Let's talk with Jim-san. Part9

Hello Jim-san. I'm from ero AA board.
We eroAA board users are having trouble posting AA stories because of byebyeさるさん regulation.
Making AA stories with consecutive posting is a common use of various AA boards.
We have had a discussion about the subject, and agreed to ask you to eliminate this regulation.

Thread for chatting,asking,and self-government
(A log of the discussion.We reach an agreement to ask you this.)

AA boards in 2ch had the same problem and requested the same thing,
and are exempted from byebyeさるさん regulation now.
One more thing, we have requested the same thing and be accepted by 2ch's admins once before.
For these reasons,we think eliminating the regulation is possible.

Thank you for your kind consideration.
147名無し編集部員:2008/03/10(月) 17:51:00 ID:WdbJVWy8
Hello, Jim-san.
I'm here to make the official request of sureh board for you.
Not a personal one (such as ID:pD+XuUAV).

Could you please ask 2ch's admins to change bye bye さるさん settings as follows?

M = 2/3N (M > 1/2N)

Now we sureh board users are arguing on whether bye byeさるさんregulation is essential.
We had discussed about it once and requested the same thing before servers were upgraded.
We'd not like to play down that argument and past background, so we request this again.
And then we will repeat discussions on fair terms.
(2ch's admins eliminated bye byeさるさん at that time, but our request was relaxing)


Please be aware that current legitimate users at sureh board are treated as if they were vandals by the current bye bye さるさん,
and you are kindly requested to address the issue with us, for 2-channel to comply with the request above.
148Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/03/10(月) 20:34:16 ID:???
I am happy to help the AA cause. However I need to hear from the technical
guys on this subject. They are usually hanging out on ぴんく難民
Please post this there and see what they say. I think the server, their
board is on might be affected as well, so they are probably very concerned
about it. Please ask there, so I can get a response as well. I am interested
in a solution.
149Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/03/10(月) 20:48:48 ID:???
150147:2008/03/10(月) 20:49:05 ID:WdbJVWy8
Hi Jim, thanks for your immediate response.
We are not from ero AA borad but SUREH board, and have the same issue as ero AA guys have.
Can we post the request at http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1200385240/ in ぴんく難民 board
to discuss it with the tecnical guys and you there?
151Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/03/10(月) 20:50:34 ID:???
>>150 はい そう です
おねがい します
if I miss something important please post it here. I will read that thread though.