●▼★  英 語 で 雑 談 ス レ  ★▼●

1ぴーちゃん ◆MiJ.aMrglc
Please write on your feelings in English!!

↓Let's go.
2恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 16:30:28
3ぴーちゃん ◆MiJ.aMrglc :2005/06/03(金) 16:31:47
4無気力 ◆n6LQPM.CMA :2005/06/03(金) 16:31:51

5恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 16:34:56
I wanna be with you.
6無気力 ◆n6LQPM.CMA :2005/06/03(金) 16:36:55
T canと イングリッシュ
バット ジャパニーズ ソーグット

7ぴーちゃん ◆MiJ.aMrglc :2005/06/03(金) 16:42:25
My celler phone is't ring.
Womens want a lot of E-mail,but
Some of man don't like it.
Please send me E-mail more.

I'm a high school student so I'm not able to use English.
8無気力 ◆n6LQPM.CMA :2005/06/03(金) 16:46:01
T am so fool
9無気力 ◆n6LQPM.CMA :2005/06/03(金) 16:46:44
cool to

10恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 01:20:04
while you cant write in English rightly,
you'd better not use English.
you had some terrible mistakes.
11恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 08:43:33
Since you can't write English all that well either, why don't you shut up
and forget about pointing out somebody else's mistake.
That's just sad.
12恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 09:15:10
But…I can't take mean of >>7 suppose.
13恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 09:21:12
But I have no idea what you are trying to say... you can't take mean of what 7 suppose?
Your English may possibly be worse than 7's.
All she's trying to say is, although she realizes most men tend not to like writing e-mails or calling,
but she wants, I guess her BF, to write or call her more often.
14恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 09:43:31
rightly lol!u mean correctly right?
15恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 09:59:18
you dont' even have to say 'correctly," you can just say "can't write in english right"
it would make perfect sense
16恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 10:19:17
Sorry to interrupt you folks, but it seems obvious to most people
that this thread is getting out of topics.
If you just want to show off your English, not to tell how you love your lovers,
just go to right place somewhere in 2ch. I think tons of English freaks out there.
17恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 11:30:35
Oh,,,it's too difficult for me to understand everyone's English.
I'm still high school student.
18恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 13:11:57

19恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 13:19:47
Yeah you are right
20恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 13:29:32
I think you're doing pretty good. Try to keep up!
21恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 13:37:05
Planning to spend Saterday evening and the whole Sunday with my girl.
Before that I have to finish me work , but now I find myself
not only reading up this thread but also writing in it.

Oh, back to work...
22恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 13:48:11
That sucks that you have to work on the weekend.. I would hate to do that.. but good luck with the rest of the day.

I hope I'll be able to somethign with my boyfriend this weekend, but these past few weekends, he just goes to work (not that he has to work),
spend about half a day, and by the time he comes back, it's too late to go out and do stuff.
I'm stuck at home doing nothing while he's out there hanging out with his boys...
That really piss me off!
23恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 14:34:35
Tears reminded him our memory.
I know that to cry is stupid.
But I couldn't stop.
24恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 14:37:36
25恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 14:39:36
hav'to En on u
26恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 14:52:51
            (`  )!!!
        _, ,_  ⊂   ヽ
アンアンアンアン (Д´ )⌒ヽ  _)_)) ≡
         ⊂ノ(_ ∪J
27恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 16:50:47
Don't you tell him you miss him?
I recommend to tell him more what you want.

I'm missing my boyfriend sooooooooo much!!
I'm too busy to meet him these days.
Today I'm free but he has a part-time job(English speaking school); besides it's a damn hot day...
So frustrated.
28恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 17:41:28
English level of people in this sled is so high that I can't understand.
29恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 17:43:41
I don't like a person like you!
30恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 18:01:45


もっと難しく 考えなきゃいけない 英語をつかってよ

31恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 18:09:49
32恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 18:10:14
write something very difficile then.
33恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 18:11:21
34恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 18:13:35
35恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 18:15:19
36恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 20:20:16
If you are a high school boy, you should understand the whole res on this thread.
And write it down in English to know your own writing skill.
good luck! CUL8R.
37恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/04(土) 21:52:55
I'm sorry.
I understand almost,but there are difficult words.
38恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/05(日) 05:54:44
Now lets talk about our lovers in English. Not about English itself.

For instance

Acctually I'm >21 (Thanks for the res>22)
who has a work at home , and wasn't able to finish it before my girl came to spend the night.
So I'm back to my desk this morning to manage a few more tasks .
Planning to go back to bed before she notice .
39恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/05(日) 15:15:42
You know, you can tell your boyfriend how much you miss him, and I do tell him that too.

But the more you tell him, the more he'll get annoyed. So you'll have to be careful as to how many times you tell him
how lonely you are and how you miss him, etc... or else, he will get tired of hearing you saying that, because
he is at work or doing whatever he has to do and all he hears from you will be nagging. You really don't wanna do that
if you want to keep the relationship pleasant.

