Let's talk with Jim-san. Part11

>>190 Overview of what's going on.

One of ascii2d board user complained about a deleter's behavior,
that is, the deleter deleted some posts which relates to upload's demand
and actual uploaded report of scanned copyrighted adult comics on the
ground of GL4&7(data) as requested in the ascii2d deletion request thread.
The deleter stopped some of the threads which does same offence even after
the several deletion at different times. (>>9-14, >>23)

He attempted to get the Jim-san's word which admits uploaded report should not be
the subject of deletion (>>26) and believed he got the answer "You don't say
No means OK thanks"(>>29)

Attempt to get the Jim-san's word which admits the deletion requester of the
uploaded report and the deleter are both vandals(>>69) because admin allows such
posts as above and Jim-san said "Correct"(>>81)