You don’t think of yourself as either stubborn or resistant to change. Yet not all of the developments triggered by the recent pivotal Gemini solar eclipse have gone down well. However worrying these seem, the more swiftly you undertake them, the faster you’ll realise just how beneficial these changes could be.
Others seem to be looking to you for inspiration, if not to make decisions. Yet the real power is in the hands of others. Frustrating as this is, you’ll simply have to work hard to win those whose views matter over to your way of thinking. Achieve that and the rest is easy.
Some planets move swiftly in their courses. But others arrive for such a long stay that their influence seems to have changed life for ever. That is completely untrue, as the delightful developments that accompany the dour Saturn’s departure from Gemini, after over two years in your sign, more than amply illustrate.
Monday By the time this remarkable week is over, your ruler Saturn will have moved into a new sign, its first change in over two years. This ends a lengthy chapter during which you’ve focused more on obligations than life’s pleasures. Now that focus shifts close relationships and their future promise.
Tuesday Nobody would blame you for being uneasy about offers as sudden as they are promising. However, judging by the current planetary set-up, they could be even better than they seem. The trick is to show interest, yet make no promises, all while you’re checking out facts every step of the way.
Wednesday Life would be a good deal easier if loved ones would choose a more convenient time to misbehave. True, their shenanigans threaten to disrupt important arrangements. Leave them to it. They’re unlikely to do any real damage. What’s more, ignore them now and they’re less likely to act up again.
You’re by no means rigid in your thinking. Yet even you could find the developments of the next few weeks overwhelming. What seems ideal one day could be replaced by something far better the next. Ideally, therefore, you’ll remain open-minded, even when events seem to run counter to your best interests.
Witnessing a lack of generosity in others saddens you. In fact, you’d rather be over-generous than deal with any person or situation in a petty manner. However, with circumstances now forcing you to watch everything from your time to your money more carefully, you’re developing a new respect for a cautious approach.
The tricky dilemmas now facing you are unlikely to be resolved until after the pivotal Sagittarius Full Moon in mid-June. Consequently, forcing issues now achieves little. Instead explore your options, paying special attention to new ideas and unexpected encounters, since what’s least expected is likely to lead to the most worthwhile solutions.
You’re under pressure to make decisions, but are uncharacteristically lacking in direction. This is no surprise. Ideally you’ll keep arrangements loose until this weekend, when the Sagittarius Full Moon brings things on the personal and partnership front to a head. Only after that will your feelings - and your future - be clear.
Having worked long and hard to organise things just to please loved ones, their cool reaction has been a real disappointment. Don’t take this to heart. They’re just as thankful as you’d hoped. It’s just that they’re also feeling guilty that they’re unable to do something as spectacular in return.
For weeks you’ve been shouldering the responsibility for certain tasks single-handedly, partly because you’ve needed to do things your way. But now you’re sufficiently confident about arrangements that you’ll ready to share the responsibility with others. This is fortunate, since by the week’s close circumstances force you to do exactly that.
You may have to temporarily suspend your habitual live and let live philosophy. You’re always felt it important that everybody’s ideas be expressed, however questionable or offensive. However, now that certain individuals’ disruptive activities are making a mockery of your tolerant attitude, you’ve no choice but to draw the line.
By the week’s close you’re likely to have had words with some individuals and fallen out with others. But that’s no bad thing. A false sense of politeness has prevented frank discussion of potentially troubling issues. Now sudden developments force everybody, including you, to say exactly what needs to be said.
魚座なのですが、宜しく御願いします。 月曜日 It would be no surprise if felt overwhelmed by the ideas, offers or opportunities triggered by Jupiter’s potent aspect to your ruler Neptune. These have more to do with the process of developing a fresh perspective than simple decisions. Knowing that, you’ll forget about mere facts and instead rely on your intuition. 火曜日 You are at your most charming and persuasive. In fact with the Sun superbly aspecting your ruler Neptune, you can have your way in pretty much any situation. Consider carefully what you opt for, however, since with circumstances changing so swiftly and dramatically, what’s ideal today may prove undesirable tomorrow. 水曜日 Now that the sternly practical Saturn has moved, for a stay of over two years, into the most creative angle of your chart, long-cherished dreams could become reality. This gives you the combination of determination and staying power that’s necessary to achieve goals that you once considered beyond your reach
For the past several weeks you’ve been cornered into focusing on tedious, if vital, practical matters. Now that your ruler Venus is moving into the inquisitive Gemini, you encounter intriguing offers and opportunities. Better yet, having just organised business and finances, you’ll ideally positioned to take advantage of these developments.
Now that you’re in a position to examine others’ manoeuvres, you realise just how manipulative they’ve been. In fact thus far they’ve been amazingly successful at backing you into a corner. What you’ve learned provides a vital first step to extracting yourself from the web of guilt and obligation that they’ve created.
Nobody would blame you for being upset. Judging from their actions, certain individuals who you trusted - and quite possibly loved - have betrayed you. However, there’s much more involved than what meets the eye. Once you learn more about what they’ve been dealing with, things are likely to look very different indeed.
不公平だと特徴づけられた状況ではないにしながらも、あなたがいま 直面している制限は、欲求不満を増やす元になっています。 もし、この先10日間つまり勇者の星である火星が魚座入りするまで それらを我慢できれば、突然の展開が、もう十分なほど あなたの我慢に対して報いてくれるでしょう。 (原文) While you wouldn’t exactly have characterised situations as unfair, the restrictions you’ve been facing have been a source of increasing frustration. If you can live with these for the next ten days, until the warrior planet Mars moves into Pisces, sudden developments will be more than amply reward your patience.
You are in the unenviable position of being in possession of important facts, yet being unable to discuss them openly. Naturally you’d like to warn certain individuals about the situations in question. However, judging by the current rapid pace of change, by the week’s close those warnings will be completely unnecessary.
For some considerable length of time you’ve been aware that there were certain issues to be faced in close business or personal relationships. But nothing’s ever seemed so urgent that it couldn’t wait. Now that your ruler Saturn has moved to accent such matters, they’re bound to take centre stage.
Because frequent changes in circumstances have been so demanding, you've had no choice but to let other duties or responsibilities slip. When you get around to financial matters, you're likely to discover a few surprises. Some are merely due to others' carelessness. But a few will require somewhat more serious investigation.
Few things upset you more than intolerance. It is for this reason that you've put up with others' questionable approach to issues for so long. But if you haven't confronted them about these, you must. Tell them exactly what upsets you, then ask for their explanation. It's likely to be illuminating.
You'd have good reason to be upset by others apparent casual attitude towards the plans or arrangements you struggled long and hard to organise. Bad as things look, it really isn't their fault. In fact once you've learned more about the dilemmas they've faced, your attitude will switch from irritation to compassion.
直感的な魚座さんであっても、あなたは他人の人生における本当の問題と 単に不機嫌と呼ばれるだけのものとの違いをいつも認識できるわけではありません。 事実、今週の微妙な星たちの配置は、みんながたくさんの不満を持っていることを 示しています。しかしある人たちはとてもお気楽に単なるジレンマを深刻な問題へと 変えつつあります。 (原文) Even as an intuitive Pisces you can't always discern the difference between genuine problems in others' lives and what can only be termed a bad mood. True, this week's tricky planetary set up means everybody will have plenty to complain about. But certain individuals are merrily turning mere dilemmas into serious dramas.
Even the most expansive of Leos has a private side that's shared only with those you trust and care about. Difficult as it is for you to believe, they seem to have betrayed that trust. However clear cut things seem, ask questions. The answers you get should convince you that they were unjustly accused.
Disruptive as sudden developments involving partnership arrangements may be, in the long run they'll prove fruitful. In fact, in retrospect you'll realise that you'd been avoiding suggesting changes for fear of triggering complaints from others. But now that events have forced your hand, there will be nobody for them to blame.
Today, 10 June 2003 Nobody has a stronger sense of fair play than you do. Yet you've lived with arrangements that aren't quite what you'd call ideal for far too long, primarily because you haven't known how to tackle them. Now events do it for you, forcing you to tell others exactly what you've been thinking.
It’s not that you’re oblivious to the shortcomings of certain individuals. But their quirks have never bothered you enough to object. Now that easy going attitude must be exchanged for home truths and forthright demands. How seriously your words are taken should reveal just what value others place on your relationship.
以下原文 >There is a fault with the ISP - this is not allowing ANY uploads to any of >their sites - including ours. > >I am sorry for this issue, but sadly there is nothing that can be done until >the security issues have been resolved at the ISP level - this is as much >for your security as ours. > >This matter should be resolved soon. If however you let me know what sign >you are - I shall specially prepare your stars and e-mail them to you > >Regards > >William Graham >PA to Shelley von Strunckel
Few things are more exasperating than those who merrily make promises with no intention of keeping them. Cavalier as others' attitude appears to have been, don't condemn them just yet. In fact, once you learn more about the obstacles that they've been facing, your irritation will turn to admiration.
You see no reason to raise issues which you know will only upset others. What's more, there's little chance of resolving them. However, with aspects to the unpredictable Uranus suggesting that even seemingly rigid circumstances could change suddenly, you've absolutely nothing to lose by at least discussing the issues in question.
山羊座6/11です。よろしくお願いします。 Today, 11 June 2003 It's said that the best and most lasting agreements are reached by disagreeing first, then working hard to find a common ground. If that's true, then you have the best possible foundation for future accord, since at the moment you seem to be at odds about virtually every element of certain plans.
Having spent ages making arrangements, you’re bound to be upset when others need to pull out at the last minute. On the other hand, recent developments have made you wonder whether you shouldn’t be rearranging your plans anyway. Now events seem to be giving you little choice in the matter.
It is becoming increasingly clear that certain plans involved partners or loved ones simply cannot proceed as arranged. While disappointing, there's little point in trying to keep things as they were. In fact you may be better off forgetting things entirely, taking a break and then starting all over again.
Last week’s developments didn’t just boost your spirits, they looked seriously promising. But, disappointingly, they’d come to nothing. Don’t give up just yet. For these to come to fruition changes in both circumstances and others’ views are necessary, many of which are unlikely to be in place until the month’s close.
It's often said that nothing is achieved by arguing with those who are ignorant, is the path to frustration. But you've no choice. However, since you'll be trying to win over those who have little concern for the facts, you'll achieve far more if focus your arguments on the emotional side of situations.
It may be that you’ve never discussed the issues in question fully. Or it’s possible that others are simply hoping that you won’t notice that they aren’t fulfilling their responsibilities. Whatever the case, don’t allow another minute to pass without discussing obligations, both others’ and your own, in extensive detail.
There are times when conversations must be carefully planned. But at the moment situations are in such a state of flux that even important exchanges must be conducted on an ad hoc basis. Knowing this, do you best to have your facts to hand, prepared to address issues when the moment comes.
Nobody understands better than a Leo that loving relationships are all about give and take. Consequently, you’re extraordinarily generous when it comes to time, to plans and even to your affections. Unless you curb your tendency to be as bountiful with gifts, however, you’ll spoil others and bankrupt yourself.
Recent discussions revealed upsetting facts about others’ views. It’s not that those views differ; it’s that they never saw fit to discuss their approach to issues with you. If such upsets are to be avoided in the future, you must ensure that others understand the importance you place on such exchanges.
