FOX-san was written as follows.
規制人より ホ〜クス7連勝中♪後半戦開始ガンバル∩( ・ω・)∩ 芋133本目
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec2chd/1280173024/132 132 名前:ちきちーた ★[sage] 投稿日:2010/07/28(水) 14:58:56 ID:???0
He feels that there is a problem about The p2.
It is similar to our feeling.
I think that FOX-san improves the regulation system.
About ●+BBQ
Fox-san changed the regulation of ● last month.
He is writing that he observes the state of the regulation for a while.
And, I feel that he tries to change the situation.
Japanese of FOX-san is very difficult.
However, I think the regulation of ● to be going to be released in the near future.
Let's wait for that time.
Your Japanese is very difficult.
I did not understand.
I think that it is preferable to write your opinion in English.