Venus and Pluto are in conjunction. You can be forgiven for how you feel and for all that you have just said - or are about to say. Plus all that you have just done - or are about to do. Your actions can be understood. Excused. Even pardoned, if or where appropriate. But (and this is a fairly substantial but) you must now deal firmly yet fairly with a difficult situation. You have to be straight, bold, clear and direct. And above all else you now absolutely have to trust your own judgement. Or you may never forgive yourself.
翻訳をお願いします。 There are two ways to look at what's happening in your world now. One is to say that it is a little less than ideal and for this, the blame must lie with your inability to come up with a better answer. The other is to say that it is all about as good as anyone could reasonably expect under the circumstances. You are doing a fine job with a set of tough factors, none of which are really your fault. Which is true? The latter, of course. And the sooner you adopt this view, the sooner you can start making the progress you deserve.
どなたか翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか? 乙女座のデイリー There's nothing like a sense of urgency for slowing things down. When the heat is on, the pressure is up and the stakes are high, the first thing to go flying out the window is an essential sense of perspective. Motivation is a wonderful thing. Desperation however, is a most erratic catalyst. In a situation of last resort, it can provide a kind of wild, reckless energy that may just help but what's needed now is a solid strategy. Ignore the impulse to take action of any kind. Do absolutely nothing till you have a proper plan.
どなたか獅子座の翻訳お願い致します。 Why fit a car with reverse gear? Why not, instead, design a strong, hydraulic turntable that descends, at the touch of a button on the dashboard, from the middle of the wheelbase? You could swivel your vehicle round, retract the device and point the right way in no time. There you go. Yet another great idea that you don't really need and can't do much to develop at a time when what's urgently required is a practical solution to a pressing problem. Don't get caught up in some big debate today. Just do what you actually can!
Some folk get it right a lot of the time. Others get it right so rarely as to be in danger, when they do, of keeling over in shock. All of us though, must learn to put human fallibility in perspective. After all, even those of us who often feel inadequate have to accept that there are limits to our limits. There are some things we definitely CAN do well! While those who expect from themselves, perfection without fail have to grow up. This week's issue is not about success or failure but about finding maturity, wisdom and realism.
獅子座のデイリーの訳お願いします。 What do you deserve? What are you entitled to? Are you guilty of some heinous crime the nature of which you can't quite recall? Of course not. Nobody lives a life without some errors, oversights and choices which later seem unwise - but your personal back catalogue is no worse than most and better than many we could mention. You must therefore, stop judging yourself so harshly. The sky suggests that now, a real opportunity is staring you in the face. In order to see it and seize it, all you need is one thing. More confidence.
どなたか蠍座の翻訳もお願いできますでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 We tend to imagine that for things to be wonderful, they have to be 'big'. We are not so silly as to equate size with superiority but somehow, when we are looking for something special, we build up an expectation involving a dramatic difference - or some instantly impressive quality. Many of the finest experiences (and objects) though, involve just a small, subtle twist to an ordinary theme. I stress this because something significant and pleasing is coming to you. But it is something that may not seem so fine till you try it.
翻訳お願いします。 As far as you are concerned, it is only just starting. No matter what you are involved with or for how long you've been caught up in it, the story is only now beginning to get truly interesting. 2001 may be nearly over for everyone else but for you, there's still an awful lot to pack into the year. So much so indeed, as to leave you feeling as if late December was the time when it all began to make sense, pay off - and turn out right. You have no idea what I'm talking about? By tomorrow, you should have a much deeper inkling.
Tuesday, 18th December 2001 Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Having recently turned a dubious idea into an impressively clever plan, you can now take some energy from your brain and direct it instead, towards your heart. There are things you feel very deeply; injustices that hurt, wrongs you would love to rectify and gestures you yearn to make. Logically, it doesn't make much sense even to try. This though, is a time when logic can and should be ignored. In the realm of emotion, different rules apply. What matters is not whether you get a "result". It's that you express something genuine.
You may now be looking a gift horse in the mouth - whilst paying through the nose for the hire of a very difficult donkey. Slowly but surely, in the period twixt now and late December, you should begin to grow much more clear and comfortable. You will understand what needs to be dropped and you will see precisely how to replace this with something that is as attainable as it is desirable. No matter what is seemingly difficult or stressful now, the planets will shortly grant you respite from it - and fresh inspiration.
獅子座の翻訳をお願いします。 Days this close to Christmas are not always easy or enjoyable. For all the festive spirit, there is an air of tension, expectation, urgency, even anxiety. You may not be free to do what you want to do or go where you want to. Alternatively, you may have that freedom only to discover too late, that you have used it to choose a less than ideal course of action. All these possible problems could arise but they do not have to. Accept what is on offer, do what is unavoidable and expect soon, a rare experience of real joy.
デイリーです。ちんぷんかんぷんです。よろしくお願いします。 Mercury has been in your sign for a few days now. Venus will joined it there on Boxing day. We find ourselves looking at a very powerful line up for the festive season and beyond. If you are unhappy about something, simply resolve to sort it out. It won't be hard and it won't take you long. Indeed, the only way that trouble can really come towards you now is if you start taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Don't assume that a certain problem or source of irritation is bigger or more difficult than it actually is.
どなたか乙女座のデイリーの翻訳をお願いします! Whenever you are not quite sure what to do about something (or someone) the best answer usually turns out to be... nothing! Decisions made without a real sense of certainty rarely lead to anything other than more doubt. This is of course, easy advice to give from the comparative isolation of an astrologer's desk. You though, are right in the middle of a situation about which something surely must be done, even if you don't know what. Wait a while. Events will soon clarify whatever you currently feel in two minds about.
天秤のディリーもお願いします!!! 英語が苦手なもので・・・。 We are in the realm of emotion and imagination now. We are in a world where what's felt counts for more than what's thought. Neptune and Uranus provide the astrological justification for making such a statement. Were it any other time of year, I might caution you against being too sensitive or taking something too seriously. Some (though not all) normal rules are suspended when we get this close to Christmas. Go with what you feel provided what you feel is positive. Whether it can last is another story. But who cares?
乙女座のデイリーの訳、よろしくお願いします!! Two big days loom large on your horizon. You have been busily preparing yourself for one of these for quite some while. You know it is due, you can't see any way to avoid it and, though you are steeling yourself for an intense experience, you suspect that somehow things will work out OK. The other big day is Christmas... about which, I shall say more next week. First though let's get you through and past the day of reckoning which is coming today or tomorrow. This will not be as tough as you fear. Indeed, it will be fine!
誰か蠍座の訳をお願い... Are you allowed to be happy? Will something go horribly wrong if you start to enjoy a situation that seems to be turning out wonderfully well? It may, if you lose sight entirely of what you need to keep a careful track of. You are though, in no danger of letting your exuberance carry you this far away. Provided you now keep an eye on progress (or the lack of it) within a crucial sector of your world, you will be ready, today, to take action where appropriate. And soon, you will also be able to experience great joy.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. And if you can't join 'em? Then maybe you should just pretend to join 'em for a few short days. Pop on one of these ghastly little elf hats. Say "ho ho ho!" as if you mean it. Look as if you care what's happening on the telly. Laugh at you know who's lousy jokes. Engage in meaningless conversation about the roads and the weather. Tolerate that obnoxious cousin. Etc. You don't think you will need to do any of this? Then You're lucky. For most Virgos now, tis the season to be discreet.
You can thoroughly enjoy the next few days, regardless of what happens. Even if you have no interest in any kind of festive activity at all, you can find something to appreciate and be glad of. Indeed, you can probably do all this much more easily if you take Christmas out of the equation. It is somewhere in the sense of 'seasonal expectation' that the potential for trouble lies. Relax and just be yourself, the best way you know how. The only thing you haven't got this year... is the thing that you truly do not need!
訳、お願いします。クリスマス前なので重要なんです。 Others seem to be expecting some kind of magic to happen over the next few days. You can see their reasons but you are not so sure they will apply to you. Mars is forming a sharp link to your ruler, the intensity of which will probably not begin to diminish until late tomorrow night. Meanwhile, you may be wearing the wig, the beard, the coat, the belt and the boots but you're distinctly missing the full, genuine 'ho ho ho'. There's far too much pressure. Despite your concern though, this can and will change. Ignore your worry.
Saturn's sharp link to your ruler entitles me to crack my favourite festive joke. I can speak with full justification, about a "ding dong, not so merrily on high". If you think that's not particularly amusing, wait till you read the rest of this. That argument between Mars and Saturn suggests a tense mood. You may manage to hide it but you will inwardly feel a bit beleaguered this weekend; unhappy perhaps about a situation you dislike but can't alter. And? Well, yes of course, it ALL sorts itself out happily by Monday.
すみません。牡牛座もお願いできますでしょうか。 Are you really looking forward to Christmas? Some Taureans are, you know. It is even possible that, despite those misgivings and concerns, enthusiasm may yet enter your heart. There's an old saying "Blessed are they who have no expectations for they shall not be disappointed." You long since became obliged to drop a "big idea" about how things should be this year. Thus, you need not worry about being "let down". From where you stand now, the only way is up. Up, high, to a fine festive season, is where you are heading
ふたご座もどなたかお願いします。 Happy New Year. Did you enjoy Christmas as much as we all did? You certainly seemed to be having a lot of fun with it. What? You can't remember? You mean you don't recall the moment when you... OK. I am only playing. But I do so in order to make a point. Even if there is, this year, something you want to forget or ignore, you should not numb yourself to the point where the whole thing flies by in a daze. There is magical opportunity in store for you, this weekend and right through Christmas as long as you remain alert and aware.
水瓶座もお願いしたいです。。。 'Have yourself a merry little Christmas..." You may be amused to learn that the composer of this song originally wrote it in a spirit of irony. The lyrics were sarcastic, written from the point of view of someone who expected anything but a merry time. Judy Garland refused to sing it till he brightened up the words. At first he resisted, defending his artistic right to be gloomy but then he agreed - and the song went on to earn him a fortune. The happy moral to that tense tale is pretty much your prediction this weekend.
すみません。水瓶座の訳をお願いします。 Do household pets understand the concept of Christmas? Conventional wisdom says not but then, science still has a lot to learn. Mystics have long known the truth. Not only do cats and dogs appreciate the importance of this festival, goldfish do too. In the past, it has been possible to ignore the needs of such creatures. That though, was before the dawning of the Aquarium age. To properly commune with your fellow beings on the planet, you must drop individually gift wrapped ant's eggs into each tank you pass this Christmas.
It is traditional to kiss under mistletoe because this plant releases a gas with powerful aphrodisiac properties. Or at least, some strains do. The commercially available type is usually a much weaker variety. A revival of traditionalism however, has caused demand to outstrip supply. The original strong stuff has thus come back on the market. It is imperative that you watch what's hanging where and who comes within ravaging distance on your travels this Christmas. You could have a lot of explaining to do when the season is over.
メリークリスマス!! 素敵なクリスマスをお過ごしですか?私は・・・(涙) 翻訳お願いします!! Once, only eccentrics believed in alien abduction. Today, more people consider it viable. Few Capricorns though, are willing to give the idea credence. This could be because you are more sensible - or because aliens actively prefer to abduct people born under your sign. Naturally enough, as they wipe your memory, shortly before returning you to earth, they inject scepticism into your subconscious. You are quite sure you know where you'll be celebrating Christmas tomorrow? Then, er... what's that light outside the window?
後半が何言いたいんだかよくわからん。 失敗した時の保険が無いなら、思い切ったことはするなってことかなぁ。 stick to roast potatoesってどういう意味でしょう。。。
In a recent experiment with genetically modified crops, Australian scientists injected Kangaroo DNA into a popular vegetable. The result was never supposed to reach the marketplace but spores blew into a neighbouring field and soon, the strain spread across the globe. Tomorrow, when you put a fork into your brussel sprout, it will leap off the plate, hit the ceiling, smash through a window, bounce violently into a neighbour's house and cause damage costing thousands. If you are not fully insured, stick to roast potatoes.
What you must avoid, this year,is another frustrating hunt for the sticky tape while wrapping those last minute parcels. Here's a hint. Affix it to the mouth of a certain person whose comments tend to get a bit too much. That way, you'll always be able to find the end of the roll - yet you'll keep a healthy distance from the end of your tether. Alternatively, use the tape to stick cotton wool over your ears. It is going to be a most enjoyable Christmas but you may be about to discover why Silent Night is such a popular carol.
Christmas gets more commercial every year. Now though, things have gone too far. Santa has had his sleigh sponsored It has been brazenly emblazoned with the logo of Toys R Us. What may we ask, as an ethical Piscean, do you intend to do about this? The world of tradition is depending on you to fight against this evil. The sky insists that your duty is clear. Tonight you must neither eat, drink nor be merry. You must stand all night in the garden, clutching a protest placard. The rest of us will be with you in spirit. Honestly.
"Reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction." The poet, Kahlil Gibran's wise observation points the way to the decision that must be reached between now and New Year. You may not be able to reconcile the difference between what you feel and what you think but nor must you allow one force to triumph over the other. The need now, is for compromise. Some kind of inner deal needs to be done. Your heart and head must each be allowed to have their say today.
蠍座の翻訳をお願いします。 "We all like to forgive, and we love best not those who offend us least, nor those who have done most for us, but those who make it most easy for us to forgive them." I knew, today, that I had to find you some quote on this topic but when I discovered Samuel Butler's comment, I was very pleased. I like the way it highlights the fact that forgiveness is not always awarded to the most deserving but to the most desirous. I also like the implication that there are specific ways to make reconciliation more attainable.