With Saturn now in Cancer you’re beginning to view practical matters from a very different angle. Currently, this is manifesting as a need to deal both thoroughly and cautiously with this week’s crop of unruly events and contentious individuals. Once you’d have worried about the fallout being too forthright might cause, but now you’re tougher. This is good timing, simply because the combination of unsettled circumstances and pressing situations you face are best dealt with firmly. Plus, instead of being alienating, the attitude of others has improved. So much in fact, that you’re not just relieved, your confidence inspires you to be even tougher.
山羊座後半です。お手数ですが、よろしくお願いいたします。 Thursday As Capricorn you’d never base plans on facts and practical analysis, instead of what you hope is true. However, if ever there was a time to listen to your instincts over those hard facts, it’s now and in the run up to late June’s extraordinary aspect between your ruler Saturn and the innovative Uranus.
Friday For some weeks now you’ve wanted to reorganise elements of the daily routine at home or at work, but had no support from others. Suddenly they realise just how important the suggestions you’ve been making are. True, they’re unlikely to help. But at least now you can rely on their support.
Saturday Not surprisingly you’re getting fed up with shouldering the responsibility for both your duties and others’ obligations. Since others are happy with things as they are, it’s up to you to force issues. If others object, it’s only because they’re reluctant to let go of the good deal they’ve had ‘til now.
Sunday The constant and seemingly pointless quibbling of others may be annoying. But it’s worth encouraging, particularly at the moment. Listen carefully to what others say. Not only is it the only way you’re likely to learn what they’re unhappy about, the resulting exchanges could reveal worthwhile idea for the future.
山羊座ウィークリーです。 よろしくお願いします。 Last week’s move by your ruler Saturn into a new sign, its first change in over two years, is bound to shift your perspective. But it won’t be until the month’s close, when fantastic planetary activity involving both Saturn and the innovative Uranus ushers in extraordinary opportunities, that you’ll be aware of the full range of your options. So instead of struggling over long range plans now, tackle the array of minor but unrelenting issues now facing you. While tedious, not only must they be dealt with, in doing so you reconnect with certain individuals who could prove pivotal as the future unfolds.
For ages you’ve worried that in saying yes to extremely appealing offers or opportunities you’d disappoint certain individuals. Now that you’re taking those plans to the next stage, you’re beginning to realise that others were deliberately making you feel guilty, hoping that they could keep things just as they were.
It’s not that you were putting off certain tasks, as much as you were worried that in focusing on your own obligations others would feel neglected. Now that you’ve finally tackled them, there’s been virtually no comment. In fact, you’re beginning to realise how little notice anybody would have taken.
You might never have thought of unimportant habits or something as routine as your daily habits as interfering with progress. Think carefully about your reaction to recent ideas, offers or developments and you’ll realise that is exactly the case. Change those habits and the world suddenly becomes bigger and more exciting.
Having put a lot of effort into planning things, changes are the last thing you’d welcome. Yet they’re inevitable. However frustrating this is, once the developments promised by fantastic planetary activity at the month’s close take place, your objections will vanish. In fact you’ll embrace even unsettling developments with unbridled enthusiasm.
Keep in mind that the current crop of mysterious developments, particularly those involving certain individuals and business or financial matters, are unlikely to be resolved until late next week, and you avoid forcing issues unwisely. Be similarly understanding about issues with those closest. Corner others and they’ll say only what they want you to hear. If you instead allow unruly developments to expose both situations and others’ activities for what they are, over time you’ll see both their motivation and potential solutions. Take it slowly. Ultimately, patient probing reveals seemingly suspicious activities as a clever, if surprising, approach to resolving even tricky dilemmas.
Bitter as disappointments involving those people or activities that are most dear to your heart may be, things aren’t as bad as they seem. True, they won’t ever be as they were before. Accept whatever changes are required, and you’ll soon begin to realise just how restrictive past arrangements were.
Last minute changes are always unsettling, and if caused by others’ carelessness they’re irritating too. Once you tackle the actual situations involved, however, your mood improves. In fact, as you realise that certain vital issues had been neglected, your annoyance will be exchanged for gratitude that things were caught soon enough.
Nobody would blame you for being disappointed by the actions or attitude of loved ones. There seems little point in discussing things. However, that’s exactly what you should do. Talk misunderstandings over frankly before they’ve a chance to ferment. What you learn is likely to result in a considerably sweeter brew.
With so much change going on around you, the odds are good that even relatively simple plans will need to be altered several times over. Disruptive as these are, once you undertake the changes in question, you’ll not only recognise them as timely, you’ll actually begin to enjoy the process.
射手座後半、どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Thursday Certain individuals seem to be in an argumentative mood. While their contentious approach makes even simple arrangements take far longer than they would otherwise, there’s something to be said for arguing plans point by point. Not only are you forced to justify your thinking, the resulting discussions result in worthwhile alternatives.
Friday You pride yourself on your fairness. But there are times when even you allow your emotions to overcome that more rational side of your nature. This is particularly the case now, with the emotionally intense Sagittarius Full Moon dredging up feelings you’ve either been ignoring or simply didn’t know were there.
Saturday Sudden and unsettling as others’ decisions may be, they’re also a relief. You’ve known for some time that changes on the partnership front were long overdue, but didn’t know where to begin. Now that those closest have started the process, it’s up to you to take things to the next stage.
Sunday There are those who can do nothing without the full backing of friends, family or colleagues. While you’ll happily proceed with only minimal support, the undermining carping that’s currently coming from certain quarters is upsetting. Ignore them. Their complaints are all about their neuroses and have absolutely nothing to do with you.
Not only are certain individuals uninterested in settling issues, they’re approaching them as if they were a chess game, strategising every move. And they’re taking their own time as well. Not only is hurrying them pointless, the events triggered by Saturday’s Sagittarius Full Moon both force issues and cast the entire situation in a new light. Yet, you’re obsessed by these dramas, so are not easily distracted. Try exploring various ideas, even those that result from contentious discussions, and you’re soon so absorbed that dilemmas vanish. Better yet, when things change suddenly this weekend, you’ll already have an array of intriguing alternatives to consider.
Being both canny by nature and calculating when it comes to finances, you’re undoubtedly aware that by the time of this weekend’s Full Moon certain changes are inevitable. Still, you can’t anticipate everything. In fact, you’re still likely to be surprised by the dramatic and sudden nature of developments.
Important as events involving your personal, business or financial security may be, don’t emphasise these over matters of an emotional nature. In fact you could be focusing all your efforts on getting those more practical matters in order, when it’s unsettled emotional issues that are behind your anxieties.
You’re probably beginning to wonder if certain individuals are arguing primarily because the like the sound of their own voice. You’re not far from wrong. However much they pride themselves on being outspoken, they still have some important points to make. If you’re wise, you’ll listen to what they say carefully.
Intriguing as recent offers were, you’re beginning to wonder if others aren’t playing a cat and mouse game with you. Their inconsistency has made you wonder whether what they’re discussing exists at all. It does, but nothing is likely to be reliable until the end of the month.
Because you prefer to face an unpleasant fact than live in fantasy, you’re almost looking forward to the confrontations that should finally clear up confusion involving joint ventures, finances or questions about others’ trustworthiness. Having already given considerable thought to these matters, you’re confident that your facts are sound. So when others seem to be trying to confuse things, you’re uneasy ? if not suspicious. However, tricky situations wreak havoc with even straightforward matters. Raise issues, therefore, but reserve your judgement until things are calmer, next week. More important, keep all commitments loose until you’ve seen what early July’s stunning planetary activity brings your way.
てんびん座weeklyです。 お願いいたします。 While it’s true that others are looking to you to make decisions, things aren’t nearly as pressing as they’d like you to think. In fact with increasingly intriguing developments forcing frequent changes in plan, arrangements remain fluid until the month’s close. What’s more, misunderstandings or disagreements with certain individuals must be resolved. In fact, this week it isn’t what you decide that prove most profitable, but what you learn when discussing others’ views and investigating various options. The intriguing ideas you pursue now become next week’s inspiration, and with the pace of change increasing so swiftly, they’ll soon be central to your life.
You’ve done everything you can to maintain certain close relationships on an even keel. But others seem determined to do everything they can to upset the equilibrium. However difficult discussing these extremely tense issues may be, keeping the lines of communication open now enables you to resolve differences easily early next week.
Having made promises or commitments to numerous individuals, the last thing you want to do is reorganise everything. But judging by the next few days’ planetary activity, you’ll have little choice. Waste no time trying to shore up old plans. The sooner you discuss changes with others, the better.
Now that the most responsible planet of them all, Saturn, has moved to accent your domestic and working environment, it would appear that certain pivotal decisions are up to you. Naturally you’ll want to discuss these with others, asking their views. But ultimately the final decision will be yours to make.
Nothing’s more aggravating than, having weighed up every element involved in decisions, being confronted with last minute changes in circumstances. But that’s exactly what you face. True, this means taking things back to the drawing board. However, it also gives you a chance to make much needed improvements in arrangements.
Thursday Others say that disputes over petty issues clear the air. But you consider them no more than a disruption, and an upsetting one at that. But they serve a purpose. Only when provoked will certain individuals reveal all they feeling. While this is true for others, it's particularly the case for you.
Friday Everywhere you turn, you encounter complaints, disputes and bad feelings. This hardly seems the ideal atmosphere in which to undertake serious changes on the domestic or work front. While there's no chance of delaying these, at least you can be confident that you're intimately acquainted with others' likes and dislikes.
Saturday If on one hand you're fuming about recent injustices, and on the other about to tell somebody off, that's as it should be. However, try to bide your time until Tuesday, when the warrior planet itself, Mars, enters Pisces. Suddenly you'll feel well equipped to say exactly what needs saying.
Sunday Initially you thought that there was little point in arguing with others. Now you're beginning to realise that disputing issues, point by point, is their way of understanding the issues in question. Knowing this you can now take part in heated debates, conscious that they're leading to a lasting accord.
The last thing you interesting in doing is reorganising your domestic or working life. You've only just made changes. What's more, you're not sufficiently confident about your priorities that you're ready even to consider commitments of a more lasting nature. Yet if you don't at least indicate your inclinations, then when things come to a head around Saturday's Full Moon, others will assume you don't care and make decisions for you. Discuss long range plans, but turn those seemingly pressing arrangements into on-going exchanges and you'll retain control over plans, while avoiding commitments that you know you couldn't possibly keep.
You don’t consider yourself stubborn. But your resistance to change in situations involving certain individuals or activities that are dear to your heart could soon cause problems. These were central to your happiness. But things are changing. And as the stunning developments promised by extraordinary planetary activity at the month’s close appear, these previous commitments could actually create obstacles. True, current dilemmas might not be reason enough to persuade you to let go of the past. But you can at least entertain the idea that things could be better. Then, when offers arise, you’ll recognise them for the glorious opportunities that they are.
Thursday You see little point in arguing issues involving minor points. But if you don’t at least make it clear where you stand, others will have no idea what’s important to you. If there seems to be no common ground, consider this a starting point. You can save the more serious exchanges for later.
Friday Serenity has its virtues. But a little excitement can be stimulating, too. Dramas both clear the air and create an opportunity to express feelings that are just too overwhelming for everyday consumption. Since this weekend’s Full Moon promises such dramas anyway, this is the ideal time to express those feelings.