Oh, so you work at home.. (I"m 21, btw). That's cool, but still, that sucks you still had to work while your girl was there...
Give her a kiss before you go to sleep, whether she notices it or not, let her know you care about her, not just work.
40恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/05(日) 15:18:26
I love you.
41恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/05(日) 15:24:38
42恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/05(日) 15:45:30
He loves me so much, and you can't possible imagine how much i love him back and
how much i appreciate him for being who he is... he is truely awesome!
43恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/05(日) 17:56:24

といっく とかもてるのかな?都フィール?

44恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 17:56:17
I can read these sentences but I can not write an English sentence.
45恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 17:58:42
hiroshi deth... hiroshi deth... HIROSHI DESU...
46恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 18:06:13
>>45 what did u wanna say?
are u a crazy boy?
47恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:02:40
what did you eat at tonight?
48恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:03:28
I can read these sentences but I can not write an English sentence
49恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:04:06
50恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:04:38
I can't speak english
51恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:04:43
52恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:06:59
It's not same that ”can read” and ”can understand".
Can you ”understand” these sentence ? YES or NO.
53恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:08:53
HEY,>>45? :)
54恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:17:29
I've never spent a day without thinking about him since I felt in love with him.

55恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:34:58
No my honey No lif
56恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:37:05
I never dreamed before
I gonna knock the door
Intro the world of perfect free

57恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:37:42
So Long,
58恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:40:56
shut up kitchen
59恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 20:51:17
kitchen w
60恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 21:07:29
>51You are wrong.

Don't be afraid.
61恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 21:11:05
I love her very much
But she is a which
62恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 21:17:19
>>59What matter with you?
63恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 21:43:20
No my honey No life
64恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 21:45:44
let's transport to kitchen
65恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 21:50:14
No my honey No money

66恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 21:52:19
Me too....
67恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 22:16:50
what is the point of this thread?
68恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 22:28:48
Just speaking English!
69恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 22:33:43
The phrase "No honey No money" was a good one.
May be an expression you can use outside of this thread.
And also "Shut up kitchen!" is another one :-)

Enjoying it.
70恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/06(月) 22:57:30
Were I honest more,I could tell my heart
that I was happy to be gived pair rings from my boyfriend.
Then I jast said him"Oh."
I'm sorry,but I was too glad to tell it.
71恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/07(火) 08:18:34
I like the way he kiss me with smiling.
Then I feel my heart filled with happiness I can't ever express.
But we both go to school and live with families in each home.
There's no place where we can hug or kiss or etc... Damn!ヽ(`Д´)ノ
In addition, It's said to be bad to kiss in public in Japan and the hotels are too expensive.
72恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/07(火) 08:30:11
just talking in english is too ramdom
topics are needed i guess
73恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/07(火) 08:58:23
It's been a year since we started seeing each other. Now we live together, but things hasn't changed a bit.
Better yet, things are getting better and better... because we know to appreciate each other every day.
We appreciate what we do for each other, we tell each other how much we love each other.. of course, we don't forget
to show our physical attraction to each other... That's really important, I think.

Anyway, I love the way he kisses me, I love the way he hugs me and tells me that he loves me.
I love the fact that he can notice every little things, like when I'm upset or worried, he can pick it right up and ask me what's going on.
I love the fact that he is not embarrassed with me around anybody, and that he is happy and proud to be with me, and he doesn't hesitate to
show that either.

He is such a wonderful guy.

I am sooo lucky to be with him!
74恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/07(火) 09:01:07
Very hard to read…(´・ω・`)
75恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/07(火) 09:05:44
Sorry.. I know it was really long.. but what can I say?
76恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/07(火) 09:25:42
so what's the point?
from your comment, dont get any prob. though
do you wanna just say your boy is just a perfect for you?
77恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/07(火) 09:36:20
Of course everybody has problem in anything.. but what's the point in
clining to the negative side of it? Might as well focus on the good side, and
appreicate what you have...

You got problem with that?
78恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/07(火) 09:37:23
oops, i meant >>76
79恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/07(火) 10:47:57
Is 71=73 ? No school today?
How's your boy spending the day? Are you meeting him this afternoon?
8079:2005/06/07(火) 10:51:22
Sorry I missed the sentence "We now live together" .
So I see 71 is not 73 .
So , maybe your boy is out for work right now and your at home?
81恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/08(水) 13:34:26
hey! anyone is seeing here?
let's talk something about love.
82恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/08(水) 13:44:30
You still there? I wanna hear what you gotta say about the topic of love
83恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/08(水) 13:44:51
Hey you still there? Let's talk
84恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/08(水) 21:03:42
i'm home!let's talk! :-)
85恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/08(水) 21:09:51
86恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/08(水) 21:55:47
what do you have interested things in recently?
87恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/08(水) 21:59:13
88恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/08(水) 22:48:55
I found a interesting question on a site .
"What makes the difference between a 'friend' and a 'lover' ?"
How would you answer this ?
89恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/09(木) 06:07:23
Kind of love is different.
Lovers intend to make love.Now or future.
I'm not 86.
90恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/09(木) 20:27:35
you should have been murder.>>89
91恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:02:40
hay guys!
92恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:03:25
someone there?
93恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:04:18
hello mate?
94恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:04:20
95恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:04:41
oh here you are!
96恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:05:21
whats up?
97恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:05:55
boy or girl?
98恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:06:41
come on! talk to me!
99恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:07:25
No way.
100恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:07:32
here's boy from Aus, half Jap half OZ
101恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:07:39
get me on
102恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:07:57
dont be that cold mate
103恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:08:30
Im pretty picky
104恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:09:29
you from jap matie?
105恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:10:03
106恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:10:31
107恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:10:41
Suck my dick.
108恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 01:12:40
suck MY dick babe
109恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 05:06:23
you gotta have a little bigger dick than that if you want me to suck on it
110無気力 ◆n6LQPM.CMA :2005/06/11(土) 05:08:21
スイス イエイ チューリッヒ☆
111恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/11(土) 05:11:12
112無気力 ◆n6LQPM.CMA :2005/06/11(土) 05:14:16
world cup
in コングラーチュレーション