誰かししざの訳もお願い... "It takes, in reality, only one to make a quarrel. It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion." I offer this, from William Inge, one time Dean of St Pauls, for reasons which, if they aren't obvious already, will soon become so. Here's another quote, with a conflicting point to make, from 17th century writer, Francois La Rochefoucauld. "Quarrels would not last long if the fault was only on one side. " Which is true? Today, you may just find out!
金星が入ったので期待してます。 訳お願いします。 "Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." Helen Keller wrote this in her journal. It's hard to think of a more appropriate comment for someone born under your sign today. Venus has now entered your sign. While you have been busily celebrating the festive season, a severe obstacle to progress has been subtly removed. The way ahead is clear. All that's needed is for you to be similarly clear - and careful.
"The person who is of a calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to someone of the opposite disposition, youth and age are equally a burden." Plato wrote this in 'The Republic'. 2,400 years later, there's no evidence that he was wrong. I draw quote him here because, with yet another Christmas under your belt, I suspect that your thoughts are turning to the way in which time seems to be passing so swiftly. As it does, surely one thing's clear. What counts in life is always quality, never quantity.
"It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. If, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree." Charles Baudelaire had much to say but not all of it is worth hearing. Even the quote above, amusing though it may be, betrays a bitter bias. I offer it today because there's some truth in it - especially as it applies to an uneasy peace which has recently come to one area of your life. Don't though, assume that understanding AND agreement can never be reached. More faith and time will work that miracle. ????
Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 19) "The reasonable person adapts TO the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable person. " Inspired by the relevance of George Bernard Shaw's famous remark I have been a little unreasonable myself and adapted the quote so that it applies equally to both sexes. I make no apology for this. Nor are you likely to make any apology for the progress that Christmas has left you so determined to make and that changing cosmic patterns now finally render feasible.
なんだか凄くいいこと書かれてるような気がするんだけど、フリーの翻訳ソフトだと打ち消しで意味が全然わかりません(涙) お願いしまーす!! Venus is now in your sign, creating a stunningly attractive picture. This doesn't mean that you are due to have a brilliant day in every respect - or that there won't be dramas and traumas twixt now and new year. The Sun's sharp link to your ruler implies one last battle to fight before you reach the comparatively safe haven of 2002. Nonetheless, the influence of Venus implies that whatever you face, you will easily find the energy, skill, wit and luck to emerge from it all with a smile - and to turn it into a triumph.
Now that most folk are slowing down for a little while, you can start to get some speed up once more. Christmas, so far, has been something of an endurance test. You have found it hard to feel frivolously festive because you have been focussing intently on something profound. You have been resolving a big personal issue - or coming to terms with some fact that is difficult to fully accept. This has taken a lot out of you but it is proving to be a very necessary process and, as you are about to find out, a very profitable one.
How well has the cosmos treated you this Christmas? Virgos, whose level of expectation is always high, often find that the holiday season is rather disappointing. No matter how realistic they try to be, they can't quite shake off the idea that some kind of miracle is supposed to happen. What makes this tendency worse is the fact that in your life, sometimes, amazing events actually DO take place. Pluto suggests that in the next 48 hours or so you will have a new (and rather good) reason to fuel your fire of faith.
How well has the cosmos treated you this Christmas? Virgos, whose level of expectation is always high, often find that the holiday season is rather disappointing. No matter how realistic they try to be, they can't quite shake off the idea that some kind of miracle is supposed to happen. What makes this tendency worse is the fact that in your life, sometimes, amazing events actually DO take place. Pluto suggests that in the next 48 hours or so you will have a new (and rather good) reason to fuel your fire of faith.
2001 has no intention of fizzling out quietly. It looks as if you are going to pack as much change into the next few days as you have encountered in the last few months. When we bear in mind that you haven't exactly been sitting still, that's quite a statement. Nonetheless, the sky gives us a good reason to make it. Before you find yourself singing Auld Lang Syne, you will have made a profound decision, responded well to a tough challenge, laid an old ghost from the past to rest - and set a clear course for 2002.
Are you starting to count the cost of yet another expensive December? Is the process even more painful because you have not yet spent as much as it seems you need to? While I cannot promise a miracle cure for your financial ailment, I can emphasise the fact that things are not as bad as you fear. Not only is your long term material outlook rather encouraging, your emotional and social prospects are downright enviable. Any current difficulties should be seen as an invitation to seek a solution, not a hopeless threat.
すみません、牡牛座デイリーも宜しくお願い致します。 Christmas, so far this year, has had its ups and downs. Your mood may continue to fluctuate over the next few days but you will see a distinct trend away from the 'downs' and towards the 'ups'. Even the big difficulty, with which you have been wrestling all through the season and with which you have so far failed to make progress, is not a lost cause. What you are contemplating now is a plan which may just work if you put enough energy, commitment and sincerity into it. It is worth giving this all that you can muster.
Amazing things happen at this time of year. Strangers smile at one another. Hearts well up with the milk of human kindness and, most impressively, members of the same family who can normally hardly stand one another, manage to co-exist in peace under one roof. Admittedly, this latter Christmas miracle doesn't always manifest but it has been known and you may yet find that, even with a wound you have given up hope of healing, there's progress this weekend. Someone, it seems, is about to undergo a personality change.
Others, lately, have been celebrating some kind of feast. You may just possibly have noticed. Maybe you have done more than that. Out of loyalty or deference to tradition, you have played your part in the proceedings. Where though, is that sense of extra special magic which we associate with the holiday? Will you experience it soon? This weekend's sky presents a most intriguing cosmic picture. You may suspect that you have little to celebrate but there's actually far more to look forward to than you think.
The further away we get from Christmas, the happier you look set to get. Today brings a tense link from your ruler to the Sun. That suggests a belated festive gift involving relief from uncertainty at last! Not only should you soon become a little more prosperous, you should be starting to feel much more relaxed and comfortable by the end of the weekend. There is a genuine new adventure beginning now. It has the potential, over the next few months, to take you somewhere you have long, secretly, wanted to get to.
The Moon is now passing through Gemini, causing you to yearn for a better system of anchorage. You are not as securely attached to some permanent reference point as you would like to be. Either your job is secure but your love life is not - or you are fine on these fronts but some other factor remains worryingly prone to displacement. Early in 2002, you will become more able to hold yourself more firmly in position. Till then, relax. Your boat may not be securely tethered but the sea is more stable than you think.
疲れてきました。訳お願いします!! It looks as if a great deal is possible. You are right to feel inspired but wrong to assume that if you put in enough effort you will end up getting everything you want. Ultimately, there is going to have to be a compromise. There, I have uttered the dreaded word. I hope it has not offended you too much. The Sun's sharp link to your ruler though, suggests you need to accept that what's attainable now is not the fulfilment of a fantasy but a realistic working arrangement. Forget the "ideal". Accept the sensible. And relax.
A compromise you are obliged to make this weekend will become, early in the New Year, the foundation for an excellent new agreement or arrangement. Right now, you probably feel fed up, thwarted or frustrated. You are wrestling with what seems to be a most unfair encumbrance. An obstacle won't budge. An unreasonably awkward individual won't give way. A ridiculous rule stands in between you and the progress you need and deserve. Don't let any of it get to you. Do what you have to do. None of it is as serious as it seems.
蠍座のデイリーの訳どなたかお願い致します。 This deeply significant weekend brings Mars and Pluto into a sharp alignment of ninety degrees. That suggests tension but it also speaks of a decisive end to a difficult drama. You have been feeling "torn in two" for quite some while. You have had divided loyalties - and mixed emotions about a particular situation. Here - in a somewhat awkward but nonetheless constructive development, comes a conclusion to all that. Now, you either get a true compromise or you put one thing down while you wholeheartedly embrace another.
忙しいとは思いますが、今年最後のさそりの翻訳 どなたかお願いします。 Prepare to commence phase two. Phase one, which began earlier this year, took a lot out of you. Only now are you starting to recover from the expenditure of effort and energy it entailed. Phase two doesn't properly begin till later in January but we can stretch a point for the sake of a new year analogy. There is something you seek, something you are striving for, something you have been struggling with for a long while. You are expecting things to be tough. They were during phase one. In phase two though, much will be easier.
誰か獅子座もお願いします。 As we enter 2002, we find the Moon in your sign, boding well for a year during which you find yourself at the centre of a lot of attention. This, of course, is supposed to be exactly what Leos love most. You and I though, know how inaccurate those old astrological assumptions can be. You love to shine when you're feeling fine. But you hate to be seen when you're not feeling keen. Tonight though and over the first few days of 2002, you'll find yourself becoming surprisingly confident - and radiating a highly attractive aura.
There's no should about forgetting those auld acquaintances. You have about as much chance of forgetting them today as Ian Duncan Smith has of becoming the next British Prime Minister. Everywhere you go, there are reminders of the past. Jobs that remain undone. Projects incomplete. Commitments inescapable. Both people and things are seemingly conspiring now, to keep you in 2001 till the very last chime of the midnight clock... and even longer still if they can help it. Time though, actually is on your side!
今日の水瓶座です。どなたか訳をお願いします。 Would you care to drink a cup of kindness? You will be offered one later today... and you can expect more such generous offers to arrive before long. If anything, there's a bit too much tenderness in your world at the moment. You are in danger of letting emotion overwhelm you. Allow it to if you wish. It is New Year, after all. And despite the superstition that the year is bound to continue as it begins, you CAN'T judge this particular book from what's on its cover. Be as you wish to be tonight. And don't worry.
2001, for you, ends on a somewhat inconclusive note. Or rather, it ends on a very conclusive note but one which, in the severity of its emphasis, is suspicious. Is that really IT? Are you really now where you seem to be? Does the situation truly leave you no choice other than to enter 2002 in one particular way? Understand the following and you understand all. The only thing you have to stop or drop in the coming year is what you actively WANT to leave behind. Your future is about inspiration, not deprivation.
Saturn is not in the best of moods at the moment. It is forming an angle of disagreement with the Sun. Now, along comes Mercury, your ruler, to pose a further challenge to its authority. You may well find yourself today, dealing with an unreasonable person in a position of power... or a situation that won't stop presenting awkward obstacles to progress. Be philosophical. On no account start to feel as if something in your world is fundamentally wrong. For (as events will soon prove) you have plenty to celebrate.
Something is not as it should be. Somehow, there is an absence where there ought to be a presence. That's a disconcerting thing to become aware of on the last day of what has been a very long year. Yet actually, it is inspiring to acknowledge. For at least you know what's missing and why. Many people just try to deny or ignore the gaps in their lives. Thus they become shallow and disappointing to talk to. Celebrate, as you step into 2002, your determination to honour a heartfelt need and find new meaning in the new year.
"Oh wud sum gift, the giftie gie us... as to see oursel's as others see us."Robbie Burns, who wrote tonight's big hit about the auld acquaintances, also made this rather cute observation. Hopefully, you'll have no such experience this evening - though you may care to keep the comment in mind with regard to someone else. There's a person in your world now who is almost painfully unselfconscious. You need, to help them become aware of the impact of their actions - for their sake and also, ultimately, for the sake of many.
"O would some power the gift to give us To see ourselves as others see us!"「他のものが私たちを見るように、自分たちを見れる力を授けたまえ」 昔の知人に関する今夜(大晦日)のビッグヒット(=「蛍の光」のこと)を書いた ロビー・バーンズは、さらにこのちょっとかわいい意見をのべました。望ましくは、 今夜そのような経験を持たないことです。誰か他の人に関してコメントを覚えて おいていたいと思うかもしれませんが。 いま、あなたの世界に、ほとんど非常に自意識がない人がいます。あなたは、彼らが 自分たちの行動のおよぼす影響に気付く事を手助けせねばなりません。彼らのために、 結局はさらに多くの人のために。
You have mixed feelings about the year that ends today. A lot of it, you regret - or you wish you could forget. Yet 2001, for all its faults, has given you much to be glad of. Much you would not want to be without. Much that, in time, will prove to be far more important than all that currently upsets you. It is not a resolution for 2002 you need to make, simply an "aspiration" that you need to acknowledge. Decide that your future must involve you being more powerful and confident and that's precisely how it will turn out.
わーい今年一番だー!あけましておめでとうございますー。 だれか蠍座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 A pinch and punch, the first of the month. A clip round the ear, the first of the year. Not literally, I hope, but there does seem to be a sense in which 2002 is having a rather sharp start. You feel a little exposed. Things are not as you want them to be. Someone appears to have an unfair advantage over you and to be exploiting it most insensitively. Try not to pay this too much attention. Ignore - or better still laugh about - whatever is winding you up. For 2002 IS going to be your year, regardless of how it begins.
あけましておめでとうございます。 どなたか水瓶座の訳をお願いします! The countdown has commenced. Your new year will start in just a few more days. Never mind what it says on the calendar. That's a very rough and ropey way of monitoring the passage of time. The ephemeris says that, on Friday, Mercury will enter your sign and THAT'S when you'll feel like things are starting to feel fresh and special. Right now, it's more likely that you just feel tired and slightly exasperated. But rest assured, there IS a brilliant alternative plan to pursue in 2002. You will identify it any day now.
Happy new day! Let's leave it there shall we? Let's look no further. Let's cast our net no wider. Let's make no assumptions, extensions or inclusions. Let's be open minded and open hearted. Let's take each moment as it comes. Let's be in the here and now. Let's not clog up our path to the future with expectations that can only trip us up. Let's not mope about yesterday. Let's not prejudge tomorrow. Let's be happy now for - and with - what we've got. Then let's relax. For if THAT is our policy - our whole year WILL be happy.
