All of my friends say that Final Fantasy 7 is the best of the series, but I think that Final Fantasy 8 is superior to it in every way (友達はみんなFF7がシリーズ最高だと言うけど、僕は8が全てにおいて最上級だと思うね。)
my friends say I'm sick for being in love with a fictional guy .I get very emotional in that game and cry a lot. (友達は、架空のキャラクターに恋するなんてビョーキだと言うけど。 でも私はこのゲームでとても感動して泣きました。)
what's really weird is that SOOOO many people tell me I look just like rinoa (I think she's better looking than me though...::sigh::).but I just finished the game about a month ago and I absolutl love the ending. And to all of you out there how want squall....... he is SOOOOOO mine!!!!!!!!
I'am practically in love with that guy (squall) he is so 'good looking' and so if his not real ,who cares ,I till think he is kool!!!! (私は、彼(スコール)にゾッコン。彼ってば超カッコイイし、たとえ現実の存在じゃないって 言われたって、やっぱりステキ!!)
Squall isn't even real, so stop going on about him being a role model, that's like saying Mario and Luigi could be role models too. What a loada crap, all you Squall wannabes should grow up. (スコールは実在しない。彼に萌えるのは、マリオやルイージに萌えるのと同じだからやめたまえ。 君らスコール信者はもっと大人になれよ。)
My sister saw a picture of some guy that looked exactly like Squall. She said that he was some rock star from Japan. (妹が、スコールにとっても良く似た男の人の写真を見てたの。 聞いてみたら、その写真の人は日本のロック・スターなんだって。)
Everyone e-mail me! Also, e-mail me FF8 pics. I have 43, but I want more. (I know. It must sound crazy to have 43 pictures and want more. Most of them are ones that move or do actions.) Just please do it. If anybody wants to send me e-mail pics, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GIVE ME OTHERS BESIDES FF8 PICS! (ねぇみんな、わたしにメールちょうだい! FF8の画像も! わたし43枚持ってるんだけど、 もっと欲しいの。(43枚も持ってるのにまだ欲しがるなんてバカみたいって思われるだろうけど。 動画だともっといいな)わたしのお願いはそれだけ。 もし誰かわたしに画像をメールで送ってくれるんなら、いいこと、くれぐれも言っておくけどFF8以外の 画像は送ってこないでね♪)
I think Rinoa had flushed with shame when she asked Squall for his "Hug". That's a proof she is perfect woman and FF8 is the greatest game in the world. (俺はリノアがスコールにハグをねだった時、彼女は顔を真っ赤にして 恥ずかしがってたと思うんだ。そんなわけでやっぱりリノアは最高、 FF8は神に選ばれたゲームだって事。)
**sigh** Why do ALL the girls who like Squall pretend to be me? I am the true Rinoa! : THIS IS THE TRUE RINOA. Squall is my boyfriend! STAY AWAY! HE IS MINE FOREVER! KEEP YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (はぁ……どうしてスコールが好きな女の子はみんなわたしのフリをするのかな? わたしが本物のリノアよ!そうわたしが本物のリノア。スコールはわたしの彼氏! あっち行っちゃえ! 彼は永遠にわたしのものなの! 汚い手で彼に触らないでよ!!!!!)
what's really weird is that SOOOO many people tell me I look just like rinoa (I think she's better looking than me though. 本当に気味が悪いものは多くの人々がリノアとまったく同じように私に私がように見えると言う その SOOOO である(私は彼女がけれども私より良く見ていると思う。 ::sigh::). : : ため息: :) 。 but I just finished the game about a month ago and I absolutl love the ending. けれども私はおよそ1カ月前にちょうどゲームを終えた、そして私は absolutl に終わることが好きである。 And to all of you out there how want squall. そしてあなたたちみんなにあそこにどれほど欠乏がスコールが荒れる。 he is SOOOOOO mine!!!!!! 彼は SOOOOOO 鉱山である!!!!!!
このスレに近いと思われる、「FFで一番オキニのキャラは?」というスレッド発見 逝っちゃってる人発見 I would have to say that my favorite FF charater of all time is Aeris Gainsborough from FF7. She has one of the most caring personalities of anyone I have ever seen. She has the biggest heart of all. Her limits were defensive based so that she could protect the people she cared about. She always put others before herself. She always wanted to do the best she could in life. She was always my fave and always will be. She shall live on forever in my heart.
Squall did that indeed, but he had to, because Seifer was the leader of that squad, so if he didn't listen to Seifer that moment, it would have cost him exampoints. スコールはマジにそうしたが、彼はやらなければならなかったのさ。サイファー はその隊の リーダーだったから、もし彼がその時サイファー の言葉に耳をかたむけなかったら、 怒らせる危険性があったろうし。
You get it? おまえにそれができるか?
Squall had no choice, he had to do what Seifer wanted. スコールには選択の余地はなかった。彼はサイファーがやれといったことをしなければならなかったのさ。
Re: Fav FF Character EVER! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top 3 Heroes: Squall (He's like me) Zidane (He's the one I want to be) Rinoa/Dagger (They remind me of someone I'm in love with...)