Rokka System

244水玉(Mizutama) ◆qHK1vdR8FRIm

16:47 (CipherWraith) hi
16:48 (Mizutama) Hi, I'm invited here by Code Monkey
16:48 (CipherWraith) i am code monkey
16:48 (Mizutama) Oh
16:48 (CipherWraith) this is my github:
16:48 (CipherWraith) :)
16:48 (CipherWraith) maybe more people will join this room later
16:48 (Mizutama) oops
16:49 (CipherWraith) I do not read bbspink or 2ch very often
16:49 (Mizutama) I can not post so quick
16:49 (CipherWraith) but I am always on IRC
16:49 (Mizutama) OK
16:49 (Mizutama) If I have trouble, I'll post here
16:50 (CipherWraith) post on bbspink also. then we can have a record of troubles
16:50 (CipherWraith) but i can help quickly if you come to IRC
16:50 (CipherWraith) I cannot read Japanese very well. So BBSPINK and 2CH are not very interesting for me.
16:51 (Mizutama) absolutly true but I might get blocking over posting limit
16:51 (CipherWraith) yes
16:51 (CipherWraith) right now has some problems with UNEI
16:51 (CipherWraith) UNEI asked to see the code for rokka.
16:51 (CipherWraith) then they saw how rokka works, and found a way to block it on 2ch
16:52 (CipherWraith) so jim-san is fixing, but i dont know how long it will take
16:52 (CipherWraith) maybe it will be okay tomorrow
16:53 (Mizutama) I'll copy this chat log and paste our thread with translation

16:51 (CipherWraith) 運営がRokkaのコードを見せろって言ったさ
16:51 (CipherWraith) で連中Rokkaをブロックする方法を見つけたさ
16:52 (CipherWraith) Jimさんがrokka.2ch.netを修正中だけど、どのくらい掛かるかわかんない
16:52 (CipherWraith) 多分明日じゃね