Saturday Just because others have told you one thing, that doesn’t mean they’ll stick with that view. In fact, judging by this week’s unsettling planetary activity, they’re likely to alter their viewpoint, if not their loyalties. Certainly before making plans based on their words, you’d be well advised to check things out.
Sunday Sooner or later you’re going to have to talk over difficult issues. If you raise these now, you’ll have the dual burden of initiating exchanges and seeing them to a conclusion. Wait until next week, when events trigger discussions, and while they’ll be considerably more rushed, at least nobody will be blaming you.
Thursday It would break your heart if certain much cherished friendships came to an end. But the antics of others have already caused you considerable upset and suffering. Clear-cut as the facts seem, ask others exactly what’s been motivating them. What they say is likely to both surprise and touch you.
Friday Over the next few days a combination of stimulating discussions and illuminating, if unexpected, developments are going to shift your viewpoint about issues you thought you’d never even question. But times have changed. And if you’re to keep up with what’s going on in the world around you, so too must your attitude.
Saturday Judging by this weekend’s planetary activity, you’re in for at least one disagreement, if not an out and out argument. This may not sound promising. But once you’re going at it with others, you’ll realise that only when under fire are they likely to reveal exactly the nature of their true feelings.
Sunday On Tuesday your ruler Mars enters the sensitive, intuitive Pisces for a six month say. This begins a cycle that will be as perplexing as, ultimately, it will be rewarding. Events force you to rely on your intuition, which in turn strengthens your awareness of the reserves of wisdom that lie within.
You’ve been dreading serious discussions with certain individuals; your concerns focusing less on tricky issues than potential emotional dramas. However, only around Saturday’s Full Moon are outbursts likely. And by then you ? and everybody else ? will be relieved to have things out in the open. Until then changes are unrelenting. Each day’s complex variety of past issues and pressing situations demand swift decisions. Ask questions, learn what you can, then make plans, knowing you’re likely to reorganise them the next day. While disruptive, these changes force everybody to drop their personal agendas and discuss both their feelings and priorities with a much needed frankness.
双子座 Daily後半です。よろしくお願いします。 Thursday You’ve got nothing against change. It’s just that this hardly seems the ideal time to conduct discussions that could lead to a serious reorganisation on the relationship front. Judging by the influence of this weekend’s Full Moon, however, it’s not a matter of whether changes will take place, but how soon.
Friday Now that your ruler Mercury has joined the Sun and the charming Venus in Gemini, both your mood and your position should be considerably improved. So much so, in fact, that with only a little effort you’ll undoubtedly win over those individuals who only recently rejected certain requests cold.
Saturday Now that you’ve had time to consider various potential developments on the career or domestic front, they’re becoming increasingly appealing. Waste no time in exploring your options. That way, when the impatient Mars changes signs midweek and the pace speeds up considerably, you’ll be equipped to make well-informed decisions.
Sunday Few things are more difficult than watching others get upset unnecessarily. But you’re not aware of the full spectrum of the issues they’re wrestling with. Initially they’ll be reluctant to discuss these problems. With a little gentle probing they’ll reveal exactly what they’re struggling with and why.
Thursday You don’t consider yourself to be clingy. If anything you encourage loved ones to feel free. Yet you seem to be having a battle over exactly that: letting go. This isn’t easy. But before the extraordinary future promised by the planets can appear, you must relinquish certain elements of the present.
Friday While you’ve no objection to organising the decision-making process, you’d rather not take sole responsibility for such matters. However, with the courageous Mars in Aquarius for the past six weeks, circumstances have left you little choice. Once it departs early next week you’ll once again be able to rely on others.
Saturday For weeks you’ve diplomatically avoided situations that could lead to potential blow ups, concerned what might be said in the heat of the moment. Now, not can emotional situations no longer be contained, you’re beginning to realise that it’s the only way that certain individuals will ever speak from the heart.
Sunday If ever there was a time to aim high, it’s now. True, both the situations and the individuals you’re currently facing make it seem unlikely that you’ll ever break away from tiresome restrictions. But by the month’s close surprise developments will have enabled you to do that - and much more.
You’re probably already aware that, in various situations, the odds are stacked against you. Either the adversarial attitude of certain individuals prevents civilised discussion or reliable facts are hard to come by. You can’t opt out, but you can take a philosophical approach. Allow others to take the lead, and you avoid potentially disheartening power struggles. Better yet, you can then enjoy whatever pleasant moments the week offers, leaving others to face the results of their own negativity. Thus, when the happy developments promised by fantastic planetary at the month’s close take place, they’re likely to be in a far more cooperative mood.
At first it seems that either certain individuals are being astonishingly selfish, insisting on having things their way or they’re dwelling on minor issues just to be irritating. Exasperating as their attitude seems, don’t lash out until you’ve asked a few questions. What you learn about the issues they’re facing will both soften your attitude and highlight potentially troublesome dilemmas involving a tricky combination of finances, obligations and future plans. Extracting hard facts from the maze of others’ opinions and changing situations isn’t easy. However, in the process you focus on vital details that, in your usual haste, you might otherwise have missed.
Monday Recent exchanges may have been thrilling. But that doesn’t mean that the friends, colleagues or partners or whose good will you rely necessarily understand your plans or intentions. Tiresome as it is, if you’re to take things to the next stage, you’ll have to invest considerable time in winning them over.
Tuesday This week begins a long, informative and ultimately rewarding cycle for you. Now that your ruler Mars has moved into the most intuitive angle of your chart for an unusually long stay of six months, circumstances will demand that you delve into those instincts that you’re usually too rushed to consider.
Wednesday For ages you’ve been avoiding issues that make you feel uneasy, self conscious or that you’re not in control. Now events corner you into tackling these. They won’t necessarily be easy to deal with. But once you have, the feeling of conquest will more than compensate for the effort.
You begin the week absorbed in a variety of battles that are as stimulating as they are frustrating. Irritating as obstacles and others’ restrictive attitudes may be, you thrive on the challenge of confronting and outwitting difficult individuals. What’s more, winning burnishes your ego. Then everything changes, both in terms of those challenges and the armoury you must employ. Initially, you’re flummoxed. Tuesday’s move by your ruler into Mars in Pisces - for six months - is all about learning to rely on your intuition over logic or anybody’s advice. Do that and you’ll astonish yourself and others. Keep on battling and life becomes increasingly complicated.
Time-consuming as resolving last week’s difficulties were, you’re beginning to realise just how much you learned. On one hand you’re recognising that certain individuals will settle for anything to avoid making an effort. And on the other, it’s becoming clear that in certain situations you’re undervaluing yourself. These insights so alter your perspective that you’re reconsidering previous arrangements and giving serious thought to those you’d viewed as unrealistic. This is good timing, since once next week’s events - developments as surprising as they are dramatic ? begin, you’ll need to be ready to move swiftly and take chances on the unknown.
Monday It would be no surprise if you begin the week feeling somewhat disillusioned about either certain situations or particular individuals. Upsetting as the clashes triggered by the recent Full Moon may have been, at least you now know the full facts. Next come decisions about who you can forgive and what’s best forgotten.
Tuesday You have by no means been secretive about either your feelings or your views. Yet you are only now beginning to realise what you’ve left unsaid. You’d simply assumed that others would know your views on certain subjects. They don’t, and until you speak out, they’ll have no idea where you stand.
Wednesday You’re under some pressure to make plans. But not only would that be unwise, you’d complicate matters considerably. Decide nothing until after you’ve seen what next week’s rare and extraordinary aspect between your ruler Saturn and the innovative Uranus brings. After that your life and your priorities could look very different indeed.
Monday Recently you seem to have been the one who’s taken the brunt of others’ problems. This isn’t fair. But they’ve had so much to deal with you didn’t have the heart to complain. If you bear saying nothing until the week’s close, developments should enable you to settle issues once and for all.
Tuesday Now that the courageous Mars has moved into Pisces, you’ve begun a six month long chapter that will be as rewarding as it is, at times, dramatic. Gradually you’ll realise just how much you can challenge, change or confront. More important, you’ll feel a power that’s previously constantly escaped you.
Wednesday You’ve always been deeply touched by those who are struggling. You want to give them whatever variety of assistance you can. However, while in the past this has frequently interfered with your own plans, you’re now beginning to realise that such kindnesses need not be quite so disruptive to your own welfare.
Recently circumstances have cornered you either into making compromises to keep plans afloat or defending your ideas or vision to cynics. While productive, this exercise was so wearying that you’re questioning why you even bother in the face of such opposition. You need a break. This restores your vision, preparing you for the new cycle that begins with Tuesday’s arrival by the warrior planet Mars in Pisces - for an unusually long stay of six months. Suddenly, you’re a force to be reckoned with. Combine that with next week’s stunning if unexpected opportunities, and effortlessly your goals and that vision are aligned.
Over the past two years or so, the stern Saturn imposed its influence on the business and financial side of your life. You both learned and dealt with a great deal. Now that rather restrictive cycle is finally over, and you’ll find yourself benefiting from those disciplines, frequently in unexpected ways.
Nobody understands better than you the difficulties in balancing life’s duties with its pleasures. Over the past month or so you’ve had no choice but to focus on certain obligations. Now that they’re finally put rest, it’s vital that you devote just as much time to who and what you love most.
Being both loving and intuitive, you suffer enormously when you see those you love making unwise decisions. Difficult as it is witnessing certain individuals head in exactly the wrong direction, you can say only so much. Then back off, letting them know that you’ll be there for them, whatever the outcome.
Few things irritate you more than stupid people and restrictive thinking. Only last week you were struggling with dilemmas involving exactly such difficulties. Gradually, however, you’ve begun to view the individuals and the situations involved in a very different light. This alone enables you to put past differences behind you, healing once fraught relationships. More important, suddenly you find yourself considering the future from a far more optimistic perspective. Instead of dreading inevitable but unwelcome changes, you’re realising they could open the door to a way of living, working or loving that you were convinced would remain the stuff of dreams.
The past few days’ exchanges are unlikely to have been particularly calm. In fact last weekend’s Sagittarius Full Moon is bound to have brought numerous issues to a head. On the other hand, having finally confronted both dilemmas and certain individuals, you can say that you’ve eliminated seriously worrying concerns for good.
Those who you count among your friends and family are lucky in that, while they benefit from your unconditional support, you’ll encourage them to pursue whatever makes them happy. Others aren’t quite as open-minded about your activities, as you discover when you tell them about the plans you’re now making.
When it comes to setting goals, you’re usually fearless. In fact if you’ve any problem, it’s convincing others to aim as high as you’d like to. Now, however, it would seem that even you are underestimating what can be achieved. Before you take things further, pause to consider you’ve missed something worthwhile.
Getting everybody to put their cards on the table wasn’t easy. But knowing both where others stand and exactly what you’re dealing with has made things considerably easier. You’re brimming over with ideas for the future, and for once others are in accord. Now comes the real challenge. With things changing swiftly, arrangements seem urgent. But once the events indicated by next week’s remarkable planetary activity take place, you’ll only have to rearrange plans. Instead deal with tedious practical and domestic obligations. And reflect. Knowing what you think prepares you for events, next week, that are as dazzling as they are demanding.
