You won't be bored today. In fact, others probably won't leave you alone for a split second. You're the powerhouse - the generator - for family, friends, and colleagues. This won't be the first time you've been put in charge of shepherding others' lives and attitudes, and it won't be the last. No matter how busy you are, you face today's challenges with aplomb and grace and really make an important difference. Light the fire beneath another's weary derriere and ignore their protestations. Eventually, they'll thank you for every bit of encouragement and chastisement you offered.
A lot will be expected of you this week. Part of the time, you'll function as parent or priest, offering comfort and guidance. At other times, you'll play coach or cheerleader, encouraging others to try harder and think like winners. Your interaction with customers, colleagues, and management will take more energy than simply performing your job. Once again, your excellent people skills demonstrate how uniquely talented and irreplaceable you are.
For February 2003: A promising New Moon paves the way for making necessary adjustments in goals and dreams. Each change must be deliberate, chiseling away excess, confusion, and anything else that has outworn its welcome. Revamp dreams without fear of loss or embarrassment. Be more responsive than a cuttlefish by reflecting, exploring, and explaining new trends ? ahead of everyone else, of course. Venus spruces up your image and taps you for greater popularity and success during the first week. No matter how comfy the lovefest, remain razor-sharp observant at all times. Don't get so relaxed and cozy that you lose your edge. The mid-month Full Moon reveals once again how dynamic, prescient, and creative you are. Smile for your close-up, but always keep a trump card up your sleeve. Don't kid yourself ? no matter how adoring others appear, this is still about power and control.
February is extremely important for you. Use powerful Mars-Pluto energy to manifest a career or personal miracle. You CAN move mountains with such extreme planetary power on your side. Could you come on a bit strong, perhaps even bitchy? Well, sure?but there’s a lot on the line making aggressive, definite action necessary. Don’t wait for others to call out your name or offer invitations. Take charge of what you know best: your own life, personal habits, and desires. You can make huge strides this month, but must get started on the very first day. The New Moon and Full Moon emphasize your amazing intuition and precognitive dreams, which may be more plentiful than usual. Instead of allowing your brilliant subconscious to remain in the background, apply it to your daily life. Rely on your instincts when deciding whether or not a person or job is worth the effort. Count on your prescient timing when selecting the best dates to initiate action.
Your communication skills are on display. The Sun and Moon beam their collective light upon your message and style, and grant you remarkable access to high and mighty decision makers. It is imperative to organize your thoughts and words with great care. Brevity is a must because the people you're in touch with have limited time. Hone your ideas to a sleek, sharp edge. Eliminate redundant remarks, but retain every bit of excitement and enthusiasm. Saturn moves direct on the 22nd, putting an end to delays and uncertainties in all kinds of relationships. You aren't guaranteed 100% fabulous news, but will benefit from knowing precisely where you stand. Expect change, progress, and ACTION!
This month keeps you extremely busy, due to swift developments, challenges, and excitement in most of your relationships. February doesn't play favorites ? your personal and professional activities are equally stimulated by supercharged aspects. Expect something rather amazing (probably in your romantic zone) by mid-month when the Full Moon and an exact Mars-Pluto conjunction heat things up. Don't push a loved one too hard during this passionate time. If you apply any sort of pressure on friends or loved ones, you may lose some respect or power. Don't make urgent demands or issue ultimatums, unless you're prepared to lose the whole shootin' match. Compromise is required every day this month and becomes the essential glue that binds relationships together. Get past a naive belief that there is only one way to achieve a dream. FYI: Since partners, pals, and competitors are more likely to tell you what they think you can handle, don't punish anyone for being honest.
An exceptional New Moon offers you a glorious month in the spotlight. You dazzle and amaze, moving beyond your usual role as peacemaker, healer, and loving nurturer. A whirl of activity occurs during the first week, but the entire month holds great power, reward, and revenue. Any sacrifice or short-lived suffering you endure will quickly be followed by a tsunami of admiration and gratitude. It's nearly impossible for you to lose prestige during the first week. If anything, your nearest and dearest view you as an avatar or saint. Not bad, Bull! The mid-month Full Moon demands perfect timing and attention to detail. Balancing what you want and need with another's wishes may take some doing, but is well worth the resulting peace of mind. You may be pressured to give up a limited amount of authority or security, but should receive even better bounty in return. Saturn finally moves direct on the 22nd, urging you to take the initiative in financial matters, no matter what so-called experts say.
For February 2003: Get off to a productive start by adopting a confident 'can do' attitude. Don't tremble in the corner, hoping for a miracle make your own miracle! Some rules and expectations require revision, especially if you're trying to balance career and personal demands. Once Saturn moves direct on the 22nd, your future seems better defined at least for the time being. (March brings additional adjustments.) Throughout the month, you often feel as if you're the last one standing the gatekeeper helping others stay on course and out of harm's way. There may be some truth to this. Your compassion and attention to detail often uncover important issues that others fail to recognize. You have a knack for asking the right questions and slowing down long enough to notice what's actually going on. A home or family drama might keep you teetering on the edge mid-month. Don't turn a 'situation' into a crisis, Virgo. Remain calm and do what you can to keep others focused and confidant. You must not allow fear or exaggeration to obliterate common sense.
Your decisions affecting job, security, and reputation are so smart throughout the weekend. You instinctively respond the best possible way to situations and others' requests. People feel comfortable and at ease in your competent hands. You're truly a master of disguise because you manage to hide your own misgivings in order to make things pleasant for others. Saturday and Sunday have periodic waves of restlessness when you fantasize about hopping on a plane and going anywhere - just so it's away from boring people and problems. But because others depend on you, you bite your lip and soldier on, proving repeatedly that you're solid gold. While others whimper about paper cuts, you work through your own mental and physical discomfort because of your sense of duty. (I personally think we should clone Virgos!) If people could read your mind, they'd really get a surprise, wouldn't they? Sure, you work like a dog and can't bear to let others down - but you have very strong opinions and emotions about others' half-baked behavior - strong enough to curl some people's hair. FYI: You'll be tempted to make a sudden decision, one that burns a bridge or two, on Sunday. Just to be on the safe side, wait another day or two.
It's time to honestly figure out how much time, emotional energy, and other resources you're willing to invest. You may face at least one crucial decision this month. Since there is no clear 'good' or 'bad' choice, measure the pros against the cons ? and don't be vague or make excuses. You need to get an extra firm grip on what is best for you ? no more delays, excuses or pretzel logic. The time has come to either accept the status quo or begin to make changes. This take-charge motif affects every aspect of your life, from deeply personal to outrageously obvious. You've spent enough time observing to make an accurate assessment of others' positions, loyalties and logical next moves. Without revealing too much about your own long-range plans, it's time to turn a corner ? in a direction that genuinely benefits you.
Love Mater★ Your schmooze factor runs extra hot this week, making you a fabulous attention-getter. You're likely to arouse curiosity, controversy, and countless libidos but will you find 'the one'? Your chance for attracting potential lifetime love is high this week, but holding on to a mate is a whole 'nother subject.
Career Mater★ You're an excellent ambassador this week. You skillfully present facts and also manage to spark interest and excitement. You've always had a knack for networking and seamlessly bringing business and social contacts together. You've got what it takes to encourage sluggish colleagues, customers and clients to get back in the game.
Romance, escape, and the allure of something new beckon. You want answers, and want to feel free without sacrificing inspiration or love. Can you be free and in love at the same time? This is your February dilemma. Whether you're smitten with a person or goal, it's all about romance as far as you're concerned. Anything that carries you away from limitation or boredom feels like love this month. Peak experiences, acute awareness, and other epiphanies motivate you. Paradoxically, most of this marvelous inspiration is being generated by you even if it appears to come from outside sources. You can take an ordinary lump of clay and convert it into something wonderful; so acknowledge your power instead of handing it over to others. Saturn moves direct on the 22nd, defining the terms of an agreement or understanding. You now know precisely where you stand in the grand scheme of things. An important shift in priorities is likely before the end of the month.
Friday brings a reward or two for your hard work and diligence. 金曜日はあなたのきつい仕事と勤勉さに、1〜2つのご褒美を持って来ます。 Instead of hoping for the best, you're more likely to actually experience a bona fide blessing. うまくいくように願うのではなく、実際に誠実な祝福(天恵)を体験しそうです。 Aside from positive feedback, you also move closer to lucrative agreements or relationships. ポジティブな手応えだけでなく、有利な協定や関係にもっと近づきます。
Saturday starts off well but seems to get off course by mid morning.
土曜日は調子良く始まるけど、mid morningからコースを離れてしまいそう。 You must remain open-minded, forgiving, and adaptable no matter how goofy others' excuses or explanations may sound. どんなにバカな奴の言い逃れや弁解が聞こえても、あなたは心が広く、寛大で、融通が利 かなければいけません。 Let go of trivia and matters that are of little importance or interest to you. つまらないことや自分にとって関心や重要性の少ない事柄は手放しましょう。 Look at Saturday's events as a tangible reminder of your own dependability, not to mention versatility. 多才は言うまでもなく、あなた自身の信頼性を具体的に思い出させる出来事として土曜日 の出来事を眺めてください。 If others let you down, you've still got yourself to count on. 他者があなたを失望させるならば、あなたはまだ自分自身に期待しています。 Don't be an easy target for people who regularly break promises or rewrite history. 定期的に約束を破るか、または歴史を書き直す人々いいカモにならないでください。 If someone has been untruthful or irresponsible in the past, don't give him or her another shot at inconveniencing you this weekend. だれかが過去に不誠実であったり無責任だったならば、この週末あなたに迷惑をかけるこ とに向けられるもう一つ(another shot)を与えてはいけません。 Protect your own perimeter instead of worrying about hurting someone else's feelings. 他の誰かの気持ちを傷つけるのを心配することの代わりにあなた自身の周辺を保護してく ださい。
Sunday morning and afternoon are delightful. 日曜日の朝と午後はとても気持ちが良いでしょう。 Allow yourself to be spontaneous. 自分が自然に(自発的に)なることを許しましょう。 Avoid tense people and circumstances - and take the time to chat with dear friends and loved ones. 緊張している人々と情況を避けてください、そして、親愛なる友と大好きなものでおしゃ べりするために時間をかけてください。 FYI: Late Sunday evening, take a relaxing bubble bath, listen to your favorite music, and shoo away all aggravation. 参考までに: 日曜日の晩遅く、くつろげる泡風呂に入り、そしてあなたの好きな音楽を聞 きましょう。そして、すべての腹立たしいことを追っ払ってしまいましょう。
原文 Mercury pumps up the drama by entering your solar fifth house of flirting and seduction. This could flip the switch and turn a dull relationship into something ravishing. It also might double or triple your pleasure and bring additional love/lust candidates into your life. Even blind dates have merit this weekend, especially if a close friend makes the arrangements. Your biggest pitfall remains a tendency to say things that are better left unsaid. What you view as a 'discussion' might be viewed as something very harsh by a would-be admirer.
原文 Patience may be a virtue, but seems awfully hard to find late this week. If you suspect that someone is challenging you, you feel compelled to fight back with everything you've got. From experience, you know that this rarely, if ever, works to your advantage. Once your temper takes over, you've essentially lost control - and may even lose your position in a competitive situation. Remain icy and determined, no matter how annoying or upsetting circumstances may seem. Curb your tendency to overreact, especially during the weekend.
Tie up loose ends in a domestic or security issue before early afternoon. Although a number of work, health, or property questions remain unanswered, you can still forge ahead with family or personal concerns. You continue to feel a little unnerved, wondering what the next surprise might be, and are advised to systematically replace fear with faith. If you allow your remarkable sixth sense to surface, it can be a magnificent, protective device that can dramatically enhance your life. Instead of hushing your inner radar, listen to it - starting now.
You're powerful this week, particularly during the weekend. The more subtle and closed-mouthed you appear, the more fascinating and potent others think you are. Your hard work is beginning to pay dividends. People recognize your dedication and commitment and are more likely to choose you as a colleague or employee.
Love feels rather heroic and sacrificial this week, especially during the weekend. You feel protective of a loved one and are willing to set aside your pleasure and priorities in order to make him or her happy and comfortable. You have a lot of natural nobility, Virgo, and certainly deserve to sleep like a baby with a clear conscience. But here's the rub you consistently attend to others' needs and demands, but are getting pretty tired of it. Another's ongoing problems may be sucking the air out of your romantic balloon, setting the stage for deepening dissatisfaction. Just because you're good at taking care of others doesn't mean you want to do it, day and night, year after year. Behind your brave face are layers of unmet needs.
魚座の週末です。お手すきの方がいましたらお願い致します。 Lifestyle choices are entirely up to you, dear Pisces. This powerful Full Moon Weekend draws more attention to health, housing, and work. If things are less than ideal (probably because of other people's lack of consideration or cooperation), it may be time to cut 'em loose. If you've tried time and again to work out a reasonable plan or settlement, only to be brushed off, maybe you'd be better off letting go. If upsets and disappointments have already taken a toll on your happiness and health, you especially need to consider separating yourself from the source of your misery. Freedom does involve effort and responsibility, but is worth every drop of sweat and blood. This weekend reminds you of what is at stake - and what you have to offer. You must not allow anyone to drag you down. Friday cautions you to not discuss your private musings with anyone other than your most trusted confidante. Saturday is best spent in sensual, sexy indolence. Put schedules and worries on hold and simply enjoy yourself. Sunday's Full Moon probably won't allow you to relax or avoid responsibilities. Your efforts will be wanted, needed, and applauded - especially during the morning. Try to keep tension at a very low simmer during the afternoon and evening, despite the possibility of a work or health-related concern.
ボラさまの皆様、いつもありがとうございます。 乙女座の週末をお願いします。 You may notice an updraft of tension this weekend. This is due to some pretty fascinating planetary configurations as well as the Full Moon. Friday cautions you to remain silent about issues that pop up at work. You have legitimate concerns but must not discuss them with rank and file employees. Some matters are so sensitive that you may consider speaking with an attorney or other advisor. You may hurt your chances of favorably resolving problems by randomly chatting about them among friends or associates. Venus in your solar fifth house conjoins Chiron, creating another mixed blessing. Don't allow yourself to be dragged into someone else's mess, Virgo - especially on Friday or Saturday. If you already sense trouble, honor your feelings and stay away from the source. Saturday afternoon and early evening may carry a sense of duty or obligation. You may go along with something mainly because you believe there is no way out. Oddly enough, you may actually enjoy yourself. Sunday's Full Moon is both exciting and unnerving. You can sense that something is different Sunday morning. You can feel energy vibrating faster. You're revitalized but slightly anxious at the same time. A home improvement project or other type of ambitious undertaking may be started. Later Sunday evening, you may make a sudden decision about a work, health, or housing issue - and it should be an inspired choice.
天秤座今週末です。いつも翻訳ありがとうございます! お忙しいとは思いますが、どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 Weekend Update: Here's to Cupid treating you right on Valentine's Day! Short of that, here's to great friends, and better and better times! Friday's influences remind you that less is more when it comes to discussing other people's private lives. Be very particular about how you word things, and remain calm and dignified under pressure. Be especially cautious to not put your foot in your mouth late Friday evening. Saturday afternoon and evening find you longing for sensuous escape and whirlwind romance instead of the usual yawn fest of duties. The urge to travel grips your heart and makes you almost unbearably restless. You won't be happy if you're confined in a small space or forced to remain indoors this weekend. You want the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. In other words, you are ripe for the picking, darling Libra. Sunday's Full Moon may push a friendship or relationship to the breaking point. Don't apply pressure of any kind on loved ones - and don't allow them to corner or manipulate you. When you begin to feel impatient, trapped, or frustrated, get outdoors and start walking or running. Burn off harsh feelings before they have a chance to do any damage. FYI: Be mindful of every word you say Sunday evening in order to prevent an unnecessary argument.
The Sun and Uranus are exactly conjunct (commonly referred to as 'combust') in your tenth house of career and reputation. This could indicate a number of interesting things. First of all, it implies that you've got more up your sleeve than others recognize. Secondly, this powerful aspect could stimulate an abrupt change of position, influencing you to say or do things that others are both impressed and stunned by. There's nothing like some strong Sun-Uranus action to wake up the world and turn the tide. You may break away from tradition, prove the exception, or otherwise demonstrate how unique an individual you truly are. Reversal of previous decisions is all but guaranteed. Late this evening, you may chuckle out loud at others' amazed reactions.
