* confirm dat-ochi working note that there is a trouble between 2chan and rokka now
+ add Last-Modified with the value copied from source server to rokka response header
add Content-Type with 'text/plain' to rokka response header
* supports HEAD http method to reduce traffic
* the content of rokka response will be gzipped if Accept-Encoding:gzip in request header
>>58 raw=0.0 parameter will never used for gzip flag
* raw=.xxxxxxxxxx byte offset
* supports HTTPS
* allows user omit <SERVER>
>>144-146 * server/board/thread in archives(memories2) listing
>>149 This is a good list of things that need to be finished still.
I am currently working on a very important project that needs to be finished before Tuesday. I will finish the other project before I can continue Rokka development.
If you guys want, you can submit pull requests on github. I will continue with Rokka development on Tuesday.