People can be impossible and exasperating. They say and they do the most ridiculous things. Sometimes, we can hardly believe what we are seeing and hearing… We ask ourselves, ‘Is it me?’ But it isn’t us, it is them! Always! True stupidity knows no bounds. Happily, so too does genuine magnanimity. You can try, for the rest of your life, to understand quite how a particular situation has arisen. You will probably never manage it. But what you can do is forgive it. That will only take you a few moments but it will have a very far-reaching and long-lasting consequence.
Rolf Harris used to take great delight in painting mystery pictures. A brush stroke here, a brush stroke there. He would turn to the TV camera and, with a gleeful grin, ask the audience, ‘Can you tell what it is yet?’ Suddenly, with just one additional brush stroke, we would all be able to tell what it was. The picture would magically change from abstract to something very solid and specific. Now let us look at the picture that life seems to be painting for you. Are you so far of the opinion that the pattern is random at best, chaotic at worst? Not so. It is a masterpiece as you will soon see.
射手座原文 Sometimes, you try to add up a bunch of numbers but you find when you get to the final total, you realise it can’t possibly be right. Do you then go back to the beginning and start all over again? What if your second total doesn’t agree with your first? Must you add it all up for a third time? Is there not a chance that by then you will be so tired of doing all the addition that you will make a mistake? So will you have to do the sums yet another time? Rather than drive yourself crazy this week, just leave the things that aren’t working for a while and they will work themselves out.
The Full Moon in your opposite sign implies a pressing need to re-evaluate a relationship. Too much is being expected of it. Too many assumptions are being made about it. Though plenty of questions are being asked about it, they are not necessarily the right ones. There are more relevant and appropriate enquiries that could be made. All that is required is a new understanding. That may prove much easier to attain this week than you expect. You are about to get help and co-operation in an area where, up until now, much has been difficult.
Is the universe trying to tell you something? It seems rather as if someone, somewhere, is trying to send you a message. There must be a point you don’t quite seem to grasp or a factor that you keep on overlooking. How else do we account for the way in which you keep encountering the same old difficulties in a new disguise? Who are you refusing to listen to? Could it be yourself? Might it be your own inner voice you are ignoring? Maybe a part of you is desperate to communicate a repressed emotion. If you want to move on, find out what you really feel. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
They say you should, ’always quit while you are ahead’. That, I’m sure, is good advice. But how can you tell whether or not you are ahead? Sometimes, we feel quite sure we are winning, only to discover to our sudden mortification, that we have been losing quite badly. Sometimes, too, we feel like failures and are deeply dismissive of our own accomplishments. Only in retrospect do we realise how well we were handling our difficulties. If you feel absolutely sure that you are ahead this week, feel free to quit by all means. Otherwise, don’t be in any hurry to give up.
Without faith, hope or inspiration... where are we? It's strange how we consistently undervalue these things. Instead, we become amazed by the mundane - or fascinated by the fiscal. It's almost as if the light of true joy is too dazzling to look at... so we turn our eyes towards whatever reflects it least effectively! How else do we explain our peculiar propensity to feed flames of fear while starving our optimism of oxygen? Whatever you may lack now, there's one thing you have in abundance - an ability to appreciate the magic of creation! Foster that and everything else you need will come.
Often, when we are closely caught up in a drama, we push perspective away and lose all sense of context. Yet without this, how can we tell whether something is difficult or easy? We can end up in disproportionate awe of the ordinary ? or getting callous about the miraculous! Right now,you are really not giving yourself enough credit for all that you have achieved lately. You keep thinking about how much further you have to go. You ought to stop and think about how far you have come. This week brings a well-needed reminder of how much you have to be proud of.
Before you can acquire a driving licence you must prove to the examiners that you can control your car and understand how to read the road signs. They will judge you on your ability to respond to conditions on the road. Yet, weirdly, they will never test to see whether you can read a map! Thus, the world is full of very competent drivers who do not actually know how to get from one place to another. Are you driving miles out of the way to pass places you know rather than risk roads you have never travelled down before? This week brings a short cut. Don’t be scared to try it out.
There’s an old saying, ‘You might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb’. Even vegetarians understand this ? though we have our own more delicate version, ‘You might as well be told off very fiercely for stealing a cabbage as a brussels sprout’, we say. You can phrase it any way you like, the point remains the same. If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well And if it isn’t, why do it at all? You are worried, this week, in case you end up going too far. But better that than not far enough. It’s true that you face a daunting obstacle. But there’s a way round it if you are prepared to be bold.
The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. That’s one good reason to remain in the half-darkness. Er... isn’t it? Well, of course it isn’t.Nor is it possible! Just as the Full Moon lights up the night, it shines the psychological equivalent of a 500 watt bulb into the lives of those whose sign it falls in. No prizes for guessing which sign the Full Moon is in now. So now you know why you keep swinging from one extreme to another. Now you also know why there’s no hiding place for your fears. You have to get them out into the open and then get rid of them.
There are two ways to succeed in life. One, is to set yourself a very lofty goal and then strive with all your might until you eventually attain it. The other, is to set yourself a very modest target and then glow with false pride once you score your all too predictable bulls eye. (*) This second option hardly appeals to you. Your standards are high and your aspirations are higher still. You are now trying to accomplish something very difficult and delicate. You can hardly complain then, because it is not turning out to be especially easy! Keep at it this week. You can make a breakthrough.
'Nobody ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the public.' Or so they say. Experts in crowd control may well be prone to sympathise with this sentiment. But then there’s a very big difference between the behaviour of an individual and the behaviour of a group. In teams and tribes, we do silly things that we would never contemplate on our own. Right now, you seem to be surrounded by sheep and lemmings. You can’t possibly follow them but you may just be able to redirect them in a way that suits your purpose. The sky now speaks of an opportunity to profit.
The brain is a muscle like any other. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Lately, you have been doing a lot of thinking but most of the exercise has been academic. You really need to try your strength in the real world and start tackling proper problems. You think you know the best way to proceed. You have a plan that seems to make sense but there is just the risk that it won’t work out in practice as well as it promised to when it was just a theory. Take that chance. Pursue that big idea. Mars and Pluto strongly suggest that you are capable of far more than you realise.
So many things now seem to be serious. So many factors impressing and intent. You feel unable to wait for new development. There’s a great sense of restlessness around you. The Full Moon is contributing to this awkward mood. If you want it to lift and shift, you do not need to take a particular course of action nor to make a phone call - nor to write a letter - nor to bring about some dramatic change in your day-to-day situation. You merely need to make a resolution. Something - or someone - bugs and bothers you far too much. You must decide to become immune to this.
原文 The brain is a muscle like any other. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Lately, you have been doing a lot of thinking but most of the exercise has been academic. You really need to try your strength in the real world and start tackling proper problems. You think you know the best way to proceed. You have a plan that seems to make sense but there is just the risk that it won’t work out in practice as well as it promised to when it was just a theory. Take that chance. Pursue that big idea. Mars and Pluto strongly suggest that you are capable of far more than you realise.
‘You always hurt the one you love.’ Or so they tell us. Can that really be true? If so, what a pity - especially given the fact that we don’t always manage to hurt the people who wish us harm. Perhaps that is why they also say that you should, ‘Love your enemy’. Perhaps that is the only way to be sure of hurting them! Mind you, if you always hurt the one you love, the one who loves you must end up hurting you in return. How can you love them if they keep doing that? Relationships can be very complicated at times. And very simple at other times. A key relationship in your life is changing now for the better.
We find it all too easy to criticise ourselves. We look back on our past endeavours and we say, ‘Now, why on earth did I do that? How could I have been so silly? What on earth must I have been thinking?’ We forget that at the time, we had no other viable option. Right now, you are questioning the wisdom of a recent choice. How can you possibly do that? You have not yet even seen the results of it. Let a little more time pass and don’t even contemplate unpicking all those carefully placed stitches. You will yet turn out to have made just the right move.
What’s so bad about going round and round in circles? We live, do we not, on a spinning globe. I t never stops turning so why should we? Indeed, not only does it rotate, it races round the sun - travelling at many many thousands of miles an hour. And even the sun is not stationary. It too has an orbit. Very, very slowly it makes its way around a point in distant space that we call, “the galactic centre.” When you convert the position of this point into tropical longitude, guess what sign it turns out to be in? A s I say, there’s nothing wrong with going round in circles. Which is just as well today!
Outside the gates of heaven, do the latest arrivals form an orderly queue whilst waiting to be greeted by St Peter? It is hard to imagine them pushing and shoving their way to the front. They would want to be on their best behaviour, wouldn’t they? And no doubt they would expect to be grilled on how closely they had followed the rules whilst on the earth. Heaven is for those who fit in nicely and do as they are told... er... isn’t it? Or is it for people who take bold, noble, sincere risks? If so, it’s for you. And what’s more, you don’t have to leave this place to get to that one. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ・・・最後のthat oneは何を指しているのだろう・・・Heaven? ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
More professional fighters are born under Gemini than any other sign. I’m not really trying to make a point or anything. Oh well, if the cap fits, feel free to wear it. Or perhaps, I should say, if the leotard fits. Or the boxing gloves. It is not that you have a pugilistic personality, more that you are a somewhat competitive character. You can’t bear to be beaten. Nor can you stand to see an opportunity go unclaimed. Others might take one look at the obstacle you face now and walk away from it. You are about to walk right up to it and challenge its authority. Good on you.
‘All roads lead to Rome.’ That’s what they say. Well, that’s what the Italians say anyway! I am not quite sure you can say the same about the Pacific Coast Highway or the M1. How quickly do you now want to reach your destination? If you are enjoying the journey you may actively prefer a circuitous route. Otherwise, it may be wise to rethink your current strategy. The Full Moon strongly suggests that there is now a much more efficient way to get from A to B. Largely, this involves you becoming a little more clear about where you are going.
Where will you be by this time tomorrow? Ha! How can you be so sure? I mean, you may well be right but is life really so predictable? You need a little more spontaneity even if it has to come at the cost of some additional uncertainty. You are hanging on too tightly to a plan or a strategy. It’s not necessarily a bad one ? but nor is it the only one you could be applying. In becoming overly-dismissive of alternatives, you are keeping a potentially better solution at bay. The universe wants to help you. That’s why it keeps offering new options to contemplate. Don’t feel obliged to rule them out due to loyalty to your original idea!
Do you have something to be grateful for? Do you have a reason to be deeply, passionately glad? Absolutely! Now, here's a more crucial question. How could any negative force possibly devalue the most precious thing in your world? It's strange how we sink, sometimes, into despair. We blinker ourselves so that all we can see are reasons to feel worried or resentful. We refuse to look at the light and thus we rob ourselves in a way that no burglar could ever manage! Give yourself the greatest gift of all today - a refusal to be dragged down by pettiness, and a determination to remember what really matters!
Soon the Full Moon will be over. But when this happens... will you be over the moon? Well, this much I promise. You won’t be feeling as sick as a parrot. You’ve got a lot to think about now. You’re not at all sure how you feel about some of the intense experiences you keep having. It’s as if you are being fed a diet of spinach and seaweed - or pushed, by an over-enthusiastic personal trainer, into doing twenty press-ups a minute. You can tell that you’re doing something that’s probably very good for you but you’d like a break from it! Soon, the pressure will reduce. And the reasons to celebrate will increase.
Let us speak today of power and powerlessness. Try saying the following sentences out loud. Utter them with as much conviction as you can muster. “I have no ability to stop the rain from falling.” “I have no ability to stop indulging in my worst vice.” The first is totally true. The second (gosh, I really hope you are ready to hear this) is not true. Here, you have some influence. To be clear, and for the record, I shall restate the case. If the situation has anything at all to do with you, your attitude or your behaviour patterns, you can do something about it. If not - and only if not - you can’t.
Of course, if you don’t want a great adventure, you can just spend your whole life watching TV. As long as you have a chair to sit in and a remote control to press, what else could you require? Other, perhaps, than a life. Trouble is, when we set out to get a life, we invariably get a bit of tension to go with it. We find ourselves living out a soap-opera instead of just watching one. But even soap-operas have bright and happy story lines sometimes. Much may now be getting almost ridiculously extreme, but it will yet turn out to have an encouraging outcome. Just keep your sense of humour handy.
