“I’m just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood.” So sang Nina Simone all those years ago, coining, in the process, the perfect catchphrase for all born under your sign. Then again, it’s not so surprising that some of your intentions are being misunderstood by others at the moment, they are something of a mystery even to yourself. How do you really feel about a certain person? What do you truly want from a particular situation. Once you identify the honest answer, you’ll find it much easier to make your progress.
You have the power to help and to heal. You were born blessed with great gifts. You came to this earth in order to inspire and elevate those around you. You also came to play your part in an important drama. You came to help people see through pointless pretences and futile facades. You came to seek truth and to share it. And to fulfil a very high purpose. You have lately become more than a little distracted from this noble goal but that doesn’t make it any the less important. Today brings the start of a much-needed return to higher priorities.
9日原文です。 Have I mentioned, lately, that Mars is in your sign? Well, even so, It will do no harm to mention it again. When Mars is in your sign, nothing happens fast enough, no matter how fast it happens. There're always a sense of restlessness and urgency. Always too, a desire to take control. None of this is necessarily bad. People make the most significant progress when the power planet is in their particular part of the zodiac. But you need to be fair as well as firm, discreet as well as determined, tolerant as well as tenacious. Manage that and you can manage almost anything.
Actually, you don’t have to go to the other side of the fence to get greener grass. You can attain it just by pushing the lawn-mower in a particular direction. Some people become almost neurotically obsessed with getting the right stripes. They figure that if their lawn looks perfect, this will somehow help a part of their lives to be perfect. But, of course, we all know that appearances can be very deceptive. Pluto’s link to your ruler now holds a special message. If you want the grass to get genuinely greener, stop trying to sit on the fence! Make up your mind and stick to it.
Some people insure their antiques. Others go to great lengths to protect their savings. They think that these transient, physical things represent their security. They fear that their world might fall to pieces without their prized possessions. Yet, here’s a good question. Where would you be without your sanity? What would you be able to appreciate then, no matter how wealthy or safe you were? For the sake of your sanity now, you need to make a particular move. Deep within, you know what this is. Don’t kid yourself that it doesn’t matter. It does. And don’t put it off.
When you are hungry, the simplest question can seem like an intimidating challenge. When you are sleepy, the easiest task can appear like an entry test for MENSA. When you are running late, when your family are being grouchy, when your team have just lost a game, a pessimistic perspective soon develops. People rarely make enough allowance for the importance of timing. Try to remember that some things ? for some people (including yourself) will prove easier to do tomorrow than today. And the things that really, truly can’t wait? They’ll be just fine. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
�Sometimes, when we take a leap of faith it is as if we sprout wings and soar into a sky of serendipity. Sometimes, we make much the same move but we end up falling flat on our face. And today? Well, surely you don’t expect me to predict the outcome of your next brave step into the unknown? If I do, it will not be a leap of faith any more. You will be acting on information received. I will tell you as much as you need to know. It is this: regardless of how things pan out in the short term, you will be glad in the long term of all that you are about to do.
以下魚座原文です。 Venus will leave your sign just after Easter. Then, a slightly more sober phase of your future will commence. That is not to say that now, you are intoxicated in some way - or that then life will feel heavier. It’s more that you are currently entertaining ideas and exploring your options. You may be under a lot of pressure but you are determined not to bow to it. Your spirit seeks excitement and inspiration - and it keeps finding it! Soon, you will start wanting to turn theory into practice. Leave your more practical decisions until then. You are entitled to enjoy the magic on offer to you now.
The fortune fairy has been working hard on your behalf. Everywhere you go, it seems she has got there before you and arranged some kind of unlikely surprise. Many people believe that when a person’s heart is full of compassion and sensitivity, the number of coincidences in their life will increase. That probably explains why you keep encountering such serendipity. But even saints cannot depend on this phenomenon. You are now hoping that “something will turn up.” Perhaps it will, perhaps it won’t. If you really want a result take the action necessary to ensure one.
A tatty piece of paper can be worth a fortune if it contains the autograph of some famous person, long gone from this world. How strange that we should place such a high value on something so trivial while all around us, people starve, suffer and struggle. We live in a world where real, human lives are worth far less than pieces of rubbish. No wonder we have difficulty making sense of anything. How can we ever understand what the TRUE value of anything is? You are now having to rethink a priority. This will not only make you wiser and happier - it may yet make you better off too.
Are you still being plagued by doubts and uncertainties? Does a certain situation still make you feel anxious and uncomfortable? I can’t promise that today’s events will set your mind completely at rest but they will at least create an interesting distraction. Something dramatic is starting to happen. This is causing you to think again. Clearly, more things are possible than you realise. Don’t over-react to a situation that seems silly. Just let it inspire you. If one set of rules can be broken... so can another. And ultimately, that means you have more power than you think
-- 下から3行目 You have lately become more than a little distracted from this noble goal but that doesn't make it any the less important. 長かったのでテキトウに訳しちまいました。スマソ(´Д`;) ソロソロ真面目に文法やらんとアカンでつか... それ以前におさまりが悪いので別訳切望。 いつも早起きのマドモワゼル名無しさんゴメンよ。
You have friends in high places. Very high places. Cosmic places! The planets have your best interests at heart. They understand how easily you could become disillusioned with a particular situation. They also understand how important it is, in the greater scheme of things, for you to retain your faith. So they are doing all they can to keep you comfortable. Obviously, there’s a limit. With six billion other people on the earth to look after, the guardian angels cannot always give you just what you want, just when you want it. But they certainly intend to do their best today.
When things change in your world, they change suddenly. The build-up may be gradual but the moment of truth comes from nowhere and establishes itself at the speed of greased-lightning. The whole thing is rather like watching a balloon being blown up to the point where it finally pops. It often seems amazing how much energy or air can be absorbed. You keep thinking, something has surely got to give soon but it doesn’t. And then, the point of no return is brief. What’s coming up for you? Liberation! The imminent, instant end of a struggle you feared would go on forever.
Mars will remain in your sign until just after Easter. That gives you just enough time to ensure that a cherished ambition is finally fulfilled. You will need to work hard soon but then, you are industrious by nature so that's no problem. You will also have to get used to the idea that people want different things from you. You are psyched up to meet one particular need but in fact, you are being asked to make an unusual contribution. That's flattering ・even if it means you must put in extra effort. Events today will show you more about how and why things are changing so quickly for the better.
A new adventure is about to begin. You have not, of course, finished your old adventure but then, that’s nothing new. You are naturally versatile and you enjoy a challenge. So there should be nothing too daunting about the drama that is now starting to unfold. Other, perhaps, than that it is not one of your own choosing. You have one idea about what ought to be happening. The universe, it seems, has another. Credit the cosmos with some compassion. It is trying to help not hinder you. You will yet end up with everything you require plus a few extras that you can only be grateful for.
Your head is starting to spin a little. There are so many things to think about, so many options to explore. Though you continue to face awkward obstacles, you are more conscious of your opportunities than your problems. Thoughts of the future are starting to inspire you. If, as you read these words, you feel inclined to disagree, please see them as a prediction. They will aptly describe your future mood, even if they don’t quite fit your current one. Venus is in your sign, forming a helpful link to your ruler, Neptune. Heaven, right now, is most definitely out to help you.
�“I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden.” It’s all very well complaining because you feel that recent forecasts have been misleadingly optimistic but I really didn’t think there was any point in dwelling on the downside. I drew your attention to the hope - because the hope was real. It still is. You have every reason to be optimistic. It’s just that there are currently some rather aggravating, exasperating factors. Get into them and they’ll get into you. Ignore them and they’ll go away. You really don’t need to resent - or regret anything.
In every busy street you will find an optician and a dentist. Clearly, a lot of eyes need looking at and a lot of mouths need looking in. Yet where are the people who check our hearing? We cannot even readily recall the name of these medical specialists? Can we conclude from this that the world is full of people who have no difficulty in that department? If this is so, how do we explain the fact that nobody ever listens to anybody else? If we are not all deaf, we are certainly terribly rude! You feel a strong need to be heard this weekend. Try miming instead of speaking.
In every busy street you will find an optician and a dentist. Clearly, a lot of eyes need looking at and a lot of mouths need looking in. Yet where are the people who check our hearing? We cannot even readily recall the name of these medical specialists? Can we conclude from this that the world is full of people who have no difficulty in that department? If this is so, how do we explain the fact that nobody ever listens to anybody else? If we are not all deaf, we are certainly terribly rude! You feel a strong need to be heard this weekend. Try miming instead of speaking.
Will today be any better than yesterday? Most certainly, it will. Many recent difficulties are being dissipated now. Things are moving on. And as they do, you are being freed from the need to keep honouring old obligations. An argument has neither been won nor lost, it has merely been rendered irrelevant by the onward march of time and circumstance. Remember this as you contemplate a further bone of contention. You can gnaw on it and get ever more embroiled in an unnecessary debate or you can ignore it and save yourself a load of time, trouble, energy ? and money too. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Human beings were born to shop. This is what they were placed upon the earth in order to do. The creator said, “Let there be people ? and let them have credit cards. And let there be online catalogues for those who cannot get to the malls.” You doubt this? Then why, pray tell, are there so many retail outlets in every town centre?This is no haphazard accident of commerce ? this is the divine will. Isn’t it? Then think. What else is there in your life now that you are inclined to see as indispensable yet which actually matters far less than you ? or anyone else might imagine?
獅子座 “Your forecast today, is sponsored by GrassO’dye ? the high tech solution to lawn envy. No more sitting on the fence wondering on which side the grass is greenest. Using a round the clock monitoring system, GrassO’dye will observe the subtle variations of colour on a neighbouring patch and then trigger a fine nozzle spray of pigment in your own garden. For details of how to order see this page tomorrow.” Oops! Sorry. We now don’t have much space left for a forecast. But then, there’s not much to say. You already have most of what you think you want. All you need to do is relax.
Cars, like elephants, have two distinctly different ends. Go round the front and they seem very appealing. Go round the back and you had better be wearing a clothes peg over your nose. Hey, that’s life. Two sides to every coin. If you are hoping to persuade elephants to stop doing what it is that elephants do several times a day, you are not going to get far. Nor are you likely to find a combustion engine without an exhaust. But you do now have the option to position yourself where you can enjoy the advantages of a certain situation without having to look so closely at what’s wrong with it.
There are so many things we do not know. Mysteries surround us and, unless we are feeling very open-minded, this tends to make us a little insecure. Unanswered questions put us on edge but sometimes, rather than accept that we may never attain all the missing information we just kid ourselves that we know as much as we need to. We take the flimsiest evidence and treat it as if it were concrete, cast-ironed and copper bottomed. You are now hanging on tight to a big assumption. Look at this again, more carefully, before somebody else does.
Desires are expensive things to have. If we can only manage to persuade ourselves that we want nothing, we can save ourselves a great deal of money, time and “emotional investment.” All business people know that it is much easier to drive a hard bargain when you feel dispassionate ? and conversely, that you can soon be taken advantage of if you deeply yearn to take possession of something... or someone. Now, er... why do I suspect that all this advice is wasted on you? Your mind may or may not be made up but your heart is clear. Try not to part with more than you can really spare.
ですから、 If you are hoping to persuade elephants to stop doing what it is that elephants do several times a day, you are not going to get far. Nor are you likely to find a combustion engine without an exhaust.
>LEOさん いえいえ、別訳キボンヌだったのでうれしいです。 sitting on the fence wondering on をうまく熟語として前後に つなげられず、直訳気味にしてしまいましたし、 今日は最後の数行さえあってれば後は意訳気味でも 何とかなるかなって思いつつも不安だったので…。 とても参考になりました。
あなたの世界で事態が変化するとき、それは突然に変わります。 積み重ねは段階的ですがどこからともなく転機が訪れ 電光石火の速さで定着します。 まさに全てのことは風船が膨らんで最後に弾ける瞬間に似ています。 風船が吸収できるエネルギーや空気の量には驚かされます。 あなたは確かに何かを犠牲にしたけどまだそれはおこらないので 考えつづけています。 その上、手遅れになるのはあっけないのです。 あなたに何が起ころうとしていますか? 解放です! 目前に迫りつつある、心配していたいざこざの突然の終結は 永遠に続くでしょう。 -- ポジティブに捉えてまつ。 "And then, the point of no return is brief. " の訳がアヤシイけどサ...つか仕事イパーイで今まで放置でした。スマソ
Precious few things in this world are available in abundance, without charge. Why these days, we have to pay for our water and the authorities are working, as we speak, on ways of metering the air that we breathe. Yet the universe is magnanimous. It gives out a constant, free supply, of opinions. We can have as many of these as we like ? and we will never encounter any shortage. How valuable are they? Well, that’s another question. If you want the good weekend you deserve, avoid listening to too many smart-alec comments ? including the ones that tend to slip from your own tongue.
