Things are looking up. Or are they are? Maybe you are just standing on your head. Maybe, if you turn the right way round, things will start to look down once more. There's always that possibility - but it is a very remote one now. Most things in your life should continue to look up, no matter which angle you view them from. There's a sense of hope in your heart, an air of positivity in your environment - and a sign of encouragement on your horizon. Trust all this. And be willing, today, to be pleasantly surprised by what you learn.
Which end of the stick is the correct one to get hold of? Both have advantages. It is not as if one has a hook and the other a handle. The stick could easily go either way round. And as the terms "right" and "wrong" are relative and subjective, maybe it really does not matter whether you get it from the North or the South side. These and other esoteric arguments can be employed, today, to justify any decision you care to make. Even so, your best bet is to trust your instinct. Because it DOES know the difference. And it is right!
What are you waiting for? You are waiting for whatever is waiting for you! Today, the chance of an encounter with this has never been higher. Saturn, your ruler, is officially stationary. It is seemingly standing still in the sky. You have reached an impasse. You have gone as far as you can in one direction. Now it is time to turn and travel in another. Before now, this was desirable but not possible. Some factor was missing from the equation. Now though, the time is right. And so too, is the agreement you are about to reach.
You may or may not like the path you have taken through history to arrive at this present moment but at least you can see that path, in your mind's eye, as solid. Hindsight makes everything definite. For when all the what-ifs have been debated, one fact remains. What's done is done. The path to future, by contrast, is always bound to look more like a wobbly tightrope hanging over a windy canyon. But actually now, there's a strong sense of destiny in your life. Something simply has to happen soon. Something good. And long overdue.
Imagination generally works best with just a small amount of stimulus. If you go and watch a movie, there will usually be precious little left to your imagination. Where it does have scope, it will be subtly led by the writers and directors. If though, you lie in a dimly lit room, listening to odd creaks and whirrs from around the house, you can soon imagine a host of unlikely invaders. You are "in the dark now" about a certain situation. You can do all the imagining you wish but what you really sorely need is information.
"Let the truth be told." Put like that, it seems simple. Why on earth would you, of all people, ever want to do anything else? But no matter how committed any of us may be to honesty, we still find some facts hard to face. It is always tempting to blank out information that seems somehow, to point us towards something that we would prefer not to think about. Ask yourself about that - and something else. Who wants to talk to you now? And why are you always too busy? Listen - and then relax. You have nothing to fear.
There is a tense air of excitement. Much is out of control. Much is seemingly resting in the lap of the gods. Much is open to interpretation. Yet somewhere, deep down within, you feel almost supremely confident. Are you right to have this much faith? The answer rather depends on what - or who your confidence is in. If it is in "the general idea that all will come right in the end, largely due to your own ability to see the right thing to do." you have every right and reason to relax. If it is in anything or anyone else, look out!
You need to tread gently and delicately now. Tiptoe. Whisper. Be careful whose attention you draw. Watch that you don't needless upset something or someone. Think of yourself as a ballet dancer.Glide effortlessly along. And,if there's something stopping you from doing this, don't stand and fight your ground. Slip swiftly out of its way. Be nimble, be sensitive and be silent where possible. For ultimately, you have something to accomplish. Arguments will not aid in this endeavour. Intelligence will. So be deft, not daft.
Tolerance is a virtue. So much so, indeed, that it is simply not possible to perceive virtue in an intolerant individual. Such dreadful people, surely, should never be tolerated! Or, to put it another way this weekend, it is one thing to talk, another to walk and quite another still, to walk your talk. With every step that any of us ever take, we go further away from theory and we have to construct a new understanding of the world based on the acceptance of reality. In doing this, tolerance really IS a virtue!
When things are up in the air, we find it hard to imagine that they will ever settle down once more. And of course, when things are stable, the notion of chaos seems equally unthinkable. We cannot help but relate to the world as it is - not as it will be - or may become. Yet you would be wrong to assume that you are due to remain in a precarious situation, just because so much has been uneasy or unbalanced lately. Don't plan for trouble this weekend. Prepare for a sense of comfort. And, to your surprise, this is what you will have.
>Don't plan for trouble this weekend. Prepare for a sense of comfort. And, to your surprise, this is what you will have. この部分だけよくわかりません。どういう事でしょうか? わざわざ訳して貰ったのに失礼ですが、お願いします。
>Don't plan for trouble this weekend. Prepare for a sense of comfort. And, to your surprise, this is what you will have. 週末はいやなことはみ〜んな忘れてのほほ〜んとするのがいいわよ。 大丈夫。あなたならできるわよ。
When things are up in the air, we find it hard to imagine that they will ever settle down once more. And of course, when things are stable, the notion of chaos seems equally unthinkable. We cannot help but relate to the world as it is - not as it will be - or may become. Yet you would be wrong to assume that you are due to remain in a precarious situation, just because so much has been uneasy or unbalanced lately. Don't plan for trouble this weekend. Prepare for a sense of comfort. And, to your surprise, this is what you will have.
すみません。水瓶もお願いします。 In most areas of life, if you want to get better at something, you obtain more information. You study your subject. You research your topic. You gain experience of working with your material. The more you explore, the more you discover. The more you discover, the more you know. The more you know, the harder it is to be taken by surprise. And the dumber you feel when, inevitably, something unexpected does come along. Experts have a lot more to lose than the rest of us. So don't try to be one of those this weekend!
A deal can be done this weekend. The agreement you reach, the conclusion you come to or the settlement you arrive at will have far more of an impact than you think. Subtly but significantly, your ability to concentrate has been impeded by recent uncertainty. You have allowed certain factors to drift and slip. You have given attention only to that which seems rewarding and exciting. In the process, key details and commitments have suffered. But no more. Now, a sense of positive excitement begins to pervade every area of your life
Once upon a time there was a frog who had lived his whole life at the bottom of a well. One day, he got a visitor. Another frog, passing through town. "Hi," said the well frog. "Do you like my place?" "Sure," said the visiting frog. "It's nice. But it's tiny." The well frog said, "Tiny? In all my life, I have never known anything bigger than this. A bigger place does not exist." So the lake frog said, "follow me" and, as he did so, the well frog said "Wow!" ...or did he stay at home and sulk? Are you ready now, to have your eyes opened?
オトメザ訳してくださいm(..)m Venus, as she passes through the zodiac, bestows many blessings. To some, she brings economic opportunity. To others, romantic fulfilment. In some signs, her gift is one of sheer sensual pleasure. In other sectors of the sky, she inspires breathtakingly original and apposite creativity. And in Virgo? Oh, she just helps you have a couple of useful ideas about how to cure sinus problems. Er... actually, I'm teasing. You may have to coax Venus into revealing her wilder side this week. But once you start, there'll be no stopping you!
A process has been set in motion. To stop it now, you will have to be both very fast and very decisive. You will have to stop a countdown or disconnect a burning fuse or dig up wet concrete just before it sets. Why would you want to do that? You have long needed the change that is finally starting to come about in your world. Don't doubt it now just because it seems to be taking longer than your thought it would, or because you are developing a temporary case of cold feet. 翻訳ソフトでだいたいのことは分かったんですがDon't doubt 以下がよくわかりません それをうたがうなの後のITが何をさしているんですか? 要は今まで考えてきたことを変なところで妥協するなということですか 意訳お願いします
It is time for a fairly big rethink. I know it seems like a very short while since you last sat to reconsider and re-evaluate everything but that is the nature of change. Once it starts it tends to carry on. The more it does though, the more you find that yesterday's big, final decision, was simply your way of reaching a "holding position". Your old holding position now needs to be replaced by a new one. And that's fine. You are now leaving a rut a long way behind and emerging slowly in territory that offers you true freedom.
A process has been set in motion. To stop it now, you will have to be both very fast and very decisive. You will have to stop a countdown or disconnect a burning fuse or dig up wet concrete just before it sets. Why would you want to do that? You have long needed the change that is finally starting to come about in your world. Don't doubt it now just because it seems to be taking longer than your thought it would, or because you are developing a temporary case of cold feet.
Is it really possible to have too much of a good thing? That's a bit of a moot point. But it probably is fair to say that you can have too much of a good thing at one single time. Imagine trying to eat your favourite food, watch your favourite movie, sit on your favourite beach, listen to your favourite music and snog your favourite person, all at the same time! These events are better run consecutively than concurrently. There's a sense now in which Venus is now offering more opportunity than you can take. So take what you need the most.
Some people feel sure they know all there is to know about a particular subject or situation. Such people are a danger - to themselves and to others. Worse still, they are tedious in the extreme to talk to. Expertise is one thing. Arrogance is another. A true expert may well make assumptions - but never will they let those assumptions be confused with statements of incontrovertible fact. You are now discovering some amazing things about a scenario you once thought you knew inside out. It is not making you look very smart. But it is potentially making you very well off.
Do you want some advice? Actually, you don't. The last thing you need now is someone's big idea about what you ought to be doing - or about what your situation needs. The trouble with advice is, when you ask for it - or even so much as hint that you are willing to take some, people feel obliged to give you the dubious benefit of their opinion. Then, once you've got it, you can never be sure whether you have been adversely influenced by it; either pressured into taking it too seriously - or pushed into doing the opposite out of cussedness. Consult nobody now. Trust yourself.
The world is full of pedants. People with little imagination, vision, ingenuity, independence or insight. That's why so many ghastly conventions and customs prevail. Nobody questions them. Some people, indeed, actively enjoy having meaningless rules to follow and pointless traditions to uphold. It gives them a sense of belonging. And it gives you an amazing opportunity. For Pluto suggests that now, you have the ability to run rings round someone who is stuck in a rut of their own creation. As long, that is, as you don't stand rooted to the spot in disbelief at their stupidity.
You don't much like the news you are getting. Not, of course, that any of us do at the moment. Rarely has the news made more compulsive - and less rewarding viewing than it has done in recent weeks. But we're not talking here about that kind of news. It's local, personal news from some area of your world that means a lot to you but which doesn't even impact on your neighbours. The news you are getting here is bugging you. Making you apprehensive. So don't listen. It's incomplete and badly reported. The facts, when they finally arrive, you WILL like.
4日の魚座 As you climb the ladder of success, many people will encourage and support you. Some will cheer from down below as they see you ascend. Some will give you practical assistance. They will make way for you on the step that they happen to be on - and help you find a foothold to the next. Others, of course, will not be so kind but these will be easy to spot. It's only once you really start winning that people turn against you and begin to secretly yearn for your downfall. Be discreet now - for you are due to benefit from a most fortunate development.
You may be short of money. You may also be less than enamoured with certain aspects of your romantic life - but all is far from lost. It is in fact, the very fact that you are so cheesed off with a certain situation (and a certain person's role within said situation) that you have to thank for giving you the determination to make some changes. Normally, you prefer to be easy going even when inwardly, you feel furious. As you begin to bare your teeth this weekend, you'll cause various people to rethink their behaviour and (one way or another) to start offering you a better deal. うお座が大変な状況らしい 訳してください
"Sorry. We close at 5.30pm. Yes, madam, I know that you still require service - and that the street is full of people who would also like help... but rules are rules. I don't make them. I just carry them out." With this attitude (or a variation on its theme, such as I know you want it in blue - and blue is a perfectly safe, good colour - but you are not allowed to have it) many a once proud nation now crawls along on its knees. This weekend, some bureaucrat is bugging you - or some ludicrous law is impeding you. I cannot of course, recommend rebellion. But I can say... nothing.
