>>670 Dear.Mr.Jim
I'm user in pink-thread.
The specific user was excluded without the user's understanding "One deleator".
"One deleator" isn't also listening to volunteer's other advice and is doing a one-
sided elimination act.
There are several questions.
Please tell me.
1.Do you think volunteer's have a legal responsibility stress of site maintenance?
>>670 They're confused by where to report it.
The location of the report, is it for Mr. Jim or, is it in a thread or or, is it FBI or
the Japanese police?
3.When volunteer's were arrested by a thing on the operation, is there preparation
which has a lawyer in Mr. Jim?
4.A Japanese male and the appearance which is a lady in particular look childish
for European and American people.
Even if the person herself who exhibited pictures declares"I'm an adult.", is the
act eliminated in beheading way proper by the appearance?
Sudden, I write, excuse me.
Please be careful of your health. Good-bye.
I am 23 in ■児童ポルノ芋掘り議論■ (jido-poruno imohori giron)
(Right or wrong of exhibiting connection information on the underage access person
who judged that a volunteer was vicious to an unspecified number is argued.)
http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1221223982/ These sentences were changed by an automatic translation site.