Let's talk with Jim-san. Part9

952Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/25(金) 03:28:13 ID:???
I have collected all six! Now I am a royal crown chimpokomon master too.
953名無し編集部員:2008/04/25(金) 04:20:50 ID:gFVI1ejD
Jim-san. In a server trouble a little while ago, what is cause?
954名無し編集部員:2008/04/25(金) 04:27:28 ID:V3lY0OG0
Jim, Why did connection to 2ch come down for minitues?
955名無し編集部員:2008/04/25(金) 04:28:09 ID:V3lY0OG0
oops! typo...
956名無し編集部員:2008/04/25(金) 04:54:34 ID:olwk5cIT
The curse of Chinpokomon!
I'm scared...
957Tom ◆XkkViBetP. :2008/04/25(金) 05:55:11 ID:yTOdhsZU
I never heard of Chinpokomon before today. Very funny!

As for network outage, I am waiting on full report from Brian. The only thing I know so far is that they needed to reboot the core routers. I will post again when I receive his report.

958jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/25(金) 06:12:02 ID:???
Oh my god! It was the Curse of Chinpokomon!
959jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/25(金) 07:50:42 ID:???
now I know gundam, it is my first time seeing it.
960Ryan@PIE:2008/04/25(金) 08:26:11 ID:4CHjhkqK
Gundam! いいですね〜ガンダム。  で...ちんぽこまん! It's stuck in my head!!!!
961Ryan@PIE:2008/04/25(金) 08:28:02 ID:4CHjhkqK
Tom-san, so are you gonna put an official report here? Official report was sent from Brian to everyone in our mailing list^_^
962Ryan@PIE:2008/04/25(金) 08:28:45 ID:4CHjhkqK
I meant ちんぽこもん
963Tom ◆XkkViBetP. :2008/04/25(金) 08:42:44 ID:yTOdhsZU
I got locked out
964Tom ◆XkkViBetP. :2008/04/25(金) 08:55:50 ID:yTOdhsZU
Brian says the core router was rebooted because of a software error, and it took a little time for them to get everything back online after the reboot.
965名無し編集部員:2008/04/25(金) 15:51:26 ID:nDlq+4m9
Gingerbread man
966jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/25(金) 15:59:12 ID:???
homo zingiber
967jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/25(金) 17:19:02 ID:???
Is it wrong to laugh at this?
968名無し編集部員:2008/04/25(金) 20:09:54 ID:VX0CoQFO
I am not very good at listening.
It laughed because of the last firing at random though it was unknown to have put out the gun suddenly.
Give me translated subscript.
969主催 ◆APFKcKFi7U :2008/04/25(金) 20:45:46 ID:F42tkFxq
I heard South Park has all of their full episodes up on their official page,
so I need to check out the chinpokomon. I want to see it.

Can you put 「投票所@2ch 全板人気トーナメント 5/1から開催」at
where it says「YouTube@2ch YouTube板をはじめてみました?」right now
at http://set.bbspink.com/erobbs/ ( and other boards in bbspink) ?
I asked ひろゆきさん and admins at まちBBS for the same,
and they said it's OK.

970名無し編集部員:2008/04/26(土) 01:07:00 ID:83M9+/uE
971jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 02:44:55 ID:???
972jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 03:10:12 ID:???
Did you notice that the gun shot hit someone on the street in the background?
973jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 03:11:44 ID:???
What is the Southpark's official homepage?
I don't think it is a good idea or necessary to change that link.
Isn't there a thread on each board for the contest?
974jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 03:12:26 ID:???
はい そう です
いい ですね
975主催 ◆APFKcKFi7U :2008/04/26(土) 09:56:32 ID:rdVNWGn6
The link was changed on the last 全板トーナメント,
so I just came to ask. It was for awareness purpose.
I do respect your decision to not change the link.
If you change your mind later, it'll be also great.
And yes, participants can create a thread in each board.
I'm already grateful to you for that. Thanks Jim-san.