Don't be too drastic. Don't, in your determination to come good with a resolution - or to keep a promise that you have made to yourself - go too far. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Don't saw off the branch of the tree that you happen to be sitting on. Don't get so caught up in the trees that you can no longer see the wood. The sky speaks now of a strong temptation to be bold and radical. You want to turn a situation right upside down. Yet all it really needs is tilting!
Welcome to the future. Now, what do you want it to be like? It is not quite possible to make a wish and have it come instantly true - but you may just find that aspirations identified today have a slow burning fuse that ignites, in the form of a fulfilled aspiration, later in the year. Neptune and Uranus speak of confusion surrounding you at the moment. Where this is coming from others, there is a limit to what you can do. But your own confusion, you can easily cure. Just be completely honest with yourself today.
あけましておめでとうございます。 獅子座のデイリーの訳お願いします。 "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the biggest fool of all?" "I cannot say, my glass is hazy. It sure looks though, like someone's crazy." Do you want to know why your mirror will not give a clear answer? Because in the very act of asking it, you are teetering close to the brink of foolishness. Of COURSE a certain silly situation is NOT your fault. You know this really, so why wallow in a pool of introspective soul searching? Blame the person whose fault it really is, not yourself for becoming caught up in their game.
Restless? Edgy? unwilling to turn your attention to a particular matter? That's understandable, but not permissible. Not only is it imperative that you now tackle a certain task, it is essential too, that you do so in a spirit of supreme confidence. This is no time for half measures or for doubts, misgivings and wimpish lists of ifs and buts. You half suspect that, if you take the lead and act as if you have every right in the world to success, nobody will call your bluff. Don't just half suspect this. Trust it. Believe it!
あけましておめでとうございます。 蠍座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 They say "there's no such thing as a coincidence." The people who say this though, are paranoid types with time on their hands. They can afford to sit for ages, analysing the meaning of various developments till the cows come home. When, of course, the cows do come home, their exact moment of return will be examined and scrutinised. All other events occurring at the same time will be compared and considered in case there's a hidden message somewhere. But YOU can just take things at face value today. And you should!
おはようございます。 今日の水瓶座の訳をお願いします。 As effectively your New Year begins tomorrow, when Mercury enters your sign, we can declare today to be your New Year's Eve. Time to start thinking about a celebration this evening and about what, when you wake up the next day, you want to alter in your life. Something is now beginning to get rather silly. A deep emotion has started to colour your view of a key situation. You can't handle it as well as you need to because you can't think clearly enough about it. But soon, you'll have all the insight and wisdom you need.
あけましておめでとうございます。 訳、お願いします。 "READER ANNOUNCEMENT: As part of a new year policy, the management have reluctantly decided that from now on, a charge must be levied for accessing the zodiac forecasts on this page. If you continue looking at this prediction, the sum of 2 Euros per word will be automatically deducted from your bank account by a process of psychic transfer." Well why not? After all, everything else in your life seems to be costing you a fortune. But actually, it's rubbish - as is another extortionate demand that is now being made of you.
Can you open a door? Can you turn on a tap? Can you beat a fear and push past an obstacle? The sky seems to think so. It can't see what all the fuss and trouble is about. It is not interested in the complex arguments and discussions that have been taking place, on a key topic, for longer than you can remember. It only sees a way to proceed, for you, right now, IF you are willing to take it. And if you relax a little and resolve to let 2002 be different, that is all that you will see as you sail smoothly to success.
I don't suppose, among your Christmas presents, you received a strange sort of toolkit - containing a long hinged "v shaped" object with five prongs on each end - and a welding device? Pity. You could do with something like that now. The first you see, is a Pandora's Box closer. The second is a can-of-worms sealer. Oh well, it was worth asking, just in case. But in the light of your answer you had best resign yourself to life in a world which is never going to be quite the same again. But that's better news than you think.
"...and all you need, to fly like a bird, is a pair of these paper wings. Work? Of course they will. Tell you what, if you jump from a cliff and you don't glide to a nice safe landing, you can have all your money back." You are dubious about a promise or proposition. To you, it sounds about as credible as the offer outlined above. But actually, it deserves some cautious investigation. 2002 is due to be a year unlike any other. Be willing, at least, to ask questions and to consider the answers you get. Understand too, that often in life, it is not easy to be wise about anything, let alone a definition of wisdom. All too often, we assume that this word has a universal meaning. My idea of what's wise though, may differ greatly from yours. It depends on what we value, what we want to prioritise and what our personal circumstances are. This month, you can start to change your life so that it allows you to spend more time doing something that s uits you and most of the people you care about. You can't be any wiser than that!
Life is like a Rubik's cube. It is easy enough to line up all the yellow squares or all the red ones. It is easy enough to get a few of the six sides in order. But more than that? Well, that's not so simple. Think of the sides of a cube as 'sides of life' and you can see what I'm driving at. A good love life and a good career? Possible. And a good family life? Maybe. A good financial outlook too? Tricky. The more you aim for perfection all round, the more you risk messing up what's already working. That's your current dilemma. You keep wondering how good you can reasonably expect your year to be. This month at least, that largely depends on the level of realism within your current set of expectations. This is not going to be a fame finding, lottery winning, movie-star of your dreams meeting kind of a month. Nor, necessarily, is it a major problem solving, conflict resolving, total pain healing type of a time. Many things will be, by February, just the same as they were in December. But soon one key factor WILL be delightfully different. Enjoy that change when it comes... and enjoy too, the extra side to life it shows you. And remember, even if you could get all your sides in line - you wouldn't want that. Then, there would be nothing left to strive for.
The chief trouble with fog is not the fact that it hides things from view. That's a nuisance - most of the time and sometimes, it is an advantage. The problem comes when, because we cannot actually see something, we imagine something. We envisage a potential threat where none exists or we decide that it is probably safe to proceed when it is really decidedly unwise. There's fog around you now, as you enter 2002. Go slowly and carefully and, if in doubt, assume there's a good reason to have that doubt. With each new day in January, you will be learning something, discovering something, exploring new possibilities. All good education processes however, involve the occasional steep learning curve. There are days when we find it really difficult to absorb information - or when we feel as if we no longer really like the topic that we are dedicating ourselves to. Don't let a passing sense of frustration deter you from a very sound plan that you have already made plenty of good progress with. The fog WILL lift. And by the end of January you will be feeling very clear... and very inspired.
蠍座のマンスリーの翻訳誰かお願いします。 The Moon is made of green cheese. This has to be true because people have been saying as much for centuries. Neil Armstrong couldn't smell it because he had his helmet on. The various robot lunar probes which have brought back samples to the earth have not found it because no scientist has been imaginative enough to run a test for it. Convinced? Why not? It makes as much sense as the grand theory that you are now working so hard to construct and support against all evidence to the contrary. It is as if you have a chance to climb a mountain. There's just one problem. You are unhappy about heights. It doesn't matter how well equipped and experienced the other adventurers are. Nor do you care how prestigious it may be for you to be able to say that you have ascended a particular peak. This is just not your idea of fun. If you are really required to reach the top of this particular rock, someone is just going to have to send a helicopter for you. Because otherwise, you're just going spend all of January creating arguments which sound very clever but are ultimately just excuses. To get what you need now, just stop striving so hard and worrying so much.
If you are hungry, don't worry. I'll just eat a meal on your behalf and tell you how it tastes. I'll describe how full I am feeling and then you will get all the benefit of nutrition without any risk of putting on weight. Is that a deal then? I do hope not! Similarly flawed logic is now tempting you to contemplate a plan that sounds convincing but which stands no chance of working. Why waste more energy trying to talk yourself into it when what you need is to apply that energy more sensibly? Try to remember, this month, that one person's delicious nut roast is another's sorry substitute for steak. While it is easy enough to update this old saying about 'one man's meat' in time for the 21st century, it is not so easy to deal with the reality that it reflects. What you are going through at the moment is a clash of convenience. Something suits a friend or companion down to the ground. The same arrangement to you though, is thoroughly irksome. You can neither pretend otherwise nor put up with things as they are for much longer. Begin the year as you are going to have to go on. By trusting that if you have the courage to be true to yourself, everything will be just fine.
今日の水瓶座の訳をお願いしたいです。 Happy New Year! Mercury is entering your sign at last. Things open up as from today. Goals become more attainable and ideas arrive more easily. You no longer need to keep going round in the same old circles, acting out the same old dramas. You can think fresh thoughts and find new solutions to old problems. Wherever there's doubt or difficulty, open a process of discussion and negotiation. Talk things through. Listen carefully to any information you are offered. And be willing and ready to learn something valuable.
獅子座のデイリーの訳お願いします。 Imagination is a wonderful thing. So too, is anticipation. Mix these two forces together and you create a potent cocktail of emotional extravagance. Whether you are now looking forward to something you think is due to be wonderful - or something that you expect to be dreadful, the likelihood is that neither of these extremes will be attained. You are actually on course for something right and reasonable. Be less intoxicated by maybes and look, instead, at what's real. A measured approach will lead to the right result today.
魚座の1月3日デイリーの訳をお願いいたしますですー。 You have some exceptional talents and abilities. One reason why they do not always get used to the full is because we live in a world which seems to value mediocrity and mundanity. Most people, apparently, prefer obvious ideas and ordinary, unambitious solutions. Those with something extra special to contribute are viewed as troublemakers - or sources of unwelcome complication. You need an area of operation in which you can manifest more of your natural, spontaneous brilliance. So you had better create one!
"Will everything be OK?" "of course not." Everything is never OK. The best you can hope for is a world in which most of the things that you need to be OK are, just about, OK. In order to attain a situation that's a whole lot more than 'just OK', you need to adjust something in your frame of mind, not your lifestyle. The trick is to perceive an element of perfection, even in things which are less than perfect. That's much easier to do when, as now, most things that matter actually are just about OK. Things ARE OK now - and they'll become even better if, as you enter the first month of 2002, you remember that you and I are only visitors to planet earth. To thoroughly enjoy our time here, we need some kind of ongoing relationship with the spaceship from which we originally came. When we forget that we are essentially alien tourists, we try too hard to adapt to the local customs without remembering that these are not all appropriate for us! We are here - and we are supposed to be having a good time. We have not though, been here forever nor will we stay here indefinitely. So we should relax. You'll enjoy life greatly this month as long as you conquer a strange urge to pretend to be what you're not.
蠍座のデイリーの訳をお願いします。 If it makes you feel good, do it. Unless, of course, it makes you feel bad afterwards. In which case, don't. Unless, that is, you feel even worse through NOT doing it than you do after you have done it. There are, today, some reasons why you should do something - and some equally good reasons why you shouldn't. There are also though, reasons not to sit around thinking all those reasons. If you give yourself a hard time, you won't be happy whatever you do - or don't do. Try doing what feels most natural - and hope for the best!
Identify please; the starting point of a circle, the breaking point of a sandcastle, the logical point of a flight of fantasy. Take your time. I am a patient astrologer. I can wait till this time next year if I have to. Though I'm not so sure that you can. What's under discussion this month may be interesting or even fascinating - but it is about as practical as a chocolate tea pot. As an academic exercise, an expression of art or a piece of fun, that's fine. But if you want a result, reconsider the plan. For now, as you enter 2002, the basic question is this. You have got a good idea - what are you going to do about it? Your basic notion is simple and attainable. You particular plan is complex and convoluted. It is as if you want to take a bath. You can see the tub and feel the urge to sit in it. Rather than seek a pipeful of hot water though, you are intending to purchase an array of kitchen kettles and boil them, on the stove, in relays. It is not necessary to work so hard. The problem, in essence, stems from a fear. Recognise this and you'll instantly be on your way to stemming the source of confusion.
山羊座週末です。 お願いします!! There's a positive terminal and a negative terminal. It is crucial to connect them up to the correct wires. As with external power, so with internal energy. There are some things in your life now which are immensely positive. And others which are, well, how can we put this politely? Not so positive. Mix up the negative with the positive and you'll either blow a fuse or cause a process to work in reverse. Saturn speaks, this weekend, of the need to stop and think. Get your personal wiring diagram straight... and you'll be fine.
今日の水瓶座です。 訳をお願いします。In the absence of a magic wand, you will have to invent... a magic wand! Here's a tip, just in case you have never created such an item before. Forget about incantations, candles and appropriate phases of the moon. Forget too, about taking the right kind of branch from the right kind of tree. Look at your existing source of power. You have one. But it only works in certain ways, on certain people and situations. So operate there, in those areas. You HAVE a magic wand, already. Use it this weekend, to alter what CAN be altered.
蠍座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 Remember HAL, the talking computer in the movie 2001? When it first began to malfunction, you couldn't be sure how unreliable it had become. Eventually though, as the machine lost its marbles, it kept uttering ever more nonsensical statements. Eventually, it started singing silly songs. You have had your suspicions, for a while now, about the validity of a certain source of information. These have been hard to prove. Statements have sounded credible. Assertions have seemed convincing. But now, the evidence of error is obvious.
獅子座の週末占いの訳お願いします。 Conventional social protocol demands a little ritual at the start of most conversations. "How are you?" asks person one. "Fine thanks. How are you?" asks person two. "Fine, thanks for asking," comes the expected reply. A pair of polite people will play out this charade even if one happens to be drowning while the other is on fire. It means nothing. It conveys no information. And it says a lot about the world in which we live. So now, here's a question. What do you want this weekend? To keep up an appearance? Or to share a truth?
