>>870 > The haskell server has nothing to do with the ● login not working on 2ch.
It does. The reason why Unei is blocking Rokka on 2ch is that they don't trust the Rokka server written in Haskell. As long as you don't rewrite the server software in a language they understand, you don't fulfill Unei's requirement.
>>871 They will just come up with something else then. They can enable the ● login without having to touch any haskell. They won't enable it, because they don't want it. They have other plans. Be the heron, don't be the duck. Really get some sleep.
>>873 It's early in the morning where I live. You really don't understand what I'm really trying to get across. UNEI DOESN'T TRUST THE CODE YOU WROTE. Unfortunately, that's pretty understandable given the magnitude of the debacle in August.
>>874 Good morning to you then. The cause of that debacle has been determined. The perpetrator has not. I am getting tired of going around in circles with you.
(1) Unei doesn't trust the code you wrote in Haskell for Rokka. (2) Therefore, the entire Rokka system, including the server software, has to be written/rewritten in languages they understand.
>>876 Well, one of the servers you run was hacked, so you are at least partially responsible for the leak. That's Unei's rational at least, and it is understandable IMO. We are going around in circles because you don't understand how you are perceived by Unei.
>>880 いや、それは俺も知ってるが、Jimが「要求事項を全て満たしたものを開発した」なんて 世迷いごとを言うもんだから、Jimに直接伝えられた事項があるのかと思ったんだ All requirements the UNEI sent me の "sent" を曲解しすぎたようだ。
JimはログインだけPerlで書かれてればいいだろと思ってるようだが、 ちゃんと2chの要求事項が理解できてないのかね? Jimに伝えられた "All requirements the UNEI sent me" の原文が見たいね。 まさか日本語で書かれたスレを機械翻訳したものから要求を読み取ったという訳でもあるまい。