Saint Peter used to have a quill pen and a ledger book. As the new arrivals turned up, he would write down their names. Then came the computer revolution. Print-outs were delivered to the Pearly Gates each morning, so that all he had to do was tick off the names on his list. These days, the whole of heaven is on a high-speed, data transfer, wireless network. And the souls all come bar-coded. Or at least, they do if you believe in such things. If though, you happen to suspect that heaven is a place on earth, you could have proof of this assertion very soon. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
天秤座19日 おねがいいたします。 The truth hurts. Or so they say. Yet that statement is misleading. It implies that dishonesty may be painless. Yet deception, as we all know, can be deeply agonising when it is found out and pretty stressful to keep up too. No process in this world can stop life from having sharp edges from time to time. The truth though, stings briefly when it cuts before healing quickly and well. Far better that than a festering sore. Plutos link to Venus speaks ofa fact that must be faced. Look at it and then let it go. You need have no fear of anything or anyone as long as you are honest now.
射手座原文 For all your wit and all your wisdom, all your passion and all your power, there are certain things you simply can’t control. Perhaps you can’t even influence them. This is not a thought you find especially inspiring. Omnipotence may not appeal to everyone but it strikes a very dramatic cord in the Sagittarian psyche. That’s why you find it so hard to walk away from a drawback or a difficulty. You just want to keep on trying, any way you can. Will your additional efforts make a difference today? Perhaps not. But you have to make them anyway. And hey... you never know.
Many people say that Cancerians are creatures of instinct, not intellect. This is not strictly true. Many born under your sign are deeply analytical. They think things through very carefully. They have stratospheric IQs which they use to great effect. But they still can’t stop themselves from sulking every so often. This though, is something to be proud of. It proves you are not an unemotional robot but a person of passion. Your feelings are a big part of what makes you so special. Today brings a very bright idea. Embrace it with your heart as well as your head. ――――――――y――――――――――――――
(V) i i (V) (V) i i (V) ミ((,,゚Д゚))彡 ミ((゚Д゚,,))彡 ( つ ⊂ ) | | | | ∪∪ ∪∪
Never underestimate the impact that you have on those around you. You may think you are being ignored or overlooked but you are making an impression at a deep and powerful level. Some people are shy of you because they feel secretly attracted. Others fear that your razor sharp insights will reveal aspects of themselves that they would prefer to keep hidden. And some very brave souls are wise enough to see that, for all your strength, you too need help from time to time. Pluto’s link to Venus suggests a warm and wonderful exchange will soon occur.
“A watched pot never boils.” “A stitch in time saves nine.” “There’s many a slip ’twixt cup and lip.” “Patience is a virtue.” Sorry if you are getting bored. I am just saying what I am supposed to say. Other astrologers are much better behaved than I am. They say this kind of thing all the time. They are very wise. I feel much more inclined to say, “To hell with what I am supposed to say about what you are supposed to do.” Who is doing all this supposing anyhow? Why don’t you just act on an impulse and follow a whim? You now feel something very passionately. It can’t be healthy to suppress it.
Where to next? And how? And perhaps, most crucially of all, with whom? They say that, “You become like the company you keep.” Let us hope they are not right. It seems very much to you as if you are now keeping a certain person’s company, as part of a deliberate attempt to remind yourself of what it is you never want to turn into. Perhaps you vaguely figure, somewhere deep down inside, that as long as they keep having all those faults and failings, you won’t be obliged to have any for yourself. Be warned. This other individual is less imperfect than you perhaps might like to imagine!
When the Moon is full in your zodiac sign, amazing things can happen. It is as if you become imbued with an ancient primeval power. The tides rise in your honour. Werewolves defer to you. Vampires treat you with respect. You become, for a brief while, almost invincible. A figure of immense authority and attraction. The star of a show that simply has to be watched. No doubt you feel exposed and awkward under the current cosmic climate. But soon you will begin to feel nothing but elated and inspired. Moonlight is intoxicating stuff. Drink it in, drink it deep…and enjoy.
Happy stories tend to be short stories. They don’t take a lot of telling. If you want to give them any length or texture, you have to include some not-so-happy stuff. Without some idea of what has been bad, we cannot appreciate how things have suddenly become so much better. All this is easy to understand when life is pleasing and peaceful. but oh, how quickly we forget when we are in the thick of a stressful situation. Experience has taught you to steel yourself for a struggle in most areas of life, most of the time. Experience though, is not always correct and is about to be proven wrong.
Let us speak today of power and powerlessness. Try saying the following sentences out loud. Utter them with as much conviction as you can muster. “I have no ability to stop the rain from falling.” “I have no ability to stop indulging in my worst vice.” The first is totally true. The second (gosh, I really hope you are ready to hear this) is not true. Here, you have some influence. To be clear, and for the record, I shall restate the case. If the situation has anything at all to do with you, your attitude or your behaviour patterns, you can do something about it. If not ? and only if not ? you can’t.
“The universe is generous and gives me everything I need, every day.” New Age experts suggest repeating this as a way of improving your lot in life. They say that affirmations are like seeds that must be planted, nourished and given time to produce results. So there you go. An affirmation, tailor-made for your current situation. All you have to do is repeat it and... well, perhaps that’s not ALL. Affirmations may be fine things but they work even better if you use them in conjunction with good old-fashioned effort. Pursue your plan with passion and gradually you’ll get somewhere.
Meanwhile, down at the other place, the entrance procedure is a lot more rigorous. Before letting you into Hades, they have to make sure you are the right kind of person. If they let in a few goody-two-shoes by mistake, they could raise the tone of the place. And that would never do. So to make it in, you have to be thoroughly wild and wicked. That’s harder than it seems. Few and far between are the folk without any mitigating circumstances whatsoever. Or to put it all another way, even if you feel that lately, you have been having a hell of a time, the heavens are about to help you. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
おはようございます。 本日射手座〜よろしくお願いします。 Not all big ideas are good ideas. And vice versa. Sometimes, you come up with amazing schemes to change the world. You think up bold, ambitious solutions. You envisage bright new horizons. Yet when you try to put these into practice they do not always work as well as you might have hoped. But then sometimes, you make small, subtle changes that turn out to have a tremendously positive impact on your situation. Right now, most of your time and energy is being drawn by a relatively dramatic and extreme suggestion. Before you pursue it too far try something simpler.
There’s just no pleasing some people. Give them an inch and they’ll try to take a mile. Do all you can ? and they’ll ask for more. Just where do all these insatiable needs and appetites come from? And why do you sometimes seem to be surrounded by such intense individuals? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone in your life who could prop you up rather than just lean on you? That’s a more attainable proposition than you might think. As you now start to think about a certain person in a different way, it seems that a certain someone else is now thinking differently about you.
Stop worrying. In some ways you are rather like a traveller with a heavy backpack. Knowing how difficult it is to pick this up once you have put it down, you feel more inclined to keep the load in position. Right now, you reckon you are just about able to shoulder your burden. If you drop your worries and woes, you may feel deeply disheartened when the time comes to gather them back together. But will such a time ever come? You are carrying items and issues, fears and concerns, resentments and anxieties that need no longer be relevant to any aspect of life. It is time for a clear out.
Stop worrying. In some ways you are rather like a traveller with a heavy backpack. Knowing how difficult it is to pick this up once you have put it down, you feel more inclined to keep the load in position. Right now, you reckon you are just about able to shoulder your burden. If you drop your worries and woes, you may feel deeply disheartened when the time comes to gather them back together. But will such a time ever come? You are carrying items and issues, fears and concerns, resentments and anxieties that need no longer be relevant to any aspect of life. It is time for a clear out.
Is it time to stop? Should you rethink, change strategy and go at it all from a brand-new angle? I am only asking this because I know that you are busy. You don’t really have time for doubts. So, tell you what, I will entertain them for you and save you the effort. Being a generous sort of chap I shall entertain them in style. I will give them tea, scones and cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off ? and tell them all my best jokes. There. They have been thoroughly entertained and now they are going away happy. Should any more crop up today, just subject them to the same treatment.
おはようございます。 20日蠍座です。宜しくお願い致します。 Often, when we are in the midst of an intense experience, we remain surprisingly calm. We keep a clear head and remember our priorities. No matter how peculiar or bizarre things get, we refuse to feel daunted or dismayed. We just know, somehow, that we have to keep on going. And then, after a while, things calm down. Life gets back to normal and at that point, suddenly, we freak. We look back at what we have just been through and feel horrified. We have a delayed reaction to our difficulty. If you feel strange now, it’s because of what lies behind, not ahead. Your future is surprisingly safe.
You are softening, mellowing, deepening. Once, you would have been much harsher and sharper. You would have cut more corners and broken more rules and ignored more warnings. It is not that you are becoming cautious. It is more that you are growing sensitive. Your ability to empathise is increasing and you are better at keeping secrets than you used to be. Sometimes, you wonder whether all of this is an indication of weakness, but it is, of course, a sign of supreme strength. Trust your judgement today. You are more tuned-in to the truth than you probably realise.
Perhaps you do not realise quite how much power you have. You are not after all, an arrogant person. You don’t play games of one-upmanship. You don’t continually measure and assess your status. You tend to assume that others are more influential than you are, but actually, that’s not so. They are just much noisier. People though, very rarely really listen to noise-makers. They pretend to - because they know it shuts them up but in fact, they pay far more attention to wiser, quieter voices. You are now being heard by the people you most urgently need to communicate to. That’s all that matters.
Technically and officially, the moon is no longer full. But it still looks pretty big and impressive. Right at the moment, it is passing through your sign of the zodiac, hence the degree of exposure, bordering on vulnerability, that you feel. You keep thinking about recent dramas and developments and you keep wondering why they happened as they did. Could you have done things differently? Is there a trick you have missed? Hindsight though, is always 20/20. We can all be experts in retrospect. Don't dwell on the past, focus on the future. The only lesson you now need to learn is how to move on.
“Never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you.” That’s what they say and it sounds like good advice until you stop to think about it. But there are some who maintain that trouble is notoriously devious. Its favourite trick is to sit around waiting until it feels sure you have stopped trying to trouble it then, it grabs its chance. It employs the element of surprise to cause maximum destruction. Hence the alternative theory that says trouble is best continuously troubled, so that it always gives a small, steady supply of stress instead of an occasional, large, unexpected burst! Take today’s risk. It is probably worth it.
水瓶座3月 If you're at all inclined towards 'spiritual sports' like yoga and tai chi, this is the month to get into them. Spending time alone with just your psyche for company pays off now. If the people at work are getting you down, and you have the chance to work by yourself a little bit more over the next few weeks, take it. Seething in silence is not recommended, but that's where the 'spiritual sports' come in. Use them to soothe and release any anger which you feel you have to 'keep a secret'. The times really are a changing for you, of course, as Uranus moves out of your sign, for the first time since 1995. Life will be calmer, now that he's gone. And where has Uranus gone? To create some sparks in your money zone. So expect the unexpected regarding cash, assets and values. Uranus brings surprises - let's hope in your money zone, the surprises include; unexpected cash-rich promotions, a lottery win, or at least finding a nice large 50 dollar/pound/whatever tucked away somewhere astonishing. On the love front, Jupiter still stalled in your love zone isn't doing you harm, but he's doing nothing like the good he could begin to next month.
“I deserve love, peace, prosperity and serenity.” “I have complete and unconditional worth as a person in this universe.” “I was born with a limitless capacity for wealth and growth.” I would offer you more affirmations to repeat but the experts recommend using no more than two or three at a time. Apparently they tend to cancel each other out if you employ too many at once. So there you go. Aquarian age instructions for an Aquarian who is now entering a whole new phase of the future. Regardless of what you say (or do) you will come closer to an inspired, new understanding soon.
This is a great weekend for signing contracts ? especially those printed on parchment in a deep red ink. Should the bearer be sporting a goatee beard and a hat with two suspicious bumps beneath, you can be sure you have the right deal. Don’t bother reading the small print, for the document is due to go up in sulphurous flame soon. Am I seriously suggesting that you ought to make a pact with you-know-who? Er... well, let me ask you a question. Are you seriously suggesting that you feel okay about the other agreement you are seemingly on the verge of reaching? Both deals are equally dodgy. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
How long have you been on this planet now? How much have you learned? How much still remains for you to find out? You may know the answer to the first question but you can never be so sure of the second or the third. That’s what makes life so wonderful, albeit so infuriating. There is always another discovery to make. Always a reason to question received wisdom. Events this weekend, will give rise to much thought and discussion. You may well begin to wonder what on earth you are supposed to do in order to solve a particular problem. Here’s a hint. Less than you might expect.
