You need to know that you are capable of great things. I say this, not to encourage you but, hopefully, to inspire a degree of restraint this week. If a mediocre result is all that you have the potential to attain, what does it matter what you choose to do or say? It is precisely because, played correctly, your cards have the potential to win the game, that you need to concentrate so carefully. You have to be bold and adventurous. But you also have to think about what's the best way (and when's the best time) to take action.
"If faith can move mountains, disbelief can deny their existence. And faith is impotent against such impotence." Arnold Schoenberg's apt observation, made at the turn of the last century, is no less relevant now. There are times in life when cynicism is helpful and doubt is constructive. There are though, other times (such as now) when, if anything of a worthwhile nature is to happen at all, a wholehearted effort must be made to nurture and protect some valuable fantasy. Dreams are precious in more ways than you might realise.
Astrology rather like music, is simple in essence, complex in practice. The cosmic cycles that govern our lives are easy enough to identify provided there's only one going on at a time. When, though, the orchestra seems to be following two or more themes at once you get tension and challenge. Your biggest concern stems from a feeling of being pulled in several directions at once. This week, the strands converge upon a single point. Expect some much-needed clarification - followed by some real inspiration.
Somewhere, on the circuit board of your life, there's a loose, live wire. It's capable of carrying quite a current. Connected, correctly, to the right part of your world, it can put a source of constant, positive power at your disposal. Hooked up in the wrong way - or to some inappropriate outlet, it can create devastation. Mars and Jupiter are now opposed and their influence is potentially a great blessing. But you absolutely cannot allow yourself to act without thinking, very carefully, about what you are doing and why.
Welcome to a suprisingly satisfying week. Of late, you have been questioning your worth to others or doubting, even, your ability to be useful to yourself. You have come to think of yourself as a person who sometimes makes poor choices. Pessimism does not suit the Taurean personality and nor does self-denigration. You need and deserve the chance to shine that you are just about to get. Take it and stop worrying. You'll soon see precisely why most of your current negative assumptions are so laughably false.
Be nifty, nimble and deft. See yourself as a super-powered comic-book character with superpowers, able to get from one side of the world to the other and back - in less time than it takes the other occupants to blink. Or envisage yourself as an illusionist, able to draw the attention of an audience to a handkerchief while you subtly hide the ace of hearts behind a vase of flowers. What looks at first this week, like a hopeless situation will eventually become an opportunity to employ your superior skills of manipulation!
Money, rather like food, is something we all need a certain amount of - but also something we all have a personal, special relationship with. There's a limit to how much even the hungriest person can eat. Acquire too much food and you end up watching some of it go to waste. That's why it makes so much sense to share it. Why am I discussing surplus when, financially if not nutritionally, you suspect a shortage? Because the departure of Venus from your sign suggests that fears of famine should be forgotten as a feast gets underway.
You are going where you need to go, seeing what you need to see, experiencing what you need to experience. If that seems, to you, like a debatable statement, maybe it is because you are not finding your current journey of discovery especially easy. Great adventurers though, can't expect to make impressive progress by staying on the tried and tested track. A wonderful change awaits you fairly soon - but it can come about only if you are prepared to explore fresh and somewhat challenging territory.
There are, this week, some important deals to be done and arrangements to be made. They may not, on the surface, seem especially significant. It could seem as if you are merely fixing up a series of small, sensible plans. In so far, though, as these form the foundation of your next major step in the right direction, they matter a great deal. That's why you need to pay attention to detail and to be clear, right from the outset, about what's expected from you - and what you are being asked to promise in return.
Villains wear dark hats and have nasty facial expressions. Heroes and heroines wear lighter clothes and smile more sweetly. In great books and movies, such caricatures are painted. So it's easy, isn't it, to tell a goodie from a baddie? Here in the real world, the distinctions are not always so easy to make. Tempting though it is to over-simplify a situation for the sake of arriving at an easy answer, you need to discriminate this week, on the basis of something far more than an appearance. Clarity is your gift from the sky. Claim it gratefully!
Stand up and assert yourself. Never mind what right you have to be so bold. Consider instead, what right you have to relinquish control or to see yourself as some kind of helpless victim? Today, you can easily play right into the hands of those who would like you to think that you have no option other than to comply with their wishes. It seems easy and tempting to tell yourself that you have to accept what you are being advised to accept. But who is advising you to accept it? And how good is that advice? Suspicion is appropriate now.
Stand up and assert yourself. Never mind what right you have to be so bold. Consider instead, what right you have to relinquish control or to see yourself as some kind of helpless victim? Today, you can easily play right into the hands of those who would like you to think that you have no option other than to comply with their wishes. It seems easy and tempting to tell yourself that you have to accept what you are being advised to accept. But who is advising you to accept it? And how good is that advice? Suspicion is appropriate now.