いつもお世話になっております。魚座のキャリアメーターです。翻訳ボラの皆様、お手すきの時がありましたら翻訳をお願い致します。 Timetables are inescapable and people are anxious. Don't allow others' pressure or impatience to interfere with your judgment. Others are likely to demand that you work miracles on demand. Late this week through early next week may increase awareness and help others recognize THEIR roles in demanding situations. Once this occurs, it's less likely that you'll be taken for granted or scapegoated.
乙女座のラブメーターをお願いします Now that the Sun heads into Pisces, you put more and more emphasis on your most important relationships, and you do it with typical Virgoan efficiency. This certainly requires loads of skill because career and personal demands continue to compete for your spare time, energy, and exclusive attention.
Don't take anyone or anything for granted this week. If someone really matters, treat him or her like visiting royalty. Roll out the red carpet and fuss over friends and lovers. So what if a loved one already knows you care! Prove it, baby - again and again.
Don't take chances with money, property, or other valuables this morning. Play it safe, as dull as that may sound. If a proposition sounds the least bit risky or contains unproven theories, avoid it like the plague. Tried and true is the only way to go. And words are not enough - get proof, commitments, and legal documentation before moving a muscle. Someone who once seemed bigger, better, and more powerful doesn't seem quite so tough today, giving you permission to propose a few ideas of your own. Get assurances that your position, property and security are safe and sound before offering any information.
You always carry the lovebug virus it's in your blood. You want, need, and must have passionate romance to make life's daily struggles worth the effort. Jupiter and Neptune continue tweaking your heartstrings and leading you closer to the possibility of outrageous passion. Trouble is, it's nearly impossible to separate real love from intense orgasmic lust. At this point, you may not even care but if you do, approach upcoming thrills with caution
Petty problems seem to fade from the radar screen today, thanks to promising developments - perhaps even a change of heart. You're more likely to receive approval and enthusiasm during midday talks than the usual faint praise or confrontation. Soak up the good vibes, Bull Baby - and maximize each opportunity that bobs to the surface. Conversations and plans that hint at home improvement or a potential career boost may gather more momentum later this afternoon and continue through most of the evening. FYI: Tonight is an excellent time to blend career and social activities.
For February 19: Today offers a nice contrast to the recent past by bringing more fun along with a pleasant surprise or two. And - imagine this - you're apt to be on the receiving end of sincere praise and admiration. As enjoyable as most of today may be, you still need to simplify and clarify an understanding, contract, or agreement. It's likely that others remain a bit hazy on important details - or even the reason for a pending agreement. Keep the atmosphere friendly, but try to reach closure or get signatures before the end of the day.
Rumors and exaggerations are likely today. Lots of hype and whispers stir the pot and keep everyone guessing about what might come next. Stay calm, cool, and completely in control. The more breathless and excited others are about unsubstantiated news or developments, the more you must remain focused on key priorities. It might help to put a barrier between you and the legion of interruptions tapping at your window. If you don't patrol your boundaries, your decision-making will take longer and be less satisfactory. Clear thinking moves you in the right direction, instead of down dark alleys.
Saturn's direct turn this weekend can get your financial engines tuned up and ready for a fresh, invigorated start during the days and weeks to come. If you've felt stuck about which way to turn in money and security choices, the answers will start trickling in as early as this weekend. Once you've got a firm grasp of what you're dealing with, making plans and developing solutions won't seem so daunting. Friday is a perfect day to listen to and observe your closest friends, colleagues, and partners. Be cooperative and supportive, and allow each one of them to be top dog. Maintain a supporting role throughout the day and evening. Save 'big talks' for Saturday. Saturday morning is great! You feel happier and more in tune with your body than you've felt in ages. Your luscious lusty side won't go unnoticed. Early Sunday morning, you may feel somewhat peeved with another's request to borrow money or property. Use time to your advantage. If someone insists that they need something right now, your answer should probably be NO. If a borrower is putting you on notice that a need may arise in the future, your answer may still be NO, but at least you'll have some time to think about it. In other words, don't allow anyone to put you on the spot this weekend or in the foreseeable future.
This weekend brings the dawning of important realizations about lifestyle, quality of life, and personal priorities. Family matters are front and center, stimulating important talks and new beginnings. Because you try very hard to please and make others comfortable, you often procrastinate doing what's best for you. This weekend opens up Pandora's Box. Don't resist this trend - just let it come. Thoughts you've struggled to tame and keep down, probably concerning your real feelings about a personal matter, can no longer be denied. If you're angry, let it surface. If you're thrilled, let it fly. Just allow the real you to breathe free. One caveat: Don't go public with your honest-to-God feelings on Friday. Unfortunately, some of the people surrounding you don't have your best interests at heart. Saturday, however, is much better. Just be yourself without fear of the sky falling in. Talk to your closest female friend or relative and get her reaction. Sunday morning could be somewhat aggravating, particularly if you feel pushed, poked, or prodded. You may need to take your time waking up - and may prefer being alone.
You can't help comparing yourself to others this month. Sure, you frequently do this anyway, but it's more intense now. You also compare your circumstances, relationships, and overall status to others. You run lists in your head, adding up the hours of effort you put into work and projects, and then compare those numbers to money, appreciation, or recognition you receive. Do the columns come out pretty even or are you up to your old Virgo tricks again, working twice as hard for half as much? Darling Virgo, everyone can see that you're needed and utterly irreplaceable. That really doesn't need to be demonstrated or proven one more time. Stop attaching your self-esteem and life's work to others' reactions or demands. This month puts a lot of emphasis on the most influential people in your life. They can ride you until they break you or you can refuse to play the game. In your heart of hearts, you've painted a beautiful picture of an idealized life. YOU CAN HAVE THAT LIFE. Start asserting yourself an inch at a time. When others toss refuse at you, get out of the way. Sticking up for yourself doesn't have to get nasty, nor should it. Because of others' situations, it may be particularly difficult to know when enough is enough but your heart DOES know. Listen to it.
What a powerful, defining month for you! A number of major choices await your approval or rejection -and, naturally, none of them are easy or uncomplicated. One of the biggest dilemmas you face involves power, control, and authority. You may be asked to hand over the keys to the kingdom to someone or take a less visible role. Paradoxically, you may actually fare better financially by accepting a technical demotion. Ah . . . the corporate life. But here's the rub: are you willing to pass the baton (even if it's only figuratively) to someone else? You may feel conflicted about giving the appearance of dwindling stature. Or, you might view this as an impetus to find a more reliable, trustworthy, respectful situation. Think about your current circumstances. Are you happy? Do you feel secure? If you hesitate to answer these questions affirmatively, do yourself a favor and start looking for something better. This doesn't only concern your career, btw. It's also about your private life. If power and control are out of balance despite your efforts to make things right, respect yourself enough to move on. Yes, money will figure into every decision made ・but this month offers you a chance to make a bold, important change that is probably overdue.
Uranus moves into your solar twelfth house this month, beginning a long consciousness-raising transit for you. Your subconscious won't sit submissively by, awaiting commands. Instead, your imagination and intuition become an increasingly stronger element in your daily life. You find it nearly impossible to make simple linear decisions, and are more likely to mentally glue layers of disparate information cohesively together. More than ever, you need to find better ways to reduce mental, emotional and physical stress. Don't count on others to take care of this for you, Ram. No one else can possibly comprehend the contents of your mind ・which could very well become the busiest place in town. The next seven years will be a testing ground for new ideologies and theories, some of which you may never act on. Your most valuable possession is your own mind. Get March off to a fortunate start by eliminating non-essential stress. Sleep may become even more important than it already is. Make your dream time as cushy and comfy as possible by having the right mattress and a tranquil sleeping environment. Pluto goes retro during the third week, suggesting that you take more time to reread agreements. Long term contracts may suddenly look less attractive. . . .
The New Moon, Full Moon and Uranus portend upcoming changes both at work and at home. A job change could loom in the near future, so make plans to schedule interviews during early or mid month. After the 22nd, you may feel particularly time-challenged and are advised to make sure your transportation is reliable before initiating travel. Pluto's retro turn could usher in elements from the past in a de'ja` vu kind of way. A current situation might feel remarkably like a prior one. Because certain relationships feel karmic and unfinished, you're advised to not burn bridges. Try to leave associations on a friendly, harmonious note. Keep war games out of all business and personal alliances this month. A new future, complete with exciting challenges and opportunities awaits, so don't hesitate to take a chance. Some of you are likely to travel very far away to fulfill a goal or dream. At times, you feel sentimental about what you're leaving behind. Most of the time, however, you'll be too busy and engaged to fret. Don't hold yourself back this month, Libra. Fire up your engines and soar.
あなたは今月、自分を他人と比較せざるを得ません。確かにあなたはとにもかくにも 他人との比較を頻繁にやりますが、いまはいつもより激しいです。また、あなたは暮 らし向きや人間関係、および全般的な状況を他人と比較します。あなたは頭の中で リストにざっと目を通し、仕事や研究に費やした努力の時間を合計し、次にそれらの 数値をあなたが受け取ったお金,評価,報酬などと比較します。Do the columns come out pretty even ? or are you up to your old Virgo tricks again, working twice as hard for half as much? 最愛のおとめ座の皆さん、あなた方は必要であっ て他に置き換えることの出来ない存在だとみんなが知っています。実際一度説明さ れるか立証されれば十分です。自尊心や生涯の仕事を他人の反応や要求に結びつ けるのは止めなさい。今月はあなたの人生においてもっとも影響を及ぼす人々に 重きをおきます。彼らはあなたを破滅させるまで支配することが出来ます。あるいは あなたはゲームを拒否することもできます。あなたは心の底で理想の生活の美しい 絵を描きました。あなたはその人生を過ごすことが出来るのです!一度に少しずつ 自分を主張することから始めてください。他人の投げかけを拒むときはどきなさい。 自分を弁護することで卑屈になる必要はなく、またそうすべきでもありません。他人の 立場のために、もうたくさんだというのがいつかを知るのは特に難しいかもしれません。 でもあなたの心は知っています。それを聞いてください。
For March 2003: Wow! New beginnings define this month. A massive project, relationship, home improvement plans, or even new business make March intensely active. Budget your time, baby, because there won't be enough hours to finish crucial tasks unless you jealously guard your precious time. Put more VALUE on your time. Assign a monetary amount to each hour, instead of discounting its importance. A lot will be asked of you. You don't have to accept the barrage of requests and challenges that cross your desk, but your adventurous side will have trouble refusing an intriguing challenge. Opportunities to do something extraordinary are likely to develop. Perhaps you'll participate in a groundbreaking concept as one of the founding members. You are absolutely ready for a new thrill ? and are apt to get it. Amid the flurry of meetings, appointments, and other cerebral activities, squeeze in plenty of healthy aerobic exercise ? and include breathing and flexibility. You're gonna need loads of stamina to handle March's trailblazing opportunities. . . .
It’s time to honestly figure out how much time, emotional energy, and other resources you’re willing to invest. You may face at least one crucial decision this month. Since there is no clear ‘good’ or ‘bad’ choice, measure the pros against the cons - and don’t be vague or make excuses. You need to get an extra firm grip on what is best for you?no more delays, excuses or pretzel logic. The time has come to either accept the status quo or begin to make changes. This take-charge motif affects every aspect of your life, from deeply personal to outrageously obvious. You’ve spent enough time observing to make an accurate assessment of others’ positions, loyalties and logical next moves. Without revealing too much about your own long-range plans, it’s time to turn a corner?in a direction that genuinely benefits you.
For March 2003: Important decisions briskly simmer on your back burners. Because some of these matters are intensely personal, you may be secretive. Your slightly mysterious aura only whets others' curiosity, leading to friendly speculation about what you're really involved in. Some of you are planning a move - not necessarily a big one, either. Convenience and low maintenance are sounding more attractive now. Cutting back on time-consuming, expensive commutes is also a priority. You look for ways to achieve goals in a satisfying but efficient manner. Some of you suspect that additional responsibilities will be added to your already impressive multi-tasking lifestyle. This makes it necessary to eliminate anything you don't need, enjoy, or benefit from NOW. In case you haven't already guessed, this does include troublesome acquaintances, colleagues, and even relatives. March influences you to live very consciously, whether you're performing ordinary tasks or complicated procedures. Think arefully before making statements. Chew food slowly. Breathe deeply. And when you're with others, be fully present.
いつもありがとうございます。そうですね。「Do the columns come out pretty even」 の部分は私も「その収支はきちんと合っているか?」つまり努力に見合った報酬を得 ているか?という意味なんだろうと思います。ただどうしてculumnsという単語を使った のかを考えていたら、わけが分からなくなってしまったのでした。。
後半の「are you up to your old Virgo tricks again, working twice as hard for half as much? 」 の部分はtrickがどういう意味なんだろうと考えていて結局上手い訳が見つからなかった。。
A powerful emphasis on travel, education, and wish fulfillment makes this month very interesting. Rely on your superb sixth sense while testing the waters in perplexing relationships. It may not be necessary to say a word or ask a question because you're even more adept at reading others' hearts and minds. You crave being close to water, whether it's the shore, a swimming pool, or even a bubble bath. You may shop for better fixtures for your kitchen and bathroom ? something that makes a statement and is more state of the art. Some of you are experiencing the earliest stages of a spiritual or cultural evolution stimulated by Uranus. All in all, March has much to offer ? as long as you don't fear change, growth, or travel. Job or educational opportunities may beckon from afar, not just in March but during the next several years. Are you game? Keep your suitcase and running shoes ready, just in case. Pluto moves retro on the 22nd, urging you to rethink living arrangements, your job, or even some of your health habits. Don't dread this; ultimately, Pluto will bring rebirth and improvement. You may decide to let go of certain people, expectations, or things that no longer reflect who you really are.
Create your own reality this month instead of continuing to tolerate people and circumstances that are all wrong for you. Stop making allowances and excuses for inexcusable behavior. Take a stronger role in decision-making that affects your security and peace of mind. Don't hand crucial responsibilities over to others' safekeeping and assume they'll do the right thing. Remain actively involved in anything that touches your financial or emotional security. Watch others with care so that there won't be any surprises. March is a gateway month moving Uranus into Pisces, where it will remain for years to come. Get this process off to a healthy start by overseeing everything that can materially affect you. Your usual budgetary methods probably need a little updating. Make the effort to educate yourself in basic money matters so that you feel more self-reliant instead of depending on the kindness of strangers. Pluto moves retro in your career house on the 22nd until the end of August, indicating that a major career decision may require some rethinking. Remain flexible and open ・and willing to do things slightly differently in order to enhance the quality of your life.
乙女座の週末をお願いします。 You may not get the kind of cooperation and support you'd hoped for on Friday. This certainly isn't the end of the world, but a kind of helpful prelude that reminds you to follow your own star. You've worked amazingly hard to help and assist others, but cannot ignore the mounting evidence that you need to strike out on your own. Can anyone else hold a candle to your diligence, credibility, and expertise? If so, partner with him or her and create your own masterpiece. You've grown weary of pandering to others' difficulties and illusions, especially since you have problems of your own. You have excellent ideas, some of which are already organized and ready to discuss. There's no need to be someone else's drone from here to eternity - is there? Saturday morning is superb for battening down the hatches and working like a maniac. Get loads accomplished before afternoon when other priorities refuse to go away quietly. Sunday cautions you to be very selective about whom you discuss upcoming plans with. Some people will pick apart your developing plans and then gnaw on your spirit. Don't set yourself up by walking into a snake pit. FYI: A comforting realization or piece of promising news is likely to develop later Sunday evening.
乙女座ラブメーターをお願いします Uranus enters your seventh house of relationships on Monday. This certainly adds extra spice to even the most predictable people and situations. Expect the unexpected. Tuesday morning may involve making a difficult choice between a personal matter and a career demand. This could put you in a rather difficult position because everyone in your life seems to need attention and feedback 24/7, without any let-up in sight. If you've had it with someone and have given him or her countless chances to grow up and get real, you may finally have enough motivation and courage to move on. At the same time, you'll gradually begin to notice that quixotic new people are popping up and seem eager to meet you.
Your intuition is absolutely marvelous this weekend! Trust it, especially when you're trying to figure out what your obligations or responsibilities actually are. Your inner wisdom will lead you to the most advantageous path. Friday offers a tremendous opportunity to make a real difference in several people's lives. Rise to the occasion. Friday evening is best spent in an intimate setting. You're especially receptive to others' moods and vibes, and willing to try things differently. You feel like shedding cares and worries and surrendering to something loads more enjoyable. Saturday morning and early afternoon caution you to use a gentle touch with others, particularly those who don't feel well. You may be running late, but others are unlikely to feel like rushing. Just take things a little easier. Once late afternoon and evening open up, you're free to express your true feelings and be a little friskier and more aggressive. You're competitive, even with family members who may have trouble keeping up with you. Sunday morning and afternoon need lots of serenity, soft lighting, and peaceful sounds. You may feel jumpier and less tolerant of noise or unexpected calls or visitors. FYI: You may not completely feel like yourself until early evening.
