play for time until you’d pieced together enough facts to make an informed decision. Instead, just go with the flow. True, the feelings of vulnerability this triggers make you uneasy. Delve into these anxieties now, however, and when you face the pivotal events that accompany the Scorpio New Moon on the 25th, you’ll be ready to embrace far reaching changes with confidence.
Monday Few things are more time-consuming than trying to make points with somebody who has no interest in what you’re saying. Frustrating as this is, the exercise will not be a total loss. In the process of organising your thoughts, you’ll have to review both your views and your justification for holding them.
Tuesday One of the wonderful things about close and lasting friendships is that you don’t need to explain yourself. Time and experience are enough. Yet at the moment it would appear that if you don’t discuss certain ideas or arrangements with others in depth, your actions and intentions will cause considerable consternation and upset.
Wednesday If you’ve been misunderstood, the most natural thing to do is to explain yourself. However, it’s wise to be cautious, perhaps uncharacteristically so. At the moment others are confused enough that what you intend to be a simple discussion could swiftly descend into clashes so biased that they’d only result in more confusion.
Monday At first you’re likely to think that the questions others raise to your plans or ideas are merely them being fussy. Once you investigate a little more thoroughly, you’ll realise that the points they’re asking you to address are worth considering. So worthwhile, in fact, that ultimately you’ll be grateful that they asked.
Tuesday It’s the rare Aquarius who keeps a precise accounting of the financial side of your life. Usually going over your accounts every once in a while is enough. At the moment, however, if you’re to avoid potentially costly misunderstandings, you’ll have to keep much closer track of what you promise, spend or commit to.
Wednesday You’re generous by nature. Where others keep their friends to themselves, you’ll share yours. And you enjoy nothing more than being able to treat everybody to a meal. However, in certain circles this generosity seems to have been misunderstood to the extent that others are now expecting you to look after their needs.
Recent developments involving close relationships, whether personal or on the business front, have been so exciting that it’s hard even to think about anything else. Naturally you’re tempted to put boff, if not completely ignore, the range of tedious and rather worrying incidents that arose last week. Some concern obligations to others, a few health issues or dreary tasks. These aren’t going to vanish by magic, and by next week’s close one or two could become seriously troublesome. Tackling them doesn’t just gain you virtue. When far more appealing opportunities appear around the same time, neither commitments nor guilt will hold you back.
For the past week you’ve avoided discussing potentially upsetting issues. Not only have others been in no mood to talk about them, you weren’t exactly sure what you’d say if anybody confronted you. Now that the mood’s improved, those confrontations are increasingly doubtful, and you’re likely to settle things with remarkable ease.
You can explain facts as persuasively as you like, but if others aren’t prepared to listen it doesn’t matter how eloquently you put your views across. It’s better to back off for the time being. Say what’s on your mind if you must. Then leave it up to others to make the next step.
After having worked long and hard to achieve an equilibrium in already difficult situations, changes could be disastrous. So when certain unsettling issues were first raised last week, you were worried that they’d upset the applecart. Now you realise the reverse is true. The resulting discussions have only served to enhance everybody’s understanding.
Usually you’re the soul of practicality. But lately you’ve either taken on too much or have set yourself some unrealistic goals. As a Taurus you would ordinarily regard giving up as a serious compromise. However, you’re urged to think carefully about whether the battle you’re waging is worth the effort it will take.
獅子座 Monday You may not consider yourself to be secretive. But there are certain important matters that you haven’t even mentioned to others, much less discussed at length. This isn’t because they’re not interested. On the contrary, they’re so interested that you fear if you raise them, others will prevent you doing things your way.
Tuesday You hadn’t intended to cut others out of pivotal decisions. And more importantly, you would never have done anything that would hurt their feelings. But by not asking for their views when finalising plans, you’ve achieved both. Upset as others are, a sincere apology and promise to change should help heal the wound.
Wednesday To you, there’s no question what should be done about certain rather tricky business or financial matters. But close emotional ties or partners view things from an alarmingly different angle. You’re right in thinking that you’re unlikely to be able to reconcile these views. However, with effort you can achieve a workable compromise.
Thursday You seem to have an unexpected ally. This person has been interested in your activities for some time. Because they’ve also been aware of your ferocious independence, they’ve kept a low profile. However, judging by the generosity of activities on your behalf now, you might want to seek them out and thank them.
Friday For you, discussions are meant to lead to a decision, then action. Others clearly don’t think that way. They seem to regard recent exchanges as the beginning of a lengthy dialogue. Either you’ll have to be prepared for things to take a lot longer than expected or get things going without their support.