Peace and goodwill to all. Apart, of course, from all those who don't feel inclined to make the same wish. They can all rot. The trouble with being selectively generous is that it fosters an unfortunate divisory spirit. The trouble with being indiscriminately kind, is that you end up helping a lot of undeserving ingrates. Happily, the cosmos has its own mechanisms for ensuring ultimate justice. You just have to be patient. But then, if you truly want to be a force for good, patience is what you are going to need plenty of.
獅子座のマンスリーですが、どなたか訳してくださる方いらしたら よろしくお願いします。 "If it doesn't work, try turning it upside down. Or give it a little shake. If all else fails, consult the instruction book." You can apply this advice to a variety of devices; mechanical, literary and social. Except of course that, when you are dealing with people, there is rarely an operating manual. Nor do human beings appreciate having their lives turned upside down. Which means your best bet is to give some plan or standing arrangement a little shake. Try it this month. Begin the year by learning a little more about how to question convention - and how to read between the lines - without re-writing or ignoring the lines themselves. You are, as you enter 2002, constructing an alternative way to look at your situation. You are shedding valuable light on a matter but you can't be sure that your every interpretation is accurate. There may be more to understand - or it may be that you have to weigh what's being said against what's being implied and then come to a balanced appraisal. Take your time and leave all, repeat all, options open for now. For with a little shake and a little thought, a lot may yet change.
Sometimes, when you light a firework, it doesn't "take". The touch paper fizzles for a moment but then, all goes quiet. The natural temptation, at this point, is to light it again. Yet that may not be wise. It is possible for a "delayed reaction" to take place. The firework can give the appearance of being a dud - then just when you bend over it to see where the problem lies, it can suddenly explode into life. January 2002 is due to be that kind of firework for you. The year will have a seemingly unsatisfactory start. You will feel a little frustrated, disappointed, even disillusioned. You won't just find resolutions hard to keep, you'll find them hard to make. It will seem as if there is no point because no matter what you change, you still won't be able to fix what you really dislike about life. Towards the end of the month though, just when you have started to resign yourself to surviving, rather than thriving, a change in the celestial dynamic will occur. Mars will enter Aries and suddenly, you'll have energy, stamina, strength, purpose and power. After which, bit by glorious bit, everything will start to alter.
If you are hungry, don't worry. I'll just eat a meal on your behalf and tell you how it tastes. I'll describe how full I am feeling and then you will get all the benefit of nutrition without any risk of putting on weight. Is that a deal then? I do hope not! Similarly flawed logic is now tempting you to contemplate a plan that sounds convincing but which stands no chance of working. Why waste more energy trying to talk yourself into it when what you need is to apply that energy more sensibly? Try to remember, this month, that one person's delicious nut roast is another's sorry substitute for steak. While it is easy enough to update this old saying about 'one man's meat' in time for the 21st century, it is not so easy to deal with the reality that it reflects. What you are going through at the moment is a clash of convenience. Something suits a friend or companion down to the ground. The same arrangement to you though, is thoroughly irksome. You can neither pretend otherwise nor put up with things as they are for much longer. Begin the year as you are going to have to go on. By trusting that if you have the courage to be true to yourself, everything will be just fine.
Sometimes, when you light a firework, it doesn't "take". The touch paper fizzles for a moment but then, all goes quiet. The natural temptation, at this point, is to light it again. Yet that may not be wise. It is possible for a "delayed reaction" to take place. The firework can give the appearance of being a dud - then just when you bend over it to see where the problem lies, it can suddenly explode into life. January 2002 is due to be that kind of firework for you. The year will have a seemingly unsatisfactory start. You will feel a little frustrated, disappointed, even disillusioned. You won't just find resolutions hard to keep, you'll find them hard to make. It will seem as if there is no point because no matter what you change, you still won't be able to fix what you really dislike about life. Towards the end of the month though, just when you have started to resign yourself to surviving, rather than thriving, a change in the celestial dynamic will occur. Mars will enter Aries and suddenly, you'll have energy, stamina, strength, purpose and power. After which, bit by glorious bit, everything will start to alter.
水瓶座のマンスリーもお願いします。 4日は大当たりでした…でも良いのか悪いのか解らない…(悩 On the map, the road from here to where you want to be looks short and simple. In reality though, things are different. That inch on the page is a ten mile hike. Though the map hints gently at the effort that you are going to have to make, you can't quite believe that the experience you are having is appropriate. But it is. All successful people 'gloss over' the struggle it has taken them to get somewhere or to accomplish something. Eventually, you too, will be able to smile and pretend that it has all been easy. Remember, this month, that life is one great confidence trick. Or, to put it another way, there is ultimately, only one trick that you ever need to perform. This invariably involves summoning up confidence. Confidence alone won't make you great but it will make you feel great and that, in turn, will inspire you to think smart thoughts, maintain commitments and make good judgements. So the question is, do you have reason to feel confident now, as you step over the threshold into 2002. The answer, without any doubt whatsoever, is yes. Believe in yourself and everyone else will follow suit!
さそりのデイリーの訳お願いします。 You are not exactly relaxed and mellow. Tense waves of apprehension are rippling through you. The Moon is passing through your sign, intensifying and already strong concern about an unsatisfactory situation. You feel as if a problem could turn at any time from a minor difficulty to a major disaster, thus you are remaining alert and active. This is all fine for as long as you do keep your eyes wide open you will see everything you need to see in plenty of time to do something constructive about it. Stay wary but don't panic
Is this a clump? Or is it a forest? You cannot tell quite how many trees you are surrounded by now and nor will you be able to gain this crucial perspective until you stop staring through a magnifying glass at the bark. Fascinating though this process may be it is robbing you of that most precious asset, objectivity - a quality you require right now more than ever before. This week you must urgently find some way to see the wood - for what looks to you now as if it is serious and severe is, in fact, trivial and temporary.
どなたか獅子座のデイリーの翻訳をよろしくお願いします。 "People who need people are," so they say, "the luckiest people in the world." The composes of this famous ballad, do not go on to explain what it is that those people need those other people for. All too often indeed, we find ourselves wondering what it is that certain individuals are doing in our lives. It seems necessary now to ask that question on your behalf. Your involvement with a particular person is proving less than fruitful. You are far from sure how to progress the relationship. Relax. All will soon be made clear.
蠍座のデイリーの訳お願いしまーす。 You fear that you are at the edge of disaster. In fact though, you stand on the threshold of success. You are attempting a difficult task. Others, faced with a challenge of this magnitude might well give up in despair. You are far from happy about the circumstances you face but you are determined to do your best and this determination, combined with just a little ingenuity will soon prove more than sufficient to see you safely from here to success. Don't do anything sudden or extreme. Just trust your judgement and pace yourself.
すいません、獅子座の翻訳もお願いします。 We humans may all have been created equal but we have most definately not been created identical. Right at the moment, you are becoming acutely conscious of the distinct difference between your point of view and that of a certain other person. You may feel that the desired outcome is for you both to see eye-to-eye. This may not necessarily be appropriate or attainable. It will be quite sufficient for you both to be able to agree to differ. Despite current concerns to the contrary, this should prove easier than you expect.
Has anyone ever told you how attractive you are when you assert yourself? You do, it's true, intimidate many with your air of unimpeachable authority and your undeniably fiery eyes. There is though a fine line between being deeply daunting and being desperately desirable and, more often than you realise, that distinction is blurred in the eyes of your beholder. Partners, though they may complain about the iron hand with which you rule the relationship, secretly admire your strength and fancy you all the more for your firmness. Though you often try to disguise this aspect of your personality in public, your supply of would-be lovers might increase dramatically were you to take this same tack in the arena of seduction. You permanently exude an air of irresistible attraction. If you are not aware of this it can only be due to a misplaced sense of self-denigration or because of a desire not rock the boat in a stable relationship.
In 2002 though, it will become essential for you to acknowledge the extent of your own pulling power, if only so that you can recognise and thus limit and control its impact. You will find yourself, in the course of the coming year, attracting a succession of ardent admirers each more eager and enthusiastic than the last. This will occur regardless of your status or of any effort you might make to draw such attention. Indeed, even if you were to retire on your own to a cave in the Himalayan mountains you would find this year that somehow, your aspiring lovers would track you down and attempt to enter your hideaway. Whilst you might consider this wonderful news I must point out that there are disadvantages in becoming the romantic equivalent of a oasis in a desert. If you are currently in a comfortable partnership these drawbacks are self-evident but even if you are singularly single and indisputably unattached, indeed even if you are hopelessly hungry for attention and affection, you may find the climate in 2002 too much at times. Tone yourself down a little. Wear, if not a birkha, at least a balaclava.
And spare a thought, not only for those who are or who wish to be close to you but for those in your vicinity who secretly envy your pulling power. Don't flaunt it.
The world is full of consultants and advisors. If you seek real assistance with a problem you may have to look a long way but if you merely require someone to tell you what they think you ought to do, you just have to stand around looking confused for a few moments. Pay no attention today please to the endless succession of smart alecs with opinions to express. Do what you feel is right and do it quickly while you still have the opportunity. Neptune's sharp link to Mars is urging you to cast caution to the wind.
Welcome to 2002, the year in which your heart stands in danger of finally getting its desire, only to wonder whether,perhaps, it ought to have been desiring something else instead. Satisfaction, as Mick Jagger once so memorably pointed out, is no easy thing to get.There are indeed, some who say that humans are simply not capable of experiencing it... or at least, not for any significant length of time. Those who claim to be permanently happy in love, say these philosophers, are in fact faking it.Psychologists seem to agree. Wild, passionate, romantic love,as far as these experts can detect, is a phenomenon that strikes people for a few months at the start of a relationship. After this it "mellows" into a state of mutually supportive friendship - at best and one of mutually destructive interdependency at worst. Long term partnerships are never, primarily about pulse pounding, loin stirring lust. They are about long term working and living arrangements, inspired by a memory of a time when both partners adored one another. Such though, is the perverse nature of our society that this must never be stated, let alone faced! To say as much is to risk the wrath of angry millions, convinced that their naked king is attired in the finest clothes.
Hence, the confusion that we all feel as we strive to achieve something that can never be achieved. Hence too, why people in perfectly good long term relationships, suddenly start to feel as if something is missing. Led by the urge to recreate the temporary excitement of a first love, they walk away from commitments and go through the empty exercise of falling for someone who briefly seems to light their inner fire. Some relationships, of course, just "don't work" and have to be abandoned. But most, when they "go wrong" just reach a point past which it is no longer easy to see what's so "right" about them. This year's big issue for you is about deciding what you really want within a certain situation. You can't possibly make such a choice with wisdom till you are clear about what's a realistic and feasible thing TO want. Events this year - and especially over the next few months, will help you attain that clarity. After which you may just find that satisfaction is a whole lot easier to attain - and to maintain - than you currently imagine.
水瓶座デイリーです。訳をお願いします! Your problem solving abilities are legendary. You will need them all though, if you are to satisfactorily resolve a current conundrum.Something makes no sense. Worse, it is irritating in the extreme.You have to become dispassionate before you can make a sensible assessment of the situation - and then you have to think carefully before deciding what's wrong with it. Mars though, strongly suggests that it is possible for you to do all those things now - and to come up with a highly intelligent new plan of action.
獅子座のデイリーです、翻訳お願いします。 There are two sides to every story but only one of them, as far as you are concerned, is ever correct. You are no great fan of grey areas. You like your rights to be saintly and your wrongs to be downright dreadful; preferably dressed in black and wearing waxed moustaches. Things are either up or down, good or bad, on or off. You and Mr In-between don't usually mess with one another. If though, you can allow yourself just to briefly glimpse another person's point of view today, you may yet have a valuable revelation.
蠍座のデイリーの訳をお願いします。 There is a string to pull, a switch to throw, a key to turn, a button to press. If you don't observe the protocol, no result will ensue. There is though, no question of you not understanding what's required. You are fully conversant with a particular procedure. It just seems as if, for some reason, you want to defy it or ignore it. Go ahead. Make your protest. But you will not prove your point. There is only one way to do what now needs to be done. Attempt to do things differently and your end result will be different too.
翻訳お願いします!! Venus continues to pass through your sign. This effectively softens every hard edge in your world. It absorbs the harsh echo of a lingering cry of complaint. It cushions the impact of an awkward situation. It means that no matter what adversity you face, you can find some way to look on the bright side - and even to forgive others for their crazy behaviour. There's something very attractive about the attitude with which you are now approaching life. Expect to charm many people soon, into giving you what you need!
獅子座のOverview for Leoですが、 途中から最後までの部分が、雑誌に掲載されてない分のようなんですが、 どなたか、訳お願いできないでしょうか、よろしくお願いします。 There are, believe it or not, lottery winners who realise in retrospect that their life was actually happier when they were poor. There are too, highly-successful individuals who feel trapped within the fur-lined hamster wheel of their day to day existence.
And now, with this point not so much made - or even laboured - as hammered relentlessly home, we turn our attention to your year ahead. What does it contain? What would you like it to contain? And are you truly sure that you know the answer to this? Much will prove possible for you in 2002. There's no need to fear deprivation - or even, particularly, limitation. The angel of abundance is looking over your shoulder. The "reward fairy" is fluttering around you, almost every day. But if, perchance, you end up attaining too much of the wrong sort of thing, you'll feel no gratitude for your gifts. You will resent your attainments and regret the choices that led you to them.
This is why, in 2002, what's truly essential is that you strive for the most rare and wondrous cosmic gift of all. Discrimination. For if you truly have that, you have the seed of everything else you require. And then, all you have to do is water it with a little effort and determination.
蠍座の2002年の恋愛運の翻訳をお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。 This year, your journey of the heart is due to take you somewhere that you have never been before. It is a place you will instinctively recognise as your true home, as soon as you encounter it. First though, you have to get there.
