Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.3

17:00 Japan Standard Time
04:00 2ch info wiki = Eastern Daylight Time?

For a Japanese user, Japan Standard Time is more intelligible.
Although the user who registered can also change a time zone by setup, there are some visitors who have not registered.
Can a default time zone be set to JST?
373名無し編集部員:2014/04/11(金) 17:50:39.32 ID:2g3WeY+X
Dear Code Monkey-san

There is vandal who attacks there

271-272, 314,319,338,339,
374名無し編集部員:2014/04/11(金) 18:05:12.52 ID:PyS29p8K
Hey, Code Monkey-san.
Please tell me how to report about BE-account Troll.
and how do you punish Troll?
375Code Monkey ★:2014/04/11(金) 18:57:23.05 ID:???
We need to make some rules and punishments for BE.
We also need a thread for reporting BE trolls.
376名無し編集部員:2014/04/11(金) 19:07:25.57 ID:PyS29p8K
Previously, there was SAKU system which decrease BE point.
Currently, the system is active?
377Code Monkey ★:2014/04/11(金) 19:15:56.66 ID:???
It is not currently active.

Can you describe how SAKU worked? I can make something similar for BE2
378名無し編集部員:2014/04/11(金) 19:22:02.01 ID:PyS29p8K
If you can increase or decrease BE point as you like, you just decrease BE point.
ex, 1000 or 5000 or half or all points.
379名無し編集部員:2014/04/11(金) 19:33:51.98 ID:PyS29p8K
In addition, SAKU(削) means "reduce" or "delete" in japanese.
380Code Monkey ★:2014/04/11(金) 19:41:44.09 ID:???
Thank you.
I will just delete the points manually.

If there becomes too many points to delete, then I will make a SAKU script.
381名無し編集部員:2014/04/11(金) 19:57:27.70 ID:mQz8HzUG
Is ParserFunctions effective?

Now, I cannot use this function.
Is it because there is no knowledge of mine?
Or is it because there is no function?
382名無し編集部員:2014/04/11(金) 20:19:52.16 ID:PyS29p8K
Now 2ch user can not charge BE point.
Be careful to handle SAKU, Code Monkey-san.
Please take care of yourself too.
383名無し編集部員:2014/04/11(金) 21:57:34.97 ID:P/p/nvst
I suggest that words should be changed.

before: アイコンを選択するボックスをクリックします
after: アイコンはクリックすると変更できます
384名無し編集部員:2014/04/11(金) 22:25:38.26 ID:SnD6Rra+
Hi Code Monkey-san,

Thank you for making Tokyo board.
I just erased my Ninpocho and re-make Ninpocho in Tokyo board,
but Ninpocho-system says "やられたでござる Lv=0" when I writing with the name "!ninja!nanja".
385384:2014/04/11(金) 22:35:32.61 ID:SnD6Rra+
Ok, fixed.
386Code Monkey ★:2014/04/11(金) 23:56:21.86 ID:???
I will be careful. Maybe we can begin charging points next week for BE.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
387383:2014/04/12(土) 00:29:37.51 ID:dQRL/JEo
Thank you. Please see ideas if it is ok.
388名無し編集部員:2014/04/12(土) 01:01:11.69 ID:B25zOleU
Now, 2ch sc's bot is logging 2ch.net.

2ch,scがオープン 2ch.netの書き込みをそのままパクる仕様
389Code Monkey ★:2014/04/12(土) 01:23:39.53 ID:???
I see that. Thank you for the report.
390名無し編集部員:2014/04/12(土) 01:43:14.92 ID:nIQa8zQn
>>369 >>372
Please refer to this page.
Manual:Timezone - MediaWiki
391Code Monkey ★:2014/04/12(土) 01:47:16.90 ID:???
Okay, I will ask Tom Cat to update the timezone to JST.