Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.2 952 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/18(火) 19:33:47.24 ID:???
>>918 I hope you can make a new system that works well.
953 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 20:22:29.62 ID:suBwV3QF
954 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/18(火) 20:27:43.08 ID:???
>>953 I already banned his tripcode, but he just made a new one.
He is using a Bot-net to make those thread replies.
956 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 22:06:57.15 ID:K65ecwR6
957 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 22:16:23.11 ID:0TGD99xp
>>954 His subject (K5 ◆ZrPJFvslEyUG) is not changed.
What's happened?
958 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/18(火) 22:26:34.97 ID:???
>>957 Compare:
http://ai.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1395119312/262,268 It only took him a few minutes to change his trip code and restart his bot.
Do you have another idea about how to stop his bot?
>>956 I initially registered Maguro under a different unofficial f22base.
Since yesterday, it is registered on the official f22base.
This mistake was due to my misunderstanding about how f22base works.
Mango Mangue ★ will be taking charge of the f22base management.
In the future, please ask Mango Mangue ★ to help with any f22 problems.
Thank you.
959 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 22:32:44.33 ID:K65ecwR6
>>958 Thank you ありがとう very much
960 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 22:51:18.83 ID:suBwV3QF
>>958 Check the IP address of his, and a report of trouble posting to ISP, go to eliminate the ISP that can contract
961 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 22:53:18.29 ID:0TGD99xp
>>958 WTF!
Somehow he had used only "K5 ◆ZrPJFvslEyUG" for a long long time.
So, dedicated browser user easily had put him out of sight.
I'm sorry. I don't have any clever idea toward that.
...If "K5 ◆" in subject is regulated, how would he avoid it next time?
962 :
961 :2014/03/18(火) 23:00:36.13 ID:0TGD99xp
Sorry, I made a mistake. had put -> had been able to put
963 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/18(火) 23:11:19.80 ID:???
>>961 Maybe he would use "K 6 ◆"
964 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/18(火) 23:13:45.09 ID:???
>>960 He is using many many many IP addresses.
Probably he has a bot net, or is using a cloud ISP like amazon aws.
I put a regulation against all cloud ISP the other day, and it resulted in 10% less posting on 2ch.
Probably that 10% is all spam.
965 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 23:16:26.23 ID:T/nuBGJ4
huuuum cat and mouse game...
966 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/18(火) 23:17:06.75 ID:???
>>965 Yeah cat and mouse.
I also unregulated the cloud ISPs about 30 minutes after I regulated them.
967 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 23:25:38.20 ID:+PZFtLA1
968 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 23:30:03.30 ID:IXLiM4Ow
>>966 please set a regulations as on word to one md5 value in Rock54-list.
970 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/18(火) 23:35:50.70 ID:suBwV3QF
>>964 ISP is not infinite
Will reduce one by one the ISP that can contract
This way do not shortcut In what looked like a long way around to?
972 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 00:26:43.28 ID:DFep7GBk
>>971 それはthe log of "K5をアップロードするためのサーバーをお願いします、との意味ですが....
>>972 すみません、正しい英語に直してください ><;
974 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 00:36:54.81 ID:DFep7GBk
Based on Airrock-san's request(
>>973 ), I would like to clarify
>>971 which was likely to misunderstand
He requested you to upload ''the log of "K5 to a server to explore whether he can report it to ISP.
976 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 00:43:25.61 ID:???
>>974 Okay. Thank you for that clarification.
I will prepare the logs now.
977 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 00:44:32.26 ID:???
>>969 Okay. Sorry about using the same MD5 for multiple words.
978 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 00:45:03.72 ID:DFep7GBk
>>975 どういたしまして
>>976 Thank you for your kind attention. Good night
979 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 00:51:03.98 ID:???
980 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 01:06:12.62 ID:???
>>980 404?