To see how this may be possible, I would like you to imagine please, that you are a bird which has been born and raised in captivity. To you, a big cage is a vast improvement on a small one. An aviary with room to spread your wings is a kind of paradise. Real freedom is unimaginable and probably rather scary.
Each key relationship that you have had in your life so far has been a "bigger cage" than the previous one. The cage though, is not the other person. The cage is your view of what the relationship is - or what it should be. We all, inadvertently, create cages for ourselves through our anxieties, prejudices, fears and expectations. Romantic fulfilment though, does not involve endlessly changing partner till you find the right one. It involves expanding your inner horizons, adjusting your idea of what a partnership needs to be, adopting a more mature approach and coming to a wise understanding about what love actually IS.
>477蠍座の2002年の恋愛運の続き So far in your life, one way or another, you have become something of an expert in what it is not. There may just possibly be more such discoveries this year but each will lead to a significant increase in the size of you r cage. Eventually, you will find out how to fly freely without any sense of restriction at all; on you or on your loved one. An initial fear of such scope and space will rapidly change to a grateful acceptance of all that is suddenly, magically possible. Your ultimate destination in 2002 is a world which offers more than you can currently even conceive of being offered. Once you enter it, you'll know, or you will soon find out, how to thrive within it. Then you will see what is right or what needs to happen to make something right. And, if the perfect person to be with isn't already with you, you will find such a person, naturally and automatically, before October.
Dial your own phone number. Ask to speak to yourself. Seek your own opinion on a crucial matter. Talk the whole thing over carefully with your innermost source of wisdom - and then make your move. There really is no great expert that you ought to be talking to - nor is there some wise observer whose standards you ought to live up to. You know what's right and what's wrong and are tired of waiting for someone else to do something about this. Just grant yourself permission today, to pursue the smartest solution you can see.
Think of your sense of identity, not as some concrete construction - but as a box: a portfolio or a repertoire. It's misleading to ask anyone who they are. A better question is "what range of characters do you play?". Shakespeare was right, to some extent at least, to describe the whole world as a stage. We are all 'actors'. Some of us do faces and voices. Others play it superficially straight but adapt, inwardly, to the demands of each new drama. The current play just requires a slightly different 'you'. That's all!
蠍座のデイリーです、訳をお願いします。 At the top of every mountain, there's a little silver box, buried in the snow. Climb up, dig it out and open it. There, in your hands, you will hold "Success". Or so we are encouraged to believe, especially by the mountain climbers of this world. We are conditioned to think that we must have something to show for ourselves. Always. Yet actually, those boxes don't exist. Or they are empty if they do. True success has nothing to do with what you have done or acquired. It is about what you have learned and enjoyed.
どなたか乙女座デイリー御願します。 Cartoonists love faces with strong features. All they need is a jawline they can extend - a nose t hey can lengthen or a pair of eyebrows to exaggerate. In our mind's eye, we all charicature people. We also redraw issues, situations and ideas. We play up the obvious and ignore that which is subtle. Sometimes, with justification and sometimes, with too much enthusiasm. There are crucial nuances in today's situation. They need to be taken into account. But there IS a good reason why you now keep seeing one particular picture.
すいません、獅子座のデイリーもお願いします。 And the winner is? The person who really didn't care whether or not they won. Every time. Without exception. Competitions get us all excited. Yet victories, no matter how sweet, are always short lived. Unless they are accomplished almost by accident, as an interesting by product of cheerful participation, they rob us of something that no amount of glory can ever compensate for. They deprive us of our ability to enjoy life for what it is, not what it might be. Do your best today. But do it for the right reasons.
What if, as you stroll down the street today, you fall down a hole in the road? What if, while you are down there, a rat attacks you? What if it turns out to have rabies? What if you turn out to be allergic to the cure? Etc. Honestly! That's an awful lot of wild what ifs. You are now being unnecessarily nervous about a perfectly safe proposition. You are going to end up too scared to do anything if you carry on worrying. Yet the only thing you really need to be on the lookout for is the impact of an overly active imagination.
Some people specialise in the art of annoyance. They have a kind of inbuilt radar which allows them to take one look at someone and say the very thing which will irritate them most. They somehow always know how to start a row or do the one thing that will cause most controversy. Thankfully, there's nobody like that in your world now. Er... is there? Mercury is forming a tense link to Jupiter and Mars is in your sign. To be on the safe side, wear earplugs and a blindfold wherever you go today. And say no more than you must.
If I was Mystic Meg, I might begin your romantic forecast for 2002, with advice about how Taureans fare particularly well when paired with Librans, Scorpios and Cancerians. Indeed, I might go further and suggest that your best, indeed only chance of happiness this year lies in meeting someone with the initial 'W' who lives behind a blue door. It's a lovely idea, this notion that through a little science and superstition, we can pin down the person who can make our dream come true. I fear though that if it works, it works because actually there is not just one person in this world who is capable of such a thing - but dozens, possibly thousands. It is hard to prove. After all, unless your name is Julio Iglesias, you have probably not set out to conduct this many intimate interviews.
But maybe Julio is on to something! Estate agents, after all, often notice that people choose their houses with less attention to detail than they select their washing machines. Where they might carefully scour the high street for the right coat or car, they will wander into a new potential abode and decide within seconds that this is their dream home. Apparently, they are all the more likely to do this if coffee is brewing on the stove or bread is baking in the oven. Years later, when they are finally sick of the place, they may regret the lack of logic with which followed their nose. If people are recklessly irrational in the way they choose their house, they are positively wanton in the way they choose their spouse!
Do YOU owe it to yourself to take a leaf out of Julio's book this year? Or do you, perhaps think that you should do thing's Meg's way and decide that your ideal partner just so happens to be "you know who" - with the initial "you know what" - who happens to live "you know where".
Your "big choice" in 2002 appears to be a classic conundrum; The tiresomely horrible devil you know - versus the potentially heartless bastard you don't! But actually, things are not so simple or so sad. This year actually brings you an experience of deep discrimination that leads you inexorably to one of two things. A happy discovery of the truly right partner - or the even happier discovery that your current partner is truly right, after all!
Love for Capricorn Are you, or are you not, drop dead gorgeous? A straight answer please. The rest of this forecast now divides into two sections.
The first is for every Capricorn who said 'yes' without hesitation. I shall keep this brief because I know that I am only addressing one in a hundred readers. "Congratulations on your deservedly high self esteem. You are going to have a great year but then, you didn't need me to tell you that!"
You know what you need this weekend. You also know why you need it. Is it remotely possible that your need may not be met? Please be reassured. A benign sky is smiling on you wherever your need are genuine, they will be recognised and addressed courtesy of this kindly cosmos. Why should this be a problem to you? Only in so far as you are often reluctant to do what you know is good for you or to accept the assistance of others. You may find this weekend's events unnerving but they will nonetheless benefit you greatly.
Now for section two; the 'nos' and the 'don't knows'. Whichever category you fall into, you have fallen into something that you badly need to be rescued from. You are not alone. Some of the sexiest, loveliest, most widely adored megastars in the world share your sign and they also share your tendency to put yourself down. The fact though, that you are in good company doesn't make your attitude any more excusable. Happily, the continued passage of Jupiter through your opposite sign this year is a promise that you won't be allowed to continue feeling insecure about your pulling power for much longer.
You are about to be fancied something rotten by someone who is, most definitely, neither desperate, crazy or in urgent need of an optician. Did I say someone? Make that several someones. Chaste you may or may not be. Chased though, you certainly will be. All through the first half of 2002.
What you have got is already hot and, by March, it will be reaching combustion point. If you want to live up to the calm, sensible reputation of your sign, you are soon going to have to resist an awful lot of temptation. And yes, I do know what you are thinking now. "This is all very well but it is not what you are after. Where in the sky this year, is there a promise of cosiness, companionship, stability and commitment?" Well, let's put it this way. This too, is very attainable. If you have it already, there is no reason in the world to assume that it is going to leave your life. But if you don't already have such a situation in your world, you may just decide you want to take your time before you make it priority number one!
山羊に新月が!! 期待してします。訳お願いします!! When the Moon is New the impossible becomes briefly possible. Doors open. Opportunities arise. Chances present themselves. Situations change. The Moon is New in your sign now. This weekend is due to be no ordinary weekend. You have something to look forward to and, if you do not already know what this is it cannot be long before you find out. Not every problem with resolve itself over the next couple of days nor will every source of tension become defused. But there will soon be a significant shift in the right direction.
蠍のデイリーの翻訳お願いしまっす。 Our time on this earth is strictly limited. Every moment is precious because it will never be repeated and because we can never know how many more such moments we have left. We ignore our own impermanence at our peril. We must acknowledge this if we are ever to have perspective which is, of course, the most crucial thing that anyone can ever possess. If, this weekend, you can only prioritise your own need to keep things in proportion you will eventually be able to see the right answer to every question on your list.
Every time we think a thought, every time we make a plan, every time we identify an object of desire we set ourselves up for a fall. Two terrible possibilities exist. The first is that the wish will be unfulfilled. The second is that the wish will indeed be fulfilled but that the fulfilment will not be accompanied by a sense of satisfaction. All too often, we want things, we get things and then we become disillusioned with those things. Be very grateful this weekend for what you haven't got and are not likely to get.
水瓶座の週末の訳をお願いします! Socrates said, "Know thyself." Ever since we have all been trying to take his advice. Sadly, despite our many advances in the fields of science and technology we appear to be no closer. We do not know ourselves. We know who we think we are but we also know that we are probably wrong about this. We know who other people think we are but we are quite convinced that they are mistaken. You won't know yourself this weekend but you will get to know yourself better than you already do. And that will prove most inspiring.
どなたか年間水瓶座の恋愛を訳していただけないでしょうか? ===================== Love for Aquarius It is with some reluctance that I set out to pen a forecast for your romantic outlook in 2002. If I truly dared, I would ask the editor to leave a blank space containing nothing more than an invitation for you to 'write your own future here.'
This is not, I hasten to add, because I do not know what to say. It is simply because I foresee more choice, more freedom, more potential emotional fulfilment and more love becoming available to you, in the year ahead, than ever before. Indeed, I rather fear that, by predicting something specific, as we astrologers are expected to do, I may be inadvertently narrowing down your expectations at a time when they need and deserve to be as wide open as possible.
The key to all that the sky has in store is the understanding that, within reason now, whatever you want, you can have. Maybe even, without reason. We are, after all, talking here about love. Since when has love ever needed reason?
Forget, please, your notion of what is possible and what is not. This is the subtle psychological mechanism by which we all too often persuade ourselves to settle for second best. Begin the year with a clear, honest vision of what, in an ideal world, you would like to happen over the coming months. Then proceed, with neither haste nor determination, but with simply a relaxed, trusting, gently confident attitude.
I cannot promise that everything will transpire precisely as you envisage. It would be a dull world if we were all to possess such a power. I can though, assure you that in honouring and acknowledging your highest standard, you will not be setting yourself up for any kind of fall.
Regardless of how things stand now, you'll see a vast improvement in your love life over the coming year. If things are good already, they will get better and if, as is sadly the case for many Aquarians at the moment, things are stressful, confusing, unresolved and perhaps even unrequited in the extreme, then please pay close attention to this promise.
There is a way to unravel the tangled knot of your love life - and then to weave the fibre into a cloth of the finest quality. It simply involves being patient, confident - and honest. And being aware that far more of the future is in your own hands than perhaps yet, you realise.
年間の恋愛運の翻訳をどなたかお願いいたします。長文ですみません。 Love for Virgo Like the Chinese, Virgos have a reputation for being inscrutable. They can mask their true feelings behind a veneer of calm composure and can even manage to exchange light-hearted banter when their hearts are feeling anything but light. In 2001 there have been many times when those who took a good look at your face could easily trace the tracks of your tears. But in 2002 you won't have to keep trying to put on a happy act. Your joy will be genuine and your smile sincere. The confusions and uncertainties that have made life so stressful at times in the last year or so will soon be washed away by a new sense of strength and inspiration.
続きです That is not to say, of course, that you will get everything you want, exactly when you want it. This is the world of relationships that we are discussing here - and never in this realm of inevitable compromise does anyone get their own way for long. It is not though, a quest for dominance within a partnership - or for control over a key set of circumstances - that you are currently engaged upon. Rather, it is a search for understanding; an effort towards insight, a struggle for empathy and for clarity. Your desire is merely been to discover how much you really mean to a particular person so that you can then make your own plans accordingly.
So far, the signals have been mixed and the messages ambiguous but the coming year will bring both enlightenment and inspiration in this regard. You are about to find that by patiently dangling your hook in the river of romance you have landed yourself a prize catch. The bait has been taken and, as we speak, you are already in the process of reeling in a series of distinct improvements to the quality of your love life. You have, or soon will have - answers to some of your most pressing questions. In the unlikely event that these prove unsatisfactory you will find no shortage of keen admirers who are eager for the same inquiries to be made of them.
2002 holds forth a promise of comfort and security - but not, I must hasten to add, at the expense of excitement. Of that, in the year to come, there will be plenty.
Love for Cancer "Love is a many splendoured thing" or so they say. Mind you, so too is the Euro. It has, claim its supporters, a vast series of advantages over the traditional currencies. Politicians from Brussels to Berlin sing the praises of this mighty financial innovation and all find different assets to emphasise. To them life without it already seems unthinkable. Yet many here remain deeply suspicious. We are a nation of Euro sceptics and perhaps also, of Eros-sceptics. We do not believe in quite the same way as our continental cousins that passion and commitment can be satisfactorily separated.