You will, of course, still be the same person once the weekend is over. You will still be living in the same world. You will probably still have the same name, address and personality. Probably, there will though, be aspects of yourself that you simply do not like. You will also encounter assets of your character that you do know perfectly well yet which you have not seen for a very long time. This strange mixture of discovery and rediscovery will be triggered by a series of events that finally helps you to forget recent hassles and hardships and start planning for the future with a lot more enthusiasm.
Has someone slipped something in your tea? Everything seems a little more vivid than usual. Images are sharper, sounds more subtle, colours brighter, Ideas more exciting. And emotions are more intense. That’s the influence of Neptune. In many ways, it is a desirable and enjoyable influence to be under. It is very difficult to feel bored or even disillusioned when the planet of illusion is antagonising your ruler. It is though, very easy to get carried away by a wild fantasy that sounds seductive yet has a tenuous relationship with reality.
Have you ever tried wading through treacle? There may be times, this weekend, when it feels very much as if that is what you are having to do. As fast as you clean the sticky stuff off one foot, it gets on to the other. There seems to be no way of going forward without getting into more of a mess. That痴 the antagonistic angle between Mars and Saturn. It is notorious for producing temporary aggravation. But it poses no permanent problem. Be good-humoured and walk away from points of potential conflict, then dramas will die down as fast as they flare up.
Things are not going exactly according to plan but then your plan had room for improvement. You are now being presented with a better option. A smarter idea. If you can accept this, you can enjoy a most rewarding weekend. But can you accept it? Are you so attached to a particular fixed idea that you see every slight variation as a threat? You are going where you need to be going. You are getting what you require ・and deserve. Adjust and adapt to changing circumstances as they occur ・and keep your sense of humour. You will yet have plenty to smile about ・and to celebrate.
�Sorry, you can’t come in. This space on the page is reserved for someone else. You are not allowed to read the following forecast. You need a special certificate. Well, OK then, no you don’t. But I just thought I would join in with the parade of petty pedants who now seem to be stalking you. Apparently, there is now a global surplus of red tape. In an attempt to run down stocks and stimulate new demands, people born under your sign have been issued with an additional set of rules and regulations. Expect a weekend full of forms to fill and irritating obstacles to progress.
Don’t wave that wand. Keep it still and make sure the cover stays on. One false move, this weekend, and you are going to end up casting a spell that you do not really want to work. As is always the case with casual, throwaway actions ? it is going to have an impact much bigger and more dramatic than many of your more carefully planned strategies could ever achieve. So, when ideas or invitations take your fancy, watch out. Pluto suggests you can have what you want. Neptune though, implies that you are not as sure about what this IS as you might feel inclined to pretend. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
As we approach the Full Moon in Libra we find you growing ever more excited and restless. You can tell that something big is about to happen but you are not sure whether this is good or bad. Perhaps you will never find out. Perhaps you will just spend the rest of your life wondering quite how you feel about your current situation. There are, after all, two very different ways to look at it. But, as long as you decide not to bother thinking too hard and just take each moment as it comes, you will yet find that the events of this weekend prove surprisingly satisfying.
Why do people talk about turning green with envy? If that’s the colour we really go, we surely don’t have to worry about the colour of the grass on the other side of the fence. I am not trying to suggest that you are now being unreasonably covetous. But if you want to understand the subtle motives behind various people’s positions, you need to appreciate how potent desire can be. You feel tempted to move in one way, someone else is itching to go in a different direction. Both of you think this is the way to find happiness. But it isn’t. It is through putting down, not picking up a passion, that life can be lightened.
The planets are supplying you with what you need. But some of what you need, right now, is challenge! You may not want it, but you need it. You can’t just wallow in a sea of self-satisfaction. You can’t just disappear into a pink hazy cloud of optimistic visions. You need someone to argue with you, question you and keep you on your toes. So you ought, really, to be rather glad of you-know-who and their irritating behavioural tendencies. That doesn’t, of course, excuse them. Nor does it mean you have to put up with what you don’t like. But you should keep in mind the overview as you argue this weekend.
You are not in a great negotiating position. Your need is too strong, your desire is too obvious. Try to look less interested. If you can only manage to walk away from the thing that you feel so desperate to run towards, you can drive a much more favourable deal. Given the many drains on your resources now, you could do with this. It is not as if you have time or money to throw away. Nor should you feel afraid of losing whatever ground you have recently gained. A display of detachment will only strengthen your position.
和訳3行目・原文4行目になりますが、As fast as you clean 〜は、 「そのねばねばしたものは、1フィートきれいにするやいな、 他の部分にくっつきます。」 ということではないかと思いました…。 一難去ってまた一難、という解釈をしてよいのでしょうか? で、週末の困難には真面目に立ち向かわない方が良いよ、ということなのかな…?
The textbooks tell us that people born under your sign are organised and methodical. Practical, sensible souls who know the difference between fact and fiction. I wonder who wrote those textbooks? And how much the Virgos had to pay in order for them to write such a thing? You put up a good front but deep within there’s a wild idealist, a wide-eyed dreamer, an incorrigible fantasist and an absent-minded genius. You may find it especially difficult to disguise this part of your personality over the weekend. But that’s OK. You are about to come up with something very captivating.
14日山羊原文 Sometimes, we just have to do things even if they are not easy. We have to struggle against adversity. Sometimes though, a difficulty is a signal to stop. It indicates that something is inappropriate. How do you tell the difference? Ah, well, now you are asking! Good judgement takes a lifetime to develop. And even then, to every rule there will always be an honourable exception. So I can offer you no cast-iron policy or philosophy now. Merely a little astrological advice that should hold good for the next few days. If it is hard, leave it. If it is easy, embrace it.
Of course you should make hay while the sun shines but do you really need to buy a combine harvester and a thousand acres of farmland? Might you be in danger of taking your current opportunity just a little too far? I only ask because I notice others are now watching you in wonder. They cannot quite believe the change that has come over you lately. They too suspect you may be going over the top. You though, know precisely what you are doing and why. You may not be able to furnish a full intellectual explanation for your strategy but instinctively, it makes perfect sense.
What do we see when we look in the mirror? We see ourselves looking in the mirror! We wear our special mirror-looking face. Usually, we smile back at ourselves. Even if we frown, we do it in a friendly way. If we really want to know how we come across to others, we need to watch ourselves when we are not looking. That’s tricky, even in this modern age of closed-circuit TV cameras. Yet the behaviour patterns we are all but unconscious of are only too obvious to those in our vicinity. This week, you get a glimpse of something that you sorely need to see.
This looks set to be a most rewarding weekend. What? No, of course I know what day it is. But that’s my point. You suspect you have already got the next few days all sewn up. You think it is all in the bag and that things are very likely to go much as you have long anticipated. So why do you need a forecast? Why don’t we just turn our attention straight to Saturday and Sunday? I am really not trying to suggest that your expectations are misplaced. Things will indeed be “much as you think.” That’s precisely why it is so terribly important to think constructive thoughts.
The world divides up into two types of people. The pots... and the kettles! Or, if you prefer, the hypocritical and the inconsistent. We are all as bad as each other. We all look suitably horrified and outraged when we discover other people’s glaring contradictions. And we all manage to turn a convenient blind eye to our own, equally bad, double standards. The grass may be always greener on the other side of the fence but the snow always tends to be whiter, purer and more driven on our own side of it. A little more tolerance, this week, will yet work wonders. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Cancerians are traditionally people who love home and hearth. They like to feel safe and cosy with the things and people they know and love. But there is a very adventurous side to your character. You love to go travelling, if only because it then feels so good to get back where you started from. You also like to take occasional risks, if only so that you can vindicate your usual habit of playing safe. Right now, two questions loom large? Where do you really belong? And to whom? It is just possible that the only way you will find out is to relax more and worry less!
14日 おひつじ座原文です ��The Moon is all-but full. Take a look at it tonight and you’ll wonder why I am splitting hairs. It sure looks full ミ and it feels full too, but it is not yet in quite the right part of the sky to be fully full. That doesn’t happen for another day or so. When it does, the Moon will be directly opposite the Sun. The Sun, right now, is in Aries. That’s why you’re now a year older than you used to be. And if the Moon is opposite the Sun? Then you’ve got some kind of a conflict. A crucial relationship is going through a difficult but decisive phase. But that doesn’t mean you need to worry.
People can be terribly superficial at times. They judge one another by how they look or by what they do for a living or by where they live. By where they come from or by who they know. Yet all these things really mean very little. A person’s true worth can only be gauged in one way. By the depth of what lies in their heart. You are now reaching a series of wise decisions. You suspect that materially, these may not benefit you as much as other, less sensitive choices but you feel inclined to make them anyway.
Do you know how many countries there are in the world? How many towns, cities, villages? If you set off now with a backpack and a bicycle, you could visit them all. And that’s just the places. What about the people? So many folk you could meet. So many interesting situations you could get into. It is strange. We have options and alternatives by the bucket load but we tend to end up doing whatever we always do. Going where we always go with whoever we always go there with. This week’s Full Moon brings your chance to change all that ? if you are ready.
We have options and alternatives by the bucket load but we tend to end up doing whatever we always do. Going where we always go with whoever we always go there with. This week’s Full Moon brings your chance to change all that ? if you are ready.
Few things are more powerful (or more insidious) than imagination. When there is something we do not know we rarely concede as much. We fill up the gaps in our knowledge with conjecture. We assume, suppose and expect. Somewhere in this process, we either oversimplify a crucial complication or we go to the other extreme and create a mountain out of a molehill. We do not, of course, realise that this is what we are up to. Till we suddenly see a lighter perspective. You are about to discover that something you thought was difficult is much easier than you realised.
Where is the man with the big red book? Isn't there supposed to be a fanfare? You may not be seeing all the traditional trimmings, but the fact remains that this IS your life. And to prove it, here's something far more impressive than any trumped-up TV presenter. A big fat Moon that is about to be Full in your sign. Look up in the sky tonight and be amazed. That light so bright that it can be seen by every person, in every land, is shining in your honour. In your very own sector of the sky. Does this mean that something extra special lies in store soon? You bet it does. And how.
Sometimes, you overhear adults talking about children. They say things like, “He’s got to learn.” Or, “She may as well get used to the idea.” Usually, the statement has something to do with the need to recognise a limitation. Kids must, indeed, discover what is and is not possible. But it is important that in the process, they don’t start to feel as if nothing good is ever going to happen in their lives. Some events in your past have caused you to lower your sights and reduce expectations. But now, times are changing. You had better believe that the best is possible... because you can attain it if you try.
>>225 原文でつ。 Tuesday, 15th April 2003 PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
You have some very special friends. Sometimes, they get themselves into extraordinary situations and then require you to help them out. Sometimes, of course, they do the same for you. An important involvement is deepening. You are finding out how much have in common with a particular individual and just how closely the two of you can work together when you need to. There may not be anything especially romantic about the situation but in so far as it is making you feel more well disposed towards your fellow humans, it is opening your heart. And soon, your heart will open even more.
15日原文 You are not daunted by difficulty but you are sometimes irked by ease. Because you have been born blessed with the capacity to cope in a crisis you come into your own at times of tension. You rise to the occasion. You take the bull by the horns. But what when the bull has no horns? What if it is actually a cash cow? What if the occasion presents an opportunity, not a challenge? The sky is now throwing down a big gauntlet. It says, ‘Dare you take the path of least resistance?’ Give it a try. You may yet be very glad you succumbed to the temptation to follow the simplest possible path.
Pennies drop. Light bulbs illuminate. Realisations arrive. Suddenly we understand what had been a mystery. One part of us says, “Oh no!” and the other says, “Of course!” Many people fear facts. They soon discover that these can challenge their view of the world. You are more open-minded than most but you still prefer to see yourself as a person whose insights are impeccable and whose actions are always beyond reproach. Of course, in reality, no such individuals exist. Be brave (and humble enough) to learn the lesson life wants to teach you today and life will get happier, instantly.
Some things are just not worth thinking about. The more attention you give them, the more intimidating they seem. And, of course, they are almost always the things we simply cannot bring ourselves to ignore. It can be as hard to resist thinking a particular thought as it can be to stop smoking ? or give up cream cakes. We know we really shouldn’t but we just can’t seem to help ourselves. Now, you may be wondering why I am talking about this kind of thing to you today. But I don’t think you are wondering. I think you know. And I also think you know what you need to do (or rather not do) next. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
おひつじ15日原文です。 ��No ifs, no buts, no maybes. This is a day of definites. Things have to be decided. They need to be sorted out. You are tired of all the to-ing and fro-ing. You don’t want any more discussion, debate or dithering - and you certainly don’t want any more arguments. You now know where you stand and you can’t keep pulling and pushing in the hope that someone else will come and stand in the same place as you. That’s fine, you don’t need to do this. If you now honour what feels right in your heart, the right result will ensue and everyone will end up feeling a lot happier with one another.