Decision-making is almost overwhelming early Friday morning. You won't feel like facing a barrage of questions, and when you try to focus on one thing or the other, your mind may go blank. (How much stress are you under right now? Maybe it's time to ease up a bit, instead of soldiering on, brave face and all.) Midday Friday is better, especially if you're with people you have confidence and faith in. Avoid people and situations that exhaust and defeat you throughout the day. Saturday opens a new chapter financially. You begin to consider off-the-beaten-path methods as possible ways to reach your goals. You also listen to fairly untraditional advisors who now seem to be making a lot of sense. The old way of keeping body and soul together left something to be desired, so why not try things differently? Some of you refinance property, remodel, or trade up or down. There's a general feeling of flux and change in your domestic scene. This is not a bad thing, btw. Make sure that you are heard Saturday afternoon so that upcoming changes and adjustments reflect your needs as well as others. Sunday finds you deep in thought, probably weighing the pros and cons of adjusting plans and timetables. Consider anything and everything throughout the day. Chances are very strong that you'll be able to sketch out a basic plan by evening.
Romance is gradually getting more interesting and delicious. Instead of your having to make all the effort, someone feverishly pursues you. Because you frequently get stuck fixing people, avoid anyone with addictions or legal problems. Other than that, this week is brimming with deep satisfaction. FYI: Shoes may fascinate you this week ・not just the shoes you select, but what others wear as well.
The worm finally turns this month. If you've obediently put up with others' self-centered nonsense or lived under the threat of doom, you finally wise up. Always attentive to others' feelings, you've given them more credit than they deserve allowing poseurs to mistake themselves for credible experts. April helps you distinguish real power brokers and decision-makers from wannabe junior VIPs. In other words, you stop covering for middle management desk jockeys, and take your dreams and schemes straight to the top. Yes, darling you will get noticed this month. You might even make a few people angry but they still won't be as angry or upset as you've been during the past months of neglect and uncertainty. You've got a tiger in your tank now, and a certain amount of protection from benevolent Jupiter. Money and power are your top priorities throughout the month. Expect to witness a flash of Instant Karma at least one obnoxious head will roll down the Hall of Shame. Your assignment is to get documents signed and filed before April 26, when Mercury (your ruling planet) goes retro for three weeks. Put on your combat boots and start kicking some serious butt. Things are going to be different, once you're in charge.
If you've contemplated a trip for escape, pleasure, or research, April packs a huge wallop. From the very first day, wanderlust opens your heart and mind to wondrous surprising things. Expand your consciousness. Take a dare or two. Don't be handcuffed to routines or fear. Vibrant, life-enhancing energy coaxes you to explore places, theories, and people normally off your beaten path. Your imagination is ravenous for stimulation, and April is eager to comply. Push through preset limits and see what you're capable of. Say YES as often as possible. Jupiter moves forward on the fourth, giving you more confidence, power, and influence than you actually need ? so spread the potent vibes around, baby! A mid month Full Moon calls attention to your masterful communication skills, giving you sway over less focused types. You've got so much going for you, and are encouraged to scoop up new assignments, exciting opportunities, and wilder relationships than your usual fare. Call it research, if you like, or just call it really living! Late month starts a three week Mercury retro phase, perfect for sequestering yourself with studies, lovemaking, self-indulgence ? whatever your heart desires.
Your main focus is important relationships. If your relationships are tenuous or demanding, you may seek outside advice to help you get through a trying time. If your relationships are satisfying and rewarding, you eagerly dedicate additional time and energy to the most important people in your life. There's nothing lukewarm going on - it's either high heat or cold storage. Since your relationships seem to reveal a lot about your self-image, priorities, and interests, you can map your life by the company you keep. A large number of you swap one partner (business or personal) for another this month. It's highly unlikely that you'll leave any situation without having acceptable backup waiting in the wings. Your favorite friends and allies certainly prove their loyalty and unstinting generosity by catching you every time there's the slightest chance you might fall. You are more fortunate than most - never lose sight of that. Mid month could be very emotional and pull you apart at the seams. You'll probably do the right thing, but may experience exhausting emotional highs and lows in the process. Someone who assisted or championed you in the past may have lost interest or grown distant. Lucky for you, an appropriate replacement awaits your approval. P.S. Changes made this month are definitely for the best. . . .
御手数ですが双子座もよろしくおねがいいたします。 双子座四月です Your morale gets a hefty boost in the right direction. You've known that you're capable of great things, and simply needed the right opportunity to demonstrate your prowess. Friends, supporters, and enthused colleagues rally to help you edge closer to a fabulous dream. A genuine spirit of camaraderie prevails, making demanding tasks seem less daunting. Instead of feeling alone, you're surrounded by a growing legion of loyal supporters. Nice! Jupiter moves direct, ensuring additional confidence and goodwill. Your ability to communicate effectively is more profound after the fourth. Since you're likely to be in demand, frequent day trips may be required just the thing for a mercurial Gemini. The 16th offers a striking Full Moon that urges you to go for the gusto instead of playing it safe. Emboldened, you look fear in the face and do whatever is necessary to capture a perfect moment be it sensual, competitive, or creative. Late month, your ruling planet Mercury goes retro for three weeks, reminding you to pay closer attention to your instincts than to others' opinions.
For April 2003: April begins a full-scale fresh start for you in every sense of the word. You bravely toss out non-essentials (including pointless fear), and face your future with more chutzpah than you've mustered in ages. You're definitely up to the challenge ・courage and determination course through your veins with impressive force. You worry less about what others expect you to say or do, and decide to make major improvements. Some of you redo your office or living quarters; but the fiercest among you peel away ancient guilt and stand up straighter and taller than before. It doesn't hurt a bit that you've got solid backing from people you admire, either. People smart enough to recognize your skill and value want you on their team and are willing to make sacrifices to ensure that this occurs. Since you've played the game by other people's rules enough to know that it rarely works for you, don't give up control in new relationships or endeavors. Your way most likely is the right way, no matter how many bells and whistles someone else offers. Stay true to your vision, despite others' tempting suggestions. FYI: Late month shifts Mercury out of phase, creating a three-week shakedown period in a friendship or love affair.
射手座4月です。お忙しい中、どうかよろしくお願いします。 For April 2003: You come alive this month, thanks to an invigorating boost from the New Moon and Jupiter's direct motion, all during the first week. April's energy jump-starts your self-esteem. You love a tasty challenge ・something with a dash of mystery and adventure ・and April knocks herself out trying to please. Instead of sensibly maintaining a disciplined regimen, you brashly chew off your leash and bolt. Ongoing frustration is no match for a life-changing love affair, trip, or creative obsession. Yes, yes ・you're preparing for your future and being responsible; but are you happy? Part of your Sagittarian birthright is to periodically shed your skin and reinvent yourself, perhaps in a different country, relationship, or career. April offers a preview of coming attractions ・more intense wanderlust and desire arrives in early summer. Discipline, organization, and sitting still won't cut it ・not when the air is balmy and the sun is hot. The lure of the unknown coaxes you out of stale office and school buildings. Choose to be very physical this month, instead of cerebralizing each molecule. Let your animal instincts take over. P.S. Mercury goes retro late in the month, indicating the importance of keeping options wide open in your career sector.
※Discipline,organization, and sitting still won't cut it ・not when the air is balmy and the sun is hot. 空気が爽やかで陽射しがヒリヒリする時でないと、規律、組織、そしてじっとして いるのは効き目がないでしょう。 この訳あってます? なんかその前の文章と意味合いが反対になってしまうような…
For April 2003: Brace yourself for an active, busy month. Grass won't have a chance to grow beneath your nimble, impatient feet ・especially when you scamper away from dead-end relationships. Moving could be on the agenda ・some of you move from one job or school to another, while others change residences. Jupiter goes direct on the fourth, waking you up to what others have known all along: you deserve better in a personal or creative matter. Once Jupiter kicks in, you'll wonder why it took you so long to see the light. A mid month Full Moon reminds you that sticking up for yourself and your beliefs isn't not for sissies ・but since when are you a sissy? You may be forced to fight hard for recognition, appreciation, and respect. As tough as things may seem, it's temporary. Stand tall for what you're passionate about. Late month delivers a retro spin from Mercury. Since misunderstandings are likely, take a flexible, forgiving stance ・instead of getting trapped in war games. Allow Venus's entry into your sign to calm aggression and improve social and business opportunities
こんばんわ〜。翻訳ボラ様、いつもお世話になってます。 お時間ありましたら、蟹座の4月マンスリーも面倒見てやって下さいませ。 3月はぱっとしない1ヶ月でしたが、なにやら4月は激動の予感…… Time is very precious this month. The first 15 days are particularly active and hard driving. You push your agenda forward and refuse to take NO for an answer. With remarkable clarity, confidence, and even a sense of divine destiny, you hammer through bedrock that once seemed unbreakable. Your relentless pursuit of a goal may seem obsessive or extreme to some, but almost guarantees that your goal will be achieved, come hell or high water. Jupiter moves direct on the fourth, opening financial floodgates and career opportunities. Demonstrate what an amazing leader you are. Take charge ・and finish what you start. You'll probably ruffle a few feathers and annoy critics by succeeding against all odds ・but so what? You're on a mission, baby ・and people are beginning to notice that you're a serious contender. So, what's your weakest link? You guessed it ・your immediate circle of friends and advisors. A mid month Full Moon puts a relationship to the test, but you'll get through it with only minor collateral damage. Just watch your step after the 26th when Mercury goes retro and plays havoc with your words, image, and reputation.
April has a cleansing, purging effect on you. Out go old clothes, refuse, and boring lovers, making plenty of room for fresh new experiences you can really savor. If you haven't worn, used, or enjoyed something for over a year, face reality and let go of it. It's pointless to hoard what you don't want, and it's exhausting to cling to people you no longer love. Rejuvenate your mind by focusing on the present and future. Afterall, the past had its chance. Jupiter moves direct on the fourth, offering more cache and desirability than ever. Expect an increase in invitations, seduction, and temptations during the months to come. Mid month makes it crucial to keep a sensitive matter top secret. Don't worry ・the time to spill the beans will eventually arrive, and what a glorious time it will be. But until that golden hour comes, mum is the word. Late month, Mercury ducks into retro mode, giving you more inside information than you want or need. Since some of this involves friends, colleagues, neighbors, and maybe even someone well known, use duct tape on your lips if necessary. You're loads better at keeping secrets than most people, but even your amazing discretion may be tested this month. . . .
You're as sweet and gentle as a cuddly kitten much of the time. This April, your kind, affectionate nature takes a holiday, allowing a tougher, stronger you to emerge. April gives you carte blanche to establish new rules, live your beliefs, and determine your priorities. It's always a thing of beauty when you finally stop twisting in the wind and take control. Have confidence in your judgment, ability, and strength ・project power and it will boomerang again and again. Since few have witnessed the full expression of your awesome determination, April is likely to turn heads. All you have to do is make up your mind. If you really want to change a particular circumstance, you can and will do it. Just don't defer taking action. If you drag your heels until the end of the month, Mercury's retro turn may introduce slowdowns or distractions. Make decisions independently. Do what you know is right, instead of prancing around another's wounded pride. You've always been capable of decisive action, but never more so than right now.
For April 2003: Efficiency is a major concern, so streamline, pare down, and preserve resources. Don't underestimate the value of your own time. You'll be in demand, held hostage by telephones, faxes, and messengers, and are advised to enforce boundaries when it comes to your schedule. Jupiter moves direct in your partnership house on the fourth, opening doors that were previously shut. In other words, business and personal involvements that hit the skids may miraculously come back to life ・and even be better than before. Business contacts you'd given up on may resurface ・but don't wait for them to call you. Contact people who can help you ・and never forget that there are mutual benefits for everyone involved. Jupiter's direct turn is likely to make others cooperative, enthusiastic, generous, and attentive. The obstacles that halted a relationship may no longer be so repressive. April necessitates short, intense trips that have well-defined purposes and not much recreation. Rely on conference calls whenever you can to save time and resources. Some meetings, however, have to occur in person. FYI: Mars moves into your sign on the 21st, right after the Sun conjoins your Midheaven, making you this month's Career Powerhouse.
This month emphasizes contracts, agreements, ethical or legal obligations, and expert advice. If you're facing important choices, get the best guidance you can access, instead of attempting to manage things entirely on your own. Someone may not be playing fair. Intentionally or not, a boss, colleague, or competitor may gradually chip away at your security and peace of mind. Stop trouble in its tracks by setting aside more time to study paperwork and reconstruct important events and conversations. Most of May is well suited for study, planning, and information gathering. By the end of the month, you should feel better prepared to make decisions that could involve a job change or relocation. Use extreme care when discussing professional or personal matters around coworkers, neighbors, or anyone who is peripherally involved in your affairs. Don't reveal key information until you've managed to secure your perimeter and feel very, very protected. This isn't the smartest month to confide potential bombshells to others, no matter how understanding or friendly they seem to be. Unless you are utterly convinced that someone's loyalty is with you instead of the opposition, it's wise to keep your mouth shut. You're likely to discover that very attractive opportunities are on your horizon- but may involve a move or other sacrifice.
Much of this month is a dress rehearsal for the next 365 days, making it ultra important to choose goals, alliances and words with care. Don't take it for granted that others will protect and defend you; instead, start bracing yourself for increased independence and decision-making. May makes you aware of basic weaknesses in systems or traditions that you'd come to rely on. Don't put your head in the sand about this. The sooner you acknowledge problems, the better off you'll be. Mercury moves direct on the 20th, giving you one more good reason to pare down and refine goals and alliances. It's necessary to give yourself extra time to think before making large purchases, not only this month but in the foreseeable future. Hang onto your shekels a little longer. If you're still sold on buying something a few months from now, great ・but you may find that liquidity is much more satisfying than possessing impressive toys. Because others find you so fascinating and money and other opportunities seem to steadily stream your way, you might be beguiled by illusions or projections. Keep your own counsel. Get in practice right now ・because others will attempt to exert undue influence during the months to come.
Your daily routine is about to be overhauled - by you or circumstances surrounding you. Look at it this way - you need to make a few improvements, not only in your self-perception and attitudes, but also in your lifestyle. May encourages you to make a few healthy changes. You are acutely aware of the passage of time. Many of you are astounded at how quickly time marches by, while others feel increasingly impatient for certain moments to hurry up and STOP. If you feel out of synch, accept it as a cosmic reminder that you're overdue for a few smart changes. You're too clever to pretend that this day would never come, and are advised to accept challenges with dignity, determination and aplomb. Once Mercury moves direct after the 20th, conversations and tasks you've tried to avoid don't seem so daunting. In fact, things should go better than you'd imagined. Face each chore with courage and a certain amount of well-deserved smugness. After all, you've overcome bigger challenges than anything facing you now. What's one more attitude adjustment - especially when it offers so much in return? Get things started, Pisces, one day at a time. . . .
For May 2003: Your ruling planet Mercury moves direct on the 20th, which is always a good thing. Additionally, you've got two potent New Moons opening and closing the month to push your agenda forward. In between, a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse sets the stage for long deferred improvements at home and work. This time, make changes that are likely to create happiness. You've knocked yourself out marching to someone else's jerry-rigged tune long enough. Now it's your turn to establish newer, better ground rules. If others can't handle it, tell 'em to ship out. Keep in mind that suggestions and changes made this month might take up to a year to finalize or develop. Just get the ball rolling, baby! Even though the month begins with Mercury retro, you can still perform necessary research and reconnaissance, enabling you to wow competitors and supporters alike by month's end. Part of your duties may include urging talented people to get off their collective asses and do something REAL. You are soooo good at doing this! Very few things annoy you more than people who have what they need to succeed and be happy, but for some perverse reason refuse to exploit it.
