日本、国際会計基準を導入へ 11年度以降に


batic の問題でわからないのがあるんで誰か教えてください。。

xyz co, a calendar-year company, issued the following bonds with detachable stock warrants. Each bond carries one warrant,and each warrant entitles the bondholder to buy one share of $10 par value common stock at $30 par share.
The market value of each stock warrant was $8 at date of issuance.

Face amount $100
Number 1000
Issue price $108000
Face rate 6%
Yield rate 6%

222一般に公正妥当と認められた名無しさん:2009/07/08(水) 20:52:44 ID:12vihdA6
Which of following journal entries should ABC make at date of

@Dr Cash         100,000
 Cr Bond payable      100,000
ADr Cash         108,000
  Cr Bond payable      108,000
BDr Cash         108,000
   Cr Bond payable      100,000
       APIC−CS         8,000

CDr Cash         100,000   

↑お願いしますm(_ _)m

detachable stock warrantsは分離型新株引受権証券・・らしいです
223一般に公正妥当と認められた名無しさん:2009/07/08(水) 20:58:02 ID:12vihdA6
Which of following journal entries should ABC make at date of

@Dr Cash         100,000
 Cr Bond payable      100,000
ADr Cash         108,000
  Cr Bond payable      108,000
BDr Cash         108,000
   Cr Bond payable      100,000
      APIC−CS         8,000

CDr Cash         100,000   
   APIC−warrant     8,000
     Cr Bond payable      108,000

BDr Cash         100,000
   APIC‐warrant     8,000
   Cr Bond payable      100,000
       APIC−CS         8,000

>>222間違えましたm(_ _)m