Let's talk with Jim-san. Part8

376Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
>>375 I am understanding this. Google is not perfect translator
but it is pretty good.
If possible I would like to add this to help protect me.

1.Volunteers might have the ability to cause damage to PINKちゃんねる
This document does not absolve them of their responsibility if
they vandalize PINKちゃんねる .
2. Due to the open architecture of PINKちゃんねる It is possible for
other sites to access the dat files on our servers. Non technical
people would think that those sites were PINKちゃんねる , and not
the actual PINKちゃんねる. This could cause confusion, and delay reporting
important things that should be reported. Causing me to be liable for something
that was really only a error. I want to reserve the right to block those sites
that do not have a clear link to http://www.bbspink.com/ with these words exactly PINKちゃんねる
on every page that they access a .dat file from.
This will make it clear to users, where to report things like deletion requests, trolling, etc etc.