In France the notion that wives have lovers and husbands, mistresses, is not so much accepted as institutionalised. People simply cannot imagine married life in any other way. The English speaking races, by comparison, take a much more prudish view of their vows. We aspire to nothing less than full fidelity and, despite all evidence to the contrary, we refuse to relinquish the notion that permanence is a paradise and not a punishment. We perpetuate the myth of monogamy and ostracise those who challenge it. All this, regardless of the soaring divorce rate and the vast number of deeply unhappy couples, clinging like crazy to an impossible ideal that they dare not drop.
蟹座恋愛運の続きです What IS it that YOU want, in 2002? A Mills and Boon style fantasy? A Happy Ever After, worthy of the finest fairy tale? Or a brave step into the real world?
You seek, understandably, as we all seek, an adult and enjoyable experience of emotional interchange and honest companionship. But how can you experience this when your heart is hung up on a childlike dream of what constitutes "true love"?
You've got an excellent astrological outlook for the year ahead. It insists that you need never feel lonely, unloved or uncomfortable. But in order to claim your cosmic inheritance you first have to abandon that constraining assumption. Forever is a ridiculously long time for any two people to say together. If it IS to be attained, it can only happen happily if it happens without expectation or preconception, one day at a time.
Let go of what you cannot hold on to in 2002. Embrace what is undoubtedly and delightfully making its way towards you. And prepare for a year in which the real meaning of love finally comes alive for you.
水瓶座のデイリーです。訳をお願いします! So, you think you can see the future! I am impressed. My own powers of prescience are only intermittent so I would love to know how you have refined your abilities to the point where they are infallible. I suspect that your insight is not as complete as you think. I am, indeed, inclined to urge you not to draw premature conclusions. For I too have been looking into your future and have seen a bright light shining there. If you share this hopeful vision, we have no argument. But if you see anything else, you are wrong.
Alice, after she passed through the looking glass, found herself in the company of the Queen who, after offering her a dry biscuit to quench her thirst, proceeded to take her on a run. The faster Alice's feet flew, the more she stayed in the same place. Politicians, as they seek to cure the problems of the land, often experience the same sensation. Sadly now, there's a suggestion of this syndrome in your life. You are trying very hard but making little progress. Or so it seems. You'll see things differently soon.
獅子座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 "Put on a happy face." "Smile though your heart is breaking." "Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag and smile, smile, smile." The songwriters are unanimous. They all agree that the thing to do when you find yourself in times of trouble is to let it be. To some extent this puts them in direct conflict with the psychotherapists who are strongly of the opinion that emotions must be honestly expressed at all times. Whose advice should you take today? The answer is, it doesn't much matter. For soon your problem will be fixed!
すみません、蠍座の訳もお願いします。 "Woe, woe, and thrice woe. The end is nigh. The sky is about to fall. Doom is upon us. There is nothing we can do about this for it is a destiny that has been written in the stars." I would love to know where the people who say this sort of thing get their information from. I have been reading the stars now for several decades and continue to find most of what is written there ambiguous in the extreme but surprisingly positive once you translate it. Your destiny, this week, involves disproving pessimism. Nothing else.
Crazy things keep happening around you now. As a Piscean you are familiar with the world of surrealistic experience. There are moments when your life resembles a sketch from the Monty Python show - only without the jokes. Against this background I use the word 'crazy' advisedly for I know you are able to treat as normal, situations that most other people would be inclined to call 'bizarre'. Bonkers though your week is due to be though, you ought to know this. What's happening is right and good even if it is also ridiculous.
乙女座のデイリーどなたかよろしくお願いします。 昨日悪かっただけに、ドキドキ Nowadays, we all eat yoghurt. When I was a child the stuff was unheard of. I remember my classmates having profound misgivings when it was first commercially introduced. Gone off milk with the consistency of cold custard? No thanks! At first, only the health food faddists ate this strange delicacy. Gradually, it increased in popularity until we became a nation of yoghurt gobblers. In your world now an odd idea is beginning to seem less peculiar and more positive. Rightly so.
蠍座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 My predecessors in the world of popular divination were not all stargazers. Some read runes, some read palms and some read the future from the entrails of various creatures. I could not quite bring myself to go this far on your behalf but, in an attempt to clarify the predictive picture for your sign I have dissected a sandwich. Here I see cheese. Could your situation be clich馘? I see pickle too. Self-explanatory! But in the bread there is hope. The tide of your fortune is rising.
ここずっと落ち込み気味です。 翻訳お願いします。 Welcome to the future. It got here quickly didn't it? Why, it seems that only yesterday it was - yesterday! At this rate, by the time we get to tomorrow it will be - tomorrow! Time flies when you're having fun. It positively zooms by when you have a forthcoming engagement that you are desperate not to keep. Sadly, I cannot help you to slow down or speed up the process of time today. But I can promise you that the time you are living in now is about to become a very good one.
しし座のデイリーの翻訳おねがいします。 Is there some kind of a tug of war taking place? Are you on one end of the rope, whilst a certain other person is pulling against you? What is this? A war of nerves? A test of strength? A waiting game? How constructive is this situation? You deserve better than to have to spend your life wrestling with someone else's awkwardness. A tense situation needs to be resolved. This is possible. All you have to do is decide to stop arguing and start doing what you know to be right.
星座の予報じゃないのですが、今日のジョナサンの一言で水星の逆行のことが かかれてました。水星が逆行するときってすれ違いやコミュニケーションの トラブルが多いし、ちょうど今週の18日から始まるのでちょっと気になりました。 どなたか訳して頂けないでしょうか? Thought for the Day: Tuesday, 15th January 2002 I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, especially when I make it my business to see the positive side of everything. I fear though, that the current wave of chaos in our railways has yet to reach full strength. We associate rail strikes and delays with Mercury, planet of transport and communication. Normally there is trouble whenever Mercury is retrograde (moving apparently backwards through the sky). Right now, Mercury is not even in this condition. It is merely moving sluggishly forward. That does not bode at all well for next week when it will indeed head into reverse for a three-week period.
It is all beginning to get a bit too much. You have had it up to here. Something has to change. Or so you feel. Actually, all you really need to change is your attitude towards something or someone. You are taking a situation too seriously. You are over reacting and this is helping nobody. The trick today, if you want to preserve your sanity, is to see the funny side of what actually is a very silly scenario. The apparent urgency, just like the implied threat that you face, is false.
すみません。獅子座のデイリーの訳をお願いします。 In this world there are far too many Indians and not enough chiefs. The reason why we sometimes form the opposite impression is because many of the Indians like to disguise themselves as chiefs. They put on the headdress and beat their chests aggressively but they do not actually know what on earth is wrong, far less how to put any of it right. You are a true chief. You do not need to demonstrate this or to make any display of power. You simply need, today, to lead by example.
Mercury, the ruler of your sign, is travelling through the sky at the pace of a stoned snail. Right now it is still technically moving forward but within another couple of days it will be slipping backwards. This neatly mirrors your current condition. Little is happening as fast as you want it to and your path through life keeps threatening to take you entirely in the wrong direction. Or so you think. Actually, there's a rhyme, a reason and a wonderful purpose to the way things are now. 翻訳お願いします。 すごく調子悪いので
おはようございます。どなたか乙女座デイリーお願します。 "From the stains on their shirt it is clear that our subject has enjoyed a rare delicacy for their breakfast. The mud on the sole of their shoe reveals a recent visit to a rural environment. Now, if only we could only strap them to a lie detector we might manage to extract the full truth." Tempting though it is to play Sherlock today, you have better things to do with your time than to go looking for clues. Deep down you already know who the suspect is and your intuition is not wrong. Make an arrest.
Mars remains in your sign but its tenure in this sector of the zodiac is a past drawing to an end. By the weekend, you will no longer be under the influence of this power planet. In many ways this will come as a relief. Suddenly, there will be less pressure, less expectation, less sense of urgency and more of a gentle return to the gently bumbling pace that you prefer to lead your life at. First though, you have one last mountain to climb or dragon to slay. This should be a most heroic day.
�Not long to go now. Soon, Venus will enter your sign and everything will change. Strangers will walk up to you in the street and shower you with expensive gifts. Attractive film stars will tell their agent to seek you out and invite you join them on a romantic holiday in the tropics. Policemen, judges and even cabinet ministers will quake in their boots at the sound of your voice and vie to do your bidding. Well, perhaps not - but in the next day or too things should still get quite a bit better than they are now.
すみません、蠍のデイリーの訳もお願いします。 Thursday, 17th January 2002 Scorpio You can, of course, make yourself a cup of tea. Don't use a bag, use fresh leaves in a pot. You need a residue in the base of your cup or you will not be able to read anything into what you see there. Drink the tea. Swill the dregs in an anti-clockwise direction. Stare into the bowl. Now, carefully ignore the tall dark handsome stranger - or strangerette. This is not what you are looking for. Such people are nothing but trouble. Gaze only at the clear sign of imminent success with a cherished plan. And trust that.
獅子座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 Ancient spiritual wisdom teaches us to rise above our problems. We are encouraged to emulate the lotus flower that floats and blooms most beautifully above the muddy water, even though its roots are embedded in the mire. We too, so they tell us, should shine and blossom and go beyond our earthly concerns even though we may never fully free ourselves from them. It all sounds like a fine idea. I wish you all the best in your endeavours to do this today. If it doesn't work - try punching a cushion.
I have had several complaints about yesterday’s forecast in which I mentioned the global chief to Indian ratio. It has been suggested that I should have used the phrase Native North American instead. I am suspicious though of this advice. I think it has come from an indian pretending to be a chief. I also think that you, today, need not concern yourself with propriety or convention but merely with your own determination to make the right thing happen. This should be your chief interest.
どなたかかに座のマンスリーお願いします。 "...and all you need, to fly like a bird, is a pair of these paper wings. Work? Of course they will. Tell you what, if you jump from a cliff and you don't glide to a nice safe landing, you can have all your money back. " You are dubious about a promise or proposition. To you, it sounds about as credible as the offer outlined above. But actually, it deserves some cautious investigation. 2002 is due to be a year unlike any other. Be willing, at least, to ask questions and to consider the answers you get. Understand too, that often in life, it is not easy to be wise about anything, let alone a definition of wisdom. All too often, we assume that this word has a universal meaning. My idea of what's wise though, may differ greatly from yours. It depends on what we value, what we want to prioritise and what our personal circumstances are. This month, you can start to change your life so that it allows you to spend more time doing something that suits you and most of the people you care about. You can't be any wiser than that!
Ancient spiritual wisdom teaches us to rise above our problems. We are encouraged to emulate the lotus flower that floats and blooms most beautifully above the muddy water, even though its roots are embedded in the mire. We too, so they tell us, should shine and blossom and go beyond our earthly concerns even though we may never fully free ourselves from them. It all sounds like a fine idea. I wish you all the best in your endeavours to do this today. If it doesn't work - try punching a cushion.
A cornucopia of complication confounds you. Nothing is straightforward this weekend. Everything has a layer of additional meaning. Entendres are not double, they are triple. Agendas are not so much hidden as buried ten feet deep but then somehow given a smoking chimney so that you can sense their presence even when you cannot see it. What is the best policy to pursue in these perplexing circumstances? Just smile sweetly, act innocent, and refuse to acknowledge anything other than the overt and the obvious.
週末です。翻訳お願いします。 What is the most valuable thing a human can have? Is it money? Is it power? Is it love? No. It is understanding. Why? Partly because, without understanding there can be no appreciation of any of the other factors. There can only be emptiness, confusion and futility. There is though, another reason why understanding is so precious. If you can acquire it and apply it you will automatically gain all the money, love and power that you need. So now, you know what to put first this weekend.
Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? That depends on what else is in the pond. You could, this weekend, go where you are more likely to be respected. Or, you could stay where you are and continue to suffer the indignominous deficit of appreciation. You cannot let your pride be the arbiter of this. You must consider the broader picture and remember what you are trying to achieve. For eventually, you will be recognised and rewarded for whatever you do.
There are very few Aquarians reading this forecast today. Most now are too busy enjoying the fruits of yesterday's forecast. They are rolling in untold wealth, canoodling with movie stars and dictating the fortunes of nations with a nonchalant wave of their hands. The rest are just so fed up that none of this has happened that they have decided never to read this page again. You are the only one who has come here. Thank you. Venus is entering your sign. I hereby predict a truly wonderful weekend.
すみません、蠍座のデイリーの翻訳もお願いします。 Rather than continue to teach you the different divinatory procedures, I have decided simply to consult an oracle on your behalf. Carefully observing an ancient ritual, whilst faithfully muttering a traditional incantation, I have peered into the very mists of time itself and inquired of the all-seeing eye of eternity. Here is its reply. "Tell those Scorpios to stop being so nervous. Their finances will improve next week as will most of their other problems." Now who am I to argue with that?
a big fish in a small pond(小さな池の中の大きな魚) に関しては、2種類の解釈があるようです。 1.小さな社会、組織で重要な人、影響力を持つ人; その場からはみ出すような重要で、力のある人 2.小さな仲間内で威張っている人、小さな組織内でのみ影響力を持つ人、井の中のかわず、お山の大将
私はここでは1の解釈が妥当だと思います。 また、
a small fish in a big pond (大きな池の中の小さな魚)=大きな組織で影響力を持たない人
It seems like just a short while since we were discussing 2002 - and all it held in store. Now it is nearly over. Amazing how time flies! Er... well, OK then, I WILL concede that there is still plenty of year ahead - if YOU will do the same. Stop, please, acting as if your great hope is a lost cause. Stop assuming that you have done all you could have possibly done and that your best opportunities are now behind you. The story of this year is far from told and your story, too, is nowhere near the end. A bolt from the blue brings good fortune into your life this week. It may, at first, seem as if something too big and dramatic is happening. Give it time... and trust. And don't be defeatist!
