[headline of headlines / headline portal] We made names for 3 game headlines. game headline #1 ゲーム速報headline game headline #2 ゲーム個別headline game headline #3 ゲーム総合headline news headline 速報headline live headline 実況headline bbynamazu 地震headline
【板名】 AKB48G(姉) 【理由】 Thread the amount of AKB board too many. Thread dealing with individuals fall in DAT soon. Chat thread has been created in large quantities. There is a limit to the number of threads holding. board similar to morningcoffee board want. 【内容】 AKB and Idol 【鯖】 - 【フォルダ】 akb2 【カテゴリ】 芸能 【名無し】 - 【ID】 The same settings as the all morningcoffee board.
>>403 The reason for a power outage is that two power plant in Batangas is not working. The rolling blackouts may continue to at the beginning of the week. (´・ω・`)
I leave describes the contents of the >>408 because it seems Code Monky san did not have time. コードモンキーさんのお時間が無かったようなので>>408の内容を記載しておきます。
The following text is about live anarchy plate. 以下の文章はAnarchy実況板についてです。
The person who changed the banner because it infringes the copyright is good. 今のバナーは著作権侵害をしているので変更した方がいいです。 Change banner idea is http://i.imgur.com/aEdG24O.jpg 変更用バナーの案は[上記URL]です
It is not registered as a trademark in the United States. It may be registered someday even in the United States. If registered, please give me change. Since I am busy with the measure against the crawl, please postpone.
The discussion already came to the conclusion that "iPhone" board should be changed to "iOSゲーム" board. Othrwise, there is a possibility that new iOS board will become a waste.
now banner use the image of anime. 今のバナーはアニメの画像を使っています。 There is a risk of Japanese copyright infringement this. これは日本の著作権侵害の恐れがあります。 So those who have changed the banner is good. だからバナーを変更した方がいいです。
This is because the atmosphere would be worse. 1001については荒れるからです。 The nature of Anarchy live plate, there are immigrants from various places. Anarchy実況板の特性上、様々な板からの移民がいます。 1001 which had the characteristics of a particular plate is offended everyone. その中で特定の板の特徴を持った1001のままでは気分を悪くする人が出てきてしまいます。 So I would like to be returned to the default 1001. なので1001をデフォルトに戻すことを希望します。
It is not registered as a trademark in the United States. It may be registered someday even in the United States. If registered, please give me change. Since I am busy with the measure against the crawl, please postpone.
If you do not change the board name to "iOSゲーム" from "iPhone", overlap will occur in the article that can be handled as "iPhone" and "iOS" board. If you're saying that require further discussion to change the board name to "iOSゲーム" from "iPhone", user will get confused by the overlap of the topic that can be handled by both "iPhone" and "iOS" board.
I want you to change to "iOS hardware and software except games" from "iOS hardware and software" the current local rules of "iOS" board. Just add the "except games" at the end of the current local rules of the "iOS" board. Overlap of the topic that can be handled by each board can be resolved this way.
>>425 You've pointed out is correct. Our opinions remain divided on the issue. We are idiots. Please forget about banner. We apologize for the inconvenience.
現在、2chのサーバー群はアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ365 Main社運営のデータセンターにある、Pacific Internet Exchange所有スペースにある約60台のサーバー群で運営されています。 数年にわたって改良が続けられてきた掲示板システムと、各種ロギングや投稿チェック、そして「実況」と呼ばれる最大で秒間数百以上にのぼる大量投稿を捌きつつ、クロール問題にも対処する。
2ch operation was set up live Anarchy plate in order to isolate the noise from Anarchy plate and commentary J plate anything. This is the so-called experimental plate in order to deal with criminal activity, such as by Hiroyuki Nishimura interim suspect.
It is thought that circumstances VIP board was established, that it was in order to isolate the noise from breaking news plate that's you know of course. At the same matter of this time is similar.
Currently, server group of 2ch has been operating in the server group of about 60 units located in a data center in the United States, San Francisco, CA 365 Main's management, to Pacific Internet Exchange owned space. I have been judged mass posting amounting to several hundred or more seconds at maximum called "live" and bulletin board system improvements have been continued for several years, and check posts, and various logging. Management to resolve the load due to crawl further.
Copyright issues do not violate the laws of the State of California and the USA to the presence of the server installation company. 1001 >> banner is not a priority of Mr.CodeMonkey. Please use your enjoy it depending on the application each because there are a lot of live plate. From now on board of the experiment Me.CodeMonkey of Anarchy live board also thank you.
So I will consider it as the mouthpiece of the current 2ch.net are we expected from the development of this and of Mr.JimWatkins Mr.CodeMonkey.
Problem of AKB board that thread falls to DAT immediately. AKB board is due to the amount of threads that are created in one day too many. Every day, a large amount of chat thread is created. Useful large number of threads fall to DAT in this effect. User thinks the inconvenience. This problem is solved by creating a new board.
There was a similar problem in the past. There is a "Johnny's" "Hello Project" of idol group of Japan. Johnny's is four. Hello Project is three. There is more than one board to 2ch. This increased the board in order to distribute the load. Please create a new board to solve the problem.