For southpark, I think this is their page.
This was in Japanese internet news because of their bold move
to put all their full episode online. (and viewable from Japan. too good to be true.)
I saw chinpokomon. It was hilarious.

      _,. -─−- 、
    r'   _    ヽ、
    |  /´_`ヽ     l  I've got to BUY all the Chinpokomon
    j ノ-┴┴┴-、 _j__  so I can destroy the Evil Power - oooh?
  ム‐'卞、 ̄`ィ‐r'ヽ  く、
    ム ∩    ∩ レY ̄
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    〈  丿ノ´ ,イ-、    
  ,r/´ ハ. トイ / |  「`ヽ、
  l / / ト、V /  r'┰k   l.

976jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 10:09:05 ID:???
Thank you for understanding. Things are working good, and I don't want to change the linking if it is not necessary.
Whenever there is a change, then there is a side effect associated with it.
Sometimes they are good, and sometimes they are bad, but almost always I attempt to avoid them.
977jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 10:10:39 ID:???
I am watching this video right now.
after it is finished. I will watch Chinpokomon again.
I want to be Royal crown chinpokomon master.
I've gotta buy all them.
978Mari:2008/04/26(土) 11:43:08 ID:bQEZkw1h
I like Family Guy!!!!
979jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 12:10:30 ID:???
>>978 Me too! It is the American dream.
980jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 12:11:11 ID:???
981名無し編集部員:2008/04/26(土) 13:58:25 ID:83M9+/uE
Extreme Torch Relay is beautiful
982jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 14:04:32 ID:???
In San Francisco. I only saw the helicopters, and on 2ch I only saw the demonstrations.
I hope the Olympics go well.
983jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/26(土) 16:23:17 ID:???
おやすみ なさい
984名無し編集部員:2008/04/26(土) 16:45:55 ID:fyqyz21v
Have a good dream!
985名無し編集部員:2008/04/26(土) 17:43:53 ID:FZrlQea6
Why was an irrelevant someone in opposite direction shot?
Like policeman in Japan that is not accustomed to use of gun.
I laughed at surreal.
I understand "time is money".
If it is me, it is OK to pay bust.
986名無し編集部員:2008/04/26(土) 23:38:45 ID:9jJUHrUR
I will make a next thread.
987名無し編集部員:2008/04/26(土) 23:41:55 ID:9jJUHrUR
Here it is.

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10
988名無し編集部員:2008/04/27(日) 02:04:15 ID:bSORzR5T
"Hinnyu" is great. I love "hinnyu"!
989名無し編集部員:2008/04/27(日) 02:25:21 ID:shF5GJ+R
are you do it now?
990名無し編集部員:2008/04/27(日) 02:26:55 ID:bSORzR5T
991jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/27(日) 02:34:36 ID:???
わたしは コーヒー します
I am happy for you. Who is Hinnyu?

992jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/27(日) 02:51:29 ID:???
I think so too. Did he look similar to a Japanese policeman to you?
993jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/27(日) 02:52:06 ID:???
ども ありがとう がんばります
994名無し編集部員:2008/04/27(日) 11:57:09 ID:lA09DO1Y
Japanese policeman cannot actually shoot the gun.
It is because the mass communication sets up the commotion even if the firing
is right.
It is laughter of hitting the place that the bullet doesn't intend.
995jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/04/27(日) 14:24:53 ID:???
>>994 Yes it is very funny.
What will be 1000? I hope something good this time.
996名無し編集部員:2008/04/27(日) 19:32:46 ID:lA09DO1Y
expects 1000
997∈(゚◎゚)∋zoom☆zoom∈(゚◎゚)∋ ◆bRmbG51iEE :2008/04/27(日) 20:20:13 ID:CsSttlg0
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998 ◆pP.letzIUw :2008/04/27(日) 20:29:20 ID:lI8F1pgv
( ^ω^)ちゃす
999 ◆pP.letzIUw :2008/04/27(日) 20:29:48 ID:lI8F1pgv
1000名無し編集部員:2008/04/27(日) 20:30:00 ID:I6W05QbM