People expect answers this month. You can run but you cannot hide from nosy, inquiring minds. One way or the other, you'll be pulled aside, questioned, and probably held accountable for activities occurring on your watch. This trend could start during the first few days of the month. No matter who else is involved, nearly everyone will train his or her gaze upon you. Partners and former allies will probably fade to black and not be of much help. In fact, you may question their loyalty or truthfulness. Think of everything you do and say as a permanent record of your legacy, your resume, and your reputation. In other words, scrupulously clean up your act. If colleagues or friends do unsavory things, distance yourself from them. You're more likely to be noticed and analyzed than those around you, making your every move of monumental importance. Don't be in a mad dash to form new relationships or make commitments. Give everything more thought and time. What seems so right today may already have subtle hairline cracks. For your own good, don't apply pressure in any alliance, because delays or inconveniences may be protective.
いつもお世話になっています。お時間ありましたら、射手座の翻訳もお願いいたし ます。5月分です。For May 2003: Something in your basic daily routine is likely to get a facelift this month. Maybe you'll clean up your lifestyle, eating habits, or work schedule. Some of you may finally make overdue home improvements. Successfully completing practical tasks can give you greater satisfaction than you might imagine. You'll feel more in control of your destiny ・and be able to witness gradual improvement over time. For those of you who've felt trapped in quicksand, this is your call to action. Work on your thoughts, body, home, and career. Attend to basic concerns instead of procrastinating. You need the gratification that comes with a sense of measurable achievement. After the 20th, Mercury goes direct, allowing more news about a project, colleague, or health matter to trickle in. Once the Sun moves into your House of Partnerships on the 21st, you begin to feel better about an alliance ・ and probably more supported. Even if you're generally a loner, late May makes social and group activities frequent and fortunate. In fact, you may find yourself aligned with a person or organization you really admire by the end of the month.
Your month begins and ends with high energy New Moons, motivating you to break away from dead-end relationships or jobs. May is adventurous, sexy, and idealistic. No matter how battle weary you've felt, May puts you back in touch with your true calling and identity. If you've been bogged down by unnecessary personal or professional drama, you'll have several chances to break out of your chains - but will you? A part of you hates to walk away from a challenge or alleged opportunity - no matter how remote. Your stubborn do-or-die attitude (which has been useful in other situations) could keep you trapped in a pointless quagmire. Allow your adventurous side to express itself freely this month. Take advantage of opportunities to fight your way out of messy situations that offer loads of complications but very little joy. You're an idealist at heart - so why settle for refried spam? You have a noble heart and a fertile mind. Take charge and don't allow anything to shortchange a fabulous chance for freedom.
This month is a passion play of karma and transformation. You begin May feeling indebted or dependent on another's largesse or choices, but should end the month feeling free, strong, and thrilled, thanks to new alliances. Don't allow impatience or insecurity to destroy hope and self-confidence. Understand that an important process is now underway ? one that may offer a great deal of power and responsibility. And before you'll be expected to deal with urgent duties or repair a predecessor's mistakes, you're likely to enjoy a brief 'honeymoon' phase to revel in your good fortune. Whether you're able to recognize it or not, a mighty undercurrent of change and opportunity is thundering toward you. Don't fear change, particularly when it comes to your schedule, job description, and the likelihood of relocation. A great deal of questions will be answered during this month. You may need to convince others that you are worth a larger investment of money, training, and time than they'd originally planned. Use this month's strong financial patterns to prepare your case. If you're uncomfortable being your own advocate, hire someone to do it for you. The point is to not accept an initial offer ? especially when something more attractive can be agreed upon.
This month is a passion play of karma and transformation. You begin May feeling indebted or dependent on another's largesse or choices, but should end the month feeling free, strong, and thrilled, thanks to new alliances. Don't allow impatience or insecurity to destroy hope and self-confidence. Understand that an important process is now underway - one that may offer a great deal of power and responsibility. And before you'll be expected to deal with urgent duties or repair a predecessor's mistakes, you're likely to enjoy a brief 'honeymoon' phase to revel in your good fortune. Whether you're able to recognize it or not, a mighty undercurrent of change and opportunity is thundering toward you. Don't fear change, particularly when it comes to your schedule, job description, and the likelihood of relocation. A great deal of questions will be answered during this month. You may need to convince others that you are worth a larger investment of money, training, and time than they'd originally planned. Use this month's strong financial patterns to prepare your case. If you're uncomfortable being your own advocate, hire someone to do it for you. The point is to not accept an initial offer - especially when something more attractive can be agreed upon.
Your month is crammed with opportunities to reanimate an ailing relationship by wiping the slate clean. A lot depends on your willingness to do this. If your feelings still feel scratched and slashed, you may not be ready to bury the hatchet and try again. But if you truly want a relationship to work, why not allow May's helpful vibes to accelerate the healing process? You put a lot of emphasis on experience and lessons learned, but May asks you to suspend some of your common sense homilies and view others through accepting, loving eyes. Can you do this? A strong "forgive and try to forget" theme is woven into nearly every day until the 21st. If you truly want a romantic, family, or creative relationship to survive and succeed, May offers pretty potent tools to get the job done. At the same time your private life is being analyzed and revamped, financial matters also push and shove to the front of the line. A number of mechanical, wear-and-tear, or maintenance issues may erupt, forcing you to spend money you'd already allocated for other things. Save yourself additional strain by NOT loaning money or prized possessions to others this month. . . .
Push forcefully and insistently toward your main objective. Don't allow residual insecurities to bog you down. Clear your head of "what if" fear-based projections and focus on your ultimate goal. You are currently being favorably noticed and considered for more challenging things than you're presently doing. People are aware of your talent and tenacity and, astrologically speaking, it's your turn to be in charge. Be bold and aggressive. Understand that you're probably being put under a microscope, so be on your very best behavior. Before speaking, make sure you've got the facts straight and always remember that each action has consequences. You're known for your skill at improving and refining what existing systems. The next couple years offer ample opportunities to polish existing relationships or projects to perfection. You will experience your share of opposition, just to keep things interesting. But as long as you throw your weight behind a goal and practice emotional detachment, you'll succeed, grow, and thrive.
Pull the wagons a little closer this month. Unless you are required to discuss plans, keep things quiet. Saturn moves into your sign with the purpose of teaching you a number of lessons. Since you can't avoid this transit, make up your mind to work with it. Get things off to a healthy start by undergoing a thorough physical. Make sure your bones, calcium level, teeth, skin, nails, and hair are in optimum health. If going to the dentist is one of your least favorite pastimes, get over it. Saturn transits can take a toll on teeth. Fillings fall out -and if you're not careful, teeth do, too. Your skin, bones and hair may require better nutrition, forcing you to pay closer attention to your diet. Saturn makes it impossible for you to ignore your own mortality. Naïve fantasies about living forever with endless time and sugar-coated consequences are usually sawed off at the knees. Take charge of your life, happiness, and thoughts. Stop yourself from sinking into morose self-pity or blame. Pay close attention to the powerful impact that thoughts have on relationships and your quality of life -and don't be afraid to be alone. Saturn may force you to spend more time with your own thoughts. View solitary moments as opportunities to demonstrate skill and personal fortitude. The late month New Moon urges you to gather thoughts and emotions and make a long-deferred decision. You may have to do this by yourself -which is ideal, because an important judgment call is yours and yours alone.
The combined influence of Pluto's transit and the past couple years of opposing Saturn have certainly toughened you up. Either by design or accident, you've learned to rely on your own power and judgment instead of anyone else's. Despite your increased workload and responsibilities, you've gradually achieved a unique kind of liberation. Since you're less dependent on others for your bread and butter, relationships are freer and less stressed. Most relationships you engage in now are based on mutual attraction or friendship, not obligation, dependency or guilt. Saturn changes signs this month, leaving your solar partnership sector and entering your house of transformation and power. Yes ・power. No matter how self-reliant you are now, an intense search for meaning, freedom, and transformation becomes even more pronounced. Fears that have dogged you for years are faced and resolved. Established values are likely to be revised. One set of dreams could be traded in for a whole new set. Some of you seek actual physical transformation along with spiritual growth, and may undergo surgery or other treatments. Mid month helps define your changing role in a business or personal relationship, and late month attracts more money, influence, and potential.
For June 2003: Saturn's movement into your solar seventh house of partners is significant and likely to have a profound impact on your most important relationships. There may be some role reversal. You may even outgrow a friendship or alliance and cut ties. In some cases, you could develop a life-changing connection that seems preordained. Lessons come through your interaction with others. Most lessons will be insightful and helpful, but some may be bitter. You're advised to listen to your own inner voice during this 2.5-year transit. If you suspect that something is wrong, don't bury your thoughts honor them. Weed out time-consuming, energy-zapping affiliations, and protect your time, space and privacy. Choose quality over quantity at every turn. Teach friends, partners and loved ones to fend for themselves instead of leaning on you for support. Value yourself enough to not be an enabler one more day. Mid month emphasizes the importance of taking better care of your health and improving your living or working environment. Late month brims with unexpected flashes of awareness, helping you see an acquaintance or friend in a totally different light. . . .
Saturn moves into your solar fifth house, reminding you that even the most pleasurable activities are attached to consequences. It also suggests that you dedicate yourself to a key relationship or begin to construct your personal masterpiece. You get a firmer grip on the concept of time, thanks to Saturn. If it's been a while since you really, truly enjoyed yourself with your favorite friends or loved ones, make it happen, instead of allowing more time to slip by. Demonstrate how much you care and how sincere your sentiments are, instead of merely pronouncing the words. Put your money where your mouth is every single day. If the past couple years have been rough and unsettling, recalibrate your priorities and lifestyle, darling. Children or pets may require more attention, resources or time, and may be slightly difficult. As much as you'd like to focus additional time and energy on yourself, your nearest and dearest may perpetually tug on your sleeve. Emotional relationships seem more like responsibilities during this Saturn phase. Uranus goes retro giving you additional time to plan and work out details in a matter directly associated with your name and reputation. Mid month is superb for research and rudimentary strategy sessions. Late month offers helpful information (and possibly money) to help bring a dream to fruition.
Your energy level goes way up this month, stimulated by anticipation of upcoming events and opportunities. You feel freer in some ways and more driven in others. Now that you've achieved a certain level of respect and authority, you feel very protective of it ・maybe even territorial. When you had little or nothing to lose, you had a whole different set of problems and priorities. Now, the worm has turned. Odd things are likely ・you may repeat words your parents once said. You may be stunned by the realization that you're the most experienced person in your group. Now that you're escaping Saturn's greedy clutches, you've earned the privilege of feeling a little smarter, smugger and more sophisticated than others. Continue to work hard to build out your dream. Chances are good that your efforts will produce better-than-hoped-for results. And always, always run your own ship. You've paid dearly for each lesson learned, and must not dilute your power by allowing others to systematically snatch away control. Stay true to your vision, Gem. You've paid a hefty price for your sanity and increasing prestige. FYI: Launch something wonderful mid month ・and make sure you've got financial matters organized and under control by the 29th.
Saturn is now sitting pretty in your solar tenth house - the ultimate "grown-up" position. You may be expected to carry more responsibility, fair or not. You may be asked to make tough decisions that impact others' lives, easy or not. At times, you'll feel humbled by the faith that others seem to have in you and your abilities. Welcome to a brand new Saturn experience that's guaranteed to affect your lifestyle, reputation, and maturity level. If you frequently find yourself managing others' circumstances as well as your own, this transit won't be much of a stretch. But if you're relatively untested when it comes to standing on your own two feet and carrying twice the load, the next couple years will be a hands-on demonstration of responsibility. A mid month Full Moon indicates improving conditions for reaching agreements, signing contracts, or simply arriving at a consensus. Travel and/or long distance communiques are all but guaranteed. FYI: What you're anticipating may be miles apart from what others actually offer. Some sacrifice or compromise is inevitable, but if you're able to successfully complete an assignment, your prestige and esteem levels are likely to skyrocket. P.S. Late month emphasizes the immense importance of taking responsibilities to heart and earning others' trust.
6月 サソリーナでございマス。 ボラさま、ヨロシクお願いいたします。 Saturn's momentous entry into Cancer is likely to deepen your interest in certain studies, such as religion, philosophy, languages, or psychology. If you've contemplated writing, speaking, or teaching but have not felt ready, Saturn helps focus and prepare you. Many of you intensify your course of study or seriously consider accepting an apprenticeship. Some of you align yourself with a mentor. Your internal and external worlds are primed for expansion during this phase. You may move far away from the area of your birth or upbringing. It'll take a huge force of nature to keep you down on the farm during this transit. Even if circumstances force you to remain physically static, your mind will travel farther than it's ever gone before. Mid month emphasizes protocol, the balance and exchange of power and influence, and major financial issues, making June a pivotal moment on several levels. Late month makes moving and/or travel a frequent topic of discussion.
いつもありがとうございます。 牡羊6月、お願いいたしまつ June decisively shoves bubbling, boiling issues front and center. You can no longer put your head in the sand ? a persistent problem that impacts your career and private life will not go away on its own. A number of you may actually notice physical symptoms of stress or depression, underlining the importance of making healthy changes in all aspects of your life. And if you're still tentative about taking action, Saturn and Uranus are likely to force your hand. You see, Saturn is now in your solar fourth house, making you closely analyze domestic issues and question whether or not you're fulfilled, happy ? or even belong in certain circumstances. June makes moving sound very attractive ? a kind of one size fits all solution to tense personal or professional dilemmas. (For those of you too kind-hearted to handle confrontation, you might be able to use the "relocation" excuse to soften the blow of break-ups, etc. ? at least for a while.) Saturn restarts your engines and gradually aims your priorities in a better direction. Mid June arouses your curiosity and considerable pent-up desire, turning you into a fabulously flamboyant flirt. In between unpacking boxes and rewriting your resume, your free time will be spent exploring uncharted territory in love or lust.
Saturn moves into Cancer, making you even more sincere and determined than you already are. If anyone is obtuse enough to underestimate your commitment or staying power, your upcoming success during the next months and years should make them look like raving lunatics. You have no intention of quietly fading away or becoming redundant. You, dear Bull, are one fierce contender. No one (except a garden-variety masochist) will try to get in your way during the next couple years. Like a world-class ballplayer sliding into home base, you make success look fun and easy, even though it's been anything but. You begin the new Saturn phase by jealously guarding your schedule. Instead of allowing others to punch holes in your agenda, you start treating your time as a valuable commodity. Not surprisingly, as you learn to respect your time and privacy, others follow suit. A mid month Full Moon is a call to action, particularly in financial matters. Settle things before the third week instead of allowing loose ends to fall apart. You've always been known for your appreciation of fine quality and peak experience. Portable luxuries ・everything from handbags, watches and jewelry to exquisite pens, stationery and objets d'art ・prove irresistible. You're naturally acquisitive and may find a way to justify each purchase as a smart investment ・and maybe it is. Wherever you go, your enhanced need for privacy, security, and space is sure to follow. Many of you may change residences or alter your living space to suit your ever-expanding needs. Patterns and habits, always a defining part of your character, are particularly difficult to let go of now. Keep this in mind when you consider doing something dubious "just once." FYI: Relationships with siblings and close friends take on greater significance around the late month New Moon.
Saturn finally leaves your solar fifth house and slides into your sixth. This reroutes your priorities for the next couple years. Your social and romantic scenario may lighten up and become genuinely enjoyable, instead of an endless business proposition or networking exercise. During the past few years, business and personal activities probably meshed, making one almost indistinguishable from the other. Work will be more demanding, sacrificial, and time-intensive during your new Saturn transit. Even creative work may seem more like a job than a labor of love. And discipline will be necessary in order to meet obligations and acquire the level of respect you desire. Whether you exercise regularly or not, a healthier lifestyle becomes essential, either to stave off medical treatments or surgery or to improve your appearance and quality of life. If you've been meaning to end a negative habit or overcome an addiction, this Saturn cycle offers plenty of motivation. Mid month is remarkably creative and pleasurable. If you're trying to get pregnant, the stars are with you.
P.S. Late month turns your attention to crucial work and health decisions.
ラブメーター How your lover or close friend handles money may affect more than your relationship. Even if it means foregoing certain luxuries, be an advocate for fiscal restraint. If your friend or lover has financial or potential legal difficulties, don't put your head in the sand. Encourage him or her to seek the best possible advice. This is no time to pretend that problems will simply go away. キャリアメーター Saturn's entry into your solar tenth house indicates that the chickens will come home to roost during the next couple years, starting this week. If you've worked hard and demonstrated remarkable discipline, restraint, and leadership, you'll be rewarded with additional titles, duties, and opportunities to demonstrate excellence. If you've fudged or goldbricked, you'll get whatever you've got coming. Saturn has a predictable pattern of settling accounts every few years. If the thought of more work and responsibility gives you chills, you probably won't enjoy this transit. But if you're itching to expand your reach and influence, this transit's for YOU.