Some people say, “There is nothing new under the Sun. It has all been done before.” Who knows if this is true? And who cares? Originality, on its own, is a paltry substitute for true talent. It is not a question of doing it first or last. It is a question of doing it right. Of having good timing. Of knowing what is appropriate and being able to make a constructive contribution. Actually, people with a real ability to do this kind of thing are very few and far between. You are not deliberately striving to be different now but you are managing it well. You are also setting an amazing example. You will never regret this.
People born under your sign are supposed to be adaptable. Up to a point, this is true. You are. But only up to a point! You don’t, for example, adapt very well to having nothing to adapt to! You like a bit of challenge and change. Let us hope you can cope without this for a while because the planets suggest you are now entering a more stable phase of your life. Things are not about to become entirely predictable but you should soon find it much easier to make plans, honour promises and complete projects. You may also be about to discover that in many ways you are much better off than you realised.
�The Moon is growing full in the part of your chart that governs money. That's why you are now having to think so hard about your financial situation. You don't necessarily feel bugged or bothered by the usual, obvious economic issues. It is not so much fear of poverty that is getting to you as a slight sense of guilt. You are (or soon will be) conscious of being very blessed. And you may inwardly wonder if you deserve it. But you do. And what's more, you had better get used to living in a more comfortable cosmic climate because better days really do now lie ahead for you.
Some say the Full Moon is like a cosmic spotlight. When it shines in your sign, there is no hiding place. You are on display. The whole world is watching. It isn't necessarily quite this way but it can feel like it. And really, you may as well play to your audience now. Put your best foot forward. Smile, in the best showbiz tradition even if your heart is breaking. Because anyway, actually, it isn't. It is mending. And the quicker you forget your fears and start exploring your very real and very exciting opportunities, the faster you'll start to feel (and perhaps even genuinely become?) worth a million dollars!
The scientists love to explain everything to us. They are keen to make sure we understand there is no such thing as magic. Some illusions, they insist, are very impressive but ultimately, they are just tricks. Once the hidden logic has been revealed, you need no longer feel mystified. Yet there are still some things science can offer us no satisfactory insight into. Try though you may to make sense of your current situation, you will not be able to reduce the whole thing to some simple formula. So don't try. Your heart knows what needs to happen next, no matter what your head thinks.
(注)It is not so much fear of poverty that is getting to you as a slight sense of guilt. は「not so much ~ as 」の「〜ではなくてむしろ…」 という解釈をするべきか迷いますた。そうすると(注)の部分は 「それは貧しい状態になることを恐れているというよりはむしろわずかな罪悪感です。」 って感じになるかも。どっちにしろ、後の部分から、あなたはいいものを受け入れることに 罪悪感を感じていますよみたいな意味だと思われます。 識者の方おかしいと思ったらフォローおながいします。
蟹座15日原文です。どうかお願い致します。 Are you being well looked after? The planets insist that you are, even if you feel somewhat insecure or anxious. That痴 just the Full Moon stirring up a little tension as it brings about the kind of change you sorely need to see. Just as parents, sometimes, have to provide their kids with 奏ough love・so the cosmic forces cannot always just give us everything we want, the moment we ask for them. Powerful, protective spirits are working to ensure a lasting improvement in your state of emotional and physical well-being. Today, brings a delightful reminder of what really matters and why.
Some readers were a little concerned about the content of their forecast yesterday. They felt it contained an unfortunate implication. Read in a certain way, it could have been seen as suggesting a shortfall in the quality of Aquarian intelligence. I do apologise. As we all know, people born under your sign are perfect in every way. And all criticism, however well-intentioned it may be, is misguided. Of course, you are making no mistakes at the moment and thus, there is no advice that I need to give you - other than perhaps than a gentle reminder not to be too proud.
山羊原文です。 訳の2行目に「昨日」を付け加えて置いてください。 Mars is still in your sign. Yesterday, I got so excited about everything I was trying to tell you, that I completely forgot to mention this. But it is, of course, a terribly crucial factor. You are moving further, all the time, towards the completion of a particular project. You have been making a lot of effort for a long time. That’s precisely why you can now afford to ease up a little. The hard work has all been done. If you push further now you may complicate a process that is intrinsically simple. Give yourself a break and have a little faith. All is due to be just fine.
Astrologers feel that, in essence, people are doing much the same thing when they cook as when they sing. It doesn’t much matter whether they are painting a picture or a wall. They may be designing a garden or dressing for a night on the town. Either way, they are expressing creativity and they are making a presentation to their fellow humans. They are taking something and changing it. Making it look, see, feel or taste as good as it possibly can. Somehow now, you are making an impressive contribution. You are about to discover what a seductive impact it has had.
射手座原文 People love to judge one another. Given the slightest opportunity they reach for conclusions and comparisons. It is doubtful whether the cosmos itself has quite so many strong opinions. The universe, after all, is a very big place with room for an awful lot of diversity. Now think of this notion of “deserving”. How relevant is that, really? Is there actually an angel with a scorecard in some distant etheric realm watching us all carefully day and night? Don’t ask, “What am I entitled to.” Ask, “What am I being given?” The answer, as you are about to discover, is an awful lot
Most people are surprisingly unadventurous. They know what they like and they like what they know. And what do they do? They do whatever most people would do in a situation like theirs! You are not like most people ? and most people are not like you. Note please I said, ARE not like, not DO not like. You may be very popular but you are not very ordinary. Why then, are you now trying to assess a peculiar situation through the eyes of a conventional viewer? Who cares what anyone else is likely to think. You must do as you feel.
16日おひつじ座 原文です ��Once a month, every month, someone somewhere in this world experiences a Full Moon in their opposite sign. Tonight, the pleasure is yours. So too, probably, is the stress. A process of negotiation has been taking place for some while. You are trying not to worry too much about how things turn out, but you have a lot invested in a particular situation. You can’t just pretend that you don’t care. Yet nor must you allow yourself to become too impassioned. Proceed gently now ミ with faith and you will yet strike the perfect deal, with the perfect person.
Will a palace make you feel more secure than a humble shack? Are orchids more precious than daisies? In the eyes of some, the differences are enormous, such people are often fabulously rich. They are surrounded by expensive finery. Yet their hearts are empty because their values are so shallow and so mercenary. Maybe money can buy you love of a kind. It sure as hell can’t buy you sensitivity! Or wit. Or wisdom. Or discrimination. Material blessings are now being added to your life. Enjoy them ? but don’t take them too seriously.
Or imagine a car with only two gears. First and fourth. You can either hurtle or trundle. No middle ground. It’s not a very comfortable way to get around. Indeed, many people faced with such a situation just forget all about a speedy option. They don’t feel they have enough control over it. You have lately been reluctant to take advantage of an opportunity. You worry that the drawbacks will outweigh the benefits. The sky is now helping you to see precisely how you can harness the precious power and then make it work exactly as you need it to.
You know perfectly well where you ought to draw the line. You don’t need me or anyone else to tell you. You have much more common-sense than most other people realise. Indeed, you deliberately go to some lengths to keep them in the dark about your ability to be sage. If they knew how wise you really were they would expect - and demand far more from you. And you are not so silly as to let that happen! You have weighed up, very carefully, the element of risk in your current situation. You are handling it well. Don’t let a fleeting moment of false doubt spoil a smart strategy.
There are more than six billion people on our planet. How important then, can any of us be as individuals? We may think we matter a lot, but surely, in mathematical terms, we are just tiny grains of sand on an enormous beach. To entertain a self-image any grander than that is to be woefully deluded. Er... isn't it? Well, I have now dutifully delivered your spiritual message so I can get on with your forecast. The Full Moon is about to give you a reason to feel pleased and proud. Soon, your head will swell and your sense of importance will grow. That's nothing to worry about!
Some things never change. They last forever. They will always be what they always were. Our deepest, most emotional bonds for example. They may deepen and strengthen or they may even suffer some stress and weaken. But in some shape or form they will be with us our whole life long. Even death cannot part us from the people with whom we have made a permanent connection! The Full Moon is showing you just how important a particular relationship really is. Thatユs moving, touching and ultimately, most inspiring. Something wonderful is happening now.
Oscar Wilde once said, “I can resist everything but temptation.” What a lucky chap he must have been. Fancy having a temptation exciting enough to resist. At least, when life is offering you the opportunity to be naughty you get a bit of an adventure. If you turn down your chance, you can well-up with self-righteous pride. And if you take it? Well, you would never do that, would you? Er... We are talking here in hypothetical terms about an opportunity that does not exist. But if it did ? or if it were to arise soon ? I think you could probably get clean away with taking it.
>>317 get away with A で、 A を持ち逃げする、A をうまく隠しおおす、A のとがめを受けない という意味合いになりますので、 黒ひょう乙女Оさんの解釈通り、(taking は動名刺:) 「あなたは多分、(そうしたチャンスを)つかんで、完全に逃れおおす (切り抜ける)ことが出来ると思いますよ。」 という意味かと思います。
You are not the person you used to be. You have come a long way in a short space of time and you clearly intend to get further still. Pluto is now making every effort to help you. That’s why you keep learning so much about yourself. You have lately been shown how you appear in the eyes of others and that has not been entirely easy to face. Bravely though, you have accepted what many may have felt more inclined to deny and set out on a journey of inner transformation. You are about to make yet another big discovery soon. This will really lift your spirits and change your idea of what’s possible.
17日山羊原文 The Sun is now opposite the Moon and Mars is playing piggy in the middle. Mars is in your sign,imbuing you with strength, energy and deep determination. That’s just as well for you currently have great need of these qualities. You are beginning to feel as if you are caught up in someone else’s drama. You seem to be acting out roles you cannot relate to and are keenly aware of the expectations others have of you. You are willing to do your best to comply. But will your best be good enough? You are beginning to doubt this. Today’s events though, should provide a much needed boost to confidence.
What would you like me to tell you about? The pros or the cons? You are, I know, very concerned about certain difficult issues. Yet you are also eager to take what looks like an exceptional opportunity. So you really are not sure whether you need to be talked into ? or out of ? a big idea. But as you look set to be going ahead with it, regardless of what anyone says, there seems little point in dwelling on the downside. That will reveal itself when it is good and ready ? and it will turn out to be less problematic than you feared. Meanwhile, you need to know that the hope in your heart is neither false nor foolish. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
You have come a long way. You have covered a lot of distance. We could argue that you are back where you started from but that’s not really so. You are simply repeating elements of a familiar theme. You are playing out variations too and these are significant. We all have to go round in circles to some extent. That’s only fitting when you think about the planet on which we live and how it endlessly rotates. But no two days are ever the same, nor even two moments. Don’t be fooled today, by what you think you recognise. Be inspired, instead, by what you are only just starting to discover.
Why are there so many beauty parlours? Why so many lotions and potions on the cosmetic counters? Why so many sun beds and special treatments? There must be millions of people on this planet who do not love themselves “just the way they are.” It is not in the interest of industry to rectify this problem. If suddenly, we were all full of confidence and just decided to let our inner beauty shine through, multinational corporations would collapse overnight. Presumably, that’s why Venus only ever passes through one sign at a time. Right now though, Venus is in yours. You’ve got it. Feel free to flaunt it.
��Do you really want an easy life? Perhaps that’s the problem. Perhaps you don’t really want one and that’s why you are not getting one. Or perhaps you do - but you want it too badly. Maybe you try so hard to keep stress at bay that you end up getting tense! Many say that the key to success involves knowing what you want. But often it is more important just to know what you don’t want - or better yet, not to want anything at all. Certainly, the quickest way to reach your current goal is to become far less bothered about whether or not you actually get there! Stand back - and you’ll move on!
“Life is what happens to us while we are busy making other plans.” This old Sufi saying, was one of Patric Walker’s favourites. It became attributed to John Lennon after the late great astrologer quoted it to the Beatle in a New York hotel. Soon after, Lennon gave an interview and he used that phrase. Ever since he has been credited with this particular piece of wisdom. Does any of this really matter? Only in one way. Life is also what happens to us while we are busy watching other people. And the more energy we give their stories, the less time we have for our own. THAT’S what you need to watch today.
Do you really want an easy life? Perhaps that’s the problem. Perhaps you don’t really want one and that’s why you are not getting one. Or perhaps you do ? but you want it too badly. Maybe you try so hard to keep stress at bay that you end up getting tense! Many say that the key to success involves knowing what you want. But often it is more important just to know what you don’t want ? or better yet, not to want anything at all. Certainly, the quickest way to reach your current goal is to become far less bothered about whether or not you actually get there! Stand back ? and you’ll move on!
