Announcing the new spam detector.

49Code Monkey ★
I have installed captcha on bbspink. It is currently only available on kilauea's meow board.
This will be a very good solution against spammers.

You can use this URL in your browser to test it:

If you have any concerns, please talk to me.
50名無し編集部員:2014/02/04(火) 18:47:34.94 ID:vhv2n9df
It would better if it can distinguish "CAPTCHA empty" or "CAPTCHA invalid".
51Code Monkey ★:2014/02/04(火) 18:49:22.46 ID:???
It does distinguish "CAPTCHA empty" and "CAPTCHA invalid"
This is the error for "CAPTCHA empty": CAPTCHAを記入する必要があります
This is the error for "CAPTCHA invalid": ERROR:誤っCAPTCHA