Saturday Even at your most resourceful, you recognise that you can’t handle certain projects on your own. Yet recent arrangements have proved disappointing. Eager as you are to proceed, bide your time. The events triggered by next week’s fantastic planetary activity involving the inventive Uranus could introduce both welcome changes and the ideal associates.
Sunday You’re by no means overly sentimental. Nevertheless, you’re having trouble letting go of certain plans and the people involved with them. If anything, you’re thinking about them more every day. This has more to do with your difficulty in admitting that you were wrong than any tendency to cling to the past.
Everybody is looking to you to make decisions. While you’re confident that what you’d chose would be both wise and practical, you’re wisely unwilling to take steps without others’ cooperation. But they’ll avoid any such commitments until you make it crystal clear that without their support, you’re not going to do a thing.
It was only last week that others were in such a frustrating mood that you found yourself wondering why you even bother with them. But now that you’ve had a chance to reflect on the discussions triggered by Friday’s emotionally intense Full Moon, you realise how badly these issues needed to be aired.
You’re feeling increasingly uneasy about certain financial issues that have remained undecided for far too long. Either others are playing games or genuinely unsure what to do. Whatever the case, before you do anything, it’s well worth waiting to see what next week’s stunning aspect between your ruler Venus and the sensible Saturn brings.
You already know what you think is wise. And things have been going smoothly. But you dislike undertaking far-reaching changes without at least discussing plans with those who they’d influence. This is where you run into trouble. There are as many views as they are individuals, and you begin to regret that you asked. But now the cat’s out of the bag and others must be included in decisions. Or you could wait. Withdraw gracefully; then, when next week’s extraordinary developments seem almost to make decisions on your behalf, you’ll be able to tell others that you really had no choice.
For some weeks already you’ve been immersed in plans involving improvements on the domestic front. Things have gone so well that you’re feeling more optimistic than for ages. Now you encounter unexpected problems, in the form of conflicts over money or control. While disheartening, these aren’t as bad as they seem initially. Taking things slowly allows you to turn difficulties to your advantage. First, in asking for help, you acquire support that wouldn’t otherwise have come your way. As important, you’re forced to face financial realities. When those plans shift into high gear next week, this knowledge will come in seriously handy.
Monday(10/13) There’s no doubt that issues need to be discussed. But you’re worried that being frank with certain individuals, will either upset them or hurt their feelings. That is what they’re hoping that you’ll feel. They’re far tougher than they’re letting on. While they’re not without feelings, their vulnerability is a mostly an act.
Tuesday(10/14) Only last week you were at odds with others about pivotal decisions on the domestic or career front. You seemed unable to find any common ground. Now events have taken over, leaving you with little choice but to do as circumstances dictate, and giving you an excuse to kiss and make up.
Wednesday(10/15) There’s no way of putting a good face on it. Others were rude or treated vital issues with virtually no respect. Let them know how you feel, but say no more. Either others will be so embarrassed that they’ll find an appropriate way to apologise or they don’t care and won’t pretend they do.
獅子座 Finally the plans you’ve struggled to make happen are taking form. You should be thrilled, yet you’re increasingly uneasy with what others are up to and decisions that are being made without consulting you. True, you’ve encouraged others to do exactly that. But now you find the direction in which they’re taking things worrying. From your vantage point, that’s valid. However, they know things you don’t about the rapid and surprising developments that, between now and the month’s close, will completely change the shape of things. Ask for explanations. Once you see the whole picture, you’ll be relieved that you didn’t interfere.
Usually you rely on a combination of exciting developments and your own enthusiasm to convince others to go along with your plans or ideas. Now you encounter obstacles in the form of serious questions, probably involving finances, and unsettling conflicts with those you thought understood you. Considering their objections may be illuminating, but that confronting them is unlikely to accomplish much. Even efforts to reach a compromise could backfire. In fact, by the time you’ve reached an accord, probably next week, circumstances are likely to have changed - enough that you’d need to alter some of the arrangements you battled to keep.
You’ve no objection to shouldering the burden for decisions involving others. And whether these involve career or are closer to home, you’re both sure of your facts and what others need. Consequently, when certain individuals raise objections, you’re surprised. Don’t take these personally; they’ve more to do with their anxieties than your abilities. But do view this as an opportunity to examine your plans from a broader perspective. By the week’s close intriguing changes will have begun to alter situations -enough that you might want to take plans back to the drawing broad. If so, you’ll be thanking those who caused you delays.