You have recently made a resolution. Can you stick with it? Do you truly have the stamina and the commitment? Or have you just said this in order to make yourself feel more comfortable? If you now really mean what you say, you have merely to keep walking your talk this weekend. You will make a breakthrough. You will pass a point of no return. You will set a process in motion which then continues automatically without much further effort. And if you don’t really mean it? Then you had better decide as much now before you inadvertently get into something that you cannot so easily get out of.
Only bores and buffoons know the answer to everything. Truly interesting individuals lead lives full of uncertainty. Doubts are a measure of depth. Insecurities a sign of sensitivity. The wisest people on this planet are aware of this. That’s why, as fast as they clear up one mystery, they start to investigate another. They fear that life, otherwise, will become too tedious. Think of the angst that currently wraps your tortured soul as clear proof of your wit, charm, style and grace. And enjoy it while it lasts. This weekend brings a solution to a big problem. Let’ s hope that doesn’t make things too dull.
Time has no beginning and has no end. Likewise, space. On and on... and on... forever. The vastness of it all astounds and overwhelms us. Somewhere deep within, it also strikes an awkward chord. The universe may be eternal but we, most evidently, are not. The decades in which we measure our lives are little more than blinks of the great cosmic eye. No wonder we feel so restless. We can sense the need to hurry up and get things done while we still have a chance. Events this weekend, bring an awe-inspiring sense of perspective. Plus a reminder of what really matters and why you are so fortunate.
射手座原文 Variety, they say, is the spice of life. Unless, of course, you happen to be a Sagittarian - in which ca se, it is the starch, the protein and the sauce. You are perfectly happy to accept the old adage, “If you find a successful formula, stick to it.” It is just that your idea of a successful formula involves almost constant change! Hence the uncertainty that surrounds you now. You like much of what is happening. It seems just about right, just as it is. So presumably, any moment now, you are going to have to alter everything er... aren’t you? You know, you really don’t have to.
Some momentous events have a real sense of history about them. You can feel it while they are happening. Others, though they may be equally or even more significant, pass all-but unnoticed most of the time. Only some while later, do we realise quite what we have lived through - and what a profound impact this has had on us. Over the past few months you have been on quite a journey. It may be some time yet before you feel fully able to comprehend the enormity of all you have learned and experienced. But this weekend, you will get a glimpse of it.
Is this your forecast? Are you sure? Perhaps it has been written for some other Scorpio. Perhaps half-way through reading it, someone will tap you on the shoulder to say, “Hey, what are you doing on my page? This is none of your business.” But, of course, if they do, they will read what you have just read. That will worry them! Nobody is now deliberately trying to make you feel small but by their insensitive actions, certain people are having this effect. Ultimately though, only one thing allows that to happen. Your acquiescence. This weekend, you can stop playing that game.
What would you like first; the good news or the bad? Oh dear. I had a feeling you were going to say that. But you see, I can't start with the bad news because er... well... actually, there isn't any! Although in a way, that kind of is the bad news! Good news, you see, doesn't make quite such an impression without a little bad news to accompany it. It becomes like cheese without pickle. A little bland. We take it for granted too easily. This weekend, you have plenty to appreciate and little to worry about. Don't create a false problem to make things seem more intense. Just relax. It is time you had a break.
Some people actually enjoy depriving themselves of life’s little luxuries. It gives them a perverse kind of pleasure. It makes them feel wonderfully self-righteous to say, “Oh no thank you, I never allow myself to do that.” Or it may help them to feel humble and undeserving. “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly...” Psychologists love to question the motives of such individuals. We need not concern ourselves with that. We merely need to establish one thing. You are not such a contrary character. There is, therefore, no reason why you shouldn’t allow yourself to accept the gift the sky has on offer this weekend. Real excitement lies in store soon.
On the love front, Jupiter still stalled in your love zone isn't doing you harm, but he's doing nothing like the good he could begin to next month. ↑これって恋愛運は4月以降から良くなるってこと?
>>250 On the love front,Jupiter,which is still stalled in your love zone,isn't doing you harm, but is either doing nothing like the good that he could begin to do in the next month. と、とれるから。
In your life so far, you have witnessed several miracles. This, in a strange way, is why you have developed such an impatient side to your personality. You know that amazing things can happen, against all odds and expectations. You thus find it hard to except the ordinary. You find it frustrating and you also suspect you might actually have a responsibility to hold out for a more spectacular solution. This week, you may not be able to achieve the impossible but if only you can bring yourself to feel ok about this, you can then set out to accomplish something that is still pretty wonderful.
We soon grow accustomed to our situation. We learn to cut our coat according to our cloth. We recognise our limitations and do our best to live within them. In this way we hope to protect ourselves from disappointment. Sometimes though, our shields become the instruments of our own imprisonment. We hide behind them for too long and fail to notice that there is no longer an enemy to hide from. Once, you would have been right to see a particular aspiration as unattainable. Now, times have changed. You need to get accustomed to a much more favourable firmament. Discover your astrological inheritance.
If your current situation was permanent things would feel very different. You are though, on your way from one place to another. The view from your window is temporary. The drama you face will not last long. It is important to be aware of this. Neither make plans to settle forever where you are - nor feel obliged to engineer an urgent escape. The universe will naturally and sweetly move you on, sooner than you may think. As Venus now prepares to enter your sign, you should be preparing for a time of greater comfort, sweeter companionship and stronger confidence.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum. But then, this is hardly news. They made their move quite some while ago. They locked up the attendants and, in a cruel twist of irony, declared them insane! Now, they walk around acting as if they know the score and casting aspersions on those who feel they don’t. Yet, in an insecure and unreasonable world, how can it possibly be rational to be sure of anything? Certainty is just a shield to hide behind - a dummy to suck on. Only doubt makes sense. But this week, as long as you don’t succumb to the desire to feign infallibility, you will encounter real magic.
Necessity may be the mother of invention but optimism is the father. You must have both if you are to bring forth an inspired new solution to an old problem. The potential mother is not hard to find now. Everywhere you look, you can see her. And the would-be dad? Well, he’s around, but he is shy. He needs a little coaxing. You can’t just demand his presence. Indeed, at the first sign of belligerence he will back even further away. He will similarly run from resentment. But with just a little faith, this week, you can bring the parents together long enough to turn trouble into triumph.
The libraries are full of books. The websites are full of pages. We are all of us up to our eyes in information. Or should that be our ears? Everybody wants to tell us something. Everyone has something to say. You could be forgiven for thinking, given the endless supply of experts, that the world is full of people who actually know something. They certainly act as if they do. The fact remains though, that this is largely just bravado. An air of authority is invariably a shield, wielded by someone especially uncertain and insecure. Don't let anyone tell you what can't be done. They don't know, you do.
Are you indispensable? Irreplaceable? Unique? Of course you are! And that’s precisely why you can afford to sit back and let others act out some of the roles that you normally reserve for yourself. Even if they carry them out with excellent effectiveness, they will never manage to be who you are. Only weak people strive to protect their positions. Strong ones see no need. They simply know that they are unassailable. So, are you weak or are you strong? That largely depends on how you choose to see yourself. Have faith, this week, in your own power and you will yet work real miracles.
“No man is an island.” Nor woman, either. We are all interconnected. Look at your feet. On what do they stand? The floor beneath you is connected to the earth ? the same earth that lies beneath the feet of every other person on this planet. Oceans may separate us but below those oceans lie land. Land that connects every continent, every country, every nation and ultimately, every individual. How quickly we forget this. There is one undeniable connection between you and whatever (and whoever) you most now need help from. This week brings the chance to forge a further useful link.
Six billion. More or less. Give or take. Give or take? Give and take, more like. If there isn’t any of that, how on earth are the six billion going to get along? And how can we possible hope to get along with the other 5.999999 billion when we don’t find it particularly easy to relate to the beings in our immediate vicinity? There are always so many compromises required. So many misunderstandings to iron out. There may not be much you can do for world peace this week, but you may yet manage to increase the level of peace in your own particular part of the world. And that’s a start.
They say “If you find a successful formula, stick to it.” You can relate to that. But sometimes you stick to formulae that are not especially successful. They get results in spite of, rather than because of, their intrinsic wisdom. Think of the way kids walk down the road trying to avoid cracks between paving stones. They fear that if they fail, the monster will get them. So they do not fail. They avoid those cracks. And as the monster does not subsequently get them, they feel they have proof that their plan has worked. How many imaginary monsters are you avoiding now?
蠍座24日 “Hello, how are you?” “I’m fine, how are you?” With vacuous exchanges like this, we commence our conversations. Rarely, if ever, do we challenge one another. “What do you mean by ‘Fine, thanks’, you are clearly anything but!” Or, “Why are you asking me this? It’s pretty obvious you don’t really care.” Is it any wonder that human beings say so very little of meaning, despite talking so very much? The last thing you need now is more empty dialogue. To ensure some truly informative interaction, you now need to depart from polite protocol and risk a more candid expression of a true view.
We try so hard to get it right. To win friends and to influence people. To make choices we can be proud of. Sometimes we succeed. Sometimes we don’t. And sometimes, it all gets a little confusing. We think we are winning but we turn out to be losing. We suspect all is hopeless, then we suddenly see a hidden opportunity. You may well have strong opinions about what’s happening in your life but you cannot be sure that these are right. Certainly, if they relate to trying too hard to do anything, they are probably wrong. Something wonderful is about to happen naturally, without much thought or effort on your part.
You may recall that a couple of weeks ago, your ruler moved into a new sector of the sky. A new seven-year phase began then. Perhaps, so far you have failed to notice much difference. Later this week, Venus moves into the same area of the heavens, forming a conjunction to your signifying planet in the process. Is this auspicious? Well, it is certainly worth more than a rabbit’s foot, a four-leaf clover or a black cat crossing your path. But you may not necessarily be lucky in the conventional sense. It may be in love - or in the area of creative inspiration that you are soon to be most generously blessed.
射手座25日原文 Iサマ、ワガママイッテゴメンナサイ。ヨロシクデス。セメテゲンブンダケデモウpシテオキマツ Some people, when faced with the choice between a simple task or a difficult chore, will grab the easy option with glee. They will push aside all thought of the more challenging activity and busy themselves with more achievable ambitions. Sagittarians however, operate on different principles. If they know something can be done, they have little or no interest but the bigger the problem, the keener they are to solve it. Excited though you may be by a source of stress and struggle now, you ought to stop for a moment and help yourself to a gift which is on offer - and which can be quickly claimed today.
“All that glitters is not gold.” We really must remember that. We do not want to be deluded by cheap tacky tinsel or highly-polished copper. Yet whilst it is important to take this lesson closely to heart, we must not swing to the other extreme and assume that gold has no gloss. Some things seem attractive but they turn out to be worthless. Others, prove to be worth their weight in... Well, at this point, I probably have to be careful. I am not specifically predicting your imminent acquisition of a precious metal, l am merely telling you not to be too suspicious of an apparent opportunity. It could well be real.
双子座デイリーです。よろしくおねがいします “All that glitters is not gold.” We really must remember that. We do not want to be deluded by cheap tacky tinsel or highly-polished copper. Yet whilst it is important to take this lesson closely to heart, we must not swing to the other extreme and assume that gold has no gloss. Some things seem attractive but they turn out to be worthless. Others, prove to be worth their weight in... Well, at this point, I probably have to be careful. I am not specifically predicting your imminent acquisition of a precious metal, l am merely telling you not to be too suspicious of an apparent opportunity. It could well be real.
I am surprised you have managed to find the time to read this forecast. Don’t you have something else to do? Don’t you have tasks to carry out? Obligations to honour? Promises to fulfil? Aren’t there people waiting for you, relying on you, expecting things from you? Of course there are. And their numbers will only multiply over the next few days unless you make a very bold resolution. You are carrying more than your fair share and it is time to stop. There are one or two commitments you absolutely cannot drop. There are many more that you can. And you should. And very soon, you will be able to. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Think of an acorn. Now think of an oak tree. Then ask yourself this: What is nature trying to tell us here?’ Once, Starbucks was just a little coffee bar in Seattle and even the mighty MacDonald’s was a tiny roadside cafe in California. Of course, there are some who would argue that you can take expansionism too far. But ultimately, we all share the same potential ability to go forth and multiply ? or turn something small into something big. You may feel nervous about what you suspect you are capable of now. But hopefully, you can also sense that it is your destiny to go much further and achieve so much more.