113無気力 ◆n6LQPM.CMA :2005/06/11(土) 05:20:08
114:2005/06/12(日) 23:52:33
low degree!

I am Toukyo University student.

It is like pig that you say.
115恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/12(日) 23:56:25
116恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/12(日) 23:56:33
とうきょう=Tokyo だボケナス
117恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 00:07:37
gaisi-kei ni naitei simasita .
118恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 00:09:57
hi there
119恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 00:10:38

120恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 00:10:55
congratulation about take part in world cup

i think...
121恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 00:14:39
congratulations on taking part in world cup

hows that?
122恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 00:18:28
123恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 00:21:33
what the heck is that
124恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 03:57:48
Last Thursday, we enjoyed fucking, but, your unwashed pussy smelled very very bad.

I never wanna lick it before you wash.

I want you to drink my sperm. Never spit out.
125恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 13:02:09
Is this a pen?

No. It is a Radio.
126恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 13:03:42
127恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 13:31:49
Will you give a lot of gentleness to me ?
128恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 14:13:20
That's too bad.
You must teach your partnaer the way of washing there,directly ;-)
129:2005/06/13(月) 20:41:30
>>128 OH! you are foolish parson.
I don't know what you want to say.
Why do you dead?
130恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 23:13:28
Mine is as big as a horse.
131恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/14(火) 00:27:53
>>129 i think you are foolish , too .
>>130 i'd like to see and eat yours !!!
132恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/14(火) 05:06:04
My dick is much bigger than yours and as hard as iron.
133恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/14(火) 05:11:06
u guys are all silly billy.

can't you at least check any typos?
134恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/14(火) 08:54:14
135恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/14(火) 08:58:34
Good god.. there are so many typos... LOL it's almost funny to read, sometimes
it makes it impossible to understand what that person is trying to say.. Geez..

136:2005/06/14(火) 17:31:47
Crossing the finish line,
he threw up his arms an shouted, "I'm 68!"

Every one says him congratulation.


137恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/14(火) 17:34:51
138恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 02:23:42
139恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 04:38:51

cuz, he crossed the finish line. and he was 68th to finish.

what did you even bother to ask questions like that?
140恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 04:48:07
WOW, i didn't know that there is a English version of スレッド!!!
I'm impressed!!! R these people actually in Japan or outside of Japan?
according to 136's question, i have NO idea what he/she is asking for!!
141恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 04:54:10
My boy's dick drives me wild. Feel like i'm gonna be crazy..
Want his in me right now...stick in me..Please..
142恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 04:55:11
Read >>136 throughly one more time, alright?
also, THREAD is what you are looking for (look up onlie or some!)
143恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 04:58:05
Shit, it's fuckin' hard... Thread is waht I am looking for?!?!
Is it something abt sex? or what?
Please give me some hints!
144恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 04:59:42
dude, no... Thread is the spelling of スレッド。
in either way, look up before u ask!
145恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 05:02:00
goccha! Thanks.
is 68 important?
146恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 05:06:28
k. here is the question >>136 asked. (with some corrections)

Crossing the finish line,
he threw up his arms and shouted, "I'm 68th!"

Everyone congratulated him.

Q: For what was he congratulated?
147:2005/06/15(水) 16:31:44
Hello! every one!

In fact, I am high school student.二年ね
So, I dont write English very well.

I think that You should go to the hell.

148恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/15(水) 18:02:45

Were I you,I could get angry.
You are too kind to tell your feelings.
149:2005/06/15(水) 19:50:01

150:2005/06/16(木) 22:19:00
151恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/17(金) 07:09:37
from your "question" >>136, the answer can be easily guessed.
like what i did on >>146, your question is editable.
so if you were trying to bullshit people, you didnt succeed cuz yours could be a sentence w/ some corrections.
when you say "crossing the finish line", that usually means, "you finished your race".

what people say here mostly makes no sense at all (some do).
if you think you understand english well, then you should try reading "real" english.
get books like "da Vinci code". then you tell me whether you are still COOL.
also i wanna let you know that what you are doing in high school ONLY works for exams.
it's not practical at all. after all, you would be so shamed if you thought that you were so good.

did you mean to say "If I were you, I could get angry"?
and he is not kind, k. he just fooled himself.

only practical english you wanna use in a real life is what you learned in middle school.
after that you just need to keep up with vocabularies and expressions.
"BUNPO" does NOTHING to you.

