You look for strength and confidence in your lover, partners and friends this month. Always willing to reach out and pull a friend out of harm's way, you need a little extra guidance and encouragement now. You may have concerns that feel heavier or more complicated than usual. Despite your experience and wisdom, you may feel unsure how best to proceed. Your dearest friends and loved ones may sometimes seem a little bossy or controlling, but will be strong and steady and keep you on the right path. Pisces, you know that when one person is called upon to be the strong one, he or she frequently adopts an almost parental role; so another's take-charge approach shouldn't surprise you. Learn to bend, weave, and cooperate in order to seamlessly comply with others' requests. You'll get your turn at the wheel before you know it - but for now, blend. There are huge advantages to working with a group instead of trying to do everything by yourself. Combine forces and increase your worth and power. You won't lose your identity, Pisces, but you will gather a lot more momentum and a sense of security.