You have announced on many occasions, your determination to get to a particular ‘place’. Events and circumstances though, have delayed, distracted and diverted you from that destination. So much so, that you are now no longer sure which road leads where. Your compass is confused. Your landmarks are misleading. You may not have entirely lost your bearings but you have certainly temporarily mislaid them. Don’t panic. Don’t worry and don’t change direction suddenly, now. Like mist clearing away in bright sunshine, your doubts are being replaced with inspiring new certainties.
The sword of truth is double-edged, we have to be very careful how we wield it lest we inadvertently cut ourselves with it. Ideally, it should never be used as a weapon of attack, only as a method of defence. Even then, it must be gripped carefully and employed with sensitivity. The truth hurts. And the truth, once revealed, can rarely be hidden again. That said, the truth is what you now need to know. And it is what a certain person most definitely needs to hear. You don’t have to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth today. But you do now need to put paid to a dangerous misconception.
"The impossible, we can do at once. Miracles take a little longer." Signs, containing messages like this, were once fashionable in offices and workshops. The words were, of course, intended to be ironic. Often, they would be placed on the wall next to other allegedly humorous notices such as the circular plaque that declared, "This is a round tuit. You see, we have finally got one!" We all know, don't we, that the impossible can never be done. But do we know what the impossible actually is? You now have a fixed idea about what is or is not attainable. Be careful. It may be limiting you unnecessarily.
We must all take risks from time to time. No matter how cautious or careful our characters may be, we will inevitably, eventually, find ourselves in situations that cannot be resolved through safe, sensible steps. Small, occasional steps into the unknown are essential if we are to remain lively and interesting. It’s the large, reckless leaps in this direction that are to be avoided. You are now being asked to make much more of an ‘educated guess’ than you would like to. You wish you had more to go on. But if you have sincere faith and a strong instinct, you actually know more than enough to see you safely through.
Who can you talk to? And what can you say? How much can you hope to be understood? How many complications can you anticipate? No communication process is ever perfect. People, even with the best will in the world - and the greatest desire to co-operate - often fail to see eye to eye. But that’s no reason to withhold trust or pursue a policy of isolationism. Share as much as you dare. You may yet be pleasantly surprised by the extent to which your point of view is recognised, acknowledged and honoured - especially if you can now do your best to listen without prejudice.
Here. Have a stick. First you can get hold of the wrong end of it. Then you can beat yourself over the head with it. And then? Well then you can pay the publishers of this page for the use of it. Who said anything about a gift? We were merely hiring it. Now you are indebted ? and it is your own silly fault for not asking the price. Er... isn’t it? An awful lot of people now seem keen to undermine your authority. They are trying to cause you to question your judgement or doubt the wisdom of a recent decision. You may not be able to stop them from trying but you do not have to make things easy for them. Stand your ground.
Why can’t it all be over quickly? Why must it trundle on and on? Why can’t we hold a key conversation once and then move into different territory? Why must there be repetition? Because, just as children only learn their letters and numbers by going over them, time and time again, so adults only seem to learn essential emotional lessons through repeated exposure to the same stimuli. But an important point has now been drummed into you. You really do grasp it. And you are passing a vital test as we speak. Soon, you will be finally free to commence a different class.
Years ago, people believed that there were canals on Mars. More recently, scientists laughed at this supposition. The very latest breaking news from space though, suggests that liquid salt water may well flow from time to time across the surface of this planet. The experts love to keep us informed. They also love to believe that their current view is the only view that could ever make sense. You are now being told that something is not possible. Instinctively, you suspect otherwise but you have little evidence with which to back up your feelings. Trust them anyway.
Print technicians inform us that there are thousands of different shades of grey. They speak proudly about this rich variety of tone and texture. What a shame that it is all wasted on so many viewers. Most of us, it seems see the world in black and white. We do not care for subtlety. We are not interested in complexity. Ifs and buts bemuse us. We want to know who to cheer and who to boo, what to praise and what to curse. Hence the state the world is in today! Today though, you will deprive yourself of a valuable insight if you insist on being too dogmatic. Let flexibility be your friend.
When is the darkest hour? Just before the dawn! When are things most likely to change? Just when we have got used to the idea that they will never change. When will we have learned our lesson? When we realise that life holds more lessons than we can ever learn. People love to make clear announcements in confident tones and lead us all to believe that they know what they are talking about. But they rarely do. Progress, comes in spite of not because of the intervention of experts. Some people are trying to tell you now that a situation contains little hope. They are wrong!
We live in an instant, just-add-water, push-a-button, microwaveable-in-under-three-minutes, zap-the-remote-control-and-see-the-war-before-your-very-eyes kind of a world. Not everything about it is good. Too often, we lose our appreciation for essential natural processes that need to happen slowly. 26日射手座〜よろしくおねがいします。
We look for ways to hurry them just as we look for ways to depersonalise the injustices that we can see yet seemingly cannot influence. We end up feeling remote. Something is about to put you right back in touch with the nicest part of reality. Allow your hope the time it needs.
We live in an instant, just-add-water, push-a-button, microwaveable-in-under-three-minutes, zap-the-remote-control-and-see-the-war-before-your-very-eyes kind of a world. Not everything about it is good. Too often, we lose our appreciation for essential natural processes that need to happen slowly. We look for ways to hurry them just as we look for ways to depersonalise the injustices that we can see yet seemingly cannot influence. We end up feeling remote. Something is about to put you right back in touch with the nicest part of reality. Allow your hope the time it needs.
おはようございます。いつもありがとうございます。 26日天秤です。よろしくおねがいします。 You think that a certain story has been told. You feel sure that you have heard it all. You know every last detail. It contains no further surprises. You do not feel entirely ecstatic about this for you wish that things had turned out differently. But you understand the importance of acceptance. You feel you must learn to live with reality. You know that you cannot turn back time. What you do not know though, is everything that happened. Some factors have eluded you. Some information remains to be revealed. You may soon gain a new, more inspiring view of a crucial part of your past.
“Why” is an easy question to ask and a difficult one to answer. Because we find it so hard to know why anything ever happens, we become precious about our theories. We pour faith into them and treat them as gospel. As we tend to feel affronted and offended if they are ever challenged, we keep the company of people whose prejudices mirror our own. If our explanations match, we figure, we must be friends. Right now, you don’t know why something is happening. Don’t pretend you do ? and don’t accept someone else’s suggestion. Just be open-minded for a while longer. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Due to the ongoing cost of the war, the government has imposed a new emergency zodiac tax. Last night, a law was passed obliging anyone reading their forecast to pay a £5 on the spot penalty. You donユt believe this? Turn around, slowly. A representative from the revenue department is standing behind you as we speak. Ha! Fooled you! So, you see, things are not so bad. They could be worse. You could have even more bills to pay and impossible financial targets to meet. But you don’t. Soon, things will be looking much better in this and in every other department of life.
To err is human. To forgive is divine. And you are? Well, here’s the clever thing. To be a human being is to be a glorious mixture of the extraordinary and the mundane. It is to have an infinite spirit within a finite frame. It is to have perfect potential ? yet to be full of flaws. A part of you is divine. Truly. Really. A part of you is a part of the supreme intelligence that keeps everything in this universe alive. And another part of you? It is just hungry for donuts. Be as high as you can, as big as you can, as giving as you can today. And tomorrow will take care of itself.
おはようございます。 26日蠍座です。宜しくお願い致します! Some people are now staring at their TV screens all day, watching the rolling news in a mesmerised daze. Others are getting the merest occasional glimpse of the war. They notice a headline as they stroll past a news stand or catcha few words of the six o’clock bulletin. Who can say which group is better informed? The propagandists are showing us only what they want us to see. Even if it is not what we want to see at all. In your personal world now, someone is trying to warp your view of a key situation. Don’t get blinded by science. Ask your heart what it sees. And trust that.
You do not want to appear foolish. This though, is not because you are proud. It is because you recognise the importance of being held in respect by those who seek your opinion. You do not want to let them down. Yet you are now wrestling with a powerful impulse. You feel strongly inclined to take a fairly big risk for the sake of a cause that is close to your heart. Capricorns are supposed to be cautious. Why then, areyou finding it so hard to show restraint? Could it be that reticence is inappropriate at the moment? Be bold and be sincere. You won’t regret it.
Some people have exceptionally good hearing. They can detect high tones that are normally only discernible by dogs or low frequencies that are favoured by whales and dolphins. Others have amazing eyesight. Not only can they tell you how many angels are dancing on the head of a pin, they can go on to inform you of the number of feathers in each angel’s wing. You are a Virgo. You possess a very special form of extra-sensory perception. You can hear the truth. Always. And you can see what’s really going on. Invariably. Your powers will not let you down today.
途中の「あれこれの言い訳を聞くと、困惑してしまうのです。」という拙訳はあまりうまくありませんが、「もしも、とか、しかし、などと、物事を白か黒かで割り切らずに、条件付けたり補足したりするのを聞くと、戸惑いがちである」と言いたいのではないでしょうか。 最後の文章は、let O V(何々を何々の状態にしておく)ということなので、「柔軟性をあなたの友達にしておきなさい」という意味だと思います。
If you keep experiencing a difficulty in a particular place - you will eventually start to wince whenever you go near it. You may even become superstitious and decide that this place is “unlucky” for you. Yet if you really want to learn and grow, you will find out why the problem keeps coming about and overcome your fear of those particular circumstances. You now feel unreasonably anxious about a particular proposition. Your ruler’s conjunction to Venus is offering you the chance to cure yourself of an irrelevant prejudice or an unfounded fear. Seize this precious chance to set yourself free.
Lack of sleep creates confusion. So too does lack of love. We also get cloudy minds when we are hungry, thirsty or short of time. We can end up with a lot of things to watch for if we want to remain fully on the ball. We must also remember that, when we are not thinking straight, we rarely realise it. We kind of know that we are not at full strength but we don’t realise just how far gone we are. So we end up making choices that contribute to a worsening of our situation. Venus, as it now moves into your sign, is showing you what you really need. It is also showing you how to get it. Be glad.
There’s no particular reason why you have to be successful. Triumph rarely has much to do with logic. It is an emotional thing. An atmospheric thing. A side-effect of faith. Faith never needs a reason, it merely needs a feeling. Your deepest, most sincere belief now deserves to be trusted. If you follow it, it will bestow success upon you. The Sun’s harmonious link to Jupiter speaks of helpful coincidences, taking place all around you. All you need now is enough optimism and adaptability to help you recognise these when you encounter them. If you are looking for opportunity now, you will find it.
Do we really need judges and juries? The guilty punish themselves mercilessly. The innocent know perfectly well that they are not to blame. The only people who require assistance in distinguishing right from wrong are those of moral turpitude. And they, of course, wont see why they are wrong, even if the case against them is fully proven. You are now judging yourself far too harshly. Ironically, this is partially because you feel you have been too soft on a certain other person. Put the whole thing down and move on before you sentence yourself to a life of unnecessary and irrelevant regret.
射手座原文 Jupiter has been forming a tense angle to Saturn for some while. Today brings a culmination of this rare cosmic alignment. It should, therefore, also bring a decisive development in an ongoing saga. Is there something you have been trying to achieve for ages? Are you waiting with bated breath for the outcome of a crucial process? Soon, you will find out where you really stand. An obstacle to progress will start to melt away. A plan that you have been pursuing with fingers crossed will turn out to have worked well. You will rapidly reach the conclusion that you are in a good position. For you are.