152よよよ:2005/06/17(金) 07:22:09
Let's hold out today on the first. All Touyo? All university students.
153恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/17(金) 07:40:54
You are right about the practical English, the ones that are mostly used
has nothing to do with what you learn in school. To be honest,
I don't think you can really learn conversational English out of school, the
only thing that will be useful later in the line is the very very
basic ones... I mean, come on, no American speaks perfect English, with no grammatical
error or whatever... it's very broken down, easy, not grammatically correct
English that they speak... just like us Japanese, who don't always go by the grammer that
we learn in school, but go with slangs and expressions that are used among the people you
hang out with.. u know?

I think reading does help, but hearing helps too. Listen to real conversations by native
speakers.. that's where you learn lots of generally used expressions, slangs, pronounciation,
etc... I don't think only reading will help.. yes, it would help you to learn more vocabs and
stuff like that, but if you wanna be able to talk as well.. listen!
154恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/17(金) 08:15:35
Sorry,but I was sad to see your words.
I'm not able to write English sentence well,but
here is couple sled,so please need me
high quality of English.

何とかの倒置ってやつらしい、If I were youと
155恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/17(金) 10:18:05
what are you sad 'bout? are you sad cuz i pointed out something about your line?
well, if you wanna go by "text book" style, you could say "were i" or some.
but NONE of native speakers talk like that. that is not how you would say in a converstational style.
plus, that is something what people back in 14th century would say. yup very old english, but doesnt mean you cant use it now.
you would see this kind on books/literatures.
like i said, things you learn in high school will give you nothing but fears of making mistakes.
and what >>153 said, i couldnt agree more! reading/watching movies will give you some lessons.

by the way, 153, you responded to the future, lol.

there is no such thing like "perfect english".
i bet most of your english teachers don't even speak english.
156恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/17(金) 10:25:08

I was tired to use English.
157恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/18(土) 05:38:12
Good point.. I did answer to the future.. I have no idea how I made that typo, but
what I meant was 151... LOL
158恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/18(土) 05:42:42
you should use "tired of using English" not "tired to use English"
159恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/18(土) 06:10:10
Get a life !
160恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/18(土) 06:13:04
Shut your big mouth !
161恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/21(火) 08:46:00
or could simplly say "tired of english".

you too, dude.

YOU shut your god damn mouth!
or is that the only thing you can come up w/?
162恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/21(火) 08:54:49
I have a pen.
This pen is special great!
Because I can write down "I love you" by the pen.
163恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/21(火) 08:59:34
oh my got!
I don't understand…
164恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/21(火) 09:09:04
Don't you know about the great pen?
I'm so sorry...
Don't cry, my baby...
165恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/21(火) 09:17:29
everyone writes "something" in the chinise character thread
but ppl in this thread writes only "i can/can't understand english"
blah blah blah and that's so pointless i think
166恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/21(火) 09:23:24
I see.
Strait to say, English is difficult for us?
167恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/21(火) 09:43:14
Well, if people try to write something regardless of ability to do so, would
definitely makes this thread a little more valuable.. don't u think?
Nobody is here to really mock each other's English.. if you can just write whatever
you got in your mind, I think that would be awesome.
168恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/21(火) 10:12:33
I would declare the Earth is beautiful!
However, to speak English is not so genius.
It's important what you insist.
I want to skill up my first language, and then I want to be able to speak English very much.
169恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/23(木) 08:57:40
u must've used a translation program. ;-)
who says speaking english is a genius skill? it's just A skill and we all know it.
at least people who really understand enlish know this fact.
plus, the truth is if you are able to communicate in english, you can pretty much communicate with anyone in this world.
you gotta admit this right?
170恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/23(木) 09:14:22
Oh, my god!?
Now, I'm going to go to the sky. That is to say the spell :
"to be to be, ten made."
171恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/23(木) 09:56:31
I know this word!
It means "飛べ飛べ 天まで", doesn't it?
172恋人は名無しさん:2005/06/26(日) 13:32:23
aaawwww.... dont get it...
what do you mean by "that is to say the spell"?
173('∀怯えとるわ:2005/08/05(金) 08:19:52

    ∧_∧        / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  |\´ー`)/|  < どれどれ、おもしろそうなスレッドだ・・・
  ○  \/ζ ○   \__________
  |   |旦 |
 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |
  |                   |

    ∧_∧  ビリーー  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  |\ΦДΦ) /| < っざけんな!読めねー>>1(゚Д゚)ゴルァ!
  ○  >  ζ > ○   \_____
  | <   旦 <  |
 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |
  |                   |