Rest. Relax. Snooze. Cruise. Flop. Drop. Sprawl. Loll. Etc. Try, this weekend, to do no more than you have to and, if possible, to do less than that! Be lazy, listless, idol, indolent, sloppy, lazy, hazy and vague. Conserve energy. Stay in bed longer than you should and go there when you shouldn't. Eat too much. Bathe too often. Refuse to worry. Hide everything that's urgent and important in a cupboard or a drawer till Monday. Forget it. Let it be. No matter how diligent you are, you'll only go round in circles. So you may as well let the circles go round on their own!
Want to know the short cut to wisdom? It's a mixture of compassion and sincerity. If you really mean what you say - and you mean it for the kindest possible reason, you will end up doing the wisest thing even if you do it in the silliest way imaginable. Conversely, you can be as tactical and as practical as you wish to be. If your heart is cold and cynical, the ultimate outcome of your endeavour will satisfy nobody, least of all you. This weekend, you face pressure; emotional and financial. Don't let any of this detract you from the crucial need to be sensitive - and forgiving. 今日のみずがめです!おねがいします!
Problems, on this planet, generally fall into one of two categories. "Made to measure" and "off the peg." Generally speaking, we have a hand in creating the first type. We have, if nothing else, to stand still long enough to be fitted for them. Usually, if we are honest with ourselves, we have to concede that we have chosen the cloth, cut and colour too. The ready-made variety never fit us so well. Nor do they tend to cost us so much - or last as long. What you are dealing with, this weekend, is a bespoke creation. If it is really too tight on you, why don't you get it adjusted!
Q: What does a dyslexic, agnostic insomniac do? A: Lies awake at night, wondering if there is a dog!" Boom Boom. Thank you. And now... well, OK then, so little seems funny to you at the moment - but then at least, despite what you think, there is little to worry about too. You are deeply preoccupied now, by a matter that is complicated and demanding. You are still struggling to find the right way to tackle it. You can't ignore it and nor can you easily escape from your problem. But you can sort it out properly. And once you do, you'll be laughing this weekend
Familiarity does not always breed contempt. Sometimes, it creates a real sense of cosiness and comfort. That's why often, we decide that we prefer the devil we know to the one that we don't, even when the one that we don't is a merely a minor imp while the one that we do is the head honcho of Hades. Familiarity can breed content just as easily as contempt but what is always creates in a problem with objectivity. You can't see past, over or under what you know too well - or are too close to. And this weekend, absolutely all you need is a fresh perspective on an old situation.
今週の乙女座、よろしくお願いします。 Venus remains in Virgo. This is most auspicious. It bodes well for all affairs of the heart - and all attempts to attain your heart's true desire. Now here, we must introduce a word of realism. To "bode well" is not to promise complete fulfilment. Hearts have a funny way of never staying completely contented for long. Plus; a great many "heart's desires" are far more enjoyable to pursue than they are to catch. We cannot therefore, say that your romantic and material quests will all come to a happy end soon. But it is fair and appropriate to predict that you will soon feel substantially better about your problems. And that this, in turn will make them substantially less problematic!
今日の水瓶座です。翻訳お願いします。 It all seems to be going crazy. That's good news. The real trouble in life, comes when we mistakenly think we can see no stupidity, no chaos, no insanity in our situation. For it is always there. When it is hidden, it is far more insidious. When it is out in the open, at least you can see what you are up against. So look now, at the mayhem in your emotional life - and your financial situation - and be glad of it all! There's a method to that madness. And, as you'll soon see, things are far less of a problem than they appear.
乙女座デイリーです。翻訳よろしくお願いします。 無料ソフトで試したんですが全くわからなくて・・・。 And they all lived happily ever after." Oh no they didn't! That was just the story teller's way of bringing proceedings to a close. It allowed for going to sleep with no more questions asked. It permitted the shutting of a book - and the putting on of a kettle - and the return to another story - back in real life. Yet the image sticks with us. We dream of - aspire to - yearn for - impossible happy endings. You won't get one of those this week. But you certainly can get (if it isn't already arriving) a happy middle!
It's time to lose a little weight. And no, we're not talking about the stuff you measure on scales. Size isn't everything indeed, in terms of emotional well being, it's nothing. You can be big, small, light, heavy but if what's in your heart is happy, you'll shine with irresistibly attractive light. And if there's a hole in your soul, it won't make a difference if you're as thin as a pole. Anyhow. Where were we? Ah yes. Weight. Of anxiety. Of worry. Of concern. Of insecurity. THAT'S the stuff you need to shed this week.
Come on. Turn out your suitcase. Let's take a look at what's in it shall we? Crikey! That's nearly half a ton of grudge you've got in there. No wonder you have been finding it so hard to carry. And what's this? Why, if I am not mistaken, it's a guilt complex. An original, by the look of it, from the days before they shrank them onto microchip. Heavens! That's as heavy as any lump of lead. Let's lighten your load. If you like, you can store them in case you ever need them. But you'll never regret dropping what you drop this week. 今日のかに座訳してください
If you can clearly see a monster in the distance, it makes no sense to get a little closer, just to check that it is really as fierce as it looks. If though, you can see a tiny sparkle on the far horizon, it's well worth moving nearer. What seems like a piece of tinfoil, glinting in the sunlight, could turn out to be a precious diamond, waiting to be claimed. And if you are not sure what you can see? Always give the benefit of the doubt to hope! In other words, unless you are totally sure there's a real big problem ahead... don't change tack. A scientist will say that, if you ask yourself a simple 'yes or no question' and then toss a coin to determine the answer, you have a fifty-fifty chance of being right. 水瓶座の月間なのですが、 どなたか翻訳お願いします。 A psychologist however, will insist that the odds of getting an accurate result are much higher. Why? Because if, deep down, you have even an inkling of the truth, the act of tossing the coin will help you to identify it. You'll feel one way if you get heads, another if you get tails. This month, the sky suggests that where your intellect can't guide you now, your instinct can. Trust it.
今日の乙女座お願いします。自分では訳せないです。。。 "Is it OK to feel OK? Maybe it's wrong. Maybe it is dangerous. Maybe you will get lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe your bubble will burst if you blow it up any bigger. Maybe, when so many people in this world are angry, afraid or sad now, it's bad to feel glad. Maybe you'll make yourself a hostage to fortune. Maybe your confidence will prove false." Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. And maybe not, too! The only thing that will actually spoil the good time you are perfectly entitled to have today, is doubt. Chuck it all out!
You are most uncomfortable about something. There's a big difference of opinion. You want to prove a point but feel you can't in case it causes too much trouble. Yet somehow, today, fortune will bring the perfect answer to a pressing question.
蟹のdairyですが、You want to proveからtoo much trouble まではどういう意味か教えてください。
Wednesday, 10th October 2001 Taurus (Apr 22 - May 21) There's a glorious scene, in Alice Through the Looking Glass, where Alice and the queen run as fast as they can just to stay in the same place. In the same chapter, Alice complains of a raging thirst and the queen offers her a dry biscuit. Hi there Alice! Had enough of all this nonsense yet? It's not that you now need to wake up - more that there is something you need to take up. A chance. A cause. A new way of looking at an old source of tension. Get busier. And then the chaos in your world will get a whole lot quieter.
A vague sense of oppression is beginning to lift. You no longer feel quite so weighed down. You can shed even more of your burden if you now make a few timely choices. Whose can are you carrying? Whose buck has come to rest on your desk, despite the fact that it ought not to be your responsibility? Has someone taken advantage of your kindness? Or maybe you have waded into a situation saying "Out of the way! I'll sort it all out and make it better for everyone." If so, wade back out. You don't owe anything to anyone now.
Happy New er... um, oh. I don't suppose really, that it is happy new anything this weekend. That's odd. It feels as if it ought to be. There's a sense of celebration in the air. It seems, somehow, as if there is a new beginning - a chance to start afresh, all over again in the offing. Somehow, you are starting to feel as if nothing need ever oppress you again. Whatever it was that you were daunted by, you are no longer so worried about. You can see a way forward. It is inspiring you. Rightly so. Your hopes are justified.
What, pray tell, is a bird in the bush worth? The answer, of course, is species dependent. It is worth a lot, for example, if the bird in question happens to be a rare crested eagle. Not so much if it's a pigeon (unless you happen to have a dog called Muttley). And then, of course, on the other hand, there's your hand. What does that have in it? If there's no bird, almost anything the bush can offer will be worth pursuing. Don't spend too long, this weekend, beating about the bush. Reach in and catch what it contains.
Why get a dog and then do all your own barking? Why, indeed, do anything yourself when you can easily get someone else to do it for you? There are, of course, viable answers to both those questions. Maybe you can't get anyone else to do it as well as you can. Maybe you take such deep satisfaction in doing it that you'd miss out on a pleasure if you were to abdicate the responsibility. But er, not here! A certain person now seems keen to end something that you too, feel disenchanted with. Leave them to it and let them take the strain. 今日の双子座分かりません 翻訳お願いします ちょつと不穏?なフインキのような
This would appear to be one of those weeks. No, not one of THOSE weeks, one of THOSE weeks. You know. The good sort. One of those weeks when, oh dear, I appear to be blushing. I can't quite find the right words. Hang on a moment please, whilst I compose myself. Ah, that's better. Ahem Ahem. Er, this week, you can expect a certain someone to, um, well, you know. Indeed, you can expect quite a lot of opportunity for activity in, how shall I put this, THAT department. Oh YOU work it out. PS. Money, home and work look OK too.
Your are suffering from some serious shortages. There's a dearth of celebration, for one thing. There's a woeful absence of objectivity for another. Everything is getting far too intense, serious and cautious. There needs now, to be some adventure, some change, some glee, some silliness and some remembrance of the fact that ultimately, none of it really matters. The New Moon suggests that such levity is not as far away as you might fear. Embrace the moment when it arises. It will give you the perspective that you so vitally need now. 今日もお願いします 冒険や変化が必要なのかそうではないのかいまいち分かりません
Explore the alternatives. There are some, you know - and they exist for a reason. You are not, normally, a creature of habit. You certainly don't like to see yourself as one. You like to be thought of as adventurous, open minded and perhaps most importantly of all, knowledgeable about choices and options. Yet you also believe in the old saying "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" so you tend to leave things that are "working" alone. Yet something now is not working as it should be. So - start thumbing through the catalogue! また双子ですが他の案を探しなさいということは分かるんですが 途中何いっているか分かりません 教えてください
Does it matter where you go as long as you go somewhere? Too right it does. A sense of purpose may be a wonderful thing - but by definition, it has a destination attached to it. No matter how good you may feel about rolling down the road, you'll feel one way if that road takes you to a golden castle on a misty hilltop and another if it leads you to the local rubbish dump. You need, therefore, to get a map and start reading it carefully. If you just follow someone who looks like they know where they are going... you'll regret it.