You are reading the wrong forecast. These words are not for you. Hey, listen. Don’t you dare argue. I am the astrologer and I am telling you. Stop reading at once. ... ... ... you just won’t do as you are told, will you? Honestly, I am outraged! Well, all right then. Your persistence has paid off. On this one occasion, at least, I shall relent and concede that in refusing to be daunted you are making the right choice. Now, do you think you can manage to be similarly defiant today? Because if you are going to avoid being browbeaten by an insistent adversary, you will need self-belief... and determination.
Think of a hit record that you truly hate. Or a TV show that you detest. A film star who, you feel can’t act. Or a piece of art that you consider to be a piece of something unprintable. Now think of the millions who actually like this stuff. Can they really all be wrong? Why of course! We may be glad that we live in a democracy but we are not stupid enough to think that the vast majority of people have any taste. It is now more important than ever for you to make your own choices and live your own life. Lots of people would not agree with your current priority. That’s their problem, not yours.
You are not about to become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams but then, some of your dreams are pretty wild! You would not necessarily want to fulfil them even if you could. Money, in any event, should not be used for purchasing the fulfilment of fantasy it should be spent on real needs and genuine requirements. Or so at least the moralists tell us. It is funny though, how a lot of them seem to stop moralising when they strike it rich. Your tune may change soon, too, in the light of an imminent acquisition. Enjoy this slight change of status but don't forget what's really important.
You are not about to become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams but then, some of your dreams are pretty wild! You would not necessarily want to fulfil them even if you could. Money, in any event, should not be used for purchasing the fulfilment of fantasy - it should be spent on real needs and genuine requirements. Or so at least the moralists tell us. It is funny though, how a lot of them seem to stop moralising when they strike it rich. Your tune may change soon, too, in the light of an imminent acquisition. Enjoy this slight change of status but don’t forget what’s really important.
Thank heavens you are here at last. I have been waiting around on this page for ages just hoping that you would eventually arrive. In fact hang on a moment, I really must share this. "Hey everybody! It is OK, you can all stop biting your nails so nervously. Relax, the star of the show is finally here." Wow. You had us worried for a moment. We thought you weren't coming. Now please be good enough to stand still, while we touch the hem of your garment. And by the way, you had better get used to this kind of treatment. There really is a distinct possibility of more of the same in store.
You have a skeleton key. There’s not a lock in the world it cannot open. Psychologically speaking of course. You don’t have such a thing in the physical world. But even if you did, you probably would not be interested. You respect other people’s privacy. That’s one reason why your emotional or intellectual key is so powerful. It is through your sensitivity, wisdom and compassion that you manage to melt away other people’s barriers and defences. They soon learn that you are a person of integrity ? someone they can trust and confide in. Today, your special ability helps make another breakthrough.
最後のところは But will your best be good enough? You are beginning to doubt this. Today’s events though, should provide a much needed boost to confidence. なので、簡単に訳せば けれども、あなたの最善は最善と言えるのでしょうか? あなた自身も疑い始めています。 けれども今日のイベントで、あなたは確信を高めることでしょう。
御指摘ありがとうございます。全国の山羊座さんごめんちゃい。 みどりやぎさんが居ないと山羊は駄目だわ。 初歩ミス・・・ゾーをスルーで読んでしまいました。 Today’s events though, should provide a much needed boost to confidence しかし今日の出来事は自信を非常に高めさせるのです・・・かな? 最後の一文のneededの意味がわかりません・・・。
いつもありがとうございます。 蠍座週末です。お願いいたします。 They say you never know what’s possible until you try. That’s a bit of an over-simplification. It is not always sufficient to try just once. Sometimes, you have to try, try and try again. Look at what you now want. You don’t really believe it is possible. And guess what? For as long as you have that attitude, it won’t be. Please understand that you are now under the influence of a rare harmonious link between your ruler and Uranus. Alignments like this only happen once a decade. They are extremely fortuitous and auspicious. Find your opportunity and seize it!
If some people had their way, maternity wards would be placed directly next to bureaucratic administration centres. Babies, the minute they were born, would be raced before a series of clerks who would request their official documentation. Given the fascination that we all seem to have with licences and permits, it is strange that human beings are still able to enter this world without a passport. Or even, for that matter, an instruction booklet. Just how are we supposed to live without rules and regulations? Er... remember, this weekend, that you are as free as you choose to be.
Is there any particular reason why you cannot have your cake and eat it? Or are you just intimidated by years of conditioning? From the earliest age we are urged by supercilious schoolteachers ? or patronising parents ? to lower our expectations. They claim to be trying to help us. They argue that they are teaching us to be realistic. The whole time though, they are eroding our confidence. So we grow up feeling that the best we can hope for is not very much ? and that to ask for any more would be churlish. Venus, this weekend, offers you all the cake you could ever wish for. And the icing. And the cherry on the top.
We all predict the future. We weigh things up continually, attempting to work out what is likely to happen next. Without realising it, we make massive assumptions. When people start to tell us things, we jump ahead in our minds to see if we can get to the end of the sentence before they hippopotamus. There! You see? You were so sure I was going to say something else. You felt cheated by that unexpected word. But just as I as a writer reserve the right to surprise my readers, so the universe reserves its right to surprise its inhabitants. Don’t feel, this weekend, that anything has to be too predictable.
You may be starting to feel like an arrow that is about to be fired by someone else's bow. You suspect you are being used as a pawn in a greater game. There is a sense of the inevitable about what is happening, yet you are not sure whether you are happy with this. But can you turn back time? Can you stop what has already started? Well then, relax. Ignore criticism and suppress doubt. Go with the flow, even if you are not yet quite sure where that flow is actually going. It is most appropriate not to be too sure of anything right now. Happy surprises lie in store.
あっ、訳中、流れに身をまかせてください。がダブってしまった。 リラックス〜前の方のはないですね。well then = じゃあ、 がはいります。スマソ。
Merry Christmas. Well, OK then, I suppose it is a little early for that sort of thing. But I thought I would be the first this year to wish you the compliments of the season. Besides which, there is something rather festive in the air at the moment. You will soon have a real reason to celebrate. A gift, of some kind, is on its way to you. That is not an excuse to eat or drink too much this weekend but it is a reason to stop worrying about what may be about to go wrong. Put all that sort of thing to one side. Get ready for a good time.
We do not all enjoy eye-opening experiences. Some of us, indeed, find them intrusive and uncomfortable. With our eyes tightly shut, we can see whatever we want to see! Even when they are half-open, we can super-impose our expectation on to reality. None of this is possible though, when life is obliging us to really recognise reality. All difficulties now stem from the need to replace an assumption with an accurate understanding. The sooner you begin this process, the happier you will be. Then you will see. You have been worrying unnecessarily about half-imagined problems. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
山羊原文 “Slow but steady wins the race.” That is what we are always told. They drum it into us from the earliest possible age. but what, exactly, is the implication here? That it is far better, in the long run, to be a tortoise than a hare? Oh yeah, right! Thanks a lot for the education guys. What kind of a bribe did the hares offer you? The truth is, if you really want to get somewhere in this world you have to see your chance and then seize it. Fast! Don’t apologise for your current mood of steely determination. Just summon up even more ? and then put it to work.
You are really not sure what to make of your situation. Is it urgent or irrelevant? Should you find it funny or infuriating? You can draw numerous conclusions depending on the position from which you view things. But no matter what angle you take, you cannot see how things are going to line up easily and comfortably. Something seems wrong. That’s why you feel so edgy. Events this weekend will eventually provide much reassurance but perhaps not until they have first stirred up more anxiety. Save yourself some worry. Trust in a happy outcome.
Gosh! I don't believe it. You are here again. On behalf of the publishers of this page, may I say how honoured we are by your presence. Would you mind standing over here for a photograph? It would be nice to have something to show the grandchildren. The folks back home are never going to believe it when I tell them who turned up to read the Libra forecast today. In fact, wow! I have just realised... When the world finds out that I have been giving zodiac forecasts to you, I will be able to triple my charges! You think I am going a little too far? Just wait and see how you get treated this weekend.
Problems keep us on our toes - unless, of course, the problems happen to be with our feet. In which case, they don’t. We all have our pet explanations and favourite justifications. We all like to think that we really understand what’s going on. Yet still, we are surrounded by mysteries. So if we actually know very little, how can we possibly be sure what our problems are for? And how dare we assume, just because we always seem to have them, that difficulties are an inescapable part of daily life? This weekend, for you, is not about problem solving - it is about problem removing!
Courage is greatly admired by the people of this world. They make movies about it. They sing songs in praise of it. They consider it one of the greatest virtues. It doesn't follow from any of this though, that they know how to recognise it when they actually see it! Some of the bravest acts and the most daring deeds of all go unsung. You are being asked to summon great stamina and strength this weekend. For this, you are unlikely to be rewarded or applauded. You have though, no option other than to do the right thing. And you know what? You will never regret it.
All is not quite as you thought. But why should that worry you? Isn’t flexibility your middle name? Aren’t you famously adaptable and adventurous? Of course. But you are also fond of your ability to make smart choices. You like to be right. You hate to feel as if you may have missed a trick. Right now, the cosmos knows where it needs to you to be ? and what it wants you to be doing. If anything feels awkward, it is probably because you have not quite enough faith in where you are being led ? and a bit too much attachment to your own idea of the best destination.
How fascinated we are by point and purpose. We feel that everything is supposed to have an end result. An explanation. A justification. If such things cannot be supplied in sufficient quality or quantity, much scorn is poured. Yet none of us actually has the first clue what we came to this earth to accomplish. We may love our favourite theories ? and hate the folk who have alternate beliefs... but the fact remains that there’s a whole lot of guesswork going on! Right now, you fear a particular idea or enterprise or arrangement is not worth the effort. Don’t be so sure!
Little things mean a lot ? especially when they actually happen to be little big things! These often bother us far more than “big little” things. Nobody, of course, can really say what’s big and what’s little. It is ultimately just a matter of personal perspective. But then, that’s rather the point right now. You are not sure how you really feel about what’s happening. So it all seems like a very big deal. But soon, events will cause you to feel very comfortable, very inspired and very blessed. And you will realise that everything is just about the perfect shape... and size!
Remember all those early Hollywood westerns where the villains wore black hats and twirled their overly-extended moustaches? Back in those innocent days, when the only shades of grey were on the monochrome film stock, opinions were easy to form. These days, despite the way our politicians try to feed us simplistic propaganda, we know differently. There are two sides to every story and to refuse to see this is to be a bigot! Only in sport can we be gung-ho for one side or another. Never in life. Only breadth of vision will bring you the enlightenment and the success you now seek.
Astrologers have to be careful about ‘new eras’. They study so many cosmic cycles and see so many celestial seasons change that they are forever detecting suggestions of imminent change. But Mars IS about to enter your sign and that IS significant. It has been over two years since you last gained such an astrological advantage - and you’ll find a lot of plans and projects really start racing ahead between now and mid June - when Mars moves on. As too, will dramas or sagas that have seemed stuck. Don’t assume that you know where you stand. You are about to race way ahead!
Let’s hope you like the place you are heading for. Because it is too late to turn back now. I tease, of course. Not about being past a point of no return - but about the possibility of not enjoying your destination. Some while ago, you made a wise, brave decision. Ever since, you have stuck to your plan despite difficulties, distractions and doubts. Events this week should bring a bucket load of re-assurance. But then, Pisceans prefer their re-assurance by the cartload. You’ll get enough though, to see you through... as long as you don’t start dreaming up yet more misgivings.
現在太陽が天空のあなた方の領域に入ったことで、古い障害が徐々に消えうせ 始めていると感じます。あなたは今、2,3のある困難と長い間取っ組み合いをし ています。実際、このストレスはあなたが失礼な態度を取ることが許されていない、 昔から良く知っている家族の一人からきていると感じ始めています。もっとも、あ なたが負っている義務は自分で思うほど強くはありません。これから起こる出来 事は大いに解放的にそして心強いものだと判明しそうです。もちろん富をもたらし、 心温まることは言うまでもありません。そしてその結果、緊張と不快を追い出し、 あなたは完全に自由となります! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
As the Sun now moves into your sector of the sky, we find old obstacles beginning to melt away. You have been wrestling with a few particular difficulties for a long time now. Indeed, you are beginning to feel that stress is just an old, familiar friend of the family that you are not entitled to be rude to. Your obligations though, are not as intense as you think. Coming events are likely to prove extremely liberating and reassuring - to say nothing of lucrative and heart-warming. And it turns out that you are perfectly at liberty to show tension and discomfort the door! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
射手座原文 All is not quite as you thought. But why should that worry you? Isn’t flexibility your middle name? Aren’t you famously adaptable and adventurous? Of course. But you are also fond of your ability to make smart choices. You like to be right. You hate to feel as if you may have missed a trick. Right now, the cosmos knows where it needs to you to be - and what it wants you to be doing. If anything feels awkward, it is probably because you have not quite enough faith in where you are being led - and a bit too much attachment to your own idea of the best destination.
