Lucifel is one of Heaven's greatest, if not the greatest archangels and has the ability to freely travel through time. As commanded by God. He acts as support for Enoch along with the other guardian angels. He is quite fond of Enoch and is therefore very cooperative.
>>955 LUCIFEL the red-eyed shepherd(赤い目の案内人<羊飼い/指導者> ルシフェル) “Me? A chaperone? How cruel…” (私が?お目付役に?ひどいな…<残酷だな…/厳しいな…>)
Lucifel is one of Heaven’s greatest, if not the greatest,archangels and has the ability to freely travel through time. (ルシフェルは、最高位ではないにしても、天界で最も力ある大天使の一人で、自由に時間を旅する能力 を持っている。) As commanded by God, he acts as support for Enoch along with the other guardian angels. (神の命じられた通り、彼はその他の守護天使たちとともにイーノックのサポート役を務める) He is quite fond of Enoch and is therefore very cooperative. (彼はイーノックをかなり<まあまあ>好いており、それゆえとても協力的である。)