Yesterday was the first day of the rest of your life. I trust you took advantage of this and made suitably bold decisions. You didn't? Oh well. I guess you missed your moment. Tell you what, I'll consult my ephemeris of planetary positions and see if you get another such opportunity soon. Well I'll be darned! Who'd have thought it? It turns out, by an amazing coincidence, that TODAY is also the first day of the rest of your life. Phew! It's not too late after all. There are no guarantees about tomorrow though. So look sharp.
Three cheers for the treadmill. Where would we all be without it? Wake up. Eat breakfast. Get to work. Earn the money - or fulfil the obligations - or both. Stop. Collapse. And start all over again the next day. Did I forget to mention something? Oh yes. Silly me. Spend - ever so slightly more than you can afford. Struggle, more than you want to, with stupid people. Worry, more than you need to, with new causes for concern arising daily. Life's just great, isn't it? Actually, this weekend, it IS. And you'll soon see a lovely reason why.
"You can lead a horse to water... but you can't make it drink. " You can however, put salt in its food. And, if you are hoping that the creature will see sense and take advantage of the pool, you'll stand a far better chance of a result by taking it down to the edge than you will if you just leave it wandering around a desert. There is, this weekend, no guarantee that what you are trying to do will work. There is though, a guarantee that if you do nothing, you'll get nowhere! If you make the best effort you can it WILL have some impact.
いて座です。よろしくおねがいします。 You have, all week long, been wrestling with a bit of an issue. An argument, probably. A cause for concern, possible. A set of arrangements that just won't work, maybe. Or details that just cannot be resolved, perhaps. The good news? In another week or so, things will be much better. The bad news? That's another whole week away! You want some more good news? It won't matter too much. Another great source of tension and angst in your life is being eased as we speak. This weekend will be surprisingly relaxed and enjoyable.
牡牛座の終末予報です。 特に第2センテンスがわかりません。よろしくおねがいします。 The weekend brings a change that you were not quite expecting. You may have been hoping for it - but only in the wistful way that you sometimes do aspire to far fetched things. You can expect soon, to feel rather like a movie goer, idly ogling some Hollywood star - only to realise that the celebrity in question is sitting in the next seat, ogling you! HOLD ON! CALM DOWN! I said LIKE this. I'm not being literal. Your sudden breakthrough won't be THAT good. Nor will it help to win you the lottery. But it will be inspiring, even so.
すみません。水がめもお願いします。 There are some forces you can't keep at bay. Time, for example, marches inexorably on, regardless of our best efforts to slow it down, send it back or even speed it up! Nature though, is not the only supplier of inevitable, inarguable developments. People create these too. Once a certain individual has made their mind up about a particular matter, you are better off trying to turn the tide than getting them to think again. Don't waste energy on a futile struggle this weekend. There's true fun and joy to be had elsewhere.
Phew! I guess this must be your lucky weekend. It would seem that, despite yesterday's dire warning about seizing the moment, you have another moment to seize. So thankfully, there really is no need to spend the next couple of days beating yourself over the head, or walking round in sackcloth and ashes, bemoaning your poor judgement and lack of timing. Hey look, I'm not trying to spoil your fun. Of course you can do that if you WANT to! But it's not obligatory. You have missed nothing. Act now and all you need can yet be yours.
微妙に意味がよくわからなくて・・・。 You may, this weekend, acquire a little extra money. You certainly may see the route from here to the eventual acquisition of such funds. And this, of course, will cheer you up enormously. Or will it? Possibly not. For there are, of course, some things that no amount of potential or even real cash can fix. You are sensitive now, to the criticism of a caustic character. You seek approval or at least acceptance of an idea or arrangement. All you seem to be getting is negativity. This drama will resolve itself in time. So give it time.
Forget it. Do yourself a favour. Give yourself a break. Rescue your weekend from the date with disappointment that it now seems determined to make. Come on. Wise up. Get real. You are hoping for WHAT? From WHOM? Huh? Sorry, maybe I'm missing something here but you know, I'd always thought of you as a pretty level headed kind of person. A little wacky and eccentric of course, in a charming sort of way but generally wise and smart. Well then. Leave the stone alone. Even if you CAN get blood from it, what do you want that for?
You have, in the past, had better weekends - and more inspiring starts to the new week. But then you have also surely, learned that you should never judge a book by its cover or a week by its first couple of days. The tough stuff won't go away in the next few days but it will become less impossible. Or maybe, it will remain just as impossible but you simply won't be as phased by it. A paradox, after all, is never satisfactorily resolved. It is simply, somehow, accepted. Who cares? You won't soon. There'll just be too much to celebrate.
Some people have display cabinets full of silver cups, paper rosettes, statuettes - all bearing names, dates, places. Of course, if you truly desire such a collection there is a much easier way to acquire it. Get the Yellow Pages. Look up "Competition prizes". Call the folk who manufacture them. They will create a trophy for any contest you care to invent and engrave your name on it for a very reasonable fee. If you seek this week, any visible proof of success, you are missing a key point. What's in your heart is ALL that counts.
The walls of the tunnel are dank. Slimy substances ooze down them. Above your head thick, tangled cobwebs hover menacingly. And what are these below your feet? Two sets of raised metal runners, equally spaced apart. Tracks! So maybe that means a racing train could head straight to the spot where you are standing at any moment! Be of good cheer. All of this represents wonderful news. Previously, the tunnel was so dark that you couldn't see any of it. If there's light now, the end must be very near. And indeed, this week, it is.
Strategically place a mirror. Hang windchimes. Check your compass before you go to sleep. It is in auspicious to snore while your nose is pointing in the wrong direction. Pursue Feng Shui heaven if you wish this week - or indeed, pursue any other plan designed to bring harmony to your world. But remember; if you are truly ready now, to leave the past behind and to embrace the future trustingly, you can sleep right under the windchimes, on the mirror, attached to a turntable bed that never stops rotating. You'll still be just fine.
Previously, the tunnel was so dark that you couldn't see any of it. If there's light now, the end must be very near." I know I am repeating myself (I said this yesterday) but then Mercury, your ruler, is repeating itself too. Its retrograde phase is over. T omorrow it repeats the same link to Saturn that it formed on Sunday. On Saturday, it will repeat last Friday's aspect to Jupiter. It is now as if you are growing intensely familiar with a situation. In doing this, you are seeing how to escape it - or gain full power over it. 今日のデイリーです 水星の偽ゃつこうが終わったことは分かるのですが何か他にもいろいろ書いてあって分かりません お願いします
Pardon me asking such blunt questions but, what really matters to you? What do you feel to be most urgent? What's truly crucial? Where do your ultimate priorities lie? OK. Slow down. You don't have to answer everything, all at once. Take some time. Be sure you are sure. For Pluto now suggests that maybe, just maybe, you have allowed something small and ultimately trivial to become of seemingly paramount importance. It's time to privately triple check a few points with your heart of hearts. After you do, life should get far easier.
If everything in life was predictable, where would be the magic in it? There are, thankfully, some factors that astrologers -with all their skill and science - simply cannot fully foresee. There are even, believe it or not, some factors that Aquarians, even with all their superior intelligence and logic, cannot properly anticipate, There, I've said it now. Sorry if I shocked you. But I think you needed the truth. You DONT know what's going to happen next. You are daft to think you do. And dafter still to worry about it.
There, in the middle of the raging ocean, is a tiny island. Cling tight to your piece of driftwood. Keep your nose above the water and try to paddle a little. Aim for the single palm tree in the centre and be grateful. That IS a coconut at the top - so there is sure to be food and refreshment for you soon. Right now, you may feel as if there are thousand things that you wish you could alter. Even so, there are one or two little factors now that you would not want to change for all the world. Celebrate these. They are all that matter. おはようございます! 今日の水瓶です。 訳をお願いします!
Wednesday, 24th October 2001 Cancer (Jun 23 - Jul 23) Pheromones, they tell us, are the undetectable odours that our bodies exude in an attempt to attract one another. You can't smell them - but your nose senses them anyhow and, when it does, it passes a pointed chemical message to the brain. We give out many other silent signals and invisible messages too. When, for example, we are confused - it is as if we are sending out a constant high pitched radio signal. That's why self deceiving folk can instantly recognise other's of the same type, in any crowd. Take care who you talk to and why... today!
You are about to hear something you have heard before. Last time you heard it, you heard something else at around the same time. The two sounds didn't harmonise well. It doesn't necessarily follow now, that both will be repeated. Try not to be prejudiced or to expect hope to be crushed by some unexpected set back. The sky says that you are rolling down a highway to success and you have already attained an all but unstoppable momentum. Unless doubt causes you to slam on the brakes, you'll coast comfortably from here to a happy event.
Complete please, the following sentence "If at first you don't succeed..." Is it a) Go to a bar and drink whiskey? b) Blame it all on somebody else? or c) do something totally different instead? Answers on a postcard please to... hey! What do you mean there's a missing option. You don't surely believe that old stuff about trying and trying again do you? Well then, go ahead and apply that philosophy. It's probably just propaganda, passed from generation to generation in a bid to foster the work ethic. But it may just work today!
The sky continues to offer you support and encouragement. There's still every reason to feel confident about your key project or most crucial plan. This is not to say that you can expect everything to go smoothly. Ups, downs, difficulties, setbacks, dramas and tense exchanges are a natural part of daily life. We need to be suspicious when they are absent, not when they are present, for usually, when they are missing, we tend to be wandering down a blind alley. Be re-assured by today's trouble. It's not too big - or too small!
Quick, slow, quick quick slow. The strings are swelling. The dancefloor is empty save a single spotlight. To a deafening roar of audience approval, out come our star couple. Your ruler, Mercury (still wearing a motorbike helmet and boots but otherwise, resplendent in a tuxedo) plus Venus in a truly dazzling gown. OK. Watch the floor beneath their feet. Notice please, how with every step they take, little golden sparks are flying towards you. This little "cosmic dance" is rapidly summoning prosperity for all Virgos.
Thursday, 25th October 2001 Cancer (Jun 23 - Jul 23) Confusion begets confusion. Anger begets anger. But of course, it is also true that when you're smiling, yes when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you. Beware, today, the contagious emotion. Better yet, don't beware, be aware, which is a slightly different proposition. See if you can spot trouble before it comes and head it off at the pass. Or see, even, if you can neutralise a negative message by sending out a positive one. For you do have great power over today's developments as long as you remain calm, conscious and clever.
Like a jackdaw with a glittering price in its beak, you are heading for your nest in a mood of triumph. You want to jealously guard a latest acquisition. It is (you feel) priceless. If you were to lose it, you might feel devastated. Jackdaws, of course, seize on the oddest items with this enthusiasm. Sweet wrappers. Shreds of tinfoil. Buttons. We humans are rarely impressed by their possessions but the birds themselves, we respect and admire. Remember that this weekend. What's truly precious is not what you've got but what you are.