174恋人は名無しさん:2005/08/21(日) 17:21:47

Que Venga la fiera
175恋人は名無しさん:2005/08/23(火) 15:07:43
I put it up
176恋人は名無しさん:2005/08/23(火) 16:02:53
            (`  )!!!
        _, ,_  ⊂   ヽ
yes yes (Д´ )⌒ヽ  _)_)) ≡
         ⊂ノ(_ ∪J
177恋人は名無しさん:2005/08/23(火) 16:06:30
I guess you miss me.
178恋人は名無しさん:2005/08/23(火) 17:10:36
179恋人は名無しさん:2005/08/23(火) 22:17:17
180恋人は名無しさん:2005/10/31(月) 22:12:29
TЯICK or treat!
181恋人は名無しさん:2005/10/31(月) 22:40:21
no puedo ver mi novio el fin de semana.Porque tengo que trabajar mucho,especialmente en el proximo sabado y domingo.
182恋人は名無しさん:2005/10/31(月) 23:47:58
183恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 00:03:57
How are you??
184恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 00:07:37
I'm fine
185恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 00:10:22
when did you fall in love with her?
186恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 18:44:00
Have you ever been to WEW ZEALAND ?
I wanna go there!!
187恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 18:49:48

I've never gone to foreign countries.(´・ω・`)
188恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 18:51:59
I am 25 years old, but it is virginity.
189恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 18:56:58
gone × → been ○
190恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:00:33
Don't care!
Virginity is very important thing.
You should save it for truely love person.
191恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:02:19
I want to learn English more...
192恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:08:16


Which is right?
193恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:13:05
Thank you.
You are an attractive person.
194恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:22:42
Please join me!!
I'm waiting for my boyfriend untill finish his work.(´・∀・`)
195恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:26:26
I like sex.
Do you like sex?
196恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:28:57
Yes! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!!!!111!!1!1
197恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:30:06
198恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:30:16
Of course!
199恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:31:31
200恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:33:24
Really?Thank you very much.(*´∪`)
I'm very regret of lost my virginity earlier.
So I don't want to you feel same regret.
201恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:39:04
I'm waiting for a mail from my boyfriend,too.(´・ω・`)

202恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 19:53:37
Thanks a lot!!
Well...How many years do you go with your boyfriend?
203恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 20:01:00
1year and 8months.
And you?
204恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 20:30:40
Oh!You hava date long time.
I go with my boyfreiend just a few month...
We can't see until in February. I miss him.
205恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 20:32:52
i can speak english
206恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 20:35:40
I like onigiri
207恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/01(火) 20:48:39
Oh...But the more you spend unable see time,the more you feel happiness when you see your boyfriend.(´▽`*)
208恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 00:14:01

I just go back my house.
I went to my boyfriend's house.It was really great!!

Hahhh...I miss him.
209恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 00:27:15
I say all of you 'nurupo'
210恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 20:34:58
Thanks for writing me!!
My boyfriend lives U.S.A.So we can't see easily...
I hope you have a good time with your boyfriend!!
211恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 21:16:49
My boyfriend lives in Canada! It is only during summer
vacation that we can be together... so I have to wait
until next summer, that's very hard for me though,
I do my best!! I wish good luck to everybody!
212恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 21:29:15
Is your boyfriend Canadian??
My boyhriend is from South America.
213207:2005/11/02(水) 21:39:09
I'm missing too...(´・ω・`)
We are very busy each other.
Maybe we can't meet at cristmas.

At least,please send a mail to me...(つД`、)
214恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 22:22:32
Yeah Canadian!
215恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 22:30:59
>>213 you are missing her,aren't you?If you think so,your girlfriend thinks so too. Don't worry.I'm sure,she will send you e-mail at Christmas.
216恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 22:34:47
This is a pen!
217恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 22:36:22
I have a question to evryone on this board.
Where did you get your boyfrind or girlfriend?
218恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 22:52:55
Thank you,but I'm female...(´Д`;)
And I got a mail!but he go to sleep soon.(´・ω・`)

My friend introduced him for me.
219恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 23:00:32
Because we were same club member.
220恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/02(水) 23:15:12
First time I met my boyfriend is in a party after work.
Actually, it's with ex-boyfriend I went to the party.
221恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 03:52:39
We met at the blood donation center.
And then, we always go there together.
I think we are strange couple...
222恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 07:58:37
This thread is very fun!!(・∀・)nice!!

223恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 08:09:26
I always be with you for ever!
224恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 08:18:56
I want to be aroud you !
225恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 08:28:22
Shut up,f☆ck up bitchs!
226恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 09:09:57
You don't know what love is.
I'm leaving now, never see you again!
227恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 10:23:08
228恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 10:33:52
Don't mind.
229恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 10:41:08
230恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 10:43:42
231恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 10:43:50
kini sun'na.
232恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 11:00:19
233恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 11:14:37
234恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 11:21:35
There is no business.
Please sleep.
235恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 12:30:35
I'm full.ε=(´▽`*)

Hey guys,what did you eat at lunch?
236恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 15:43:25
So we have to study English harder!!
I wanna to talk with you a lot☆彡
237恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 16:25:15
Yeah we should learn English more!
How do you contact to your boyfriend? by phone or chat?
238恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/03(木) 19:30:22
I still can't coming out what's that.
All the things order to make love!
But I must abondon.
I can't stand it.
239恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/04(金) 12:57:30
Ummm...He doesn't have personal computer. we can't chat.
He has a cell phone. So I call him or write him.
Last month, I went to Kyoto.And I sent a letter and some pictures for him.

