Hi, Jim-san.
You stated you have secured the 2ch servers.
Why don't you obtain the right of advertisement on 2ch?
http://www.2ch.net/ad.html Previous management, Hiroyuki Nishimura, made a good deal of money from 2ch to sell the ad placements.
He was accused of tax evasion last year and the news said Hiroyuki earned approximately $1 million per year from 2ch via PACKET MONSTER, Inc.
http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/130824/crm13082410300004-n1.htm If you sell the ad placements on 2ch, you can also earn $1 million per year, can't you?
I'd like to know why you don't want to do it, and I would like to know who takes the money from
http://www.2ch.net/ad.html ?
Or is it not enough for you to earn $1 million per year to continue 2ch?