Will this be a good weekend? Quite probably. Will it be the best weekend you have ever had? Hey! Don't you know that all comparisons are false? How can we ever, really, measure satisfaction? So much depends on what you're expecting, what you're up against, what you're in need of. And there's another deeply distorting factor too. Memory - and the way it tends to be so deceptively selective. Nothing can beat a time that you believe to have been unbeatable. But some things this weekend, may just give that time a run for its money.
There's always something. Always. Something silly, something unfair, something harsh, something upsetting, something disappointing. Likewise, there is always someone. Always. Someone selfish, someone insensitive, someone cold, someone careless, someone ignorant. I cannot, therefore, put my hand on my heart and predict that your weekend will contain an absence of the above. But I will promise this. There will be no more than usual. As long as you don't suddenly decide to get mad about it, you will be joyously protected from it all.
On balance, you are slightly more annoyed about the things that just won't change than you are by the things that just won't stop changing. It is though, a close run thing. You are bothered almost equally by both. You are not expecting a relaxed weekend. You may not have created or caused a tense situation but you appear to have walked right into the middle of one... and you can't see a way to back out. Your astrologer though, sees things differently. I hereby predict a lot more ease, success and enjoyment than you now anticipate
Love letter will come from all over the world when you try to love the world and feel sympathy with them then you can see things brightening here,there and in everywhere. you're for them, and they're for you.
Monday, 29th October 2001 Cancer (Jun 23 - Jul 23) It's not that you are standing still. Far from it. You are making the most wonderful progress. It's just that in order to do so, you are having to run as fast as you can. You are getting tired and drained. You want to find an easier way to proceed. It's possible but if you want to change things, you have to change something in yourself. You have to conquer a fear, ignore an anxiety, confront a prejudice. This week, if you wish, you can be finally freed from the need to keep performing an expensive, exhausting superstitious ritual.
Mars is now in Aquarius. Everything is different now. Well, in one way, of course, it's all the same. But at a fundamental, energetic level, there's no comparison. You have certainty where you once had doubt, strength where you once had weakness, clarity where you once had confusion, support where you once had criticism. Or at least, very soon you will have. Give the next few days a chance to work their magic. Soon, your ruler will end its recent phase of retrograde motion. After which there really will be no stopping you.
I really must get to the movies more often. I don't know if the recent film of the X men featured Cyclops but in my day, he was a key member of the original comic book team. Laser beams came constantly out of his eyes. He had to be very careful who he looked at! Hence, he wore a special visor. This week, you get that kind of gift. The ability to pierce through any amount of obfuscation and reach the key point, the vital issue, the bare truth. Cutting insight. Razor sharp wit. Watch how and where you use it. But prepare for power.
It came to the crunch. Over the weekend, you heard a distinct crunching sound or, at least, the psychological equivalent thereof. Yet so far, you cannot see what got broken. Something cracked under the pressure but it might have been something small or something crucial. You are reluctant to stop and assess the damage lest, in doing so, you learn something that stops you in your tracks. So far, you are managing to carry on as normal. Soon, you'll discover the truth. The only thing that got damaged was the thing you didn't need!
You don't believe in miracles. You don't though, like to be thought of as a cynic. So you will acknowledge the power of positive thought, you'll leave room in your heart for a little hope and you'll agree that there are more things in the universe than any of us understand. Even so, you won't walk blindfold. You won't leave the door unlocked. You won't stop looking out for liars and you'll remember too, that heaven helps those who help themselves. Usually. Normally. This week, events could yet cause you to go all soppy.
10cc once sang "I'm not in love" a delightful summary of what it means to be 'in denial'. We all have things in our lives that we prefer not to face. Truths that we don't like looking at. Realities, which because they seem too harsh, we prefer to ignore whilst we dwell on our fantasies instead. Today's conjunction of Mercury to Venus suggests that you may now, somewhat ironically, be in denial of something that it would profit you to accept. Somewhere within you there is a sneaking suspicion - tell it to stop sneaking so you can have a good look at it. デイリー9時ごろに更新されるようになったんですね 今日の双子座も何言いたいのか分かりません 翻訳お願いします ほんとうに週間予報とだいぶ違う様 ジョナどういう事?
"The darkest hour," as they never tire of telling us, "is just before the dawn". What they often omit is a description of the intensity of that darkest hour. Darkest hours are often pitch black. When you are in them, you think you will never see light again. Dawns, what's more, are subtle affairs - at least at first. When light begins to arrive it is possible to mistake it for a variation on an existing form of darkness. Let us be clear. You are about to be a witness to something very bright indeed.
You see them sometimes; on TV, in movies, and once or twice, even from a distance in real life. Unflappable individuals, cool characters. Calm, mellow, composed, graceful beings who are clearly blessed with an even temperament and a degree of wisdom that we mere mortals can only dream of. It is hard to imagine how they would cope if they were ever to face some of the genuine pressure that the likes of you and I must encounter on a daily basis. You can't be superhuman today, but if you can just about manage to stay human, that would be super.
We do the strangest things for the most peculiar reasons. We do things that defy explanation. We behave like maniacs. And we justify our ridiculous activities by invoking powerful primeval names. As long as we insist that we are acting in the name of art, in the name of progress, in the name of making money, or, of course, in the name of love, our actions, no matter how idiotic, are considered acceptable. They may be acceptable to others but something in your life now is no longer acceptable to you. It has to change, in the name of sanity.のことなんですけど。 意味勘違いしてるのかな?俺。
"If it ain't broken, don't fix it." And if it is? "don't bodge it." Recent events have left you in no doubt about the need to effect a repair. Something IS broken. It doesn't work anymore. It needs attention and energy. There remains though, some uncertainty about how best to rectify the damage. A temporary patch is possible. This will buy time. It will create the illusion that all is well once more. A proper, thorough strip down and rebuild is going to take much longer and cost much more. But that's really what you now must do. ウィクリーではいい運勢なのに、なんだかよくない予感.. しかもわかりにくいし..訳お願いします。
Your outlook remains exceptional. I therefore, remain nervous. I know you can easily take bad news in your stride. You understand that life must have its ups and downs and you feel, as long as you understand something about those downs, that you can cope with them. It's the ups that bug you. Whenever positive developments take place, you just wonder when they are going to go wrong. Don't look today's gift horse too firmly in the mouth. As long as you don't hit its teeth with a hammer, it will prove a fine equine acquisition.
First, say "abracadabra". Then tap your wand three times upon the box. Now open it up to reveal... er... well, hang on, maybe we have missed something. Did you do the bit with the silk cloth and the playing card? How about the part with the goldfish bowl and the piano? Are you sure you followed all the instructions to the letter? The sky now speaks of your ability to produce something impressive out of thin air. To do this though, you can't follow a recipe, a set of instructions or even a spell. You simply must trust - and improvise 翻訳お願いします
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something... hey,listen! Out of alll that stuff there's only one thing you need now. Something new. Something different. Something special. Something unsual. The sky, most benevolently, looks determined to ensure that you get it. Expect, today, to have a realisation - or to receive news that comes as something of a revelation - or to encounter a situation you were not expecting. Constructive change is finally starting to happen. Be glad of this. It's exactly what's needed.
It is never too late to put the record straight. Often though, when time has elapsed, we feel silly about re-opening old conversations. Rather than say to one another what we know we should, we silently agree to pretend that something never happened. Privately we think one thing. Publicly, we avoid all hint of or reference to what may prove a tricky topic. Yet were all cards to be placed on the table, you could learn a lot from someone else's 'take' on what happened some long while ago. And they could benefit at least as much from yours. Remember this month please, that a little constructive criticism is a wonderful thing. A lot though, even if it's still intended to be constructive, has a very negative impact. We human beings are very sensitive. Once we become too keenly aware of what's wrong with something, we can no longer see what's right about it. We lose the desire to repair and fill up with the yearning to replace. The factor under discussion now is most certainly not a candidate for the dump. Use soft words if you're pointing out a defect. And if you're being told of one, listen only with half an ear.
牡牛座のmonthlyも訳していただけますでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。 Library shelves groan under the weight of books about how to be more successful. You can read every one but your life won't alter unless you stop absorbing the theory and start taking some positive action. Art galleries are similarly full of lovely landscapes. Impressive though these may be, the actual, natural countryside is far more moving. There's a lot of description, suggestion, intention and allusion in your life now. Is it not time to turn all this abstract thought into something concrete? There is clearly something that you need to apply your brain to. There's a discussion to be held, a piece of information to be digested, a plan to be formed or a technique to be learned. The cosmic implication is that you have already given some thought to an interesting matter but that somehow, you have overlooked an issue of key importance. You can profit greatly if you think things through more carefully and creatively this month.
"So here you are, running around on your treadmill. On the luxury lining of your cage, the fur is wearing thin. Soon though, you will be able to snuggle up inside a little bed of straw and sawdust - after drinking a little water from that ever-full dispenser. Planet earth is one big pet shop. And you are a happy little hamster. Are you not? What's that you say? You seek freedom? Ungrateful wretch! Get back on your wheel!" This weekend, someone is going to leave a door ajar. Put some supplies in your mouth - and grab your chance!
What's sharper than a razor? A laser! And what's sharper still? Your ability now, to distinguish fact from fiction. You can tell who is bluffing and who is being sincere. Your inner radar is excellent. Almost a little too good. Often, we seem to have more fun in life when we walk in ignorance. You are conscious of a big responsibility that comes alongside your current gift of heightened awareness. You are right. You do have a duty to acknowledge and act on what you see. But you don't actually have to tell everyone everything.
Saturn's sharp link to your ruler suggests a tense weekend. You are likely to feel as if no matter what you do, it is not good enough - or as if you are constantly being driven crazy by rules, regulations and reasons why things can't happen. There may also be, somewhere in your life, an authority figure you cannot satisfy or stand - or both! But there is no problem now, physical, emotional or material that cannot be rapidly, significantly alleviated by the introduction of levity. Smile a little more. Fret a little less.
The Moon may still look full but it is no longer quite so full as it was. It is waning. The air is slowly starting to go out of the biggest balloon in the sky. The Moon, of course, rules your sign. It symbolises your journey through life. When it is full, it as if the pressure in your inner barometer gets as high as it can. A great relaxation occurs when the Moon reduces in size - though times tighten once more as it nearly disappears. You are over the worse of a recent drama. You can expect a surprisingly reassuring weekend.
Being born under the sign of the crab, sideways movement comes naturally to you. Jupiter's change of direction heralds your chance to commence lateral expansion. You don't now need to go very far forward or back. You simply need to stay roughly where you are - but to explore, more thoroughly, the wider possibilities of your position. A small amount of reflection and retreat this week, will be followed by the realisation that you have lately covered much more ground than you knew - and that it is time to happily consolidate.