Where did you see him? I saw him U.S.A.

240恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/04(金) 13:27:05
unko fuck
241恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/04(金) 14:46:06
Somebody needs you like never before...
Do you know who the girl is?........It's me!!!!
242恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/04(金) 15:41:17
Ah too bad that he doesn't have a computer.. For me, video chat is
the way to contact! It is free and has a good quality, so it's
really like a videophone!
I met him on the internet, we continued to e-mail for 3 years and
really met this summer in Japan! We also visited Kyoto!!
243恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/04(金) 15:46:51
/ ⌒   ⌒ ::: \
| (●), 、(●)、 |    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,   |  < fantastic!
|   ト‐=‐ァ'   .::::|    \_____
\  `ニニ´  .:::/
244恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/04(金) 16:09:11
I'm lookin' forward to see you again
245恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/04(金) 16:20:07
× see
○ seeing

but it makes no difference for me.
246恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 04:52:56
Oh! Excellent!! You had a wonderful meeting by internet.

Which country do you wanna to live Canada or Japan?
I'd like to live in U.S.A. in the future.
247恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 04:57:56
Please do not boast of English in the morning.

It was able to be understood that it was enough that you were wise.

It is considerably unpleasant.
248恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 05:16:57
I'm glad to see you!
249恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 06:57:20
I don't think so
250恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 08:16:27
You hate me?
251恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 08:18:14
>246 Mhh living in Canada would be fun, but my boyfriend
wants to live in Japan in the future! I really don't care
about place (^^) When did you meet your boyfriend? For me,
I met him when I was 16 years old!
252恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 14:19:07
I got a e-mail address. Can you send me e-mail?
I wanna to have a private talk with you.
253恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 20:00:21
ok! I'll write to you!
254恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 20:40:18
This bulletin board is very troublesome.
255sage:2005/11/05(土) 21:00:31
What kind of topic should we write on this sled・・
256恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 21:02:48
i am not a japanese
but i want to join your topic........
can i?
257恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 21:10:49
I think you are onanist woman
because you are bitch.
258恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 21:15:47
259恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 21:19:57
Do not use Engulish!
260恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 21:21:34
× Engulish
○ Japanease
261恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 21:32:21
I think so…
262恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 21:36:43
263恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 21:39:02

 r'⌒X⌒X⌒X⌒ヽ ⊂゙⌒゙、∩
 ヽ__乂__乂__乂__ノ  m9(^Д^)pugya----
264恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 21:59:53
My boyfriend is very bad and i think say good-bye to him, next to meet him.
Oh,my god...we thought married each other.
And i am 29old next year!!!!!!!!!yeah
265恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 22:53:51
everything you do gets me crazy.
now i have no mean to get back your mind.

please remenber what you said to me.
i can't stand anymore. i can not wait for you any more.
266恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 23:14:43
267恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/05(土) 23:24:24
what the fuck?
what the fuck is wrong with you?
wanna fuckin break up? what the fuck are you talking about?
you such a fuckin bitch.
you know how the fuck i was this whole fuckin week?

k...i was a fuckin idiot.
it was fuckin silly to fuckin go out with her.

it wasn't my fuckin fault? fuck no!
you the one who fuck me up.
you the one who fuck up my whole life.
somebody fuckin help me...
268恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/06(日) 09:19:30
I recommend to write in your diary in English or to make
foreign friend to e-mail. You should write English, it is
the best way to improve your English!
269恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/06(日) 09:23:58
270恋人は名無しさん:2005/11/12(土) 01:16:54
Totally agree with >>268
and Also you should try to hear and speak English.
You should go to English school, if you can.
or you can use a radio program. The name is Basis of English
271恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 16:55:22
Hello...... anybody here????
272恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 17:07:47
I'm home!
273恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 17:11:48
274恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 17:32:23

I want to know who is the woman you have went out with.
Was it your uh... ex-girl friend? probably "no" I guess.
Cousin or co-walker or someone like that?
And you have tried to untight the misunderstanding you'd made, right?
Have I understood you so far?

If you say "Yes",
I'd say...

explane more in detail, pls
especially about the one you went out with
275恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 17:43:27
Hi there... are you a student?

No, I'm not 267.
276恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 17:47:44
Can you hear my pathetic cry for help??
277恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 17:55:28
Why are you being pathetic? gf/bf troubles?
278恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 18:23:25
I'm in love with him, he is so cute
279恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 18:24:02
I want to go Sattle.
Because,my hostfamily living there.

So,I want to see them.
280恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 18:24:40
Suck my kiss!
281恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 18:27:07
oh〜no!!! mistake!!