Oh those three little words. How much they mean. What a difference they make. Yet how hard they are to say. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could somehow hear them soon. And if you could then find the courage to really open up and reply in the same way? Let’s have a rehearsal. Nobody is listening. So repeat after me. “I...” Very good. That didn’t hurt too much, did it? OK, second word. “don’t” - Er... why do you look surprised? Did you think I meant something else? Ha! The most crucial words in this world are “I don’t know.” Say them bravely and you’ll solve a plethora of problems.
It’s funny how quickly we develop a sense of ownership. One minute, an item is sitting on a shop shelf. The next, it is at the checkout with us and the moment our money goes over the counter, it becomes “Yours!” To have and to hold, to protect, exploit, to share if you choose and withhold if you prefer. “Mine!” is one of the first words that babies ever learn. Yet what truly IS ours and what are we merely borrowing briefly from a kind cosmos? You will soon be helped to let go of something you have been holding on to ? which will allow you, in turn, to embrace something much more rewarding.
Why does a certain person have to be so awkward? Why must a particular situation be so complicated? There is not much you can do about this - other than to alter your own attitude. You don’t have to let things get to you or take everything so seriously. In your mind’s-eye, try sending some imaginary showers of flowers to the person on who you feel half-inclined to drop something substantially less pleasant. Gestures of kindness and conciliation may not be immediately met with a warm response but they will have a very real impact over time.
Nothing is more seductive than a secret. Most of us yearn to know as much as we can... about everyone and everything! Even those who are blithely disinterested become excited when they suspect that information is being withheld. Yet the moment that the truth is unveiled, mystery becomes history. All seems obvious and dull once more. This week, if you want to generate enthusiasm for something, be discreet and suggestive... rather than insistent and upfront. But remember that someone else may also now be holding back what they really should be putting forward.
Shall we write a thesis? Shall we study for a doctorate? Shall we add to the body of knowledge in an under ploughed field of academia? Or shall we just create more clutter? Do we really need to think any more, talk any more, worry any more about a particular topic? Haven't we had enough of it? And don't we make matters worse the more we dwell on it? These are, before you now, two choices. You can get 'into' something absorbing but not especially constructive. Or you can get your head out of a subject that absolutely needs no more discussion.
We yearn to be right. We hate to be wrong. We worry about making mistakes. Yet often, we wrongly assume that something is problematic when actually, it is fine. TV tries to simplify everything to the level of a soundbite. When we watch too much, we start to feel that this is a fine way to think. So we stop seeing the depth and the complexity we ought to be acknowledging. Then we wonder why life is starting to seem one dimensional! This week brings insight, inspiration and revelation. Be glad of it all. I’ll be back after a brief break. Excellent astrologers will fill in for me from tomorrow.
Too often, we forget how insecure most people are. They behave in ways we can neither believe nor accept... and often, they act with belligerent confidence too. Yet deep down, they are scared. We ought to be more tolerant of their damaged inner child instead of directing inappropriate opprobrium towards them. But then, we have inner children too and sometimes, they can be very childish! Don’t let yours throw too many tantrums today. Mars is entering Aquarius. You carry more weight than you think. My colleagues will explain more about this over the next few days, while I take a brief break.
As Venus moves into Aries, you begin a fine phase of your future. The tale of a crucial close relationship is about to take a most encouraging turn and even your somewhat precarious financial situation should improve before long. My fellow astrologers will tell you more about this over the next few days, while I take a brief break from this page. I am sure they will do an excellent job of alerting you to the amazing opportunities that are beginning to arise. But before I go, I must make one last clear prediction for you. Your biggest current fear is going to prove totally unfounded.
No Sagittarian ever experiences the slightest desire to control the universe. To be born under your sign is to be free and easy. Always. And by the way, the Moon is made of green cheese. Indisputably. Or to put it all another way, sometimes you get a little too set in your ways. Then somehow, the cosmos has to help you loosen up a little. That’s what’s happening now. Don’t worry about anything. Just do something that Sagittarians, in their haste and enthusiasm, sometimes forget to do. Relax! I’ll be back in a few days after a brief break. A series of top astrologers will be here for you meanwhile.
Why ask questions that cannot be answered? Or contemplate directions that cannot be followed? Surely, you have to be realistic, don’t you? Well... of course, up to a point. But then, till you ask a question, how can you possibly know what the answer will be? And till you really try to pursue a particular path, who can say how far you will get? You need more faith in the route you have chosen - and in your instinctive ability to know what’s good for you. For a few days, I’m taking a brief break. Excellent astrologers here will keep you up to date with what’s in store. They should have good news for you. Because your future is starting to look very bright.
恋愛の方は現在いかがですか?どうして私がこの話題を取り上げたか、知っている ことと思います。安心感を与えるような動きが、あなたをもっと魅力的にそして安心で きるようにたくさんのことをするにつれ、今の懸案事項はまもなく無くなっていくでしょ う。私がこれから数日間の短い休暇から戻ってくる時までには、あなたが古い成功や 新しい成功、そして紛れもなく目前に迫った成功をともなう、とってもハッピーな話が 出来るようになっているだろうと自身を持って予言します。有名な私の同僚が、まもな くあなたを待ち受ける有益な宇宙情勢についてもっと語ってくれるでしょう。その間、 あなたがとりわけ知っておく必要のあるものがあります。疑いは今のあなたにとって 唯一本当の敵です。そして信じることは今のあなたにとって唯一本当の友人です! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
How is your love-life at the moment? I think you know why I am raising the topic. Current concerns should soon ebb away as reassuring developments do much to make you feel more attractive and more secure. By the time I return from my brief break over the next few days, I confidently predict that you will have a very happy tale to tell involving triumphs old, new and undeniably imminent. My eminent colleagues will tell you more about the helpful cosmic climate that awaits you soon. Meanwhile, here’s what you surely need to know most of all: doubt is now your only real enemy ? and faith is currently your only true friend! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Imagine the caterpillars’ union, standing outside city hall with placards and banners. “NO MORE METAMORPHOSIS!” they chant. Their chief negotiator strides forward on his many legs, waving a list of demands. Compensation for claustrophobia brought on by spending too long in a cocoon. Recompense for risk incurred in learning to operate newly sprouted wings. Plus, of course, better night lighting. “We want Larvae lamps!” Er... all I am trying to say is ? don’t fight too hard against a change that can only be good for you. Hopefully, my colleagues will explain more soon, while I take a brief break.
What’s so great about the old routine? Do you really want to be stuck in it forever? Don’t you secretly yearn to explore fresh pastures and taste new delights? Ha! Of course you do. And not so secretly, either. Usually, we stop ourselves from being too adventurous by looking at the possible scary consequences. We don’t want to jeopardise our security ? or put at risk something that we have taken a long time to create. But sometimes, that’s just an excuse for being wimpish! As I take a brief break from this page over the next few days, my colleagues will tell you more about what the cosmic climate has to offer.
22日山羊原文 What did we come to this earth for? Why that’s obvious, isn’t it? To struggle. To suffer. To be forever short of the rent and worried about money. And to have endless irritating encounters with our fellow humans. Now, is there any other great mystery you would like me to shed light on? Well, if you think of one, let me know when I get back. I’m off for a few days ? during which time, my excellent colleagues will be offering you a more conventional form of astrological forecast. Meanwhile, I’ll just promise you this. You are FAR closer to a big success than you think. Your cynicism is misplaced. And your finances are about to improve.
“Say ‘Please’.” “Say ‘Thank you’.” Many parents seem obsessed with these phrases. So much so that some kids learn to say them before they can even pronounce their own names. Which makes them terribly polite. But not necessarily well equipped for a world in which not everyone is quite as nice as they pretend to be. And in which, sometimes, it is more important to be able to say “no” firmly than “yes” delicately. Over the next few days I will be taking a brief break from this page. My colleagues will tell you more about what’s happening in the sky. My parting thought? It’s much more essential now, to be honest than to be popular.
It's an old analogy but it works. So here goes. Someone offers you a nice fresh drink of tea. You hold out your cup to the pot. But it is half full of some old stale brew that you had yesterday. Now, how pleasing is your beverage going to be? Yet when it is suggested that you might throw away the cold stuff, you claim that you still have a need for it. Er... In what area of your life now might the words above apply? And what should you do? While you ponder, an announcement. I'm off on a brief break for a few days. Some excellent astrologers will be filling in for me. I hope you enjoy their work.
Adam Smith writes:Slowly, slowly you are on the move as your recent heavy lifting begins to see results. Nothing stays down forever, it’s a law of nature, and the good times are coming back just like the turning of the tide. So don’t base your assessment of a person, job, relationship or home on how you feel today - you may have come to accept that things will always be dark and tough, but eventually you’ll see how wrong you are. Keeping in mind what you have achieved and how far you have come will soon have you in a positive frame of mind again.
Working on intangibles can be frustrating but with the Moon in your sign today, you have the energy to pluck something new out of the air. Learning to reconcile opposites isn’t something you are used to, but nobody said that emotions have to add up. Cool and detached is your default setting, but the situation won’t let it go at that and a creative result requires you to reach for something more. There are no guidelines or roadmaps today, except those you make for yourself, but what can you lose by working on something truly challenging? More to lose by not.
Viva la revolution! You are making a splash today and while the temptation may be to throw everything overboard, there is also a middle way to find between the classic and chaotic. This is not an excuse to make do with mediocrity, but to recognise the things that are working for you and spare them your sharp sword. It could also be time for a change of personal style and to overcome your aversion to plain talking - unvarnished honesty isn’t normally your approach, but now could be the time to do away with your customary call to smoke and mirrors.
Adam Smith writes:Working on intangibles can be frustrating but with the Moon in your sign today, you have the energy to pluck something new out of the air. Learning to reconcile opposites isn’t something you are used to, but nobody said that emotions have to add up. Cool and detached is your default setting, but the situation won’t let it go at that and a creative result requires you to reach for something more. There are no guidelines or roadmaps today, except those you make for yourself, but what can you lose by working on something truly challenging? More to lose by not.
今日はコミュニケーションに気を配ってください。そして、自分の意図を 正確に伝えるようにしてください。うなずきやウインク、暗黙の理解など ではなく、言うべきことはきちんと言わねばなりません。神秘的な水星 が適切な二段階を用意するので、昔の見方を見直し、uncrossed T'sと undotted I'sを再び訪れる準備をしてください。新たな申し出かアップデ ートされた最後通告があなたの心の底に火を灯し、本当の選択肢は何 かという最終的な一覧をあなたに示します。 きつい仕事とものすごい集 中力によってあなたの日々が洋ナシ?とおなじ道をたどることを防いで います。でもあなたが望めばもっと提供できるものがありますよ。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ※「revisit uncrossed T’s and undotted I’s」や「going the way of the pear」 ってどういう意味でしょう???
Keep an eye on communication today and make sure you say exactly what you mean. A nod and a wink or tacit understanding won’t do, you have to tell it like it is. Get ready to go over old ground and revisit uncrossed T’s and undotted I’s, as magical Mercury prepares to make a neat two-step. A renewed offer or updated ultimatum lights a fire underneath you and gives you a final view on what your options really are. Hard work and concentration prevent your day from going the way of the pear, but there’s more on offer if you are willing. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Favourable movements in your fellow water signs represent a new solution and a spring-clean for your soul. Big words, perhaps, but you are approaching a new start with different options on all sides. Thinking around a problem is the way to go today, but keep in mind that the most obvious solution isn’t always best. Literal and lateral approaches are open to you, but branching out into left-field brings the right outcome. Pretty soon you’ll have to walk the walk instead of the other thing, but for now you can put your feet up and take some well-earned rest.
�Adam Smith writes:The sociable and starry-eyed disposition surrounding you today is due to the influence of Venus, dropping in for a visit to your sign. She brings an outgoing mood, enhanced self-image and invitations landing on the mat, and all this is taken easily in your stride. This is the time when affections flow and nothing seems too much trouble, and you have the peace and presence of mind to deal with the most stressful situation. Far from frivolous self-indulgence, think of this as pleasure therapy and exploit it to the full. Nobody close will ever hold it against you.
