Let's talk with Jim-san. Part8

412 ◆vhYMk.qMZA
It's a bad joke.
I'm not the vandaliser.

I want only to talk with vandalisers.
And I want to research the motivations of vandalisers.
Because I am convinced that knowing vandaliser's motivations will lead to
the vandalism-problem solving.

A lot of of vandalisers is angry because of user's mental abuse,
and I want to calm down their anger by talking with them.

My superior is 79-san, and my English is very unskilled.
Please ask 79-san detail of this project.

I wanted to test Japanese of you.

413名無し編集部員:2008/01/09(水) 21:29:04 ID:BOP4KzJR
No no no no, Jim-san,
◆vhYMk.qMZA hates your friend FOX.
He has complained to us about FOX's statements,
and he has vandalized the 2ch and the BBSPINK.
We cannot believe all ◆vhYMk.qMZA 's statements.

◆79EROOYuCc gave him a CAP.
We deplore her action.
414 ◆vhYMk.qMZA :2008/01/09(水) 21:35:55 ID:eVHD9Kkn
Hummmm, I am always bullied by bad jokes.
Please help me, Jim-san and 79-san.
415名無し編集部員:2008/01/09(水) 21:41:08 ID:BOP4KzJR
No, We don't bully.
We point out his bad action (ex. vandalizing).