Saturn’s entry into Cancer begins an intense introspective period for you. Instead of looking outside yourself for answers, satisfaction and affirmation, you learn to find most of what you need inside. During this 2.5-year transit, you will sift through the past and unlock family mysteries (particularly about your father and his side of the family). Nothing will be swept aside? even the memories you’ve kept buried for years. As you dig through layer upon layer of submerged feelings, a lot of energy will be released? and possibly a significant amount of pain or anger. The next 2.5 years could represent one the most important periods in your life. You’ll grow wiser and less needy. As you continue to develop your enormous potential and inner strength, others will come to value your insight. Not surprisingly, you may discover (or rediscover) your ability to heal. This will initially manifest as self-awareness and self-healing, then eventually benefit others. It all begins when you bravely face truths about yourself and your past. A major shift in a key relationship occurs mid month during the Full Moon. This will be a healthy, amicable adjustment. P.S. By month’s end, your intuition thunders like a sonic boom. . . .
This Full Moon weekend emphasizes the key people in your life - everything about them that makes you smile or shudder. You are not the center of attention now - they are. What this means is that you need to try harder to accept others as they are rather than what you think they should be. Since you don't exist in a one-person universe, you need to cooperate and adjust to others' annoying little eccentricities. Friday afternoon is inspired. Don't allow inhibition to come between you and heartfelt expression. You may experience a real breakthrough this weekend by making effective teamwork your top priority. This doesn't mean you have to accept others' bad behavior; it means that you need to look at the merits of real cooperation. Saturday's Full Moon calls for restraint. You may know more than the person giving orders or assuming control, but are advised to show respect and patience. This will not be easy. Saturday afternoon and evening could bring tension between you and a family member over something very basic and tedious. Don't allow yourself to get tugged into a petty turf war, k? Towards evening, you may be struck by the growing chasm between you and a loved one or friend. Father's Day also requires patience and restraint. Whatever your plans are, put others' priorities on the front burner and you'll do fine. If others suspect that you're anxious to get away or bored with their conversation, they won't forget it - and you know what that means.
No matter how carefully wrought your plans are, others seem to think theirs are better, particularly mid-month. If you suspect that others are leaning on you or using guilt to get your attention, you're probably right. Although you frequently set your priorities aside in deference to others, DON'T DO IT THIS TIME. It's crucial to stop enabling dependent, negative people. Give them the opportunity to face reality and develop an ounce of self-respect. If you continue to roll over and play roadkill for self-centered full-grown babies, you'll never get out of the gate. Don't be surprised if others suddenly become "sick" or create some other type of crisis when opportunities finally erupt for you. Face it certain people (including one or two family members) do not have your happiness or best interests in mind. You have to put your foot down and say "enough!" and really mean it this time. By month's end, you may decide that putting distance between yourself and your main source of trouble may be an effective stopgap measure.
The month begins on a very upwardly mobile note, packed with great expectations. Mid-month is a time of checks and balances. On one hand, you receive a somewhat restrained or restricted endorsement to moveforward with plans. But on the other hand, it's made abundantly clear that you owe a group or individual more work, time, or allegiance than you'd originally bargained for. Is it worth it? A lot depends on your finances and self-esteem. If you're not in a strong emotional or financial position, you may feel compelled to kneel at another's feet. A certain amount of financial and emotional security can be had this month, but there is a price to pay. Others may congratulate you or assume that all is well, but you may feel more like a serf working someone else's land. Why not explore other options I' particularly during mid to late month? The New Moon on the 29th should offer alternative ways to achievegreater satisfaction and respect.
For July 2003: You can no longer avoid a certain date with destiny. You've got to stand tall and make a choice, or risk letting yourself and other interested parties down. It's true committing to one person or endeavor may exclude you from other options, but you've got to take action. Many of you may have either worn out your welcome or outgrown current circumstances. Don't allow squeamish self-doubt to intervene; you can handle additional hours, responsibility and challenges. An emotional maelstrom could develop because of confusion over duties, territory or authority. Somehow, you must project the strength and dignity of a decisive leader but still remain open to suggestions and change. Family members' concerns about health or safety could also be an issue this month, adding to your list of concerns. A late month New Moon, coupled with retrograde Mars offers a little more time and flexibility than you'd anticipated to finish up one phase and begin another. Still, make important choices mid-month, even if paperwork takes up to a month to complete.
Love Meter: Romance takes a backseat to practical matters this week. As un-Libran as this seems, it's the smartest thing to do. You first need to firmly establish your housing, financial and career issues before you can successfully nurture a loving relationship.
Career Meter: Big, bodacious changes envelop you this week and next. Don't sit like Humpty Dumpty on the wall and procrastinate. Take a chance! Whether it's the right or wrong choice, you need to stop stagnating and try something new. Anything else resembles a pale version of codependency - or maybe just fear.
牡牛座お願いします! For July 2003: You consciously decide to follow your heart's desire. This important decision is encouraged by a marvelous mid-month Full Moon ? one that stimulates communication and writing skills. You have a lot to say and the desire to make yourself heard. Others support your endeavors, but probably not precisely the way you'd planned. As understanding and wisdom replace habit and reaction, you become increasingly aware of each thought, movement, and decision. You may decide to accept an arrangement or assignment that could tie you up for months but offer significant benefits. Trust your own judgment when faced with major choices ? instead of automatically kowtowing to so-called experts you've listened to in the past. (Right now, you need to be the head architect of your life and times; no one else has the skill or insight required.) Your healing charitable side seems to be getting stronger. Your instinct to nurture moves you to take in woebegone strays or struggling relatives. Most of you deftly blend soothing, healing techniques and principles with daily activities. The late month New Moon brings an intense urge to spruce up your home or office, with a big emphasis on comfort instead of utility. Small luxuries go a long way toward making you feel rewarded and cozy. Personal purchases (some frankly opulent) are also on your wish list. Bull, you'll always be a connoisseur of things of beauty ? and more power to you.
翻訳ボラさま、いつもありがとうございます。 お忙しいとは思いますが、お手すきのときに翻訳をお願いいたします。 蠍座7月です。 You're so wrapped up in making someone happy, comfortable and welcome that you put your own needs aside this month. Gee. . . does this sound familiar or what? For those of you engaged in research, creative projects or travel, you may receive a confidence-building response from someone you respect. Your aspirations and depth of compassion define you. Although you're certainly capable of trading bons mots with the best, your true passion runs much deeper. With the kind of naked honesty and directness that offends some and frightens others, you explore subjects that others studiously avoid. Questions about power, life, death, hypocrisy, sex and the transcendence of love sharpen your philosophical bent and make you a keen observer. You feel reborn - as if you're being given your 15,000th chance to get something right. No matter how things were left months ago, there is every indication that something better could still evolve. The end of month New Moon gives you all the excuses you need to make overdue improvements in appearance, habits, attitude, and health. It also brings a glorious sense of pride and belonging.
Career and personal opportunities sparkle, carrying you closer to the Sun than you've been in awhile. Honors, romance, social pleasures, and creative lucky breaks compete for your undivided attention, presenting an embarrassment of riches. Don't be overwhelmed, Pisces ・but do show gratitude. Once you've received the assurances you require, you can walk confidently into a bold new enterprise or relationship. You certainly won't be left dangling by a string this month; your talent and participation are very wanted and admired. As always, one of your biggest challenges is to identify the main concern, then bird dog it to completion. Don't give up or get foolishly distracted like Little Red Riding Hood. Stick with an important task likely to enhance your future even if it means spending less time with friends and acquaintances. Be strong for yourself this month ・the payoff can be remarkable! FYI: Work very, very hard all month, and anticipate the likelihood of revisions or some restructuring of a theory or game plan by month's end.
The mid-month Full Moon in Capricorn puts a huge emphasis on commitment, security, sacrifice and family. Not exactly an escapist day at Disney World ・but capable of conjuring remarkable change in career and key relationships. You reach a pivotal moment when idle talk and good intentions finally hit a wall, leaving you with one logical alternative: either shut up and take it ・or move on. You've tried to talk yourself in and out of questionable relationships and scenarios, proving that you have a massive capacity to stay the course. But what if staying the course leads to nowhere? The planets are reminding you that sacrifice is sacred and must not be wasted on users or pointless circumstances. If you're determined to repeatedly prop up difficult situations, why not put your valor to good use? The planets are working hard to snap you out of self-hypnosis and awaken you to better alternatives. The late month New Moon brings renewed confidence, purpose, and ・imagine this ・a considerable dose of enjoyment. Stop biting your nails and fumbling for answers, darling. In your heart of hearts, you already know the score.
New beginnings are strongly indicated. Make calls and arrange introductory meetings with decision-makers. You're ready for something new and are willing to travel to get it. A life transformation may be waiting in the wings, powerful enough to pump new vitality and hope into even the stalest situations.
MONTHLY You are pleased by another's response and behavior mid-month. More than a few wishes finally materialize, thanks to a warm-blooded Full Moon. Mistakes and misunderstandings can be corrected. Distances are broached. Fulfillment and commitment go hand in hand. Many of you have felt bruised and battered by past disappointment and have been hesitant to open up emotionally. This month has much to offer ・as long as you're brave enough to take a chance. Try to convince yourself that someone needs your help, guidance, etc., ・and maybe they actually do. But the real motivation is a deep abiding desire to merge, love, and lose yourself in another. Get out of your own way and allow love and trust to experience the biggest growth spurt they've experienced in years. FYI: Late month brings second thoughts or complications underlining the necessity of keeping personal and financial activities separate for the time being. Handshake agreements are woefully inadequate in situations where money or property is involved. Make sure paperwork is legit and up to date.
LOVE METER You want to surrender to the charms of a new lover. Some of you rekindle the cooling embers in an existing relationship. The key is to put your loved one front and center. Wear blinders about everything else and remain fixated on the wants and needs of your special loved one. Your adoration is strong enough to melt an iceberg.
CAREER METER This is a superb period to extricate yourself from punishing or useless partnerships and affiliations, then regroup, and realign with more appropriate ones. You've changed. Your goals have shifted. All career relationships from this point forward must reflect your evolving priorities. You cannot afford stagnation at this time.
You're given an excellent opportunity to demonstrate what you're made of and how resolute and sincere you can be. The mid-month Full Moon emphasizes your desire for something committed and substantial in nearly every aspect of your life. You don't mind being patient, as long as you have faith and confidence in another's intentions. But if you suspect that you're being strung along, you may decide to cut the cord before the end of July. Keep threats and histrionics out of negotiation and conversation. You've already given a person or situation numerous opportunities to stand up for you. One more emotional ploy won't make a difference. Instead of focusing so intently on another's behavior, look at yourself. Find your own strength instead of leaning on others. You're happier when you feel in control and emotionally content. It's time to stop allowing others to have undue influence in your life. Since you cannot maintain control without accepting more responsibility, you're likely to face a heavier load. Paradoxically, heavy loads that offer autonomy and self-respect eventually feel almost weightless.
P.S. The late month New Moon offers excellent opportunities to enhance your bottom line and deepen your comfort level.
LOVE METER 大体どのようなものでも覚悟が出来ていることを誇りに思っていることが、 次週とても注目すべきことの理由の一つです。 関係の突然の変化、もしくは事態の展開に備えるためにあなたが できることは何もありません。 あなたが考えていた誰かが朝焼けと夕焼けのようにまったく違う人に 変わってしまうかもしれないことをあなたは予見できました。 これはとても簡単にあなたの長所に働きかけたかもしれません。 あなた方の中にはやっと同僚や友達に対して感じている魅力に 逆らうことをやめて、ただ愛の炎に力強く飛び込む人もいるかもしれません。 あなたが行動を起こす最終的な決意をする時というのは、 たいていとても劇的なのです。
CAREER METER あなたの役割において即答が求められる 予想外の提案が勃発するかもしれません。 あなたのスケジュールが如何に混乱していたとしても すべてを中断し、これを性急に判断してください。 とても前向きな運命の逆転は、以前の業績と かつての同僚との素晴らしく良い関係のおかげで、 折々あなたのもとへと飛び込んできそうです。 大胆に、新しいチャンスを受け入れてください。
A lot of things finally sink in this month ? everything from relationship issues to matters affecting health and career. Contemplation helps separate fantasy from fact, so don't fill up your schedule with distractions. You need to sort out your life and accept certain hard-hitting truths. Avoid crowded places ? seek privacy and sanctuary in calmer venues. Consider taking a vacation and disappearing for awhile. Bolster self-esteem and shed some of the cynicism you've accumulated during the past months or years. Remember that no matter how despicable some people may have been, you permitted them to invade your space and affect your life. Never forget how powerful and decisive you are. Make a commitment to eliminate each remaining emotional carbuncle from your life ? and never look back. (Align yourself with losers and cheats and you lose every time. Lesson learned, right?) Once you've firmly accepted your strength and ability to choose, you won't feel so exposed or confused. You're in charge. The late month New Moon is life- and love-affirming, provided you release lingering remnants of the toxic past. Darling ? there is so much enchantment awaiting you. Let go of the bad old days and give better times a fighting chance.
For July 2003: Your month begins with ambition and strong potential. By the mid-month Full Moon, you may be asked to dedicate additional time, effort and allegiance to a job or cause. You'll probably cooperate, but with a certain amount of trepidation. While others want more time and guarantees from you, you have a few private interests you'd like to pursue. Your work or normal responsibilities may steadily increase, creating less time or energy for things that truly enhance your quality of life and maybe improve your health. So what are you going to do? Should you continue mouthing "Yes, Sir!" when you'd rather say "Stuff it" or rethink your schedule and alliances? By month's end, the New Moon and retro Mars barge in with thought provoking suggestions. A job opportunity could be thrust at you without warning. No matter how desirable or exciting, you will have some serious thinking to do something along the lines of choosing between the devil known versus the devil unknown. . . .
うお座7月 LOVE METER & CAREER METER 原文です。 よろしくお願いします。 MONTHLY>>377さん既にUPに追加させていただきます。
LOVE METER Lucky you - four planets occupy your solar fifth house of amore and creativity, turning this week into something wonderful. This week makes you a supreme being in the romance zone, and others won't be able to walk away after brushing up against you. Even people who've sworn off of committed relationships won't be able to escape your spell. You are one fascinating Pisces. . .
CAREER METER Your efforts are likely to pay better than expected dividends this week, not only in terms of job security and advancement but also in terms of prestige and respect. A little extra effort and more attention to others' preferences could make a favorable difference - and give you the upper hand. Make sure your customers or clients feel very well tended. . . .
牡牛座7月 LOVE METER & CAREER METERも お手すきでしたら、どうぞよろしくお願いします。
Love Meter You're steadily losing interest in people who absorb more than their fair share of your time and energy. You're ready for something more fulfilling, adult, and meaningful - a real love match instead of a "trainer" relationship. Think about how you spend your time and where you go. Are your present activities conducive for meeting qualified love candidates? Ironically, the more you back away from certain problematic people, the more these individuals tend to pursue you.
Career Meter Scale back a bit. Instead of burning the candle at both ends, introduce a slightly slower pace. Don't bunch appointments and duties into miserable tight little bundles. Space things farther apart and give yourself more time to process everything said and done. If possible, cut back on time spent at your desk, and engage in healthy, relaxing outdoor activities instead. Although a colleague may express a desire to get closer, it's smart to keep a little distance between professional and personal relationships this week.
LOVE METER 幸運なあなた--4つの惑星が愛&創造性の第5室を占有し、 今週を何か素晴らしいものに変えます。 今週ロマンスゾーンであなたは最高の存在になり、 誰かがあなたとふいに出会ったらそのまま歩きさりがたいほど。 真面目なつきあいを誓った相手がいる人々でさえ、 あなたの魅力(魔力)から逃げることができないでしょう。 あなたは魅惑的な魚座..