Monday If you’re dreading certain decisions, it’s not courage you're lacking, it’s solid facts. What you need most, therefore, is patience enough to gather the information you need. Add to that the changes that take place between now and the end of the month, and you’ll be relieved that you kept things open-ended.
Tuesday Clear cut as both your position and your feelings seem now, things are about to change ? and more radically than you’d have imagined possible. Early next week your ruler the Sun’s aspects to Mars, the inventive Uranus and stern Saturn usher in radical developments. Until then, keep an open mind.
Wednesday If ever there was a time when teamwork was important, it’s now. You may be fairly sure you know what others are prepared to do or commit to. Nevertheless, you’d be well advised to set aside time for a lengthy discussion of their hopes and feelings. Their words could more than surprise you.
Disputes over a variety of issues, some involving business or finances, others of a more personal nature, have taken up nearly all of your time. They’ve also put a worrying strain on close relationships. In the midst of struggles you were unable to tend to others’ wounded egos. But now you can. In fact the time you invest in talking things over ? and simply being with those who are most important ? could prove pivotal. Changes are going on around you. Combine these with the ideas you discuss with others, and by next week you could find yourself undertaking new ventures as exciting as they are unexpected.
Now that recent conflicts are behind you, it's becoming clear just exactly what you gained from them. Even arduous discussions cleared up numerous issues you thought you'd just have to live with. With these worries no longer at the forefront of your mind, you can begin to give serious thought to extensive, and potentially disruptive, changes in various elements of your life. Allow neither others' questions nor your own doubts about the practical side of things to stop you. In fact, judging by next week's extraordinary planetary activity, if ever there was a time to have faith in the future, it's now.
<Monday> Tempting as it must be to make plans now, you'd soon find yourself regretting it. It's not what you decide that's the problem. It's just that, judging by with the stunning opportunities promised by the planetary activity of the next ten days, you'll find yourself making and remaking plans several times over.
<Tuesday> For ages you've been tolerant of others' quirky ways or strange demands. But enough is enough. It's becoming increasingly clear that they have absolutely no conscience about the disruption they're causing. Since hints haven't made a dent, you've no choice but to draw the line - and with uncompromising clarity.
<Wednesday> Recently you'd done a fantastic job of supporting others in their pursuits and encouraging them to look after their interests. However, you've been far less conscientious about taking care of yourself. Neglect these for much longer and what are currently minor issues could turn into something of a considerably more disruptive nature.
Unjust and unfair as the conflicts you’d recently endured may have been, do your best to put them behind you. Developments over the next ten days or so are bound to lead to extraordinary opportunities, some involving those who so irritated you. The sooner you’re able to bury the hatchet, the better
For weeks you’ve been living with the pressure that has accompanied Mars’ presence in your sign. Now, as it departs, you’re beginning to notice just how much you’ve changed, challenged and overcome. In fact, on reflection you realise that you’ve connected with a power that you didn’t know was there.
For some time you’ve been skirting tricky issues. You’ve felt that there was little to be gained by discussing matters that would only upset others, yet achieve little. However, with the communicative Mercury on increasingly good terms with Neptune, in your sign, you’ll find ways to discus even serious disagreements.
It wasn’t just the unwelcome news you had to deliver to others that made last week an unhappy time. It was acknowledging that certain long cherished dreams just weren’t going to happen. But now all the dramas are over, and you’re feeling freer than for ages. As important, clearing away these unrealistic plans or obligations has eliminated previously restrictive situations. Your world suddenly seems bigger. But this is only the beginning. Once the events promised by next week’s rare aspect to you ruler Uranus take place, near-magical developments lead to opportunities that, only recently, nobody would even have imagined possible.
Monday(6/16) You probably have more questions than you do answers. What with the crop of offers, ideas and opportunities coming your way over the next two weeks, that’s as it should be. Naturally you’d like to get things organised. But this can’t be rushed. For now, take things one day at a time.
Tuesday(6/17) You’ve got some important decisions to make, and a very limited range of options from which to choose. That’s about to change. Ideas arise unexpectedly and offers appear from surprising quarters. In fact if you can manage to be patient until the week’s close, you’ll find yourself spoilt for choice.
Wednesday(6/18) You’re increasing aware that, worthwhile as recent developments have been, you still need a fresh perspective on life itself. It’s on its way, ushered in by pivotal Cancer New Moon on June 29th. Ideally, between now and then, you’ll identify and eliminate what no longer works, clearing the path for what’s coming.
After weeks of dealing with tiresome dilemmas and issues involving obligations, you’re feeling both virtuous and exhausted. Tedious as much of what you’ve faced has been, even tricky dilemmas have proved informative. Now, as the mood shifts and you’re given an opportunity to explore intriguing new ideas and meet interesting people, this knowledge comes in handy. Initially you recognise thrilling options, but others remain unable to see their viability. Don’t give up. By the week’s close you’re more persuasive and they’re more open minded. Secure whatever commitments you need, since by early next week those good ideas will be on their way to becoming reality.
This hardly seems the ideal time to reorganise elements of your life as fundamental as your finances, career or long term goals. Judging by the powerful planetary activity involving your ruler Uranus, however, you’re in the midst of a cycle of change, one so far reaching that such developments can’t be avoided.
As you’re living out the days of the week to come, it won’t necessarily be clear that a wonderful new cycle is just beginning. In fact, what arises is likely to seem anything from merely intriguing to disruptive. Whatever your reservations about developments, explore everything now or regret it at leisure.
You stand to profit in many ways from the changes that are now taking place. In some cases opportunities will be of a straightforward financial variety. But in others the benefits won’t be as clear. Still, if ever there was a time to take chances on the new or the unexpected, it’s now.
The past several weeks’ events have cornered you into focusing on life’s practicalities matters. But now that both your ruler Venus and the inquisitive Mercury have moved to accent ways you could broaden your horizons, you must break away. In fact, simple act of exploring your options should considerable lift your spirits.
Others may be insist that, if they’re to take plans further, they need guarantees. At the moment that’s sound thinking. But by the time that next week’s extraordinary developments have taken place, even the most cautious of individuals will have exchanged their uptight attitude for an enthusiastic willingness to take chances.
Being a Libra, whatever it is that you’re doing, you consider the impact of your actions on those closest. Others, however, are not now ? and never will be ? as thoughtful. It’s not that they don’t care. It’s just that, unless they’re also born under Libra, it wouldn’t even cross their mind.
Friday This hardly seems the ideal time to reorganise your life. But as the events of the next few days unfold, you’ll realise that even those who previously caused problems when you discussed changes are now far more open-minded. In fact, raise them and you’ll be happily surprised by others’ response.
Saturday Things may not be going exactly the way you planned them. But with so much in transition around you, that may be no loss. True, having to take plans back to the drawing board will slow things down. What you learn in the meantime more than compensates for the delays you face.
Sunday You may not consider yourself to be stubborn. But you’re unlikely to be happy when decisions that should be yours to make are unceremoniously taken away. Unfair as this is, once you learn more you’ll realise that certain individuals are far better equipped to deal with those decisions than you are.
Thursday(6/19) For some time you’ve known that minor misunderstandings with those closest could blossom into more complex differences. Discuss these problems openly now, however, and you’ll actually turn them to your advantage. Judging by the current supportive planetary set up, you’ll find ways to handle even seriously delicate issues constructively.
Friday(6/20) When it comes to major decisions, timing is everything. As much as you’d like to have things settled, you’d regret forcing issues now. Only once you’ve learned what the fantastic planetary activity of the next few days brings should you even consider making plans. Until then, keep an open mind and an optimistic spirit.
Saturday(6/21) Under normal circumstances you’d want to know more about ideas or offers before you say yes. But that’s just not possible. In fact with things moving so swiftly, it’s a matter of taking a chance now on what’s seems unrealistically promising or spending the rest of your life wondering what you missed.
Sunday(6/22) As a Cancer you combine a strong instinct for recognising a worthwhile idea with a need for solid security. At the moment you can’t have both. Much as you’d like a guarantee that things really are as good as they seem, you’ll just have to take a chance like everybody else.
Thursday Soon you’ll be saying farewell to certain once cherished elements of your life. At the moment this may sound reason for sadness or mourning. But that’s only because you don’t yet know who or what’s coming your way. Once you do any feelings of regret you’re now experiencing will be long forgotten.
Friday It’s not that you’ve been putting off pursuing certain ideas. You have, however, been waiting until just the right moment to take the first step. Now events, in the form of the remarkable developments of the next few days, force your hand. In fact, it’s become a matter of now ? or never.
Saturday It may not seem like it now, but judging by your ruler Saturn’s fabulous aspect to the inventive Uranus, you’re currently the luckiest sign of the zodiac. True, the changes this ushers is are bound to be disruptive. But once the chaos is over, you have a thrilling future awaiting you.
Sunday By the time that this extraordinary week is over, your perspective on both your life and your future will be considerably altered. Situations you thought you’d just have to live with will have changed. Better yet, those who you assumed would never adopt a positive attitude will suddenly decide to become cooperative.
お世話になってます。魚座の後半デイリーです。よろしくおねがいします。 19木曜 You seem to have been keeping certain things to yourself. While it's true that raising worrying issues could upset others, your silence is doing them no favours. Difficult as telling them may be, only once they know who and what they're contending with can they tackle the issues in question.
20金曜 Certain individuals may have perfectly logical explanations why they're either pursuing certain goals or will have nothing to do with others. But that doesn't mean they're right. If your instincts tell you different, than you're undoubtedly far better off relying on what you feel than what anybody else considers to be logical.
21土曜 You're by no means uptight about sudden changes. But certain individuals are, enough that you might say no to the ideas or offers that are currently coming your way without adequately thinking them through. True, some may disrupt others' life. This time, however, they'll just have the cope with it.
22日曜 However confident you are that others are aware of both what you want to do or achieve and certain issues, don't by shy about repeating yourself. Events over the next few days could be important, if not transform situations. The more others know, the more likely they are to give you a hand.
翻訳ボラ様いつもありがとうございます。サソリ後半です。 よろしくお願い致します。 Thursday(6/19) If ever there was a time when being patient was vital, it’s now. The discussions underway now are so positive that you’ll be tempted to turn ideas into solid plans. But this is only the beginning. Whatever is good now promises to have become nothing less than extraordinary by early next week.
Friday(6/20) By this time next week you’ll be viewing both your life and your future from a considerably different perspective. On one hand, what seemed insurmountable obstacles will have been eliminated with amazing ease, while stunningly worthwhile opportunities will give you good reason to re-evaluate commitments you thought you’d never change.
Saturday(6/21) It’s perfectly natural that others would ask the reasoning behind recent decisions or changes in your life. While you must respond in some way, there’s no need to go into any detail. As a Scorpio you may revere the truth. But that doesn’t extend to giving others a blow by blow description.
Sunday(6/22) Unsettling as sudden changes in the way you live, love and work may be, refusing the opportunities of the next few days would be folly. If you can’t say a whole-hearted yes, then at least don’t say no. Once you learn more you’ll wonder why you hesitated for even a minute.
Thursday Your Leonine pride has substantially influenced your approach to recent tricky situations. You would hate to be embarrassed, so you’ve done everything you can to avoid putting others in similarly difficult positions. However, not only do they not mind, the more forthright you are about the issues in question, the better.