>>279 not Sattle but Sesttle !
282恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 18:29:31

oh my god!!!
not Sesttle but Seattle!!!!!
283恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/08(木) 20:46:36
Save your money and make a plan!!
Seattle is a long distance but it's not hard to go there if you want.
Do you still contact them?
284恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/09(金) 01:35:57
I can't know for all.
I'm highschool student.
285恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 09:32:01
286ペドロ:2005/12/14(水) 11:20:10
  ./  ̄/  ̄  / _|__ ___|_
    ―/     /   |/   /|
    _/  _/    |  _/|
    (.`ヽ(`> 、                      /''''''   '''''':::::\           
     `'<`ゝr'フ\                 +  |(●),   、(●)、.:| +      
  ⊂コ二Lフ^´  ノ, /⌒)                 |  ,,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|       
  ⊂l二L7_ / -ゝ-')´                .+ |   `-=ニ=- ' .::::::| + .    
       \_  、__,.イ\           +     \   `ニニ´  .:::/    +  
        (T__ノ   Tヽ        , -r'⌒! ̄ `":::7ヽ.`- 、   ./|  . 
         ヽ¬.   / ノ`ー-、ヘ<ー1´|  ヽ | :::::::::::::ト、 \ (  ./ヽ    
          \l__,./       i l.ヽ! |   .| ::::::::::::::l ヽ   `7ー.、‐'´ |\-、 
  ___________________________  __
287恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 15:20:32
Today is my birthday.
Please write "Happy Birthday." to me.
288恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 16:06:46
Your English are anything but perfect.
Your English are anything but perfect.
Your English are anything but perfect.
Your English are anything but perfect.
Your English are anything but perfect.
Your English are anything but perfect.
Your English are anything but perfect.
Your English are anything but perfect.
289恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 17:42:37
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
290恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 17:46:01
go to hell!
291恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 18:46:55
maybe someday
292恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 23:23:59
Well, it seems my girlfriend just got pregnant....
293恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 23:34:27
 r'⌒X⌒X⌒X⌒ヽ ⊂゙⌒゙、∩
 ヽ__乂__乂__乂__ノ  m9(^Д^)pugya----

294恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 23:49:05
oh, i feel very sorry for you.
make sure you use a big johnthon when you xxx.
295恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 23:52:03
Why do we speak English?
296恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 23:52:45
297恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 23:54:25
What do you mean?
298恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 23:55:17
299恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 23:58:26
please introduce your boy friend or girl friend to me.
300恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/14(水) 23:58:27
i hope we live together
because i love my dalin'!!
i love you forever
301恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 00:03:07
My boyfriend is 24 years old.
He is dreamer.
So I feel uneasiness about our future.
We promised to marry,
But I think money is too lack.

I can't speak English very well.
302恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 00:10:15
I was going to marry my dalin.
my dalin is rich.
But,I was betrayed by him.
Money isn't so important.
it is wonderful to be togather....
303恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 00:11:09
You look dumb.
Why are you doing this?
304恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 00:12:19
thank you.
what kind of dream does he have? musician? artist?
305恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 00:14:27
Do you feel good now?
I worry about you.
Okey,I don't mind money.
......To be honest,I wont it to live enough......
Thenk you for your message.
306恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 00:18:53
He likes drowing picture.
So he dreams his pictures are bought high price.
Dream is just dream....

But I love him thinking.
307恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 00:27:55
i think it is okay,
you don't need to feel some uneasiness
about your future.
live with your boyfriend for ever would be
very happy for you, i guess.
308恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 00:55:38
He is first person who loves me as just me.
I had never been loved me being.
I decide to live with him forever.

good night,Mr or Mis 307.
I hope you have good dream.
309恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 11:06:14
My bf and me have just begun. It is about 3 weeks from when we started to going out.
He is younger than me, but he always treats me like a little girl.... it's sweet though.
How about your bf/gf? Please introduce yours.
310恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 21:12:27
311恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 21:15:09
312恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/15(木) 23:40:16
It's very good for you.

My love treats me as a little boy,a gentleman,and a hero.
I treat my love as well.
It's important to see an individual as a multirateral person.

I think your bf dosen't mind age problem.
He loves your prettiness(and you yourself!), not your age.
313恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/16(金) 08:03:26
You are her hero. Seems she really loves you and respects you. and so do you.
314恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/16(金) 18:10:04
what will you do on christmas?
315恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/16(金) 20:22:07
On the xmas day, I will be working all thru the day
316恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 20:43:18
is there Long-distance lovers out here?
317恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 20:52:49
It is here
318恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 20:58:35
My boyfriend and me are 5000 miles away.
319恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 20:59:21
this is a pen!!
320恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 22:36:31
By the way, are you guys stupid?
Your English is toooooooo bad >>to all
321恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 23:05:44
sorry...but I think that your English is not good, too.
322恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 23:09:13
Oh! Are you anal or boy?
323恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/18(日) 23:15:39
you are fished by >>320!!
324恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/20(火) 20:08:12
325恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/20(火) 20:11:38
326恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/20(火) 20:14:08
327恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 01:23:37
I totally agree with you.I wonder how you guys manage your relationship with your partners with your horrible English?
I believe communication is pretty important for couples.I mean don't you talk about serious stuffs(politics, Economics, social problems....anything!!) with your partners?
As you know, miscommunication is always cause of misunderstanding.I personally think there's no problem Japanese people have non-Japanese partner as long as you can speak your partner's native launguages or h/she can speak Japanese.

