Let's talk with Jim-san. Part9

Hi, Jim-san.
I have a question about 2ch全板Tournament written on >>97-99.
During the tournament, 2ちゃんねる users are allowed to create one thread in each board to discuss how they promote their board .
Could we have your permission to do the same thing in bbspink?
213TranslatorDeRo ★:2008/03/22(土) 18:40:16 ID:???
Well, sureh board users have the same outcome that they had last time, don't they?
They requested the relaxation, and got the deregulation.
I guess sureh board users know this, too.(at least, who use self-government thread)

That aside, why byebyeさるさん regulation is eliminate in ALL BOARDS in bbspink?
Many users are wondering How could this be.
Could you please give away secrets, Jim-san?
214jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/03/23(日) 00:29:31 ID:???
215jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/03/23(日) 00:30:15 ID:???
>>212 Sounds good. Is there a reason this would be bad?
216 ◆DQN/9/VVV. :2008/03/23(日) 00:37:09 ID:S+kmEeUG
( ゚∀゚)∩ おっす
217名無し編集部員:2008/03/23(日) 00:40:53 ID:9ZtrtzsC
218jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/03/23(日) 00:55:13 ID:???
>>212 Is that one thread per user?
Or one thread per board?
219名無し編集部員:2008/03/23(日) 01:24:14 ID:xfNGO39R
Usually, >>212 is one thread per board.
220名無し編集部員:2008/03/23(日) 01:28:59 ID:xfNGO39R
By the way, Jim-san.
Are you going to vote for megami board?
221第3回全板トナメ主催 ◆APFKcKFi7U :2008/03/23(日) 02:34:30 ID:SYQVqtTn
Hi, it's me.

No it doesn't.
But if you don't explicitly permit the creation of an tournament board,
some people complain that the tournament thread is against local rule of the board.
(They argue that it's not relevant to the board topic.)
Which results in endless arguments if the tournament thread is ok or not.
That's why we want your explicit permission.

One tournament thread for each board.
Some boards MIGHT use one more for keeping their promotion materials organized and listed.
222jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/03/23(日) 06:41:27 ID:???
Hi Me,

Sounds good. I like endless arguments....;)

>>220 I have not decided yet. They scolded me the other day.

You have my Explicit permision to make 1 thread per board for this tournament (全板人気トーナメント)