Talk about a dedicated browser.

47Code Monkey ★
Do you think the dedicated browser should post via the cloud server, or post directly from the client-side host?
Currently we are in the planning stage. We could make the browser work with either method.
48Code Monkey ★:2013/11/18(月) 20:25:07.97 ID:???
I have not started writing the software specification yet. I will begin writing the specification on November 20th.
If you want to help write the specification, then we can work on it together.
49許早苗:2013/11/18(月) 20:36:47.05 ID:y1Zwuvpj
I am looking forward to the new browser of Ronald.
50Code Monkey ★:2013/11/18(月) 20:39:36.21 ID:???
I prefer Ron.
51許早苗:2013/11/18(月) 20:52:10.11 ID:y1Zwuvpj
All right. Ron :)
52Code Monkey ★:2013/11/18(月) 20:56:40.94 ID:???
Lets make an awesome dedicated browser together.
53名無し編集部員:2013/11/20(水) 09:09:30.17 ID:4GBuNji5
No, I don't think so.
It sounds good if we can select which method the dedicated browser uses.
As for me, it is interesting if I can use it as yet another P2.
But, in that case, I wonder whether it is free or not.
54Code Monkey ★:2013/11/21(木) 00:34:31.25 ID:???
Does P2 cost money to use?
We can discuss about whether this new dedicated browser will be free or not.
I have begun working on the browser already. In a few days I will begin publishing some things that need to be translated into Japanese.
I will also provide a working demo version as soon as I can (probably before the end of November).
55Code Monkey ★:2013/11/22(金) 14:07:14.12 ID:???
I am still working on the plan and design of the browser. This weekend I will release a list of words and phrases that should be translated into Japanese.
I am working on the front-end design first, and will make it look great before I begin implementing the backend stuff.
This way, we will have more time to talk about the backend functions, such as which method of posting we will use.
56Code Monkey ★:2013/11/25(月) 14:58:23.92 ID:???
Please wait, I am still working on the graphical UI design.
57Code Monkey ★:2013/11/27(水) 21:28:49.57 ID:???
Sorry I have nothing to show yet. I am still writing code on the browser. I will make an online demo as soon as possible though!
58名無し編集部員:2013/12/08(日) 18:40:59.52 ID:j3LWLeFV
P2 costs no money to use it as a read-only browser.
But, P2 costs 5,000 moritapo-points per year to post messages.
We can buy 20,000 moritapo-points for 2,000 yen.
59anonymous:2014/01/01(水) 21:26:05.59 ID:T5Nj1V0s
CodeMonkey-san, Happy new year ;-)
60Code Monkey ★:2014/01/29(水) 18:09:14.34 ID:???
Thank you for telling me how it works.
Happy new years to you too!

I am still working on the dedicated browser. I had too many urgent projects at the end of 2013 so I havent finished the dedicated browser yet.
I will have a browser to show you guys soon. After it is ready I will post the link in here.
61anonymous:2014/02/03(月) 01:06:44.96 ID:D3/uBF/1
no problem.
rushing may include some care-less mistakes into one's work.
also, please proceed some urgent/prior business to make it working properly.
still i'm expecting the day of official release.
the extra postponed time may give me to think about something around of d-browser in detail.
62Code Monkey ★:2014/02/07(金) 22:36:10.49 ID:???
I am getting ready to release the first ALPHA build of the dedicated browser this weekend.
It is designed for mobile devices. I will post a link here tomorrow so you guys can try it.
63名無し編集部員:2014/02/07(金) 23:24:23.66 ID:35RizXPf
some early adoptor may join the alpha program, i suppose.
64auouywons ◆Kwz/CZH.7SMM
deep sigh of regret