[Title] Is it RPG? International [Creator] XPTESTMAN [Type] Long piece Square Like RPG [URL] ttp://www.geocities.jp/fujimoto_fantasy2/SNRPG_INTER.zip [Tools] RPGMakerXP-Japan [ScrSht] ttp://www.geocities.jp/fujimoto_fantasy/snss.gif [NeedPlayTime] 20-50 hours [Comment] Making is very detailed, and graphic is very beautiful. Graphic of the hero is must see. When they are not made to get tired, it is a viewpoint because it can taste play by var- ious strategies as for the player. It is equipped fully with the user's consideration, and it would be better to be able to play from the beginner to the senior widely. Real pleasure and real thing of RPG. I would like you to play by all means.