We set the deadline as 12:00, but the first thread reached 1000 within an hour. Is this vote valid? In the first thread, the number of Agreed was overwhelming.
Less total number: 1000 Enable Number of votes: 625 Favor: 608 Opposite: 17 Disabled: 375
■ The name of desired number Name vote 420 以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします 090 以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします@LR変更議論中 017 以下、アフィサイト転載禁止でVIPがお送りします 014 LR変更議論中@VIP転載禁止 013 以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします」 010 (空白) 005 以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りしますお(^ω^) 004 以下、転載禁止でVIPがお送りします。 034 Other
Polling place is because it is advertised on residents of poverty, become a majority also doing a referendum on the other plate is clear. Because there is poverty of more than 1,000, I will be handling all the voting results. residents of poverty is only the unemployed. They're just all day vote.
>>961 Although conditions were together also with the supporter group opposition faction and they do not have notice time, does great difference like this attach them?
At first, ◆ZAH2qANlUo was going to make a thread to do this poll, but he couldn't. On the other hand, ◆ZAH2H56iUo (slightly different cap handle) made the thread above. And in the thread, ◆ZAH2H56iUo (the latter) wrote as follows: 994 :スレ立てるで ◆ZAH2H56iUo :2014/02/23(日) 00:40:03.27 ID:etWqLP88 >>1です。。。 やっぱりこの件はなかったということで、、、 つきましてはこのスレッド内の投票はすべて無効とします。。。 (translated: I'm >>1. Forget about this thread. Votes in this thread are invalid.) (from: http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1393081500/994 )
◆ZAH2H56iUo wrote the votes were invalid. However, >>1 of the thread had no problem, and they voted with IPs. Would you ignore ◆ZAH2H56iUo's >>994 response? -----
Hello jim-san. Sorry bad English. I come from Nandemo jikkyou J We want to block unauthorized copying, and we for/against the proposal. This is not "to change name" but "to change Local Rules" This thread planned by a volunteer, but this thread made by a heckler(afilliater?). Most of people in Nandemo jikkyou J didnt know this, so this vote have their general opinion. Please admit this vote.
>>973 Hayabusa's voting was hi-jacked by an obstructive. He disguised himself as our voting directer (res number 1) and said 'this voting is invalid !' at (res number 994). All we couldn't tell him from our voting directer. But voting progress is very smooth and got the result ...'' agree over800 - disagree 15 '' We did a poll to decide whether to ban reproduction without any permission *[in livejupiter]. We think so.