Rokka System

177水玉(Mizutama) ◆qHK1vdR8FRIm
マダァ?(・∀・ )っ/凵⌒☆チンチン


Let's talk with Jim-san. Part19
715 名前: ◆FUCKKER.Gw [] 2013/08/30(金) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:gzMlEq9G
When all the security problems are fixed we will put live a new system
that old Maru users will be imported into and be able to use.
I don't want to call that system Maru anymore. Does anyone?
It won't store any logs it will not be what Maru was but serve the same
function as Maru.
What would be a good name for this?


867 名前:Code Monkey ★ [] 2013/09/02(月) 17:14:32.40 ID:???
We have not touched the log files yet. I am looking for a solution to hide the BBSPINK and 2CH log files of the last two months.


Let's talk with Jim-san. Part20
228 名前:Code Monkey ★ [] 2013/09/08(日) 00:10:00.84 ID:???
Sorry for the delay. I will be removing the timestamps now. Nyan nyan!

256 名前:名無し編集部員 [sage] 2013/09/08(日) 01:13:20.09 ID:1VaBQIxQ

257 名前:Code Monkey ★ [] 2013/09/08(日) 01:15:52.72 ID:???
You're welcome.
Have a look at the image website that I made last year: