Sanpei Yajima - Thursday, 12/20/01, 3:07:41pm (#1176 of 1176)
Masashi Tashiro, and also Sachiyo Nomura again proved to us that the spirit of Japanese stupidity "bo-ke" could never be dent, even by a serious terrorist attack such as the Aum sarin gas, and the 9-11 tragedy.
Tashiro as a person of the year will definitely give confusion to many readers, but can leave a significant historical evidence of one country, who never takes anything seriously.
What the hell is this?! Capcom does something other than fighting games and survival horror? Kick...ass! Capcom should be so proud... It's not the condom. What? I said it's a good game. What? I said it's a great game!
1. Masashi Tashiro 24.4 53104 2. Osama bin Laden 18.1 39406 3. George W. Bush 14.2 30831 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.2 20073 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.0 10965 6. Laura Bush 4.3 9430 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.7 5877 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.1 4551 9. Sydney Gaul 1.6 3415 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.2 2531
1. Masashi Tashiro 24.4 53188 2. Osama bin Laden 18.1 39438 3. George W. Bush 14.2 30861 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.2 20081 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.0 10965
# Person % Tally 1. Masashi Tashiro 24.5 53365 2. Osama bin Laden 18.1 39522 3. George W. Bush 14.2 30914 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.2 20101 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.0 10965 6. Laura Bush 4.3 9430 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.7 5883 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.1 4551 9. Sydney Gaul 1.6 3415 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.2 2533
1. Masashi Tashiro 24.9 54592 2. Osama bin Laden 18.2 39805 3. George W. Bush 14.2 31029 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.2 20170 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.0 10965
1. Masashi Tashiro 24.9 54665 2. Osama bin Laden 18.2 39827 3. George W. Bush 14.1 31039 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.2 20174 5. Pope Hadrian VII 5.0 10965 6. Laura Bush 4.3 9436 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.7 5897 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.1 4553 9. Sydney Gaul 1.6 3415 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.2 2536
# Person % Tally 1. Masashi Tashiro 25.5 56833 2. Osama bin Laden 18.2 40446 3. George W. Bush 14.0 31197 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 9.1 20235 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.9 10965 6. Laura Bush 4.2 9436 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.7 5910 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.0 4554 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3415 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2538
# Person % Tally 1. Masashi Tashiro 27.1 61961 2. Osama bin Laden 17.8 40870 3. George W. Bush 13.7 31487 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.9 20415 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.8 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.1 9442 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5941 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.0 4555 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3450 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2560
1. Masashi Tashiro 27.2 62637 2. Osama bin Laden 17.8 40910 3. George W. Bush 13.7 31526 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.9 20429 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.8 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.1 9442 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5943 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.0 4555 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3450 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2560
1. Masashi Tashiro 27.5 63508 2. Osama bin Laden 17.7 40980 3. George W. Bush 13.7 31558 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.9 20447 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.8 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.1 9442 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5950 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.0 4555 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3450 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2561
# Person % Tally 1. Masashi Tashiro 27.9 64803 2. Osama bin Laden 17.6 41008 3. George W. Bush 13.6 31591 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.8 20456 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.7 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.1 9442 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5965 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.0 4555 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3451 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2561
# Person % Tally 1. Masashi Tashiro 27.9 65061 2. Osama bin Laden 17.6 41031 3. George W. Bush 13.6 31600 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.8 20461 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.7 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.1 9442 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5973 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.0 4555 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3451 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2561
1. Masashi Tashiro 27.9 65066 2. Osama bin Laden 17.6 41031 3. George W. Bush 13.6 31600 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.8 20461 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.7 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.1 9442 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5973 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.0 4555 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3451 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2561
Mayor Rudy Giuliani 【米】ルディ・ジュリアーニ市長《Rudyは愛称》 Jesus of Nazareth=ナザレのイエス=イエスキリスト Nomar Garciaparra ノマー・ガルシアパーラ 1994年6月ドラフト・レッドソックス1位(全米12番目) Laura Bush ブッシュの妻 FDNY/NYPD NY市消防庁・NY市警
まってたら結果でてたよ 1位じゃん・・・ # Person % Tally 1. Masashi Tashiro 28.0 65107 2. Osama bin Laden 17.6 41029 3. George W. Bush 13.6 31601 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.8 20461 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.7 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.1 9442 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5976 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.0 4555 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3451 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2561
1. Masashi Tashiro 28.1 65524 2. Osama bin Laden 17.6 41056 3. George W. Bush 13.5 31604 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.8 20463 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.7 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.0 9442 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5977 8. Nomar Garciaparra 2.0 4555 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3451 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2561
Mayor Rudy Giuliani 【米】ルディ・ジュリアーニ市長《Rudyは愛称》 Jesus of Nazareth=ナザレのイエス=イエスキリスト Nomar Garciaparra ノマー・ガルシアパーラ 1994年6月ドラフト・レッドソックス1位(全米12番目) Laura Bush ブッシュの妻 FDNY/NYPD NY市消防庁・NY市警 Pope Hadrian VII ローマ法王 Sydney Gaul ???