The sooner you recognise that certain individuals have no intention of reaching an accord with you, the better. True, they appear to be making every effort to sort out problems. They’ve reasons of their own for keeping things off balance. Withdraw completely, refusing to say another word until you’re convinced they’re trustworthy.
Nobody is more cautious and thorough than a Capricorn. This makes certain individuals’ questions about your views all the more surprising. You could be insulted. But you can also regard the process of gathering whatever information is needed to convince them as an opportunity to review both your facts and the resulting conclusions.
Achieving a balance between obligations and love and life’s pleasures is never easy. This becomes a serious problem when you’re over-committed, as is so often the case. Usually various commitments take first priority. But between now and next Monday’s encounter between Venus and your ruler Saturn, matters of the heart must come first.
After a week of rather spectacular successes in everything from matters of the heart to future plans, life is good. That is, until you’re tripped up by either certain details you hadn’t attended to or simply hoped wouldn’t be a problem. You could explain these away. But once things begin moving even more swiftly next week, what seem minor issues could turn into serious obstacles. The last thing you’re in the mood to deal with now are tiresome restrictions or boring individuals. However, the time you spend on these is a small price to pay for the extraordinary developments coming your way.
Others seem to be in an agreeable mood. But don’t be fooled into thinking that this surface accord means that they’ll actually go along with what you’ve planned. The odds are good that they’ll soon find reasons that will either cause delays or mean that they’re unable to proceed as intended.
It would be easy to complain about others’ lack of imagination. While it’s true that they probably can’t see things in the same light that you do, they still know what they’re talking about. In this case, that means you’d be well advised to take warning about business or finances very seriously indeed.
While there are few bonds that are as close as those with family, there’s also nobody who can cause more upset or aggravation. Think twice before you allow these issues to turn into something more serious. While you may be unable to find a single shared viewpoint, you can still agree to disagree.
Frustrating as obstacles may be, they are actually doing you a favour. In fact, in slowing your pace they prevent you making commitments that would only cause complications later. Forget about hurrying things. Your time is best spent on seeking out and problems and doing everything you can to remedy them.
10/14 Tuesday
Nothing is more irritating than explaining your thinking to those who only pretend to be interested. Ironically, however, the extra effort you have to make organising your thoughts won't get make it easier to get your points across to them. In the long run you'll find that you learn as much as they do.
10/15 Wednesday
Now that the dust has died down, you should find that you're better able to recognise the importance of the changes triggered by last week's unsettling Aries Full Moon. In fact, by now you're probably feeling thankful that you had an opportunity to air issues you thought you'd just have to live with.
Discussions with business partners or loved ones are progressing so well, particularly in the light of recent clashes, that you're optimistic about plans being settled swiftly. Alas, however, others things aren't going as smoothly. A combination of practical obstacles and epic misunderstandings merge to create problems on the domestic front. What's more, those who are responsible are merrily shifting the burden your way. You're furious, primarily because this is preventing you from taking advantage of promising situations. When extraordinary opportunities arise next week, however, you'll be relieved, since the arrangements that you're struggling to make now would only hobble you then.
Everybody is looking to you to make decisions. While you’re confident that what you’d chose would be both wise and practical, you’re wisely unwilling to take steps without others’ cooperation. But they’ll avoid any such commitments until you make it crystal clear that without their support, you’re not going to do a thing.
It was only last week that others were in such a frustrating mood that you found yourself wondering why you even bother with them. But now that you’ve had a chance to reflect on the discussions triggered by Friday’s emotionally intense Full Moon, you realise how badly these issues needed to be aired.
You’re feeling increasingly uneasy about certain financial issues that have remained undecided for far too long. Either others are playing games or genuinely unsure what to do. Whatever the case, before you do anything, it’s well worth waiting to see what next week’s stunning aspect between your ruler Venus and the sensible Saturn brings.
You already know what you think is wise. And things have been going smoothly. But you dislike undertaking far-reaching changes without at least discussing plans with those who they’d influence. This is where you run into trouble. There are as many views as they are individuals, and you begin to regret that you asked. But now the cat’s out of the bag and others must be included in decisions. Or you could wait. Withdraw gracefully; then, when next week’s extraordinary developments seem almost to make decisions on your behalf, you’ll be able to tell others that you really had no choice.
Recent happy developments involving close relationships didn’t just boost your spirits. They confirmed your belief that certain hopes could, indeed, be achieved. Since then obstacles and others’ questions have caused complications. Tempting as a quick fix might be, it would only hide problems. And while you could convince doubters that plans are worth pursuing, you’re beginning to have some questions yourself. So make no promises to others, even if this means avoiding them. This strategy makes excellent sense next week, when spectacular if unexpected developments take things further -albeit in a somewhat different form - than you’d have imagined possible.
