Late October’s offers or exciting developments are exciting enough you’ve little interest in undertaking more. But the fresh perspective and unexpected developments ushered in by powerful Scorpio New Moon on November 4th change all that. While events are clearly breakthroughs, initially you regard some as disruptive. This particularly applies to close relationships. Only time will prove what’s realistic, so explore everything. Your priorities change so dramatically that by early December you’ll be viewing situations and your role in them from a completely different angle.
Forget about explaining yourself. If you’re not conscious of the direction in which exchanges are going, what begin as seemingly straightforward discussions about both the circumstances you’re dealing with and the reasoning behind your actions could easily veer into dangerous territory. Certain individuals are looking for somebody to blame for unfortunate events ? or their unwise decisions ? and you’re handy. Not defending yourself seems folly. But within days others will have been distracted by troubles of an entirely different nature. And you? Stay alert, since this rather unsettled week’s variety of dilemmas, challenges and unexpected developments are guaranteed to keep you on your toes.
You may never know whether it was just unfortunate circumstances or poor planning that led to the complex situations you’re now facing. True, you’d like to learn from recent problems. But with so much in transition, the past offers few insights. Instead, live one day at a time. This allows you to focus on solutions, yet remain sufficiently flexible that you can easily accommodate unexpected twists at the week’s close. These may be disruptive, but they also give you a glimpse of a new way of dealing with issues ? and, quite possibly, of your life ? that could more than justify all your previous difficulties.