Friday For you, trust in close relationships requires intimacy on every level, mental, emotional and physical. Yet there are certain issues that you simply haven’t raised for fear of the reaction you’d get. True, recently these were wisely avoided. But now the time has come when they should − and must − be discussed frankly.
Saturday You have some important decisions to make. Usually you’re fearless when facing even controversial situations. But you’re becoming increasingly aware that, whatever you opt for, somebody’s going to be upset. That being the case, you’re better off ignoring everybody’s pleas and demands, and basing your conclusions exclusively on cold, hard facts.
Sunday The last thing you’re in the mood for are sudden changes in plans, particularly those you’ve struggled long and hard to arrange. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that things simply can’t remain as they were. Since there’s nothing to be gained by battling changes, you’re better off going with the flow.
Monday(6/23) If you expect the unexpected, then you won’t misinterpret this week’s series of unsettling developments. The planet of the unexpected itself, Uranus, takes the lead role in this week’s astrological dramas. Consequently, the more willing you are to take chances on the unknown or unfamiliar, the more you stand to gain.
Tuesday(6/24) You’ve either been too soft with others or indulging yourself in some way. Your reasons for taking this approach may be genuine. Nevertheless, it’s now become clear that this is undermining both your position and your confidence. However difficult adopting a tougher attitude may be, you really have no choice.
Wednesday(6/25) The line between being generous with loved ones and understanding about others’ foibles and simply indulging them isn’t always a clear one. What is clear, however, is that certain situations could easily turn into serious problems. Address these issues now or be aware that you can expect considerable difficulties from this quarter later.
Having just struggled with a combination of tricky issues and burdenso me commitments, you’re hardly in the mood to welcome changes in circumstances. However, not only do you have no choice, you stand to benefit in extraordinary ways from even disruptive developments. Take these to their logical conclusion and you could find yourself totally rearranging your work or lifestyle. Of equal significance, you suddenly realise that certain hobbling commitments, concerns or believes no longer have a hold over you. Thus, by next Sunday’s pivotal Cancer New Moon, you’re considering options that previously you’d simply accepted could never be part of your life.
However serious they seem now, clashes over practical or partnership matters are likely to be resolved swiftly. The key is to refuse to allow others’ attitude to get to you. Develop and maintain a positive attitude and nothing anybody says can undermine your resolution to resolve difficulties without a struggle.
Thrilling as the ideas being discussed this week may be, you’d regret rushing into arrangements. Others may insist that delays could mean that opportunities simply pass you by. But judging by next week’s brilliant planetary activity involving your ruler Jupiter, whatever is good now is only going to get better.
Much as you’d like to, you simply can’t do everything you have in mind. You’ll never be lacking for inspiration. The real issue, in fact, seems to be a matter of time, money or some other form of resources. Pause before you make any more commitments and assess carefully where you stand.
However much you’d like to be out there influencing the dramatic changes that are now taking place, there’s not much to be done. Most of the changes that are now putting everybody’s life on end were settled in events that are long gone. Chaos aside, you can’t wait to explore the options now opening up. However, not everybody’s as optimistic. In fact, your time’s probably best spent supporting others whose reaction has been less positive than yours. In some cases this constitutes an act of charity. But in others you’ll gain new allies, if not important companions on the road ahead
Monday Your instincts may be telling you that things are moving with worrying swiftness. While it’s true that the speed at which things are taking is preventing you from learning about the details of developments. What’s most important at the moment is that you understand the big picture. The rest can wait.
Tuesday It’s likely to take weeks for you fully to understand the opportunities now being ushered in by your ruler Saturn’s fantastic aspect to the innovative Uranus. At the moment, therefore, your first priority should be ensuring that you say no to nothing. Even what currently seems completely unrealistic could lead to something amazing.
Wednesday No matter how unrewarding recent exchanges have been, don’t give up on partners or close emotional ties. It may appear that they care little about your concerns. They do, but have been struggling with their own dilemmas. Now that these are being resolved many issues between you will be settled as well.
You say that you welcome change. But that’s providing things go according to your schedule and as you planned. Consequently your initial reaction to the events that accompany Tuesday’s rare but superb aspect between your ruler, the precise Saturn, and the innovative Uranus is unlikely to be positive. However, since this is by no means the week’s only powerful aspect, what takes place is only one part of a considerably larger pattern of change ? one that is defeats even your Capricornian analysis. Instead go with the flow. However unexpected the outcome, it promises to be far better than anything you’d have imagined.
This promises to be a memorable week for you. True, as it begins you may think that it’s clashes over a variety of matters that you’ll be thinking about. But once you’re able to view developments with the wisdom of hindsight, you’ll realise that what was most disruptive was also most worthwhile.
Of all the signs you stand to benefit most from this week’s extraordinary developments. The events triggered by the calculating Saturn’s superb alliance with your ruler Uranus could lead to serious breakthroughs on others’ lives just as much as your own. This means that everybody will soon have something to celebrate.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that others are aware of your hopes or dreams. True, you’ve discussed these at length and on various occasions. Alas, not everybody has remembered what you said. With so much of a worthwhile nature going on, make sure they know what you want for the future.
水瓶座ウィークリー宜しくお願いします Judging by this week’s extraordinary planetary activity involving your ruler Uranus, you stand to benefit in amazing ways from what takes place. As each day passes, however, things are unlikely to seem quite so positive. In fact it the world around you appears to be falling to pieces. In some ways, that’s true. Naturally, your instinct’s to battle for who and what you know and love. However, what’s coming as a replacement will exceed anything you’d imagined ? or even considered possible. While letting go isn’t easy, it’s the beginning of a chapter of your life’s that as thrilling as it is unexpected.
While there’s no arguing that decisions are being made on your behalf, others’ intentions are good. In fact in some cases the way in which friends, partners or colleagues are handling these pivotal matters could be better than the way you’d approach things. Certainly you’ve everything to gain by trusting them.
True, what you’re currently becoming involved in would represent a commitmentin terms of time and money. And there are no guarantees. But this is one of those moments when you must trust your instincts over conventional wisdom. Discuss various plans with others. Ultimately, however, decisions are yours alone to make.
You must now convince those who’ll consider only tangible evidence that what your instincts say is worthwhile. However impossible this seems now, time is on your side. In fact if you can just keep them intrigued until the weekend, sudden and welcome events should win them over for you.
Either you made promises based more on optimism than fact or, in an effort to encourage others,made over-enthusiastic commitments. However promising this week’s chaotic developments may be in the long run, all they mean at the moment is that you’re found out. You’d think these misdemeanours would be of little importance in the light of dramatic events. But before you can begin to discuss the future, past issues must be confronted and settled. Pointless as such candour seems, it creates a bond of trust that’s vital as you undertake activities that aren’t just thrilling, but begin a new chapter of your life.
Monday There's no question about it. You're in a very awkward position and are short of solutions. Usually you'd struggle to settle problems yourself. This time tackle things differently. First discuss difficulties openly with those concerned, then make it clear that you expect their support in handling the issues in question.
Tuesday Disruptive as this week's developments may be, ultimately they will prove to be in your best interests. In fact because this week's major planetary player is the planet of innovation, Uranus, what seems most unsettling now could ultimately prove to be the beginning of an exciting new cycle of your life.
Wednesday After hours of both personal reflection and discussion with others, you're likely to have come to a surprising conclusion. And that is that it's time to say farewell to certain elements of your life. True, once these were of considerable importance. But things have changed and so, too, must your priorities.
While your efforts to avoid potentially upsetting confrontations or defer similarly disruptive changes aren't likely to survive this week's events, you've nothing to complain about. In fact, the only real mistake you could make is to attempt to alter the course of developments. But what's taking place is too far reaching for any single person to deal with individually. Instead discuss developments with others, reassuring those who need it, learning from those who have information to offer. And work closely with those closest. This not only keeps things up to date, it strengthens your links with those individuals who matter most.
6/23 月曜日 You’ve been keeping certain things to yourself for so long that discussing them simply hasn’t occurred to you. But if pivotal changes involving your resources or assets are to be made wisely, it’s vital that you go into these matters in depth. The longer you wait, the more complex situations will become.
6/24 火曜日 The current potent aspect between Venus and your ruler Pluto suggests that there will be happy developments in everything from finances to close relationships. True, before things can be settled, you’ll have to deal with and overcome some serious differences. But what you achieve will more than justify the challenges you face.
6/25 水曜日 The time has come to discuss practical or finances matters frankly and openly. In the past you didn’t exactly lie. But in certain situations you were economical with the truth. Now that others are basing important decisions on what you’ve said in the past, you must put the record straight.
You’re absolutely sure that you’re either being short-changed or treated unfairly. While it’s vital that you raise any such concerns, particularly those that involve business or finances, you’d regret pressing issues any further ? at least as the week begins. Only once you view the extraordinary events that take place from retrospect will anybody ? including you ? fully recognise the value of even disruptive or upsetting developments. What is for sure, however, is that your world is about to become a much bigger place, and the more willing you are to consider seemingly far out options, the more you’ll benefit from this week’s apparent chaos.
Currently your only real challenge is accepting the fact that you’ve absolutely no control over things ? no mean feat for any Aries. Developments are as unexpected as they are unsettling, in many cases influencing large groups of people. Forget about leaping to action. Retreat to the sidelines and it soon becomes apparent just how powerful the role of observer can be. And examine, then discuss openly, your feelings, from anxiety to rage. This isn’t easy. But doing so diminishes their influence that when the time comes to make a move, past constraints no longer influence the way you approach the future.
Tuesday Usually you’re the one who’s bolstering up others when they’re anxious about sudden or unexpected changes. However, those you’re now facing are challenging enough that nobody would blame you for feeling a little hesitant. Pause, get your breath, then proceed with what could be, when all is settled, prove to be extraordinary opportunities.
Wednesday Don’t mistake having to give up ground in certain of your plans for loosing out entirely. On the contrary, if ever there was a time to go with the flow, it’s now. So much around you is in transition that, ultimately, you’ll find that you’d regret having kept things as they are.
Tuesday Important decisions seem to have been made for you, something about which you’re not entirely happy. The fact is, however, you would have rejected the offers or options that others have accepted on your behalf. Irritated as you may be feeling with those individuals now, you’ll soon be showering them with gratitude.
Wednesday Leos are not only generous by nature, but you give without strings. While you don’t expect anything back, others have done you certain favours and are now complicated your life with their demands. True, discussing such matters isn’t easy. But the longer you wait to raise them, the more difficult it will be.
Your only real problem with this week’s dramatic developments is that you’ve no choice but to leave things to others. They seem competent, but you’re still anxious. In reality, those doubts are because you’re letting go of so much that’s familiar in your life. While you’re exchanging it for nothing less than the promise of dreams come true, until things are settled, guarantees are in short supply. Although you’ve little control over decisions, you can still take an active role in discussions. This keeps you well enough informed that, you gradually accept that things really as just as good as they seem.
Having debated at length the wisdom of potential changes in the structure of your life, you finally made decisions. Now a whole new vista of options has opened up to you. Whatever their nature, personal or involving more worldly activities, even hugely disruptive changes will ultimately prove unexpectedly beneficial.
