

Wenger Still Trying For Nakata

News Archive

06/02/2001. Arsenal and Roma have different ideas of how much Hidetoshi Nakata is
actually worth and until the 2 clubs can find common ground, the Japanese international
won't be going anywhere.

Wenger is in Japan to commentate on the Japanese campaign for TV and admitted that the
Gunners are still chasing the midfielder. "Nakata is a great player. He's respected in Europe
very much. I could have Thierry Henry as a lone striker and ask Nakata to play just behind
which would be excellent. However, there's a huge difference between what they want and
what we are offering. But we'll try to convince AS Roma to sell him to us."

Rumours suggest that Arsenal have offered $20million for Nakata but Roma value his
services - and merchandising potential - at nearer the $30million mark