Tell your beating heart to be still. Never mind what light from beyond the window falls, or how softly it does So. Do not, on any account, compare anyone whatsoever, this weekend, to a summer's day. If music be the food of love, switch off your hi-fi immediately. Mars and Venus are harmoniously aligned. Taureans everywhere must beware an imminent outbreak of stupifying soppiness and a general weakening in the left-hand chest area. If you feel a twinge, take some antacid.
双子週末お願いします もう遅いけど気になるんで You could always try moving to a monastery. Or a nunnery. Oh, hang on, I may be giving the wrong impression. If you are a girl, you might think that I mean you to go to a monastery. And if you are a boy you might think that I am trying to send you to a nunnery. That's really not the idea! Oh darn, I have gone and got myself into a right old mess here. But it is nothing by comparison to the mess that you will get yourself into this weekend, if you don't watch very carefully what you say to who.
Mercury, as it now slips slowly backwards through the zodiac, is causing you to travel back in time. Inwardly, psychologically, you are revisiting the past. You are mulling over an event and wondering how differently things might have turned out if only you had known then what you know now. If you have not already encountered an actual repeat of the old situation, you can expect to come across it later this week. This time, you will be able to do what you wish you had done back then. That will make all the difference in the world. たびたびすみません。 翻訳お願いします 最後から2行あなたがその時すればよかった子をする事ができるでしょう のあとあせかいにすべての相違を生じるでしょうという事は 結局悪い事が起きるの?
In theory, now that Venus has entered your sign, you cannot put a foot wrong. In practice? Well, it is always possible to make a mistake if you are determined enough to uphold a prejudice. If though, this week, you can make a real effort to be open minded and optimistic you will see reasons to rethink many of the misgivings you have lately been entertaining. Not all, of course. Some of your doubts are justified. But here, you need do little more than be patient and smile sweetly. The right kind of change will come naturally.
Computers are stupid. It just so happens that they are amazingly fast. If you ask a computer to find you a piece of information, it will look at every single entry in its memory until it finds the right one. It does it so quickly though that it appears to be smart. Lately, you have been taking the computerised approach to problem solving but Mars is no longer in your sign and you have a slower processor now. That's okay though. For instead, you have great intelligence. This week it will help you to come up with a brilliant idea.
In theory, now that Venus has entered your sign, you cannot put a foot wrong. In practice? Well, it is always possible to make a mistake if you are determined enough to uphold a prejudice. If though, this week, you can make a real effort to be open minded and optimistic you will see reasons to rethink many of the misgivings you have lately been entertaining. Not all, of course. Some of your doubts are justified. But here, you need do little more than be patient and smile sweetly. The right kind of change will come naturally. 今や金星があなたのサインに入りましたので、あなたは理論上では 間違いをしそうにありません。 実際上では?そうですね、もしあなたが断固として偏見を持っているならば、 ミスはいつでも起こりえます。 しかし今週は、もしあなたが心を開き楽観的であるように本気で努力をできれば、 このところ抱いている不安をの多くを再考する理由を見出せるでしょう。 もちろん、全てではありません。 疑いのうちのいくつかは、当たっているでしょう。 しかしここでは、あなたはただ少し我慢して、魅力的に笑っていればすむでしょう。 ある種の正当な変化が自然に訪れるでしょう。
You have friends in high places but you may now be starting to suspect that you have enemies in even loftier locations. You keep encountering criticism. You also keep coming up against problems that ought not to exist. It is almost as if barriers are deliberately being placed in your path. This though, is not the case. It is imperative that you do not succumb to a sense of defeatism or conjure up a conspiracy on which to blame your current difficulty. Its causes are entirely coincidental and its solution is delightfully imminent.
獅子座のデイリーの訳をお願いします。 You are being wound up. Antagonised. Aggravated. Pluto is forming a sharp link to your ruler. This is causing you to become very conscious of all that is wrong in your environment. It is somehow making sure that you notice what up until now you had been doing your best to ignore. As you do this, you are starting to see that not all of your problems are accidental or incidental. Someone is making an actual effort to get your goat. What should you do? Nothing! Observe. Wait for the right moment. It will come, later this week.
>>725さん 8行めの訳なんですが、 Someone is making an actual effort to get your goat. は、 get ...goat (人)を怒らせる、苛立たせる、癪に障る ではないでしょうか? 言うからには、自分が訳をアップすべきなのでしょうが、 そこまでは自信ないので...スマソ
蠍座のデイリーの翻訳をお願いします。 The ring is powerful. It will corrupt all who hold it. Only someone pure of heart can carry it to the mountain and cast it into the crack of doom. In the story book, this task fell to a hobbit. Here in the real world only Scorpios have the necessary moral fibre to perform such a difficult deed. In your own way now you are dodging dark riders and avoiding evil for the sake of a better world for all. And in this quest, you cannot and will not fail. Events today should demonstrate this.
どなたか獅子座のデイリーの訳をお願いします。 It takes two to tango. And to ride a tandem. It does not, necessarily take two to hold a process of constructive dialogue. Often, a conversation with yourself can produce a far more stimulating result than a discussion held with some other uncommunicative individual. If today, you consult your own inner guru, you will not only hear words of great wisdom, you will also gain an insight into how to repair a damaged relationship. After which, the tandem may become rideable once more.
Venus is the planet that shines so brightly she looks like a star. Venus only ever appeals just around sundown or sunrise. She leads the way for the other stars. She is sometimes herald of night's magic and sometimes the pointer to a bright new day. Venus inspires poetry. Venus assists with the creation of wealth and Venus brings the gift of popularity to all who fall under her kindly spell. Venus is now weaving magical patterns into the fabric of your life, as soon you will see.
To a farmer, a dead cow is a dead cow. To an artist it is a ticket to the kind of glorious fame that can only ever arise through controversy. The world is full of things that have different meaning for different people. So much so that it is a wonder we ever agree about the name of, or purpose for anything. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Value is in the pocket of the would be purchaser. And your great chance today, makes sense only to you. So don't go asking other people what they think.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) Pain and pleasure are more closely linked than many people realise. Like love and hate, they are two sides of one coin. A spinning coin. A coin that is capable of landing at any moment on either of its faces. Our enemies were all once our friends. Our sorrows are all things that once brought us joy. In India they call this world the home of "duality. " All things have a positive and a negative. Today's events should clearly show you the cause of a recent problem - followed by the solution to it.
Why is the grass always greener on the other side of the fence? Because the fence provides shadow which prevents the sun from bleaching the blades below it. This may sound strange but it is possible to prove. Simply remove the fence. Immediately all the grass takes on a uniform hue. You have your point of view today and someone else has theirs. Try to see this as a manifestation of the glorious variety which makes for the spice of life - and not as a reason to go on the offensive. せっかく更新されたので御役をお願いいたします。
Any genius can make a mistake but only a fool can see that mistake as irrepairable. You are in a bit of a pickle. A right old two and eight. How did you wind up in a situation like this? Who's fault is it? And what can be done? OK. Stop right here. That first question is irrelevant. The second is presumptive. Only the third deserves an answer. And here is that answer. You are in a glorius position. You have the ability and the wherewithal to undo all damage and turn trouble to triumph. TAROT MAGIC! If you have a pressing question, let the cards answer it for you.... ring the number below.
Gollum held the ring for many years and in doing so became a shadow of his former self. He called it, "precious" and in clinging to it so dearly he lost sight of all in life that is truly precious. To some extent we are all victims of this syndrome. We seek that which will give us power, wealth or security and in the process travel ever further away from simplicity, gratitude and contentment. Much fuss is being made around you now about something ultimately empty. See through this.
今日も終っちゃいますけど、いちお獅子座のデイリーの訳どなたかお願いします。 Atlas carried the world on his shoulders. For the rest of his life he had to see an osteopath twice a week. This piece of information is not recorded in the literature of mythology. During the pillage of the library in Alexandria the book containing this reference was lost. How, you may ask then, do I know it? I am sworn to secrecy. I dare not reveal my channel of information. But I can tell you this much. You'll do yourself a damage today if you mind anyone else's business but your own.
わーい、今日は早いー。どなたか蠍座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 Galadriel, the elfin queen of Lothlorien, was loath even to touch the ring for a moment. She explained that though she might hope to channel its power for good, ultimately she would find herself drawn by its dark force. Tolkien, as he wrote these words, would have been aware of Lord Acton's famous assertion that, "Power corrupts, power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." You are not likely to end up with absolute power today, so you needn't be too worried. But you should be conscious and careful about the power you do have.
すみません、獅子座もお願いします。 Each time they hold an Olympic games, they allow more activities into the event. Given its immense popularity, it can only be a matter of time before they legitimise the ancient tradition of buck-passing. When they do, they are going to have to standardise the rules. It is currently an anarchic game that can involve any number of players, from one (as in, "it's all my own fault") to six billion (as in "it's all everyone else's fault"). When it does gain acceptance, it is likely to be classified as a dangerous sport. Don't play it today.
乙女デイリーお願いします。 When astrologers describe your sign, they make great play of your ability to pay attention to detail and to think intelligently about matters which most people are just too selfish or short sighted to consider. In painting this picture they do you an injustice, not because the above is untrue but because it represents just one aspect of your multifaceted persona. You are also quite capable of being a dreamer and of producing the most stunningly attractive creative work. Right now your inner artist is far more powerful (and relevant) than your inner scientist. Improve your relationship! Call the Zodiac Love Line on the numbers below...
Venus remains in your sign. Back when Mars was passing through Aquarius I made a point of mentioning it every day. I wonder if I should pursue the same policy now. You probably need to be reminded for the influence of Venus can be subtle. Where Mars tends to create a fairly obvious sense of haste and pressure, Venus brings a softness and a sweetness to your life. She makes you more likeable, more creative and more magnetic; able to draw towards yourself the things you most need. Soon you should see the proof of this.
Venus remains in your sign. Back when Mars was passing through Aquarius I made a point of mentioning it every day. I wonder if I should pursue the same policy now. You probably need to be reminded for the influence of Venus can be subtle. Where Mars tends to create a fairly obvious sense of haste and pressure, Venus brings a softness and a sweetness to your life. She makes you more likeable, more creative and more magnetic; able to draw towards yourself the things you most need. Soon you should see the proof of this.
Up, up and away in your beautiful balloon. And where, precisely are you going? Does it matter? With each passing day you are you are rising higher above a situation which once made you feel very earthbound. You are starting to taste freedom and you should have no fear. Only the dull and the unimaginative need to know where they are going the whole time. People who are inspired, who's hearts are light and who's minds are open, can make things up as they go along and feel comfortable that their instinct will take care of the rest.
Improve your relationship! Call the Zodiac Love Line on the numbers below...
山羊座です。翻訳お願いします。 You don't need looking after. You can take perfectly good care of yourself. You are as bright as a button and as sharp as a razor. A tough cookie. A born battler. A coper. A fighter. A natural survivor. You have been right through the school of hard knocks. You have graduated from the university of life. There are no flies on you. None of the above though is of any relevance to you now. Something touching and rather delightful is starting to take place. Lower your guard and allow a little magic to make its way into your world. Improve your relationship! Call the Zodiac Love Line on the numbers below...
>>809,810 辞書を見ると、「sell=〈良心・名誉・祖国などを〉(金・権力のために) 売る、売り渡す」という訳がのっていて、例文として 「He would sell his grandmother for a buck.=彼は金のためなら何 でもやる男だ(直訳:彼は1ドルのためなら、自分のおばあさんを売り飛ばす ことだってするだろう)」 という例文がのってます。(小学館 Progressive英和中辞典、カッコ内直訳は、 私が補足しました。)
It is not that you like to do things the hard way, it is just that all too often, the hard way turns out to be the only way that works. Because you keep finding this , you have subtly attuned your inner nature towards an acceptance of hardship. After all, if you are going to have to keep on struggling, you may as well find some way to enjoy the process. This mechanism of self-protection is laudable and useful but it has just one drawback. It means that when, as now, you have a genuine chance to do things the easy way for a change, you do not always take it. Improve your relationship! Call the Zodiac Love Line on the numbers below...
Some things look as if they may be about to start going wrong. Why worry about this now? You have been alive on this planet for many years. Since when have things looked as if they ever had even the remotest intention of turning out right? Others can testify to this. Unlike you, they do not remain optimistic even in the face of all evidence to the contrary. These people already accept that not everything turns out perfectly all the time. But they feel that even when things are not so good they are really not so bad. They are right - but you are right to keep hoping for more.
上記の辞書によると「sell=売り込む」の場合、「BにAを売り込む」の表現は2通りあって、 "sell A to B" または "sell B A" です。 「おばあさんに自分を売り込む」は、 1 - sell themselves to their grandmothers 2 - sell their grandmother themselves が考えられますが、原文は「sell their own grandmother.」だけです。この場合 「sell=売り込む」だとしたら「何を」が欠けているし、そこに themselves を 補うのも強引な気がします。
今、Googleを使って "sell their own grandmother"で検索してみたら、35件ヒット しました。
"sell their own grandmother for XXX" の XXXのところにいろいろヴァリエーションが あるようで、for $20、for 20 bucks、for a drink、to make a profit、for a dollar、 for a warm meal、for a pack of cigarettes など(多くは)わずかな価値のもののために さえ(大切なはずの)おばあさんをうっぱらう=利益のためならなんでもする、と言うような 表現になっているのがわかります。
蠍座のデイリーの訳をお願いします。 "As the great necromancer sat in his dark tower bending all his thoughts to the whereabouts of the missing ring, his eye alighted on the land of Scorpio. Here was a race of kind, courageous characters none of whom could ignore injustice and who would struggle to their last breath to defend the weak, the meek, the honest and the sincere. " You may not, this weekend, completely manage to destroy your nemesis. But it, he or she, will soon be quaking in its boots. And with good reason. For you have right on your side.