Don’t let the uncooperative attitude of certain individuals make you think that plans will remain unsettled forever. Others are just seeing how far they can push things. They think they’re more important than they are. The realisation that decisions will be made whether or not they cooperate will improve their attitude instantly.
Now that you’re able to look back on recent conflicts, you realise that they were misunderstandings more than anything else. Take this approach when raising issues with those with whom you’ve just been at loggerheads. This gives them an excuse to drop their previous adversarial attitude. In fact, they’ll become surprisingly cooperative.
The time has come to discuss certain concerns frankly. You’ve been worrying about these issues for ages, but have hesitated raising them because you thought you’d upset others. The fact is, they’ll be upset that you’ve been facing problems for such a lengthy period, yet haven’t raised them before now.
魚座の後半を御願いしますm(__)m Thursday With so much of a happy, welcome and ultimately profitable nature coming your way, asking for more seems greedy. On the other hand, if you don’t at least let others know what you truly want, then you can’t blame them when they neglect those matters which are of the greatest importance to you.
Friday You’re now ideally positioned to take advantage of the remarkable changes taking place around you. Yet you hesitate. This has more to do with worries about the impact of your decisions on others than your own interests. Discuss concerns frankly, and you’ll be relieved to hear just how much those closest support you.
Saturday This hardly seems the time to confront others. But if you don’t let certain pivotal individuals know how you feel and where you stand now, as plans are being made, when will you? Don’t fool yourself into thinking that such discussions will be more easily conducted at a later date. The sooner, the better.
Sunday The next few days is likely to find you at the centre of potentially thrilling ideas or offers. Others may insist that they’re unrealistic or even unwise. While it’s vital that you check facts out carefully, the odds are good that these opportunities aren’t merely genuine, but that they’re even better than they seem.
Thursday Every ending is a beginning. Keep that in mind during this pivotal week and when you wonder what’s taking place and where your life is going, you’ll be able to boost your spirits. True, others may be worrying or complaining. Let them. Focus on taking advantage of each day’s remarkable developments.
Friday Waste no time arguing with those who insist that things are just too good to be true. This is one of those rare times when your own good fortune coincides with dramatic changes in the world around you. And if others don’t understand, you’ll never be able to explain it to them.
Saturday Now that you’ve had a few days to think about recent propositions, ideas or offers, it’s even clearer that change is wise. True, others argue against it. Waste no time arguing. Simply point out times in the past when their timid attitude has prevented progress, then continue with your plans.
Sunday At the moment things are moving too swiftly for analysis, much less lengthy discussion. The absence of these refinements may upset certain individuals. Promise them you’ll talk things over in depth at some point later. But for now it’s vital that you focus on exploring each of every opportunity that appears.
Thursday Receiving astonishing offers is one thing. Taking advantage of them is quite another. Appealing as they are, you fear they’ll be too unsettling. While there’s no way you can avoid a certain amount of disruption, it’s a small price to pay for the benefits these rare opportunities would bring into your life.
Friday Now that you’re taking certain ideas or offers seriously, you’re wondering how long you’ll have to cope with unsettling changes. You gain nothing by hurrying resolution. In fact, ideally you’ll keep things relatively loose until you see what transpires on the partnership front around the time of mid-July’s pivotal Capricorn Full Moon.
Saturday Don’t make the mistake of assuming that you know what others think. True, you may have discussed certain issues in depth recently. But both situations and their attitude are changing rapidly. Ask them where they stand on tricky issues and their response is likely surprise you as much as it delights you.
Sunday You may not be thrilled about the fact that others are making decisions on your behalf. Initially, in fact, you’re likely to view their plans as risky, if not downright dangerous. Not only is their perspective is much broader than yours, they recognise the potential in plans that you wouldn’t even consider.
Thursday(6/26) Usually your instincts about what’s wise or in your best interests are good. Lately, however, you find yourself increasingly questioning certain habits, attitudes and even objectives. Begin reflecting on these now and by Sunday’s Cancer New Moon you’ll find that you’re already beginning to develop a completely fresh approach to them.
Friday(6/27) Recent events didn’t just set you thinking. They made you realise that in certain situations you have quite simply been fooling yourself. True, this isn’t easy to acknowledge. However, admitting this to yourself is the first step to dealing with these dilemmas. Do so now and, ultimately, you can turn them to your advantage.
Saturday(6/28) The time has come to speak up. For various reasons you’ve had to keep your thoughts, views or feelings to yourself. Or, alternatively, you’ve been unable to make certain demands. Whatever the case, the tide has turned. However difficult addressing issues may be, remaining silent is no longer an option.
Sunday(6/29) You’ve just dealt with a number of exciting if unceremonious changes, and are eager to restore order. Don’t be in too much of a hurry. In fact there are yet more changes coming, some of which are even more dramatic than before. All those details can wait. For now these exciting developments must take first priority.
No matter how much you love somebody, occasional difficulties are inevitable. You’ve hoped that recent issues would resolve themselves. The fact is, your tolerant approach to issues may have prevented others from realising just how upsetting their attitude or actions have been. A frank discussion isn’t just wise, it’s an absolute necessity.
The time has come to sit down, go over your diary and your accounts. You may even want to review your relationships. You are by nature generous, so much so that you rarely stop to assess whether the time, money and love you give to others leaves you with enough for yourself.
No matter how much of a hurry you’re in, view all discussions as potential opportunities in disguise. These may begin as seemingly unimportant exchanges, or result from an unexpected encounter. But as one thing leads to another, you’ll sudden find yourself talking about exciting, if not life changing, concepts, plans or proposals.
Having achieved only partial success in your efforts to deal with a combination of practical dilemmas and pressure from others, you’re now on the verge of discovering a whole new approach to these problems. Certain individuals may insist that they’re too bold. But if they make sense to you, that’s all that matters.
True, things are difficult. But this is no time to give up. By early next week you'll be benefiting from the thrilling offers triggered by Jupiter's superb aspect to your ruler Pluto. A dramatic turnaround such as this, which influences both circumstances and your mood, is as rare as it is welcome.
This is no time for discretion. You worry that if you say too much you'll give others the edge. But judging by the tremendous planetary activity of the coming week, nothing could undermine your position. On the contrary, the only mistake you could make it to play to cool.
Few things are more frustrating than, having struggled to make plans, being faced with sudden changes in the situations you're dealing with. However, once the initial shock of these changes is over, you'll realise that they're not merely in your best interests. They exceed anything you could have imagined.
Others see you as courageous, if not devil may care. Only those who know you very well are conscious of how carefully you think through even minor decisions. Now, however, if you're to make the best of sudden opportunities youユll have to live up to othersユ daring image of you.
6/26 Thursday You just can't seem to see eye to eye with close friends, colleagues or loved ones. Don't let this make you think that it's not worth discussing future plans. On the contrary, time spent discussing and working on various worthwhile ideas could go a long way to easing the tensions that have long concerned you.
6/27 Friday No matter how much you care about somebody, there are times when you must draw the line. When you do, make it clear how you feel and why you're upset. Once certain individuals understand more about the impact of their actions on you, they're likely to mend their ways with astonishing speed.
6/28 Saturday It's no surprise that you've needed considerable time to examine ideas and discuss recent offers. Some seem unrealistic, others simply too good to be true. Now that you've learned more, however, it's becoming increasingly clear that it would be sheer foolishness on your part to allow these extraordinary opportunities to get away.
6/29 Sunday Agreeing to thrilling offers is one thing. Dealing with the changes that they usher in is quite another. Disruptive as reorganising much of your daily existence might be, it is still a small price to pay for taking advantage of the exciting opportunities that are now in the process of transforming your life.
>>460 サンポールさん かにサン Daily後半の翻訳ありがとうございました。 いつもお忙しい中お世話下さり、ホントに感謝でつ。 >"There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up" ,,,は、成長することと歳をとるっちゅーことはカナーリちゃうで〜ってことでいいでつか?
You prefer to think the best of people. But recent dramas involving finances or joint investments have made you wary of glowing promises. However, recent events gave you little option but to say yes swiftly and assess the facts later. While risky, had you said no you’ve have regretted it for ages.
6/27 Friday
Somebody seems to have been trying to make you feel guilty, and you’ve been at a loss what to do. That’s exactly what others hoped, that you’d be too embarrassed to raise issues. This weekend’s events provide a golden opportunity to confront others and settle these dilemmas, all at the same time.
6/28 Saturday
Understanding others’ problems is one thing. Letting their issues dominate your life is quite another. This has happened so gradually that you’ve only recently noticed how unfair things are. However sympathetic your feelings for their plight, you can and must work to find a new way of handling this situation.
6/29 Sunday
You haven’t exactly been lying to yourself. It’s just that you’ve been hoping that tensions with loved ones would achieve a resolution without having to delve into unsettling emotional issues. They won’t. In fact, they’ll only become more complicated. The sooner you talk these over, the better it will be for everybody concerned.
If ever there was a time to take a chance on the unknown, unfamiliar or unexpected, it's now. True, this kind of impulsiveness if totally out of character. But your instincts must be telling you that the events triggered by Jupiter's rare and fantastic aspect to your ruler Pluto are once in a lifetime opportunities.
Of course itユs tempting to analyse recent intriguing ideas, offers or developments before making further commitments. However, these discussions are unlikely to yield much that's useful. In fact, because investigations dwell on the past, they could actually prove confusing. What's now taking place is such an innovation that experience is your only reliable teacher.
Usually agreeing to major changes in your way of living or working without knowing more would be folly. Naturally you'd like more time to consider your options. But things moving so swiftly that itユs a matter of now or never. In fact, the ideas or offers you bypass now are unlikely ever to appear again.
While you've had hints of changes, their magnitude is still nearly overwhelming. In fact the stunning developments triggered by Tuesday's alliance between the planet of opportunity, Jupiter, and your ruler Pluto, are likely to ripple out into various areas of your life for a very long time. But with things moving so swiftly you must at least indicate what you want to pursue. Much as you dislike the idea of taking on more than is realistic - whether it's your domestic or working life or matters of the heart - it's better to overestimate your capacity now than mourn what you bypassed later.
Monday If ever there was a time to take a chance on the unknown, unfamiliar or unexpected, it's now. True, this kind of impulsiveness if totally out of character. But your instincts must be telling you that the events triggered by Jupiter's rare and fantastic aspect to your ruler Pluto are once in a lifetime opportunities.
Tuesday Of course it's tempting to analyse recent intriguing ideas, offers or developments before making further commitments. However, these discussions are unlikely to yield much that's useful. In fact, because investigations dwell on the past, they could actually prove confusing. What's now taking place is such an innovation that experience is your only reliable teacher.
Wednesday Usually agreeing to major changes in your way of living or working without knowing more would be folly. Naturally you'd like more time to consider your options. But things moving so swiftly that it's a matter of now or never. In fact, the ideas or offers you bypass now are unlikely ever to appear again.
While this week’s extraordinary developments may not be a surprise, that won’t reduce your delight in what’s taking place. If there’s anything to keep in mind, it’s that even now you must keep a close eye on details and practical requirements. This prevents minor mistakes from becoming more serious dilemmas in the future.
You’ve no reason to question the ideas or offers triggered by your ruler Jupiter’s rare and splendid aspect to Pluto, planet of rebirth, which is positioned in your sign. Still, certain cautious individuals are insisting that you delve into every detail. However well meant their advice, the pace is too swift for any such analysis.
