"Grab your coat and get your hat, leave your worry on the doorstep, just direct your feet to the sunny side of the street." Philosophers the world over have long been mystified by the lyrics of this famous song. Why should anyone require weatherproof clothing whilst journeying towards a warm climate? Is this irony? Are the songwriters attempting to communicate a paradox? Or maybe the message is straightforward. Even when we are heading, as you are now, into a bright future, we still need to carry with us a degree of protection.
Venus, as she now floats gracefully through your sign, is bestowing a series of gifts upon you. She is showering you with insight and inspiration. Just though, as it can feel slightly uncomfortable to walk through a rain shower even on a stiflingly hot day, it is possible that you may not be finding her influence entirely enjoyable. You keep encountering situations that somehow show you how much is missing. But this is only happening for one reason. So that, having worked out what you really need, you can start to get it. To find out more, call the number below...
Venus, as she now floats gracefully through your sign, is bestowing a series of gifts upon you. She is showering you with insight and inspiration. Just though, as it can feel slightly uncomfortable to walk through a rain shower even on a stiflingly hot day, it is possible that you may not be finding her influence entirely enjoyable. You keep encountering situations that somehow show you how much is missing. But this is only happening for one reason. So that, having worked out what you really need, you can start to get it.
If you tell a teenager that it is time to get down to the nitty gritty, you may well be misunderstood. Probably, they will assume that The Nitty Gritty is some kind of house or hip-hop act that they can "get down" to. The confusion will be compounded by the fact that the nitty gritty is the last thing any youngster wants to deal with. Reality is only ever of interest to old fogeys. You, of course, have a Peter Pan complex. Hence the fact that your head is full of high ideas. Right now though, the sky speaks of the need to return to earth.
No zodiac sign is more misunderstood than yours. People say the most stupid things about Pisces. Astrologers make assertions that are patently untrue and level accusations which, if delivered in a different context would be libellous. "Airy-fairy, dopey dreamy, head alternately up in the clouds and up your own..." well, that's enough. We do not need to repeat any more of this nonsense. We simply need to point out that many people have made mistaken assumptions about you and they are all now having to think again. For you are starting to shine like a star!
蠍座のデイリーです。訳をお願いします。 "This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you." Back in the dark ages of the 20th century some school teachers used to say this before administering corporal punishment. Other examples of manipulative double speak include "Its for your own good," "You'll feel better once its over" and "One day you'll thank me for this." People talk a lot of rot. But now, as we enter a more enlightened age we are leaving such nonsense behind us. So when I tell you that what the sky is now doing is in your own best interest, you really can believe me.
獅子座のデイリーの翻訳をどなたかお願いします。 Scientist love to debate the exact age of the universe. Is it millions of years old, or is it billions? All are agreed though, that it is pretty ancient. Perhaps this explains why it is so absent-minded. The cosmos, for example, frequently seems to forget that you are its most important inhabitant. It allows its attention to wander and deprives you of the privileged treatment to which you are, by birth, entitled. Lately, there have even been moments when you have had to struggle like an ordinary mortal. But the sky looks set to recover its memory soon.
"Love is a many splendoured thing." But then again, so is chocolate. It comes in all kinds of shape, size and flavour. It comforts, it uplifts and it bestows the gift of radiant energy. You can use it to flavour cakes, ice-cream and a variety of hot beverages. Ah yes, chocolate. It makes the world go round you know. As for that other stuff, well its vastly overrated isn't it? It is sickly sweet and if you have too much of it your brain turns to mush. You can do without that. Can't you? Oh well, on your own head be it. But don't say that you haven't been warned today.
数を下に?? 意味が解りません。よろしくお願いします。 Your astrological outlook remains excellent. This, of course, does not mean that you can expect things to go smoothly. It doesn't matter how good the cosmic climate is, we cannot escape the fact that this is Planet Earth, famous throughout the galaxy for being the home of chaos and confusion. Why even the inhabitants of Zarg (a cluster of planets near the Andromeda Spiral) know that if you want a little craziness, the blue third planet from Sol, with the single Moon, is the place to find it. Ridiculous events will continue. But you'll be too happy to care. To find out more, call the number below...
