Let's talk with Jim-san. Part8


I explain about your concern (>>402) as below...

In 2ch manner, new server is given its own new name.
For example, when "etc6.2ch.net" server is replaced,
new server is given "etc7.2ch.net" as new server name.
(And old etc6.2ch.net will move to "kakolog" server later)

And some kinds of reason, e.g. server load issue,
some boards are moved between 2ch servers sometimes, e.g.
http://news24.2ch.net/newsplus/ to http://mamono.2ch.net/newsplus/

Anyway, when the movings, each board URIs of in the server have been changed,
e.g. http://etc6.2ch.net/dataroom/ to http://etc7.2ch.net/dataroom/ .

I think you have two concerns,
1) When board URI is changed, do users stray from the board?
2) When server is changed, do users have to make the new threads?

But both are no problem.
I will explain the reason in my next res.

But, I have to take a bath now. Chotto mattete kudasai.