As a wartime measure, to prevent this forecast getting into the wrong hands, it has been timed to self-destruct in ten seconds. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5... yes, yes, I know I haven’t actually said anything yet but these automatic exploding horoscopes are tricky to operate. Hang on, I shall see if I can pause it. There. That’s better. Now I was going to say that all sorts of strange events keep happening. You can expect more such dramas soon. No matter how silly some things seem ? they will get sillier still before they start to make any sense. But that’s OK because 3, 2...1, KAPOW!!! Whoops. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Some people love to argue. What do you mean, ″Oh no they don’t″? They definitely do, you know. Oh, I see, sorry. I guess I’m not very quick off the mark today. Anyway, where was I? Ah yes. I remember. Some people ー and how they love to argue. Well look, the thing is, they do. And it can get rather wearing at times. You are rapidly beginning to tire of an ongoing debate. You say you want it to end yet in one way, you are feeding it. You are unwilling to relinquish your grip on a particular situation or to retract a controversial opinion. Either let it go and move on or hold tight and stop complaining.
Sometimes, we try too hard to be too clever. We think too much. And in the process we cast doubt on the validity of our deepest feelings. You are now beginning to wonder whether you really have a right to the emotions that surge so strongly through your heart. You cannot deny them but you can subject them to such scrutiny as to make them seem silly or worthless. Yet they are none of these things. They deserve to be honoured and acknowledged. The inner you now has a very profound sincere message for the rest of you. Pay it some attention and it will yet lead you to the perfect place.
You deserve a reward. You have worked hard and struggled valiantly. Despite many reasons to feel anxious and concerned, you have kept calm and stayed sensible. You still don’t know whether everything is going to work out the way you want it to. You may not find this out for a long time to come. Indeed, by the time you get your information, you may have changed your mind about what it is that you want. But you still deserve a reward for waiting patiently - and for trying your best to accept the truth whatever it turns out to be. Here comes a part of that reward. More will follow soon.
You never miss a trick. Every so often, though, you overlook a genuine article. You fail to spot sincerity or you inadvertently ignore a heartfelt invitation. Why? Because you are too busy making sure that you do not miss a trick! You watch so carefully for Machiavellian manipulation that you become attuned to the wavelength of deception. Your current defence against disingenuity is draining you of the ability to recognise simplicity when you see it. There’s nothing complicated or problematic about the gift that’s now being offered. It’s valid. And viable. And should be gratefully accepted.
Have you been Wild? Wicked? Wanton?Reckless? Certain people seem to think so. They appear to disapprove of your attitude. Why else are they working so hard to prevent you from making progress? And why are others striving to encourage you? Surely it is because they can only benefit from your extravagance. Er... isn’t it? You may well feel confused about people’s motives now. You are getting a lot of mixed signals. But you really have no reason to doubt your own judgement. And you certainly should not feel you deserve punishment. Actually, you deserve the opposite. Praise!
You suspect you know why a certain problem keeps occurring. You are confident that your diagnosis is correct. Yet you are not so sure about the best medicine to apply. You can’t just wave a magic wand and put everything right, and you rightly suspect that all other solutions will have side-effects. Yet you cannot sit around and do nothing ? especially when you are so keenly aware of what’s wrong. What you need is just one more insight. Events today should provide you with it. Then, you won’t just have a solution, you’ll have a positive new direction to take for the future.
On the astrological agenda now? An imminent improvement in the state of your finances. As for your love life? The power to change that resides as much with you as it does with the cosmos. For some reason we tend to think of our feelings as finite. We imagine that we have to be careful with them lest we run out of irreplaceable emotions. Yet it is only when we are sparing that we end up despairing. Only when we try too hard to protect ourselves that we end up becoming vulnerable. In all areas of life this weekend, try to be as giving and trusting as you can. You won’t regret it
Crises are like buses, you sit around waiting for ages, yet none turn up. Then, suddenly, three come along at once! They are like buses in another way too. They take us places. We should be glad of our traumas and troubles. They move us on and introduce much needed change for the better. Often, in retrospect, we are grateful. It is just that at the time, while everything is happening, we tend to feel threatened. Now, you are probably wondering what I am trying to tell you about your weekend. Actually, all I am saying is that it is due to bring much-needed progress. Even if things get crazy, don’t worry.
The Moon will be passing through your sign for most of the weekend. The Moon, traditionally, heightens intuition. It makes us more receptive, more sensitive, more astute. It also though, makes us prone to feel unnecessarily anxious or unreasonably argumentative. In order to benefit from the cosmic climate, you need to distinguish a genuine insight from an imaginary one. You suspect you have a big problem. You don’t. You also suspect that everything could turn out wonderfully well. It could indeed. Don’t completely ignore your concerns... but give more credence to your hopes.
“There are more questions than answers and the more I find out the less I know.” This famous observation by Johnny Nash begs a question! Er... If questions just produce more questions, why don’t we just stop asking them? If we just pretend we have all the answers ? then we won’t be faced with the embarrassing realisation that we don’t know very much at all! You are strongly tempted to make a big assumption this weekend. Given all the chaos and upheaval in your life lately, it is very understandable. But if you want to achieve true stability - you must be prepared to risk a little more uncertainty first. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Are you ready for some reassurance? It is never wise to tell a Sagittarian that their cosmic climate is encouraging. Astrologers often remark that if you give an inch to people born under this zodiac sign, they will try to take the proverbial mile. So I probably ought to adopt a gloomy tone, just to stop you from overdoing the celebration ? or from pushing your luck too far. But... er, well, you thoroughly deserve the gain you are about to make. And you also deserve not to have it tainted by unnecessary doubt. No matter what you fear, there’ll be magic this weekend.
��Often we can kid ourselves that we have some control over the world. We take action and we get results. We therefore assume that there must be some connection between the two. But periodically, the universe sets out to remind us that the link is more fragile than we think. Sometimes, we cause an effect sometimes we just get an effect without doing anything to bring it about. This weekend you may well begin to wonder if the steering wheel of your life has anything whatsoever to do with the wheel. There actually is a link but it is not quite as obvious as you might want it to be!
よき週末はいかがでしょうか?笑い、陽気さ、太陽の明るい光、そしてお祝いは いかがでしょうか?希望とインスピレーションはいかがでしょうか?もしかしたら ちょっとした暖かさと安心はいかがでしょう?そして多分繁栄しているという感じ は・・・またそれは有用かもしれませんよ?あなたがこれを読むときに、「彼はま じめなのか?」「私をからかってるんでは?」などと(言いながら)私の口調を探 ろうとしていると、十中八九私には聞こえます。でもね、私はあなたをからかうつ もりは本当にありません。冗談を言っているヒマはありません。現在は戦時中 です(#ここが合っているか分からん;原文はThere's a war on and everything.)。 今、ちょうど星たちは例外的に幸先のよいかたちに並びつつあります。あなたに とって、この週末は素直によいものとなるでしょう。
Would you like a good weekend? Would you like laughter, levity, sunshine and celebration? How about some hope and inspiration? Perhaps a little warmth and reassurance? And maybe a greater sense of prosperity ? would that come in handy too? I can almost hear you trying to detect my tone of voice as you read this. “Is he serious? Or is he winding me up?” Listen, I really would not tease you. This is no time for jokes. There’s a war on and everything. It just so happens that the planets are now aligned in an exceptionally auspicious fashion. For you, this weekend simply has to be good.
We all want to be wanted. We all love to be loved. There’s nothing wrong with any of that. It’s a fine aspiration. But sometimes, we try just a little too hard. We give way in areas where we ought to stand firm. And sometimes, for some strange psychological reason, we do the opposite, knowing that we are vulnerable and fearing that we could be taken advantage of, we erect enormous inner barriers. And then even those who have only love and help to share with us, are kept at bay. Trust and relax this weekend. What needs to happen will happen, naturally.
Due to printing schedules, I have to write your week ahead stars before I prepare your daily predictions. I have just noticed that in tomorrow’s Look magazine, I refer in your forecast to a Full Moon. That’s a slip of the word processor. It should say NEW Moon. I am too late to fix that mistake in print ? but not too late to apologise, in advance, for it, here. Do you also now need to say sorry for something that you have not actually done yet? Have you sown, in the past, the seed of a future that you can now alter slightly if you really try? The planets don’t promise you power over time now. Just over almost everything else!
おはようございます。 蠍座週末です。宜しくお願い致します。 What is the purpose of life? Why have we all come here to this planet? Honestly! You mean to say that you’ve been here all this time and you still don’t know? Why whatever is the matter with you? Use your eyes. Consult your other senses. Surely, the answer is obvious. We have all come here for the same reason. To suffer! To have a hard time. To swallow the bitter pill of disappointment. Er... that’s right isn’t it? You can be forgiven for having recently reached such a conclusion. But of course, it is not true. There can be joy. And happiness. And deep fulfilment. Events this weekend, will demonstrate that.
It is rude to stare. It is even ruder to do so if you happen to be wearing X-ray specs. If you can see right through people, if you can uncover their private passions, if you can get right past their defences and make contact with their most sensitive secrets, you surely have a duty to be honourable. You must look the other way from time to time. And you must be tolerant, for it is often, all too easy to judge on the basis of the superficial impressions without knowing the full story. This weekend brings an amazing revelation. Remember, though, to be discreet and cautious about conclusions you reach.
Librans, we are told, like everything to be balanced. We have to wonder whether the folk who make such statements have ever watched a weighing scale as it swings from one extreme to the other. Or think of the way a pendulum moves from side to side with magnificent regularity. It is steady. It is consistent. Yet it never maintains the same position for more than a moment. You are inclined to think that in light of all that has happened lately, you ought to be sensible this weekend. You can think that all you like. You won’t manage it. Nor should you!
I have been experimenting with a matter-transportation device. It lets me to teleport directly into any room where a prediction is being read. I am standing just behind your right shoulder now. You can’t see me for I am invisible. But I am most definitely there. I shall be following you around all day so I hope you are going to be on your best behaviour. No moping, worrying or feeling sorry for yourself please. I’ll be watching. You don’t believe me? Hmmmm. You now seem happy to believe something else almost equally unlikely. Treat THAT with a little more suspicion.
You see them, sometimes, in the high street. Mothers who turn to their wailing children and say, “Shut up or I’ll give you something to cry about.” Probably, their mothers said it to them when they were small. In a thousand unconscious ways we make life harder for one another. We create impressions in delicate minds that cannot be erased, even with a lifetime of therapy. Gradually though, old cycles are broken as people wake up and take notice of the impact their actions are having. You are starting to see how you have been heavy on yourself in the past and how you can ensure that your future is lighter.
What’s the difference between a child and an adult? An adult knows where to draw the line. An adult can distinguish between right and wrong. An adult understands morality and can act with propriety and sobriety. And this, er... explains why boozy bars and sleazy strip joints are for adults only! Only adults can behave degenerately. Children are too innocent to know how ? so such places are wasted on them. Yet within every cynical adult there’s still a child, yearning for a chance to see life with wide-open eyes once more. Your inner child is about to be delightfully reawakened. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Why are we always being told to put the past behind us? Why can’t we put it in front of us so that we can keep an eye on it? The past, after all, is a notoriously wriggly thing. It changes shape more shamelessly than a comedian. It answers its questions according to what mood it is in or who happens to be doing the asking. History is about to rewrite itself once more. You are about to discover that you have not been quite where you thought you were and thus you are not going quite where you imagined. But you’ll soon come to see this as a blessing, not a problem.
射手座原文 If you give some people an inch, they will take a mile. Sagittarians however, require no more than a millimetre. Nor do you have to give it to them. You merely have to leave where it can be borrowed. Some people might look at the opportunity which now lies before you and consider it small. They though, lack your ingenuity and optimism. You know you can take this chance and run with it - and go much further than a mile. You also know that this is the only thing to be done. You are quite right - as coming events will soon delightfully demonstrate.
You don’t like to let the grass grow under your feet. Often, you deliberately keep moving just to make sure this doesn’t happen. But it isn’t enough just to march up and down on the spot. You really have to cover some distance if you want to avoid getting stuck. Without realising it, you have allowed a difficult situation to develop. An expectation has arisen and a sense of obligation has begun to accompany it. The only way to bring about the change you really need is to head for fresh territory. Have the courage to explore and you will get the help you need.
You are now deeply determined. You have made up your mind and you will not be swayed. Or so, at least, you would like to think. Secretly, inwardly, you are not so sure. You harbour nagging doubts that you hardly dare confess to. These will not go away until, or unless, you air them. Only by summoning the courage to reveal a weakness will you be able to acquire the information that renders you truly strong. You are about to receive a most valuable education. Don’t be too proud to turn up for class or so sure of the answers that you don’t phrase the crucial questions.