Get ready to go over old ground and revisit uncrossed T’s and undotted I’s, as magical Mercury prepares to make a neat two-step. 神秘的な水星が、なめらかなツーステップの足並みの準備をしているので (水星が今週土曜日から、逆行に転じることを指していると思われ) 昔なじみの立場に立ち戻り、注意を払わなかったものを見直しなさい。
dot the [one's] i's and cross the [one's] t's あくまでも[いやが上にも]慎重を期する; 事細かに記す[説明する] という意味らすぃので〜
You can safely dismiss any bad feelings you have now as a temporary blip on your radar screen. While life contains few guarantees, it is a stone-cold certainty that good times will be returning to your world very soon and you are just about starting to believe it. OK, you have been over the hurdles, and, yes, you have had some tough and testing times. But you should see these as stepping stones to your desired destination. Today should be an oasis of calm, with everything set up beautifully for you, which you appreciate still more for the sharp contrast it provides.
23日山羊原文 Adam Smith writes:Sometimes it’s the little things that matter most, so pay attention to the small stuff today. You have mercurial mental confidence and clarity now like no other time and, above all, you can trust yourself not to get your own wires crossed. The old has to be removed before you can move forward to a new vista, so this is a day for getting organised, sorting out the paperwork and generally cleaning out your closet. How boring and yet how startlingly effective this can be you will appreciate once you have tried it and find yourself room to breathe again.
Adam Smith writes: You know what you want and where you are going, and there are powerful stabilising influences to support you. Strict common sense has been your guide and safety net up to now and while you have not been entirely risk averse, yours has pretty much been the road more travelled. Mars powering into perfect alignment allows you to work upon hunches that would otherwise only sit upon your back, however, so now it's time to act. A wider view, with better instincts, will push you further and it's only then you can truly claim to have earned your wings.
A leisurely pace is set up for you today as the Moon is in your opposite sign, so you can rest up and enjoy the basking thing lions do so well. You are flying on a jet-stream cushion of confidence and there is time for more miracles yet before your mojo is exhausted. You are looking good, at the top of your game. A tolerant philosophic perspective allows you to not take everything quite so earnestly. Days like these are worth looking forward to and just when you thought things couldn't get any better, they do. Isn't life great?
Unexpected events now come in forms that get you there in roundabout ways. Sometimes a more radical course turns out easier than making a pact with the mundane and a little leap of faith is all that is required. The steady path brings negative rewards, in terms of the things you don’t have to do - think, dream or dare to be different - but there are deeper desires that you have not entirely forgotten. A sensitive soul’s dreams should not be buried too far down and someone may come around and show you the way back to your own yellow brick road.
Adam Smith writes:If the world is living down to your expectations, the obvious answer is to demand a little more. What you are putting out and what you are getting back may be divided by a chasm, but you are not seeing the whole picture yet. Just because your elaborate plans have been torpedoed in one scenario, does not mean you have got everything wrong - keep the old approach and apply it to a new situation and you can still turn the game around. Know that there’s someone out there who appreciates your efforts and stays in sympathy with your sentiments.
Let it go, just let it go. Not everything is rational - that’s how it is. Today you get a lift as creative Mama Moon lights up your first house of self - and eureka! You see something brilliant and I advise you to write it down at once. Throw over the lists you’ve been making about the home; Mercury goes retrograde on Saturday and messes with arrangements for the next three weeks - so why waste your time? Play a little. Your partner is there, as always, to help you. Wonderful love-time awaits. So say bye to the pressure and grab the opportunity with both hands.
親愛なるおうし座のみなさん、今日と明日の間に必須事項をやり終えておくべきでしょう。 なぜなら土曜日あたりから商売上の取引(そして他の人がどのようにあなたを理解するか) がおかしくなり始めるでしょう。これから3週間の間、遅延や混乱そして書類の紛失などを 覚悟してください。しかし本当のところ、あなたはこれをまだ必要としますか?家庭や仕事 でたくさんのことをやろうとしていたあなたは、その努力についてもっと認められるべきです。 心配しないでください。報酬がふつふつとわき、すぐにもすべてがとても平穏になるでしょう。 しかし今日は行動日でなければなりません。そしてあなたがやり終えたなら、いくつかの すばらしくロマンチックな出会いがあなたを待っているでしょう。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Dear Taurus, It behoves you to finish essentials today and tomorrow because, by Saturday, business transactions (and how others perceive you) start to get weird. For three weeks expect delays, confusion and documents going astray. But really, do you need any more of this? You, who’ve been trying to get so much done at home and work, deserve more recognition for your efforts. Not to worry, the rewards are bubbling up and soon all will be much calmer. But today must be an action day. And there’s some lovely romantic merging waiting for you when you’re done ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
I might put off that little trip you’re thinking of taking, especially if it starts on Saturday! You’ve got wonderful, marvellous luck beaming your way and it’s happening right in your own inner backyard. Finally, after months (or years?) of not being listened to, not getting proper reward or financial bonuses, you’re ready to be a big success. And it’s all coming from you. A change of image has a great deal to do with it, so invest and take the leap - and do yourself proud. You’ll be so happy that, even with that strange new worker, you won’t mind a bit!
↑ 射手座 最後のところ変更 水星が逆行しているこれからの数週間は、その後に備えてマターリ休憩なさい。 それが、至福の時。 あなたはこのあなたの人生そのまんまを、ずっと待ち望んできましたよね。 (だったら)そのために一生懸命働いてきたその結果、を楽しんでください。 以下射手座原文 Madalyn Aslan writes:Everything is finally moving forward! Unexpected communication today clues you in to a glimpse of your future : it’s fast, it’s wise, and you’re free. Shackles are falling from you as we speak. Since April 4, when your lucky planet Jupiter re-zoomed forward, your word has spread - to important, powerful people. This means great success, but prepare for your everyday routine to be toppled on its head. Rest the next three weeks while Mercury is retrograde - because then? The best part. You’ve been waiting for this your whole life. Enjoy - you’ve worked hard for it.
��Madalyn Aslan writes:Youve been dealing with others crises long enough! All month youve been a giver, but today is your day for creativity, desire and what you want to accomplish. The Sun is bringing dusty ambition back to life. Venus is making you look drop-dead gorgeous. So, ask for a favour to make it all go faster why not? Write down that dream you had last Tuesday itll help. Mercury makes money wonky this weekend, so itemise everything. Anothers distress call is not as bad as it seems; he or she just needs to talk but make it tomorrow, today is too precious!
Madalyn Aslan writes:Even when change is good, it is traumatic by its very nature ? and you, dear Cancer, have been going through so much recently! You have been brave and strong and you will see today how it pays off. Whatever you feel was taken away from you as a child will be returned to you in an unexpected form. This is profound (it doesn’t happen every day, does it?). So put work on autopilot and schedule the evening for your beloved in a friendly atmosphere, or surrounded by friends. Take the day off if you can, except you have good financial energy today. And more money never hurts.
24日やぎ 最初の行、別解釈として「あなたの星は良い配置を形作っている」 ということも考えられますね。 Madalyn Aslan writes:You’re making good progress. You’re clearing up a lot of old stuff and can move forward. Nothing will be the same again after today. All that you’ve held on to, including pain and a fortress of disappointment and frustration is coming tumbling down. They’re gone. Bravo, dear Capricorn. You are a brave soul. Crazy old Mars just left your sign two days ago, so you can finally take a breath, too. The great news happens today in your second house of money. Expect the unexpected and roll with it! No time to lose. You can go over the details later with the person you trust most.
Madalyn Aslan writes:In the last month, since life offered you the promise of a more stable love life and increased luck you’ve been moving forward in leaps and bounds. Today, the wisdom you’ve acquired and the clarity you now possess can take you even further. Trust your brilliant instincts. The energy in your marriage house is marvellous, so you can either cement what you want for the future or ? well, it’s a beautiful day for…! Just remember that Neptune, planet of illusions, is still in that marriage house, too. Ask for what you really want. You know better than anyone and you deserve the best.
As careful as you’ve been in your love life nothing will have prepared you for what’s going on. It’s a new world for you to flow with to be happy. Use today to see anew the changes you’ve undergone. Congratulate yourself on how you’ve managed everything. Then, start planning for Saturday when Mercury goes retrograde and everything changes! Again, it’s good news, so don’t worry. If involved in academics, international contacts or publishing, expect three weeks of delays that you can actually turn to your advantage. If not, you still get your own rare way.
If you’ve been holding your breath, today you can let it go. You’re at the end of a long road of striving and fixing ? phew! Now you can see the light ahead and riches in store. You have earned this. Only two more days to clear up what is owed on both sides. (You owe; they owe.) Just get it done, and relax. Float through on ideas and inspirations whistling to you from a creative muse in your pleasure house. Work is not hard if you just listen. Soon enough, this will manifest itself romantically and sexually. But today breathe out. Accept the joy waiting for you.
Twenty days ago something flipped your career ahead several years, and, although you may not be aware, you hold the decisive key. Of course you’re aware of it (no one is more aware than wise Scorpio); it’s more about giving yourself the authority to believe it. Believe it! With such power you are hotter than a steaming engine. Before communication goes weirdo in your seventh house of partnership why don’t you try it on? Plan a getaway weekend, just for two. You have the equivalent of an Oscar to return to ? and a re-arranged house ? so run away now and go hog wild.
Twenty days ago something flipped your career ahead several years, and, although you may not be aware, you hold the decisive key. Of course you’re aware of it (no one is more aware than wise Scorpio); it’s more about giving yourself the authority to believe it. Believe it! With such power you are hotter than a steaming engine. Before communication goes weirdo in your seventh house of partnership why don’t you try it on? Plan a getaway weekend, just for two. You have the equivalent of an Oscar to return to ? and a re-arranged house ? so run away now and go hog wild.
Nick Campion writes: Some of your planets are in belligerent mood. In fact, you’re now moving towards a stormy set of lunar alignments. It’s a strange fact, though, that unsettling astrological conditions can be great fun for all those who are willing to take a chance. But if you’re determined to keep everything as it was then you might receive an unwelcome surprise. And then you’ll have some explaining to do! I should also say that you must be prepared to change your mind very soon. Don’t dig yourself into a hole first!
There’s a crucial Sun-Moon alignment coming. Your energy will peak, but if you’ve been overdoing it you will be even more exhausted than usual. Some of you will be rushed off your feet by an emotional or social whirlwind. Others will be plucking up courage to reveal a few home truths. Compromise on details but not on principles. You are too big a person to abandon your beliefs. So, what can you do? The first step is to talk to someone who has been there, done that and got the T-shirt. They’ll know - so ask.
The Sun is aligned with the work and health part of your horoscope, encouraging you to take up worthwhile, life-enhancing activity. The only risk seems to be that you’ll wear yourself out, so be sure to take enough time off. Don’t let others force you into anything you’d rather avoid. Try to make them see that their demands might be misguided - and should be resisted! You’re in a year-long creative phase, so consider what you’d really like to do - who you’d really like to be - and get on with it!
いくつかの惑星が好戦的な雰囲気の状態にあります。実際あなたは今、嵐のような月の 整列に近づいています。もっともこのように落ち着きを失わせるような占星術の状況が、 運を天に任せたいと思っている全ての人々にとって、大きな楽しみであるかもしれないと いうことは変な事実ではあるけれど。。しかし、あなたが全てのことを現状のままにしてお くと決心しているならば、あなたは歓迎されない驚きを受けるかもしれません。そして、あ なたには説明しなければならないことがいくつか出てくるでしょう!また、あなたはすぐに でも気持ちを切り替えられる準備をしておくべきだということも付け加えておきます。最初 から穴を掘って閉じこもらないでください! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are still forming a pattern that is as impulsive, reckless and uncompromising as is possible. Get things off your chest by all means, but don’t bite off more than you can chew unless you’re ready for the consequences. Wait for partners to test out the water before committing yourself fully. But then, of course, you have to trust that they come up with the right conclusions. But how will you know when they have? That’s the big question! Check and double-check ? that’s what I’d do.
Very soon Mercury, which just happens to be your ruling planet, unites with Pluto, the ruler of deep and unfathomable emotions. Be prepared for strange dreams and visions of how life could be. Avoid regrets for the past. Also, make an effort to see the silver lining in every cloud. If you are learnt anything it is that every difficulty contains the seeds of all future possibilities. Thus, someone who attempts to get the better of you might be doing you an amazing favour. And that alone should make the effort worth it!
射手座原文 Work is uneasy right now. You may be over-burdened or suffering from the resentment of associates. But if you transcend such personal friction you’ll find an enormous amount to be gained from pursuing your ambitions. You might also discover that what seemed a poor opportunity actually has much to recommend it. A clash of wills could clear the air, but is that what you really want? Well, you do need to get the facts straight, but you want to keep your friends as well. I know you can do it!