乙女座の週末予報の訳、どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Venus and Neptune both form conjunctions to your ruler this weekend. Mercury is in the sector of the sky that governs duty. The clear implication here is that a chore is about to become a pleasure. It is also possible that an investment will reward you handsomely or that you will be vindicated for the energy and effort that you have been pouring into a seemingly futile enterprise. There is romance in the air - in the classic sense if you really want it - and in the broader, more creative sense if you secretly prefer it that way.
獅子座のデイリーの翻訳もお願いします。 There are of course, other issues to be resolved before the game of buck-passing can become a true Olympic sport. We must find answers to questions like, where does it stop and for how long? We also need to decide whether this is a game that can only be played by young bucks. And was it really invented by a Mr Rogers? This weekend, you can expect to become none the wiser with regard to any of the above. But you should just find it possible, if you are clever, to make yourself a fast buck!
The best thing you can possibly do this weekend, is nothing! Really! Try it! When I say nothing, I don't mean absolutely nothing. I don't mean lie on your back and refuse to move even to eat or answer the door. I mean a slightly different sort of nothing. Nothing as in not very much. Nothing as in don't respond to aggravation or feel obliged to chase after temptation. Nothing as in be passive. You don't need to make a great effort. Venus is in your sign. What you need will come sweetly, naturally to you. Here comes the cavalry! The planets are riding to your rescue. To find out how (and when) call the numbers below...
You just can't win this weekend. Now, would you like the good news? You just can't lose either! You are destined to draw. There will be neither victory nor defeat, success nor failure, fulfilment nor frustration. There will instead, be a truce, a fudge, a compromise. Things will, on balance, work out just about right but in a way that, although it seems far from satisfactory, cannot quite be described as unacceptable. Expect irritation but not aggravation. And do your best to stay calm. The trick is not to let anything get to you.
週末の翻訳どうぞお願いします。 Your natural disposition is defensive. Life has taught you to guard against intrusion and exploitation. Your protection mechanism though, is graceful. Like a beautifully decorated castle wall it repels invaders yet attracts admiration for its architecture. You are firm but friendly. Charming but ever so slightly reserved. You know where to draw the line. You do it with subtle strength. This weekend though, you need not be so cautious. The sky is smiling on you. Only welcome visitors are now urging you to lower your draw-bridge. Here comes the cavalry! The planets are riding to your rescue. To find out how (and when) call the numbers below...
The power of the mind knows no bounds. Uri Geller stands as living proof of this and he is not alone. Even those of us who have not yet managed to bend spoons to our will have experienced the ability to create previously unseen flexibility in people and situations. To summon this kind of magic it is not necessary to furrow your brow in concentration. You can do it by relaxing, by thinking positive thoughts and by letting an inner vision of confidence shine out gently. You'll be amazed what bends for you this weekend
牡牛座よろしくお願いします。 Prepare for a surprisingly constructive weekend. There is a possibility that you could become prone to excessive behaviour or that you may develop an unhealthily large appetite for a pleasure that is best enjoyed sparingly. But in this modern age of self-indulgence, it is considered a virtue, rather than a vice to have too much of a good thing. Nobody will criticise you and nor will you have need to chastise yourself - unless you enjoy doing that kind of a thing! The sky now offers you romance, adventure and economic opportunity.
Here comes the cavalry! The planets are riding to your rescue. To find out how (and when) call the numbers below...
"You shall go to the ball!" Ah, but, what if you detest dancing? What if there is nothing you like less than the pomp and pretentiousness of a regal reception? What if you would far prefer to stay at home cleaning out the fire grate? Then, if a fairy godmother was to look meaningfully at a pumpkin you might well feel more resentment than excitement. It currently seems as if your fairy godmother has one idea about what would be good for you now and you have another. But, if she is a TRUE protector, how can she be wrong?
すみません、獅子座のデイリーの訳をお願いします。 You may as well start the week as you will need to go on; by being highly intelligent. Some situations just do not respond to logic. They are silly and stupid and they will remain so no matter how clever you try to be. Other problems though, can easily be fixed with the application of a little brain power. Your current difficulty falls into the latter category. Don't be distracted by the factor that now seems to be so ridiculous or so aggravating. Just take it in your stride, smile... and access your inner computer.
Throughout history Venus has taken many guises. She has been depicted on the half-shell, in furs and in blue jeans. This is appropriate. Our desires take many forms so it is right that the cosmic representative of desire should have a fluid image. Venus is in your sign now and she is wearing an attractive outfit. Tonight's Full Moon in your opposite sign suggests that if you now allow yourself to be inspired by sense of positive possibility that is beginning to flit across your mind, you will become able to turn your dream into a reality.
乙女座の訳、どなたかよろしくお願いします! Some things get easier with practice. The more you perform a task the more familiar you become with it. Situations too can prove less stressful with repetition. We are all afraid of the unknown but, once we have had experience of something, it can be much less stressful to encounter. You are dealing now with a challenge which, though it may not be entirely new, is nonetheless full of factors that you do not quite know how to deal with. The past won't help you much today but the future is beckoning you helpfully forward. Trust it.
"Sagittarians love nothing more than a challenge." it says this in almost every astrological text book. So it must be true. Mustn't it? Actually, there is plenty that you love more than a challenge. Food for example. Fun. Entertainment. Sensual pleasure. These are just a few of the many things that you love more than a challenge. When it comes to challenge though, you are just a little better than most people at handling it. Right now, you are being challenged. You are also being offered a big reward. Don't worry about it.
"Grab your coat and get your hat, leave your worry on the doorstep, just direct your feet to the sunny side of the street." Philosophers the world over have long been mystified by the lyrics of this famous song. Why should anyone require weatherproof clothing whilst journeying towards a warm climate? Is this irony? Are the songwriters attempting to communicate a paradox? Or maybe the message is straightforward. Even when we are heading, as you are now, into a bright future, we still need to carry with us a degree of protection.
Venus, as she now floats gracefully through your sign, is bestowing a series of gifts upon you. She is showering you with insight and inspiration. Just though, as it can feel slightly uncomfortable to walk through a rain shower even on a stiflingly hot day, it is possible that you may not be finding her influence entirely enjoyable. You keep encountering situations that somehow show you how much is missing. But this is only happening for one reason. So that, having worked out what you really need, you can start to get it. To find out more, call the number below...
Venus, as she now floats gracefully through your sign, is bestowing a series of gifts upon you. She is showering you with insight and inspiration. Just though, as it can feel slightly uncomfortable to walk through a rain shower even on a stiflingly hot day, it is possible that you may not be finding her influence entirely enjoyable. You keep encountering situations that somehow show you how much is missing. But this is only happening for one reason. So that, having worked out what you really need, you can start to get it.
If you tell a teenager that it is time to get down to the nitty gritty, you may well be misunderstood. Probably, they will assume that The Nitty Gritty is some kind of house or hip-hop act that they can "get down" to. The confusion will be compounded by the fact that the nitty gritty is the last thing any youngster wants to deal with. Reality is only ever of interest to old fogeys. You, of course, have a Peter Pan complex. Hence the fact that your head is full of high ideas. Right now though, the sky speaks of the need to return to earth.
No zodiac sign is more misunderstood than yours. People say the most stupid things about Pisces. Astrologers make assertions that are patently untrue and level accusations which, if delivered in a different context would be libellous. "Airy-fairy, dopey dreamy, head alternately up in the clouds and up your own..." well, that's enough. We do not need to repeat any more of this nonsense. We simply need to point out that many people have made mistaken assumptions about you and they are all now having to think again. For you are starting to shine like a star!
蠍座のデイリーです。訳をお願いします。 "This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you." Back in the dark ages of the 20th century some school teachers used to say this before administering corporal punishment. Other examples of manipulative double speak include "Its for your own good," "You'll feel better once its over" and "One day you'll thank me for this." People talk a lot of rot. But now, as we enter a more enlightened age we are leaving such nonsense behind us. So when I tell you that what the sky is now doing is in your own best interest, you really can believe me.
獅子座のデイリーの翻訳をどなたかお願いします。 Scientist love to debate the exact age of the universe. Is it millions of years old, or is it billions? All are agreed though, that it is pretty ancient. Perhaps this explains why it is so absent-minded. The cosmos, for example, frequently seems to forget that you are its most important inhabitant. It allows its attention to wander and deprives you of the privileged treatment to which you are, by birth, entitled. Lately, there have even been moments when you have had to struggle like an ordinary mortal. But the sky looks set to recover its memory soon.
"Love is a many splendoured thing." But then again, so is chocolate. It comes in all kinds of shape, size and flavour. It comforts, it uplifts and it bestows the gift of radiant energy. You can use it to flavour cakes, ice-cream and a variety of hot beverages. Ah yes, chocolate. It makes the world go round you know. As for that other stuff, well its vastly overrated isn't it? It is sickly sweet and if you have too much of it your brain turns to mush. You can do without that. Can't you? Oh well, on your own head be it. But don't say that you haven't been warned today.
数を下に?? 意味が解りません。よろしくお願いします。 Your astrological outlook remains excellent. This, of course, does not mean that you can expect things to go smoothly. It doesn't matter how good the cosmic climate is, we cannot escape the fact that this is Planet Earth, famous throughout the galaxy for being the home of chaos and confusion. Why even the inhabitants of Zarg (a cluster of planets near the Andromeda Spiral) know that if you want a little craziness, the blue third planet from Sol, with the single Moon, is the place to find it. Ridiculous events will continue. But you'll be too happy to care. To find out more, call the number below...
"May you stay forever young." Bob Dylan probably didn't have Virgos in mind when he wrote this song. He would have been wasting his wish if he had for Virgos are designed in such a way as to remain forever young regardless of who or what encourages them to do so. You have always looked young for your age and you always will do. You don't always act young in public but in private, as your friends will testify, relating to you is like talking to a big kid. You don't need to grow up today, you just need to be wise.
蠍座のデイリーの訳お願いします。 "Shut up, or I'll give you something to cry about." With threats like this, some mothers begin the slow process of teaching their tiny offspring that the world is a terrible place that can only get worse. We may not all be quite this openly horrible to one another - or to the children in our care - but it seems that at some level we often communicate fear instead of sharing understanding. All too often, people mistake a cry for help for a shout of antagonism. Be kind and be subtle today - and all will be fine.
"I used to walk in the shade, with those blues on parade, but I'm not afraid. " More today from 'The Sunny Side of the Street.' Do you feel as though this is where you now are or is some fear still casting a shadow? You are right to feel cautious about what's happening. You need to guard against making some silly mistake. But you also need to have a little faith. You are now directing your feet towards a brighter future. You need to remain diligent but you can rest assured that there is plenty of sunshine coming.
すいません、獅子座のデイリーもお願いします。 As the Moon now prepares to depart your zodiac sign, you are starting to notice a change of mood. You no longer feel so apprehensive about your circumstances. You are more inclined to think hopeful thoughts and to be a bit more tolerant towards others. Only a bit of course. You are not on the verge of becoming a pushover but you are at least now willing to understand why a certain person is behaving badly. Use this psychological key to open the doorway to a better, more honest and more realistic relationship.
I never find it easy to write about a positive cosmic climate. When there is trouble in the sky I can offer explanation and reassurance. When there is good news though, I am obliged to report it even though I know there will be some people who are not enjoying themselves. These people will read their encouraging forecast and feel cheated. They will wonder whether the fault is theirs or whether the astrologer is simply wrong. Today though, I have no option other than to insist that your outlook is truly splendid.
Zap! You are being energised. Cosmic rays are beaming down into your body as we speak. The planet Mars is sending thunderbolts of power in your direction. Do not attempt to duck, dodge or dive from them. You simply must let them land on you! Stand up today and take control of a situation that has been listless, chaotic and pathetic for far too long. The sky insists that all bold action on your part will bring success provided, of course, that it is based on a sincere desire to do the best thing for everyone.
Be careful. You are in danger of developing a case of scruples. This could prove most debilitating. Inoculate yourself immediately. Count the number of times that other people have behaved unforgivably. Concentrate on the numerous dreadful abuses of power you have witnessed over the years. Justify your current plan by declaring that you are no worse than anyone else. If they can get away with it, why can't you? Oh dear. It doesn't seem to be working. Your standards are just too high. Which is just as well really.
そろそろ新スレですね? 今日の山羊座。翻訳お願いします。 On planet Zarg, they say many things about the Earth and its inhabitants. They often have our soap operas beamed into their homes and they are even more entertained by our nightly news broadcasts. The Zargians simply cannot believe that a race of beings can be so intelligent in one way and yet so stupid and so selfish in another. They find it all very funny. But then, they are a long way away. As you have no spaceship you will have to settle today for
establishing sanity in your own corner of the cosmos.
♪I used to walk in the shade, with those blues on parade, but I'm not afraid.♪(F.Sinatra/B.Holiday) (邦訳:ずっと日陰を歩いていた。憂鬱なことばかりだった。でも、もう考えを変えた。) 今日は、'The Sunny Side of the Street'(邦題:明るい表通りで)から教訓を得ましょう。