It’s said that the devil is in the details. That certainly seems to be the case at the moment. In fact others are using unimportant issues to avoid taking plans to the next stage. Discuss the details that worry them, but the real question to ask is whether they’ve any intention of proceeding.
You may feel that you’re cornered by a combination of unfair circumstances and unimaginative individuals. Confining as the situations you’re facing now seem, things are about to change. In fact by the time next week’s dramatic aspects to the innovative Uranus are past, you’ll barely recognise the situations that have so frustrated you.
Recently you’ve been disappointed by others. They’ve made promises then haven’t kept them. If this happened once, you’d have believed that it was a mere slip of the mind. But now you must ask whether they’re more interested in impressing you with appealing commitments or backing up those words with action.
Nobody could say that you haven’t tried. On the contrary, you’ve given certain people and certain situations your all. But now you’re beginning to wonder if you haven’t reached the point of no return. Just when you’re about to tell them to forget it, they’ll suddenly show you what they can do.
You can ask for anything you want, but do so knowing that demands that are beyond others’ capacity bound to be met with refusals, if not laughter. However, judging by the next week’s extraordinary planetary activity, what seems completely out of reach now could become reality within a very short time.
Others have really let you down. In fact you find it hard to believe that anybody you trusted could be so uncaring. It could be that they weren’t. Grim as things seem now, if you talk things through from the beginning, you’re likely to discover that they completely misunderstood what you wanted from them.
Others may insist that you should question your current good fortune, seeking out potential problems. But they live in a world full of suspicion and intrigue. While you’d be well advised to ask what’s expected if you take advantage of offers, there’s nothing to be gained by mimicking others’ paranoia.
As a Pisces and somebody who believes that miracles are possible, you’re probably not at all surprised by the wonderful way that things have turned out. Others are more cynical, however. This means you’ll either have to find a way to explain these developments in a way they understand ? or simply ignore them.
There seems to be an assumption that, while you’ve no reason to expect the world at large to you support your views, family will automatically understand what you’re doing. Their recent statements reveal this just isn’t so. On the other hand, if their support isn’t necessary to progress, their views are completely irrelevant.
You’re stuck shouldering the responsibility for decisions but haven’t nearly enough information. It won’t be easy, but you must refuse to commit until you’re sure of both situations and your own priorities. Others can pile the pressure on, but this clarity’s likely to remain elusive until the Sun moves into Scorpio next week.
You’re feeling generous towards those who you care about. Yet you’re hesitant about exposing your affection as you’d like, primarily because doing so would make you more vulnerable. Say and no nothing, however, and while you’ll protect yourself you’ll also be creating a distance between you and those who matter most.
Nobody’s capable of being more persuasive than a Scorpio. But you like to win, so tend to use these skills when you know enough about who and what you’re dealing with that you can take a strategic approach. Now none of that is necessary. Simply say what you feel. That will be enough.
Thursday(10/16) Others are insisting that you confront certain individuals with the full facts, then demand an explanation. While you agree that things must be dealt with, you feel their sledgehammer approach will only heighten tensions. You’re right in thinking that a gentle but persistent discussion of the issues in question will achieve far more.
Friday(10/17) You can afford to be easy going about differences of a purely philosophical nature. When it comes to money or your personal security, however, a lack of accord could lead to serious problems. The trick is to listen carefully for common ground on which some kind of agreement can be built.
Saturday(10/18) There’s nothing worse than disappointing somebody you care about. But it would appear that’s what you’re about to do. Thus far you’d avoided mentioning this, primarily because you still hoping things will work out. They may. Let others know they’re problems now and if things work out, it will be a pleasant surprise.
Sunday(10/19) Juggling finances is always exhausting. But it’s been particularly the case in situations that involve family matters or jointly held property. Difficult as things seem now, by the middle of next week powerfully positive aspects involving Uranus, planet of innovation, will have turned everything in a far more positive ? if completely unexpected - direction.
Thursday If certain individuals are still giving you a hard time, you may be better off leaving things as they are. At the moment this may seem colossally unwise. But once the amazing opportunities triggered by next week’s aspects to your ruler Uranus have taken place, these issues won’t be nearly as important.
Friday You wouldn’t necessarily have said that there were tensions with those around you at home or at work. But now that you’ve begun discussing certain issues frankly, you realise how much you were avoiding for fear of upsetting them. Keep these lines of communication open and you’ll prevent these tensions issues building up again.