��Nick Campion writes: This week is crowded with popular planetary patterns and pictures, which means that there’s scope for ambitious Ariens to make the most of their new-found freedom. It’s time to shrug off unnecessary personal burdens and set the scene for a more fulfilling lifestyle. But, as usual, all those who seem determined to keep you in the past have to be persuaded that you really do know what you’re doing! There’s nothing like thinking you know it all as a guarantee that you’ll come unstuck. Humility pays dividends.
おはようございます。 天秤座の週末お願いいたします。 You are certainly a tryer. Yet, sometimes you are conscious of other people letting you down precisely because you expected too much of them. You are had your share of problems at work, but, quite honestly, your current professional stars couldn’t be better. As far as family and home affairs are concerned this is unquestionably the day to get to grips with practical tasks. The trouble is that you need a whole team of helpers to get you through in one piece, or maybe just some extra unpaid servants!
Now that the planets are adopting a challenging position, a degree of anger is probably inescapable. However, astrology is all about using our gifts to avert conflict. If you refuse to make mountains out of emotional molehills then we'll all gain and you'll be so much the wiser. Also, if your desires are too intense and your expectations impossibly high then you'll only end up making life even more difficult than it need be. Plus, I must remind you that this is a period of opportunity so, when offers float by, seize them with both hands.
獅子座 Nick Campion writes: Now that the planets are adopting a challenging position, a degree of anger is probably inescapable. However, astrology is all about using our gifts to avert conflict. If you refuse to make mountains out of emotional molehills then we'll all gain and you'll be so much the wiser. Also, if your desires are too intense and your expectations impossibly high then you'll only end up making life even more difficult than it need be. Plus, I must remind you that this is a period of opportunity so, when offers float by, seize them with both hands.
A reassuring relationship between Mercury and Saturn is bound to make you feel better even if some associates may be stirring up matters which are not their business. You’ll be coming up with great ideas. Others must now see how inventive you are, and give you credit for spotting unusual solutions to age-old problems. On the other hand, you’re bound to feel uncomfortable when home truths are aired, even if you’re the instigator. Think about what you say before it’s too late: you know it makes sense!
上文、最後の行は解釈です やぎ原文 Nick Campion writes: The Moon spends the end of the week aligned with your sign ? so it’s the best time to tackle outstanding domestic issues. Also, family members may give you a chance to take time off. If they seem reluctant, try to push them into playing their fair share. You’re well set for a spending spree, perhaps because you’ll have an especially shrewd eye for a bargain. The best buys could be those which help you do things bigger, better and faster. A brand-new sports car rather than an armchair and slippers, in other words!
Nick Campion writes: Venus still seems to be the strongest planet in your horoscope, a factor which is largely responsible for your continuing good fortune. The key to the present period is to be found in the encouragement you receive from intimate partners. In fact, by tonight you might see just how wrong you were about someone who you always thought had it in for you. Perhaps they were just misguided! But, then, perhaps they did speak a little good sense. Listen well and remember the words that can help you in the future.
The first step is to talk to someone who has been there, done that and got the T-shirt. は、もうそこにいて、事を成し、Tシャツをもらったという ある意味冗談のようなキャンペーンを経験した先人と言うことかも。 もう既に美味しい思いをした人たちに聞いてみれば?って 感じではないでしょうか?
>>706 ししAB♂さん 見ました!見ました!教えていただいたURL!! ちょと感動〜ってゆーか、すごく感動〜♪ 前後の、been there, done that, bought the tape で同じ意味だったり been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and wore it out で、いやというほど何度も経験済み という意味がある には、笑いが出るほど感動しました。 ところ変われば…なんでしょうけど、慣用句って奥が深いですねぇ〜 少しは調べたつもりだったのに、まだまだ足りませんでしたぁ。反省 ホントにありがとうございました!
Eric Francis writes: You’re trying to do something in your personal growth that seems way above your level. In reality, your ideas about it are more complex than they need be. Also, what you’re potentially viewing as a loss is more than likely a fair exchange. The key to growing is to give up something about yourself that you don’t want, and make room for something you do want. It’s not as risky as you think. Today you can release something deeply disturbing, which will return just enough energy to help you embody an ideal dear to your heart. The element of exchange is crucial.
It would be a practical relationship strategy for lovers to allow for the appearance of fear when powerful emotions surface. Fear is natural, but we have it in unnatural amounts these days. Love often promises an end to fear, but it appears when we least expect it. One person’s anxiety can trigger that of the other, creating a chain reaction - then there’s no telling what’s real and what’s not. Should you state your experience and ask those closest to you what’s happening for them? I don’t think so. Just remember - aggression can be subtle. When in doubt, slow down.
Does anyone understand self-love? We know it’s important. We also need not to appear egotistical or self-centred. But what does sincere self-love and self-respect feel like? Here’s a clue - see if it works today: what if these feelings feel like nothing at all? What if they are just the disappearance of doubt and self-judgment? If you ask me, that would be experienced as relaxing into life, and the experience of living. It would mean believing that your needs will be met and your faith rewarded. It would feel like having just enough of everything.
恨みを忘れることを選択すれば、あなたは現在の生活がいかに奇跡的かを垣間見る ことができるでしょう。あなたは本当に欲しいものを手に入れることができます。謎は 常にそれが実際に何であるかについてほぼ発見しつつあります。あなたは自分にとっ て本当に重要であり、生活向上のためにいつも陰でこっそりと行動を起こしている自 分のその見えない部分に対して、信頼を提供する必要があります。恨み?おっと、あ なた自身に反対のことを意図しました。一つには自分自身を許してみてください。そう すれば、あなたは私が意図することがわかるでしょう。世界はもっと多くの思いやりで あなたを扱い、同じようにすることを教えるでしょう。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
If you choose to let go of a grudge, you’ll glimpse how miraculous your life is right now. You really can get what you want. The mystery is always about discovering what that actually is. You need to hold out faith in that unseen part of yourself which knows what really matters to you, and is always making its moves behind the scenes to give you a better life. A grudge? Oh, I meant against yourself. Try forgiving yourself for one thing and you’ll see what I mean. The world will treat you with more kindness, and teach you to do the same. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
おひつじ座原文です ��Eric Francis writes: You know the winning strategy is one that takes all viewpoints into account, and which offers something valuable to everyone. We live in artificially contentious times, where the smallest differences tend to be exploited any time it’s remotely possible. Some people encourage greed as a philosophy of life and create an atmosphere from which very few benefit. Little do most people know, there really is such a thing as good karma, and you have plenty of it. This is a great time for the benefits of your most generous efforts to come back to you.
You are involved in a push to become yourself, arriving at an odd mix of uncomfortable and deeply satisfying. The process is not complete. Today’s cosmic outlook is one of ease and freedom, offering a welcome change from your tendency to blame yourself for every little thing. Partners and associates may be acting stubbornly, but have little influence over your contentment. Half the energy you normally expend will get twice as much done. You also have an opportunity to do nothing, and if you do, you’ll be surprised how much takes care of itself.
Recently you’ve begun to understand how the past has been working its influence. But it’s not just your personal past. You’ve been dealing with the influences of prior generations ? some of whom you never even met. Call it karma or genetics, history has a way of influencing the present. Remember that real relationships exist in this moment exclusively. The past may have influence, but what makes the present real is clear communication. That takes desire and will on both sides, and, from the look of your solar chart, that’s highly likely today.
Eric Francis writes: You are facing a challenge ? and you need it. Not that you’re competitive by nature; rather, a little excitement is always good for the spirit, and games are a natural part of who we are ? and especially of who Leos are. Recent turbulent times may have made you less inclined to push your luck on personal or professional matters of importance. It hasn’t helped that what you might call the ‘flight impulse’ has taken up residence in someone close to you. But the more you push, the more luck you’ll have, and you’ll discover that your life is not so shaky after all.
Eric Francis writes: This may be one of the love-struck moments of your life, but the challenge will be to see yourself in someone ? really, in everyone ? no matter what your apparent differences. They are, to say the least, superficial. It takes patience to get to know someone, but nothing else will work. To really see a person takes a lot of time. There’s an odd lesson in seeing so much of your own inner nature in someone seemingly so different than yourself. But if love and companionship are not based on common ground, I have no idea what they’re based on.
Eric Francis writes: Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. You’re in line for the benefits of just that kind of luck today, and in coming weeks. The recent new moon in the angle of your chart dealing with the fulfilment of hopes is a positive omen. Instead of looking for opportunity, consider just how prepared you are, and how much unlikely success you’ve brought to fruition. That alone will provide you with inspiration and energy. If you encounter an unpleasant power dynamic, remember that what you know is more potent than what anyone else can do.
This may be one of the love-struck moments of your life, but the challenge will be to see yourself in someone - really, in everyone - no matter what your apparent differences. They are, to say the least, superficial. It takes patience to get to know someone, but nothing else will work. To really see a person takes a lot of time. There's an odd lesson in seeing so much of your own inner nature in someone seemingly so different than yourself. But if love and companionship are not based on common ground, I have no idea what they're based on.
やぎ原文 Eric Francis writes: Something is bothering you emotionally. To complicate matters, your ideas about it are telling you one thing, and your feelings are telling you quite another. There seems to be no reconciling the two. But that reconciliation is an inner project of big significance. Astrology teaches that it’s best to work one side of the equation, then the other, and switch back and forth until an issue is resolved. For now, the emphasis should be to follow your feelings, which are encouraging you to take your chances and have fun. Consider that a necessity.
��Yasmin Boland writes: Without wanting to sound like an astro-cliche this really could be your lucky day. The planet of love and money, Venus, is not only in your sign, but today she makes a wonderful link to bountiful Jupiter, who’s in your leisure and pleasure zone. This is the day to flirt your socks off, buy your lottery ticket, and/or get yourself pampered. If you’ve been trying to impress someone, take a breather to see how well your charms have worked. You could be quite amazed how easy it is to wrap that VIP around your little finger, simply by smiling sweetly. Don’t let it go to your head!
You’re hardly the pushiest of signs. In fact, you’re so easy-come-easy-go that sometimes an opportunity has to come up and bite you before you decide to go for it. Nothing wrong with that. The world would be pretty tumultuous if everyone was super fast-paced and over-loaded with ambition. Sometimes, though, along comes an opportunity to show others what you can offer. Today is one of those times. You need to show what you can do. Go on. Don’t be shy. It’s not a crime to be proud of your abilities. And the stars really are on your side today.
Yasmin Boland writes: Venus in your work zone is making a harmonious aspect to Jupiter in your talents zone, giving you the chance to showcase your skills for all to see. So, whose attention do you need to grab? Be pro-active: call that person, send an e-mail, fax or text message. Show what you’re so proud of or what you’ve achieved. They’re bound to be impressed. Then slink off and let them take it from there. The fine line you need to tread today falls between showing off a bit ? but not too much. Get that right and you could find everything else slips into place.
Yasmin Boland writes: You’re one of the most open signs, but even you play your cards close to your chest sometimes. Nothing wrong with that. You don’t have to be ashamed of something to want to keep it private. Some subjects are better off kept hush-hush. For one thing, taking time out now to mull over plans quietly ? without having to explain their development blow by blow to others ? will give you a valuable chance to reconsider your ideas, without being influenced by outside opinions. Others can contribute ideas later, when you’re more ready to take their thoughts on board.
Yasmin Boland writes:With Mercury going backwards through Taurus, it’s easy for you to be misunderstood, as you may have noticed. Now the Sun and Jupiter are conspiring to make it easier still. But that’s what these forecasts are for ? to tell you when to tread carefully. So, tread carefully today. It’s a case of ‘least said soonest mended’. Even if you’re 100 per cent sure you’re right, even if you’re convinced someone has lost the plot and is operating entirely from ego, even if you’re desperate to say “I told you so!”, try not to shout it from the rooftops ? (yet).
Yasmin Boland writes: Today really is one of those ‘life is what you make it’ days. On one hand, you could allow the nay-sayers and critics to annoy you. You could let negative energies pervade your space, you could allow yourself to become caught up in a cloying situation you’d rather run from. Alternatively, you can ignore anyone who’s not on the same good vibe as you and concentrate on enjoying yourself with someone who is. You have 24 hours of non-stop playfulness at your fingertips, if you decide you’re in the mood. Given your natural ability to enjoy yourself, it’s an easy choice.
Yasmin Boland writes:Past weeks have been marked by indecision, especially on the domestic front. If you池e thinking about where to live, who to live with, or whether to decorate, renovate or move, the need for a final decision feels imperative. Push hasn't exactly come to shove yet, though, so it's crucial not to rush into decisions. The Moon passing through Aries could see you feeling the need to jump, but don't sign on any dotted lines just yet, unless you're absolutely sure of your final decision. You could well change your mind at least one more time about the best way to proceed.
