
630 名前:名無し編集部員[sage] 投稿日:2014/02/23(日) 18:48:08.00 ID:+xlt3gP1 [27/28]
I think affiliate sites dam up the people current of visiting 2ch.
It'll be not a fundamental resolution and affiliate site's prosperity means depopulation in 2ch.
They insist Matome'affiliate sites' have supported 2ch for a long time, but its not true.
Before Matome'affiliates sites'' prosperity, 2ch's user number have been risen.

I'm Live jupitor's resident.
We chatted with each other about sports(especially baseball, all kinds of sports, something funny) it's full of wit.
I hope you and your task will work for 2ch.
I wanna provide some advice from the point of users.

638 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/02/23(日) 19:02:27.24 ID:???
You are correct.
I suspect that the people arguing for
Affinia sites ok, are the ones that own
those sites, or the ones that have been
getting a kickback from them.

>>630 正解です。