You have an instinctive understanding of who and what needs to be dealt with first and, equally, what should wait. However good the intentions of certain individuals, they do not now and never will have the knack for dealing with circumstances of this nature. They’ll still give you advice. But you needn’t take it.
This week’s extraordinary opportunities pose no problem. On the contrary you’ve been working diligently on some for ages and, while others are a surprise, you’re thrilled. Your problem is dealing with certain existing commitments or restrictions of a practical, business or financial nature while still capitalising on developments. Say no and opportunities could vanish forever, agree to too much and you’re in for difficulties. The secret is, first, to be tough with yourself about practicalities, then to be equally demanding with others. Do this and you’ll have your cake and eat it too, albeit a slightly smaller slice than you’d first expected.
It’s not surprising that you feel under pressure to make swift decisions. While you can’t entirely ignore certain matters, you can do what you least want to, which is make tentative arrangements. This enables you to rearrange things around mid-July’s Capricorn Full Moon, when both your priorities and your position will be considerably clearer.
It’s not that you don’t trust others. It’s just that circumstances are forcing you to leave certain pivotal decisions to individuals whose knowledge or experience you question. Instead of grumbling about this, talk things over with them. Once you begin you’ll find they’re amazingly receptive to your ideas and what you have to say.
As a Capricorn you can sometimes be in a crowd yet feel totally isolated. Others don’t realise how badly you need support and understanding. The kind of support and companionship you’re longing for is coming your way. In fact by this time next week it’s unlikely that you’ll still be struggling on your own.
On the surface the changes that are now influencing your domestic, working or personal arrangements seem appealing. It’s just that they haven’t exactly been your decision. In fact you’re rather feeling as if destiny has highjacked your life. You find it unsettling that so many decisions are in the hands of others. But their intentions good and their perspective about what you need may actually be better that yours. Similarly, you’re uncomfortable being teamed up with certain individuals. In every case these experiences offer extraordinary lessons, ones that come to light with astonishing clarity around the time of mid-July’s pivotal Capricorn Full Moon.
Monday The last thing you feel like doing is reorganising things. But as each day of this remarkable week unfolds, you become increasingly aware just how important even minor shifts could prove to be. The trick is to view all arrangements as tentative. This ensures you can make additional changes without further upset.
Tuesday Naturally you can't make decisions that would influence others as much as they will you without discussing plans. But you can refuse to waste time on pointless debates. You already know both what's wise and what circumstances demand. Make these requirements clear to others, then discuss any remaining options fully with them.
Wednesday Thrilling as they current crop of opportunities may be, there's no way you can avoid disrupting existing arrangements. No matter how much you explain circumstances, others will still complain about changes. What they don't realise, however, is that while it may appear that you're in charge, decisions aren't entirely up to you.
It's not that you'd rejected recent ideas or offers. It's just that you either hadn't taken them seriously or simply didn't imagine that things would move so swiftly. And now you must make decisions that will shape of your life for some time to come. This would be difficult under the best of circumstances, but you're short of facts. Ordinarily you'd take whatever time you need to weigh up your options. Do that, however, and others will act on your behalf. Consequently, you've no choice but move swiftly, relying on your instincts and your trust in certain individuals to shape those pivotal decisions.
Monday You're going to have to be patient with others. It may seem that they want to talk about nothing but business or financial matters. But the fact is that there are certain decisions that really shouldn't wait. Let them take the lead in these first, then you can focus on other far more interesting subjects.
Tuesday The last thing you're in the mood to do is rearrange the plans you only recently struggled to make. But as is becoming increasingly clear, changes are no longer an option. Once you overcome your initial resistance to these unsettling developments, in fact, you'll recognise them for the opportunities that they are.
Wednesday Witnessing close friends or loved ones responding enthusiastically to certain offers has somewhat upset you, if not hurt your feelings. It's not what they're doing. It's that they seem not to have considered the impact of these changes on you. Raise these concerns; you're likely to be pleasantly surprised by what they say.
Weekly weeks of the year for you. True, your old life is on its way out with unceremonious haste, and the future isn't particularly clear. Still, you're so upbeat that, in spite of others' insistence that specifics are pressing, you're happily going with the flow. However, you now must express both your desires and your dislikes with uncompromising clarity, something you find remarkably difficult. You've adapted to the needs of friends, family and loved ones so frequently that declaring exactly what you'd like is proving seriously challenging.
天秤座マンスリーです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 If early July presents any problems, it’s that you’re overwhelmed by intriguing ideas and offers. Yet there’s pressure to commit to decisions about your life at home and out in the world. Make plans but ensure they’re allow for changes. That accommodates both intriguing developments and the pivotal events around the Full Moon on the 13th. From that point, your priorities will be clearer, enabling you to eliminate some options and focus on others. You then begin discussing the role of friends, family and close emotional ties in future plans.
あっ、Monthly更新されてました。 翻訳ボラ様、いつも本当にお世話になっております。 ホンットーーーに感謝しております! 【さそり座monthly】の翻訳もお願いできないでしょうか。 Past disappointments have made you wary of stunning developments. But events that influence your finances, career or lifestyle are as good as they seem. True, taking these further means relying on others. And there's discussion of yet more plans. Because of the fast pace, there's no time for cautious calculations. So you'll just have to take chances. This overcomes anxieties with surprising swiftness. Plus, you soon find support in quite unexpected places. This leads to serious discussion of a reorganisation more far reaching than, only recently, you'd have imagined possible.
This is the second of two weeks of groundbreaking opportunity and shifts. While you thrive on both the pace and far reaching impact of what’s taking place, not everybody is as happy with developments as you are. If fact certain individuals may be hesitate about taking things further until practicalities are finalised. But the swift pace of change makes that impossible. In any case, it’s not concrete plans that will calm others, it’s reassurance. Invest time in bolstering their spirits, and in return you’ll get the support you need when you must make decisions as dramatic as they could be worthwhile.
You are by no means narrow-minded. Yet there are certain plans or ideas that you’ve never taken seriously. Suddenly, events force you to regard these in far more positive light. This fresh perspective could lead to changes as exciting as they are profitable in the structure of your domestic or working life.
Intriguing as you find the ideas now being discussed, you’re still hesitant about turning them into action. This has less to do with concerns about future plans than the things you’d be relinquishing. Reassuring as these elements of your life may be, things have changed. If anything, they’re holding you back.
This is one of those rare times when ideas, plans or offers aren’t merely as good as they seem ? they’re better. Judging by this week’s extraordinary planetary activity involving the bountiful Jupiter and canny Pluto, what’s being discussed involving property or matters of a financial nature could leave you considerably better off.
While you haven’t exactly been secretive, you also haven’t discussed your feelings or hopes for the future as fully as you might have. Since even those who care about you most can’t read your mind, it’s unrealistic to expect them to make decisions according to your wishes. Speak up now or prepare to be disappointed.
Recent developments seemed unsettling when you were first confronted with them. But further information? and time for reflection ? have made you realise just how worthwhile they could to be. Then you begin to talk plans over with others, and worries return. Their views are so diverse from yours that see clashes looming. That may be, but because events continue at the same swift pace as last week’s, arrangements are likely to be reorganised several times before anything’s settled. At the moment, however, what you plan isn’t nearly as important as ensuring that you discuss every stage of developments with those who matter most.
July’s first week brings both amazing good fortune and the support of very clever individuals. Still, initially you proceed solo, only to discover that ventures require joint efforts. True, others move more slowly. However, whether at home or work, their knowledge and experience proves worthwhile. More important, in certain cases these connections could blossom into something lasting, becoming of even greater significance than the activities involved or strengthening relationships central to your life. Time with others becomes more precious than ever. Happily, sharing the effort frees you to be with those closest.
No matter how confident you know the best way to take advantage of early July’s remarkable opportunities, you’d be well advised to listen to others’ views and advice. At minimum, they’ll be flattered. But ultimately discussions prove informative. True, these exchanges delay decisions until at least midmonth. Once things are finalised, you realise that these were only the beginning of a cycle of review, discussion and transition. While unsettling, these are long overdue. Thus by July’s close, you’re discussing changes that, when the month began, you’d never even have considered.
Forces beyond your control are rearranging your life. This would be worrying, were you not benefiting in so many ways. In fact offers and options raise questions about potential improvements, enough that by the Capricorn Full Moon on the 13th, you’re discussing changes, both of a personal nature and in close relationships. The wider you cast your net, the more intriguing your options. Once you’d have viewed such changes as risky. Increasingly, you’re realising that keeping things as they are is actually restricting your potential for happiness, success and fulfilment.
7月魚座マンスリーよろしくお願いします。 Those around you are uneasy about the chances you’re taking. They question others’ trustworthiness. Yet you know that you’d regret not pursuing ideas or offers that excite you creatively or touch your heart. The trick is to organise things now, yet continue to discuss various ideas. That ensures you’re aware of others’ plans, they know yours and you’re also kept abreast of the continuing intriguing events taking place around you. Better yet, this strengthens bonds with those who you’re closest to. Thus by early August you’re making important changes in tandem.
双子座の7月マンスリーお願いします。 Life’s brimming over with opportunities. But in some cases, you must make decisions before you’ve learned all the facts. Therefore, your time’s best invested in focusing on matters involving your assets or finances. Investigations prove illuminating, enough that by midmonth you’re making far reaching changes. Similarly, you begin considering ways to improve on your domestic or career life, and discover some exciting options. Others insist that ideas that involve innovative concepts would be too risky. But you’re ready for new challenges and confident you’d never regret taking what seem chances.
Suddenly your world’s been thrown into disarray. But you’ve nothing to complain about. Chaotic as each day’s events may be, the direction in which they’re taking you is intriguing. In fact the current Cancer New Moon marks the ending one cycle as another begins; consequently, you find yourself conducting a clear out of vast magnitude ? saying farewell to ideas, objectives, people and even habits that are no longer relevant. With uncanny swiftness something better than you’d imagined possible appears to fill the space you’ve just made. In fact, your only problem is dealing with so many appealing offers in such a short time.
The decisions you make around the Cancer New Moon, on 29 June, shape July and the rest of the year. Combine the vision of what you see possible with the practical obligations you’re now facing, and you achieve wonders. True, this means being tough with yourself and demanding of others. Initially you worry this might alienate certain individuals. However, you gradually discover that the more you ask, the more you get. Your success in certain once intimidating matters isn’t just encouraging. You’re soon tackling goals you once considered beyond your reach.
Things are fantastic. Still, whether it’s love, creative activities or future plans, you’re uneasy about leaving so much to others. But you’ve no choice.Let go of the reins, and you’re soon benefiting from both brilliant opportunities and their canny decisions. Their ideas and actions open a new world of options; some are intriguing, others realms you’d never explored. Move swiftly and by the Leo New Moon on the 29th, a kind of personal new year for you, your plans are more thrilling than anything you’ve ever considered, much less undertaken.
After weeks of discussing idea and exploring your options, you’ve had enough of debate. You’re ready to make a decision. This is good timing, since with your ruler Venus just having reached the crucial midheaven angle of your chart, circumstances finally allow you to narrow your focus to one line of action.