CAREER METER あなたの努力は今週、予想した配当よりも十分に報われそう。 それは雇用保障・昇進だけでなく、名声・尊敬に関しても。 もう少しの努力と、人の嗜好にもっと配慮すれば、 有利な差をつけて、優位に立つこともできるかも。 顧客やクライアントに「よい応対をされた」と 感じさせるよう気を配って。
LOVE METER 見た目は魅力的で、人を楽しませる人に見えますが、 人間関係における「ギブ・アンド・テイク」のために、あなたはしっかりとした気持ちが持てないでいるのでしょう。 愛を取り巻く様々な問題――仕事とか家――について、あなたは非常に神経質で、自信が持てないでいるのに、 みんなはその態度を「ドンと来い!!」と誤解してしまうかもしれません。 その上あなたには、愛に理想を抱く傾向があります。 あなたの時間とエネルギーの大部分は、きっと間もなく、恋愛ではなく仕事に捧げられることになるでしょう。
CAREER METER 神経がむき出しになっているような感じがしませんか? 夜中に歯軋りをしてしまうほど、多くのものが不安定な状態にあるというのに、 何かを前に動かすことが出来ないようなのです。 そしてどういうわけか、あなたはクールで穏やかで、落ち着いた態度を維持しなくてはなりません。 スマートな行動が出来れば、職場の掟や内輪もめから距離を置くことができるでしょう。 時には他人のことをあまり知らない方が良いこともあります。 多すぎる知識は邪魔な荷物にもなりますから。
LOVE METER あなたの時間と労力を本来より多く削り取っていく人たちに、あなたは段々と興味を失いつつあります。 もっと理想に近くて、大人びていて、意義のある ――師弟関係ではなく――真に対等な恋愛関係に踏み出すあなたの準備は整っています。 どれほどの時間を費やしているか、自分はどこへ向かうのか考えてください。 最近のあなたの行動は、恋人になりそうな人との距離を縮める出会いに貢献するものでしたか? 皮肉な事に、扱いにくい人から離れようとすればするほど、そいつらはあなたを追いかけようとするのです。
CAREER METER ちょっと規模を縮小してください。 早朝から深夜まで働くのではなく、徐々にペースを落としましょう。 約束ごとと仕事の予定をひどく窮屈なかたまりにまとめるのは止めて下さい。 間隔を拡げ、あらゆる発言や行動に、もっと時間をかけましょう。 もし可能であれば、机の前で過ごす時間を減らし、代わりに外で健康的でリラックスできることに没頭してみて下さい。 今週は、同僚が「もっと詰め込みたい」と伝えてこようが、 仕事とプライベートの人間関係は、ちょっと離しておくのが得策です。
Love Meter reading: 8 Romance seems even more powerful and unforgettable if it's kept secret this week. You've had secret longings for someone who may not be free or available but who also feels very attracted to you. Things could happen this week. The dam could break and a torrent of passion could overflow. For those of you happily involved with someone, intimate times are likely to be intensely rewarding.
Love Meter reading: 8 You continue to push past hearts and flowers and aim straight for sexual gratification. Generally an athlete in the bedroom, you like the thrill of the hunt. Easy pickings don't do much for you, nor does a snoringly dull routine. You want excitement, freedom and adventure. No wonder they call you Pootie Tang.
A lover or close friend continues to look out for your interests and do his or her best to comfort and adore you. Still, you might feel too absorbed in financial or health issues to relax into a romantic frame of mind. Don't torture yourself with worry or fear. What will be will be. Welcome the escape and pleasure of romance. You really do need to unwind. . . .
Love Meter reading: 8 Love demands a lot from you this week - just like it did last week and the week before. There's plenty of joy and pleasure to be gained, but there's also a lot of work and preparation to be done. Some of you may be planning a reunion, homecoming party, or other special event. The excitement and anticipation of upcoming affairs continue to build.
Career Meter reading: 8 A contract dispute, legal matter, or decision goes in your favor. Hang in there and make sure that the people representing you are doing their job. Finally, an amicable settlement or understanding can be reached. Job-related travel may be in the cards. Because of your prior effort and reliability, others treat you very respectfully.
You can almost feel your attention span lengthening, can't you? Suddenly, the thought of long term commitment sounds more attractive. You may even have a lump in your throat, reminiscing about the one that got away. Don't stew over lost loves, Gem. There's a fresh opportunity for romance - probably with someone either older or younger than you. This person looks like a keeper - one who is actually sincere.
You want feedback from a loved one, especially during the weekend. Until you hear something definite, you won't feel secure about taking action. You need to know how strongly another's feelings and commitment really are. Open the door to honest serious talks, and make it clear that you don't want to be kept in suspense any longer.
Decision-making can be hellish, especially when you have to choose between two or more equally appealing situations. You need to get a grip and investigate which set of circumstances offers the greatest long-term satisfaction. Avoid tempting twinkies, no matter how amusing or cute they might be. It's necessary to start cultivating relationships that actually have a future. Look past the veneer, no matter how shiny and attractive it is.
Love Meter reading: 8 This week crescendos into a grand Full Moon on Sunday, giving you all the motivation necessary to win another's heart. Don't do the easy, obvious thing. Instead, bolster your success rate by demonstrating genuine interest in another's situation. Offer to help - and mean it. Little things that make another's life easier mean everything. Score bonus points by paying close attention and anticipating another's needs.
No one can doubt your passion and sincerity. You go out of your way to demonstrate how deeply you care, and energetically do whatever you can to make others feel important. You tend to mother and spoil loved ones - not that anyone minds - and take pride in making others feel safe and comfortable. Nobody does it better, Pisces.
Love Meter reading: 9 You do your best thinking with your heart this week. Listen to what your intuition and senses tell you. You really don't need to collect others' opinions about the best way to handle a relationship. You already know the right answer. Mars and Uranus create feverish intensity in your romantic zone. Either you're about to reconnect with the one you love - or you're on the verge of meeting your one-and-only for the first time. Either way, sparks fly - especially during the weekend.
Career Meter reading: 9 You make excellent choices this week and win additional confidence and support from colleagues. You clearly have strong ethics and a global awareness, and have no illusions about "quick fixes" for major issues. Your directness is comforting to others because they know you're telling the truth. Just spell things out - and continue to follow through.
LOVE METER あなたは今週、感情でものを考えることに心を尽くします。 直感と感覚があなたに伝えることに耳を傾けてください。 関係を扱うのに最良の方法に関して他人の見解を 得る必要なんて本当にないのです。 あなたは既に正しい答えを知っています。 火星と天王星はあなたのロマンチック・ゾーンで 熱烈な激しさを作り出しています。 あなたは愛するものと再度つながろうとしているか-もしくは 唯一の初めての人に出会う寸前です。 どちらの道でも(とりわけ週末の間は)火花が散ります。
CAREER METER あなたは今週、素晴らしい選択をし、同僚からの更なる信頼と サポートを勝ち取ります。 あなたは明らかに強い倫理観とグローバルな認識をもっており、 主要課題に対する「その場しのぎの解決法(応急処置)」という 思い違いはしていません。 あなたが真実を述べていることを他の人たちはわかっているので、 あなたの率直さは彼らを元気付けます。 ただ物事をはっきり述べてください-そして最後までやり通し続けてください。
ラブ&キャリアメーターはいつ更新するのか分かりませんが、 天秤座のラブ&キャリアメーターもよろしくお願いします。 *ラブ* Your hopes and dreams may not mirror those of a lover or close friend. Only you can decide if you're willing to stay the course. Many of you are growing steadily more weary of towing the mark and making the sacrifices - and have started to wonder if things will ever get better. Sunday's Full Moon may have quite an impact on your most intimate relationship. Since you're less receptive to another's excuses and frustration, let's hope your partner has something good to say this time. P.S. If he or she wants a time out from the relationship, don't stop 'em. *キャリア* You feel nervous and excited at the same time. This week could be decisive. Partners, colleagues, and clients who have been tough to pin down are more likely to pay attention and absorb whatever you propose - especially late in the week. Push your agenda forward. Don't be heavily focused on details and data - use broader strokes to sell ideas and methods. FYI: Too much fine print and detail during this time will make others' minds go numb.
Your ability to set aside inhibition and false pride and honestly communicate with a loved one is a huge deciding factor this week. Stop hiding behind a thick defensive wall and take a chance on real love. Kick caution to the curb and give a relationship the emphasis it deserves.
You're such a triple threat in the romance department! If anyone is able to resist your charms, check to see they have a pulse. You reel others in with luscious energy and wacky humor, then hold them close until they're all yours. According to anecdotal reports, you have a knack for turning a lover into a devoted lifelong partner. Proposals, engagements, and babies are strong possibilities.
Your priorities are changing. What once seemed adequate may no longer be enough. Now you want something you can count on - not a fly-by-night midnight rider. Dare I say it? You're actually considering the C-word: Commitment.
This week crescendos into a grand Full Moon on Sunday, giving you all the motivation necessary to win another's heart. Don't do the easy, obvious thing. Instead, bolster your success rate by demonstrating genuine interest in another's situation. Offer to help - and mean it. Little things that make another's life easier mean everything. Score bonus points by paying close attention and anticipating another's needs.
Give to get. How's your energy level? If you're bursting with passion and vitality, you can look forward to a wildly satisfying, lusty time. Travel continues to be an excellent romantic stimulus. There's something so liberating about being away from your usual stomping ground. Even if you can only escape for a night, take advantage of travel's romantic allure.
You have a way with words this week. Your unique perspective can put a smile back on a discouraged lover's face. Because of your phenomenal gift of healing, you're probably in great demand and may have to pay closer attention to time. Besides your notorious power of touch, you instinctively offer a loved one the hope and guidance so deeply needed.
*ラブ* You continue to encounter mixed messages in your love zone. You're unsure what your role is - or what is expected of you. When you try to talk things out, conversations spin into ellipses that leave you hungrier than a lunch of rice crackers. So, how will this saga pan out? Will you finally get closure and peace of mind? Patience, dear Libra. . . . *キャリア* Tension continues at work. You feel as if you're in suspended animation, waiting for the puppet-master to do something, anything. At this point, any and all response is welcome. Because you have what it takes to either manage others or be successfully self-employed, you're advised to continue pursuing every lead like a bloodhound.
You'll never forget those moments when you were swept off your feet and fell into a swoon of passion. No matter how intoxicating crazy love once was, you find yourself less enchanted by emotional highs and inevitable lows. You feel less smitten by drama, and are in awe of simple truth and down-to-earth dependability. This certainly doesn't sound very Leo-ish, does it? But after the rude awakenings you've gone through, it makes perfect sense.
Mars and Uranus are certainly keeping you on your toes. Nothing seems completely predictable, stable or normal right now - probably because it isn't. Remain very open to change. Offers and suggestions could spring out of nowhere. Don't stubbornly staple yourself to circumstances that no longer seem reliable. Give yourself permission to spread your wings and fly elsewhere.
You're generally a fabulous flirt and smooth talker, but this week's planets turn your social life into an absolute swoonfest. While you're oozing Dona Juana vibes, don't forget how you felt during the past few years when others refused to make good on promises. Have a heart and don't say or do anything insincere, no matter how much fun you're having.
You've certainly got the brains and equipment to attract heavy hitters. In your excitement, you could make a couple mistakes, however. Don't over-commit employees, partners or yourself to more work than is reasonable. And don't give away the farm just to get an alleged great deal. There could be boasting and posturing all around the negotiating table - enough one-upmanship to make you nauseous. Try to keep things real by staying on point and striving for a fair agreement.
You're almost always the most thoughtful person in your group. You take things to heart and have a real understanding of sacrifice. Because now is such an important and decisive time for relationships, choose wisely. Dependent, complicated types may be attracted to you, but may take much more from you than they ever give back. Think carefully - is this is what you truly want?
Right now, you might feel that you've got enough love to overcome just about everything - and maybe you do. But why settle for anything that isn't precisely what you want? You're moving up, not down the ladder, so choose friends and lovers with utmost care. Some of you have fallen in love with someone who already has children. Be very honest and realistic about taking on a parental role and all the challenges likely to be involved.
いつもありがとうございます!! さそり座のラブメーター、よろしくお願いいたします!! Love, sex, and competition are likely to mesh together this week in almost a karmic kind of way. You're extremely magnetic and powerful, capable of unleashing loads of repressed desire in even the most buttoned-down overstarched partner. You're this week's steamin' hot vixen!
You certainly know how to keep things interesting. An agent provocateur, you drop hints here and there, raising eyebrows and sexual tension. Although you'll never admit it, you deliberately cast a spell on others. You instinctively know how to pique others' attention and reel them in, all the while acting as if you couldn't care less. You really should write a book.
You can pretty much get your way this week. The key concern however is that you make absolutely sure that you really want the person you're pursuing. Some relationships are infinitely more satisfying when conducted from afar or kept in the fantasy realm. You're playing with kahuna power now, so periodically pause and analyze whether or not you're chasing down a dream or a nightmare. You know what they say: "be careful what you wish for. . . ."
*ラブ* You continue hearing pretty words that sound nice, but is there anything to back them up? If you're in the mood for fantasy, then don't change a thing; but if you're ready for commitment, don't waste your time with escape artists and commitment-phobes. Sex is high on your list right now and could get pretty aggressive - almost like a fight substitute. But sex may also confuse your relationship issues. Don't jump into the sack with someone and figure you can "make" him or her fall head-over-heels for you. And try to do something about the temper thing, k?
*キャリア* If you suspect that delays are less budget-centered and more about whether or not others believe you're up to the challenge, you might be right. So prove how phenomenal you are, Libra! Don't pout or get bogged down in the unfairness of it all. Demonstrate that you've got the right stuff to move an organization up a few notches. And don't hesitate to ask friends and supporters to lobby for you.
LOVE This week is really very interesting. Some of you swear off long time obsessive relationships and take radical steps to welcome in a worthy newcomer. But even more of you do everything in your power to refurbish an ongoing relationship - in a desire to make a good thing even better. Determined to avoid the habits and pitfalls that interfered with happiness in the past, you energetically try much harder. Every effort you make causes others' hearts to pound. You certainly know how to be unforgettable.
CAREER Don't allow questions to go unanswered another week. You need to know precisely where you stand, so get the ball rolling in that direction. You've given decision-makers more than enough time to get their stories straight and come up with a plan. If you allow others to string you along, you're condoning others' lack of accountability and commitment.
牡牛座メーター LOVE METER 今週は本当に実に興味深いです。 あなた方(牡牛座さん)のうちの数人は取り付かれたような関係を止めることを誓い、 価値ある新来者を迎え入れるために根本的な手段を講じます。 しかし、現在進行中の関係を一新する-良いものをさらに良くすることを望む- ためにさらに一層の手を尽くします。 過去において幸せを妨げていた習慣や落とし穴を回避することを決意し、 あなたはエネルギッシュにさらにたくさんの努力をしようとします。 あなたがするあらゆる努力は他の人の心をドキドキさせます。 あなたは忘れられない存在になる方法を確実に知っているのです。
CAREER METER 質問の答えがないまま次の週にいくことを許さないように。 あなたは自分がどこに立っているかを正確に知っておく必要があるので、 その方向への活動をはじめてください。 あなたは口裏を合わせ、計画を思い付くに十分すぎる時間を 意思決定者に与えました。 他の人があなたを放っておく(orだます)ことを認めるのなら、 あなたは他の人の責任と義務の欠如を見逃しています。
LOVE METER おそらく、人間関係(or恋愛関係)のジレンマを解決する よりよい解決策があります。 火星は今週は懐古的になり、すべてが失われてしまうわけでは ないかもしれないという可能性を上げています。 あらゆる手段を講じてください。降参する必要はないかもしれません。 あなたが心から望むサポートと誠実さは、どのみち得られるかもしれませんよ。
CAREER METER あなたの元同僚と(彼らの)連絡先を覚えていますか? 彼らに電話をかけてください。 一度は価値を信じていた構想を再び使う用意をし、 新たな聞き手の前で、それを披露してください。 乙女座タン、あなたは人材を得ました。 あなたが今必要とするのは、より多くの激励と、 まったく新たなキャリアが誕生するという確信です。
Conversation and e-mail could be flirtier than ever. With each double entendre, you cast a sexy gossamer net and reel in a potential friend or lover. The trick is to know when to back off. Don't overstate your case or smother others with attention. Parcel it out in small alluring doses. Strategy and timing rule.
山羊座ラブメーターお願いします。 You may feel that you've lost some control in an important relationship. This could feel both upsetting and pleasurable. Because you find yourself thinking about someone a great deal of the time, you feel vulnerable and worry, "What if this doesn't work out? Will I be destroyed?" Surrender has never been easy or especially natural for you - but, oh the rewards! Relax and see where this adventure takes you. . . .
Never underestimate your ability to make a glorious comeback. Relationships are likely to get a second chance mid week. If things are already superb, then anticipate near perfection. If things have been a little rocky, one sweet heart-to-heart could do the trick, especially on Wednesday or Thursday - just in time to ensure an amazing weekend.
You're so ready for a real ripe, rich romance. No silly summertime flirts - you've done that to death. Now you want something that lasts and offers deep, enduring fulfillment. Don't give up on your dream, darling. Once Jupiter pops into Virgo, the floodgates of passion will bowl you over.