So it would be lovely if you could tell me what is the secret to keep your relationship without English ability.Thank you in advance.
328恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 01:24:25
コヨーテ アグリーなら見たかったな
329恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 01:25:24
oh yes! yes! oh good! oh oOOhH yeS! ahhh yes!
330恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 01:57:29
331恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 04:00:20
332恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 10:41:29
mind your own business :-p
333恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 10:50:48
334恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 10:56:23

335恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:00:42
Do you like me?

I know you'll say ‘No!’
336恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:02:54
337恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:08:04
He do say ‘I think you are like a sister for me, that's all'!
338恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:18:04
339恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:22:19
Because that's his character.
340恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:24:57
He said me did I love him? I said no.
It's kind of hard. Because I love him now.
Maybe,you think I'm a oddboll.
But I earned money, but he didn't. I was a cash cow for him.
341恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:26:29
He never say ‘I love you’in reall.

so good-bye...
342恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:27:12
343恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 11:32:10
My heart is crying every night and day.
344恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 12:18:08
Is he unemployed? Just give him love, not money.
345恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 12:38:44
346恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 12:44:36
Yes, I do!
347恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/21(水) 12:54:38
348東海厨房 '_ゝ ◆Uxjl4yWl9o :2005/12/21(水) 20:37:59
My love have seemed to vanish in the haze lately.
You,I loved once,are not what you used to be.

349恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/22(木) 04:12:31
First of all,I apologize for my horrible English.

I totally agree with your phrase"communication is pretty important for couples."
But I don't think that talking difficult stuffs is the only way to have ralationship with partners.
I always use simple words(I wanna be with u,stand by u,miss u or love u...)
My girl and I plan where we go ,when we meet and how we enjoy together.
Through this kind of work we understand each other.

I blieve high-grade English ability is not nesessary to comunicate with partners.
My partner is a Japanese, though...

No I don't.
350恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 06:05:38
351恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 06:42:33
352恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 07:20:07
353恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 09:36:41
354恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 09:44:45
355恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 09:53:37
Ma- Oretati Roomago Dekirukara Iijyan!!
356恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 09:56:35
Fool dane
357恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 15:02:47
yahoo henkan otsu
358恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/24(土) 04:16:23
ヽ('A`)ノ <Fuck you bitch
359恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/24(土) 04:19:40
           _, ._   hahahahahahahahahaha
         ( ゚ Д゚)   
〔ノ二二,___ ・  |  ・ __,二二ヽ〕
 |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ    /::::::::::::::::::::::::::/
  〉::::::::: :::::::::::::〉 ・ 〈:::::::::::::: ::::::::〈
 |:::::::::::::::::::::::::/  (u)  ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::/
  〔:::::::::::::::::::::/  ノ~ヽ  ヽ::::::::::::::::::|
  ヽ:::::::::::::::::/ /::::::::::::\ ):::::::::::::::::::ゝ
  ノ:::::::::::::::::::| |_〜─〜-| |〜〜〜/
360恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/24(土) 04:20:33
Lip my ass
361恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/26(月) 19:05:34
xmas is over
362恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/28(水) 02:39:53
i couldn't give christmas present to her.すてよっかな。。
363恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/29(木) 21:42:10
give me
364恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/29(木) 21:48:57
365恋人は名無しさん:2005/12/29(木) 21:51:25
366恋人は名無しさん:2006/01/09(月) 01:25:59
I miss you.
Well, I have no idea what this forum for.. but, I just wanted to
join here because I have been with my Canadian boyfriend for a
while and wanted to describe how important talking difficult stuff
(this word is actually uncountable, by the way)is as my own opinion.
I think that it depends on the couple. probably, some couples are
not interested in such subjects. however, my partner and I absolutely
love to talk about things like spirituality or philosophy.. something
like these. luckily enough, I can express what I want in English,
though I have to admit that I've got some difficulties for it at times,
we both have been satisfied our intelligent conversation. actually,
this is one of the reasons that I love to be with him very much!!

so, I guess >>327san had that question towards >>320san because he/she
thought >>320san had a partner who speaks English.
but, >>320san has a Japanese girl as his lover.. so probably there's no
problem.. but, don't you guys talk anything serious theme even in
Japanese?? well... anyways..
so, the thing related to >>320san aside, I'd like to put here my
strong agreement on >>327san.
there's a beautiful saying "all you need is love". I really like this,
but most of the time, you would need to express it verbally. even your
beautiful love wouldn't be able to be understood without expression of
it, unfortunately...
so, I will say, don't even try to get together with an English
speaker unless you can use English well or he/she can use Japanese.
it wouldn't be that easy to handle, I assure it.


ohh... I miss my sweetie like crazy, too =(