How many rabbits can you pull out of how many hats? Even the most magnificent magicians will agree, in private, that it is not possible to produce such creatures from thin air. They have to have a supply of bunnies in the first place or no amount of wand-waving is going to make a difference. You now have more resources than you realise ? which is just as well because you are being asked to accomplish a minor miracle. The impossible will not become possible this week. The possible though, will turn into the perfectly sufficient, provided you keep your feet on the ground.
Some people believe that if you want to be a great leader you must never display signs of uncertainty or insecurity. You must continually project a cool, calm, confident, competent composure. People though, are not fools. They know that such expressions are only ever worn permanently by the dangerously deceptive or the alarmingly apathetic. Real human beings wobble. This need not undermine their authority. If it is conceded with good humour, it can earn them more respect. It is important not to put on an act now. You will accomplish all you need to, just by being yourself.
Why wear colourful clothes when life is dull, drab and grey? Why think happy thoughts when all is depressing? Why hang on to joy until something makes you feel unhappy? Why not be miserable straight away and save yourself the wait? There are many who seem to feel that we might as well just surrender to the inevitable. But that begs a very big question. What actually is inevitable? How can we be so sure that our fates are sealed and our futures futile? Your pessimism now is severely misplaced as events later this week will most pleasingly prove.
We all want to be well versed and accurately informed. We are more comfortable when we are in full command of the facts. So much so, that sometimes we feel inclined to stick only with the familiar. Rather than risk a disconcerting discovery about the extent of our own ignorance, we prefer to remain in the realms of the tried, tested and traditional. That way we can keep our prejudices intact and maintain the comforting illusion of control. Yet you are now being asked to venture into unknown territory and you cannot quite bring yourself to reject the invitation. Nor should you.
31日蠍座です。よろしくお願いいたします。 It’s funny really. You only have to hear a criticism once and you will remember it for all time. Yet people can praise you until the cows come home and you will still feel inclined to wonder whether they really mean it. You already know that a recent choice has been wise. Yet a part of you remains unsure. You continue to fear that you have been foolish-not least because the words of a judgemental individual still ring in your ears. It is time to be strengthened and to be supported. Events this week should provide you with a convincing reassurance that has so far eluded you.
Don’t close off, don’t close up and don’t close down. Remain open and approachable, trusting and trustworthy. Your faith in human nature has been dented lately by the behaviour of certain awkward individuals. But you cannot extrapolate this into an expectation that everyone is going to let you down. Nor can you be at your best whilst bristling with fury or hiding behind some big psychological barrier. Let down your guard and allow for the possibility of help from someone genuinely generous. If you act as if you need nothing from anyone, that’s what you’ll get! And then where will you be?
As Uranus settles into your sign you are starting to see yourself in a different light. You have been imposing unnecessary limits and restrictions on your potential for growth. Through a combination of fear and doubt you have been avoiding avenues that it might have proven profitable to explore. Now, you no longer feel so intimidated. Coming events will make it easier still to shake-off such beliefs. Financially and emotionally, you are worth more than you realise. You are beginning to give yourself the credit you deserve. This will make it easier for others to treat you with respect.
Well, what have you to say for yourself? Come along, don’t pretend you don’t know. The whole town is talking about it. Well, actually, okay then... it is not. But you are beginning to suspect that the world is full of people who are in on a secret that has not been shared with you. You also suspect that people are gossiping about aspects of your life that are really none of their business. Don’t give any of this too much thought. It is really neither here nor there. If you want to avoid being sucked into an unnecessary and irrelevant drama, just refuse to play along with a certain silly game.
Where do you draw the line? When do you say, ‘enough is enough’? How do you distinguish between a great opportunity and a wicked temptation? Where does right end and wrong begin? Sometimes, it is easy to know the answer to questions like this. Now, though, certain issues are clouded with confusion. You may well be stopping yourself from doing something legitimate whilst succumbing to a desire that’s best suppressed. You have been living, for too long, by someone else’s moral code instead of your own. Events today should give rise to a rapid rethink. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Values have changed dramatically in recent decades. Once, for example, it was considered important to be chaste and virginal. Now, none but an eccentric few give a hoot. PEOPLE can be experienced but oddly, items - which were once appreciated for their heritage and history, are now only valued if fresh from the factory. We want everything we own to come shrink-wrapped - as if untouched by human hand. The cosmic symbol for a fresh beginning is the New Moon! Thereユs a new moon in Aries now. In one area of your life, at least, you really can start with a clean sheet.
Some parrots have extensive vocabularies. They can perfectly pronounce hundreds of words. Sometimes, seemingly, they can use them in context and give the impression of being truly sentient. Experts argue though, that the birds do not really appreciate the meaning of their utterances. They are merely saying things because they sound good. What then, is the difference between us and them? We think we know so much yet we understand so little. We recite our arguments and parade our opinions yet our view of the world is very narrow. Prepare for a truly enlightening experience.
There’s one rule for the rich, another for the poor. But there’s a third rule for Cancerians. It doesn’t matter whether people born under your sign are prosperous or poverty stricken. Their lives are shaped by forces that barely touch the rest of us. You came to this earth with a purpose. One way or another, the universe is determined to ensure that you complete your mission. So whilst you may not achieve quite what you think you ought to achieve today, you can rest assured that what you do get will be exactly what is needed. Don’t underestimate your importance or your resourcefulness.
射手座原文 Probably, you ought to stop before you go too far. But then, how far is too far? Really, there’s only one way to find out. Will you be able to retrace your steps? Probably not, once you go past this particular point. But then, why would you want that? For a long time you have been swimming against the current. You are tired of it. More so than you realise. You need and deserve a change. Whilst you still ought to be careful about biting off more than you can chew or creating consequences that you may have to live down, you should feel free to accept a gift from a kindly sky.
Some people seem to take a perverse pleasure in being unkind or unfair. Perhaps they have been hurt in their childhood and have wounds which will not heal. Or perhaps they so keenly anticipate trouble in the future that they want to “get their retaliation in first.” Who knows what psychological explanations lie behind their behaviour? And who cares? You now need to steer well clear of such characters and to pay no attention to the aspersions that they are casting, even from a distance. There can be warmth, light and hope in your world - and very soon, there will be.
As they say in the world of jazz, Every rut starts off as a groove. We don't suddenly fall into our habits, we gradually lower ourselves into them. We get slowly submerged in tradition and repetition. We enjoy at least some aspect of this and it is only after a while that we notice how it holds us back. You fear that if you instigate the kind of change you really want to see, you will set in motion a process that has far-reaching implications. You wonder whether it might be better to leave things as they are. But you neither need nor deserve to feel trapped and you should not be intimidated.
"Ha!" Say the evil villains in the super-hero comic books. "My plan is working. Soon, I shall take over the world!" They never though, go on to explain why they would want to do this. Perhaps they have a pathological desire to attend dull meetings... or issue edicts about the number of multi-storey car parks that major cities can be allowed to build around their outskirts. Or perhaps they just want to be criticised. You now need neither power, influence, nor to be burdened with some heavy responsibility. You merely need a little good fortune. Sooner than you think, some will come.
We all know that tomorrow never comes. So I may as well give you Wednesday’s forecast now. It’s a shame to waste it! “You must now be feeling very glad about the decisions you made on Tuesday. At the time they seemed difficult and daunting. You felt tempted to take the easy option but when you made that brave leap of faith, you immediately know you were doing the right thing. Which of course, you were!” Well, there you have it. Tomorrow’s forecast today. So tomorrow, there’ll be a blank space here. But then, that won’t worry you, because tomorrow never comes. Er... er... does it?
The great news is that loving relationships which have
seemed stalled or delayed - or just plain 'not as good as they used to be' - could get a fillip in April as the bountiful planet Jupiter goes direct in your opposite sign. If you've been dragging your heels, or someone else has been dragging theirs, if someone who makes you feel like a million bucks has been too busy to see you or keeping their distance, you could find this situation alters now. Happy families all round? Fingers crossed! What you can and probably astro-should do now is have a look at how you've been communicating with the most important people in your life. Have the past few months seen you expressing yourself in your own inimitable way, or have you allowed yourself to be so bowled over by recent highs and lows that you've been near silenced? Do be optimistic. Don't leave people in the dark about how you feel. This is also an excellent time to think about how far you have got with what you set out to do in 2004. Don't be tempted to brush anything under the carpet. Lovewise? Put it this way. Someone out there values you very highly
We interrupt this forecast to bring you a message from the creator of the universe. Apparently, the supreme being urgently needs to tell you something and has thus taken the unconventional step of using this prediction to get the point across. I must say, I was a little surprised when my computer went up in flames as a deep voice spoke from above but when I asked for identification, God produced a passport and a driving licence. So, er... here is the divine message I have been asked to pass on to you. “Stop taking life so personally. And worry less. For heaven’s sake!”
A scary empty anxious feeling, exists somewhere within the mind of every healthy human being. It is very important to acknowledge this and not to live in denial or pretence. But it is also very important not to stand there staring over the edge all day, every day. Lately, you have seen a little too much of that abyss. But actually, that has been for a reason. You have been, effectively, constructing a viewing platform behind a safety barrier. Now, knowing you can go and look whenever you really need to without falling in... you can start gazing in a more inspiring direction.
Once we know how to do something, we always know. We may require a little refresher if we have allowed our skills to grow rusty, but we never have to start all over again from scratch. And of course, lessons, even for the keenest of students, are not always easy to learn. So, by and large, no matter how much we may claim to seek a life of challenge and growth, we end up sticking with the devil we know. We may flirt with the foreign but we only follow through with the familiar. And then we wonder why our lives lack excitement. Don’t turn down today’s exotic offer.
We can all be armchair experts. It’s easy to sit around watching other people whilst pontificating about the choices they are making. Yet when we are actually sitting in the hot seat, it’s a very different story. Friends and companions may well have opinions about what you should or should not do. You don’t have an opinion, you have a need - a real, pressing, powerful one. You also have an opportunity. It may be less than ideal but it’s better than nothing. If you can only really see one solution you had better apply it and stop asking any more questions. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
射手座原文 Still wondering where to draw the line? It is not your decision to make. You can kid yourself that you control a key situation but it is out of your hand. You have no power, no influence, no chance of resisting the pressure that you are under or the temptation that you face. So you will just have to go ahead and do whatever’s easiest. There. That’s what you wanted to hear wasn’t it? Don’t you feel better for being given such a great justification? Sadly, it is not strictly speaking true. You do have a choice. It is not especially easy to exercise - but that’s no reason to ignore it.
牡牛座、部分別訳 You don’t have an opinion, you have a need - a real, pressing, powerful one. You also have an opportunity. 「あなたは意見をもっていません。 あなたは必要性をもっています。−真の、緊迫した、重大な必要性を。 また、あなたは機会ももっています」
4月2日原文 Computers, in theory, are multi-tasking. They can do several jobs at the same time without getting confused. In practice? Well, we soon learn not to task them too hard. We learn, even sooner in life, that there’s a limit to what we humans can do at the same time. When we have too much on our plate we get very stressed out. Right now, thereユs really only one thing on your plate, your agenda and your mind. You are up against something pretty big and you are a little worried in case things don’t work out as you would like. Don’t be. You may need to compromise a little, but not a lot.
"Today's forecast is sponsored by Sledgehammers R Us - who have a special seasonal deal on some of their most popular products. This week only, if you buy a giant wall-buster they will throw in, free of charge, a mini steamroller and a mega nutcracker. That way, no matter where you have to apply some pressure, you will have the right tool for the job. But hurry while stocks last, the offer is strictly first come first served." I hate to argue with the advertisers but actually, I don't think this is what you need now. You'll get further, quicker today by treading gently.
We are all psychic. We all have intuitive abilities, telepathic insights. Some of us understand it, some of us deny it and some of us make far too much of it. The existence of inner radar doesn't preclude the need to use intelligence and logic. You can now sense a particular person's mood. You don't need this to be explained to you, nor do you need to wait until you fully grasp the reason for it, before acknowledging the fact. React and respond in accordance with what your more sensitive side can see. And fear not. All will come right sooner than you think.
