Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.3


>>281 is serious problem, if it's fake information.
If it is true, Hiroyuki is still able to access to 2ch Data Base server.
Moreover, it says the Data Base server inward belongs to Hiroyuki's old server.

What do you think about that, Code Monkey san?
290Code Monkey ★:2014/04/06(日) 12:08:53.60 ID:???
The old UNEI can access the old BE database. I cannot access the old BE database.

BE 2.0 uses a new database. The old UNEI cannot access the new database.

BE 2.0 database has encryption for passwords.

Maybe the old UNEI database does not use encryption.
If the old UNEI did not use encryption, then they can leak your passwords.

Please use a new password for BE 2.0.

On Monday, I will release password recovery, and account recovery tools for BE 2.0.
In the meantime, you can email me and I will reset your password. -> [email protected]