You are about to have one of your better ideas. This one has got a very practical ring to it. That's what makes it slightly unnerving. Most of your insights, brilliant though they may be, apply to situations about which you can do very little. At worst, you pen a letter containing a suggestion. At best, you file them away under 'interesting'. Either way, you're safe from the need to actually do something. However, having had the thought, seen its value and recognised it's feasibility, there's almost an obligation to take action. It will, of course, create trouble. But then, imagine a cop show with no villains, a bar with no bores or a curry with no chilli powder. It's just not the same thing. Now try to imagine your life without the nuisance that you're so keenly aware of. You don't want to remove that source of irritation entirely, you just want your exposure to this to be less intense. The planet Mars though, is urging you to take radical steps and with good reason, you're fired up enough to take them. Hold back from this. Instead, aim to keep the devil you know... but on a much tighter leash.
You seem now, to be expecting a tough struggle. You may be surprised how swiftly your adversary or opponent gives way to you. Watch though, for their trickery in defeat. It may be that somehow, you are being lulled into a false sense of security. Or perhaps, you are being made a promise that a certain someone, really has little intention of keeping. You will be able to make surprisingly good progress today. Feel free to enjoy this - but be aware that some if may slip away once more if certain wise precautions are not taken.
Are the numbers adding up? If not, fear not. Few numbers in this world ever really do so satisfactorily. You'd be amazed how many businesses, governments - even banks, operate at a loss. Where good old fashioned solvency is hard to attain - inventive use of jargon can save the day. Nobody minds or cares how bad a situation is as long as enough high falutin' words are employed to describe it. Don't worry about a difficult situation. Just find an old way to make it sound better and it will suddenly seem acceptable... to everyone.
We must wait now, to see how true to their word certain people intend to be. We must also wait for various pennies to drop, processes to take place and situations to settle. Or must we? Much though you love, as a careful Capricorn, to see dotted i's and crossed t's - and much though astrologers usually love to harp on about not putting all your eggs in one basket... the outcome of a certain matter is pretty much a foregone conclusion. If you've now got a good feeling about something or someone, why not just relax and trust it?
デイリーの蠍の翻訳お願いします。微妙にいいのか悪いのかわからない… It's all too easy to criticise. Heaven knows, we don't have to look far, in this world, before we find something that deserves disapproving deconstruction. Everywhere we turn there is shoddy, sloppy, sub-standard stuff to be seen. But diamonds too, dwell in the dross. Sometimes, when we focus too intently on what's wrong, we blind ourselves to magical wonderful factors that truly deserve our appreciation. This weekend, you can set out to say the obvious. But if you stop and observe the subtle, you'll see something breathtaking.
"The impossible, we can do at once. Miracles take a little longer." You see this whimsical message sometimes, on the walls of offices - often next to another sign containing a man, rolling with laughter above the words "You want it WHEN?" or a poster that reads "Please don't ask for credit because a smack in the mouth may cause offence." I don't, this weekend, advise you either to apply for or extend credit. If you must, you must. But I do urge you to be open minded about miracles. Given time, some at least look feasible.
�"All good things must end and so, this weekend, you can expect a recent ray of sunshine to disappear. Instead, a cloud of doom will descend. Your experience, once more, will be one of uninterrupted despondency and deprivation. Etc." The preceding announcement was paid for by the Eternal Gloom Organisation. We are grateful to them for their sponsorship revenue. And now, your actual forecast. Things will go surprisingly well this weekend. There'll be much physical comfort and psychological cheer. Despite all suggestions to the contrary!
Unlike some people who shall remain nameless (largely because they are not Geminis but partly too, because in naming them, we remind ourselves of how cross we are with them) you are neither arrogant to the point of stupidity - nor self opinionated to the point of cupidity. You listen when people speak. That's good - but sadly, it also causes you to listen to those overbearing types who shoot their mouths off even when they don't know what they are saying. Stay sensitive this weekend but where you are being pushed, push back. Hard 何を言っているのか分かりません お願いします
Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause please. Let's hear it for the most incredible, unbeatable, internationally famous performance team on the planet. Those brave lads and lasses, those amazing men and women, all born under the sign of ARIES! Already, this week they have thrilled us all with their courage in the face of adversity. We have seen them shrug off the threat of insolvency and display impressive tenacity. Now comes a rather challenging weekend. Will they manage to keep their tempers? It's my guess that they will.Just.
"Let your yeah be yeah and your no be no." This was Jimmy Cliff's motto and, usually, yours too. It is comforting to be clear. Indecision is like an icy wind, blowing into a warm house through some crack in the window. It's impossible to properly relax around such a nuisance. Lately, there has been far too much uncertainty for comfort - and even where things have been definite, those definites have not been easy to accept far less to learn to like. But this week, you can be clear and sure about something that actually inspires you.
Turn out your pockets! What are you carrying, everywhere you go, that you really don't need to have at all? Look at the contents please of your wallet, purse, bag, case, glove compartment or bicycle box. Even if these ARE all tidy and clear, I'll tell you what's not. Your inner "psychological equivalent" of this storage space. You are remembering too much, hanging on to too many moods and feelings, carrying around more emotional baggage than you need to. This week? The sky brings you your big change to let some of it go.
Turn out your pockets! What are you carrying, everywhere you go, that you really don't need to have at all? Look at the contents please of your wallet, purse, bag, case, glove compartment or bicycle box. Even if these ARE all tidy and clear, I'll tell you what's not. Your inner "psychological equivalent" of this storage space. You are remembering too much, hanging on to too many moods and feelings, carrying around more emotional baggage than you need to. This week? The sky brings you your big change to let some of it go. なるほどね〜。無駄なものをかかいこみすぎね〜・・・あいかわらず 当たってるYO! さっき千代田線・小田急線に乗りながら今宵は徹夜してでも 整理整頓しようと思ったばっかり!ジョナサンあんたはすごいYO!
Mars remains in your sign. Once again, you are being both blessed and cursed with additional energy. You can really throw yourself into a plan or project. Or you can throw yourself into an inner melodrama. If you allow yourself so much as a moment's self pity, you'll find it hard to resist getting out a violin and crying "Woe is me." During this time, during which everything seems to be loaded or overloaded with emotional electricity, you have a duty to yourself to stay calm. Only shoot at targets which are truly worth hitting! 今日の水瓶座です。 翻訳サイトではよくわからなかったので訳をお願いします。
These are exciting times. For you as a Scorpio, the outlook has rarely been brighter. Despite all the tension of recent weeks and all that remains upsettingly unresolved in your world, you've got a reason to feel hopeful. The Moon is about to be new in your sign. You are inches away from making a breakthrough that lifts a great weight from your mind and relieves you too, of a real, physical burden. If all now seems more oppressive than ever, fear not. Within 48 hours at the most, you'll be laughing about what now has you close to tears.
It is hard to think of anything more auspicious than a New Moon in your sign - other, perhaps, than such a New Moon taking place whilst Pluto is harmoniousy aspecting Venus, Mercury and Mars. Or, to put it another way, congratulations. Today you hit the celestial jackpot. Three cosmic cherries in a neat little row. The pay off is not so much money - (though we won't rule that out in the next few days) as it is "support". The sky is on your side. It understands what you need and will endeavour to help you attain it. And that's a REAL reward.
Over the next 48 hours or so, you need to watch your tongue. This is easier said than done. Even if you constantly hold a mirror in front of your face, you will only be able to see your tongue when your mouth is open. For full tongue surveillance, you need to get a lollipop shaped mini-camera, complete with light, and suck constantly on it - whilst viewing the output on a portable TV. Too hard? Maybe. But then it is also hard now, to curb the urge to make certain contentious remarks. You'll regret it though, if you are not discreet
How, I wonder, are you managing to read this forecast? You are up to your eyes and beyond in stuff to do and deal with. re you peering over the top of this pile in order to see what your stars say? Or have you made a small hole in the middle of the wall of material that now stands between you and a much needed respite from pressure? Actually, never mind such speculation. Let us both just be glad that we have made contact. For I now need to say (and you need to hear) that a brain bogglingly stupid matter is about to be resolved. So relax!
>>599 You yearn to feel a lot more loved, supported and understood. Invariably, in the hours and days just afer a New Moon like this, you get precisely what you need and more. This very day you start to see an improvement. あなたは、もっと愛され、支援され、理解されることを切望しています。 間違いなく、新月のあと数時間または数日以内に、あなたが必要としている以上のものが手に入ります。 今日はまさに、その前進を理解し始める日です。
It has not been an easy week. You have been dealing with an almost incessant stream of difficult details whilst simultaneously coping with communication problems of an almost unbelievable nature. Can you remember the good old days? You though things were devilishly complicated then. By comparison to how they are now, you now realise they were simple. Has it all been worth it? Will there yet come a day when everything falls into place and makes sense once more. Of course. But for that day, you may have to wait a little longer than this weekend.
This looks like being one of those weekends. In fact though, it won't be. It will, instead, be one of THOSE weekends. The sort that start off looking ropey but then start looking very good indeed. Although actually, even that fails to sum up the next couple of days for you. For although you will make some real and exciting breakthroughs, these will lead straight to new sources of pressure - which may briefly lead you to conclude that it is one of those weekends after all. Though as Sunday's events will prove... it really ISN'T
英語サイトの蟹座のウイークリーは、 For you, this week's full moon is very much a retrospective one から始まっているのですが、 次の満月は12月1日のはずです。 もしかして、何かの間違いで、英語サイトには来週の予報が掲載されてしまったのでは?
For you, this week's full moon is very much a retrospective one, urging you to look back at people and events from earlier in the year, or even further back than that. There may well be episodes you would really rather not re-visit - but paradoxically it is these which have the most to offer, and where you should concentrate your efforts. The perspective of time, plus the wisdom we all have after the event, will let you see now what you couldn't before, and settle any lingering doubts about why you acted as you did. You may even find that you can smile about what took place. Peace of mind with the warm glow of nostalgia, all in one? An absolute bargain.
You know what youive supposed to do, and youive tried it, honestly you have, but it just doesnit work, does it? And the official response to that is that you should try again, and have patience with yourself, but we both know that is going to be a waste of time. So should you give up altogether? No. You can do it, but it has to be in a way that feels right for you, and the only person who can decide that is you. Find a way forward, then, that goes in the same general direction as the recommended version, but which is at your own level and which you can manage.
The moon and Venus are in the relationship sectors of your chart today, so your mind is very much on your personal life. And who could blame you? You seem to have turned a corner at last; past misfortunes are behind you, and with a bit of luck they might stay there. There痴 hope for the future, too, but you池e not daring to think too hard about it, or give voice to your feelings, in case that tempts fate too far and it all goes wrong. Actually, the heavens are much more kindly disposed towards you than you think - and yes, you can ask for what you want. You値l get it, too.
Lessons in love are usually of the painful kind, but not so for you today. Breezy Jupiter patrols the relationship corner of your chart, so learning experience does not mean getting your fingers burned. Instead, spend your time with someone exotic and unusual who has a story to tell, or break into a new circle with an introduction from an influential insider. This is no excuse to be a social snob, but if you致e ever been fascinated by a certain cool clique just out of reach, now is the time to boldly go and explode the mystique.
