●▼★  英 語 で 雑 談 ス レ  ★▼●

318恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 20:58:35
My boyfriend and me are 5000 miles away.
319恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 20:59:21
this is a pen!!
320恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 22:36:31
By the way, are you guys stupid?
Your English is toooooooo bad >>to all
321恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 23:05:44
sorry...but I think that your English is not good, too.
322恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 23:09:13
Oh! Are you anal or boy?
323恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 23:15:39
you are fished by >>320!!
324恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/20(火) 20:08:12
325恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/20(火) 20:11:38
326恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/20(火) 20:14:08
327恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 01:23:37
I totally agree with you.I wonder how you guys manage your relationship with your partners with your horrible English?
I believe communication is pretty important for couples.I mean don't you talk about serious stuffs(politics, Economics, social problems....anything!!) with your partners?
As you know, miscommunication is always cause of misunderstanding.I personally think there's no problem Japanese people have non-Japanese partner as long as you can speak your partner's native launguages or h/she can speak Japanese.

So it would be lovely if you could tell me what is the secret to keep your relationship without English ability.Thank you in advance.
328恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 01:24:25
コヨーテ アグリーなら見たかったな
329恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 01:25:24
oh yes! yes! oh good! oh oOOhH yeS! ahhh yes!
330恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 01:57:29
331恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 04:00:20
332恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 10:41:29
mind your own business :-p
333恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 10:50:48
334恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 10:56:23

335恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:00:42
Do you like me?

I know you'll say ‘No!’
336恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:02:54
337恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:08:04
He do say ‘I think you are like a sister for me, that's all'!
338恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:18:04
339恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:22:19
Because that's his character.
340恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:24:57
He said me did I love him? I said no.
It's kind of hard. Because I love him now.
Maybe,you think I'm a oddboll.
But I earned money, but he didn't. I was a cash cow for him.
341恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:26:29
He never say ‘I love you’in reall.

so good-bye...
342恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:27:12
343恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:32:10
My heart is crying every night and day.
344恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 12:18:08
Is he unemployed? Just give him love, not money.
345恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 12:38:44
346恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 12:44:36
Yes, I do!
347恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 12:54:38
348東海厨房 '_ゝ ◆Uxjl4yWl9o :2005/12/21(水) 20:37:59
My love have seemed to vanish in the haze lately.
You,I loved once,are not what you used to be.

349恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/22(木) 04:12:31
First of all,I apologize for my horrible English.

I totally agree with your phrase"communication is pretty important for couples."
But I don't think that talking difficult stuffs is the only way to have ralationship with partners.
I always use simple words(I wanna be with u,stand by u,miss u or love u...)
My girl and I plan where we go ,when we meet and how we enjoy together.
Through this kind of work we understand each other.

I blieve high-grade English ability is not nesessary to comunicate with partners.
My partner is a Japanese, though...

No I don't.
350恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 06:05:38
351恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 06:42:33
352恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 07:20:07
353恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 09:36:41
354恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 09:44:45
355恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 09:53:37
Ma- Oretati Roomago Dekirukara Iijyan!!
356恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 09:56:35
Fool dane
357恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 15:02:47
yahoo henkan otsu
358恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/24(土) 04:16:23
ヽ('A`)ノ <Fuck you bitch
359恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/24(土) 04:19:40
           _, ._   hahahahahahahahahaha
         ( ゚ Д゚)   
〔ノ二二,___ ・  |  ・ __,二二ヽ〕
 |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ    /::::::::::::::::::::::::::/
  〉::::::::: :::::::::::::〉 ・ 〈:::::::::::::: ::::::::〈
 |:::::::::::::::::::::::::/  (u)  ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::/
  〔:::::::::::::::::::::/  ノ~ヽ  ヽ::::::::::::::::::|
  ヽ:::::::::::::::::/ /::::::::::::\ ):::::::::::::::::::ゝ
  ノ:::::::::::::::::::| |_〜─〜-| |〜〜〜/
360恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/24(土) 04:20:33
Lip my ass
361恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/26(月) 19:05:34
xmas is over
362恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/28(水) 02:39:53
i couldn't give christmas present to her.すてよっかな。。
363恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/29(木) 21:42:10
give me
364恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/29(木) 21:48:57
365恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/29(木) 21:51:25
366恋人は名無しさん:2006/01/09(月) 01:25:59
I miss you.
Well, I have no idea what this forum for.. but, I just wanted to
join here because I have been with my Canadian boyfriend for a
while and wanted to describe how important talking difficult stuff
(this word is actually uncountable, by the way)is as my own opinion.
I think that it depends on the couple. probably, some couples are
not interested in such subjects. however, my partner and I absolutely
love to talk about things like spirituality or philosophy.. something
like these. luckily enough, I can express what I want in English,
though I have to admit that I've got some difficulties for it at times,
we both have been satisfied our intelligent conversation. actually,
this is one of the reasons that I love to be with him very much!!

so, I guess >>327san had that question towards >>320san because he/she
thought >>320san had a partner who speaks English.
but, >>320san has a Japanese girl as his lover.. so probably there's no
problem.. but, don't you guys talk anything serious theme even in
Japanese?? well... anyways..
so, the thing related to >>320san aside, I'd like to put here my
strong agreement on >>327san.
there's a beautiful saying "all you need is love". I really like this,
but most of the time, you would need to express it verbally. even your
beautiful love wouldn't be able to be understood without expression of
it, unfortunately...
so, I will say, don't even try to get together with an English
speaker unless you can use English well or he/she can use Japanese.
it wouldn't be that easy to handle, I assure it.


ohh... I miss my sweetie like crazy, too =(