A new week, New Moon, and fresh opportunities await. Don't remain in a relationship that stifles your spirit or squelches hope. No matter what you've encountered during the past few years, there is plenty to look forward to. Help things along by releasing anger and a sense of betrayal you may still harbor. You can actually begin your fresh start this week, but must revamp your attitude first.
Well, it's back to the drawing board in your romance zone. . . again. Maybe responsibilities or other complications have made relationships difficult - or maybe you've got other things you'd rather do, at least at this point. Love may be a nice thought, but seem inconvenient or impossible at the moment. What might work is an out-of-town lover. Long distance relationships have built-in problems, sure - but they also have built-in freedom. Get the picture?
Mid month gives you a hankering to clean out your closets and toss out anything you no longer use, want or need. You may streamline your schedule, simplify your life, and get serious about health habits. No matter how well organized and healthy you are, there is still some room for improvement. The real action, however, occurs from the 22nd on when Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter all land in Virgo. If your relationship isn't already serious, it will be. Commitments, marriage, and a scrapbook full of memorable moments pile up. Since some of you still have messy situations that must be settled before you can freely get on with your life, it's almost guaranteed that you'll consult a lawyer or other expert. Tying up loose ends may take a little longer than you'd hoped, but don't gripe. Try to keep your present happiness separate from any lingering trouble from the past - but do so with the best professional advice you can afford. Contracts, settlements, and new partnerships command your attention throughout the month. September may include more of the same. P.S. Until Mars goes direct in late September, you must slow down, use common sense and not take pointless risks.
The mid month Full Moon emphasizes debt, investments, and your role in financial or business relationships. You may feel that others have trespassed on your territory or marginalized your position. This is probably not the case. In fact, others may actually function as guardian angels by helping you to help yourself. Don't reject others' affection and assistance. It's okay to accept a helping hand; in fact, it's highly recommended. Being self-sufficient is admirable. Being able to admit that you need help and support is honest. Allow yourself to be vulnerable - and take a chance on love. Late month accelerates your ongoing spiritual and self-awareness transformation. Have you considered blending travel with your spiritual quest? August, September and October all offer remarkable insight and rich experience via travel. You may change your religious affiliation or deepen your commitment to your chosen faith. Ironically, in order to get stronger, you must be humble enough to ask for help.
水がめ8月マンスリーよろしくお願いします。 Take seriously all suggestions, collaborations, and business inquiries that occur near mid month. Set the stage for negotiation and further talks. Keep your door open to prospective partners and associates. Because you may be dealing with high-maintenance egos, roll out the rosy red carpet and hire a brass band. Do whatever is necessary to make others feel wonderful about working, loving, or collaborating with you. You need to push your agenda forward during the first two weeks, but must never appear like a panting poodle. If you're negotiating a potential business arrangement that involves substantial money and possible global expansion, it's especially necessary to schedule a meeting or conference call with a decision-maker on or before the 12th. Once that's accomplished, agreements can be discussed and executed over time. Ideally, you can agree on rudimentary basics before the end of August. Fine-tuning occurs in September as well as October. Personal relationships also undergo enormous change. The balance of power may shift back and forth a number of times in the search for fairness and mutual satisfaction.
Recent developments have raised questions about the wisdom of engaging full tilt in personal and professional pursuits. Having it all may seem too daunting - and completely exhausting. What makes you happiest? No matter how revered and successful you may be in your profession, a growing compulsion to fully embrace your emotional needs may push you farther and farther away from your desk. You've worked hard - and even if you've made quite a name for yourself and exceeded your own expectations, an undeniable shift in goals emerges late this month. Traditional symbols of success may seem hollow and less interesting. You can no longer ignore your changing perspective. New aspirations shape up and grow stronger late in August. Take your time, Scorpio. Make a solid plan, bolstered by financial security. At the earliest, you may be ready to announce details of your new journey by late September.
Aren't you the maestro? A perfect union of energy and planetary timing help transform a good idea into a living, breathing powerhouse. You've always been a remarkable source of inspiration and a steaming hotbed of ideas, but having the fortitude and patience to bring them to fruition sometimes demanded more than you bargained for. This month, your go-power has staying power. You push through walls of resistance like a battering ram, crushing obstacles into dust. You can finally see the future, because you know where you're heading. In the recent past, the future seemed unclear, creating waves of anxiety and frustration. But things are different now. Be very smart about the image you project - it's likely to stick like superglue. Your choice of friends, partners, and colleagues say a great deal about who you are, so be aware. No matter how perplexing a work or health matter has been, things should begin to open up and feel promising and fulfilling. The bolder and more expansive you are, the better.
The mid month Full Moon emphasizes goals and aspirations - and what is necessary to achieve them. It becomes increasingly apparent that a number of the people you'd counted on may have lost interest in assisting your progress. Smart Librans never give up or get weepy - oh, no. They get more determined and stealthy! Guerilla tactics may be necessary, especially if you're in a brutally competitive marketplace or social environment. Keep your plans focused and private. Until you've got something tangible to hold onto, stop spreading the news. A gang of planets makes its way into your solar twelfth house, setting the stage for intrigue and behind-the-scenes maneuvering. One person's bad luck or change of heart could set the stage for your glorious debut. Ferreting out salient facts and understanding the culture and vibe of where you want to be will intensify late in the month. Remain cordial but noncommittal when others ask personal or invasive questions. Your job isn't to provide remedial charm school lessons this month. It's to learn everything there is to know about your friends and opponents. Until you learn the whole truth of an ongoing drama, you won't have the advantage of an even playing field.
For August 2003: Your preferences, personal needs, and desire to be acknowledged and understood are emphasized this month. Details, accuracy and quality become more important after mid month, and could drive you to distraction. You must be flexible and willing to consider several choices, rather than fixating on just one. Your desire to have your standards fulfilled to the letter doesn't only extend to others; it also raises your expectations for yourself. You may be more critical of your weight and appearance, perhaps unrealistically so. Because you are so determined to do things a particular way and utterly convinced that your views are correct, you may be setting yourself up for major disappointment. Keep words like "should" out of your vocabulary, at least during August. Deal with what is, instead of expecting impossible perfection. Things won't be perfect; but, depending on your attitude and perception, could be very satisfying and delightful. Make sure to not impose your expectations on others this month - it could send them running for cover. Instead, take every opportunity to keep things as minimalist and simple as possible. Frou-frou in any form is redundant. Put the emphasis on love, generosity, and acceptance.
Your versatility and adaptability are more apparent this month, and far outshine your dogged attachment to habits and routines. Do yourself a huge favor and break away from predictable behavior. Stretch your mind and expand your awareness. What once seemed rock solid may not be so stable after all, giving you good reason to reassess plans. For some of you, this may impact where you go to school, where you live, or who you spend your days and nights with during the next few years. For others, this could manifest in an intensely personal search for meaning and the forces of God and Nature. You are changing, but some of your companions are not. Brace yourself for the possibility that you may gradually evolve in a very different direction from those around you. A health or work concern may show signs of improvement late in the month. You'll have to pay close attention in order to recognize these changes, because they may be internal and subtle. A strong desire to spend money on luxury is impossible to ignore. This could get you into trouble. Remember that you're in a conservative Saturn cycle that encourages thrift and fiscal responsibility.
牡牛座8月おねがいします。 The first three weeks focus on home, family, and financial security. You may dabble in other interests, but your thoughts, in true homing pigeon style, always come back to your own backyard. Until you feel certain that safety, security, and happiness are assured, you won't be tremendously interested in other things. Sure, you may say you're up for anything, but that's just a cover. Comfort, safety, ownership and control are woven into your bullish DNA, probably in the "basic needs" genes. After the 22nd, you feel lusty, brave, more sexual and creative. If you're an artist or craftsman, get busy on your next masterpiece. Draw up plans for your dream house. Make jewelry, pottery, or set poetry to music. Fall in love with life again, without looking over your shoulder or fearing that it could all come to a screeching halt. Jupiter enters your fifth house of fun on the 27th, just in time for a fabulous New Moon. Don't hold back or censor yourself. Mercury goes retro for three weeks on the 28th, giving you special dispensation to make a few mistakes. As usual, you will be forgiven. . . .
You're pretty intense Friday and Saturday - so much so that you might appear controlling or demanding. Don't intimidate people you're trying to seduce, darling. Easy does it. You're exceptional when it comes to whispering all the right things, but could seem more like the boss of bosses once you've got 'em in your clutches. In order to get someone in the mood, don't push - persuade. Continue exploring other options. Don't cling to only one method, location, or job description. You can raise your fist to the heavens or you can make peace with ongoing feast or famine vibes. Have something to fall back on, in the event that your number one choice doesn't pan out. Now is the time to explore alternatives.
Love may seem confusing, karmic and uncertain this week. On one hand, you feel compelled to connect with someone, but on the other hand you face significant drawbacks and deterrents. Your mind veers from one position to the other, never quite finding the right answer. At this point, it's wise to take a "wait-and-see" approach.
Don't overreact. You may take things too personally - things that should be instantly forgotten once heard. There's no need to pick apart another's words or question another's motives this week. Let the small stuff go. Instead, focus on making things last. Right now, you need the comfort and steadiness that only a committed relationship can provide.
A new week, New Moon, and fresh opportunities await. Don't remain in a relationship that stifles your spirit or squelches hope. No matter what you've encountered during the past few years, there is plenty to look forward to. Help things along by releasing anger and a sense of betrayal you may still harbor. You can actually begin your fresh start this week, but must revamp your attitude first.
You could use a little extra affirmation that you're lovable, desirable, and irreplaceable - and this week might deliver some confidence-building attention. You're much better off in the company of strong, secure types. Avoid needy drama addicts. Hitch your wagon to someone you view as a shooting star. A new relationship is possible. P.S. The line separating personal and professional interests could get a little blurry. . . .
Plans with a loved one may seem less permanent due to unforeseen developments. Your favorite person may have unavoidable obligations to attend to or some other situation that demands most of his or her energy for a while. Make the most of your moments together, instead of complaining about the times when you're apart. Some plans may be postponed, but should eventually take place.
LOVE METER あなたがとんでもなく強情で甘やかされて育ったがきんちょの ための保育園を経営するのが嫌いではないように、 関係はますますもって困難な仕事を望み続けています。 たとえあなたが何を行おうとも、もしくは何を行わなくても、 あなたの大切な人は、あなたの努力を認めることができないくらい 自分のことに夢中になっています。 一人の休暇を取ることを真剣に検討してください。
CAREER METER あなたと親しく仕事をしている誰かが計画表(or議題)を持っていますが、 変更が考慮されている場合に、あなたが必ずしも仲間に入り続けているとは限りません。 このことがあなたが不安である理由の一部かもしれません。 他の人が立場を失ったり同僚がかんしゃく玉を投げつけたりすることを あなたは予測することができません。 それは乙女座タンに反社会的であると感じさせるには十分です。 安定性といわば一種の論理的順序のようなものはあなたにとって 大きな意味を持つため、あなたは自分の心の中に平穏の島を 設立する必要があります。 ちょうど今他の人からそれを得るだろうということははっきりはしません。
passion or loyalty could complicate things this week. Don't allow anyone to clip your wings or dominate you. At the same time, don't inflict possessive jealous feelings on others. The weekend could be a pivotal moment in a relationship - especially Friday evening. Listen carefully to what a loved one says, and think before uttering a word.
Sometimes, strong attraction is too powerful to walk away from. This week offers at least one white-knuckle moment when you know that you shouldn't do something, but can't stop yourself. No matter what your current romantic status is, an urge that defies logic and feels amazing could flip your world upside down.
You're in a tactile mood this week. Phone conversations and email won't do a thing for you, but direct contact works like a charm. You're easily seduced during this period, maybe because you're finally recognizing the benefits of surrendering to your emotional and physical needs. Don't hold back. Even if you don't have someone to be with, spend more time with friends. Your warmth should attract plenty of interest.
Sometimes, your energy is too hot to handle. Take this weekend, for instance. Your physical presence and strong personality may be too much for a wannabe romance candidate. Can you tone it down a little? P.S. Don't combine longtime friends with new lovers, especially on Friday. Keep things compartmentalized for the time being. At this point, meeting your buddies could sink a potential romance.
Love provides so much inspiration this week - perhaps enough to open your eyes to other ways of living, being, and thinking. Don't fight it, Cappie. Allow love to transform you. You're clever enough to argue philosophy and nit-pick fine points till the cows come home. But in your heart of hearts, wouldn't you rather be happy? No matter how you slice it, nothing substitutes for real love.
It certainly helps to feel understood, doesn't it? This week, you feel more comfortable around someone who doesn't pry, question or challenge you. You seek someone who heals your worries, holds your hand and makes little or no demands. In other words, you want and need unconditional love and support.
You're ready for comfort, closeness, and intimacy. Make an effort to shut out the world and create a garden of worldly delights for you and your lover. Not only will this deepen your love and desire for one another, it'll offer much needed respite from a demanding, harrowing world.
You've got more power and charisma than you realize. You've been so focused on work or money matters that you may have missed the admiring glances aimed at you. Venus, the Sun and Jupiter unite in a flirty, sexy chorus and sing your praises. Have you forgotten what a fabulous desirable commodity you are?
Don't be too quick to make commitments. You're probably not ready to hang up your spurs and settle down just yet. You're so curious about things and appear extremely appealing to a host of others this week. Give yourself more time to shop around before calling it a day. Besides, with your life on the verge of wonderful change, it doesn't make much sense to eliminate any of your possibilities.
You're surrounded by hope and encouragement from friends and loved ones. Romance - especially a fabulous new attraction - is highly emphasized. No matter how bold and brave your challenges, you have a wealth of love and support encircling you.
Money could be a burning issue this week. In fact, stress or disagreement over money could cause problems in your most important relationship. If you want to remain involved with someone, you may benefit from outside professional help. Don't allow pillow talk to deteriorate into a malevolent blame game.
You exude charm and a seductive "Hey - I'm Available!" vibe this week. Attached or not, you're the central character in numerous sexual fantasies - not that this is anything new. You're frequently the main piece of change in others' lusty thoughts; this week just ups the ante and increases the likelihood that impure thoughts will translate into real time action. Lucky you.
Love looks pretty hot - as long as you're not exhausted from too much responsibility. Lovers could seem more demanding, trying to extract guarantees that you'll live up to impossibly high expectations. You might decide that a lover is asking too much, but don't burn a bridge. Instead, take a break - but do so on warm, friendly terms. Although a relationship may seem high maintenance right now, it may still be the best thing for you.
Love requires extra tenderness, patience, and maturity this week. Instant gratification and freewheeling pleasure may be a bit sparse. Instead, unavoidable responsibilities and personal sacrifice may take over. Are you in this for keeps - or have you run out of patience? Your biggest enemy this week is your tendency to suspect the worst or be too controlling. Keep a lid on this kind of behavior because it's a romance killer.
You've learned what un controlled passion can cost. It's up to you to decide whether or not a relationship is worth the time, effort, and sacrifice it demands. Your mind is focused on other things this week, so needy, possessive lovers will have to wait their turn. You may be better off calling a time out in your romance zone - at least during this busy week. コントロールできない強い感情は高くつくと知りました。 恋愛関係に時間や犠牲、努力の価値があるかどうか決めるのはあなたの責任です。 あなたの心は今週別のものに集中します。 なので、手のかかる恋人は順番まちをしているでしょう。 忙しい今週いっぱい、あなたは恋愛事情から離れた場所で上手くやるはずです。
射手座 careerめーた
Discussions are productive and exciting. You and colleagues all seem to be in step with each other. Some difficulty may arise when trying to categorize or label a product, activity, or job description. Since you're able to function on multiple levels, your job title may change during the coming weeks. 議論は生産的で刺激的です。 あなたと同僚はみんな、お互いに協調するように見えます。 製品のラベル貼り、説明中、作業中に問題は発生するかもしれません。 あなたは色んなレベルで動けるので、今週中にあなたの肩書きは変わるかもしれません。
Don't confuse social work with romance this week. Look for people who are interesting, sexy, but not needy. And be very careful about who you bring home. Strays have a tendency to overstay their welcome. Quite honestly, your best bet is to charm prospective employers during job interviews, because love (in the classic sense) remains kind of strange and strained. 今週は仕事と恋愛をごちゃまぜにしちゃ駄目です。 面白くてセクシーでいて貧乏じゃない人を探しましょう。 誰を家に「お持ち帰り」するか注意してくださいね。 迷子みたいな人は長く居着いちゃって、嫌いになってしまうもんですから…。
Your career prospects should begin to steadily improve, particularly late in the week. This trend should continue into next week as well. You make an excellent impression on customers and employers alike, and are able to be both professional and caring. If you're overdue for a raise, plum assignment, or recognition, this week starts a very positive trend in that direction. 今週の終わりにあなたの仕事の見通しは着実に著しく改善されるはずです。 この傾向は来週も同じく続くでしょう。 あなたは雇い主と顧客両方に優秀者という印象を与え、プロとしてこなすことができるでしょう。 もしあなたが認められていなかったり、昇給先送りや仕事を与えられていなかったら 今週はそういった方面でかなり確実な動きを見せ始めます。
Once again, karma seems to have the winning hand in your romantic life. You can't make it without a certain someone - but may also have trouble sharing your life or trusting another. Why are you struggling with this? Notice your thoughts when you think about a lover or close friend. Are you sabotaging your own happiness?