翻訳おねがいします! Itching to tell a certain person to lighten up today? If you池e in danger of getting too hot under the collar, switch your attention to other! What gives you the greatest sense of belonging? Is it being part of a group, a partnership, a religion perhaps? Maybe you haven稚 the time to think about such matters but would like to find personal happiness? Rest assured, once you uncover where it is you most need to be, you値l coast through any obstacles. A dream looks likely to come true today but only when you open your heart...
You've a high achiever at the best of times and today is no exception but somehow you don n't feel that this is quite good enough. Your productivity levels are highlighted today, so even a telephone call may bowl someone over. A warm, intimate evening is on the cards, so don't let unnecessary worries spoil your pleasure. Whether you've out with a mate or a hot date, keep work and play separate and live a little! By the time your head hits the pillow this evening, you should rest assured that you've really made the best of everything today.
You’re were never one for mock humility so you’ll be happy to know that it’s time to put yourself first, but to recognise that if you are first the others will be second and therefore deserve your help, sympathy and assistance. After all, what price success if the people you love are left behind! Plus, if at all possible, please do make practical plans earlier rather than later, for you need to be well prepared before new choices loom. If you need help with the details call in the experts: nowhere in the rules does it say that you have to do everything yourself.
You池e in one of your ambitious moods, dreaming of world conquest. Well, dream on! The fact is, and you know this well enough, that you have to find a way to turn your fantasies into reality. It may be at least another four or five days - or even more - before you have the power to enforce your will without the risk that you値l shoot yourself in the foot or undermine your own interests. So, this is a day to form alliances with the people who can help you - and work in perfect harmony with your sympathisers. 良さそうなので、詳しく教えて欲しいのですが…
Affectionate Venus’s movements though your house of marriage are very fortunate from the general romantic and emotional point of view, not that you’ll notice just yet. First you have to get round the fact that close partners seem to think that you’re their personal slave - and that you have to walk a discreet three paces behind them. They may be very pleasantly surprised - and much more interested in you - if you tell them where to get off. Please take the time to find the right words though! Plus, if you get in touch with people from your past then, within seven days, something should have happened to make you smile.
獅子座のデイリーです、どなたかよろしくお願いします。 You deserve the week that you have got in store. By this, I do not mean you have done something terrible and can expect a punishment. If that first sentence even half-tempted you to jump to such a sorry conclusion, consider yourself alerted to the need to take care. Neptune insists the only thing that can now spoil your enjoyment of life is a tendency to be self-deprecating or to convince yourself you are not entitled to success. Step forward with even the slightest degree of confidence and soon you won't be walking, but striding.
翻訳お願いします〜。 Person A works long hours, expends a great deal of energy, feels unable to take time off and expects to remain in such a situation for years to come. Person B does - and feels - precisely the same. Person A, however, is deeply dedicated to a project or plan. Person B is a prisoner who has been sentenced to hard labour. Here's the difference between A and B, in one word. Choice. You have to focus hard on something this week - wholeheartedly and untiringly. But the situation you now face is one you have chosen for yourself... isn't it?
さそりのデイリーの訳お願いします。 Imagine a poverty stricken artist who cannot afford to replace a diminishing supply of paint. Her (or his) natural urge is to use the remaining material sparingly. Their best bet, however, is probably to do the opposite; to create one last lavish picture - so well designed and executed as to inspire all who see it - to want to buy it. Then, they'll be able to afford plenty more paint. You are now conscious of a shortage of a vital resource but you are also capable of a 'stroke of genius'. Summon the latter and you'll fix the former.
翻訳おねがいします。 Something now seems hopeless or impossible... but how big a problem is this? Your situation only begins to take on a nightmarish quality the moment you fall asleep - and start gazing into some hypothetical distant future, wondering what it is all going to lead to. As long as you are alert and awake, living for the moment, in the moment, you are going to find that most of what you face is not just bearable but in some ways, deeply enjoyable. So stop exploring theoretical problems and just do what's appropriate today.
Though you are capable, when you set your mind to it, of weaving the most elaborate fantasies and of bamboozling everyone, including yourself, into believing them, you are equally capable of summoning laser-sharp, totally accurate insight. Pluto's current link to Jupiter is enhancing the second, ultimately far more valuable, talent. You are now having to face a fact. You may feel you would rather live in blissful ignorance but you won't feel that way once you have bravely and fully explored the even more blissful truth.
だれか翻訳おねがいします。 Perhaps you feel a little like someone who is standing on an open sandy beach; unable to plan or to build anything lest the wind blows it down or the tide sweeps it away. There's more to your situation than this, though. In the distance there's a sea wall, behind which you have all the equipment you need to build an element proof shelter. Soon you'll be free to go and get this, set it up... and relax. First, though, you have to identify the spot on which you want to place your new safe structure. Be bolder. Stop feeling so afraid.
HEY! Come back here. Where do you think you're sneaking off to? Do you really think you are going to sort out a messy situation by running away from - or ignoring it? The Full Moon now offers you the opportunity to slip quietly out the back door while you leave trouble knocking on the front. Sooner or later though, you will have to return... and so will the trouble. So now, while you are stronger than you realise, why not stay, open the door and tackle, once and forever, the thing that keeps spoiling your enjoyment of life.
A lovely day awaits. You're not so sure? Then expect to be pleasantly surprised and uplifted. You have a good idea which deserves to be put into practice. You are a little concerned though, that it may be too simple, too obvious or too reliant for success, on a series of factors beyond your control. Just go ahead and give it a gentle try. The Full Moon, plus Jupiter's link to the Sun, suggest that your plan will either gain its own momentum... or will be naturally, painlessly superseded by an even better way to proceed.
"Hey stupid, what are you reading this for? Let's be honest, you won't understand it. You are too dumb and anyhow, you only ever believe what you want to believe, regardless of who says what." Ahem, ahem. I'm so sorry about that. I just wanted to illustrate the attitude in others that you are likely to encounter this weekend. I really dont mean it personally. But I do think you ought to be alerted, in the strongest possible way, to the low opinion someone has of you. Don't be fooled by smarmy words. You are being patronised!
Do you think that perhaps, you deserve a little break? How about some time off from struggle and stress? A holiday from controversy or conflict. It's a nice thought and it really ought to be a feasible thing. Probably though, it won't come this weekend. Before you can walk away from a tense situation, you first have to resolve it - even if this means making things temporarily more stressful. Don't be put off by this. If, now, you do all you can for the best, the best is what you'll get. And next week, there will be celebrations.
To win the lottery, you don't just need a lot of luck, you require an industrial supply of the stuff. A factory full - and probably a couple of warehouses worth too. How much good fortune though, do you need to take a possible success and turn it into a definite one. Far, far less. If you have done all you can to find the right opportunity - and all you can too, to respond to it in the right way, then a tiny little half-teaspoonful will be more than enough to ensure all goes well. And this weekend? You've got that much at least.
You are seeing life from a very particular perspective right now. It's valid, of course. But it is also somewhat atypical or unrepresentative of reality, as perceived by most people. It is rather as if you are standing by the kerbside, waiting to cross a busy road but for some reason you are in a ditch, five foot deep. Your eyes are level with the wheels of the passing cars. What, to others, seems easy or irrelevant - to you seems scary or very crucial. This weekend's events though, should elevate you to a better vantage point.
Ruled by Rahu, the North node Swati means ‘Sword’.
Swati carries the sword as a tool for self-advancement, cutting through competition, obstacles in their path. Swati feel strong in the coming year, winning over challenges and enjoying life’s achievements. Relationships flourish. Try to keep cool, you do not need to win every argument.
Draw a deep breath. Now, take another. Indeed, at the risk of turning t his forecast into a yoga session, I'm tempted to suggest you spend a good half hour just sitting quietly, slowing yourself down. Really, that's all that's required. Various people and events seem to be urging you to hurry up and get your act together; to consolidate a gain or to cash in on an opportunity. You DO have a big move to make but it needs to be made slowly, carefully and cleverly. As you contemplate your finances in December, remember that to the wealthy, money is no more of a scarce resource than water. If they want more, they just turn on another tap. Most of us however, live in the financial equivalent of a desert. Our precious reserves must be carefully managed and we are shocked by the wasteful habits of the well off. I cannot promise that this month, you will sink a new well but you should at least be able to patch a leaky bucket. It's also possible that you may develop a long term plan to move closer to a river. And if you want to know what else life has in store for you, read this forecast again, substituting the phrase 'personal confidence' for money and remembering, at all times, to be wise - and take it easy.
Now what, precisely, is it that you want for Christmas? Come on. Really. You cannot be serious. You are? Well then, I'm sorry but I do not know how much help I can be to you. I am an astrologer not a miracle worker. I can only predict the probable. For flights of wild imagination, you need a writer of fiction, not of forecasts. And, as far as I am concerned, your current request falls into that latter category. You absolutely have to think again about... ... ... Oh, hang on! I get it. You mean THAT! I'm sorry. I misunderstood you. I thought you were asking for almost everything in your entire world to change. But finally, I understand. You want your perception of everything to alter. You want to see it all differently. Feel differently about it all. Be liberated from complexes and complaints that have caused you, for years, to feel uncomfortable about where you are and who you are with. Now that, you CAN do something about. Plenty, indeed. For Pluto conjoins your ruler in Mid December. That's a clear cosmic omen of a big, lasting, inner transformation. Allow it to occur. Then, a lot of what currently seems like wild fantasy will start seeming feasible after all.
If we are to believe your appraisal of the current scenario, we must accept that you are deep in the midst of a financial problem, an emotional drama, a domestic upheaval and a spiritual crisis. It may be true, to a point but then, what else is new? Some combination of the above has been situation normal for about as long as you can recall. It's when things get a bit too safe, cosy and quiet that we have to start worrying about your ability to cope. Happily, there's no chance of that this month! The sky will bring just the kind of tension you thrive on followed by just the type of success you most enjoy. You'll be fine with all this as long as you remember that all the things we do and say affect others, whether we want them to or not. While we can't go through life carefully subjecting our every move to endless scrutiny for fear that it may cause offence or give a false impression, we have a duty to perform some kind of cursory check where we can. This planets now want you to stop and consider the impact that your deeds and statements are likely to have on those nearby. It's not hard to see who is likely to need re-assurance. Supply it. You'll lose no success but you'll make progress a lot smoother.
The Full Moon in Cancer takes place each year, roughly six months after your birthday. Where though your birthday is, at least in theory, a time for celebration, this annual cosmic event is a time for re-evaluation. It is usually accompanied by a personal drama or a wave of intense emotion. You experience stress, you become acutely aware of your own fallibility and you begin to see what's working (and what's not working) in your world. This 'dark hour of doubt' is invariably followed by a further six months of very positive progress. The whole thing is complicated, of course, by the fact that the Cancer Full Moon never falls too far from New Year - when the need to re-evaluate is strong in us all. As you now reconsider and contemplate, and as you move towards that powerful Full Moon in your sign at the end of the month, you may find your experience of life grows intense - and that you start to wish that certain things had not happened. Be like Edith Piaf who once, so famously sang "Je Ne Regret Rien." Be proud of your progress and be even more proud of any mistakes you suspect you may have made! Regardless of what you think, feel or fear, the route to happiness involves going forwards, not backwards.
