Hello, I'm the author of that Rainmeter skin and I asked someone on the English board to post it in Japanese for me because, well, I don't speak Japanese. Google Translate does not give an accurate translation of what you're saying. I'm very curious about what you said so if it is not a bother, could someone translate?
>>2 It came!!!! >>3 It's too dangerous for me to click the link. >>4 I tried and it was a famous oversea site for posting illustrations I guess ? and it was an legit Eva style clock. I don't know if its really the creater of it who post this but I downloaded it anyway. Thanks to the guy. >>5 how do you change it, please tell me handsome, rich guy! >>6 please, please tell me ! >>7 you ran away from the harsh reallity like that. (Eva quote I guess?) >>8 I tried, I tried to under stand it!! (Eva quote again?)
>>18 I'm planning on making different skin based on Evangelion later.
>>19 You can still resize the background picture and change values in the .ini file. There are tutorials to make Rainmeter skins on Rainmeter's website if you don't know how to do it.