Nakamura posted by delboy109 Can anyone tell me how naka played today?? 今日のナカはどうだった?
posted by joeP1980* He played well in my opinion, most chances we had were carved out by Nakamura. 個人的には彼のプレーは良かったよ。 チャンスの大部分は彼が切り開いたものだし。
posted by -im5an Naka will come good, he is showing signs of greatness alreday. Remember other that adapting to the rigors of our game, he wasn't completely matchfit when he came. これから良くなるでしょ、スーパープレーヤーの風格が既にあるよ。 他のやつなんかでも移籍当初はフィットしなかったもんだ。
posted by StephCelticGhirl**, He played well enough, he just faded towards the end. いいプレーだったよ。終わりにかけて消えてたけど。
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posted by delboy109 Alot of the pundits slate him and say he is to lightweight and drifts out of games ect. But when i have seen him he rarly puts a pass wrong and has already made a few goals and his long passing seems to be pin point.. I say when he adjusts to the pace and phsical game that is played in scotland he will be a major player for celtic in the future...