Never shop for food when you're hungry, never negotiate a contract when you are feeling insecure, never set out on a journey when you are in a tearing rush. It is all good advice but it is not always easy to take. Needs arise and often, they must be responded to, regardless of how right or otherwise the time may be. It seems you have lately been working hard for very little pay. If this isn't true of your job, try relating the statement to some other area of life where you've been putting in a lot of effort but getting little back. The planets insist you are 'owed something' and that it's time the score was settled. Mercury's aspects this month, don't necessarily mean that you'll be financially better off soon but they promise that you will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that your endeavours have been appreciated, your suggestions have been heard and that your requests with regard to a crucial matter are not falling on deaf ears. Coming next; a rare chance to plan for a future requirement while there's still enough time to consider it carefully. Don't wait till you've run out of options. Strike while the iron is only lukewarm and you'll avoid scorching yourself later on.
If you hold a King, a Queen and an Ace, all of the same suit, it's easy enough to feel confident. What though, if you have been seemingly dealt a far less helpful hand? In the poker game of life, everything then depends on a great unknown factor. What do the other players have? Don't take a big risk on a wild bluff this week but do stayat the table. Mercury's link to Mars suggests that your cards, while less than ideal, are no worse or better than anyone else's. Your enthusiasm for life will increase once you see that, with a little patience and persistence, it's perfectly possible, if not to win, at least to draw. Simple remember that this month, you don't need courage, determination or even vision. You simply need discrimination. If you find yourself struggling to come up with some new solution to a problem - or fighting to make a particular idea 'work', you're probably on the wrong track. There's no need now, to do something especially difficult. Nor though, is there any reason to take the easiest possible option. Several choices are naturally presenting themselves to you. You simply need to pick the most sensible one from this list.
Let us imagine, for the sake of analogy, that a tiger has escaped from the zoo. It has wandered into your street but happily, you have seen it coming and run home, just in time to lock the door. How much sense does it make to go back out again, just to prove, to some disbelieving friend or relative, what a narrow escape you have had? Leave trouble alone this month. Trust your own judgement when it comes to deciding what's safe and what's not. If others think you're being silly, just let them. Recent events have set your adrenalin flowing. You are fired up with expectation, energy and excitement. You're not exactly ecstatic about your situation but you are at least willing to rise to what seems like an enormous challenge. You are ready for anything other, perhaps, than what now seems to be taking place. The drama, adventure, risk or point of conflict is vanishing like a mirage in the desert. You can't understand it and you feel let down. Now what? Nothing. That's what. All you have to do in December is relax, re-adjust and accept that you've won a war. There's no need for another battle.
We all have to do things we don't want to do. There is, however, a world of difference between carrying out an unattractive task and betraying a deeply held moral principle. Saturn's opposition to your ruler is now taking you close to the edge of that dividing line. Try dipping a toe in the water and applying yourself with a willing spirit to whatever is being asked of you. If you find you are starting to feel good about it, dive in. If the suspicion that it is wrong continues to linger, take your foot out...and put it down.
Because you have a stratospheric IQ and a memory large enough to warrant the employment of a full time librarian, little escapes your attention and few problems puzzle you for long. Every so often though, you lose this advantage. When, for example, you face a scenario that triggers some unreasonable fear, stemming from a childhood experience or when dealing with irrational, emotional behaviour. The big questions therefore, this month, are "Why waste your breath attempting to explain something obvious to someone who seems determined not to see it? Why use up precious mental energy trying to work out the difference between what a person is saying and what they must really mean by this? Why not work instead, on the assumption that you're entitled to take, at face value, whatever you're being told?" Unless it actually suits you to read between the lines (which it occasionally may) you should opt now for whatever is most likely to give you an easy, simple life. A helpful sky will take good care of you, provided you don't let certain unhelpful feelings confuse you.
Do you feel as if someone is keeping a secret from you? Does it seem as if there is an opportunity under your nose that you can almost smell yet can't see? The coming conjunction of Mercury to Pluto is effectively starting to shine a bright spotlight into the part of your world that is now at its most dark or shadowy. You are bound, over the next few days, to become keenly aware of some factors that you'd prefer to ignore, but you're also going to recognise other truths that fill you with delight - and which allow you to prosper.
Mercury's antagonistic link to your ruler is urging you to be strong. You don't have to be assertive or court conflict. You must, however, have the courage of your convictions. You have not reached a recent big decision through impulse, blind faith or self-deception. You have thought long and hard about every aspect of the situation. Though you should, of course, remain willing to hear a better idea - you must not assume that every "alternative idea" IS a better idea. Your idea is a good one. It deserves to be carried out.
天秤座マンスリーです。 翻訳ソフトじゃよくわからなかったので、よろしくお願いします。 Recent planetary alignments have opened your eyes to tantalising new possibilities. These seem viable but it is too early to be sure. Like someone planning a dream vacation, you have seen the brochure and made a selection but you now must wait for confirmation of your booking and you have also got to check that your funds are sufficient. It may be another month or two before you get this re-assurance. Meanwhile, some factors are uncertain. The element of doubt is unnerving; the more so because you so much want success. All will go well provided you remember that no matter how well you do, there will always be some factor you resent, some reason to worry or some shortage of a key resource. It's always a mistake to feel trapped or beaten. Everything has the potential to change. It's also though, a mistake to pursue change in the hope that, when it comes, all your problems will be over. It's more realistic to assume that you'll be swapping one kind of trouble for another. You have the ability now to alter your situation. It will bring a distinct improvement but it won't bring perfection!
牡羊の月間予報も、どなたか翻訳お願いします。 私も翻訳ソフト使ってみたけど、なにがなんだかやっぱりわからないので。 This is no easy planet on which to exist. Elsewhere in the galaxy, that fact is widely acknowledged. On the Moons of Zarg, for example, people talk about little else. Earth TV is beamed into all the bars. They watch our news and our soaps. Some find us funny. Some feel sorry for us. Some hold bets on when or if we will ever manage to get in touch with the rest of the universe. None can quite believe the stupidity we display. The cruel disdain with which we ignore one another. The inequality of our societies. The selfishness of our economic systems. The arrogant way we insist that ours is the only planet with life. You don't though, have to be from Zarg to see that there is much wrong, with the way we humans conduct ourselves. This month, you become increasingly aware of much that urgently needs to alter; in your own world and in the wider world. Saturn's influence will sorely test your patience but things will ease off (just) in time for Christmas. Though you won't be able to beam yourself up to a passing space ship, you may yet manage a December that's truly "out of this world".
As the Moon now prepares to depart your sector of the zodiac, the race begins in earnest. You have just less than twenty eight days before it returns. Next time it comes back, it will be full. So? What's the big issue? What's the big deal? Where's the hot potato? Why is it that you cannot resolve a particular issue. Christmas may or may not be coming. Who cares? If you can't sort out you know what, nothing else will matter. Your yearn to give all your energy to this bone of contention. That's fine, as long as you can manage to remain constructive.
By this time tomorrow, it won't seem important any more. No matter how much energy, attention or effort a certain situation is now taking up, you can be sure that soon - things will alter. You have, for some while now, been so caught up in the desire to fight a certain battle that you have failed to notice something. You are winning. Partly through your own effort and partly through the intervention of serendipity, you are in a position to relax and stop worrying. For your "enemy" now has a pistol aimed at their own foot.
参考までに水瓶座デイリー Is it better to do that right thing for the wrong reasons than to do the wrong thing for the right ones? A lot of course, depends on what the thing in question is. More still, depends on how right - or wrong those reasons are. Right and wrong are relative terms... expressions of a system of value judgement which several fundamental flaws. Who can really say what's good or bad,right or wrong? While I leave you to dwell on that,here's today's forecast. You are now in the process ofdoing the right thing... for all the right reasons. 正しいもののために間違っていることを行うより 間違っている理由のためにその正しいことを行うほうがよいですか。 多くのコースは、問題のものの状態に依存します。 もっとまだ、依存する、の上で、どのように、正―あるいは間違っている、それらの理由はそうです。 正と誤は相対的な用語です...値判断のシステムの表現、どれ、いくつかの基本の欠点。 誰が何がよいかか、あるいは悪いか、あるいは正しいか、間違っているか、実際に言うことができますか。 私があなたにそれを強調させておいている一方、ここに、今日の予測があります。 あなたは今正しいことを行う過程にあります... すべての正しい理由のために。
"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou... Wha Mwha Mwha Wha Wha Mwha Mwha Mhaw... WHOOPS!" That, more or less, is the sound of someone trying to climb a mountain with one hand tied behind their back, whilst playing a harmonica and listening to a tape of Shakespeare plays. Do you feel better for knowing this? Probably not. But you may feel better for knowing THIS. Your exhausting, draining daily challenge is nearly over. Soon, you won't be having to wrestle with a quarter as much... and you'll be starting to feel about four times better. 双子座デイリー訳してください
Mars and Mercury are in agreement which, all on its own, is somewhat unusual. Both planets now seem keen to do what they can to ensure the wellbeing of all who share your sign. Mars is offering you speed; the ability to get past difficulties swiftly and to hasten progress towards a desired destination. Mercury is bringing discrimination; the ability to see the difference between what you truly require and what you merely think you ought to want. If your week has not yet started to seem like a splendid one... it soon will.
�Our friends are our friends while they are agreeing with us and expressing approval. When they stop doing this for any length of time, they tend to become our enemies. It is hard for anyone to think the world of someone else while this same someone else is pouring forth criticism, no matter how well meant or justified. At the same time, you are no true friend of a certain person if you don't occasionally tell that individual what you feel they need to hear. Good luck with today's diplomatic balancing act. You should get it just right.
今日のさそりのデイリーの訳お願いします Money may not grow on trees, but there is a sense in which it behaves rather like fruit. It is usually seasonal and it is invariably perishable. It is hard to resist consuming when it is available, it is impossible to preserve without losing some of the intrinsic sweetness and it is potentially self-replenishing. Every penny is, in the hands of a good financial gardener, the seed of at least another penny, if not a whole tree of banknotes. You may not have much money now, but if you do the right thing today, you'll have plenty tomorrow.
Should you say something? You may not make yourself very popular if you do. You're not likely to feel very good about yourself if you don't. Let's consider the former: if your mission in life was simply to make yourself universally admired, you would have been born under some other sign. You cannot help but be conscious of the flaw in a particular plan - or the drawback to an alleged "great idea." Mercury's sharp link to Jupiter will make it almost impossible for you to resist speaking out. That's good... even if at first it seems bad!
Whoops! That wasn't supposed to happen was it? You don't know what I am referring to? Ah. Maybe it has not happened yet. By the time another 24 hours have elapsed though, you'll be getting my gist. No amount of prescience or prediction can prevent today's little slip from happening. But then that's OK because it's not actually a slip at all. Information is now coming to light. A realisation is slowly turning into a revelation. There's nothing wrong or bad about any of this. It needs to be happening. It is ultimately essential.
