Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15
468 :
Hello Jim-san.
I sent an email to you.
23 Feb 2010 10:04:15 +0900
Tomohiko Tatsuishi peacepromotion inc.
title `削除依頼`
469 :
RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/24(水) 09:18:21 ID:???
>>468 I have replied to that email. You should post the email and reply on this.
470 :
名無し編集部員:2010/02/25(木) 01:10:10 ID:PWdnjvW8
>>469 Jim-san
Thank you for your reply here.
Although we've already checked even in spam mail folder of our e-mail box,
we're afraid we haven't received your e-mail for now.
We're very sorry to trouble you, but could you please reply us once more ?
471 :
RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★:2010/02/25(木) 07:51:31 ID:???
>>470 Yes I will send it again. When I get to the office.
What you ask is impossible, but I have sent you a nice letter.