Saturday Naturally misunderstandings are worrying, particularly if they involve a tricky combination of money and those closest. Still, you’d be well advised to put off discussions for the time being. Since circumstances and others’ mood are likely to improve next week, what seems critical now could be resolved easily ? and within a short time.
Sunday You’re so disappointed in others that you don’t know what to say. The answer is very little. Grim as things seem now, the next few days’ revelations will cast both the situations and the individuals involved in a far clearer and more positive light. Until then, simply avoid the issue entirely.
天秤座デイリー後半原文(1/1) Thursday(10/16) You wouldn’t deny that your standards for romance are higher than most. This means that, inevitably, you try harder than others, which in turn means t hey benefit from your efforts more than you do. Yet now they complain. This isn’t just ungrateful, it means you must discuss where this relationship is going.
Friday(10/17) Others will say almost anything without giving a moment’s thought to how thei r words might influence those they’re speaking to. Usually you don’t allow this careless attitude to bother you. Now, however, you’ll either have to raise this issue now or watch in silence while conversations that could cause serious upset continue.
天秤座デイリー後半原文(2/2) Saturday(10/18) It may not seem so at the moment, but you really are in a most advantageous position. Others owe you big time, but have done everything they could to avoid even acknowledging their debt to you. Over the coming week events will do the job for you, and better you’d have im agined possible.
Sunday(10/19) It’s not that you’re shy. You’re just worried that if you tell others exactly what you want or intend to achieve, they’ll either misunderstand or overreact. Yet you can’t achieve your objectives solo. This means taking chances, and having faith that others will talk issues through with you at every stage of developments.
獅子座 Thursday Most Leos have a live and let live philosophy, leaving the criticism of others to your neighbouring sign Virgo. Yet you can’t help but judge how one particular person is handling certain arrangements. Discuss your concerns openly. True, exchanges won’t necessarily be cordial. But these differences are better aired than left to ferment.
Friday Things may have been difficult with others lately. But these conflicts haven’t been all bad. In fact in many cases the process of airing your differences has forced you to discuss and resolve long standing issues. Now that you have, you should be able to restore important relationships to their former harmony.
Saturday You’re worried about certain plans. When they were made they seemed wise. But others aren’t even interested in discussing alterations. It won’t be necessary. They won’t be able to do a thing to stop the unexpected developments ? and resulting changes - triggered by next week’s powerful aspects to the planet of innovation, Uranus.
Sunday For ages you’ve either ignored or navigated around contentious issues on the family front. You’ve felt that it was easier to pretend these didn’t exist than risk causing dramas. Now, however, you’ll find that others aren’t just ready to discuss these, if asked they’ll also be prepared to apologise for their difficult attitude.
Thursday The word teamwork figures large in your chart. While you can be a serious team player, you still assume that the burden for the success of plans, ventures or even relationships falls mostly on your shoulders. Now, at last, you’ve an opportunity to learn what others can do-if you let them.
Friday While you’re happy to pass the time of day with friends or loved ones, you expect discussions aimed at making plans or achieving certain goals to focus on exactly that. Clearly, others don’t agree. Either accept the fact that they’ll take a long time making decisions or opt out of ventures with them.
For ages others have complained that you don’t make it easy for them to show their affection or give you gifts. You deny this, but secretly know that it’s true. Now circumstances give you a glimpse of how frustrated those who care most are, when their only intention is show what they feel.
Sunday While you can’t exactly plan good fortune, you can pave the way for it. If you do this now, by early November your efforts will begin to reap extraordinary results. The trick is to open lines of communication with those who matter, but keep things loose enough to give opportunity a chance to knock.
Under most circumstances you’d be right in saying that nobody understands your needs better than you do. But you sometimes confuse that with simply stubbornness. This means that when certain things aren’t going your way, it’s an indication that you might be better off giving up than persisting out of sheer wilfulness.
As an Aries, when you feel excited about something, you’ve an extraordinary capacity to communicate that enthusiasm to others. Still, not everybody will respond as you hoped. Some are even argumentative. Don’t allow these individuals’ cynicism to overshadow the more positive reactions of others. It’s no reflection on the quality of your commitment.
As an Aries you’re passionate about everything you do in life. It’s just that sometimes you become so absorbed in some activities that you forget about others. That’s certainly the case with pressing family or domestic matters. These can’t wait. In fact you’ll have to hurry if you’re to make up for lost time.
You’ve very much at odds with others over certain decisions. If these involved simple practical matters you could weigh things up, then settle differences easily. What’s tricky is that, because moral conflicts are the issue, you must first analyse your own views, then find a way to express those views to others.