蠍座です、翻訳をお願いします。 When trapped in a cage with a tiger, the trick they say, is to look it straight in the eye. Whether or not this is guaranteed to prevent the beast from pouncing, I cannot recall. But I think the general idea is that even if it doesn't stop you becoming tiger food, it ensures you leave the planet feeling courageous - instead of helpless. Todays tiger is a paper tiger. Something that has been printed on a piece of paper is starting to make you feel threatened. Here, for sure, the trick is to stare it bravely in the face.
どなたか獅子座のデイリーの訳お願いします。 Superheroes, when they are not leaping tall buildings with a single bound or manifesting the strength of ten angry Orangutans are traditionally blessed with some form of enhanced perspicacity. Most commonly, they are able to see through walls and other such solid objects. The sky now seems to be blessing you with some kind of "X-ray" vision. It may not let you see through people's clothes but it certainly allows you to see through their pretences. No wall, no defence mechanism, no barrier can deflect your razor sharp insight this weekend.
翻訳お願いします!! Yesterday, I remarked that there are many worse places to be than the place where you are now. I realise in retrospect that this was an ambiguous statement. It could have been interpreted to imply; "...and there are many better places to be too!" It is a point worth clarifying this weekend for you are currently feeling unsure about why you have chosen to be where you are. You keep wondering if you ought to be somewhere else. If though, you trust that you have picked the right option for the right reasons, you will find this is true.
Planet Earth, as it circles the Sun each year, can be thought of as a Merry Go Round in space - aboard which we have all climbed for a ride. If we extend the analogy, we notice that the Earth continually spins on its axis while it orbits. This suggests that we may actually be living on one of those stomach turning, double twisting Waltzer rides. Perhaps this explains why so many of us feel dizzy so much of the time. There's only one thing to be done on a ride like this. And that's enjoy it. Worry less and relax more this weekend.
牡牛座の週末予報、おねがいします。 Things should start to look a little brighter today. It is even possible that soon, you will be needing sunglasses, just to reduce the glare from all those shiny, optimistic, idealistic thoughts and ideas. Your natural sense of cynicism; normally a constant friend and travelling companion, appears to be in danger of deserting you this weekend. Without it, you may feel a little lost at first. Gradually though, you will start to see that some of the things that it tends to dismiss as no good are actually rather wonderful.
大変申し訳ないのですが、どなたか蠍のウィークリーを訳して頂けないでしょうか? 既に訳されているのと自分で訳したのとでは、少しニュアンスが違うような気がするので不安になりました。 自分にとっては、心臓に悪い内容のように思えるのですが、真実が知りたいので... よろしくお願いします。 If you are trying to perform a difficult job, you can't have the window open, the phone ringing every five minutes or the stereo blasting out music that puts you on edge. It becomes essential to create the right environment, if only for the duration of the operation. Venus now suggests that your need this week is to dedicate whatever it takes to the accomplishment of a particular task. It may seem like a comparatively irrelevant exercise. Some may resent your determination or even accuse you of myopia. You know, though, that if this is not right, nothing else will be. So put it right. And expect a week during which your romantic and financial prospects alike begin to improve.
(原文) "Buzz, buzz." That's not the sound of a bee in your bonnet - nor even of the hornet under your hat. It's the noise of a mental mechanism that's at maximum capacity. Your brain is beginning to hum like an overloaded electrical circuit. It has simply got too much to cope with but it won't give up in despair. It is, after all, YOUR brain - and you are no quitter. All week, you can expect to be wrestling with a difficult problem. Make your thoughts optimistic and constructive. If you are thinking anything else, you are thinking the wrong thing.
すみません、天秤デイリーです。 とっても気になるのですが、翻訳ソフトだとよくわかりません。 もう今日も終わりですが、どなたかお願いします。 You are in a tight corner. Your back is up against the wall. You can move a little to your left or right but it seems you cannot depart the awkward spot you find yourself in. Despite your attempts to invent some great solution to a particular problem, nothing seems to work. Saturn and Pluto explain why. "It is," they chorus in harmony, "Because what's happening now is essential in some way that you cannot yet understand. " Accept what you cannot change and be more trusting. It's going to be a surprisingly positive week.
Does the Sun really rise in the sky each day? Of course not. The earth turns and, as it does so, the part we are standing on turns towards the Sun. The Sun itself though, stands still. Well, sort of. Actually the Sun IS moving - but not around us. It orbits a distant celestial spot called the Galactic Centre. You see, everything in the world is forever "moving on"! No wonder we humans need to do something similar. How though, can we do so till we know what's causing what - and why? Today, you should make a very valuable discovery.
ふたご座の昨日のデイリーなんですが、翻訳していただけませんか? When does two plus two seemingly make twenty two? And when, for that matter, does two take away one appear to leave zero? When there's a relationship going on, that's when! Our involvements with others often endanger us. We take a risk when we put our hearts into someone else's hands. We take an even bigger one when we subjugate our own intellect to that of a companion. A particular person is now seeing the world from a warped perspective. No matter how inconvenient it may be, you must argue with their false logic.
申し訳ないですが、どなたかさそりのデイリーの訳お願いできませんか。 I must apologise to all Scorpios for the misprint in yesterday's forecast. The sentence that promised a "small but significant improvement on your economic front" should, of course, have read "...improvement on your ERGOnomic front." I merely meant that life would become more practical. I never wanted to imply that some money might make its way towards you. ... ... ... Oh, alright then, I DID say that. And I DID mean it too. No matter how vulnerable you now feel, your finances will stabilise most encouragingly soon.
すみません獅子座もお願いします。 Some lessons take a lot of learning. We have to go through the same process, over and over again. Only eventually does a penny drop. Suddenly, we stop struggling to understand something and we see it clearly. Such "Eureka" moments are worth all the effort that it takes to arrive at them. Whenever though, we arrive at a destination, we instantly start to forget the energy that we had to expend on the journey. Now, all you can see is how hard it is to make something happen. Soon, all you will remember is how easy it was!
ん? あ、たんなるすれ違いなのね >>915>>916 すみません牡羊座もお願いします。なんかすごく気になるので。 A little ray of sunshine makes its way to your world today. Though it will illuminate many things, the effect will be most impressive in areas where lately all has been a little dark. At first, you may be more conscious of your ability to see things you dislike than things you do. You may even feel resentful of the extra light. In shadow, some sharp edges seem softer. Not only though, should you be glad of your ability to see harsh realities more clearly, you should (and will) be glad of the hidden gems that today reveals.
Discretion, as you know full well, is a wonderful thing. I shall, therefore, honour your preference for subtlety and tact by speaking euphemistically today. I shall spell nothing out. I shall make no emphatic points. I shall merely hint at the chance of a possibility of a "you know what". There! I have said too much now, haven't I? Oh well, let me and my big mouth be a reminder to you. When people are entrusted with information, especially if it is private and sensitive they find it very hard to keep quiet. Watch who you tell what today.
Imagine walking down a road, minding your own business, when all of a sudden a passing policeman calls you over to them. Even if the officer merely wants to make polite conversation, a part of you becomes instantly anxious. "What," you wonder, "are you about to get in trouble for?" There's a sense now, in which you are facing a situation which is not especially problematic - yet which is making you feel uncomfortable because of its associations. Be a bit more confident. There really is nothing to worry about today.
12/13 水瓶デイリー It is now as if a needle is stuck in a record or, if you prefer your analogies more up to date, as if the laser is catching on the CD. It's funny isn't it, the way that progress never brings us the perfection it is supposed to. That's the point you need to keep in mind as you contemplate, today, a fairly radical plan of action. It's not enough to just shake yourself free of some awkward situation. You need to think about what you are intending to replace it with. Be intelligent as well as innovative and you'll yet have a great success.
蠍座の翻訳お願いします。 Here are the reasons why I foresee, so strongly, a change for the better in your economic outlook. Firstly, there's the ongoing presence of The Sun, Venus and Mercury in the part of your chart that governs wealth. Then there is tomorrow's culmination of a conjunction between Venus and Pluto. As this coincides with a solar eclipse, also in the wealth section of your sky, the implication is clear - and reasoning behind it compelling. There may be a drama to be played out before you get your happy outcome but get it, you will.
乙女座のデイリー、どなたか訳していただけるとありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 They say that what counts is not what you know but who you know. They are right but only up to a point. What matters most is neither what you know nor who you know nor even what who you know knows. It is, of course, all down to who who you know knows! With me so far? OK. This is where it gets tricky. If who you know knows what you know, they can tell what you know to who they know. But you want who they know to know you! So don't tell all you know to you know who. Just get them to tell you what they know about who they know! OK?
おうし座おねがいしまーーーす。 結構、切羽詰ってきました。48時間以内にってことはわかるんですが翻訳使っても 今ひとつ解明できないのです。 You cannot avoid a certain situation. There is an undeniable truth to be accepted - a stark reality to be acknowledged. Is this sad? Not at all. It is excellent. Push is coming to shove. The irresistible force is meeting the immovable object. Rubbish that has been swept under the carpet for far too long is being removed. So soon, it won't smell any more! Things will no longer be stuck or stale or stagnant in your life. Within 48 hours, a big shift will have taken place. Then there will be some real happy progress at last.
Astrologers, in some ways, are like Rabbis. They love to discuss the texts which form the basis of their belief - and their conversations can end up echoing down the centuries. All cosmic events are, after all, open to interpretation. But some events are open to a lot more interpretation than others. You would have to search very far and wide if you wanted to find a member of my profession who didn't see today's conjunction of Venus to Pluto as good news - for your love life and for your finances. You WILL have a nice weekend.
訳お願いします。何か重要な事が書かれているような気がするん だけど..。 The eclipse takes place in your 12th solar house. So too does the conjunction of Venus and Pluto. This may be why you now feel trapped; stuck in a situation that you can't escape - or tied by bonds of obligation to a scenario that you are starting to find oppressive. It may also be why you are becoming fascinated by dreams which you can probably never fulfil. Shall we have some good news now? This weekend, Mercury enters your sign. Your financial prospects start to improve and very good news reaches you from somewhere.
14日水瓶デイリー When it has been raining for weeks, we feel loathe to leave the house without an umbrella, even if there's not a cloud in the sky. We want to be prepared. We don't want to be caught out. Eventually though, if the sky stays dry, we begin to realise that our defence mechanism may no longer be needed. Right now, you are still steeling yourself for a problem that used to be prevalent. It is intermittent now, if it is occurring at all. Soon, it will be non existent. Adjust your frame of mind accordingly. Relax a little.
Venus and Pluto are in conjunction. You can be forgiven for how you feel and for all that you have just said - or are about to say. Plus all that you have just done - or are about to do. Your actions can be understood. Excused. Even pardoned, if or where appropriate. But (and this is a fairly substantial but) you must now deal firmly yet fairly with a difficult situation. You have to be straight, bold, clear and direct. And above all else you now absolutely have to trust your own judgement. Or you may never forgive yourself.