☆ この板はCIA板に改名されました ☆  



F0rpaxe needs to inform all people what is going on. At this moment and for
what we know, F0rpaxe is the only Portuguese group that is executing
massive attacks on edu, gov , mil, com,servers. Maybe this is the reason why
F0rpaxe is now being wanted by PJ (Portuguese police) and some
international organizations like FBI and Interpol. While we had been away for
a few days we had watch several events on the Portuguese media whitch in a
certain way implicates F0rpaxe. Some newspapers reported that PJ is now
doing their homework together with FBI to lock down "Hackers" who
aleggely are involved on US hacks.

Also PJ is now our BIG BROTHER since they are gathering efforts to make a
net surveillence over POrtugual. For what it seems they have the help of
Portuguese ISP's like Telapac. Their goal is to track down hackers...

In an article of "EuroNoticias" they call hackers to the ones who use trojans to
steal accounts (l0l). If PJ thinks that this is their biggest problem then that info
about working together with the FBI is a bulshit... Portugal is now passing
through serious or hilarious actions.. IF the goal of PJ is to track down people
who use trojans to steal accounts then they have to arrest all population. We
think that this isn't their main goal since F0rpaxe had been informed that PJ is
trying to get solide proofs that we are the responsables for all those hacks.

PJ doesn't scare anyone. IF FBI is really working together with PJ then they
are doing this only because of us...most certainly to erase us from the
system... FBI had been mounting schemes to track us down.... FBI had
already tried to pretend being Iron-Lungs to get info about our current hacks,
if we still had acess to gov servers, if we had copyed military databases and
all that sort of things...
3( ´ー`)y-~~ ◆WPNP/iII :02/08/26 15:46 ID:eJiuG6jq
  ( ;´∀`) ちんこ勃ってきた
  人 Y /
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