"May you stay forever young." Bob Dylan probably didn't have Virgos in mind when he wrote this song. He would have been wasting his wish if he had for Virgos are designed in such a way as to remain forever young regardless of who or what encourages them to do so. You have always looked young for your age and you always will do. You don't always act young in public but in private, as your friends will testify, relating to you is like talking to a big kid. You don't need to grow up today, you just need to be wise.
蠍座のデイリーの訳お願いします。 "Shut up, or I'll give you something to cry about." With threats like this, some mothers begin the slow process of teaching their tiny offspring that the world is a terrible place that can only get worse. We may not all be quite this openly horrible to one another - or to the children in our care - but it seems that at some level we often communicate fear instead of sharing understanding. All too often, people mistake a cry for help for a shout of antagonism. Be kind and be subtle today - and all will be fine.
"I used to walk in the shade, with those blues on parade, but I'm not afraid. " More today from 'The Sunny Side of the Street.' Do you feel as though this is where you now are or is some fear still casting a shadow? You are right to feel cautious about what's happening. You need to guard against making some silly mistake. But you also need to have a little faith. You are now directing your feet towards a brighter future. You need to remain diligent but you can rest assured that there is plenty of sunshine coming.
すいません、獅子座のデイリーもお願いします。 As the Moon now prepares to depart your zodiac sign, you are starting to notice a change of mood. You no longer feel so apprehensive about your circumstances. You are more inclined to think hopeful thoughts and to be a bit more tolerant towards others. Only a bit of course. You are not on the verge of becoming a pushover but you are at least now willing to understand why a certain person is behaving badly. Use this psychological key to open the doorway to a better, more honest and more realistic relationship.
I never find it easy to write about a positive cosmic climate. When there is trouble in the sky I can offer explanation and reassurance. When there is good news though, I am obliged to report it even though I know there will be some people who are not enjoying themselves. These people will read their encouraging forecast and feel cheated. They will wonder whether the fault is theirs or whether the astrologer is simply wrong. Today though, I have no option other than to insist that your outlook is truly splendid.
Zap! You are being energised. Cosmic rays are beaming down into your body as we speak. The planet Mars is sending thunderbolts of power in your direction. Do not attempt to duck, dodge or dive from them. You simply must let them land on you! Stand up today and take control of a situation that has been listless, chaotic and pathetic for far too long. The sky insists that all bold action on your part will bring success provided, of course, that it is based on a sincere desire to do the best thing for everyone.
Be careful. You are in danger of developing a case of scruples. This could prove most debilitating. Inoculate yourself immediately. Count the number of times that other people have behaved unforgivably. Concentrate on the numerous dreadful abuses of power you have witnessed over the years. Justify your current plan by declaring that you are no worse than anyone else. If they can get away with it, why can't you? Oh dear. It doesn't seem to be working. Your standards are just too high. Which is just as well really.
そろそろ新スレですね? 今日の山羊座。翻訳お願いします。 On planet Zarg, they say many things about the Earth and its inhabitants. They often have our soap operas beamed into their homes and they are even more entertained by our nightly news broadcasts. The Zargians simply cannot believe that a race of beings can be so intelligent in one way and yet so stupid and so selfish in another. They find it all very funny. But then, they are a long way away. As you have no spaceship you will have to settle today for
establishing sanity in your own corner of the cosmos.
♪I used to walk in the shade, with those blues on parade, but I'm not afraid.♪(F.Sinatra/B.Holiday) (邦訳:ずっと日陰を歩いていた。憂鬱なことばかりだった。でも、もう考えを変えた。) 今日は、'The Sunny Side of the Street'(邦題:明るい表通りで)から教訓を得ましょう。