982 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 01:27:45.50 ID:HAnl1aCy
There is a wish by the thing of kenmo. There are many people who do not follow the present rule in kenmo. We are troubled by "thared which does not own URL". But we can't stop "thared which does not own URL" now. Because other people will cause a problem again, even if you punish them. I would rather change rules than punish and stop them. They will cause a problem if we don't have rules which stop them. I am sorry for poor English. ジムさんお願いがあります 現在嫌儲の人々は「 URLを所有しないスレッド 」に苦しんでいます しかし私達は「 URLを所有しないスレッド 」を止めることができません 私たちはルールを守らない人々を罰するより、新しいルールを作るべきだと思います 「 URLのないスレッド 」を止める方法を考えなければ、再びルールを守らない人が現れるでしょう 下手な英語ですみません
983 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 01:27:57.33 ID:qbBjOfYX
今後の板移転でやって欲しい事 移転前に事前に知らせる事 移転中移転後には移転元のサーバーにユーザーがアクセスできないようにする事 今もまだ迷子になってる人達が居るのでuniとhayabusaにアクセスできないようにする事を願います
984 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 01:30:30.91 ID:HAnl1aCy
>>982 ジムさんじゃなくてCode Monkeyさんでしたすみません。。。
985 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 01:32:54.39 ID:???
986 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 01:33:15.07 ID:???
>>981 I removed it already. Sorry.
987 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 01:34:12.29 ID:???
>>982 Please ask Jim-san. I don't know anything about the rules.
988 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 01:36:15.05 ID:???
>>983 I have only moved servers 3 times. (Engawa->Maguro, Uni->Ai, Hayabusa->Hayabusa5)
It will become better after I do it a few more times.
There is no detailed instructions about moving servers, so I needed to learn how to do it myself.
989 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 01:36:32.70 ID:HAnl1aCy
>>987 sorry and thank you
990 :
trick :2014/03/19(水) 01:38:11.04 ID:ui1KS0gF
>>981 EEWはだいたい直ったけどまだちょっと残ってる
>>819 ken鯖のrbldnsはどうなの?外から引けてなかったけど。
幾つかのサーバで規制にタイムラグがあります。 その現象については掲示板にいる人々に助言を求めてください。 とChatで伝えましたけど通じてるかなぁ(汗 質問されましたら詳しい方にアドバイスをお願いしたいです。 よろしくお願いします。
992 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 01:43:55.44 ID:???
>>990 Hi Trick-san,
I didnt forget about EEW.
I still want to update that, but I have had many emergencies the past few days.
I think "Mango Mangue" is a professional for rbldns.
Maybe he can help you fix ken.2ch.net. Can you ask him?
993 :
trick :2014/03/19(水) 02:26:00.10 ID:ui1KS0gF
>>992 >Apply a patch to a AnyEvent/Twitter/Stream.pm
It would be fine when you have time , so please do.
>>981 Hmm, setting of rbldns I'm not familiar with. Would like to ask the person who was familiar with.
Or, there are those who made ??the system of rbldns ken server.
994 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 02:42:13.33 ID:qbBjOfYX
995 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 11:27:58.79 ID:L0tnwJH0
996 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 11:44:47.22 ID:RT+xbntf
997 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 13:06:29.13 ID:PBpJP2sx
Let's fill up!
998 :
Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/19(水) 13:07:36.89 ID:???
Only two more to go!
999 :
名無し編集部員 :2014/03/19(水) 13:17:29.22 ID:PBpJP2sx
まもなくここは 乂1000取り合戦場乂 となります。 \∧_ヘ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ,,、,、,,, / \〇ノゝ∩ < 1000取り合戦、いくぞゴルァ!! ,,、,、,,, /三√ ゚Д゚) / \____________ ,,、,、,,, /三/| ゚U゚|\ ,,、,、,,, ,,、,、,,, ,,、,、,,, U (:::::::::::) ,,、,、,,, \オーーーーーーーッ!!/ //三/|三|\ ∧_∧∧_∧ ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧ ∪ ∪ ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ,,、,、,,, ,,、,、,,, ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧ ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧ ,,、,、,,, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Null Pointer exception.
1001 :
1001 :
Over 1000 Thread このスレッドは1000を超えました。 もう抜けないので、新しいおかずを探してください。。。