ELLE.COM翻訳スレ (2)


Your instincts are your secret weapon in a highly charged, competitive situation this month.
You know what others really want, no matter how cleverly they evade direct questions.
Even if your ideas are controversial or untried, trust your instincts, especially before the 20th.
Mid month makes you the perfect person to lead or inspire a group.
You may best represent a group, cause, or belief system and be effective in
raising consciousness, money, and attention when your predecessors failed.
You need good advice throughout the month.
It's dangerous to make bold statements, hoping you have the facts straight.
Make sure you have the details right before going on record about anything.
No matter how controversial your ideas may be, you'll get the respect you deserve - providing you get the facts straight.
If you have a skeleton or two in the closet, your secret may unexpectedly come to light.
You can soften the blow by speaking the truth before someone else does.
By the late month New Moon, you should appear wiser and stronger - and more competent than most of your peers.