An unexpected encounter could, quite literally, change your life. In fact, there’s no telling just how far the encounters ushered in by your ruler Venus’s fabulous aspect to the inventive Uranus will take you. What is sure is that the more you’re out and about, the more you’ll benefit from this rare and wonderful period.
You’ve been hoping that sooner or later certain individuals would realise what a problem they’re causing. But they haven’t and won’t until you tell them. This may be the last thing you feel like doing. You’re waiting for the right moment to speak up. The longer you wait, the more difficult the task becomes.
For ages you’ve been juggling several potentially dramatic changes in the structure of your domestic or career life, but haven’t known which way to go. Now circumstances make the decision for you. Having had things taken out of your hands has made you realise what’s most important to you ? and at the last minute.
Just because things aren’t exactly in your hands doesn’t mean that there’s any reason to worry. On the contrary, some of the ideas others are cooking up on your behalf are probably far more interesting than anything you would ever have conceived of, much less made a part of your life.
Love is in the air. In fact the encounter between the relationship planet Venus and ruler Saturn early next week not only accents romantic partnerships, but those of a business nature as well. Consequently, you could find yourself with juggling exciting developments in both the personal and professional sides of your life.
Much as you’d like to stick to existing plans, you’d regret it. Not only are changes too dramatic to even think of keeping things as they were, life will be far more interesting if you’re willing to take chances. The broader your perspective, the better advantage you’ll take of the current extraordinary developments.
So often you shoulder the responsibility for huge burdens on your own. At the moment, however, there are those who can and should be giving you a hand. But you must allow them to. At least once they’ve offered and you’ve either ignored them or put them off. When they ask again, say yes.
If early July presents any problems, it's that you're overwhelmed by intriguing ideas and offers. Yet there's pressure to commit to decisions about your life at home and out in the world. Make plans but ensure they're allow for changes. That accommodates both intriguing developments and the pivotal events around the Full Moon on the 13th. From that point, your priorities will be clearer, enabling you to eliminate some options and focus on others. You then begin discussing the role of friends, family and close emotional ties in future plans.
射手座デイリー後半です。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Thursday Certain careful and cautious individuals are insisting that you delve into the practical or financial side of things before taking plans to the next stage. But you rightly insist that you won’t know enough until things have gone further. Sooner or later, however, you’ll have to tackle those tedious columns of figures.
Friday With so much of that’s intriguing already taking place in your life, you certainly don’t need any more excitement. Yet there’s no stopping the happy developments that are currently coming your way. At minimum you’ll have some happy encounters. But there’s every possibility that one could turn into something of a more lasting nature.
Saturday Exciting as things are, even you are beginning to worry that you’re trying to do just too much. The fact is, by the time of mid-July’s Full Moon you’ll have to narrow your focus in both financial and practical terms. Until then continue to learn as much as you can about your various options.
Sunday Exciting as the developments of the past week have been, not everybody is pleased with them. In fact certain individuals are experiencing serious anxiety. You know who they are and what they need, which is a combination of your time and reassurance. Put them on the top of your list of priorities.
Thursday Don’t make the mistake of thinking that others are aware of both your plans and your dreams for the future. No matter how much you’ve discussed these matters in the past, it’s worth talking them over again. Not only will exchanges refresh their memory, it will clarify your own thinking as well.
Friday While you were born under what many regard as the most courageous of the twelve signs, even you sometimes hesitate when faced with sudden change. Of course the options now being discussed aren’t just ushering in change. They’d revolutionise the shape and structure of your way of living and loving.
Saturday Important decisions are primarily in the hands of others, something you’d ordinarily regard as reason to worry. But your instincts are correctly telling you that their intentions are good. In fact, at the moment their perspective is also clearer than yours, enough that their judgement could be regarded as more reliable.
Sunday Practical matters may be pressing, and you may have a huge list of tasks and obligations. Nevertheless, certain situations involving those you love most must come first. Extraordinary developments are about to take place. If you’re not already aware how important it is that you spend time with them, you soon will be.
Thursday(7/3) Tempting as certain offers are, you’re hesitant about taking them to the next stage. This has less to do with what’s being discussed than it does with potential disruption to your home life or existing routine. While it’s true that changes are inevitable, they’re more than justified by what you’ll get in return. Friday(7/4) You’re trying to calculate a way to take advantage of the offers now being discussed without disrupting familiar elements of working and domestic existence. However, change is an inevitable part of life. Consequently, you may as well undertake it when you stand to profit from it handsomely, as is unquestionably now the case. Saturday(7/5) For ages you’ve put up with nonsense from loved ones, sensing that it is better simply to accept them as they are than risk a potentially upsetting confrontation. However, you’re beginning to realise that if you don’t make your feelings clear, and soon, a conflict of some kind could be unavoidable anyway. Sunday(7/6) Having invested so much in certain close relationships, you want to avoid undermining them. On the other hand you find certain individuals fascinating. At least get to know the people in question. There’s a reason that you want to know them better, and it’s important that you find out what that reason is.
魚座の後半です。よろしくお願いします。 Thursday The changes now being discussed may be disruptive. In fact they could cause a certain amount of chaos. But that by no means suggests that they’re a bad idea. Beginning is the hard part. After that you’ll gradually find yourself viewing both circumstances and the people involved from a fresh and far more optimistic perspective.
Friday You dread facing certain relatively simple issues, not because of the work involved, but because of unresolved issues from the past that are likely to spring to life again. They’re the last thing you want to face. But they’ve been draining your energy for too long, and the sooner they’re dealt with, the better.
Saturday The time has come to be frank. For ages you’ve been tip-toeing around certain sensitive issues, worried about upsetting certain individuals. Now you have no choice but to bring these up. Do so and you’ll soon realise the extent first, others aren’t that vulnerable, and second, they’ve been manipulating you all along.
Sunday What takes place now and over the next few days is likely not only to touch your heart, but could also bring lasting changes to your life. However, that doesn’t mean that you’ll spot opportunities for what they are when they arise. An open mind ensures that you miss nothing of potential importance.
While you can be a very private person when it comes to personal matters, when you must defend your turf you can be amazingly forthright. You’re already arguing with those who are trying to make decisions for you. Leave it to them. The fact is, they’re far better informed than you are.
7/4 Friday
You’re in the midst of life-changing developments, yet yearning to get away. Since the plans you’re discussing are likely to take ages to settle fully, you’d probably benefit from a break. You need the rest. More important, the resulting fresh perspective will prove hugely helpful when you must be finalised arrangements.
7/5 Saturday
Everybody else is telling you how lucky you are. Yet you can’t help but be suspicious about events that seen too good to be true. At other times those doubts might be justified. But with so much in transition around you, things are going far better than would be possible under normal circumstances.
7/6 Sunday
It isn’t just what you decide that’s important at the moment. It’s also who you meet. Unexpected encounters with a character from your past or a meeting with somebody new could provide far more than a few minutes’ conversation. It could be nothing less than the beginning of a life-changing relationship.
Thursday The recent attitude or behaviour of loved ones was a real disappointment. But there’s no reason for you to suffer from similar problems in the future. They simply haven’t been aware how important certain issues are to you. Clarify your feelings about these now and they won’t make the same mistake again.
Friday The time has come to be forthright, if not brutally frank. Only a few days ago you’d have avoided the issues in question entirely. But now you’re no longer concerned about upsetting others. In fact you’re beginning to realise how they’ve been using their so-called sensitivity as an excuse for avoiding certain issues entirely.
Saturday You loathe few more than those who generosity comes with strings attached. Yet recently you’ve allowed others to take advantage of you, enough that you’re wondering whether you shouldn’t adopt a somewhat more selfish a ttitude. At minimum you must ensure that certain individuals respect your contributions in terms of time, ideas and money.
Sunday You may have put considerable time and effort into arranging certain matters involving business, finances or practical resources. Nevertheless, those plans should now be reviewed. What seemed a good idea only recently is likely to be eclipsed by new and quite unexpected developments that are as exciting as they could prove to be profitable.
Thursday If ever there was a week in which love and romance were favoured, it’s this one. True, things may not proceed as you’ve been planning. In fact they could veer widely from your expectations. Still, within a short time you’ll realise that they’re far better than anything you’d planned, much less imagined possible.
Friday You’re not usually shy about expressing your feelings or views. Yet at the moment you’re uncharacteristically cautious about discussing such matters with certain individuals. This is probably wise, since they’ve just beginning a phase during which they could be hyper-sensitive, even in what would otherwise be regarded as relatively straightforward situations.
Saturday It’s not so much that you’ve been putting off talking over certain sensitive issues as you really haven’t known where to begin. Now unexpected events make the decision for you. Waste no time trying to find a diplomatic way to address these matters. The sooner you tackle these discussions, the better.
Sunday Only a few days ago you either discussed difficult issues or were forced to confront certain tricky individuals. You may have thought that this would put matters to rest, but it hasn’t. Events over the coming week force you to raise these issues all over again, and to make your views crystal clear.
Thursday There’s no arguing the value of the ideas now being discussed. Still, you’re concerned about the disruption they’d bring. You question whether changes need to be quite so far-reaching. Cut back now, and within as short a time as a week you’ll only be broadening the plans you’ve just struggled to make.
Friday There’s no question that the changes that are now streaming through a number of situations and the lives of others will have a profound influence on your own existence. However, you’d be well advised to put off discussion of this, possibly even until they come to a head around mid-August’s Aquarius Full Moon.
Saturday The next few days promise to be near-magical. You’ll find yourself feeling more positive about life than for ages. As wonderful, you’ll always seem to manage to be in the right place at the right time. Better yet, what happens than won’t just be wonderful; what happens could quite simply transform your life.
Sunday There are many varieties of love, and judging by Venus’s fantastic aspect to your ruler Uranus, you’re going to be thinking about several of them. Some involve those people or activities that are dear to your heart. However, one in particular could prove to be nothing less than a seriously thrilling romantic encounter.
Your weekly stars for the week of July 6th This week’s developments are so easy and lacking in opposition that even you can find little to worry about. This is as it should be. In fact the more willing you are to go with the flow, especially when it comes the relationship side of what’s taking place, the better. Stop short of making plans. Only after next Sunday’s Capricorn Full Moon, which both highlights your own feelings and brings any potential issues to a head should you even consider finalising arrangements. And what to do with yourself until then? That which is perhaps your greatest challenge of all - simply enjoy life.
The situations facing you are perplexing enough that you’re uncharacteristically reluctant about speaking your mind. There seems to be no resolution, so fear that discussing issues this complex would only raise your frustration level. On the contrary, others are keen to help and have brilliant suggestions. But this means asking for ? and taking ? others’ advice. Instead of brooding over family or property matters, discussing even sensitive dilemmas openly. But it’s romance that benefits most from frank approach. Whether you’re lacking it entirely or struggling with what you’ve got, the more open you are about your dilemmas and desires, the better the results
Youユre an optimist. But recent developments were so thrilling that even you questioned them. Now solid information begins to emerge. More important, youユre ready to address concerns, probing until youユre convinced that promises can be fulfilled. While the odds are good that things are exactly as theyユve been presented - if not better ミ you must still deal with all sorts of practicalities. Such matters are always tedious, and even more so when thereユs so much exciting going on around you. Things are moving swiftly. Consequently, what you organise now will become the foundation for arrangements that influence your life for years to come.