You have a knack for projecting cool sensuality - the kind that drives others wild and makes them want you even more. Your allure factor goes way up this week (along with your fertility) giving you even more power. There's something out of reach and potentially dangerous about your vibe. The thing about being so Grace Kelly come-hither is that you attract all kinds of people, including some you don't want. It's never been easy being you.
You're ready to take a chance on passionate mad love or recommit to your current partner. The point is that you cherish the input, caring and closeness of others. Right now isn't a good time to be all by your lonesome. No matter how restless or changeable your path, you need another's gentle touch and unconditional love.
You feel a keen sense of obligation to a loved one - in a grin-and-bear-it sort of way. Are you having any fun romantically, or are you stoically hanging in there, dreaming of a brighter day? Your dedication is admirable, but the stress of a white knuckle lifestyle is probably taking a toll. Make time this weekend to get closer to the one you love. Set aside work and practicalities and put the focus back on intimacy.
As charming as romantic gestures and loving whispers can be, you want something tangible - a true indicator that a relationship is headed in the right direction. In your heart of hearts, you need to know that if the world collapsed, the person you love would still be there for you. Since many of you are unsure of the depth of another's loyalty and dedication, you feel somewhat shortchanged or insecure. If only your loved one would wake up and realize that one meaningful effort could finally put things right.
Lucky, lucky you - the Sun and Venus enter your seventh house of partnership over the weekend, making relationships more harmonious and partners more supportive. You begin to feel protected, adored and safely anchored during the weekend. No matter how busy or distracted you've felt, a friend or lover is soothing, affectionate, and endlessly supportive.
You're becoming increasingly careful about spreading yourself too thin, taking others at their word, and overriding your intuition. A more cautious you forged by Saturn is emerging. Instead of automatically demonstrating your value to others and striving to earn their love and admiration, you back up a bit and allow them to earn your trust. Good thinking.
You're looking for sincerity and stability and are likely to hold others to their promises. During the weekend, you're especially watchful, comparing what others say to what they actually do. You're not impressed by empty talk, no matter how amusing. You want truth and solid action. You may feel clingy, possessive or insecure briefly on Saturday. Venus and the Sun, however, help lighten things up over most of the weekend, and encourage flirting, competition, and fun.
Love is demanding, physical, and unpredictable - and you wouldn't have it any other way. You feel surrounded by friends and loved ones now. When your significant other isn't available, your friends are - and vice-versa. Your problem won't be loneliness this week. It's more likely to be physical or emotional exhaustion brought on by acute popularity.
LOVE METER 週末は(星が)暖かい流れを開始し、それはあなたのもっとも近しい関係を 改善させ、あなたの気分を前よりよくする手助けをするはずです。 一旦太陽と金星が乙女座の水星に合流すれば、口説き落としたり、 説得に成功したりするあなたのパワーはより強くなります。 あなたに恋人がいないのであれば、愛慕者を引き付けそうです。 ヒント:控えめである代わりに、もっと高いレベルを求め、 柄にもなく大胆にしていてください。
CAREER METER 週末は(星が)あなたの決心を強固にし、 空白で失われたように思われる状況を掌握するよう激励します。 あなたは実感しているよりも大きな課題に直面しているかもしれないので、 人に任せることを学んでください。 あなたはまったく演技のない、ひどく一生懸命に働くことを 心から望んでいる人々を慎重に選ぶ必要があります。 甘やかされた気取り屋よりもあなたに似ている人- 正しくきっちり仕事をすることに集中する人を選んでください。 計画を続けてください。 9月の下旬か、10月の上旬までにあなたは成功する 準備ができているべきです。 あなたのご存じのとおり「ただで何かをもらうこと」は 今まであなたの人生経験の一環ではありませんでした。
ラブメーター If you're lusting after someone at work, consider the consequences. Workplace romances are likely but tricky - and getting trickier by the minute. If things aren't going well at work, it can impact your relationship. And if you're having romantic problems, your job may be adversely affected. If you're already involved, be smart and discreet; but if you're teetering on the edge of indecision, just say NO.
キャリアメーター You may be expected to make additional sacrifices, put in more hours, or wear two hats at work - in other words, do the work of two or more people for the price of one. Rise to the occasion without complaint. Every time you demonstrate leadership, maturity, and an iron will, you elevate your stature among the cognoscenti. Think and behave as if you already own the business.
Your comfort level and sense of belonging become increasingly important at work. If you feel sabotaged or alienated, you may seek different employment. No matter what you're being paid, if the atmosphere feels shaky, you're more inclined to look for greener pastures.
射手座ラブめーた Things look rather subdued in your romantic sector. If you're enjoying amazing times with a fabulous lover, congratulations! Most of you however may be strapped down by demands and obligations that prevent a satisfying, freewheeling love fest. Each romantic possibility seems to have lesson attached, doesn't it? あなたの恋愛関係は少し抑圧された雰囲気です。 素敵な恋人と素晴らしい時間を楽しんでいるならいいんですけどね! ただ多くの射手座生まれが自由な恋心を楽しめなかったり、 満足できなかったりするような義務や要求によってがんじがらめになっているかもしれませんね。 どんな恋の予感にも学ぶべきことがあるってことでしょうね。
射手座キャリアめーた Starting this week, things get better and better for you professionally. More recognition and opportunities to expand begin to pop. Talks are initiated for an ambitious expansive future. You may be appointed to a plum position, receive an award, or simply find yourself extremely busy and in demand. 今週が始まると、あなたはプロとしてますます良くなります。 広く認められたり発展する機会が繰り広げられます。 野心的に広がって行く未来のために、対話が始まります。 あなたは良い地位についたり賞をとったりするかもしれません、 あるいはあなた自身が社会にとっても需要があって忙しいと思うかもしれませんね。
LOVE METER あなたは週の半ば過ぎにより大胆で自信があるように感じはじめます。 誰かが乗り気になったり、先に行動を起こしてくれるのを待つのではなく、 あなたがイニシアチブを取ってください。 またあなたは明らかに行き詰ったり、幸せがほとんど 与えられない状況から離れる気になります。 乙女座のうちの何人かは新しい場所を探し移り始めるかもしれません。
CAREER METER あなたは自分の年よりも有能で自立していると感じています。 木星は強烈な起業家精神を増加させ、あなたのやり方で 物事を行いたいという熱烈な願望を掻き立てます。 あなたは投資家になる可能性のある人にすばらしい感銘を与えることができ、 もっと退屈な立場から離れ、自分自身の新たな道を踏み出したい気がします。
It's hard to pretend you're happy when you're not - almost as difficult as pretending you don't care when you really, really do. Why fake it? If you're smitten, you're smitten. If you want out, admit it to yourself. A relationship may seem like a life sentence instead of something that feeds your spirit. You may feel a lot more obligation than love. If serious medical or financial issues keep you tethered to a miserable relationship, at least seek counseling. You need to vent your frustration without feeling guilty. On the other hand, a number of you have decided that "it's now or never" and are determined to make a long-term commitment to a partner.
獅子座ラブメター Your sensuality and love of beauty intensify this week. The finer things in life seem more essential and difficult to live without. Your generosity toward loved ones also builds, making you a fabulous gift giver. You may spend more than you should in a desire to please another or make up for past sins. Don't go overboard with your credit cards.
You're so busy right now that love and romance may be forced to play second fiddle to your schedule. Pluto moves direct in your solar seventh house of relationships on Thursday indicating that a puzzling relationship may finally get some overdue clarification. You're liable to experience quite a bit of eye-opening truth serum this week. Carefree romance may have to be put on pause until a later date.
Jupiter's move into your solar fifth house is very good news for your romantic life. Fresh new starts that benefit you and your chosen one intensify. Romantic journeys may be seriously considered - particularly to latin or Mediterranean locales. Sexy encounters could be more bountiful than you bargained for - some of you may be heading for a baby boom.
Once again, you're a magnet for love or sex starved admirers - and this is gonna happen whether you're looking for love or not. Even if you're already attached, that won't stop outsiders from trying to horn in. Because you've got so much going on, you may not be especially thrilled with this unsolicited attention.
Your nesting instinct grows stronger this week. You not only want romance - you want a perfect love nest, too. You exude vibes that say, "I'm for real," and look particularly inviting to others. If you're not careful, you might end up with an exciting new roommate.
Relationships become your whole world. Your life revolves around others' needs, wishes, activities, and moods. At times, this may prove annoying; but more often than not, your life is made better by the presence of others. One particular relationship is the source of marvelous, expansive, eye-popping experience. You may view this individual as a teacher or mentor. And this is only the beginning. . . .
Love remains exciting and unpredictable. If you're up for adventure, you're in hog heaven; but if your nerves are shot and your body is exhausted, you may be praying for a little quiet time alone. Even someone as intense and lusty as you has limits. This week focuses on reassessing values and priorities. You may decide to take a break from intimate contact sports and focus on financial fundamentals.
A fissure in the foundation of your career may be more noticeable this week. Although you have the full support of one decision-maker, you may not experience unanimous approval from other VIPs. Navigate others' moods and erratic behavior as best you can. Don't rock the boat any time this week. It would be very wise to continue to investigate the possibility of working elsewhere. There's no need to jump ship - just look into it.
Sales, promotions, and effective marketing come naturally to you this week. You can spot a winning concept a mile away. You need to inject as much fun, humor and adventure as possible into your career. This is good for you and will undoubtedly attract positive response from clients and customers. Because Mercury goes retro this week, some people may waffle or renege. If this happens, contact them again in three weeks when Mercury turns direct.
The Full Moon is likely to power up lust potential. Even if you normally keep a low profile and are not a serial flirt, your magnetism takes over and draws others to you - even when you'd rather be alone. Even children and animals are likely to find you utterly fascinating, so brace yourself for lots and lots of attention. Your creative, imaginative side pulsates faster and hotter this month. Indulge your craftsmanship and artistry around the Full Moon. Some of you may dabble in practical home-improvements while others write, paint, or compose a personal masterpiece. Your dedication to finishing a project is so strong that some may suspect your interest borders on obsession. Goals and important contacts seem to redefine themselves once Mercury goes direct on the 20th. Mars goes direct on the 27th, boosting your libido (again) and thrusting you confidently onward and upward in all forms of physical and emotional expression. Get the picture? FYI: Don't allow anyone to pull you into his or her private squabble on the 10th. Instead, put your energy into your own busy eventful life.
Travel sounds like a good enough idea but may be overrun with delays and inconvenience until late in the month. Delay major trips until after the 20th. (Even better - wait until after the 27th.) You'll have strong opinions about how to handle a situation at home or work. Unless someone asks for your opinion, keep it to yourself. Be especially careful to not critique others' alleged bad judgment after the fact. No one truly enjoys being on the receiving end of criticism. Take care of paper work, scheduling, and other organizational chores you've postponed. Don't rush through technical or detailed documents, and consult experts if necessary. Do whatever is necessary to do things correctly. A pressing decision, a real Hobson's choice, weighs heavily on your shoulders. You really feel lost about how to proceed, particularly since there doesn't seem to be an appealing solution. If you're considering a career change or medical issue, talk to someone you trust and respect. In fact, discuss your concerns with several people you view as reliable. This type of decision must not be rushed, particularly if there is a lot at stake. Ironically, one difficult decision may be made for you late in the month.
Fabulously intriguing things are likely in several areas of your life this month. Let's start with a shake-up that benefits you in either housing or work. From September 10th onward, a series of events conspire to put you in the catbird seat. Since there can only be one winner (you), others are bound to be envious. Warm and generous as you are, don't feel bad about this. Just get on with your duties and count your big, fat lucky stars. If you haven't had some serious R&R for awhile, now's a good time. Try to sneak in as much leisure and stress free living until the last week of the month when reality and responsibility will not be ignored. The die is cast in a pivotal decision before mid month. Intuitively, you'll sense you have the edge, but a surreptitious heads-up from an insider makes it official. Mercury moves direct on the 20th and Mars goes direct on the 27th, sewing up your situation quite nicely. All the pieces will finally begin to fit together this month. Your most massive challenge will be to control your impatience. Move deliberately and drive carefully, Ram. You've got so much on your plate that you might not notice red lights and stop signs. The only spoiler this month is a persistent Mercury/Pluto square. Don't argue, debate, or challenge others under any circumstances. Certain people (especially those who blame you or feel you've left them behind) may be especially vitriolic.
Your instincts are your secret weapon in a highly charged, competitive situation this month. You know what others really want, no matter how cleverly they evade direct questions. Even if your ideas are controversial or untried, trust your instincts, especially before the 20th. Mid month makes you the perfect person to lead or inspire a group. You may best represent a group, cause, or belief system and be effective in raising consciousness, money, and attention when your predecessors failed. You need good advice throughout the month. It's dangerous to make bold statements, hoping you have the facts straight. Make sure you have the details right before going on record about anything. No matter how controversial your ideas may be, you'll get the respect you deserve - providing you get the facts straight. If you have a skeleton or two in the closet, your secret may unexpectedly come to light. You can soften the blow by speaking the truth before someone else does. By the late month New Moon, you should appear wiser and stronger - and more competent than most of your peers.
You look for strength and confidence in your lover, partners and friends this month. Always willing to reach out and pull a friend out of harm's way, you need a little extra guidance and encouragement now. You may have concerns that feel heavier or more complicated than usual. Despite your experience and wisdom, you may feel unsure how best to proceed. Your dearest friends and loved ones may sometimes seem a little bossy or controlling, but will be strong and steady and keep you on the right path. Pisces, you know that when one person is called upon to be the strong one, he or she frequently adopts an almost parental role; so another's take-charge approach shouldn't surprise you. Learn to bend, weave, and cooperate in order to seamlessly comply with others' requests. You'll get your turn at the wheel before you know it - but for now, blend. There are huge advantages to working with a group instead of trying to do everything by yourself. Combine forces and increase your worth and power. You won't lose your identity, Pisces, but you will gather a lot more momentum and a sense of security.
For September 2003: This month's Full Moon may force you to make a tough decision that you'd rather avoid. A combination of private and career concerns converge all at once, demanding direct response from you. Don't think for a minute that you're not up to this. You are. In fact, you're better qualified than anyone else to take over. Despite your schizo schedule, step up to the plate and hit the ball out of the park. You can and will handle whatever gets tossed your way this month. Uranus retrogrades back into Aquarius on the 15th, giving you another chance to make your case or otherwise communicate your thoughts. Set aside past disappointment and try again, using the lessons you learned when you were passed over the first time. Current planetary advantages can help you turn things around. Suddenly, your skills and services seem relevant to people who couldn't crank up the faintest interest before. Once Mercury and Mars both move direct on the 20th and 27th respectively, make sure you're ready to sign paperwork and move forward with plans. This could be a very eventful month.
You'll be tempted to take a chance and roll the dice during the first two weeks, but the planets sternly warn you not to. Don't gamble with anything of value - that goes for relationships, safety, health, and property. Your concerns about a loved one or close friend may keep you on edge and aggravate your comfort level and peace of mind. Detachment is tough for a true blue Taurus, but you've got to give it a try. As long as you remain so viscerally involved with the outcome of someone else's situation, you'll be on needles and pins. You care so deeply and completely for someone that you see red when you suspect they're being harmed or mistreated. Get hold of your anger before you blow a gasket. Unless you're asked to defend and protect someone, you're advised to back off and maintain a low, calm profile. Your involvement may actually exacerbate an already upbraided situation. If you're patient and even-tempered, you may be rewarded by the end of the month when Mercury and Mars finally anoint you with comfort, peace, and fewer worries.