The truth is of very little interest to anyone. It is usually rather dull and predictable. Falsehood, by contrast, is much morethrilling. You can go wherever you want withit. You can create fascinating friction withfiction. Right now, you can clearly tell that someone is taking dreadful liberties. They are telling a story that cannot possibly be accurate, yet you can see why the deception is so seductive. It represents something that is much more convenient to believe. It is not enough now, just to be honest. You must also find some way to render reality more appealing.
You must now be feeling very glad about the decisions you made on Tuesday. At the time they seemed difficult and daunting. You felt tempted to take the easy option but when you made that brave leap of faith, you immediately knew you were doing the right thing. You have not yet made that brave leap of faith? Happily, there is still time. Something exceptional is about to happen. It will occur whether you reach for it or whether you try to keep it at bay. So you may as well stop trying to lead an ordinary life and just psychologically prepare for a time of adventure and innovation.
Once you get an idea in your head, it can take an awful lot of shifting. That’s both a blessing and a curse. Good ideas stick with you - and you stick with them. But, er... bad ideas do the same. You won’t be talked out of them. And even if your dearest friends go to great lengths to point out the mistakes you are making, you are inclined to see them as interfering enemies. And your current idea? Hey! I have no intention of falling into that trap. I shall venture no opinion other, perhaps, than to suggest that you look twice at something you maybe feel just a little too sure of.
Apparently, word has got around about my ability to be a cosmic channel. I woke this morning to find a chap, with a very red face and a goatee beard, hovering over my bed. He was clutching some kind of a pitchfork and smelled, most unpleasantly, of sulphur. Anyhow, he was most insistent that I should pass on the following message. Apparently, you are to forget all about feeling grateful for what life has to offer. You must start desiring something you cannot have ? and feeling bad about everyone around you. Oh yes... and I am also supposed to tell you that it is ahem.. a good day for signing contracts!
Remember that scene in Fantasia where Mickey Mouse plays the part of the sorcerer’s apprentice? You are starting to identify with this wayward character. You seem to have cast a spell too many or started something you don’t know how to finish. But you do not have the option to wait until the wizard gets back. You must learn to tame the forces that you have unleashed. This is not as difficult as you might fear or imagine. Indeed, all it requires is for you to start being less fearful - and less imaginative. You keep envisaging problems that do not exist and bowing to pressure you can safely ignore. Be strong.
There’s an old saying. “Be careful what you wish for, lest your dream comes true.” We hear it ? but we don’t understand it. Why on earth would that be a problem? We wonder. The only people who fully grasp the importance of this message are those who have found out the hard way. But some wishes bring misery, not joy when they are granted. The planets now speak of your power to make magical things happen. That’s both a blessing and a curse. You sorely need to think hard now about which lamps you really want to run. And which genies you are truly ready to release.
You are a great psychic. A poet, a visionary and a dreamer. You may not use this skill very often. You may prefer to pretend that you are extremely pragmatic and down to earth. But a part of you simply cannot help but be in tune with the cosmos. It picks up signals on the inner radar screen and receives transmissions from many lofty, ethereal realms. Right now, the spirits, the fairies or the little fluffy cloud beings are sending you a message. You cannot ignore it and you should not try. There’s not much logic behind your current strong impulse - but it still deserves to be trusted and followed.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again. And if you still don’t get anywhere? Try something different. That’s not copping out or buckling under or giving up or letting anyone down, that’s just being intelligent. Once you get an idea in your head you are reluctant to drop it. Taurean tenacity is legendary and admirable. Every so often though, your determination becomes your Achilles heel. Right now, it is important to be fleet of foot. Don’t let yesterday’s big idea become the ball and chain that stops you from reaching a brighter tomorrow. Flexibility is a virtue, not a vice. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
�It feels almost as if you have been summoned to the head-teacher’s study. An awkward moment is imminent. You cannot get out of it. Nor can you control what it contains. You may be about to get a big telling off. Or a special commendation. You really are not sure. You don’t know what you have done wrong but nor can you see how you have done anything so exceptionally right. The hour approaches. The time of truth draws nigh. Do you really want me to tell you what to expect? Wouldn’t that spoil the surprise? Well, okay then. If you insist. You are about to receive a bouquet not a brickbat.
射手座原文 Your ruler, Jupiter, is changing direction in the sky. Since December it has been trundling backwards through the zodiac. Hence the process of difficulty and delay you have been obliged to endure. Things keep nearly but not quite happening. Processes start to look hopeful, then they suddenly pose a problem. By now, you are used to it. You don’t really expect progress anymore. You are happy enough to find that things have stood still and have not slipped back too far. Now, you are going to have to adapt once more to a world that provides you with much more of what you want.
Friends can do us far more damage than enemies. They know our secrets. They understand our weaknesses. When they inadvertently hurt our feelings, they can cut us to the core. Enemies can only guess at our area of vulnerability. Unless, of course, they happen to be former friends. Then, they have the ability to be almost devastating. That’s one reason why we should work hard to keep our alliances healthy and happy. Another good reason? Because some of the time, at least, our friends will give back to us as much as they need to take. A close companion has a special message for you today.
What is your freedom worth? How much do you value your independence? You seem to be hanging on to a memory. It is as if you just can’t let go of the past. This makes it easy for others to exploit you. By pretending to offer what you seek, they can get you to do whatever suits them most. Yet nobody can have power over you unless you choose to give it to them. Psychologically, subconsciously, this is what you are doing. Take a good look at what’s really going on. Ask yourself whether a certain person really has the ability to supply anything that you need? Then make a much braver decision.
It's funny how people talk about, "reaching for an agreement." Why do we need to reach for them? Why don't they just make their way naturally towards us? And anyway, how far are we supposed to stretch? Do you now need to give yourself a hernia in your quest for comfort? You may be striving too hard to make someone feel happy and depriving yourself, in the process of a resource you are fully entitled to. The trouble with you is, sometimes you enjoy doing a deal so much that you will settle for anything, just so that you can know the thrill of the smile and the handshake. Watch for that today.
Sometimes, we just can't get away with taking the easy options. It may seem very tempting and attractive yet inwardly, we can sense a problem. Life is not about playing it safe nor is it about settling for second best. if we are not striving for excellence we are selling ourselves short. Even if we fail to achieve all that we want to, we at least have the satisfaction of knowing that we tried. You are now making a brave effort. Don't be talked out of it and don't feel that somehow, you are wasting your time. Rewards both obvious and indirect, now await Virgos with the courage to challenge convention.
Sometimes, we just can’t get away with taking the easy options. It may seem very tempting and attractive yet inwardly, we can sense a problem. Life is not about playing it safe nor is it about settling for second best. if we are not striving for excellence we are selling ourselves short. Even if we fail to achieve all that we want to, we at least have the satisfaction of knowing that we tried. You are now making a brave effort. Don’t be talked out of it and don’t feel that somehow, you are wasting your time. Rewards both obvious and indirect, now await Virgos with the courage to challenge convention.
牡牛座4月お願いします! If last month provided a few shocks where love and/or money is concerned, April gives you the chance to sort things out in a fair and equitable manner. The key is not to be scared. You know it's time to do something. Happily, you also know what you have to do and you're prepared to put in the work it's going to require. So get to it! This is a very good time for new starts - jobs, friendships, relationships, and just about anything else you can think of. Don't be concerned if others aren't too sureabout your latest schemes - if you know deep down you're right, you'll find it easier to stick to your guns. If there's a plan you have which you want to keep secret for now, that's also fine. As long as it's not that you're scared to 'go public'. You're blessed with the power to make decisions with or without others this month, so allow yourself private thinking time. And don't be afraid to think again at the end of the month, if you know your plans still need tweaking. Funwise, look for the balance between Quality Me Time and getting out and about. April 21 - 29 looks best for romance.
You know those cryptic crossword puzzles? The ones with the too complicated clues that appear to make no sense? They, of course, make perfect sense once you know the secret. They are completely logical. It is just that the rules they follow are hidden so they take a bit of fathoming out. Not so, emotions. You can think about these forever and a day. You can read books about them. You can even write them. Still though, you won’t be able to wrap your brain around them. You may not be able to understand what you feel this weekend but that’s no reason not to trust it.
You are a force to be reckoned with. You are potent and powerful. Few, if any, can get the better of you. Lately though, your batteries have been a little flat. You have been conserving your energy so carefully to convince yourself that this is as much strength as you will ever have. But now, Jupiter is changing direction in the sky. It is as if, somewhere deep within, a brake is being taken off. Now, you are not constantly striving just to stay in the same place. You really can get somewhere. A long-desired destination truly is attainable. It is going to be a good weekend.
It’s funny how we can lose our sense of priority in a moment yet it can take us an eternity to rediscover it. Some while ago, you made a dubious judgement. It took you a long time to recover from this. You are now very keen to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. Yet if you allow yourself to become too concerned, you will increase the risk of reaching another unfortunate conclusion., Nothing warps perspective like fear ? even if it happens to be just the fear of getting a warped perspective! Jupiter and Neptune speak with one voice this weekend. They say, relax, all will be fine.
Once upon a time, a piano sat silent. Beethoven held his hands over the keys. And then suddenly, from nowhere, for the first time ever, the magical notes of the Moonlight Sonata began to fill the air. But really, it was very naughty of Mr B to compose without consultation. Did he ask other musicians whether that they had plans for those particular notes? Did he check with the Health and Safety department to ensure that there was no risk of RSI to future trainee pianists? Then again, perhaps it was as well. Don’t let an irrelevant committee hamper your genius this weekend. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Clouds will clear and difficulties will dissipate this weekend. Right now, you face a daunting hurdle. You may be about to leap bravely over it. Or limbo dance gracefully under it - or just possibly you may walk straight up to it and push it over with the sheer force of your determination. Even this relatively inelegant solution is fine. Marks are not now being awarded for poise, grace or style, they are being given for persistence. As long as you carry on you will make the breakthrough you need and get the result you deserve. It will yet turn out to be a surprisingly bright weekend. Next week brings you a chance to become much more popular.
Would you hand over all your money to a total stranger on the street? Oops! Wrong question. You are a compassionate Cancerian. You probably would make such a move. Indeed, the only thing that might stop you would be an awareness for others closer to home who also needed a share of your resources. Let’s try another question. Would a certain person do for you, what you are now offering to do for them? Priorities now need to be re-evaluated. Through some sense of misplaced guilt you are accepting what you ought to be rejecting. This weekend you may yet become much better off.
獅子座 There are six billion people on the planet ? yet look at who you end up hanging out with. So many streets, so many houses ? yet look where you live. We all of us have so many choices. It’s overwhelming. No wonder we end up taking so few. We think we know what’s good for us. But how can we? Just look at all the information that is available. We don’t have a fraction of it so how can we possibly know what’s right or wrong? If you are happy with things as they are, stick tight. Nothing absolutely has to change this weekend. But if you seek an improvement, don’t feel that it cannot happen. Because it can.
Psychics claim we are multi-dimensional beings who exist in several realms at once. On the earthly plane, we go about our business as usual. Yet our minds can be miles away from our bodies. And our emotions? They exist somewhere else again. And as for our spirits? Well, some of us are not even sure whether we have such things - so how can we possibly keep track of where they may be at any point in time... or space? Given all this, how can we really say where you need to be this weekend? You are here on the earth, doing your best to share warmth and wisdom. So you are in the right place.
It must be wonderful to be a politician. Or a priest. Whilst the rest of us have to wrestle, on a daily basis, with our conscience these people never encounter uncertainty. They know the difference between right and wrong. They never have to worry about the possibility of making a mistake. Politicians never put a foot wrong. Their policies are perfect. And they are expressions of perfect certainty. Likewise priests. God is on their side - and not some inferior second-rate god that other people might worship but the real, proper one. Far better, this weekend, to be a sensitive fool than an arrogant idiot.
Where would good be without evil? What would there be to forgive? Who would there be to save? And what would evil do without good? What would there be to corrupt? Or to tempt? The two make a good double-act. As do their famous personifications... although it is odd to think of God as being “in league with the Devil!” Still, it must be so, mustn’t it? You are trying to decide how you feel about a particular situation. Looked at in one way, all is fine ? yet in another... oh well, what is the point in looking? You have less choice than you think this weekend but that’s nothing to worry about.
