来たよ、ドイツからの最新。 some of the Japanese Team have been announced. Kagawa, Uchida, Hasebe, Makino, Kisho Jano, Okazaki, Hosogai, Soma, Yasuhiko Okudera, Guido Buchwald, Michael Rummenigge, Frank Ordenewitz and Pierre Littbarski. Mitch Langerak will play for japan as goalkeeper so no Kawashima ._. *cries* With the money, they want to rebuild a broken children's home in Tohoku/Ichinosekishi. 香川、内田、長谷部、槙野、矢野、岡崎、細貝、相馬、奥寺!、ルンメニゲ、 川島の代わりに、ランゲラック