Yasmin Boland writes:Expect work plans to take up your attention today. Which ones are crying out for revision? With Mercury going backwards in your career zone, now’s the time to rethink your professional life. If it’s not going to plan, what changes do you need to make? The stars are on your side now, and the New Moon later this week will also give new work plans a boost, so it really is worth investing time thinking about how you want to proceed. Prepare to swing into action. Love-wise, the best is yet to come, so hang on in and whatever you do, keep your pride under control.
Yasmin Boland writes: You’ve survived tough challenges, and the past few weeks have been about starting a new path. Learning how to enjoy yourself again has - ironically enough - been one of your biggest tests. Today, though, the skies are a’changing. Having concentrated on yourself a lot recently, it’s time to start thinking about others. How can you be of ‘service’ to those around you? How can you better meet the needs of one VIP in your life? How can you help someone out, now that you’re back on your feet? Whatever you do now, you will receive heartfelt thanks for later.
It has to be said that you (and Aries and Aquarius) have the best love stars of the day. (If you’re keen on either a fellow Libran, an Aries or Aquarian, today could be the day to make your move!) Venus passing through your love zone could incline you a little towards self-indulgence, even laziness. But if you can catch the more energised vibes brought by the Aries Moon, you really do have a great chance to add some love luck into your life. The trick is to be confident but never brash. Which should be easy, since you’re rarely anything but gorgeous.
If someone disagrees with you today, please resist the urge to see it as a challenge. Mars in your sign is giving you the get-up-and-go you need to make things happen. But as you cut a swathe through your To Do list, make allowances for others who aren't as motivated as you. In fact, the last thing you should do today is get annoyed with someone. Why? Because the skies suggest that right now you have the ability to talk just about anyone into just about anything. Play it clever and you'll find it easy to create a win/win situation before the day is done.
But as you cut a swathe through your To Do list, make allowances for others who aren't as motivated as you. しかしあなたがしなければならないことを減らしてしまうとしても、 あなたほどやる気のがない人のことも考慮してください。
With each passing day you grow stronger than you used to be. Mars is blessing you with energy and determination. You are no longer willing to feel thwarted by a silly situation. One way or another, you intend to find a way to get what you want. You may decide to go over, under, around or even straight through the middle of the obstacle that lies before you, all you care about is that you put it behind you. There’s no doubt that you will succeed. That’s all the more reason to pick a delicate, discreet and diplomatic path, if you can.
If you look carefully on the sole of your left foot, you will find, under a magnifying glass, a faint little inscription. Two letters.The initials of the person who you were born to spend your whole life fetching and carrying for. You do not believe this? Hey? When did you ever take a really good look?You have looked and you still dont believe it? Good. Now we are getting somewhere. For the record, you were not born to be anyones servant or slave. The sky, right now, is urging you to remember this truth and assert it.
Some people manage to lead normal, ordinary lives. Nothing much ever seems to happen to - or around - them. They are absolutely non-controversial. Quiet. A little on the dull side. You cannot really relate to this. It is not as if you are consciously seeking out drama. It just seems to follow you wherever you go! But don’t wish you were someone else today. Just be glad of who you are - and of what is happening in your life. For, despite your understandable concerns, the story that is now being told is very, very right.
I thought about you quite a lot while I was away. I began to wonder whether you really knew how much things were due to change after mid-June. So I made a mental note to myself. “When you get back, frame the current Gemini forecast in that long-term context.” Right now, much is uncertain and turbulent. That’s appropriate. You are preparing to break free of a psychological strait-jacket that you have been wearing for far too long. A time of struggle and restriction is ending. A time of great adventure lies just around the corner.
Just imagine if you had total freedom. Think how bored you would be. How empty life would seem. Our obligations may weigh us down at times but they provide an essential sense of structure. Our restrictions may be a drag but at least they protect us from falling into a chasm of confusion. Folks who have too much choice don’t enjoy life more, they enjoy it less. You don’t need a lot more room to manoeuvre now. You just need a little. You are about to get precisely this. Be grateful for the inch. Refrain from trying to take the mile.
It is funny how you can know someone for years ? perhaps even decades, and still be surprised by their behaviour. Yet in one way, it is not so strange. After all, none of us even completely know ourselves. We have a frail sense of identity and we look upon relationships as a way of strengthening this. Sometimes though, they do the opposite and erode our individuality still further. In all your dealings with others today, remember you are supposed to be separate characters collaborating on one goal, not one merged organism
This is going to sound a little silly. You will have to forgive me, it is my first day back from holiday. All through my break, I kept thinking about this business of “seeing the future” and realising that there are times when it is not always appropriate, even if it happens to be possible. Now, I think you know why I am saying this to you. But just to be clear... You are looking too far ahead and anticipating a problem that has not yet arisen - and which may not ever arise. All you need to do today, is stay steady and remain in the here and now.
おひつじ座原文です �“When I look over my shoulder, what do you think I see? Someone looking over their shoulder... at me!” So sang Donovan in his classic hit Season Of The Witch. The song is old but the sentiment is timeless. We are all comparison crazy. We judge others in the hope that this will help us to judge ourselves. We know, in theory, that we are all created equal but in practice we feel superior to some and inferior to others. And who is looking back at you now? A bunch of people who think you are wonderful. Don’t shatter their illusion!
The initials of the person who you were born to spend your whole life fetching and carrying for の訳がもひとつわかりません。前後の文意もつながってないし。 まぁやりたいようにやりなさい、縁の下の力持ちもいいかげんやめなされ、と。
Shall I speak quietly and gently? Various events in the past few days have caused you to feel sensitive. Because you are a tough Taurean, you are trying to hide this behind an air of competent confidence. Inwardly though, you are nervous and slightly resentful. You feel that something has gone wrong and either you do not understand why ・or you do... but you do not believe it! Let us stop right here. Nothing has gone wrong. Something has worked out very well indeed, it is just that so far, you cannot see this. But very soon, you will.
Sorry, I can’t start your zodiac forecast just yet. I am waiting for some other Leo to get here ? a person much more important than you are. No, really, it is no use complaining. You just don’t count. You do not rank highly enough in the pecking order. Er... now, exactly how do you feel? I know that I am pushing my luck to come waltzing in quite so cheekily on my first day back but we need to clear something up straight away. YOU MATTER. Despite Saturn’s inhibiting influence, don’t let anyone suggest otherwise today.
かに30日お願い致します。 Partnerships are wonderful ー or so, at least, many people believe. Families are important ー at least, in the eyes of many. Some people though, have bittersweet experiences of such relationships. They find that they change over time ー or that they raise expectations which reality cannot match. There is though, one kind of close personal bond that nobody ever has reason to question. The worth and merit of a true, loyal, long-term friendship. It is in this area of life that you are about to make a deeply-rewarding discovery.
30日蟹座です。ボラ様どうかよろしくおねがいします。 Partnerships are wonderful ・or so, at least, many people believe. Families are important ・at least, in the eyes of many. Some people though, have bittersweet experiences of such relationships. They find that they change over time ・or that they raise expectations which reality cannot match. There is though, one kind of close personal bond that nobody ever has reason to question. The worth and merit of a true, loyal, long-term friendship. It is in this area of life that you are about to make a deeply-rewarding discovery.
それにしても, There is though, one kind of close personal bond that nobody ever has reason to question. The worth and merit of a true, loyal, long-term friendship. この英文みて綺麗だなあというか,自分では絶対に書けない英語だなあと 思ってしまいました。あれ?ジョナじゃないのかな。妙に素直な英語の感じが するのだけれど。(ジョナはなんというか比喩が多い感じ)
What would you like me to tell you? Is there some particular wish that you hope to have granted? A dream that you dearly yearn to turn into a reality? Well now, here’s a crucial question. Why are you seeking confirmation of this from your zodiac forecast? Don’t you trust your own ability to make it happen? You really should. You should also be aware that if you ask others for help or support now, you may just possibly get the opposite. You must not allow this to put you off. An amazing success is now as near to (or as far away from) you as your ability to have faith in yourself.
A new moon in your opposite sign speaks of change within an important relationship. It implies a fresh approach or the development of a different attitude. It suggests the chance to establish a better rapport based on a more meaningful understanding. It is possible that before you can arrive at this, you may both first have to enter into a difficult dialogue. A point of conflict needs to be fully explored before it can be properly resolved. But no matter how far away you feel from being able to hold such a crucial conversation, you will soon get a little closer to that magical and important moment.
How can you have a phoenix without first creating ashes for it to rise up from? How can you make a silk purse if you don’t have a sow’s ear? From where would you ever get a silver lining if you do not have a cloud? When will it ever be possible to head for the other side of the street, unless the other sidewalk happens to be shrouded in shadow? Now I know what you are thinking. “He is labouring the point.” But I don’t care. It is the only point that needs to be made. The New Moon in your sign could not have a clearer message. From something bad, something good is about to emerge.
There may be a hundred TV channels to choose from but how many are really worth watching? There is, of course, only one fair way to answer this question. You must sit down and view each station in turn for long enough to arrive at a proper conclusion. Got that much time on your hands? Well then, just before you decide to stick with the devil you know, here’s a suggestion. Try at least one other option. Take the recommendation of someone whose judgement is usually good. You now feel daunted by the prospect of too much freedom and choice. Don’t be. One alternative is well worth taking.
Is it time to rearrange the furniture? Certainly, some structure in your domestic life now needs to be altered. Things are too tight in one way, too loose in another. The continued presence of something old is preventing something new from coming along. A conversation has been held too many times now, it has lost all its meaning. Either action must ensue... or silence. The New Moon speaks of the need for you to start feeling much less like a stranger in your own home. Either something awkward has to be turned into something acceptable or it has to be officially, finally, parted from.
For an alleged adventurer, you have quite a sensible streak. For a hedonist, you are remarkably restrained. For a reckless rebel, you are unexpectedly dutiful. But that, of course, is because above and beyond all else, you are someone who loves to go to extremes. You don’t much care whether you are extremely wise or extremely silly ? as long as you are extremely something. Right now though, you are mainly just extremely fed up of feeling tied to a set of responsibilities that severely limit your freedom. The new moon is about to help you forge a far better relationship with these.
Goldfish, they tell us, have three-second memories. This is why they can go round and round the tank without going insane. I, though, reserve the right to doubt this until I meet a goldfish psychiatrist. I am particularly suspicious because I have heard much the same said about Geminis. They too are supposed to have short attention spans. Goldfish, they tell us have three-second memories. This is... There, you see! You noticed that repetition didn’t you? Can you also notice how a saga is repeating itself in your life? Today brings a chance to ensure that this time, it has a different outcome.
Einstein was a Piscean. He had much of the sense of mystery, poetry and humour that you have. Indeed, he only managed to come up with his famous theory of relativity because of that classic Piscean ability to think around corners and along unusual lines. Your next big breakthrough may have little to do with the world of physics but it certainly involves redefining a set of crucial rules. You understand something that others, so far, don’t. They cannot see what you can see. That doesn’t mean you are wrong - or that they are. It just means that a clearer process of communication has to be established.
��You probably don’t realise quite how popular you are. That’s because your fans and admirers are often too awe-struck to speak. Only your critics have loud voices. There may be plenty of these too but that’s hardly a reason to worry. The world’s most interesting people are always a little controversial. Just remember the old showbiz saying, “It doesn’t matter what they say about you as long as they spell your name right.” And if you really do doubt your ability to win hearts, minds and financial wrangles... Relax and watch what happens during the course of this surprisingly inspiring day.
What? Are you back again? I thought I told you yesterday ? this place is reserved for another Leo who is much more important than you. Don’t you ever listen? ...Oh good. You seem to getting ready to storm away from this page in disgust. That’s a healthy and appropriate reaction to words like the ones you have just read. So will you remember please, to be equally assertive when faced today with other remarks that undermine your confidence. And will you be just as quick to dismiss anyone whose actions compromise your authority? Nobody now has the right to criticise you now. Not even you!
There is another marking… on the small of your back. It depicts the precise amount of success you are ever to enjoy in this life. If you carefully position a couple of mirrors you might just about be able to make it out. I’ll save you the trouble shall I? It says, “Not very much.” Oh dear, I beg your pardon, I read it wrong. Actually, that’s, “None whatsoever.” Er.. by the way, I sincerely hope you don’t believe me. I am telling you a tall story. But, then, so too, is the person who now insists that a particular aim is unachievable. It suits their purposes to make you feel that way. But your goal is perfectly feasible.
山羊座 5/1 We live in a weird world. Almost everything is the wrong way round. Think, for example, of how children are always being encouraged to act more like adults. They are told that their natural sense of fun is far too frivolous. They are urged to become serious and responsible, no matter how dull this makes them. When though, are adults ever encouraged to be more like children? When are they told to lighten up and be less pompous ? or to take more risks and be more honest? It may not be appropriate now for you to become more childISH but you could certainly benefit from being more childLIKE.