# Person % Tally 1. Masashi Tashiro 28.2 66133 2. Osama bin Laden 17.5 41069 3. George W. Bush 13.5 31605 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.7 20463 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.7 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.0 9442 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5995 8. Nomar Garciaparra 1.9 4555 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3453 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2561
# Person % Tally 1. Masashi Tashiro 28.4 66677 2. Osama bin Laden 17.5 41078 3. George W. Bush 13.4 31612 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.7 20465 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.7 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.0 9445 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.6 5998 8. Nomar Garciaparra 1.9 4556 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3456 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2565
1. Masashi Tashiro 28.4 66825 2. Osama bin Laden 17.5 41078 3. George W. Bush 13.4 31613 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.7 20465 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.7 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.0 9445 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.5 5998 8. Nomar Garciaparra 1.9 4556 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3456 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2565
1. Masashi Tashiro 28.4 66890 2. Osama bin Laden 17.4 41075 3. George W. Bush 13.4 31614 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.7 20465 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.7 10979 6. Laura Bush 4.0 9445 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.5 5999 8. Nomar Garciaparra 1.9 4557 9. Sydney Gaul 1.5 3456 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2565
# Person % Tally 1. Masashi Tashiro 29.3 70067 2. Osama bin Laden 17.2 41198 3. George W. Bush 13.2 31639 4. Mayor Rudy Giuliani 8.6 20481 5. Pope Hadrian VII 4.6 10979 6. Laura Bush 3.9 9445 7. FDNY/NYPD 2.5 6012 8. Nomar Garciaparra 1.9 4557 9. Sydney Gaul 1.4 3456 10. Jesus of Nazareth 1.1 2565
ZDNET速報:1位はなんと?TIME「PERSON OF THE YEAR」投票にネットの“力” 【国内記事】 2001年12月21日 10:18 PM 更新 米TIME誌が毎年年末,その年を代表する人物を選ぶ「PERSON OF THE YEAR」の ネット投票が極めて不思議な結果になっている。12月21日時点で,トップはあの日本人なのだ
Suzuki Utamaro - Friday, 12/21/01, 11:08:26pm (#1399 of 1415)
Osama Bin Laden was NOT the one who received the most votes on The real winner was "Masashi Tashiro" with more than 83000 votes. See the Link Below to a Japanese news source for the evidence.
I would like to know why "Masashi Tashiro", a Japanese hero, was deleted from the list without any explanation. Why did TIME magazine declare Osama the winner, even if he did not receive more votes than Tashiro? I do not think this is a democratic way of choosing the winner. It's just a propaganda!
One more thing I want to mention here is that Mr.Tahiro is an actual person. I've received several e-mails from my Asian friends, of course, including Japanese guys, which said that Mr.Tahiro is an actual Japanese singer. They seemed to believe he was the best candidate for PoY 2001. I also want to know why you deleted his name from the ranking. Isn't it unfair?