Mars is in your sign. Have I mentioned that lately? I can't stress strongly enough how significant that is. Mars only visits Capricorn once every couple of years for a couple of months or less. Good things always occur at such times. You get stressed and overloaded and you start to feel there aren't enough hours in the day but you make amazing things happen. You accomplish much more than usual. Or, at least, you do as long as you keep a clear head. Capricorns are supposed to be continually calm but secretly they can get very rattled at times. Don't let anyone bug you this weekend.
What if the Iraq War turns into World War III? What if the doctors can’t cure or control the new respiratory syndrome, apparently emanating from Hong Kong and China? What if the stock market crashes and we all lose our jobs? And our homes? What if global warming causes the seas to rise till there’s no land to live on? What if... well, I don’t suppose I need to go on really, do I? If you add all those what-ifs to the more personal ‘worst case scenarios’ you keep considering, we can see why you feel so edgy. Here’s a question. What if it all turns out to be fine?
You need to be deft and delicate.You need light legs and bright brains. Normally, these qualities come naturally to you. You have great dexterity and ingenuity. But when you are under a lot of pressure, you tend to hold back the very assets that you ought to be making more of. Suddenly, you decide to play it safe and retreat into the world of convention and conformity. At the very time when you most need to be bold and innovative, you grow cautious and conservative. Don’t talk yourself out of a good idea now and don’t let anyone else talk you out of it either.
We can sometimes have reason to be grateful for our difficulties ・and glad of our problems. Often, it is only because of these, that we reach crucial decisions. In times of ease, we can put off long overdue changes. We can somehow allow ourselves to settle for second best. It may not be great but it is cosy. We know ・and like the rut we are in. Then, along comes a drama and suddenly, we have to really rethink everything. You have had your drama. And you have pretty much made your big choice. Now you need, deserve, and are about to get... a break!
Happy Valentine’s day. Hey! Better late than never. As Venus now passes through your sign, your natural ability to be seductive, persuasive and almost mesmerisingly attractive is being intensified and enhanced. This of course, does not equate to a guarantee of infallible pulling power. There may be several stones, bridges and other inanimate objects that are completely oblivious to your charms. But others, even if they don’t go weak at the knees in the classic sense, will go soft at the purse strings if you now ask nicely enough for what you need.
Once bitten, twice shy. And thrice? Well, some people never get as far as thrice. Scorpios, for example. They learn quickly from their mistakes ・ which is good. But sometimes they learn too quickly. They learn before the mistakes have actually been made. Which is not so good. For then, they have no way of knowing whether a plan would have worked or not. Having recently allowed yourself, in one key area of life, to be wildly reckless, are you now being unnecessarily cautious in another? do you really need to be so guarded and defensive about a new possibility?
Over the weekend, Mercury slipped silently into Taurus. Normally, the communication planet spends two or three weeks a year in each sign of the zodiac. But due to a quirk in the cosmic calendar, you will continue to enjoy the influence of this auspicious omen, right through to mid-June. The good news? You should soon start to become better off. The bad? You are about to get an awful lot to think about. You are being stretched and challenged by developments that need much careful consideration. But, ultimately, that’s very good. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Why can’t leopards change their spots? You would think that in this go-getting, commercial world of the 21st century, someone would set up a beauty parlour in the jungle. A chilled little place with a gym, a spa and an on-site laser tattooist. The beasts could come there for stripe adjustment and spot removal. The Elephants could wear their trunks, the leopards, their leotards! Actually, you don’t need to go to Africa to fill such a gap in the market. Right on your doorstep there are creatures of habit, insisting that they can do things differently from now on. Don’t be so sure.
Do you know someone else who was also born under the sign of Libra? Then how can you be sure that this forecast is for you and not for them? You could be looking at it in error. Do you really think that you are important enough to have a reading all to yourself? Is it not more likely that these words are intended for other eyes. Er... well, actually, of COURSE it is for you. I am just trying to point out how easy it is to start doubting yourself. We can all feel irrelevant and undeserving ・especially when others are being unhelpful. This week brings back your confidence in a big way.
獅子座 Medicine amuses the patient, while nature effects the cure? Nor is this the only realm in which credit is often wrongly attributed. The deeply superstitious will frequently testify to the efficacy of their plans to avoid spilling salt or walking under ladders. “Look,” they will say, “I did all the right things ? and they must have worked because I am still here.” But that would still have been the same even if they had done all the wrong things. Are you now following an insurance policy so expensive that you need an insurance policy to cover your ability to afford it???
Winning is for losers. People who are truly cool are not interested in petty point-scoring. They understand that -to get one overモ on an opponent is to short-change yourself. It is to make an unfortunate trade - to swap a temporary state of euphoria for a permanent sense of sanguinity. All who live on Funfair Earth should remember that the swings and the roundabouts never stop. For as long as you ride them, you will be up one moment and down the next. Don’t see your current difficulty as a challenge to rise to. See it as a chance to develop a deeper understanding.
Astra inclinant, non necessitant. Roughly translated from Latin, this means the stars may give us a bit of a nudge from time to time, but they don’t frog-march us towards our destiny with our arms behind our backs. We all have free will. It can, though, seem as if there are some times when that will is a little freer than it is at others. It is hard to know quite how much choice you now have in a particular area of life. It is beginning to seem as if something is determined to happen. As that something is something that you need and want, why not just let it?
You don't need to go so far to Africa to change leopards spots(your habits) ,but nearby like just on your door step,there are creatures of your habit saying that they can change themselves. Therefore,you don't be so sure that leopards can't change their spots.
今日の蟹さん、難しいでつね。 最後の「Don't be so sure」以下に何が省略されているかでマターク意味が変わってくるじゃないか、ゴルア!!
@Don't be so sure leopards can't change their spots? 性格が変わらないなんて、そんなに確信しないでくださいよ ADon't be so sure they can do things differently from now on 今から物事を違ったやり方でできると、そんなに確信しないでくださいよ
1.Actually, you don’t need to go to Africa to fill such a gap in the market. 「正確には、あなたはアフリカに行って市場の隙間や不足を埋める必要なんてない」 ※そんな遠くまで行く必要ない ↓ 2.Right on your doorstep there are creatures of habit, insisting that they can do things differently from now on. 「『これからはこれまでとは違ったやり方でやれるんだ!』と主張する習慣の産物が、 あなたの玄関先にいます」 ※つまり、あんたのそばに変えなきゃいけないもの(もしくは変えられるもの)は あるんですよと。 ↓「 1→2」と来てるところの 3.Don't be so sure (leopards can’t change their spots) 「性格が変えられないなんて、そんなに確信しないでくださいよ」
ではないでしょうか? ここで最初の一文「Why can’t leopards change their spots? 」に 戻るという、筆者のねらいもあるのではないかと思いました。
Don't be so sure that they can not as the Words go.性格は変わらないんだと、かたくなにならないでと、とったよ。 でないと文頭をWhy can notで始める意味ないんでないかな。SureでなくてCertainとかなら、意味かわりそうだけど、ネ−。意訳しすぎというより、時間なくて手抜きな訳であったのはゴメソ。 テイウカ、ケイタイカラ、ヒッシナ ワタシ ワラ。
If there’s one thing people seem to like, even more than making promises ? it is having promises made to them. They enjoy it so much, they hardly care what the promises contain ? far less whether they stand a chance of being fulfilled. Some of us have become so familiar with empty words and meaningless commitments that we have lost all expectation of ever getting a delivery. Others remain wide-eyed idealists clutching at weedy straws of hope as if they were ships of steel. If you want to stay afloat in the ocean of uncertainty, be careful what you cling to now.
“And they all lived happily ever after...” Or so we are told. But we are not able to establish exactly how happy. And what if “they” are the kind of people who thrive on tension and conflict? What if the only way they can BE happy is to lead a life of drama? That’s quite likely, especially if they have just lived through something traumatic enough to make them the heroes and heroines of some famous fairytale. So exactly what TYPE of a happy-ever-after are they now having? Perhaps, by that token, you are having a happy-ever-after too! But even if so, things are about to get a lot happier.
If the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, why not just move the fence? Turn it around so that the other side faces your garden. Not only will this please you, it will make your neighbour happy too. Indeed, it really is a wonder that some enterprising manufacturer of garden accessories has not already started to market a rotating fence! It could be set to turn on a slow timer ? and then everyone will always feel completely content. The real question now, is not how green is your grass but how fertile is your soil? The answer? Much richer than you might imagine.
Venus is the planet of creativity as well as procreativity. It may be that your special gift from the sky is taking the form of a passion for painting - or a flirtation with some exciting new idea rather than a more traditional type of hot involvement. Or it may be that you are simply enjoying wonderful food or an increased ability to generate wealth. It’s even feasible that if you play your cards right you can manage to mix and match all the above advantages into a formula that perfectly suits your current need. What’s not possible though, is a totally bad time. The sky is on your side.
山羊8日原文です。 Many things have changed since yesterday ・but one thing remains the same. Mars is still in your sign. You still have an exceptional opportunity to make progress. You also still need to guard against hot-headedness. You are still experiencing the urge to be uncharacteristically rash. And you keep feeling competitive. You want to prove points and push issues. Be careful about how and where you expend your energy. Remember that sometimes, we gain more from standing back and doing very little than we do from wading in and creating great waves of change.
Sometimes, the fortune fairy taps us on the shoulder with her wand and everything starts to go our way. Sometimes, she just brushes briefly past our door, depositing a package as goes. Her deliveries are often odd. They rarely contain the name of the sender. Often, indeed, they are parcelled up as problems. Even if we can see through this disguise, we tend to discover, as we unwrap, that we have been given a kit for self-assembly. We have only the component parts ? not the finished item. You now have to do a little figuring and thinking. But you still have a lot to be glad of. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
射手座原文 Wise spiritual teachers urge their students to seek ‘the middle path’. Smart politicians stick relatively close to the centre. Popular radio stations play middle-of-the-road music. And Sagittarians? Well, people born under your sign may loudly proclaim the virtues of moderation... but they do so somewhat excessively. You can, similarly, be so in favour of a compromise that you will not hear of any other solution! By nature, you are a bit of an extremist. And right now, your determination to take a rather radical position appears to be paying off - quite handsomely!
You deserve a break. There has been far too much struggle and uncertainty in your life of late. What about a return to levity? What about some celebration? The planets suggest this is much more feasible than you might think. Venus and Jupiter don't just promise a little extra adventure, they speak of financial gain and emotional succour. They also imply that creative or artistic ventures are likely to prove extremely successful soon. It is even possible that in some strange way, you will soon receive compensation for a recent act of insensitivity or injustice.
Some people love to be negative. They get a real thrill from being pessimistic, critical or unhelpful. The more petty-minded they can be, the happier they can grow. Such characters have a particular dislike of people like you. You embody all the qualities that they secretly envy but pretend to despise. You are ambitious and adventurous. You have courage and clarity. You see the big picture. How satisfying it must be to stop you in your tracks by enforcing an archaic rule or unnecessary regulation. How they must chortle when they see you stumble. Don’t rise to their bait today.
You just don’t seem to be able to win the current big argument. But that doesn’t mean you are wrong. Arguments, generally, are won by the folk who can make their case most persuasively ? just as battles are usually won by those with the greatest strength. Victors love to assume that they must have had right on their side... but it does not necessarily follow. Nor should we ever conclude, just because one side temporarily seems to be winning, that they will never get their come-uppance. In your heart, you know what’s fair now. And the universe knows this too. So you need not worry.
The keepers and custodians of fate hold monthly meetings in secret corners of the cosmos. There, they single out some souls for good fortune whilst confining others to chaos. Er... don’t they? If you believe that such things happen, you automatically reduce your ability to influence the outcome of your own drama. Even if you arrogantly assume that it is all out of your hands because you are destined to succeed, you lose something priceless. Perspective. Protect your sense of proportion now and everything will end up the right shape and size.
水瓶8日原文です。 “And they all lived happily ever after...” Or so we are told. But we are not able to establish exactly how happy. And what if “they” are the kind of people who thrive on tension and conflict? What if the only way they can BE happy is to lead a life of drama? That’s quite likely, especially if they have just lived through something traumatic enough to make them the heroes and heroines of some famous fairytale. So exactly what TYPE of a happy-ever-after are they now having? Perhaps, by that token, you are having a happy-ever-after too! But even if so, things are about to get a lot happier.