ELLE.COM翻訳スレ (2)

772 ◆RalzizPEGA

You'll be tempted to take a chance and roll the dice during the first two weeks, but the planets sternly warn you not to. Don't gamble with anything of value - that goes for relationships, safety, health, and property. Your concerns
about a loved one or close friend may keep you on edge and aggravate your comfort level and
peace of mind. Detachment is tough for a true blue Taurus, but you've got to give it a try. As long
as you remain so viscerally involved with the outcome of someone else's situation, you'll be on
needles and pins. You care so deeply and completely for someone that you see red when you
suspect they're being harmed or mistreated. Get hold of your anger before you blow a gasket.
Unless you're asked to defend and protect someone, you're advised to back off and maintain a low,
calm profile. Your involvement may actually exacerbate an already upbraided situation. If you're
patient and even-tempered, you may be rewarded by the end of the month when Mercury and
Mars finally anoint you with comfort, peace, and fewer worries.